(Microeconomics) Topic 7
(Microeconomics) Topic 7
(Microeconomics) Topic 7
7 The Problem of Social Cost
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Externality exists whenever the exchange between two parties causes benefits or costs to the third or
more parties without any equivalent or corresponding gain or compensation.
It is the result of the existence of a difference in cost or benefit between the private exchanging parties
and the society as a whole.
Whenever externality exists, it implies a situation of " getting something for nothing ".
The two interested parties are not guided by Adam Smith’s invisible hand to the optimal amount of apples
Micro –7 / P.2
and honey production.
In traditional economic theory, such cases are examples of external ( to the exchanging parties )
costs or benefits leading to a question on the efficiency and power of a free market.
Some suggested that it was an indication of “ market failure “.
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II Solutions To Externality
The market mechanism reacts to the private or internal costs or benefits with the forces of demand and
supply. It is criticised that the market fails to take into account of the external costs or benefits so that
efficiency ( i.e. MUV = MSC = MPC ) cannot be achieved.
A Traditional Approach
Pigou suggested that a government intervention by levying a tax ( toll ) on Road ABD users to discourage
the potential users. Traffic congestion could be avoided with some users drive on Road ACD.
As a result, the external costs are “ internalized “ by the taxation because users of Road ABD have to bear
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the full cost, i.e. social cost = original private cost + tax ( toll charge ).
B A Modern Approach
1 Frank Knight argued that the reason for a divergence is not a case that the market fails to work but it
is not allowed to work. If the roads are privately owned, the wealth-maximizing owner will charge a
toll ( similar to a tax ), assuming a very low collection cost. The toll forces the drivers to internalize
the external cost. The problem of externality and misallocation of resources is solved as a result.
2 The effects of social cost on the cattle raiser and farmer are mutual.
The relevant question is not simply : “ How should we restrain A to harm B ? “
The relevant question is : “ Should A be allowed to harm B or vice versa ? “
The appropriate policy is to avoid the more serious harm.
3 The case of orchard and the bees is a typical example of external benefits. The use of taxation and
subsidy is not appropriate and costly.
David Hume, a famous French writer, wrote ( in A Treatise of Human Nature ) the following in 1740 :
Our property is nothing but those goods, whose constant possession is established by the laws of society;
that is, by the laws of justice... No one can doubt, that the convention for the distinction of property, and
for the stability of possession, is of all circumstances the most necessary to the establishment of human
society, and after that the agreement for the fixing and observing of this rule, there remains little or
nothing to be done towards setting a perfect harmony and concord.
With well-defined and enforced property rights, the owner will put the resources to its highest-valued use.
Efficiency is attained with private costs or benefits equal to social costs or benefits.
A divergence between private cost and social cost ( or benefit ) is attributed to either one or more of the
following :
1 the absence of right to contract ;
2 there is a contract but no complete agreement or stipulation ;
3 there is agreement but inconsistent with the state of : marginal gain = marginal cost because the
enforcement cost ( transaction cost ) is too high.
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Coase’s words on transaction cost : “ ... in order to carry out a market transaction it is necessary to
discover who it is that one wishes to deal with, to inform people that one wishes to deal and on what
terms, to conduct negotiation leading up to a bargain, to draw up the contract, to undertake the
inspection needed to make sure that the terms of the contract are being observed, and so on ... “
Property rights are not well-defined. OR Property rights are too costly to enforce.
0 0 0 0 300 300
1 10 1 90 299 389
2 20 2 170 297 467
3 30 4 240 293 533
4 40 8 300 285 585
1 The traditional analysis would stress the over-production of chemicals killing “ excessive “ fish.
The remedy is to impose a tax on the factory to internalize the external cost into private costs.
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2 Coase suggested a solution by the assignment of rights through the use of contract.
If the right of clean water belongs to the fishermen, the factory owner may pay the fishermen to
buy the right to pollute. The Coase Theorem predicts that a transfer of right is formed to maximize
the potential gain. If the right belongs to the factory owner, he would sell the right (by a certain
amount) to the fishermen.
Coase Theorem
If property rights are well-defined and transaction costs are zero, then :
1 the allocation of resources will be the same, regardless of the initial assignment of property
rights; and
2 the allocation of resources will be efficient, so there is no problem of externality.
The attainment of Pareto optimum does not depend The wealth distribution does depend
on who has been assigned the property rights first. on such assignments.
1 The assignment of property rights does not affect the allocation of resources.
2 The different assignment of property rights only affects the wealth distribution and the one received
the payment or compensation as a result.
3 Once the private property rights exist and are delineated with sufficiently low transaction cost, the
damage is allowed up to a situation where marginal cost is equal to marginal benefit.
4 The traditional concept of divergence is a wrong concept of cost.
A correct concept on cost could identify the potential gain and a consistent application of the
maximization postulate shows that the divergence is settled by a mutual exchange of rights or market
5 A market is able to internalize any external costs/benefits where government intervention or
involvement is not essential to solve the issue of externality.
6 Externality can be eliminated by completely enforced property rights. The market transactions will
guarantee an efficient use of all resources.
Private property rights are a pre-requisite for market transactions.
7 The Coase Theorem is basically a theorem of exchange.
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Whenever transaction costs are sufficiently low and property rights are well-defined, people will
make voluntary exchange for mutual benefits. Exchanges and negotiation of property rights will be
carried out until the marginal gain is equal to the marginal cost. All potential gain is captured at
that situation !
* You should by now understand that there is nothing wrong with the market !
A Public Good
A public good is any scarce good that can be consumed by many consumers at the same time, without
affecting the amount available to anyone else.
It is a good which is difficult, if not impossible, to exclude non-payers from receiving benefits and whose
benefits are not reduced by any extra users (both payers & non-payers).
Exclusion : Whenever a consumer enjoys a good or service, anyone is deprived of that enjoyment due to
private property rights. Examples are numerous.
Rivalry : When a consumer possesses a good or service, the amount available to anyone is reduced by that
amount held.
In its pure form, a public good carries the characteristics of non-exclusion and non-rivalry.
A pure public good refers to a public good that everyone has an identical amount.
In other words, the cost of supplying a public good to an extra user is zero, but the cost of supplying an
extra unit of public good is not.
Examples of public goods are : lighthouse, street light, roads, local T.V. broadcast, radio broadcast,
national defence, free ( nine years ) education in H.K.
With ( Exclusion ) Without ( Exclusion )
Yes Private / Economic Goods Fishing ground
Rivalry No Highways, swimming pools National defence, education, disease.
A Free Rider
1 Due to the property of non-exclusion of public goods, consumers are reluctant to pay for a public
good, resulting in a case of social value greater than the social cost.
These free riders” make the provision of public goods especially by private competitive firms,
very difficult ( though it is not impossible ). It results in a situation under which everyone wants
the good but no one pays for it.
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Micro –7 / P.7
2 Solutions
* To exclude the non-contributors but it is usually inefficient because the costs of exclusion are
normally greater than the benefits resulted.
* The provision and production of public goods are tie-in with some private goods, e.g. the use of
taxation together with a free education.
* To implement government policy to provide the public good, e.g. social security.
The issue of public good arises because property rights cannot be efficiently enforced to the benefits
that the public good generates. If an extra user can benefit from the good at no extra cost to the society,
charging a price would discourage potential users and results in a loss of total benefit to the society.
The provision of public good becomes sub-optimal - thus giving a reason or justification for government
1 Welfare economics refers to a branch of economics dealing with the evaluation on the desirability
of different decisions on resource allocation.
For example, the arguments on the use of sales tax against direct taxes in the case of HK; the
various means of budget financing in HK; the most effective policy to deal with car thefts in HK.
The value judgement that is central to welfare economics is that any change that improves the well-
being of one individual without reducing the well-being of anyone else is a desirable change.
However, the market fails to attain Pareto optimum or allocative efficiency due to some cases.
The market fails because MUV P and MUV MC.
The cases include : the existence of monopoly ; the existence of externality ; the presence of
natural monopoly ; the presence of public goods ; risk and uncertainty leading to imperfect
To take the example of externality, the correction of externality is not costless. Many people often
ignore the existence of huge costs and external side-effects of the correction itself. The costs may
outweigh the benefits.
It follows that a divergence between private and social costs may not be inefficient ( because we
cannot be better than the present situation - Pareto optimum ).
As a result, externality needs not be eliminated by government intervention.
1 Common property resources, with common rights, will encourage everyone to acquire them without
bearing the full cost. The resource-takers tend to over-utilize the resources. In other words, in the
absence of private property rights, these resources are excessively exploited.
Without exclusive rights to use the resource (or an exclusive claim to the value of it) its use will
invite competition. Finally, every competitor can earn no more than the alternative earning of his
own factor inputs required in the exploitation of that property resource.
2 This competing use of a common property will reduce its economic rent or net value of the income
earned to zero. This exclusive income or rent is said to be completely dissipated because the cost of
inputs used to get this formerly common property matches the amount of income earned at the
The condition is described as rent dissipation.
3 With the lack of exclusive use rights, the competition of a common property will lead to rent
dissipation which implies :
- over-exploitation or excessive use, e.g. over-fishing; over-hunting; or
- under-exploitation, e.g. fruit trees in the New Territories.
However, complete rent dissipation is also rare. People will restrict the use of that common property
by regulations or information costs, e.g. marine fishing with licences, size restriction on fish and
marine life etc.
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An Overview Of Microeconomics
1 This topic begins by an introduction of the concept of externality. Then, the traditional concepts
of market and government intervention are explained. This is followed by the modern approach
on externality, emphasizing on Coase ideas and solutions.
2 The real problem of social cost lies on an understanding of the nature and application of
transaction cost and property rights.
These two concepts can explain what is really the problem of social cost and externality.
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3 These two constraints give us more powerful theories to explain human behaviour.
The problem of social cost also lies on these two concepts.
4 The role of market and price, accompanied with transaction cost and property rights, forms the
fundamental framework in microeconomic theory and analysis.
End of Microeconomics