INZS 2022 - Thank You

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Thank You

For joining us in
Indonesia Net Zero Summit 2022:
Industrial Decarbonization At All Cost

We are proud to walk together with you,

On a journey towards Indonesia’s net zero emissions.


Media Partners::
Indonesia Net Zero
Event Highlights


Media Partners::
1.200+ Participants 450 Companies &

30 Speakers
8 Call to

25 Startups
54 NZH Members &

Industrial Decarbonization
At All Costs
Opening and Welcome

The opening remarks kicked o not

only Indonesia Net Zero Summit
2022, but also Indonesia
Investment Forum and B20 week.

Both Mrs. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani

and Mr. Arsjad Rasjid reiterated the
urgency for business society to take
the challenge of Industrial
Decarbonization, not only for
climate protection but also
business continuity.

Mrs. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani and

Mr. Arsjad Rasjid during the
opening ceremony talked about
the importance of Industrial

We cannot work alone.
We must work together across
sectors to unite steps to carry

out this transformation
Keynote Speech

Mr. Norimasa Simomura, United

Nations Development Programme
Indonesia Country Resident, who is
also the co-host of Indonesia Net
Zero Summit, delivered his opening
remarks. UNDP and Indonesian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
has agreed to work on several work
streams on Industrial
Decarbonization, among them is
Marginal Abatement Cost Curve for
selected industries

Mr. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan,

Coordinating Minister of Maritime
and Investment, delivered his
opening remarks about Indonesia
entering a new world of low
carbon development, and how
with its natural resources,
Indonesia can play a key role in
this new world.
Indonesia Net Zero Summit
Opening Remarks

Mr. Mahendra Siregar, Ketua

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, delivered
his fireside chat on how financial
sector regulation is part of
Industrial Decarbonization
Call to Actions with IAI and IDX

Witnessed by Mr. Mahendra Siregar,

the first Call to Action during the
Summit is between KADIN and
Ikatan Akutansi Indonesia in
promoting Comprehensive
Corporate Reporting. By the end of
2022, International Sustainability
Standards Board will issue its
recommendation and IAI will work to
adapt ISSB recommendations to
PSAK. KADIN will work with IAI to
promote the comprehensive
reporting standards

The next Call to Action is between

KADIN and PT Bursa Efek Indonesia,
in which both organizations are
working towards establishing KADIN
Climate Index. The Index will take
into account listed companies’
climate commitments and
performance using TCFD guidelines,
in which PT Bursa Efek Indonesia is
already a TCFD supporter
Value Chain Decarbonization

Each company is interconnected

within a broader value chain. For
some industries, decarbonizing the
value chain will be the biggest
decarbonization tasks they’re

The three companies represented

during the panel, BASF Indonesia,
Nestlé Indonesia, and H&M Group
serve as an example on how to
actively engage with the value chain
as part of corporates’ climate target

Industrial Decarbonization is not a work of a single company, the

whole value chain must be activated to achieve meaningful results

Almo Pradana, Anya Saphira,

4 Speakers
Deputy Director, Climate,
Energy, CIties adn Ocean,
World Resources Institute

Agus Ciputra,
Program Stakeholder Engagement
and Public Aair Lead, H&M Group
Production Oice Indonesia

Prawitya Soemadijo,
President Director, Sustainability Director,PT Nestlé
BASF Indonesia Indonesia
Corporate Assistance Program
KADIN NZH - World Resources Institute

KADIN Net Zero Hub and The CAP program is

World Resources Institute designed to assist
signed the call to action to companies in measuring
expand the Corporate their GHG baseline and
Assistance Program (CAP) preparing them to plan for
for KADIN NZH member net zero roadmap under
companies SBTi framework
Call for Ambitions:
Hard to Abate Industries

Steel, cement, petrochemical and

fertilizers are among core industries
for modern world, which are also
hard to abate. For these sectors,
high ambitions are required for their
decarbonization pathways

PT Gunung Raja Paksi Tbk and PT

Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
represent hard to abate industries
while PertaminaNRE and
BloombergNEF represent enabling
ecosystem for the decarbonization

Our hard to abate industries happen to also be our core industries, and we need to see
more ambitions from these core industries.

Rudiantara Dani Danusaputro,

President Commissioner, PT Semen Chief Executive Oicer, PertaminaNRE

Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Speakers Kelvin Fu, Kathy Xitong Gao

Managing Partner Gunung Capital, Senior Associate Hydrogen Research
PT Gunung Raja Paksi Tbkr BloombergNEF

Verania Andria
Senior Advisor for Renewable Energy,
Call to Action To Establish Indonesia’s
Hydrogen Hub

PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) The collaboration among

Tbk, PertaminaNRE and PT the three companies
Rukun Raharja Tbk signed represents the ambitions to
an MOU to start decarbonize hard to abate
establishing a hydrogen industry.
hub and serve hard to abate
Fireside Chat by East Ventures

Mrs. Avina Sugiarto, Partner at East

Ventures, delivered her fireside chat
about the convergence of digital
ecosystem with industrial
Fireside Chat by National
Geographic Indonesia

Mr. Didi Kasim, Editor in Chief,

National Geographic Indonesia,
delivered his fireside chat on Impact
Storytelling. A complex concept, if
delivered through storytelling
narratives, can reach a broad

National Geographic Indonesia

presentation and contents remind
us why industrial decarbonization is
a must, to protect communities and
societies across Indonesia, not only
those in large cities
Decarbonizing Power Grid

Electricity is an important equation

in a company’s net zero roadmap,
and having various renewable
procurement options will be
important for Indonesian private
sector to thrive

World Resources Institute, Asosiasi

Pembangkit Listrik Swasta
Indonesia and KADIN Net Zero Hub
signed an expression of interest in
studying early decommissioning of
IPP’s coal fired plants and switching
to renewable generation

Private sector can be a powerful ally for Indonesian electricity market

in driving a net zero electricity grid

Eka Satria Ken Haig,

President Director, PT Medco Power Head of Energy and Environmental Policy,

Indonesia Asia-Pacific & Japan, Amazon Web


Agung Wicaksono Ika Noviera,

Managing Director, PT Jababeka Director Corporate Aairs, PT Multi
Infrastructure Bintang Indonesia, Tbk

Alex Perera
Deputy Director Energy, World Resources
Early Decommissioning of Coal Power
Plants to Serve Renewable Demand

Asosiasi Pengusaha Listrik This call to action is

Swasta Indonesia (APLSI), initiated by APLSI in
KADIN NZH and World response to increased
Resources Institute signed renewable energy demand
an expression of interest to from Indonesian
advance the intent of early companies. This initiative is
decommissioning of coal a step in the right direction
power plants. in accelerating the
Industrial Decarbonization
Corporate Climate Governance

As a key driver, corporate climate

governance is key in redirecting
eorts and initiatives from a
company towards decarbonization

The panel represents a diverse set

of industries, from FMCG, apparel,
agribusiness and financial services,
all boil down to a convergence
point: the importance of having a
strong climate governance

Climate commitments start from within, and companies should start

to implement climate governance as part of their commitments

Connie Ang Anne Patricia Sutanto

Chief Executive Oicer, Vice President Director,

Danone Indonesia PT Pan Brothers Tbk

Speakers Sihol P Aritonang Shahril Azuar Jimin,

President Director, Chief Sustainability Oicer,
PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper Maybank Group

John Leung
Director SE Asia & Oceania, CDP
Establishing and Implementing
Corporate Climate Governance

PT Pan Brothers Tbk, Assisted by CDP, PT Pan

building on their already Brothers Tbk will start with
launched ESG roadmap, is CDP disclosure and at the
looking ahead to the future same time working with
by designing corporate CDP and KADIN NZH to
climate strategy as part of establish a set of corporate
their sustainability drive climate governance
Engagement Through Financial

Financial Services have enabled

industrialization at an
unprecedented scale. Now, in the
era of decarbonization, financial
services are once again called to
become a key enabler

The panel represents regulatory

perspective from OJK, IAI as a
standard seing body, and financial
service companies with rich
experience in sustainability
agendas from HSBC and Shcroeder
Investment Management

Financing and investment are climate mitigations, but only if done


Michael Tjoajadi Kelvin Tan

President Director, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable

PT Schroeder Investment Finance & Investment ASEAN, HSBC

Management Indonesia

Edi Broto Suwarno Rosita Uli Sinaga

Direktur Pengawasan Pasar Modal Ketua Taskforce on Comprehensive
Corporate Reporting, Ikatan Akutansi
Dr. Adam Ng
Greening Financial Regulation Initiative Asia
Pacific Lead, World Wildlife Fund for Nature
Advancing Sustainability Initiatives in
Indonesia Financial Service Sector

World Wildlife Fund for Indonesian financial

Nature (WWF) through its institutions need to be in a
Sustainable Finance lockstep with Industrial
initiative signed an MOU as Decarbonization. At the end
KADIN Net Zero Hub of the day, all
Strategic Partner, aiming to decarbonization initiatives
deepen the work with require strong financial
Indonesian financial support
Fireside chat by Indonesia Impact Fund

Anindya Novyanto Bakrie, Chairman

of Indonesia Impact Fund delivered
the closing remarks for Indonesia
Net Zero Summit 2022, rounding up
our panel on Financial Sector

Indonesia Impact Fund is an

Indonesian managed and focused
impact fund, looking not only to
deliver returns, but more
importantly on driving SDG impacts
through its funding and investment
Statement Intent to Pledge by Net Zero
Hub Member Companies

Mr. Muhammad Yusrizki, Head of

KADIN Net Zero Hub, delivered his
closing remarks to welcome all 54
Net Zero Hub member companies
and Supporters, to take the stage
and deliver their Statement of

These companies represent only a

fraction of what Indonesia needed
to accelerate decarbonization and
support faster achievement of
Nationally Determined
Contribution. KADIN NZH is inviting
more companies to make the
climate pledge in their future.
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