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B.R.C.M College of Business Administration

Subject – Business Research

Name – Rakesh R Patil

Roll No – 53

Faculty Name – Dr. Neha Sheth

TYBBA Marketing

Submission Date – 20/09/2022

Assignment 1 & 2
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Assignment -1

Topic – Literature Review on Job Satisfaction



Job satisfaction, as an academic concept, has aroused wide attentions from the
fields of management, social psychology, and practice in recent years. As a matter
of fact, researches on this concept have a long history in the diversified academic
field. There are various definitions of this concept in colourful and competitive
academic fields.

Job satisfaction is important not only to workers, but also to employers. A

satisfied employee is an organization's strength. The term "satisfied" therefore is
descriptive and could mean various things for different persons. For example, the
degree to which employees have a positive emotional attitude to work is
described as satisfaction with their work. Job satisfaction is important not only to
workers, but also to employers. A satisfied employee is an organization's strength.
The term "satisfied" therefore is descriptive and could mean various things for
different persons. For example, the degree to which employees have a positive
emotional attitude to work is described as satisfaction with their work. Another
concept that supports the affective aspect is one that describes it as an affective
(emotional) response to the job arising from comparisons between real outcomes
and expected ones. The satisfaction of employees is related to the way people
view, consider and experience their work.

Article 1

Brikend AZIRI (2011)

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Job satisfaction represents one of the most complex areas facing today’s
managers when it comes to managing their employees. Although thousands of
papers and research have been conducted on job satisfaction all over the world,
in the Republic of Macedonia this is one of the least studied research fields. Many
studies have demonstrated an unusually large impact on the job satisfaction on
the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on
productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations. There is
a considerable impact of the employees perceptions for the nature of his work and
the level of overall job satisfaction. Financial compansation has a great impact on
the overall job satisfaction of employees.

Article 2

Artz (2010)

Studies the relationship between rewards and work satisfaction for Outer.
Benefits from the periphery do not necessarily contribute to workplace
satisfaction. In so long as the employee has the impression that he can fulfill his
desires, it is still appropriate. It is also noticed that it does not fulfill the
employee's expectations, which contributes to discontent. Organizations need to
evaluate their processes more effectively and, if possible, provide fringe
incentives and offer workers the chance to make use of them, thereby generating
satisfaction with their work.

Article 3

Ramayah (2011)
evaluates whether mentoring results in work satisfaction within the Malaysian
context. His results suggest that career mentoring is connected to every aspect of
work satisfaction. The aspects of job satisfaction analyzed were: jobs themselves,
employees, managers, and promotion. At a higher education level, mentors often
play an important role and deliver meaningful job results directly. But
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psychological mentoring has no essential connection to the three variables that

fulfill the job (co-workers, the job itself, and promotion). The study also suggests
that since therapeutic mentoring contributes to non-monetary happiness, workers
would not appreciate it in the longest possible term.

Article 4

Warn (2003)

emphasized aspects of the workplace, contributing to depression and lack of job

satisfaction. Stress is normally caused by a lack of power over the intended
effects. At the workplace, tension is felt because of a lack of authority, job
conflicts, and uncertainty, contributing to frustration. The principle of
checkability brings a solution to lower pressures and contributes to job fulfillment
in which a person has an attitude of desires and needs that depends on the
aspirations of the individual and governs multiple facets of the working situation.
A supportive working atmosphere, such as a positive environment for studying
or no abuse at work or anxiety in the workplace, helps minimize depression and
achieve job satisfaction.

Article 5

Zaki (2003)

Explains Lebanese non-management banking employees' work satisfaction and

results. The researchers found a substantial link in terms of pay and supervision
between work satisfaction and gender. Only satisfied people within the company
are willing to carry out their roles and obligations. Women workers were happy
with the salaries, while men were happier with supervision. The author himself
often claims this does not matter because the self-rate is inflated, and his
colleagues' success is usually underestimated.

Article 6
Page |5

Austin (2007)

The major reasons for managers' work satisfaction in Cyprus are "self-
fulfillment," "independence," and "job environment." Fair salaries, well-educated
subordinates, the prospects for self-realization are development opportunities.
Employers can reflect on the three aspects of community independence of their
work setting to ensure the framework's flow contributes to job satisfaction, i.e.,
age, sex, number of years in the company, public and private sector, number of
workers oversaw.

Article 7

7) Neeraj Kumari (2016)

pursued observational research on behavior and criteria in the service sector

against job satisfaction. The research is done with a certain framework and
observations into the life insurance scheme. Throughout the analysis, it is found
that life insurance employees are usually satisfied. The researcher stresses the
facets of incentives and financial advantages, and personal recognition, which has
a dominant function to play, factors such as the company's goals, the reputation
and credibility of the company, sustainability with the role, and the personality of
the employee. The researcher further suggested that managers take care of
recruiting and personnel decisions to make a constructive contribution to the
human resource to effectively aware of the organization's future needs.


[1] Kerry Fairbrother James Warn, (2003), Workplace dimensions, stress and job
satisfaction, Journal of Managerial Psychology,18(1),8 – 21
Page |6

[2] Alf Crossman Bassem Abou Zaki, (2003),Job satisfaction and employee
performance of Lebanese banking staff", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol.
18(4),368 – 376

[3] Annabel Droussiotis Jill Austin, (2007),Job satisfaction of managers in

Cyprus, Euro Med Journal of Business,2(2),208 – 222

[4] Elsy Verhofstadt Hans De Witte Eddy Omey, (2007), Higher educated
workers: better jobs but less satisfied? International Journal of
Manpower,28(2),135 – 151

[5] Wei Cheng J. Mau Randy Ellsworth Donna Hawley, (2008), Job satisfaction
and career persistence of beginning teachers, International Journal of Educational
Management,22 (1),48 – 61

[6] Jui Chen Chen Colin Silverthorne, (2008),The impact of locus of control on
job stress, job performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan, Leadership &
Organization Development Journal,29(7),572 -582

[7] Jacob Eskildsen Kai Kristensen Henrik Gjesing Antvor, (2010),The

relationship between job satisfaction and national culture, The TQM Journal,22
(4),369 – 378
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Assignment – 2
Write research method according to my topic.

1. Research design
A research design is the framework or plan for a study that guides the collection
& analysis of data. It is blue print for conducting research or completing the
research study. It is that framework which keeps the research study relevant to
the research problem.

The research design helps a researcher to pursue their journey into the unknown
but with a systematic approach by their side. The way an engineer or architect
frames a design for a structure, likewise the researcher picks the design from
various approaches in order to check which type of research to be carried out.

As I have to research on job satisfaction. then I must do research for this. There
are many types of research methodology through which we can find and conclude
our research. There are many types of research methodology through which we
can find and conclude our research. But I have to choose proper and appropriate
research methodology so latter on there can’t be any mistake arise in my research.

Research design have 2 main part A. exploratory B. conclusive

A. Exploratory

“Exploratory research is often conducted because a problem has not been clearly
defined, or its real scope is unclear. It allows the researcher to familiarize with
the problem or concept to be studied, and perhaps generate hypotheses (definition
of hypothesis) to be tested.”

B. Conclusive Research Design

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I may go for conclusive research design because it gives me clear idea about fact
related my research. How social media marketers do marketing, that I know
through mail, interview and observation.

Conclusive research has 2 parts

1. Descriptive design

2. Causal design

1. Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design is a type of research design that aims to obtain

information to systematically describe a phenomenon, situation, or population.
More specifically, it helps answer the what, when, where, and how questions
regarding the research problem, rather than the why.

It is more specific than an exploratory study, as it has focus on particular aspects

or dimension for formulating more sophisticated studies. Data are collected by
using one or more appropriate methods: observation, interviewing or mail

2. Casual Research Design:

Causal research, also known as explanatory research is conducted in order to

identify the extent and nature of cause-and-effect relationships. Causal research
can be conducted in order to assess impacts of specific changes on existing norms,
various processes etc.

Causal studies focus on an analysis of a situation or a specific problem to explain

the patterns of relationships between variables. Experiments are the most popular
primary data collection methods in studies with causal research design. It can be
described in terms of correlation, regression and coefficients.
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And I will go for descriptive research design since it provides complete idea
regarding my research to know information about job satisfaction. Moreover,
Descriptive research allows researchers to thoroughly investigate the background
of a research problem before further research can be carried out.

There are two parts in Descriptive Research Design:

a) Cross Sectional Study

b) Longitudinal Study

Cross Sectional Study:

Cross-sectional means that a sample of elements from given population is

selected. It is concerned with 1) field studies 2) survey method.

• Field studies aim at finding relation & inter relation among variables in real
setting like community, schools, colleges, organization, institution etc.
• Survey method, detail information can be obtained from a sample of large

Types of cross-sectional:

a. Single Cross-Sectional: 2000 college students were surveyed from across

the state

b. Multiple Cross-Sectional: a sample of CAT scores was compared over the

last five years

Longitudinal Study:

Longitudinal Studies are concerned with Panel Method. Under Panel Method,
Same respondents being surveyed over time with the Same Variable.

A fixed sample of elements from the population is measured repeatedly on the

same variables. The same people & same variables are measured over the length
of the study.
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And I would go for Cross Sectional Study for analysis of my research topic. In
that I use single cross sectional study as I can select only those respondents who
can gives me the right information about job satisfaction so that I can receive
relevant answers related my research.

2 Data source

Data source have 2 parts 1. Secondary data 2. primary data

1. Secondary Data:
“Any data which has been gathered earlier by some other people are secondary
data in the hands of researcher”

2. Primary Data:
“Those data which are collected at first hand either by researcher or someone else
is known as primary data.”

Secondary data gives us result which already gathered by someone’s research.

So, I prefer primary data for research because it gives me new result of my

• Data Collection Method:

If Researcher wants collect Data he can go through two ways. First one is
Primary Data Collection and another one is Secondary Data Collection.

I would like to choose Primary data collection method as it is collected from the
first-hand experience and it is not definitely used in past. The data congregate by
Primary Data Collection methods seeing that this method is specific to the
research’s objective and highly accurate.

Primary Data Collection has 3 types:

1. Observation Method
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2. Experiment

a. Laboratory Experiment

b. Field Experiment

3. Survey Method

And I would like to go for Survey Method since it provides more clear option of
Survey like Personal Interview, Telephonic Survey, Mail Interviewing and
Electronic Survey.

1. Personal survey method

In personal surveys, Data collector contact to respondents personally and one by

one ask the question and get response from respondent as appear question in the
questionnaire. In this method data collector is present. There are three different
methods in which personal survey is conducted.

Personal survey method can be conducted through 3 methods

I. In- Home Interviews

II. Mall Intercept Survey

III. Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)

2. Telephonic survey

Telephone interview is a non-personal method of data collection. There are two

ways in which telephonic surveys can be conducted.

I. Traditional Telephonic Survey

II. Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview (CATI)

3. Mail survey

Mail survey can be done through 2 types

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I. Mail interviewing

II. Mail panels:

4. Electronic Surveys:

“When information is collected through online survey, web based or email

survey, it is known as Electronic survey”. In electronic survey there are 3 parts

I. Internet surveys

II. E-mail Survey

III. intranet methods

As mentioned, I have 4 methods in survey method then I may go for personal

survey method.

In personal survey method I can I ask direct question to respondent and observe
the behaviour of the respondent, either individual or a group. Open-ended
questions are more tolerated through interviews since the respondents would be
more convenient at expressing their long answers orally than in writing.

Market researchers can benefit from personal interview survey because it presents
a greater opportunity to observe the attitude and behaviour of the respondents /
consumers toward a product.

And I have research on job Satisfaction it will be more beneficial from personal
interview survey because it presents a greater opportunity to observe the attitude
and behaviour of the respondents / consumers.

3. Sampling design

There is 2 type of sampling method

1) Probability Sampling Method

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In this type of sampling the probability of each item in the universe to get selected
for research is the same. Hence the sample collected through method is totally
random in nature.

I. simple random sample

II. systematic random sample

III. stratified random sample

IV. cluster random sample

V. area sampling

2. Non – probability sampling method

In this type of sampling the probability of each item in the universe to get selected
for research is not the same. Hence the sample collected through method is not
random in nature.

I. convenience sampling

II. judgement or purposive sampling

III. quota sampling

IV. snow ball sampling

I’ll prefer non probability sampling method. In this judgment or purposive

sampling is suitable for my research.

Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective

sampling, is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their
own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their
surveys. This involves selection of samples which we judge as the most
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appropriate ones for the given study. Purposive sampling is best used when
researcher want to focus in depth on relatively small samples. As I must done
research in only Surat city with not too much samples it is clear that this sampling
method is best suitable for my research study.

4. Sample Size

‘Sample size refers to the number of participants or observations included in a

study’. For example,

In my research, I may conduct research for 400 to 500 people in Surat. So, I can
get clear idea about their job satisfaction .

5. Data analysis tools

There are so many data analysis tools is available in the market. But 6 tools are
main for data analysis

1. excel

2. tableau

3. power BI

4. fine report

5. R and Python

6. SAS

All these tools are used at different situation in different analysis. For ex. Tableau
is used for pivot table, pivot chart. Fine report helps design various report and
build a data decision analysis system.

Excel and Tableau both are beneficial for my research analysis. As we all know
that Excel is very friendly tool when it comes to data analysis. Therefore, for
advance analysis Tableau can be better for data research.
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Tableau is an end-to-end data analytics platform that allows you to prep, analyse,
collaborate, and share your big data insights. Tableau excels in self-service visual
analysis, allowing people to ask new questions of governed big data and easily
share those insights across the organization.

6. Identify the factors / variables

A Variable is a measurable characteristic that varies. It may change from group

to group, person to person, or even within one person over time. A variable is
symbol to which values are assigned.

A variable is any property, characteristic, number, or a quantity that increases or

decreases over time or can take on different values in different situations.

Variables can be classified as Quantitative or Qualitative.

Quantitative variables are sometimes called Continuous Variables because they

have a variety of characteristics. Ex. Height, income, temperature, age or score in

Qualitative variables also called categorical variables, is a variable that isn't

numerical. It describes data that fits into categories. Ex. Eye colours (variables
include: blue, green, brown, hazel).

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