The document outlines a 9-week curriculum for learning Python programming. Week 1 covers basic math programs and operators. Week 2 continues with strings, modules, and number programs. Week 3 introduces patterns and recursion. Week 4 focuses on recursion problems. Week 5 works with lists. Week 6 covers tuples and dictionaries. Week 7 works more with dictionaries and strings. Week 8 introduces advanced dictionary methods and number conversions. Week 9 covers file input/output and manipulation.
The document outlines a 9-week curriculum for learning Python programming. Week 1 covers basic math programs and operators. Week 2 continues with strings, modules, and number programs. Week 3 introduces patterns and recursion. Week 4 focuses on recursion problems. Week 5 works with lists. Week 6 covers tuples and dictionaries. Week 7 works more with dictionaries and strings. Week 8 introduces advanced dictionary methods and number conversions. Week 9 covers file input/output and manipulation.
The document outlines a 9-week curriculum for learning Python programming. Week 1 covers basic math programs and operators. Week 2 continues with strings, modules, and number programs. Week 3 introduces patterns and recursion. Week 4 focuses on recursion problems. Week 5 works with lists. Week 6 covers tuples and dictionaries. Week 7 works more with dictionaries and strings. Week 8 introduces advanced dictionary methods and number conversions. Week 9 covers file input/output and manipulation.
The document outlines a 9-week curriculum for learning Python programming. Week 1 covers basic math programs and operators. Week 2 continues with strings, modules, and number programs. Week 3 introduces patterns and recursion. Week 4 focuses on recursion problems. Week 5 works with lists. Week 6 covers tuples and dictionaries. Week 7 works more with dictionaries and strings. Week 8 introduces advanced dictionary methods and number conversions. Week 9 covers file input/output and manipulation.
2.Write a python program to print Area of Triangle. 3.Write a python program to print Area of Square. 4.Write a python program to print and accept your name and display Hi!_____How are you? 5.Write a python program to demonstrate Arithmetic Operators. 6.Write a python program to demonstrate Comparisional Operators. 7.Write a python program to demonstrate Logical Operators. 8.Write a python program to demonstrate Bitwise Operators. 9.Write a python program to demonstrate Assignment Operators. 10.Write a python program to implement Escape Sequences. WEEK-2 :
1. Write a python program to Concatenate two strings.
2. Write a python program to calculate Compount Interest. 3. Write a python program using Sep & end functions. 4. Write a python program using Random Module. 5. Write a python program using Math Module. 6. Write a python program to display number is Positive or not. 7. Write a python program to display number in words. 8. Write a python program to accept a two digit number and display sum of digits. 9. Write a python program to accept a three digit number and display sum of digits. 10. Given a positive real number, display its fractional part. 11. Given a positive real number, display its 1st decimal of fractional part. 12. A car can cover a distance of 10 km/day. How many days will it take to cover a route of length n km. 13. A time is comibination of H:M:S. Like that read two time stamps, display difference between Time stamps in seconds. WEEK-3 :
1. Write a python program to print pattern of number.
2. Write a python program to print pattern of equilateral triangle of stars. 3. Write a python program to print pattern of alphabets. 4. Write a python program to count the number of digits of a entered number. 5. Write a python program to accept two numbers and find GCD. 6. Write a python program to display multiplication table. 7. Write a python program to accept a number and display sum of digits of a number. 8. Write a python program to accept a number and display multiplication table upto 15th table. 9. Write a python program to demonstrate Assignment Operators. WEEK-4 :
1. Write a python program to display Even or Odd.
2. Write a python program to display Leap Year or not. 3. Write a python program to display the sum of n numbers using Recursion. 4. Write a python program to display the GCD of two numbers using Recursion. 5. Write a python program to display the factorial of a number using Recursion. 6. Write a python program to display the Fibonacci of a number using Recursion. 7. Write a python program to display common letters in two strings. 8. Write a python program to convert all vowels to uppercase. 9. Write a python program to display the position of a letter in a string. WEEK-5 :
1. Write a python program to Accept elements into list.
2. Write a python program to convert all vowels to uppercase. 3. Write a python program to Split the list into two lists. 4. Write a python program to Check the list is palindrome. 5. Write a python program to prepare list of prime numbers from user entered list. 6. Write a python program to combine two lists , one consisting of characters , other consisting of integers. 7. Write a python program to print only palindromes in a list. 8. Write a python program on a list of floating numbers . Find the cube of numbers and round to three decimals. 9. Write a python program to prepare a list whose length is less than seven from user entered list. 10. Write a python program to prepare a list and calculate product of all elements in the list. WEEK-6 :
1. Write a python program to sort the Tuple.
2. Write a python program to calculate and display area and perimeter of rectangle using tuples. 3. Write a python program to pass p , k , l as parameters in tuple format and calculate and display k^p + l^p . 4. Write a python program to create a new list with odd positions from existing tuples. 5. Write a python program to implement set methods. 6. Write a python program to demonstrate different ways to add elements to dictionaries. 7. Write a python program to add data of a person [ Name(first and last) , age , spouse , children , pets ] using dictionaries. 8. Write a python program to implement arithmetic calculator which performs + , - , * , / ,% , // of two operands. WEEK-7 :
1. Write a python program to demonstrate dictionary methods (clear ,
pop , del , popitem , update). 2. Write a python program to print keys and values in a dictionary. 3. Write a python program to display the content in a tuple format , each tuple occupies a new line. 4. : Write a python program to display ( fruit name followed by its cost). Now pass the fruits to dictionary. Display in given format Fruit_Name , cost per kg is : cost 5. Write a python program which takes strings as input , convert it into dictionary of occurences. 6. : Write a python program which accepts a list and display its square and convert it into dictionary. 7. Write a python program to create a dictionary of cubes of odd numbers in a given range and another dictionary of cubes of even numbers. 8. Write a python program to operate lookup and reverse lookup on a dictionary who takes string as input and convert it into occurences. 9. Write a python program to construct a dictionary of Fibonacci values[memos]. WEEK-8 :
1. Write a python program to implement counter method.
2. Write a python program to implement OrderedDict method. 3. Write a python program to invert a dictionary. 4. Write a python program to invert a dictionary , but while inverting group the common keys. 5. Write a python program to evaluate a polynomial expression entered by user , using dictionaries. 6. Write a python program to convert a number from octal to binary. 7. Write a python program to convert a number from hexadecimal to binary. 8. Write a python program to takes radius of circle as input till user enters -1 and prepare a dictionary radius as key and circumference as value. WEEK-9 : 1. Write a python program to write contents into a file. 2. Write a python program to insert 1 to 20 numbers into a file. 3. Write a python program to insert 50 numbers randomly in the range of 500 to 1000. 4. Imagine there is a file consisting of five subject marks. Now write a program to read contents of the file and calculate sum and average. 5. Write a python program to insert message at end of the file(Hello this is Python Programming) demo1.txt which already contain content “Hi! This is Computer Science”. 6. Imagine there is a file consisting of four lines. Out of four , two lines start with capital letter. Now write a python program to copy contents of first file to another file, only the lines start with capital letters. 7. Write a python program to implement w+ and seek methods. 8. Imagine there is a file with 5 lines of different size. Now write a program to display in the following format. Line No : __ (Content) Size : __ Characters -------------------- Line No : __ (Content) Size : __ Characters -------------------- The Longest line is (Content) Size : __ Characters