Screeners Calendar

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'fraining Sclrcdulc lor l'cst ol scr('encrs ('crtification Standalonc & Il.

HllS l'or the Year 202-1

SL. ( entre t)5-06 t 2-1.1 r 9-20 21-23 02-0.1 09-t0 l6-17 23-21
,lnnrra ,lanu ary_ .lanuarv .lanua
Feb ruarl' Fcbruarv Fcbruary Fcbrua
I .,\ lr rr rctla hird A irlir.res AS(i Airlines Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand
l i\ rnritsar Airlines Airlines (Stand ASG (Stand ASG ( Sland Airlines Airlines Airlincs ASG (Stand
(Stand Alone Alonc) Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stantl Alone)
Alone) Alonc)
Bengaluru Airlines AAI & Airport AS(i (Stand Airlines ASG(Stand AAI & Airlines ASG (Stand
(Stand Alone) Operator Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) Airport (Stand Alone))
(ILH BS) Operator Alone)
.+ Chcnnai AS( i (Stand Airlines (Stand Airlines Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASC (Stand Airlines
Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Standalone) Alone) (Stand
Alone) (S1and
Alone) AIone-)

Operator Airport
(ILHB) Operator
(r Dclhi Airlines AAI & Airport Regulated ASG Airlines AAI Airport ASG (Stand Airlines
(Stand Alone) Agent (Stand (Stand AIone) (Stand Operator Alone) (Stand
(lr.HBS) Alone) Alone) (ILHBS) Alone)
7 Gurvahati Airlines Airlirres ASG (Stand Airlines Airlines Airlines Airlines Airlines
(Standalone) (Standalone) Alone) (Standalone) (Stand Alone (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone
IJ Flyderabad Airlines Airport ASG (Stand ASG (Stand Airlines Airport ASG (Stand ASC (Stand
(Stand Alone) Opelator Alone) Alone) (Stand Operator Alone) AIone)
rLrills) Alone) (ILHBS)
Kolkata ASG(Stand Airlines (Stand ASG (Stand Airlines ASG (Sland ASG (Stand Airlines ASG (Stand
Alone) Alone) Alone) (Stand Alonc) Alone) Alone ) ( Stand Atone))
l0 Munrbai ASG Airport Airlines ASG (Stand Airlincs Airport ASC (Stand Regulated
(Stand Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) (SIand Operator Alone) Agent (Stand
( il-HBS) Alone) Alone) (II-HBS) Alone)

t)n) v
e l>
(lcn trc 02-03 09- l0 t6-t7 23-21 t)5-06 t2-ll 20-21 27-21t
l\Iarch i\l t rch March l\larch .,\pril ,\pril April A pril
.\hnrcdabad Spccial'l'cst on Airlines ASC Regulated AS(j (Stand Airlirres Spccial Test ASG
R( q uest (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) Agent (Stand Alone) (Stand on Request (Stand Alone)
Stand Alone Alonc) Aklnc Stand Alone
.,\mritsar AS(i ASG Airlines ASG ( Stand ASG Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone)
Alone) Alone )
Bengaluru Airlines AAI & Airport ASG Airlines ASG Airlines AS(J Airlines (Stand
(Stand Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Slantl (Stand Ahnc) Alone)
( ILHB) Alone) Alonc)
('hennai AS(; Airlines (Stand ASG ASG (Stand Airlines ASC Airlines ASG
(Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone)
Alone) Alone)
('ochin V,,\CAN AAI & Airport VACAN'I' VACAN'I' \I.I(]ANT VA('AN'I' VACANT VA('i{NT
l)elhi Airlines AAI Airport ASG (Stand Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASG Regulated
(Stand Alone) Operator Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone Agcnt (Stand
( ILHB) Alone ) Alone)
Cuwahati Airlines Airlines ASC Airlines ASG Airlines Airlines Airlines (Stand
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) ( Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone) Alorre)
Alone) Alonc)
Hyderabad ASG Airport Airlines ASG (Stand ASG (Stand ASC Airlines Airlines (Stand
(Stand Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone) Alone)
( ILHB) Alone)
Kolkata Airlines ASC (Stand Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASG Airlines ASC
(Stand Alone) Alone) (S1and Abne) Alone) ( SIand (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone)
Alonc) Alone)
Muurbai ASG Airporl Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASC ASG ASG
(Stand Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone)
( ILHB) Alone) Alone) Alone)

c lL %
( cn tre r).1-(){ lt-t2 ltt-t9 25-26 0l -02 08-09 l5-16 27-23
t\,t N,t a N,I A Ma .lunc .lu nc .lunc .lu nr:
Ahmedabad ASG Airlines Special Test ,\S( i t Stand Airlincs ASG (Stand Regulated Special Test
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) on ltrq uest ..\ lone )) (Stand Alone Alone) Agent ( Stand on licquest
Stand Alone Alone) Stand Alone
A nrritsar AS( i ( Stand AS(i ASG ( Stand Spccial Test ASG .,\irlines ASG (Stand Airlines
Alonc ( Stand Alone ) Alonc) on Request (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand
Stand Alone Alone) Alone) Alone)
IJengaluru AS(i (Stand AAI & AS(i (Stand Airlines ASG Airlines ASC (Stand Airlines
Alonc) Airport Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand
Operator Alone) Alone) Alone)
('hennai Airlincs Airlirres Airlines Airlines (S1and ASG ASG (Stand Airlines AS(i (Stand
(Sland Alo ( Stand Alone) (Stand Alone ) (Stand Alone) ( Stand Alone)
Alone) Alone) Alone)
('ochin VA('ANT AAI & VAC,.INT \"\( \Nt' vA('ANr' vA(]ANT VACANT VA('ANT
l)c lhi ASG (Stand nnt & ASG (Stand Airlines Airlines ASG Airlines ASG (Stand
Alone) Airport Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone)
Operalor Alone) Alone) Alone)
( iu vr ahat i ASC(Stand Airlines Spccial Test ASG Airlines ASG Spccial Test ASG
Alone) (Stand Alone) on Request (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand on Rcquest (Stand
Stand Alone Alone) Alone) Stand Alone Alone)
Hyderabad ASG (Stand Airpon Airlines ASC Airlines ASG ASG Airlines
Alone) Operator (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand (Stand
( ILHB) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)
Kolkata Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASG ASG Airlines Airlines ASG (Stand
(Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone)
Alone)) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)
N'lumbai Airlines Airport Regulated ASG ASG Airlines ASC Airlines
(Stand Alone) Operator Agent (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand (Stand
( Ir-HB) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)

lI \)'
( cnl rc 06-r)7 t.r-t{ 20-21 27-2u 0.1-(){ t0-l I I7-t8 2t-23
.lulr .lu .lulv .lul Augus t August August August
,\lrrnctllharl Airlines Special Test AS( i lStand Special Test Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines ASG ( Stand
(Stand Alone) on ltcq uest A lonc ) on Request (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone)
Stand.{lone Stand Alone AIone)
,\ rn lit sar AS( i (Stand AS(i (Stand Airlines ASG (Stand Special Tcst Airlines ASG ( Stand Spccial 'fcst
Alonc) Alone ) (Stand Alone) Alone ) on lleq uest (Stand Alone) Alone) on Request
Stand Alone' Stand AIone
[]cngaluru AS(i AAI & Airport ASG (Stand Airlincs ASG (Stand Airlines AS(i ( Stand Regulated
(Stand Alone) Operator Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) Alonc) Agent (Stand
II-I II] Alonc) Alone)
('hcnnai Airlines AS(i Airlines ASG ( Stand Airlines NSG Airlines ASG
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) Alonc) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone)
Operator (
l)clhi Airlines AAI & AS(i (Stand Airlincs Regulated Airlines ASG ASG
(Stand Alone) Airport Alone) (Stand Agent (Stand (Sland Alone) (Stand (Stand
Operator A lonc ) Alone) Alone) Alone)
( rLrrB
(luwahati ASG(Stand ASC (Stand ASG( Stand Airlines ASG(Stand Airlines ASG Airlines
Alone) Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone)
Alone) Alonc)
Flyderabad Regulated Airport ASG (Stand ASG (Stand ASC (Stand ASG Airlines Airlines
Agent (Stand Operator Alone) Alone Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone)
Alone)) ( rLHB) Alone)
Kolkata ASC (Stand ASG (Stand Airlines ASC (Stand ASG Airlines ASG (Stand ASG
Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone Alone) (Stand Alone)
Mumbai Airlines Airport ASG (Stand ASC (Stand Airlines ASG Airlines ASG
(Stand Alone) Operator Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand Alone)
( ILHB) Alone)

a lr ilr' 91.
( r'n I rc l)5-06 l{-t5 2t-22 26-27 05-06 l2- t -l t9-20 26-27
Sc tcnrber Se trnr ber Se tcnr llrr bcr Octoher Octoher ()rtoher Octoher
Ahrretlalratl ASC (Stand Airlines ASG t Stand Spccial Test A irlincs AS(i (Stand Airlincs ASG ( Stand
Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) on Roquest (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone)
Stand Alone Alone) Alonc)
Arnritsar Spccial Test ASG ( Stand Airlines ASC (Stand ASG (Sland Airlines AS( i ( Stand Airlines
on Request Alonc) (Stand Alone) Alone) Alone) (Stand Akrnc) (Stand
Stand Alone' .,\lone Alone)
Bengaluru ASC (Stand AAI & Airlines Regulated ASG Airlines ASG ASG
Alone) Airport (Stand Alone) Agent (Stand (Sland (Stand (Stand
Operakrr (Stand Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)
Clrennai Airlines Airlines AS(i ( Stand Airlines ASC ASG (Stand Airlines ASG
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alonc) Alor.rc ) (Stand Abne) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand
Alone) Alone ) Alone)
Dclhi ASG (Stand AAI Airport Airlines Airlines ASG Airlines Regulated ASG (Stand
Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand ( Stand Agent (Stand Alone)
( ILHB) Alone) Alone) Alone)
Guuahati Airlines ASG(Stand Airlines ASG Airlines Special Test Airlincs ASG(Stand
(Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand on lLequest (Stand Alone)
Alone) Stand Alone Alone)
Hyderabad ASC (Stand Airport Airlines ASG Airlines ASG Airlines Airlines
Alone) Operator (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand (Stand
( rLHB) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)
Kolkata Airlines ASG ASG Airlines ASG Airlines ASG Airlines
(Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand AIone) (Stand (Stand (Stand (Stand
Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone)
Mun.rbai Airlines Airport ASG ASG Airlines Airlines Airlines ASG (Stand
(Stand Alone) Operalor (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand (Stand Alone)
( ILHB) Alone) Alone) Alone)

o lr2
( cntre 02 -0.1 09-t0 l6-t7 23-21 07-08 t{-t5 2t-22 28-29
Nor cnr hcr Novcnrbcr Novrnrhcr Nor e mber l)cccnr bcr l)ecr:nrher l)rccnr her l)ecember
I Alrnrctlahad Special Test AS(i (Stancl Special Test llegulated Sprcial Test SpeciaI I'cst Special I est
l Spccial 'Iest
on Rcquest Alonc) on lteq ucst Agent ( Stand on Request on lleq ucst on Rcq r:rst on lteq uest
Stand Alone Stand,\lone .\lorrc Stand.{lone Stand.\lonc Stand Alone Stand Alone
ASC Special 'l'cst Airlines Spccial 'I cst Spccial 'fest
F,*"',, (Stand on Rcqucsl (Stand Alone) on R(q uest
Special 1-est
on Rcquest on Req uest
Special I'est
on ll.cq urst
Sprcial Tcst
on lleq uest
Alonc) Stand Alonc Stanrl Alone Stand Alone Stand Alone Stand;\lone Stand Akrne
Bcngaluru AAI & ASC (Stand Airlines Airlines AS(i Airlines Special Tcst ASG
Airport Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand on Request (Stand
Operator ALrne) Alone) ILHBS Alone)
('hcnnai Airlines AS(i Airlines AS(i ( Stand Airlines AS(i Special Test ASG (Stand
(Stand (Stand (Stand Alone) Alonc) (Stand (Stand on Request Alone)
Alonc) Alone ) Alone) Alone) Stand Alone
Cochin AAI & VA(',.\NT VA(.,\\T Vr\('.\\1' \',.\( ..\ \T VA(]A\'I' Special Test VA('ANI'
Airport on Request
Operator II,HBS
lhi AAI & -I'est
I)e Regulated ASG (Stand ASG (Stand Airlines ASG Spccial ASG
Airport Agent Alone) Alone) (Stand (S1and on Rcquest (Stand
Operator (Stand Alone) Alone) II-HBS Alone)
(ILIJBS) Alone)
Guwahati Airlines AS(i( Stand Airlirres ASG(Stand ASG Airlincs Spccial 'I'es1 Airlines
(Standalone) Alone) (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand on Requesl (Stand
Alone) Alone) Stand Alone Alone)
I{r,derabad Airport Airlines ASG (Stand Airlines (Stand ASG Airlines Special Test ASG (Stand
Operator (Stand Alone) Alone) (Stand (Stand on Request Alone)
ILHBS) Alone) Alone) Alone) ILHBS
Kolkata Airlines ASG Airlines ASG Airlines ASG Special Test Airlines
(Stand (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand Alone) (Stand (Stand on llequest (Stand
AIone) Alone) Alone) Alone) Stand Alone Alone)
N4urrbai Airport Airlines ASC Airlines (Stand ASG ASG Special 'l'est Airlines
C)perator (Stand (Stand Alone) (Stand ( Stand on llequest (Stand
(tt-lrBS) Alone) Alone) Alone) Alone) II,I{BS Alone)

o 1 ll>l)t
Sunrmarv of Testing and Certification of Screeners Batches : Stand Alone and ILHBS

ISr. \anrc of 'l-est Entitr

No. of Batches
ta {0 candidates per batch

I Testing and Certillcation of Screeners Stand ASG/APSI.J 189

Airlines 169

Regulated Agents t,

2 Testing and Certification ol Screeners Airport Operators i5


I"rcc Slots available lirr Spccial Rcquest ASG, APSU. Airlines & 29
Batch fbr Stand Alone Screeners Regulated Agents

-+ Free Slots available for Special Requesl Airport Operators & 05

Batch for ILHBS Screeners AAICLAS

5 Vacanl Slols None 40

Total skrts 48n

OT ltL

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