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02 131202 056 9055984294 30012022 114817pm
02 131202 056 9055984294 30012022 114817pm
Name Contribution
Diyan Ali Shaikh Standard Overview, Usability Focus, System
Basil Jamil Functional, Non functional Requirements
Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh Introduction, External Interface Requirements,
Documentation Metadeta
Modification History
Table of Contents
Content Page No.
1 Introduction
1.1 Document Scope and Purpose 7
1.2 Background Information 7
1.3 Acronyms and Definitions 8
1.4 Reference Documents 9
1.5 Assumptions 9
2 Standards Overview
2.1 Standards Scope 9
2.2 Architectural and Open System Interaction 9
2.3 Product Functions 10
2.4 User Classes and Characteristics 11
2.5 Operating Environments 12
2.6 Standards Compatibility 13
2.7 Data Dictionary 13
2.8 Constraints and Assumptions 14
2.9 Entity Information and Relation 14
3 Usability Focus
3.1 Actor Profiles 15
3.1.1. Actor 1: Employee 15
3.1.2. Actor 2: Supervisor 15
3.1.3. Actor 3: Logistics Department 16
3.1.4. Actor 4: General Manager 17
3.2 Business Use Cases 18
3.3 Usage Scenarios 19
5 System Features
5.1 Login Page 21
5.1.1 Description and Priority 21
5.1.2 Stimulus/Response Sequence 21
5.1.3 Functional Requirements 21
5.1.4 Use Cases Narratives 22
5.1.5 Activity Diagram 22
5.2 Generate Reports 23
5.2.1 Description and Priority 23
5.2.2 Stimulus/Response Sequence 23
5.2.3 Functional Requirements 23
5.2.4 Use Cases Narratives 23
5.2.5 Activity Diagram 24
5.3 Graphical Representation 24
5.3.1 Description and Priority 24
5.3.2 Stimulus/Response Sequence 25
5.3.3 Functional Requirements 25
5.3.4 Use Cases Narratives 25
5.3.5 Activity Diagram 26
5.4 View/Add/Update Departmental Information 26
5.4.1 Description and Priority 26
5.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequence 26
5.4.3 Functional Requirements 27
5.4.4 Use Cases Narratives 27
5.4.5 Activity Diagram 29
6 Functional Requirements
6.1 Functional Requirements 31
6.1.1 General Requirements 31
6.1.2 Domain Specific Requirements 31
6.1.3 Condition Specific Requirements 32
7 Non-Functional Requirements
7.1 Performance Requirements 33
7.2 Safety Requirements 33
7.3 Security Requirements 33
7.4 Software Quality Attributes 33
7.4.1 Quality Requirement 33 Portability/Compatibility 33 Maintainability 34 Availability, Reliability Requirement etc. 34
7.4.2 Business Rule 34 Testability Requirements 34 Usability Requirements 35 Documentation Requirement 35
Appendix A: Glossary 35
This section of the SRS Document provides the main purpose of the document, all
the basic information, the references’ list and the definitions.
1.5. Assumptions:
No Assumptions were made in this document.
This section includes the general description and overview related to standards
and the product.
5.1. Login Page:
5.1.1. Description and Priority:
Login page allows only certified users to enter the website.
Update Event:
Basic Flow of events:
User wants to update the information present in the dashboard.
System verifies the access level and updates the information in SQL server
Updates the dashboard with the latest information.
Alternate Flow:
User does not have the access.
Information is static and can not be updated.
Add Event:
Basic Flow of events:
User wants to add the information in the dashboard.
System verifies the access level and adds the information in SQL server
Updates the dashboard with the latest information.
Alternate Flow:
User does not have the access.
5.4.5. Activity Diagram:
View Event:
Update Event:
Add Event:
6.1. Functional Requirements:
6.1.1. General Requirements:
SM – 1: Stock status can be updated in real time by the workers.
EM – 3: Tasks permissions and access levels can be set, updated and viewed.
EM – 4: Employees’ working, presence and absence status is tracked.
DB – 1: Information; Sales, Machine, Employee, Order and Client’s information
are saved in the Database.
DB – 2: Remote data base server access by the employees, supervisor and general
manager, through an Access Control List (ACL).
MF – 7: Order information is to be saved along with client’s information to
maintain record of orders.
MF – 9: Update the status of products during the refinement process.
MF – 13: Warehouse management; Track and update shipments and products
present in the warehouse.
LE – 1: Only the staff that has been provided access on their respective devices
can use the locally hosted website. Maintainability:
The web-application will keep record of all the updates in case the update
that takes place has faults so that the previous verion can be re-rolled.
SM: Success Metrics
EM: Employee Management
DB: Database
MF: Major Features
SaM: Sales Management
SC: Success Criteria
BO: Business Objective
Context Diagram
Feature Tree Diagram
Work Breakdown Structure: