Fruit & Vegetables
Fruit & Vegetables
Fruit & Vegetables
FAO. 2020. Fruit and vegetables – your dietary essentials. The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, 2021, background
paper. Rome.
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Acknowledgements ............................... iv
Foreword .................................................. v
1 4
Fruit and vegetables Markets and value chains
2 5
Good for you Nothing to lose
3 6
Growing green Food for thought
References ........................... 63
his publication was prepared by a Chapter 5: Rosa Rolle (Lead),
multidisciplinary team of the Food Dirk Schulz.
and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO), under the Chapter 6: Rosa Rolle (Lead),
overall direction of Marcela Villarreal, Kayo Takenoshita.
Director of FAO’s Partnerships and UN
Collaboration Division. The primary Thanks are also owed to ElMamoun
conceptualization and coordination Amrouk, Marco Artavia, Cosimo
of this publication were led by Kayo Avesani, Pablo Garcia Campos,
Takenoshita, Teodor Dosa, Rosa Rolle Elena Ilie, Chikelu Mba, Georgios
and Makiko Taguchi in consultation Mermigkas, Mayling Flores Rojas
with the members of the Secretariat and Florence Tartanac for their
of the International Year of Fruits and valuable contributions in preparing
Vegetables 2021 in FAO. and finalizing the technical inputs for
the publication.
The drafting of this publication was
made possible with substantial FAO gratefully acknowledges the
technical contributions from: valuable feedback received from
the external technical reviewers: Dr
Chapter 1: Rosa Rolle (Lead), Siobhan Marzella Wüstefeld (World Health
Kelly, Makiko Taguchi, Kayo Takenoshita. Organization), Mr Yacob Ahmad
(International Tropical Fruits Network)
Chapter 2: Maria Antonia Tuazon and Prof. Dr Yüksel Tüzel (International
(Lead), Megan Harrison. Society for Horticultural Science).
he United Nations has declared prices for quality products make fruits
2021 as the International Year and vegetables inaccessible to many,
of Fruits and Vegetables. The especially in developing countries.
Year aims to raise awareness of the Some areas of the world face limited
nutritional and health benefits of availability and access to these foods.
consuming more fruits and vegetables
as part of a diversified, balanced and Fruits and vegetables are highly
healthy diet and lifestyle as well as to perishable products, and this can cause
direct policy attention to reducing loss high levels of food loss and waste at
and waste of these highly perishable every step of the value chain, starting
produce items. at the farms. Given that many fruits
and vegetables are consumed raw or
When we think of healthy eating, the uncooked, they may also pose a risk for
first food items that often come to mind foodborne illnesses linked to pathogen
are fruits and vegetables – colourful, contamination and food safety risks
vitamin-, mineral- and fibre-rich, they due to chemical contamination.
are vital for the proper functioning
of the human body. The benefits of Therefore, it is crucial to look at the fruit
consuming fruits and vegetables as and vegetable sector holistically as an
part of a nutritious diet are vast. Fresh integral part of the food system, going
produce items are not only beneficial beyond nutritional benefits, and to also
to consumers, but they also benefit the examine their social, economic, and
food system. The fruit and vegetable environmental benefits. Different actors
sector contributes to increasing can contribute to making fruits and
biodiversity, generating environmental vegetables more accessible, affordable
sustainability, and improving the and available. Investing in the cold
livelihoods of farmers and employees chain, research and development, and
operating along the value chains. digital innovation can help improve the
sector substantially.
Low availability, due to challenges
in production (for example, labour This publication seeks to draw attention
intensity), transport and trade, and high to actions and systematic approaches
that must be taken throughout the fruit This publication will help to stimulate
and vegetables food system to ensure an interesting discussion about the
their safety for consumption and to fruit and vegetable sector for the
deliver better nutritional outcomes and observance of the International Year
healthy diets for all. and beyond.
QU Dongyu
FAO Director-General
Fruit and vegetables
Essential for healthy lives 1
reen, yellow, orange, red or Yet most of us do not eat enough fruit
purple: fruit and vegetables keep and vegetables. The World Health
us healthy and add variety, taste Organization (WHO) recommends
and texture to our diets. Even if you eat consuming at least 400 g each day
rice or bread every day, you probably to reap their health and nutrition
vary the types of fruit and vegetables benefits. In 2017, some 3.9 million
you consume. A monotonous diet is deaths worldwide were attributable to
not only unhealthy for humans: it is not eating enough fruit and vegetables
also unhealthy for the planet because (WHO, 2019). Insufficient intake of fruit
it can result in monocultures and a loss and vegetables is estimated to cause
of biodiversity. around 14 percent of deaths from
gastro-intestinal cancer worldwide,
about 11 percent of those due to
ischemic heart disease, and about
9 percent of those caused by stroke
(Afshin et al., 2019).
z The UN Declaration on
Rights of Peasants and Other
People Working in Rural Areas
(UNHRC, 2018).
(WHO, 2004).
Income and employment. Fruit and Fruit and vegetables are considered
vegetables tend to be worth more edible parts of plants (e.g., seed-
per kilogram than other types of food bearing structures, flowers, buds,
(animal products are an exception). leaves, stems, shoots and roots), either
However, they may also require more cultivated or harvested wild, in their
labour than for many other types raw state or in a minimally processed
of food. This offers opportunities form. Excluded are the following:
for actors throughout the chain to
generate employment and income. z Starchy roots and tubers such
as cassava, potato, sweet potato
Gender and youth. Women produce and yams (although leaves of
much of the world’s fresh produce, these plants are consumed
and they are often responsible for the as vegetables) .
harvesting, marketing and processing.
As consumers, they often choose what z Dry grain legumes (pulses) unless
items to buy and how to cook them. harvested when immature.
But women face disadvantages at all
stages in the chain – as producers in z Cereals including maize (corn),
their ability to access land, inputs and unless harvested when immature.
advice, as entrepreneurs in getting
finance to develop their businesses,
as workers in terms of fair payment
for their work, and as consumers
in terms of education about food
and nutrition. The high value of fruit
and vegetables and the potential for
innovation open exciting opportunities
for young people to become involved
in production and other aspects of the
value chain.
© FAO/Maxim Zmeyev
r n e e es ssen f r e es 3
Box 1. Sustainable Development Goals related to fruit and vegetables
SDGs 2 3
Health benefits of fruit and vegetables
Harness the goodness
Fruit and vegetables have multiple health benefits. They strengthen the immune
system, combat malnutrition and help prevent non-communicable diseases.
SDGs 2 3
Diversified diet and a healthy lifestyle
Live by it, a diverse diet
Adequate amounts of fruit and vegetables should be consumed daily as part of
a diversified and healthy diet.
SDGs 2 8 12 13 14 15
Food loss and waste
Respect food from farm to table
Fruit and vegetables are worth more than their price. Maintaining their
quality and assuring their safety across the supply chain, from production
to consumption, reduces losses and waste and increases their availability
for consumption.
Innovate, cultivate, reduce food loss and waste
Innovation, improved technologies and infrastructure are critical to increase the
efficiency and productivity within fruit and vegetable supply chains to reduce
loss and waste.
SDGs 1 2 12 15
Sustainable value chains
Foster sustainability
Sustainable and inclusive value chains can help increase production, and help
to enhance the availability, safety, affordability and equitable access to fruit and
vegetables to foster economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
SDGs 1 2 3 4 5 8 11 12 15
Highlighting the role of family farmers
Growing prosperity
Cultivating fruit and vegetables contributes to a better quality of life for family
farmers and their communities. It generates income, creates livelihoods,
improves food security and nutrition, and enhances resilience through
sustainably managed local resources and increased agrobiodiversity.
r n e e es ssen f r e es 5
External drivers
Food systems
Agriculture and Food
behaviour and Diets
food supply chains environment
individual factors
r n e e es ssen f r e es 7
to consider toward delivering on better and the policies and institutions that
nutrition while also creating a better influence production.
environment, better production and
better livelihoods include facilitating Chapter 4 looks at the markets and
access by small-scale producers and value chains that link producers with
agricultural enterprises to viable consumers. It begins by focusing on
markets, assuring the safety and international trade, which is important
quality of fruit and vegetables along for certain crops and enables
supply chains, applying innovation, consumers to buy types of food they
reducing loss and waste, and reducing would not otherwise be able to get.
the energy intensity and ecological It discusses contract farming, which
footprint of supply chains. offers ways for small-scale producers
to participate in high-value markets.
It then examines ways to link farmers
to domestic markets (which account
In this document for the vast majority of the fruit and
vegetables grown and consumed
Chapters 2–5 address the four core around the world), and how to add
elements of the fruit and vegetable value to fresh produce. It concludes
sector. Chapter 2 discusses delivering with a discussion of responsible
better and more efficiently on health business practices.
and nutrition at the consumer
end of the system. Eating fruit and Chapter 5 focuses on quality, safety,
vegetables is good for us, but few of us loss and waste reduction. It highlights
consume even the minimum amounts cross-cutting issues and the actions
recommended by the World Health needed to assure sustainability and
Organization. This chapter describes efficiency throughout the food system
the current situation and presents and to deliver safe, good-quality food.
some reasons for the shortfall.
Chapter 6 lists the key issues that must
Chapter 3 focuses on production. It be addressed to move away from the
presents the volume of production current situation where elements of the
around the world, before focusing on food system operate independently.
the major types of producers: small- What is needed is a more sustainable
scale farmers, urban and peri-urban and systemic approach, where the
producers, and large-scale commercial core elements are better linked with
growers. It then turns to the inputs each other so they can deliver nutrition
needed to grow these crops, the and health benefits and safeguard
environmental aspects of production, the environment.
© FAO/Vasily Maksimov
Box 2. Colour is the key
The colours of fruit and vegetables are often linked to the nutrients and phytochemicals they contain
(FAO, 2003)
Antioxidant properties that can reduce the risks of cancer, stroke and heart disease.
z Beetroot, red cabbage, eggplant.
z Blackberry, blueberry, purple grape, plum, passionfruit.
Can help lower the risk of cancer and improve heart health.
z Red capsicum, radish, tomato.
z Red apple, cactus pear, cherry, red grape, red and pink grapefruit, red guava,
raspberry, strawberry, watermelon.
z Carrot, pumpkin, squash.
z Apricot, grapefruit, lemon, mango, melon, nectarine, orange, papaya,
peach, pineapple.
(Xin, 2016).
f r e n n r n ene s 11
such as gas, constipation and
diarrhoea (Klimenko et al., 2018;
Maxner et al., 2020).
Consumption levels
risk of adiposity and obesity in Worldwide, we consume far less fruit
certain groups who consume fruit and vegetables than the minimum
and vegetables (Ledoux et al., 2011; total of 400 g recommended by
Schwingshackl et al., 2015). WHO for a healthy diet. The amount
of fruit and vegetables you need
z Lower diabetes risk. A systematic to eat depends on your age, sex,
review and meta-analysis found and level of physical activity. Many
higher green leafy vegetable and countries have developed additional
higher fruit intake was associated recommendations for children, given
with a significant reduction in the importance of fruit and vegetables
Type 2 diabetes risk. For every 0.2 for healthy growth and development.
serving/day of vegetable intake,
there was a 13 percent lower risk of On average, we consume only about
diabetes (Li et al., 2014). two-thirds of the recommended
minimum amounts of fruit and
z Better gut health. A diet rich in vegetables (calculation based on
fruit, vegetables and other high- Afshin et al., 2019). The quantities
fibre, plant-based foods improves vary considerably: people in Central
gut bacteria diversity and tends to Asia, North Africa and the Middle
increase bacteria associated with anti- East consume slightly more than the
inflammatory compounds linked recommended minimum, while those
to improved metabolism. Higher in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania
consumption of fruit and vegetables consume only about one-third of this.
has also been shown to decrease Residents of the Caribbean consume
the prevalence of diverticulosis as the most fruit, while those in southern
well as other digestive problems Africa consume the least.
f r e n n r n ene s 13
with fields or gardens can grow and
Box 3. Consumption in sub-Saharan Africa eat their own fruit and vegetables,
but many crops are seasonal and
A study in 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Ruel perishable, and are therefore not
et al., 2004) found that the expenditure for fruit and always available.
vegetables accounts for between 3 and 13 percent
of the total household budget, or between 5 and 16 Education and culture. Food is
percent of the food budget. intensely cultural: our tastes are
influenced by the culture we are
As household incomes rise, demand for fruit and vegetables brought up in and how we were brought
also rise, but at a slower rate than the income. Households up as children. Indeed, food is an
headed by women tend to spend more on fruit and important part of culture itself: what
vegetables than do those headed by men. we cook and eat in part determines
Urban residents tend to eat more fruit and vegetables than our identity. Immigrants prefer to
do those in rural areas – but this is because urban residents eat food they are used to; immigrant
tend to have higher incomes. communities frequent shops selling the
products with which they are familiar.
Controlling for income, better-educated people tend to But cultures and diets sometimes
consume less fruit and vegetables than those with less change, and rising incomes and
education. This is because the better-educated tend to work urban lifestyles with a preference for
outside the home; they prefer processed foods that contain “convenience” are often associated with
less fruit and vegetables. an increased intake of sugar, oils, animal
products and highly processed foods,
and lower consumption of fresh fruit
warehouses and retail outlets, which and vegetables – a change known as the
shortens the shelf-life of especially “global nutrition transition” (Caballero
perishable items. Breakdowns in and Popkin, 2002; Popkin et al., 2012).
supply chains disrupt the marketing of
produce and reduce the incentives for Lack of knowledge. People may like
producers to grow these crops. Low (or dislike) fruit and vegetables for
demand creates low supply, and vice- their taste but not know of their value
versa: a chicken-and-egg situation (see for health and nutrition. The needs
Chapter 3). of children, teenagers, adults and the
elderly differ, as do those of men and
Affordability. Fruit and vegetables women. Women who are pregnant
can be a relatively expensive part of or lactating need extra nutrition, but
the diet (Box 3). Many of the poor they and their families may not be
spend what food money they have on aware of this. People living with HIV/
cheap, stomach-filling, energy-rich, AIDS, and those with diabetes and
staple carbohydrates such as rice or other health problems, also need
cassava. They add small amounts of special diets. But nutrition and health-
vegetables and animal products for awareness campaigns are often
taste when available. Fruit can also be poorly targeted and fail to match the
a luxury item, but may be affordable physiological needs of these specific
when production is at its peak. Those population groups.
f r e n n r n ene s 15
aspect of such promotional campaigns.
Nutritional messages and horticultural
production integrated in curricula can
help children acquire life-long skills
and promote the consumption of fruit
and vegetables from the early years
of life. School feeding-programmes,
already important in the effort to end
hunger, should be part of national
education policies as well. Legislation
© FAO/Ami Vitale
commercial producers.
r n reen s n e r c n 17
Fruit, million tonnes
Banana, plantain, 155 Watermelon, Grape, 79 Other, 76
melon, 131
currants, 12
Date, 9
Cherry, 4
Papaya, Plum, sloe,
Total: 868 13 stone fruit,
Figure 2. World fruit production by commodity, 2018
Onion, garlic,
shallot, leek, 133
Beans, 27
legumes, 50
(green), 12
Total: 1,089 Spinach, Pumpkin,
cassava squash,
leaves, 29 gourds, 28
7.5 8.1
S America
Southern Oceania
E Europe
N Europe 4.1 36.2
34.0 C Asia
W Europe 16.2
N America 17.1
S Europe 34.1
E Asia
N Africa 34.0 574.4
3.4 35.9
18.3 W Asia
C America 26.2
W Africa
4.7 159.9
Middle 13.8 S Asia
Africa E Africa 45.6
24.7 SE Asia
S America 2.8
Southern 3.4
Africa Oceania
r n reen s n e r c n 19
The main fruit in order of importance way, is East Asia, followed by South
were banana, citrus (orange, tangerine, Asia (Figures 4 and 5). Other major
mandarin, lemon, grapefruit, etc.), producing regions are South America,
melons, apple and grape (Figure 2). Southeast Asia and Southern Europe
“Other” fruit accounted for 76 million (for fruit), and Southeast Asia (for
tonnes, reflecting the wide range of vegetables). Northern and Western
different types of fruit that are grown Europe produce relatively little, so have
around the world. to import much of what they consume
(see Chapter 4).
The main vegetables were tomato,
various alliums (onion, garlic, shallot, Nonetheless, production statistics
leek), brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower, cover only a few of the many species
broccoli), and cucumber. But overall, of fruit and vegetables that are grown
“other” fresh vegetables are more and consumed. A large proportion of
important than any of these individual the output of small-scale producers
categories: nearly twice as many also does not appear in the official
“other” vegetables were produced than production and trade statistics.
tomatoes (Figure 3). Home gardening and production
for home consumption are vastly
The world’s main producing region of undocumented, so their impact is
both fruit and vegetables, by a long largely unknown. We need to better
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
694 685
600 600
200 200
139 150
93 84 88 88 91
68 76 66 81 72 76 80 84
0 0
Africa Americas Asia, Oceania Europe World Africa Americas Asia, Oceania Europe World
r n reen s n e r c n 21
Producers z In Cambodia, fruit and vegetables
are the second most important
commodity group after rice in
value terms and provide the main
Small-scale producers additional source of income for
most households in the country
Family farmers, who are often (but not (Altendorf, 2018).
always) small-scale producers, account
for 80 percent of the world’s food in z Around 80 percent of avocado
value terms (FAO and IFAD, 2019), production in Mexico is estimated
as well as a large share of fruit and to be carried out by small-scale
vegetables. farmers (Altendorf, 2019).
Worldwide, over 50 percent of the fruit z Some 200 000 rural families are
and vegetables are grown on farms reported to be directly involved
smaller than 20 hectares (most of in, and benefiting from, banana
which are family farms). In developing production in Guatemala
countries, such farms grow the vast (Altendorf, 2019).
majority of horticultural produce –
over 80 percent in most of Asia, sub- In Europe and North and Central
Saharan Africa and China (Figure 7). America, medium-sized farms of
Fruit Vegetables
Australia and New Zealand Farm size (ha)
North America >200
South America >20-50
Central America >2-20
West Asia and North Africa
Southeast Asia
South Asia
a t ia a i
Sub-Saharan Africa
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Production (%) Production (%)
Figure 7. Production of fruit and vegetables by farm size and world region
Adapted from Herrero et al., 2017.
r n reen s n e r c n 23
While growing fruit and vegetables Inputs
in and near cities has advantages,
it also brings risks – of pollution,
contamination, and the loss of land
to urban growth. In addition, in some Production and marketing technologies
countries urban agriculture does not
fall under the responsibility of the Technologies have been developed that
ministry of agriculture, so growers make the production, processing and
cannot benefit from extension services marketing of fruit and vegetables more
or government-supported inputs efficient. These include the following.
(Aubry and Manouchehri, 2019;
Taguchi and Santini, 2019). z Production: tissue culture and
grafting for seedling supply, high
yielding and disease-tolerant
cultivars, grafting, precision
Large-scale commercial producers agriculture, drones, extension
advice systems, irrigation,
Larger-scale commercial producers greenhouses, insect-breeding for
of fruit and vegetables tend to focus pollination and pest control, pest
on a relatively small range of major identification and management,
crops, such as tomatoes, bananas conservation-farming techniques.
and pineapples. Many of these are
destined for the export market or z Harvest and postharvest:
for industrial processing. Depending harvesting, sorting and packing
on the structure of the market, there equipment, improved packaging
may (or may not) be opportunities for and storage techniques (see
small-scale farmers to take advantage Chapter 5).
of larger farms and processing facilities
nearby through arrangements such as z Marketing: market information
contract farming. systems, digital communications,
traceability systems, remote
Sophisticated technologies such as payments (see Chapter 4).
irrigation systems, artificial lighting,
hydroponics and digital information These technologies not only increase
systems require capital investment productivity, yields and quality; they
and special skills; only larger also reduce losses, cut the amount of
commercial operations can afford the labour required, and place greater
these. In countries such as Kenya and emphasis on management skills.
Ethiopia, growers raise green beans They are also more likely to attract
and other vegetables in greenhouses young, better-educated people to the
and export them by airfreight to horticultural professions and create
dealers in Europe. However, even new business opportunities both on-
smaller-scale producers can adopt and off-farm. However, they involve
technologies such as greenhouses and capital outlays that may be beyond the
drip irrigation. reach of poor small-scale producers.
r n reen s n e r c n 25
Fertilizers more practical than for cereals because
the areas involved tend to be smaller.
In places where fruit and vegetables Many small-scale farmers know this
have a low priority, little investment already: they compost their farmyard
has been made by either governments manure to fertilize their vegetable
or the private sector in ensuring that patch rather than spreading it thinly
farmers can obtain and learn about over their crop fields. Mulch is useful to
suitable fertilizer formulation, proper cover the soil, conserve soil moisture
placement and recommended dosages. and suppress weeds.
As a result, many farmers cannot get
the expected yields. The types and
amounts of fertilizer applied should
be determined based on soil analysis; Pest and disease management
excess applications should be avoided.
Perfect papayas, beautiful bananas,
The supply of synthetic fertilizers the choicest cherries: many types
could be improved through bulk of fruit and vegetables must appear
procurements by farmer groups, flawless to be saleable. But many are
and by “smart” subsidies and credit hypersensitive to pests and diseases.
schemes to help farmers buy the The tiniest blemish can demote them
inputs they need. from Grade A to the animal-feed bin.
crop rotations Plot 2 Brassicas Potatoes Onions and roots Legumes
for vegetables in
Plot 3 Potatoes Onions and roots Legumes Brassicas
the UK
Adapted from Plot 4 Onions and roots Legumes Brassicas Potatoes
RHS (2020)
r n reen s n e r c n 27
Integrated production with ploughing has many disadvantages: it
livestock. Livestock can be grazed destroys the soil structure, reduces soil
under fruit trees, where they help moisture, kills soil organisms, speeds
suppress weeds and fertilize the the breakdown of organic matter, and
soil, or on vegetable fields after the hastens the release of carbon dioxide
harvest. Animals can be fed with crop into the atmosphere.
residues such as discarded cabbage
leaves or blemished fruit. After proper It is better to reduce the amount
treatment, manure can be used to of tillage or avoid it altogether, for
fertilize gardens and fields. example by sowing seed in individual
furrows or using specialized planting
Soil amendments. Amendments equipment. Transplanting seedlings
such as mulch, compost and lime can enables them to get ahead of weeds;
suppress weeds, control erosion, and dense planting and applying mulch also
boost fertility. Some amendments suppress weeds. So can herbicides,
(mulch, compost) can be made on- though these risk polluting the
farm (the quality of the compost is environment, harming biodiversity and
important, otherwise it may contain contaminating the crop.
weed seeds). Other amendments, such
as lime, may need to be brought in Organic farming. Organic farming
from elsewhere. avoids using synthetic inputs
altogether, using many of the
Reduced tillage. Farmers plough principles described above (Scialabba
their soil mainly to control weeds. But et al., 2015). It relies on dense planting
and mulching to suppress weeds,
close crop sequencing to avoid
fallow periods, crop associations
to control pests, careful water
control, and intensive observation
and maintenance. It is particularly
suited to small-scale fruit and
vegetable growing where gardeners
can provide the level of labour and
management required.
r n reen s n e r c n 29
farmers and rural communities. Crop biodiversity
They are often more nutritious and
more resistant to pests and diseases Farmers and gardeners around
than are commercial varieties the world maintain a wide range
(Schreinemachers et al., 2018). of traditional varieties of fruit
They are well-adapted to the local and vegetables. But this wealth is
climate and pests. They are resilient under threat from various sources.
and require few or no inputs, often Commercial pressures induce farmers
growing as weeds in and around fields to adopt high-yielding types instead of
and along roadsides, so are typically lower-yielding but hardier traditional
accessible for both landowners and sorts that have limited consumer
the landless. demand. Seed producers market only
commercial varieties – often hybrids
Many traditional crops and wild that produce useless seed or no seed
species are sold in local markets at all. When older varieties of fruit
(Mundy, 2014). They help maintain trees die, they are not replaced. Cross-
food and nutrition security and act pollination with imported varieties
as a buffer in disaster-prone areas dilutes the genetic purity of local types.
(Rahim et al., 2009). Such species and Pests, diseases, drought and heat take
varieties can be developed to broaden their toll on the remaining populations
the food basket in face of the threat of traditional varieties and may force
of climate change (Padulosi et al., them into extinction.
2013). Wild foods contribute to dietary
quality, dietary diversity and seasonal In high-income countries, seed
evenness (Powell et al., 2015), companies breed, multiply and
providing important nutrients and market seeds of horticultural crops,
complementing many staple-based and commercial nurseries raise
diets in any given month of the year. seedlings of vegetables and fruit
trees. Universities, research institutes
It is important to develop strategies and nongovernment organizations
that can help indigenous food also conserve and distribute seeds
crops to effectively contribute to of traditional varieties. Such services
food security, nutrition, health and are rare or non-existent in low- and
economic development (Kahane et al., middle-income countries – except
2013). This will require the creation for a few commercial species such
of favourable policy environments as bananas and pineapples. Farmers
and increased investments (Jaenicke, must rely on their own seed or on
2013), production and dissemination local seed exchanges. This conserves
of information (Pichop et al., biodiversity, but means that farmers
2016), and promotion of research, do not have access to suitable
knowledge management and higher-yielding varieties.
capacity building, e.g., to promote
breeding programmes focusing on The World Vegetable Center, the
the development of adapted varieties international research institute with
(COAG, 2018). the mandate for vegetables, maintains
r n reen s n e r c n 31
agricultural research effort, and most
horticultural research focuses on the
major commercial and export crops,
such as bananas, rather than on the
wide range of crops that are locally
important and do not appear in
trade data. More research is needed
to support sustainable domestic
production and the conservation
and promotion of neglected and
underutilized species, especially in
regions where projected supply is
particularly inadequate, such as sub-
Saharan Africa, parts of Asia and the
Pacific (Mason-D’Croz et al., 2019).
r n reen s n e r c n 33
on the back of a truck bumping along a zones will help link farmers to markets
corrugated dirt road. for fresh produce and to processors
that convert them into products with
Investment in roads, electricity (for cold a longer shelf life. This will also help
rooms), internet access, warehousing stabilize prices, reduce postharvest
and processing capacity in production losses and lower transaction costs.
International trade 90
85 83
Figure 10. USD billion, constant (2014-16)
Worldwide exports 140
of fresh fruit and
vegetables: Total 120
aggregate volume 100
increased by 115
percent between 80 39.2
2000 and 2018 60
Source: 40 83.2
FAOSTAT (2020) 61.4
20 39.6
2000 2010 2018
Fruit Vegetables
America and the Caribbean and Asia The major importers of fresh produce
have established themselves as the are the European Union, the United
most important exporting regions, States of America (both are also large
where trade in fruit and vegetables exporters), China, Canada, Japan
generates important foreign exchange and the Russian Federation. Trade
that many low- and middle-income agreements, such as the World Trade
countries can use to import food and Organization Agreement on Agriculture
other items. Favourable land, climatic and various regional trade agreements,
conditions and high productivity in have led to reduced import tariffs
many areas of these regions make it (FAO, 2017b) among other effects,
possible to produce many varieties also stimulating growth in trade of the
on a large scale, and year-round. sector (Huang, 2004).
Many countries in these regions have
also invested in institutional capacity The expansion in global trade is also
development (Fernandez-Stark et al., impacted by rising demand in high-
2011) and the infrastructure needed to income countries, particularly in the
support trade. United States and the European Union,
the two largest importing blocs. A
Increases in trade have also been preference for safe, good-quality,
made possible through innovations in attractively packed fresh produce, a
distribution technology and logistics growth in health consciousness, and
that have cut transport costs and more widespread awareness of the
delivery times. Fresh produce is now nutritional benefits of fresh fruit and
available and affordable year-round vegetables all contribute to rising
in many places (Altendorf, 2017). consumption (see Chapter 2).
Investments from importing countries
in producing countries and bilateral Campaigns to promote the health
or multilateral agreements have benefits of nutrient-rich fruit and
stimulated this trade. vegetables and the growing availability
Contract farming
© FAO/Alessandra Benedetti
Supermarket Source: CBI (2015)
Seeds Frozen
Fertilizer Preserved
Equipment Juices Hotels, restaurants
Producers for Exporters and
Irrigation fresh consumption wholesalers catering
Large production and retailers
export companies
in Uganda
Rural assemblers/
buying agents Rural retail centres Rural consumers
Source: Dijkxhoorn et.
al. (2019)
Domestic urban markets
Domestic urban
High-end greengrocers consumers
Contracted Super/hypermarkets
Local processors
Domestic and regional food markets can also promote fruit and vegetables
are expanding in low- and middle- programmes, as in India and Brazil,
income countries on the back of where consumption of mango and
population growth, urbanization, rising papaya has been expanding among
incomes and a growing middle class, an increasingly affluent population
increasing women’s participation in (Altendorf, 2017).
labour markets, and shifts in consumer
preferences for food. As income These shifting patterns in incomes
growth leads to major socio-economic and food consumption create
changes, parallel shifts in food opportunities for small farmers and
consumption patterns also take place small agri-enterprises along food
– a process known as the “nutrition value chains (Reardon, 2015). They
transition”. In the last stage of this give rise to shorter food value chains
transition, the consumption of fruit and and distribution channels, creating
vegetables increases (FAO, 2020d). more opportunities for direct linkages
between producers and consumers
These trends have been taking place in (Galli and Brunori, 2013). Shorter
a number of low- and middle-income food value chains may also stem from
countries (Pingali, 2007; Popkin, 2006, initiatives such as farmers’ markets
cited in FAO, 2020d). Governments or open-air food fairs, which build on
Value addition
© FAO/Simon Maina
Value addition for fresh fruit and
vegetables includes sorting, grading,
packaging, transport, wholesaling
and retailing, as well as processing
activities. It is done by enterprises
of various sizes, from micro to large.
Some actors perform multiple roles: As with small food producers, small
wholesalers, for example, may play and medium agrifood enterprises
an important role in providing market also face a number of obstacles when
information for producers and linking to markets (FAO, 2015).
managing postharvest logistics (FAO,
2014). In many countries, supermarkets z Access to finance is a longstanding
have a growing share of the retail trade problem for small farmers and
in fresh produce, but the traditional agrifood enterprises alike (and
retail sector, which includes local not only in the fruit and vegetable
wet markets and roadside stalls, is sector). The lack of reliable,
still central for fruit and vegetable affordable finance inhibits
retail and food security in low-income innovation, growth and employment
countries (Parfitt et al., 2010). generation, and constrains the
agrifood sector’s capacity to reduce
Strengthening the capacities of poverty (Beck and Cull, 2014;
the sector can improve market FAO, 2020d; Fjose et al., 2010;
transparency and the quality and OECD 2017).
safety of food available in domestic
markets (Demmler, 2020). In addition, z Infrastructure and utilities such
these mid-stream agrifood enterprises as cold chains, appropriate storage
also create the biggest market and processing technologies,
opportunities for farmers domestically reliable energy and clean water
(AGRA, 2019). supplies are often inadequate.
© FAO/Heba Khamis
n se s fe ss n se 47
© FAO/Heba Khamis
a label. This attribute also depends guarantee the safety and quality of
on consumers’ trusting what is produce and assure buyers that it has
printed there, as the consumer can been produced and processed in a
often not verify claims from the particular way.
seller at the time of purchase.
Standards and certification are
especially useful where there is
information asymmetry: where buyers
Standards and consumers cannot easily judge the
safety and quality aspects of products
International bodies (in particular or production processes. One example
the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius is the environmental friendliness of
Commission), governments, industry organic produce. This is a “credence
groups, individual firms and non- attribute” because consumers have
government organizations set no way of checking that an item was
standards or technical regulations to actually produced organically (Caswell
guarantee the quality and safety of and Mojduszka, 1996). Certification
produce. These in turn rely on food- systems (and the labelling of certified
control systems with inspections, products) aim to provide a verification
certification and sanctions for non- or a “burden of proof” that given
compliance. They are designed to standards have been complied with.
HACCP: Hazard analysis and critical control An approach that identifies specific hazards and measures to
point system control them, so as to ensure the safety of food.
n se s fe ss n se 49
Business-to-consumer. Standards Consumers can detect poor-quality
related to sustainability or environ- fruit and vegetables reasonably
mental protection typically follow a easily, so decide not to buy them.
business-to-consumer model. So too This is not the case for food-safety
do those directed to niche markets problems, which may go undetected
such as organics. Certified produce until the produce has been eaten.
is marketed to consumers at point of They may then cause health problems
sale, often via a label attached to the immediately – such as food poisoning
product. Labels that list “credence by E. coli bacteria – or long-term
attributes” such as organic or fair trade problems, as with heavy metals.
fall into this category (Box 7).
Equipment, containers
Harvest Contact with the ground
Safety controls
Safety controls protect both consumer Containers, packaging
health and business interests by Storage rooms
After harvest
ensuring that traded produce Washing, waxing
complies with food-safety standards People, animals, pests
and that it is safe to eat. Because Transport
produce can be contaminated all
Source: FAO (2004)
along the value chain, controls are
needed at each stage (Table 3).
n se s fe ss n se 51
National Aeronautics and Space reliable product information and
Administration in the United States guarantee authenticity – for example
to ensure that astronauts were not for organic or regional produce.
affected by food-borne diseases during
their space missions. Rather than
testing the final product, it identifies
critical points in the production system, Responsibility for food safety
determines the problems likely to
occur at those points, and eliminates Various stakeholders share
them. This is especially important for responsibility for food safety.
food products in order to avoid food
becoming unsafe for consumption and National governments are
causing unnecessary wastage. responsible for establishing a national
food-control system with appropriate
Traceability. This is the ability to legal and policy instruments, well-
follow (“trace”) the movement of a food qualified human resources, sound
product as it passes through specified institutional frameworks and the
stages from the producer to the financial assets, equipment and
consumer (Box 8). infrastructure for them to carry
out inspections. They also enforce
If a food-safety problem arises, the compliance and issue penalties for
source can be quickly identified violations or non-compliance.
and batches from the same source
removed from the market. Traceability National Codex Committees facilitate
also makes it possible to provide the aligning of national regulations
with the Codex, provide coordination
among national stakeholders, and
contribute to the development of
Codex standards and related texts.
Box 8. Innovations in traceability
National governments are also
Traceability is a must-have in fruit and vegetable supply
responsible for ensuring the
chains to mitigate and manage risks associated with food-
supporting infrastructure is able to
safety recalls.
supply adequate quantities of safe fruit
New traceability practices that use digital technology help and vegetables. This includes roads for
ensure food safety and quality, optimize supply chains and market access, water supplies, power
reduce loss by making spoilage problems readily detectable for equipment and cooling systems,
(WEF, 2019). access to laboratories and suitable
Blockchain is an increasingly popular method of traceability storage facilities.
because it connects all the stakeholders’ digital records and
events in a tamper-resistant format. The information can The private sector, from producers
be accessed at any point from anywhere, yet it cannot be to retailers, is responsible for ensuring
edited or deleted. compliance throughout the food chain
and the necessary facilities, systems, tools
and well-trained staff to achieve this.
n se s fe ss n se 53
Loss and waste regions found that postharvest
losses were high in both East and
Huge amounts of food are lost or Southeast Asia and in sub-Saharan
wasted every year. This is particularly Africa (the coloured bars in Figure 13),
true of fruit and vegetables because though with different emphases (the
most are highly perishable. Loss and “critical loss points”, Box 9). In East
waste of fruit and vegetables represent and Southeast Asia, loss was highest
a waste of nutrients. during storage (with a median of over
20 percent lost) and processing and
Food loss and food waste are not packaging. In sub-Saharan Africa, the
the same thing (Table 4). Postharvest highest levels of loss occurred on the
food losses take place in the supply farm and in wholesale markets. Loss
chain from harvest until arrival at the and waste in Central and South Asia
wholesale market. Food waste takes tended to be lower, with loss during
place mainly in retail, in the food- transport being the highest.
service sector and in households.
These median figures mask huge
variations. Some studies have found
that up to 50 percent of the fruit and
How much is lost or wasted? vegetables are lost during storage
(in East and Southeast Asia) and on
A synthesis (FAO, 2019) of numerous farm (in sub-Saharan Africa) (these
studies measuring loss and waste in are shown as the T-lines in Figure 13).
fruit and vegetables in three world These findings imply that there is a
C and S Asia
0 10 20 30 40 50
n se s fe ss n se 55
Impacts of loss and waste
Box 10. Reducing loss in mangoes
Most obviously, malnourished children
Transport is the critical loss point in the mango value stay hungry if they do not have access
chain in the Philippines, a study by the University of the to food. High rates of loss and waste
Philippines at Los Baños found (FAO, 2020). represent a waste of nutrients, a
waste of money and lower profits in
Forms of mechanical damage included cuts and punctures
production and the value chain, lower
(1 percent), compression (1.9 percent), abrasion (2.8
incomes for producers, and higher costs
percent), bruising (2.0 percent) and marking from the
for consumers. Smallholder producers
bamboo baskets (3.8 percent) in which mangoes are
and consumers who have little money
transported to wholesale markets. After 5 days in retail
to spare are especially hard hit.
outlets, up to 90 percent of mangoes showed mechanical
damage. Decay and economic loss were the results.
Food that is contaminated – whether
Improved packaging reduced such problems. Using rigid by pathogens, toxins or chemicals –
plastic crates instead of bamboo baskets reduced damage may appear to be of good quality but
and loss and improved quality available in the market as must be discarded as it may pose a
well as the shelf life of mangoes. health risk.
n se s fe ss n se 57
standards – although consideration pandemic. At the same time, efforts are
is increasingly being given to relaxing needed to ensure that smallholders can
these standards in order to reduce benefit from market opportunities and
waste. Nevertheless, the high levels of can supply the volumes and quality of
waste in retail must not be overlooked, produce they demand.
particularly during the current COVID-19
Policy z Promotion of biodiversity to
enhance nutritious diets by
Public policy has the power to encouraging the usage of locally
influence all levels of the fruit adapted varieties, landraces, wild
and vegetable value chain, crops and indigenous food species.
thereby shifting production and
consumption patterns. These policies z Better management and reduction
might address: of pesticides in production,
supported by effective regulatory
z Creation of a healthy food processes and knowledge about
environment by making options non-toxic plant-protection products
for consuming more fresh and measures. It is also critical to
produce easier for consumers. prevent the illegal trade and use of
This can include awareness-raising unregistered pesticides.
campaigns designed to change
consumer behaviour, together z Support for measures to enable
with the various interventions the exchange of planting materials
listed below. among countries.
f r ss es f r sc ss n 61
sector to reduce food loss and participatory guarantee systems to
waste, e.g., the development enhance marketability.
and use of active and intelligent
packaging to reduce spoilage and z Standards, compliance control,
alert consumers of spoilage. and training and education of all
stakeholders along the food supply
z Working with civil-society and chain on how to produce, harvest,
producer organizations, and handle, package and transport fruit
forming alliances to build and and vegetables, while maintaining
strengthen global value chains and their quality, assuring their safety
reducing food loss and waste in and reducing loss and waste to
supply systems. meet market requirements.
z Establishment of capacity
development and local selection
Capacity development and breeding programmes designed
to promote biodiversity in the
Capacity development of stakeholders fruit and vegetable sector, and
at all levels of the supply system formulation of food-based dietary
is critical to assuring the safety, guidelines, social and behaviour
quality, shelf-life and availability of change communication strategies,
fresh produce in local markets. This enabled by research.
will necessitate:
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International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 Secretariat
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