SL-T - Nour Shamsah

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Year 2 Laboratories

Triaxial Compression Test

Technical Note
Surname (Family Name):

Other Names:

Student ID number: 201320270

Programme: Civil Engineering (BEng/MEng)

Lab group number: C7


Demonstrator’s Name:

Date of Experiment: 25/10/2019

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224


I confirm that I have:

 Read and understood the University’s Academic Integrity Policy. (Students should
familiarise themselves with Appendix L of the University’s Code of Practice on
Assessment which also provides the definitions of academic malpractice and the policies
and procedures that apply to the investigation of alleged incidents.);
 Acted honestly, ethically and professionally in conduct leading to this assessment;
 Not copied material from another source, nor committed plagiarism, nor fabricated data
when completing this work;
 Not colluded with any other student in the preparation and production of this work.

Students found to have committed academic malpractice are liable to receive a mark of
zero for the assessment or the module concerned. Unfair and dishonest academic
practice will attract more severe penalties, including possible suspension or termination
of studies.

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

1. Aims
The main aim of this laboratory experiment is to analyze and determine the shear strength
parameters of saturated clay. Moreover, the measurements obtained will be classified
depending on the cohesion coefficient.

2. Results

Specimen Number 1 2 3 4
Date of test
Length of Specimen (mms) 76 76 76 76
Diameter of Specimen (mms) 38 38 38 38
C.S.A of Specimen (sq.m.) 0.00113 0.00113 0.00113 0.00113
Wet Weight of Specimen 170 169 173 171
Dry Weight of Specimen (gms) 140 138 141 139
Moisture Content (%)
Load Cell Constant (Kn/div) 1 1 1 1
Test Cell Pressure 100 200 300 400
Table 1: data sheet for the test.


Specimen Strain Load Deviator Specimen Strain Load Deviator
Deformatio  (kN) stress Deformation  (kN) stress
n (mms) (kN/sq.m) (mms) (kN/sq.m)
x x/L W =W(1- x x/L W =W(1-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.0065 0.87 76.48 0.5 0.0065 0.1202 105.67
1 0.0131 1.17 102.18 1 0.0131 0.1202 104.97
1.5 0.0197 1.17 101.50 1.5 0.0197 0.1202 104.27
2 0.0263 1.17 100.82 2 0.0263 0.1202 103.57
4 0.0526 1.17 98.09 4 0.0526 0.1202 100.77
6 0.0789 1.17 95.37 6 0.0789 0.1215 99.03
8 0.1052 1.17 92.64 8 0.1052 0.1349 106.81
10 0.1315 1.202 92.38 10 0.1315 0.1489 114.43
12 0.1578 1.202 89.58 12 0.1578 0.1568 116.85
14 0.1842 1.202 86.78 14 0.1842 0.1655 119.48
16 0.2105 1.202 83.98 16 0.2105 0.1759 122.89
18 0.2368 1.202 81.18 18 0.2368 0.1826 123.32
20 0.2631 1.202 78.38 20 0.2631 0.1881 122.65
22 0.2894 1.202 75.58 22 0.2894 0.189 118.84
24 0.3157 1.202 72.78 24 0..3157 0.1934 117.10
Table 2: Data for specimen 1 and 2

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224


Specimen Strain Load Deviator Specimen Strain Load Deviator
Deformatio  (kN) stress Deformation  (kN) stress
n (mms) (kN/sq.m) (mms) (kN/sq.m)
x x/L W =W(1- x x/L W =W(1-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.0065 0.0268 23.56 0.5 0.0065 0.073 64.18
1 0.0131 0.0324 28.30 1 0.0131 0.073 63.75
1.5 0.0197 0.457 39.64 1.5 0.0197 0.0735 63.76
2 0.0263 0.0489 42.14 2 0.0263 0.0755 65.06
4 0.0526 0.0563 47.20 4 0.0526 0.0945 79.23
6 0.0789 0.0679 55.34 6 0.0789 0.1068 87.05
8 0.1052 0.0751 59.46 8 0.1052 0.1225 97.00
10 0.1315 0.0803 61.71 10 0.1315 0.1405 107.98
12 0.1578 0.0897 66.85 12 0.1578 0.1462 108.95
14 0.1842 0.0968 69.88 14 0.1842 0.1536 110.89
16 0.2105 0.1061 74.13 16 0.2105 0.1648 115.14
18 0.2368 0.1103 74.49 18 0.2368 0.1695 114.47
20 0.2631 0.1189 77.53 20 0.2631 0.1727 112.61
22 0.2894 0.1209 76.02 22 0.2894 0.1744 109.66
24 0.3157 0.1221 73.93 24 0.3157 0.1744 105.60
Table 3: Data for specimen 1 and 2.

3. Graphs

Axial Strain Vs Deviator Stress

Specimen 1
specimen 2
Deviator Stress (kN/sq.m)

100 Specimen 3
80 Specimen 4



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Axial Strain

Figure 1: The graph shows the relationship between the deviator stress and the axial strai.

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

4. Calculations

4.1 Failure stress

Failure Stress Vertical Stress
Specimen 102.18 202.18
Specimen 123.32 323.32
Specimen 77.53 377.53
Specimen 115.14 515.14
Table 4: Failure stress

4.2 Calculations for undrained shear strength of the saturated clay:

To calculate the undrained shear strength of the saturated clay the following equation will
be used:

deviator stress
Undrained shear strength =

Specimen 1:
su = = 51.09 (kN/sq.m)

Specimen 2:
su = = 61.66 (kN/sq.m)

Specimen 3:
su = = 38.765 (kN/sq.m)

Specimen 4:
su = = 57.57 (kN/sq.m)

4.3 Calculations for Moisture Content Percentage:

To measure the moisture content percentage, the following formula is used:

weight of moist soil − weight of dried soil

moisture content percentage : x 100
weight of dried soil

170− 140
Specimen 1 Moisture Content Percentage = x 100 = 21.428%

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

169− 138
Specimen 2 Moisture Content Percentage = x 100 = 22.463%

173− 141
Specimen 3 Moisture Content Percentage = x 100 = 22.695%

171−1 39
Specimen 4 Moisture Content Percentage = x 100 = 23.021%

4.4 Degree of saturation:

In order to calculate the degree of saturation the following series of equations was used:

Wet Weight of specimen

Water Content: w =
Dry Weight of specimen

w S + wW
Bulk Unit Weight: y b= 2
πh r

G ( 1+ w ) y w
Void Volume: e = −1

Volume of water G x W
Degree of Saturation: S.D. = =
volume of voids e

Ww is wet weight of specimen
Ws is dry weight of specimen
e is the volume void
y b is Bulk Unit Weight
Vt is the total volume

y w = 9.81
Vt = 0.00113 ×76 ×1 0− 3 = 8.588 ×1 0− 5 m 3

Specimen 1:
170 x 10 x 9.81
Ww = = 1.6677 x 10-3 kN

140 x 10−3 x 9.81

Ws = = 1.3734 x 10-3 kN
−3 −3
Ww Wet Weight − Dry Weight 1.6677 x 10 −1.3734 x 10
W= = =¿ x 100% = 21.42%
Ws Dry Weight 1.3734 x 10− 3

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

wS + wW −3
1.3734 x 10 + 3.041 x 10
y b= 2
= −5 = 19.53 3
πh r 8.588 ×1 0 m

2.7 ( 1+ 21.42% ) x 9.81

e= − 1 = 0.647

2.7 x 21.42 %
S.D. = = 0.894

Specimen 2:

169 x 10−3 x 9.81

Ww = = 1.6578 x 10-3 kN

138 x 10− 3 x 9.81

Ws = = 1.3538 x 10-3 kN
−3 −3
Ww Wet Weight − Dry Weight 1.6578 x 10 −1.3 538 x 10
W= = =¿ x 100% = 22.46%
Ws Dry Weight 1.3538 x 10

wS + wW 1.3538 x 10−3 +3.04 x 10− 4 kN

y b= 2
= −5 = 19.3 3
πh r 8.588 ×1 0 m

2.7 ( 1+ 22.46 % ) x 9.81

e= −1 = 0.679

2.7 x 22.46 %
S.D. = = 0.893

Specimen 3:
173 x 10 x 9.81
Ww = = 1.6971 x 10-3 kN
1 41 x 10 x 9.81
Ws = = 1.3832 x 10-3 kN

Ww Wet Weight − Dry Weight 1.6971 x 10 −3 − 1.3832 x 10−3

W= = =¿ x 100% = 22.69%
Ws Dry Weight 1.3832 x 10−3

wS + wW 1.3832 x 10−3 +3.139 x 10− 4 kN

y b= = = 19.16 3
πh r 2 8.588 ×1 0 −5

2.7 ( 1+ 22.69 % ) x 9.81

e= − 1 = 0.696

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

2.7 x 22.69 %
S.D. = = 0.88

Specimen 4:
171 x 10 x 9.81
Ww = = 1.6775 x 10-3 kN
139 x 10 x 9.81
Ws = = 1.3635 x 10-3 kN

Ww Wet Weight − Dry Weight 1.6775 x 10−3 −1.3635 x 10− 3

W= = =¿ x 100% = 23.02%
Ws Dry Weight 1.3635 x 10−3

wS + wW −3
1.3635 x 10 +3.14 x 10
y b= 2
= −5 = 19.53 3
πh r 8.588 ×1 0 m

2.7 ( 1+ 23.02% ) x 9.81

e= − 1 = 0.668

2.7 x 23.02 %
S.D. = = 0.93

Specimen 1 2 3 4
Water Content (%) 21.42 22.46 22.69 23.02
Bulk Unit Weight ( kN /m 3 ) 19.53 19.3 19.16 19.53
Void Volume 0.647 0.679 0.696 0.668
Degree of Saturation 0.894 0.893 0.88 0.93
Table 5: Water content, Bulk Unit weight, Void volume, and Degree of Saturation

5. Discussion

After carrying out this lab experiment and recording the data, calculations were
determined based on the collected data using multiple equations. The values of deviator
stress and axial strain were calculated for all the specimens and inserted in the tables.
Also, a graph was plotted based on the values of deviator stress against axial strain for
each specimen and it was noticed that they were directly proportional to each other as
with the increase of the deviator stress the axial strain increases. Hence, the failure stress
values were determined using the maximum deviator stress value for each specimen as
shown in table 4. The Vertical stress values were calculated and added to table 4 as well
by adding the test cell pressure value to the maximum deviator stress for each specimen.
Furthermore, the moister content was calculated and it varies from each specimen to
another. The moisture content values for the four specimens respectively are: 21.428%,

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

22.463%, 22.695%, and 23.021%. It is obvious that the humidity was at its lowest for the
first specimen and the highest for the fourth one. The first specimen had a weight of 170g
before the experiment and a weight of 140g after the experiment and after the it becomes
dry and for the fourth there was a slight different from the first weights of the first
specimen as it had a weight of 171g before the experiment an 139g after the experiment.
After that the degree of saturation was calculated for the specimens using 4 main
equations which they were:

Wet Weight of specimen

Water Content: w =
Dry Weight of specimen

wS + wW
Bulk Unit Weight: y b= 2
πh r

G ( 1+ w ) y w
Void Volume: e = −1

Volume of water G x W
Degree of Saturation: S.D. = =
volume of voids e

In order to obtain the value of degree of saturation the water content was calculated firstly
as the first specimen has the lowest and the fourth one had the highest. Secondly Bulk
Unit Weight was calculated and the values for the specimens were respectively: 19.53,
19.3, 19.16, and 19.53. Thirdly, the volume of void values were determine and finally the
degree of saturation.

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the requirements of this lab report were achieved as a graph was plotted
based on the deviator stress and axial strain values for the different samples of clay and
the wanted values were calculated.

7. Presentation

Specimen Number 1 2 3 4
Date of test
Length of Specimen (mms) 76 76 76 76
Diameter of Specimen (mms) 38 38 38 38
C.S.A of Specimen (sq.m.) 0.00113 0.00113 0.00113 0.00113
Wet Weight of Specimen 170 169 173 171
Dry Weight of Specimen (gms) 140 138 141 139
Moisture Content (%)
Load Cell Constant (Kn/div) 1 1 1 1
Test Cell Pressure 100 200 300 400


Specimen Strain Load Deviator Specimen Strain Load Deviator
Deformatio  (kN) stress Deformation  (kN) stress
n (mms) (kN/sq.m) (mms) (kN/sq.m)
x x/L W =W(1- x x/L W =W(1-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.0065 0.87 76.48 0.5 0.0065 0.1202 105.67
1 0.0131 1.17 102.18 1 0.0131 0.1202 104.97
1.5 0.0197 1.17 101.50 1.5 0.0197 0.1202 104.27

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

2 0.0263 1.17 100.82 2 0.0263 0.1202 103.57

4 0.0526 1.17 98.09 4 0.0526 0.1202 100.77
6 0.0789 1.17 95.37 6 0.0789 0.1215 99.03
8 0.1052 1.17 92.64 8 0.1052 0.1349 106.81
10 0.1315 1.202 92.38 10 0.1315 0.1489 114.43
12 0.1578 1.202 89.58 12 0.1578 0.1568 116.85
14 0.1842 1.202 86.78 14 0.1842 0.1655 119.48
16 0.2105 1.202 83.98 16 0.2105 0.1759 122.89
18 0.2368 1.202 81.18 18 0.2368 0.1826 123.32
20 0.2631 1.202 78.38 20 0.2631 0.1881 122.65
22 0.2894 1.202 75.58 22 0.2894 0.189 118.84
24 0.3157 1.202 72.78 24 0..3157 0.1934 117.10


Specimen Strain Load Deviator Specimen Strain Load Deviator
Deformatio  (kN) stress Deformation  (kN) stress
n (mms) (kN/sq.m) (mms) (kN/sq.m)
x x/L W =W(1- x x/L W =W(1-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.5 0.0065 0.0268 23.56 0.5 0.0065 0.073 64.18
1 0.0131 0.0324 28.30 1 0.0131 0.073 63.75
1.5 0.0197 0.457 39.64 1.5 0.0197 0.0735 63.76
2 0.0263 0.0489 42.14 2 0.0263 0.0755 65.06
4 0.0526 0.0563 47.20 4 0.0526 0.0945 79.23
6 0.0789 0.0679 55.34 6 0.0789 0.1068 87.05
8 0.1052 0.0751 59.46 8 0.1052 0.1225 97.00
10 0.1315 0.0803 61.71 10 0.1315 0.1405 107.98
12 0.1578 0.0897 66.85 12 0.1578 0.1462 108.95
14 0.1842 0.0968 69.88 14 0.1842 0.1536 110.89
16 0.2105 0.1061 74.13 16 0.2105 0.1648 115.14
18 0.2368 0.1103 74.49 18 0.2368 0.1695 114.47
20 0.2631 0.1189 77.53 20 0.2631 0.1727 112.61
22 0.2894 0.1209 76.02 22 0.2894 0.1744 109.66
24 0.3157 0.1221 73.93 24 0.3157 0.1744 105.60

SL-T Technical Note // CIVE224

Axial Strain Vs Deviator Stress

Specimen 1
specimen 2
Deviator Stress (kN/sq.m)

100 Specimen 3
80 Specimen 4



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Axial Strain

Failure Stress Vertical Stress

Specimen 102.18 202.18
Specimen 123.32 323.32
Specimen 77.53 377.53
Specimen 115.14 515.14

Specimen 1 2 3 4
Water Content (%) 21.42 22.46 22.69 23.02
Bulk Unit Weight ( kN /m 3 ) 19.53 19.3 19.16 19.53
Void Volume 0.647 0.679 0.696 0.668
Degree of Saturation 0.894 0.893 0.88 0.93


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