DMGS Sid 13122 23.09.2021

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Table of Contents

Company overview......................................................................................................................3

Research about current marketing communication strategy............................................................3

Brand alignment...........................................................................................................................4

Customer alignment.....................................................................................................................4

budget alignment..........................................................................................................................4

Marketing Mix (4P’s)......................................................................................................................4

Critical evaluation of the company..................................................................................................5

Future steps for creating an effective marketing communication strategy for the company...........6

Understanding targeted audience.................................................................................................6

Defining the Unique selling proposition (USP)...........................................................................6

Determination of the marketing communication mix..................................................................7

Defining branding element...........................................................................................................7

Definition of success metrics.......................................................................................................7


Application of new strategies..........................................................................................................8


PPT Screenshot..............................................................................................................................10

Slide 1............................................................................................................................................10

Slide 2............................................................................................................................................11

Slide 4............................................................................................................................................12

Slide 5............................................................................................................................................12

Slide 6............................................................................................................................................14

Slide 7............................................................................................................................................14

Slide 8............................................................................................................................................15

Slide 9............................................................................................................................................15

Slide 10..........................................................................................................................................16

Reflective log.................................................................................................................................17

Reference list.................................................................................................................................19


Communication and marketing strategy is the approach an individual or company uses to achieve
its target market via different kinds of communication. The statement, medium and goal are
included in this strategic approach. The promotion of the "4P's of marketing” is marketing or
corporate communications. Since the marketing strategy has a bumbling effect, most companies
are shortening it to Marketing communication, where web channels and technology are mostly
employed to locate relevant media to create appropriate histories and get complimentary media
attention. For this research “Dairy Crest Ltd”, a dairy company in the UK has been chosen as the
company for understanding the marketing and communication strategy which has driven the
small company to the epitome of success. Also, there will be discussion about those issues in
which this company is lagging its strategy and needs to come up with new and innovative

Company overview
Dairy crest produces and markets cheeses, butters, pulp and oils under very important British
names including Cathedral City, Country Life, Clover and Frylight, as well as value-added milk
components. Dairy Crest is a big dairy firm (Muzalev and Yaremchuk, 2019). In seven sites
around the United Kingdom Dairy Crest has over 1,100 employees. In 2019 a Canadian dairy
firm named Saputo purchased this dairy firm. This purchase allows Saputo to extend its
worldwide footprint and to join the Marketplace with a strong asset and a skilled management
team, through transaction and investment in a strong and capable player in the sector. Dairy
Crest is an appealing foundation for the expansion plan of the Company.

Research about current marketing communication strategy

The communication marketing plan describes the whole spectrum of actions that the company
will undertake to sell their items. All of this involves sponsored marketing and media
interactions (PR). Following fundamental concepts should apply to every “integrated marketing
communications following fundamental concepts should apply to every integrated marketing
communications approach (IMC)” approach:
Brand alignment
This indicates that the brand should be connected to its adjacent environment. For this dairy firm
dairy crest, they should market their products through billboards, magazines and newspapers
(Andersson and Smith, 2021). This makes the marketing of the brand more prominent and

Customer alignment
engagement with customers is really important and that is what this company is trying to connect
with their consumers via different social networking platforms like Face book twitter etc. these
platforms will help this dairy firm to connect with the potential consumers and also to promote
their new products.

Budget alignment
It is about to choose a channel which will fit the budget of the dairy company. Budget is
something which is very crucial for any kind of company and as this is a small company so the
budget analysis and performances of the communication strategy for marketing according to that
is important.

Marketing Mix (4P’s)

The 4 P's of marketing is the basic foundation of any company to establish the marketing design
and communication strategy. Dairy crest ltd. has their own marketing strategy and mix strategy
through which they have expanded their business and those marketing mix are:
Product: this is about the specification of the product which the company wants to
commercialize among consumers and the correct introduction of those products will help
consumers understand the product branding and imaging. Dairy Crest has created their website
where people can visit and know about their product and pricing and also detailed description of
those dairy products which will help the customers to determine which product they want to
purchase and what are the best products from the consumer’s overview.
Price: price is another important marketing mix component which need to be considered while
understanding the marketing and communication strategy of any company, this dairy firm as a

small company has considered the price issue of their products. Because this is a small size dairy
firm, it is obvious that high prices would not help the company to market and sell their products.
There are so many high-end dairy brands presented in the market who have their brand value and
people have more trust on those brands (Lamb et al. 2019). So, to gain consumers' attention and
trust the price should be very decent so that consumers could give a thought about these
apparently new products in the dairy market.
Place: in the marketing mix process place plays a vital role for commercializing and marketing
of any brands or product. This dairy firm is a small organization and therefore their products are
hard to find in every place of the consumer marketplace. So, for Dairy crests it is really
important to focus on the place issue and make their product widely available in all kinds of
supermarkets and small retail chains. This will create more consumer attention to their product
and more people will come to know about this brand which will ultimately lead to a good
business and marketing strategy for this dairy product commercialization.
Promotion: this is the last and final marketing mix strategy for any company to enhance the
business and marketing communication strategy. Dairy crest is a small dairy firm of the UK and
therefore not very much popular among a large number of people. So, brand promotion is very
important in this context and proper promotion will make the products more appealing towards
consumers (Sobhan and Adegbite, 2021). While promoting the products the company also needs
to take care of their budget issue and the promotional cost should be according to that. Very
expensive advertisements like other big giant dairy companies will not be affordable for this
small firm so an inexpensive yet impactful method of marketing promotion and strategy needs to
be adopted by this dairy company.

Critical evaluation of the company

As a company dairy crest ltd is a very small dairy based company in the UK and their share
market percentage is not in a very good condition due to the lag of the marketing and
communication strategy. Recently a Canadian company has overtaken this dairy firm in order to
rejuvenate the company business of the dairy items. This company has several potentials to
create a good customer base and product performance (Berry et al. 2019). Henceforth this
secondary research has been conducted to understand the marketing and communication

strategies for this company. As this company is not very profound so huge number of articles or
papers are not available for getting the secondary data. So, the communications strategies in
general terms are being correlated with this company strategy analysis to get the desired

Future steps for creating an effective marketing communication strategy for

the company

Understanding targeted audience

One has to identify the target audience until the company can build a strategic communication
strategy. For a particular target group of customers, a marketing and communications strategy
should be created. The IMC must describe this targeted audience's demands and features. An
external strategy, i.e., focusing on comprehensive consumer study, should be followed by an
“integrated marketing communication” strategy. Even if a company is commercializing and they
assume that they know their own consumers already well, they still should devote the effort to
keep in contact with altering customers' demands. Dairy Crest ltd. needs to follow this strategy
for better understanding of the audience.

Defining the Unique selling proposition (USP)

The USP is the basis of any integrated communications marketing strategy. Each message that
brand will deliver to customers should represent the USP throughout all channels of
communication – whether it is for PR, selling or content marketing. A defined USP helps
provide a clear, reliable and recognized message for any company. It helps to build great media
proposals as well (Raspa et al. 2019). A SWOT analysis can assist the company to organize the
username from the viewpoint of the potential customers. Check the purpose of their existing
consumers. Understand the justification underlying the average consumer's judgment approach.
Dairy crest ltd. should define their USP process to become more customer oriented in terms of
marketing and communication strategy.

Determination of the marketing communication mix
Marketing communication mix can be defined as the combination of several channels to reach to
the potential consumers. These channels include online advertisement, direct marketing,
sponsorship, personal selling etc. Large companies would have specialized teams to carry out all
of these operations inside its advertising division. But just three or four of these marketing tactics
should be used as a component of business communication strategy for a startup or a small
company. The Chartered Institute Of marketing has released a comment referring the ROI of
advertising with other marketing efforts to provide light on the matter. The choice of the
marketing activity will provide the highest ROI is challenging for most smaller companies.

Defining branding element

Branding is a key component of the IMC. There are 2 factors in general. At some of the most
fundamental marketing levels, all company offline and online materials will feel and look
consistently. Websites, social platforms, and direct campaigning are several manners by which
the barding of the product can be introduced. Dairy Crest ltd. can adopt this method also to
improve their marketing communication strategy (Mlipano et al. 2018). But branding at a
profound level is all about the company's underlying identity. This is what business represents
and wants customers to recognize it. That identity should be included in all marketing
communications the business communicates whether for the PR, an additional sales promotional
advertising strategy or a promotional marketing campaign.

Definition of success metrics

Once business settles on the promotional blend for an integrated marketing strategy, then have to
additionally prepare for every communication platform the proper set of success measures. These
parameters will decide if business meets the primary goals of business communication strategies.
So be sure, regardless of which communication channels that measure, that they use metrics that
truly provide value to the dairy firm (Manning and Kelly, 2020). This dairy company does not
utilize vanity measures including such likes or re - tweets just because of measuring social
media. Instead, Dairy crest should go over to visits to websites, purchased information etc. that
show company target audiences and possible customers a greater degree of commitment.

Once professionals have the strategy for marketing communication set, individuals will
implement these marketing tactics, assess the performance and, if required, change the approach.
In the case of the dairy firm, the execution will be more appropriate when the company will set
their marketing communication strategy with the help of the above-mentioned steps.

Application of new strategies

This Dairy crest ltd. is a very small dairy farm or startup. If a company represents a small firm or
startup, then the marketing approach may vary considerably from that of a huge corporation.
Offline and online publishing are media affairs or the social networks etc (Sharshar et al. 2021).
This is the method through which bloggers, newspapers and writers are approached with articles
about their business, product and goods. In order to ensure a good marketing communications
plan, companies may frequently translate this approach into visiting places for high-quality
publications, media reports and conversations, according to company objectives.
There are three phases to a marketing press communications plan:
1. To create a story that is aligned with the marketing strategy and working on the target
medium (press). The tale should be about the ideal consumers' interests. Because Dairy
crest ltd. is a small dairy firm so this will help to gain the media attention.
2. Find press objectives that are of relevance to the business and the target audience and
3. Contract and present business ideas with media objectives. The dairy firm will benefit
from all these media strategies as this will enhance the marketing and communication
strategy for the dairy company in the UK.
But today anybody with the public may be presented as a press or media goal. A tiny website
with several thousand committed readers is as genuine as a huge magazine with a vast but
unrelated audience. This should be taken under account in the quest of press objectives.
Reverse image search can be helpful in this context (Costa Font and Revoredo-Giha, 2018).
These ties have been established throughout years by an effective marketing communications
professional. As a business, they would be any media, influence person or investment in an

unknown amount. One may have the world's finest email marketing pitchers, but they're reluctant
to answer since customers don't recognize the company.


From the overall analysis of the dairy firm Dairy crest ltd in the UK it has been understood that
the company has lagged in several aspects of its marketing and communication strategy.
Different strategies and communication tactics have been proposed in this assignment and have
suggested innovative ways to enhance the customer interference. Different strategies and
effective communication marketing plans have been proposed in this context to enhance the
business opportunities for the selected dairy industry in the UK and also create an innovative
appearance for the product promotion of this company.

PPT Screenshot

Slide 1

Slide 2

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Slide 4

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Slide 9

Slide 10

Reflective log

Dairy crest ltd. is a small dairy company in the UK and in this assignment, I have chosen this
small firm to understand the company’s marketing and communication strategy and also to
suggest some innovative approaches through which this dairy firm can expand their business
with a good customer base. While researching about this company I have understood that Dairy
crest lags in many aspects and that is why despite having good products this brand is not that
much renowned or appealing towards consumers. So, I have researched with a secondary data
collection and analysis that the basic strategy of this company is not so attractive to gather a
good consumer base. Therefore, I have suggested multiple options about the communication
strategy process for this company to enhance their product promotional strategy and also to come
in contact with a huge number of people. I have also considered the budget issue of this
company. As this is not a giant industry like other established and global companies, the
techniques which I have suggested are very cost effective and more tactic based. Not only new
strategy suggestions, but also in the implementation process I have suggested some
communication implementation plan through which those strategies can be implemented
successfully. While doing this research I have understood that for small companies or startup
companies it is much harder to create a consumer-based market for their products. Several
obstacles including the manpower and the budget allocation problems are there for which small
product-based companies could not grow that much. This selected company Dairy crest ltd. is a
kind of those categories. Although, the company has several promising products to offer to the
marketplace; lack of promotional, communication and advertising and marketing strategy have
created problems to have an effective marketing of these products. While doing this research
another issue, I faced Abou this company is the lack of authentic and appropriate data. As the
company is not very profound so not so much research or publications have been done about this
company-oriented study. With the help of my limited secondary data findings and analysis I have
related the issues of Dairy crest ltd. to suggest an effective and cost friendly strategic ideas and I
am expecting these ideas will help to grow the company with new possibilities and several
findings will be generated on the new aspects of marketing communication strategy of this UK
based company.

Reference list

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