Biology Kcet 2022 c4

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DATE :- 16-06-2022 TIME : 10.30 AM TO 11.50 AM

1. Amniocentesis is a process to: 6. The affected male in the pedigree chart is

1) Determine the sex of the foctus symbolized by:
2) Determine any disease of heart
3) Know about the disease of brain 1) 2) 3) 4)
4) To grow cell on culture medium Ans. 4
Ans. 1
7. The given diagram represents:
2. The first human like being is
1) Homo menthus
2) Homo crectus
3) Homo habilis
4) Homo sapiens
Ans. 3
1) Mesosome 2) Chromosome
3. XO type of sex determination and XY type of 3) Ribosome 4) Nucleosome
sex determination are the examples of Ans. 4
1) Female Homogamety
2) Male Heterogamety 8. Which of the following hormones is not
3) Female Heterogamety secreted by human placenta?
4) Male Homogamety 1) FSH 2) hCG
Ans. 2 3) Relaxin 4) Progestogen
Ans. 1
4. Example of Non-Mendelian disorder:
1) Cystic fibrosis 9. Which of the following is correctly matched?
2) Haemophilia 1) Spores-Sponge 2) Conidia-Hydra
3) Down’s syndrome 3) Gemmules-Amoeba 4) Bulbil-Agave
4) Thalassemia Ans. 4
Ans. 3
10. The technique advised by a doctor to overcome
5. Gynecomastia is a symptom of the problem of infertility:
1) Cri-du-chat syndrome 1) RTI 2) MTP 3) ART 4) RCH
2) Down’s syndrome Ans. 3
3) Kline Felter’s syndrome
4) Tuner’s syndrome
Ans. 3
11. Which aspect forms the basis of DNA finger- 18. Enzyme which is useful to remove the oily
printing? stains in laundry?
1) The amount of DNA found in samples of 1) Lipase 2) Renin
blood, saliva and skin. 3) Protease 4) Amylase
2) The ratio of purines and pyrimidines present Ans. 1
in DNA.
3) The Sequence of DNA present in the ridges 19. DNA replicates semiconservatively was first
and grooves of finger-prints shown in:
4) The Satellite DNA showing high degree of 1) Higher animals 2) Esherichia coil
repetition in DNA segments 3) Human cell 4) Plants
Ans. 4 Ans. 2

12. Identify the most infectious and fatal type of 20. A series of experiments were conducted by
malarial parasite: Frederick Griffith in 1928, on transforming
1) Plasmodium ovale principle with:
2) Plasmodium vivax 1) Streptococcus pneumoniae
3) Plasmodium malariae 2) Escherichia coli
4) Plasmodium falciparum 3) Bacillus thuringiensis
Ans. 4 4) Salmonella typhimurium
Ans. 1
13. The type of antibodies produced during the
allergic reaction 21. The number of codons effective in coding
1) Ig M 2) Ig A 3) Ig E 4) Ig G twenty amino acids:
Ans. 3 1) 20 2) 61 3) 32 4) 64
Ans. 2
14. One of the side-effect of the use of anabolic
steroids in females 22. An antibiotic resistance gene in a vector
1) Masculinisation 2) Loss of memory usually helps in the selection of
3) Hallucination 4) Cirrhosis of liver 1) Non-competent cells
Ans. 1 2) Competent cells
3) Transformed cells
15. Which one of the following is a opiate 4) Non-recombinant cells
narcotics? Ans. 3
1) LSD 2) Barbiturates
3) Morphine 4) Amphatamines 23. Silencing of specific mRNA in RNAi is by
Ans. 3 1) dsDNA 2) SSRNA
3) dsRNA 4) ssDNA
16. The large holes in ‘Swiss-Cheese’ are made by Ans. 3
1) Fungus that releases a lot of gases during 24. Cry-IAC effectively controls,
metabolic activities 1) Ring worm 2) Cotton bollworms
2) Machine 3) Corn borer 4) Root nematode
3) Bacterium that produces methane gas Ans. 2
4) Bacterium producing a large amount of CO2
Ans. 4 25. ADA deficiency can be cured by
1) Heart Transplantation
17. Which vitamin is increases by ‘LAB’ in curd? 2) Bone-marrow Transplantation
1) Vitamin E 2) Vitamin C 3) Liver Transplantation
3) Vitamin B 4) Vitamin B12 4) Kidney Transplantation
Ans. 2
Ans. 4
26. Average natality rate in our village is 25, 32. Cuscuta is an example of
average mortality is 24, immigration 2 and 1) Predation 2) Broad Parasitism
emigration 3 and the net increase M 3) Endoparasitism 4) Ectoparasitism
population is: Ans. 4
1) 27 2) 0 3) 5 4) 10
Ans. 2 33. Particulates of ___ size pose greatest risk to
human health.
27. The term "Molecular Scissors" refers to 1) Less than 7.5 micrometers in diameter
1) Taq polymerase 2) Polymerase-I 2) Less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter
3) Polymerase-II 4) Restriction enzyme 3) Less than 4.5 micrometers in diameter
Ans. 4 4) Less than 3.5 micrometers in diameter
Ans. 2
28. What does the sample of given base sequence
represent? 34. Maintenance of constant internal environment
5' - GAATTC - 3' is called as
3' - CTTAAG - 5' 1) Osmoregulation 2) Metastasis
1) Palindromic sequence 3) Homeostasis 4) Thermoregulation
2) Initiator codon at 5' end Ans. 3
3) Deletion mutation
4) Completion of replication 35. The animals which are active during day time:
Ans. 1 1) Cresporal 2) Diurnal
3) Auroral 4) Vesporal
29. Gel electrophoresis is used for Ans. 2
1) Cutting of DNA into fragments
2) Construction of recombinant DNA by joining 36. Which of the following statement is incorrect
with cloning vectors related to biomes?
3) Isolation of DNA molecule 1) Low temperature and less rainfall is a
4) Separation of DNA fragments according to characteristics of Tundra biomes.
their size 2) Variation in temperature and mean
Ans. 4 precipitation accounts for the major biomes.
3) More rainfall and low temperature is the
30. The amount of Photosynthetically active characteristics of deserts.
radiation captured by plants is 4) High temperature and minimum rainfall
1) 12 - 20 percent 2) 20 - 30 percent help to form grasslands.
3) 2 - 10 percent 4) 60 - 70 percent Ans. 3
Ans. 3
37. Different types of respiratory organs like gills,
31. The given graph represents book gills, book lugs and trachea are present
1) Annelids 2) Sponges
3) Molluscs 4) Arthropods
Ans. 4

38. Which of the following plants is used to extract

1) Tulip 2) Colchicum
1) Species area relationship 3) Aloe 4) Asparagus
2) Enzyme activity Ans. 2
3) Growth of organisms
4) Population growth
Ans. 1
39. Rows of S-shaped setae in the body of 47. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is caused
earthworm are present in all the segments, by
except 1) Fungi 2) Viroids
1) The first segment 3) Prions 4) Virus
2) The last segment Ans. 3
3) The first and last segment
4) The first, last and clitellum 48. Phycoerythrin and Floridean starch is found in
Ans. 4 1) Red algae 2) Blue – green algae
3) Green algae 4) Brown algae
40. Cell theory was formulated by Ans. 1
1) Schwann and Robert Brown
2) Schleiden and Schwann 49. Menstrual cycle exhibited by
3) Robert Hook and Robert Brown 1) Tiger 2) Cow 3) Rat 4) Apes
4) Schleiden and Robert Brown Ans. 4
Ans. 2
50. An example of dioecious plant
41. The type of Polysaccharide present in a cotton 1) Papaya 2) Cucurbita
fibre 3) Coconut 4) Mango
1) Glycogen 2) Starch Ans. 1
3) Insulin 4) Cellulose
Ans. 4 51. Stalk of the Stamen is
1) Peduncle 2) Filament
42. Enzyme involved in crossing over 3) Pedicel 4) Petiole
1) Lygase 2) Recombinase Ans. 2
3) Polymerase 4) Endonuclease
Ans. 2 52. The ovule of angiosperm is technically known
43. Kranz anatomy can be seen in 1) Megaspore
1) Maize 2) Tomato 2) Megasporangium
3) Potato 4) Pea 3) Megasporophyl
Ans. 1 4) Megaspore mother cell
Ans. 2
44. Respiratory quotient of glucose is
1) 1.0 2) 0 3) 0.7 4) 0.9 53. Typical mature embryosac of angiosperm is
Ans. 1 1) 8 nucleated 1 celled structure
2) 8 nucleated 8 celled structure
45. A person suddenly starts coughing while 3) 8 nucleated 7 celled structure
swallowing food. This coughing would have 4) 7 nucleated 8 celled structure
been due to improper movement of Ans. 3
1) Tongue 2) Epiglottis
3) Diaphragm 4) Neck 54. One of the 2000 years old viable seed,
Ans. 2 discovered during the archeological excavation
an King Herold’s near dead sea.
46. Binomial nomenclature is introduced by 1) Lupin 2) Sunflower
1) John Ray 3) Phoenix dactylifera 4) Maize
2) Carolus Linnaeus Ans. 3
3) Lamarck
4) Bentham and Hooker 55. The testis are situated outside the abdominal
Ans. 2 cavity in scortum as it helps to
1) Regulates harmone secretion
2) Store sperm
3) Release sperm
4) Maintain the low temperature
Ans. 4
56. Identify the odd one from the following
1) Isthamus 2)Fimbriae
3) Labia minora 4) Infundibulum
Ans. 3

57. In which mong of gestation, the first

movements of foetus and appearance of hair
ion its head is observed?
1) 8th month 2) 1st month
3) 4th month 4) 5th month
Ans. 4

58. The most abundant type of WBC cells

1) monocytes 2) Basophils
3) Neutrophils 4) Eosinophils
Ans. 3

59. Filtration of blood during urine formation

takes place in
1) Glomerulus 2) DCT
3) PCT 4) Collecting duct
Ans. 1

60. Corpus callosum connects the

1) Spinal cord with the brain
2) Two lobes of cerebellum
3) Two cerebral hemispheres
4) Cerebrum and cerebellum
Ans. 3

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