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GRE 1137

为 2014 f GRE
5 为 k 他
GRE 为 GRE “为 l
为l 为 | GRE
伴 他 他

为 a 低 | 他 o
低 Webster 休 ka

1. plausible l c

x plausible 为低 | 东 为 为低

Webster l plausible 为 东为

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2.ultimate 为 c

j ultimate 他 为 GRE ultimate f

original basic fundamental 为 为

3.disinterested l l c

为 dis- | 仁 他 disinterested 为
f l 为 disinterested 为 uninterested
( l 为
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573 )

1 abhor v. : to dislike (someone or something) very much

vt. : to formally reject
2 abnegate
vt. : to give up formally
3 absorbing adj. 为: fully taking one's attention, engrossing
adj. 为: not eating and drinking too much
4 abstemious adj. 为: sparing in consumption of especially food and
vt. : relating to or involving general ideas or qualities
rather than specific people, objects, or actions
vt. “ : to draw away the attention of

5 abstract
adj. 为: of art, expressing ideas and emotions by using

elements such as colors and lines without attempting to create
a realistic picture
adj. 了为: ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or

6 absurd
 o 为: having no rational or orderly relationship to
human life
vi. : to agree to a request or a demand
7 accede
vi. : to enter a high office or position
vt. : to move faster, to gain speed
8 accelerate vt. : to cause (something) to happen sooner or
more quickly
9 accentuate vt. : to make (something) more noticeable

n. : an act of coming near or to, approach,

10 accession n. : the act of assenting or agreeing
n. : something that is added to a collection at a museum

n. 人 : the rise to a position of power

v. : to praise (someone or something) in a very strong
11 acclaim
and enthusiastic way

n. : something done, achieved, or accomplished

successfully, the successful completion of something, the act
12 accomplishment
of accomplishing something
n. : a special skill or ability gained by practice or training
n. 例 : the quality or state of being
13 accountability accountable, especially an obligation or willingness to accept
responsibility or to account for one's actions
vi. 偶 : to accept, agree, or allow something to
14 acquiesce
happen by staying silent or by not arguing
adj. 为agained by or as a result of effort or
15 acquired
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16 acrimonious adj. 伤为: angry and bitter

adj. u 为 为: very serious or dangerous, requiring
serious attention or action
adj. 为: having or showing an ability to think clearly and
17 acute
to understand what is not obvious or simple about something
adj. 为: having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short
adj. 一 为: formed or used for a special purpose
18 ad hoc adj. 为: made or done without planning because of an
immediate need
vt. : to mention or provide (something, such as a fact or
19 adduce
example) as evidence or proof to support an argument

vt. : to urge or advise earnestly
20 adjure vt. u : to command solemnly under or as if under oath or

penalty of a curse
21 admirable adj. 为:deserving the highest esteem

vt. : to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses
22 admonish disapproval or criticism
vt. : to tell or urge (someone) to do something
vt. : to make (someone or something) more attractive by
23 adorn
adding something beautiful
24 adroit adj. 为 为: very clever or skillful

adj. 为: helpful or favorable, giving an advantage to

25 advantageous
26 adversary n. : an enemy or opponent

27 adverse adj. l 为 为: bad or unfavorable, not good

28 aesthetic adj. 为 为: of or relating to art or beauty
29 affable adj. 为: friendly and easy to talk to
n. : a feeling of closeness and understanding that

someone has for another person because of their similar

qualities, ideas, or interests
30 affinity
n. : a liking for or an attraction to something
n. : a quality that makes people or things

suited to each other

adj. 为 乱 为: saying or showing that the answer is yes
31 affirmative rather than no

vt. : to make great or greater, increase, enlarge

32 aggrandize
vt. : to make appear great or greater, praise highly
adj. 为aready and willing to fight, argue, etc. , feeling or
showing aggression
33 aggressive adj. 为: using forceful methods to succeed or to do
adj. 为: growing, developing, or spreading rapidly
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vt. 临 : to give pain or trouble to, distress

34 aggrieve
vt. : to inflict injury on
adj. 为: pleasing to the mind or senses
adj. 为: ready or willing to agree, willing to do or allow
35 agreeable
adj. 为: being in harmony

aimless adj. 为: without aim or purpose

v. : to make (someone) unfriendly, to cause (someone) to
stop being friendly, helpful, etc. , towards you, to cause
37 alienate (someone) to feel withdrawn or diverted
v. : to convey or transfer (as property or a right)

usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law
v. : to reduce the pain or trouble of (something), to make

38 alleviate
(something) less painful, difficult, or severe
n. : power to attract, a quality that attracts people
39 allure

v. : to entice by charm or attraction
n. : feelings and behavior that show a desire
40 altruism
to help other people and a lack of selfishness
adj. 为 t 为: able to be understood in more
41 ambiguous than one way, having more than one possible meaning
adj. 东低为: not expressed or understood clearly

n. : a particular goal or aim, something that a person

42 ambition hopes to do or achieve
n. 例: a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous

adj. 乐 为: uncertain or unable to decide about what course

43 ambivalent
to follow
v. : to make (something, such as a problem) better, less
44 ameliorate
painful, etc.

adj. 为: showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid

45 amicable
disagreement and argument
adj. l 为 为: being without definite character or
nature, lacking organization or unity

46 amorphous
adj. 为 七为: having no definite or clear shape
or form
vt. - : to make (something, such as a musical
instrument) louder by increasing the strength of electric
47 amplify vt. : to increase the strength of (an electric signal)
vt. - f : to give more information about
(something, such as a statement), to speak or write about
(something) in a more complete way
n. : something (such as a word, an object, or
48 anachronism
an event) that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not
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belong in a story, movie, etc.

n. l 为 : a person or a thing that seems to
belong to the past and not to fit in the present
49 analgesic adj. 临为: medical, a drug that relieves pain
n. 低 : (biology) the study of the structure of living things
50 anatomy n. : the parts that form a living thing (such as an
animal or plant)
n. : a heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a
rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold the boat
or ship in place
51 anchor
n. : a reliable or principle support
n. : an anchorman or anchorwoman

vt. : to secure firmly
n. 候 : a short story about an interesting or funny event

52 anecdote
or occurrence
n. 佣: a critical and usually censorious remark often used
53 animadversion

with on
adj. 为: full of life
v. 伴 : to give vigor and zest, to move to
54 animate
v. : to give spirit and support to
55 animus n. : a strong feeling of dislike or hatred

v. : to add (an area or region) to a country, state, etc.

56 annex
v. : to take control of (a territory or place)
n. 为 : slight anger, the feeling of being
57 annoyance

58 anomalous adj. 为: not expected or usual
adj. 为 l 为: of unknown authorship or origin, not
59 anonymous
named or identified

vt. ;: to act in opposition to, counteract

60 antagonize vt. : to cause (someone) to feel hostile or angry, to
irritate or upset (someone)
n. : something that came before something else and may

61 antecedent have influenced or caused it

adj. 为: earlier in time
62 antediluvian adj. 为 为: very old or old-fashioned
adj. |为 为: of, relating to, or resulting from the
63 anthropogenic
influence of human beings on nature
vt. : to think of (something that will or might
happen in the future)
64 anticipate
vt. 久 : to expect or look ahead to (something) with
pleasure, to look forward to (something)
65 antithetical adj. 为: directly opposite or opposed
66 apathy n. 似: the feeling of not having much emotion or
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interest, an apathetic state

adj. 为: not political, not interested or involved in
67 apolitical
adj. 为: having qualities that people like, pleasing or
68 appealing
adj. 为 : marked by earnest entreaty,
v. : to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or
saying something desired
69 appease
v. 低: to make (a pain, a problem, etc.) less painful or
v. : (of police) to arrest (someone) for a crime, to catch (a

criminal or suspect)
70 apprehend v. 东低 : to notice and understand (something)

v. : to anticipate especially with anxiety, dread,
or fear

adj. 为 为 为: suitable or appropriate
71 apropos adv. : by way of interjection or further comment
prep. …付 仿 : with regard to something
adj. 为: likely to do something, having a tendency to
do something
72 apt
adj. 为: appropriate or suitable

adj. 为: quick to learn

adj. 万 为 n 为: not restrained or limited in the exercise
of power, ruling by absolute authority
73 arbitrary

adj. 为 为: not planned or chosen for a

particular reason, not based on reason or evidence
adj. 为 为: secret or mysterious, known
74 arcane
or understood by only a few people

adj. 为: old and no longer used, old and no longer useful

75 archaic
adj. 为: of or relating to ancient times
n. 为 : the original pattern, or model, from
76 archetype which all other things of the same kind are made, prototype

n. 东 为 : a perfect example of something

77 arduous adj. 为: very difficult
vt. : to cause (an emotional or mental state)
78 arouse
vt. : to wake (someone) from sleep
79 artless adj. 为 为: not false or artificial
80 ascribe v. : to refer to a supposed cause, source, or author
vt. : to state (something) in a strong and
definite way
81 assert
vt. ?: to demand that other people accept or respect
82 assuage vt. : to lessen the intensity of (something that pains
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or distresses)
vt. : to put an end to by satisfying
adj. 为 为: medical, causing body tissues (such
as skin) to tighten
83 astringent
adj. u 为 伤为: very critical in a sharp and often
clever way
adj. 为 为: having or showing an ability to
84 astute
notice and understand things clearly, mentally sharp or clever
85 attenuate vt. : to become thin, fine, or less
86 atypical adj. 为: not typical, not usual or normal
adj. 为 为: intrepidly daring, recklessly bold
adj. 也 为: contemptuous of law, religion or
87 audacious

adj. 为: marked by originality and verve

v. : to increase the size or amount of (something)
88 augment v. : to add something to (something) in order to improve

or complete it
adj. 为: simple or plain, not fancy
adj. u 为 为: of a person, having a serious and
89 austere
unfriendly quality
adj. 为 为: having few pleasures, simple and harsh
vt. : to prove that something is real, true, or genuine, to
90 authenticate
prove that something is authentic
n. : the power to give orders or make decisions, the
power or right to direct or control someone or something

91 authority n. : the confident quality of someone who knows a lot

about something or who is respected or obeyed by other
n. 万 : the power or right of a country, group, etc. , to

govern itself
92 autonomy
n. : self-directing freedom and especially moral
adj. 为: the season between summer and winter

93 autumnal adj. 为: the later part of someone's life or of something's

94 avarice n. : a strong desire to have or get money
adj. 为 为: having an active feeling of repugnance or
95 averse
distaste usually used with to
adj. 为 ”为: very eager, wanting something very
96 avid
adj. 为: not working correctly or happening in the
97 awry expected way
adj. 为 为: not straight or neat
98 backhanded adj. 为 为: not direct or sincere
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99 baffle v. : to confuse (someone) completely

adj. 为: fair and reasonable
adj. 为: being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium
100 balanced
adj. 为: calm and thinking clearly, even in a difficult
101 banal adj. 为: boring or ordinary, not interesting
adj. 为: characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance,
102 baroque complexity, or flamboyance
adj. 》 为: having many details or too many details
103 barring prep. … : other than (someone or something)
104 baseless adj. 为: having no basis in reason or fact
105 befuddle vt. : to muddle or stupefy with or as if with drink

vt. …| : to show (something) to be false or
106 belie wrong

vt. …为 : to give a false idea of (something)
vt. : to cause (someone) to be confused and often ,
107 bemuse

somewhat amused
adj. 为: producing good or helpful results or effects,
108 beneficial
producing benefits
vt. 们 : to give information about (a person, group,
country, etc. ) to an enemy
109 betray
vt. 倾 倾 : to show (something, such

as a feeling or desire) without wanting or trying to

110 bewilder v. … : to confuse (someone) very much
adj. 为: having a strong and often unpleasant flavor that is

the opposite of sweet

111 bitter adj. 临为: causing painful emotions, felt or experienced in
a strong and unpleasant way
adj. 为: angry and unhappy because of unfair treatment

112 blameless adj. 为 为: free from guilt or blame

113 blatant adj. 为: very obvious and offensive
n. : a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of
something (especially on a person's body)

114 blemish vt. : to make (something) imperfect or less

beautiful or to hurt or damage the good condition of
adj. 为: happy and without worry
115 blithe adj. l 为: showing a lack of proper thought or care or
not caring or worrying
vt. : to place something in front of (something,
such as a road) so that people or things cannot go into the area
116 block vt. : to stop (someone or something) from moving
through or going by
n. : an area of land surrounded by four streets in a city
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n. : a long bag of cloth completely filled with

soft material, a long pillow or cushion
117 bolster
vt. : to make (something) stronger or better,
to give support to (something)
adj. j为 为: more interested in reading books and
118 bookish
studying than doing more physical activities (such as sports)
adj. 为: resembling or befitting a boor (as in crude
119 boorish
120 braggart n. 为 : a person who brags a lot
n. : a sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc. ,
121 breakthrough an important discovery that happens after trying for a long
time to understand or explain something

adj. 为 为: very bright, flashing with light
adj. 为: very impressive or successful

122 brilliant
adj. ( 为: extremely intelligent, much more intelligent
than most people

n. : a system of government or business that has
123 bureaucracy
many complicated rules and ways of doing things
n. : a play, story, novel, etc. , that makes a
124 burlesque
serious subject seem funny or ridiculous
v. 俭 : to go around or avoid (a place or area)
125 bypass n. x 为 : a road that goes around a blocked

or very crowded area

adj. 为 为: very clever and careful to avoid being
trapped or tricked
126 cagey

adj. 为: not willing to say everything that you know

about something
adj. 为: not feeling or showing any concern about the
127 callous
problems or suffering of other people

adj. 五f 为 件为: not original or special

adj. 为: prepared or recorded at an earlier time for
128 canned
use in television, radio, etc.
adj. 为 为: preserved in a metal or glass container

adj. 》 为 为: changing often and quickly,

129 capricious
especially often changing suddenly in mood or behavior
vt. : to attract and hold the attention of (someone) by
130 captivate
being interesting, pretty, etc.
n. : something that causes great destruction,
131 cataclysm
violence, etc.
vi. , : to make a very loud and unpleasant sound
132 caterwaul
vi. : to protest or complain noisily
adj. 为 为: having or showing a tendency to
133 censorious
criticize someone or something severely, very critical
134 censure v. u 佣: official strong criticism
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v. : support or defend a person, a cause, or a principle

n. ? : someone who fights or speaks publicly in
135 champion support of a person, belief, cause, etc.
n. : someone or something (such as a team or an animal)
that has won a contest or competition especially in sports
136 changeable adj. 为acapable of change
n. 丧 athe act of characterizing
137 characterization especially the artistic representation (as in fiction or drama) of
human character or motives
n. : a special charm or appeal that causes people
138 charisma
to feel attracted and excited by someone (such as a politician)
adj. 为: having the belief that your country, race,

etc. , is better than any other
139 chauvinistic
adj. 为: having an attitude that the members of

your own sex are always better than those of the opposite sex
adj. 也为: being attentive to women like an
140 chivalrous

ideal knight
adj. 乱 为: always or often doing something specified
141 chronic adj. 为 为: happening or existing frequently or
most of the time
142 churlish adj. 也 为: not polite
adj. 为: not straight, short, and direct

143 circuitous adj. 二 为 为: not said or done simply or

vt. : restrict or confine

144 circumscribe vt. “ …为 : to limit the size or amount of

adj. 为: thinking carefully about possible risks
145 circumspect
before doing or saying something

v. 俭 : to avoid being stopped by (something, such as a

146 circumvent law or rule), to get around (something) in a clever and
sometimes dishonest way
147 civility n. 也 : polite, reasonable, and respectful behavior

n. : loud and persistent outcry from many

148 clamor
149 clandestine adj. 为: done in a private place or way, done secretly
n. : a phrase or expression that has been used so
150 cliché
often that it is no longer original or interesting
adj. 为: a small group of people who spend time
151 cliquish
together and who are not friendly to other people
adj. 争 为: moving or doing things in a very awkward way
152 clumsy
and tending to drop or break things
n. 井: a group of things or people that are close
153 cluster
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154 coalesce v. : to come together to form one group or mass

155 coddle v. : to treat (someone) with too much care or kindness
156 codify v. : define or present rules in a clear and ordered way
adj. 为 为: shared or done by a group of people,
157 collective
involving all members of a group
158 comity n. 也 , 也 : friendly social atmosphere, social harmony
n. : the time when something begins
n. q 也: a ceremony during which degrees or diplomas
159 commencement
are given to students who have graduated from a school or
adj. q为: connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or
160 commercial used in commerce or commercial enterprises

n. : a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television
adj. 为 为: completely ordinary and unremarkable

161 commonplace n. 为 : something that happens or appears in many
places and is not unusual

n. : a feeling of wanting to help someone who is sick,
162 compassion
hungry, in trouble, etc.
adj. 为 为: very interesting, able to capture
163 compelling
and hold your attention
v. : to provide something good as a balance against
164 compensate something bad or undesirable, to make up for some defect or

adj. 为: satisfied with how things are and not wanting to
165 complacent
change them

166 compliant adj. 为 为: disposed or willing to comply

n. : a remark that says something good about
167 compliment someone or something or an action that expresses admiration
or approval

n. : a whole formed by a union of two or more

elements or parts
168 compound vt. : put or add together
vt. : to make it worse by adding to it

v. 低: to make peace with someone

adj. 为: include everything that is needed or relevant
169 comprehensive
adj. 东低为: having or exhibiting wide mental grasp
v. : to reach an agreement with them in which you both
give up something that you originally wanted
170 compromise
v. : to do something which damages their reputation for
honesty, loyalty, or high moral principles
171 compulsory adj. 为: required by rule
172 compunction n. : a feeling of guilt or regret ( chiefly US )
v. : to hide (something or someone) from sight, to keep
173 conceal
(something) secret
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vt. 何 何 : to admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or

correct, or to admit that you have been defeated and stop
174 concede trying to win
vt. m : to give away (something) usually in an
unwilling way
vt. , : to make (someone) more friendly or less
175 conciliate angry
vt. 低: make compatible with
v. : to invent or develop (a plan, story, etc. )
176 concoct
especially in order to trick or deceive someone
adj. 为 为: happening at the same time as
177 concomitant
something else

adj. 为: relating to or involving specific people, things,
178 concrete
or actions rather than general ideas or qualities

v. : to say in a strong and definite way that someone or
179 condemn
something is bad or wrong

v. f二为 : to show that you believe
you are more intelligent or better than other people and to do
180 condescend
something that you usually do not do because you believe you
are too important to do it
adj. 为: making it easy, possible, or likely for something
181 conducive
to happen or exist
v. 何 何: to admit that you did something wrong or
182 confess
vt. : to prevent it from spreading beyond that place or
183 confine group

vt. : to prevent people from leaving or escaping

184 conflate v. : mix together different elements
185 conform v. 予 : to obey or agree with something

186 confound v. : to make (something) difficult to understand

187 confuse v. : to make (something) difficult to understand
adj. 为 :为: suitable to your needs or similar to
188 congenial
your nature

n. : an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient

189 conjecture evidence

v. : to make (something) appear or seem to

appear by using magic
190 conjure
vt. : to create or imagine (something)
vt. : to make you think of (something)
n. : a person who knows a lot about something (such
191 connoisseur
as art, wine, food, etc. ) , an expert in a particular subject
adj. 何 为: very careful about doing what you are supposed
192 conscientious
to do, concerned with doing something correctly
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n. f : a general agreement about something, an idea or

193 consensus
opinion that is shared by all the people in a group
n. : the outcome of an event especially as relative to an
194 consequence individual
n. : having important effects or influence
v. : to keep (something) safe from being damaged or
195 conserve
adj. f为 f 为: in agreement or consistent or
196 consistent
v. : strengthen something so that it becomes more
197 consolidate
effective or secure
v. : keep company with, hang out with
198 consort

v. f : go together
199 conspicuous adj. 为: very easy to see or notice

200 constrain v. : to limit or restrict (something or someone)
adj. 住 为: able to be passed from one person or animal

to another by touching
201 contagious
adj. 为: capable of being easily spread to others,
causing other people to feel or act a similar way
202 contemplate v.
 o 他 : to think deeply or carefully about something
adj. 为 为: happening or beginning in recent
203 contemporary
times, existing or happening in the same time period

adj. 为: likely to cause disagreement or argument

204 contentious
adj. 为: likely or willing to argue
adj. 付 为 为: depending on something else

that might or might not happen

205 contingent n. 。 “ : a group of people
who go to a place together, do something together, or share
some quality, interest, etc.

n. auninterrupted duration or continuation especially

206 continuity
without essential change
v. m…乐 : to say the opposite of (something that
207 contradict
someone else has said) : to deny the truth of (something)

208 contribution n. athe act of contributing

n. : argument that involves people who strongly
209 controversy
disagree with something
210 conundrum n. 低 使: a confusing or difficult problem
adj. 为 为: of or relating to social events
211 convivial where people can eat, drink, and talk in a friendly way with
adj. 为, 》 为: very complicated and difficult to
212 convoluted
213 cordiality n. : sincere affection and kindness
214 corroborate v. : to support or help prove by providing
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information or evidence
adj. p 为: having people from many different parts of the
adj. 为: showing an interest in different
215 cosmopolitan
cultures, ideas, etc.
adj. 为: having worldwide rather than limited or
provincial scope or bearing
v. : to put up with (something painful or difficult)
216 countenance v. : to have a favorable opinion of
n. : evenness of emotions or temper
adj. 为: made to look like an exact copy of something in
order to trick people
217 counterfeit

vt. : to make an exact copy of (something) in order
to trick people

n. ; : a force or influence that makes an
218 counterforce
opposing force ineffective or less effective

adj. 东为: different from what you would expect: not
219 counterintuitive
agreeing with what seems right or natural
v. : to cancel (an order) especially by giving a
220 countermand
new order
221 courteous adj. 也 为: very polite in a way that shows respect
adj. 为: made, shown, or done in a way that is not easily
222 covert seen or noticed, secret or hidden
n. ? : hiding place
adj. 为 为: afraid in a way that makes you unable to

223 cowardly
do what is right or expected, lacking courage
adj. 为 为: having or showing no understanding of
224 crass
what is proper or acceptable; rude and insensitive
n. : a document which shows that a person is qualified to

225 credential
do a particular job
226 credible adj. 为: possible to believe, deserving belief
227 croon v. , : to sing (a song) in a low soft voice

v. … : to be the end or final result of something

228 culminate v. 假 : to reach the highest or a climactic or decisive
adj. 东为: hard to handle or manage because of size or
229 cumbersome
adj. 为: getting what is wanted in a clever and often
deceptive way
230 cunning adj. 为: skillful with the hands
n. : cleverness or skill especially at tricking people
in order to get something
231 customary adj. 为: usually done in a particular situation or at a
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particular place or time

adv. : usual or typical of a particular person
n. p : a person who has negative opinions about
232 cynic
other people and about the things people do
v. : to make (something) somewhat or slightly wet
233 dampen
v. : to make something less strong or active
v. … : to make (something) dark or to become dark or
234 darken
darker in color
235 daunt v. … : to make someone afraid or less confident
v. : to greatly impress or surprise someone
236 dazzle
by being very attractive or exciting
n. l : the state or condition of not having enough of
237 dearth

238 debilitate v. : to reduce the strength of (someone or something)

v. 倾. . . 为 : to reveal the true nature of
239 debunk v. | : to show the falseness of (a story, idea,

statement, etc. )
adj. 为 为: having low morals and a great love of
240 decadent
pleasure, money, fame, etc.
v. 件 : to be slowly broken down by the natural processes
241 decay that destroy a dead plant or body
v. 俗 : to slowly lose strength, health, etc.

adj. 为 为: not honest

242 deceitful

243 decelerate v. … : to cause something to happen more slowly


adj. 为: intended to make someone believe something

244 deceptive
that is not true
245 decisive adj. 为: able to make choices quickly and confidently
246 decorative adj. 为: used to make something more attractive

247 dedicate v. : to commit to a goal or way of life

vt. |… ? : to speak or write in support of (someone
or something that is being challenged or criticized)
248 defend vt. ? : to fight in order to keep (someone or

something) safe, to not allow a person or thing to hurt,

damage, or destroy (someone or something)
v. : put off, delay
249 defer v. : to submit to another's wishes, opinion, or governance
usually through deference or respect
n. : a way of behaving that shows respect for
250 deference
someone or something
vt. : to lose air or gas from inside
vt. : to reduce in size, importance, or effectiveness
251 deflate
vt. …为 : to make (someone) lose confidence
or pride
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vt. ; l : to refuse to obey

vt. … : to resist or fight (something)
252 defy
vt. l 东低 低 : to make (something) very
difficult or impossible
v. 俗 : to change to a worse state or condition, to
become worse, weaker, less useful, etc.
adj. 俗为, 为: having low moral standards : not
253 degenerate
honest, proper, or good
n. 为 : a person whose behavior is not morally right or
socially acceptable
254 deject vt. : to make gloomy
v. : to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc. ) to

255 delegate
n. 东 : a person who is chosen or elected to vote or

act for others
adj. 为: damaging or harmful
256 deleterious

adj. 为: done or said in a way that is planned or intended,
done or said on purpose

257 deliberate
adj. 为 为: done or decided after careful
thought, slow and careful
v. : to think about or discuss something very

carefully in order to make a decision

258 delight n. : great pleasure or satisfaction
v. : to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy

or in detail
259 delineate
v. : to indicate or represent by drawn or
painted lines
v. : to cause someone to believe something that is not
260 delude

adj. 为: not easily satisfied or pleased
261 demanding
adj. 为, 为: requiring much time, attention, or effort
262 demon n. : an evil spirit

263 demonstrable adj. 为 付 为: able to be proven or shown

v. : to cause someone to lose hope, courage, or
264 demoralize confidence
v. : to weaken the morale of a person or group
v. : to disagree politely with another person's
statement or suggestion
265 demur
n. : hesitation usually based on doubt of acceptability of
something offered or proposed
v. : to publicly state that someone or something is bad or
266 denounce wrong
v. : to report (someone) to the police or other authorities
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for illegal or immoral acts

267 deplete v. : to reduce in amount by using up
v. : to hold an unfavorable opinion of
268 deprecate
v. : to express scornfully one's low opinion of
v. v: to make (someone) feel sad, to make (someone)
269 depress
adj. 为 为: something that comes from
270 derivative
something else
n. : a predetermined course of events often held to be an
271 destiny
irresistible power or agency
272 destructive adj. 为 causing destruction, designed to hurt, to destroy
v. “ : to separate (something) from something

273 detach larger
v. : to separate (yourself) from someone or something

v. : to cause someone to decide not to do
274 deter

275 deteriorate v. 俗: to become worse as time passes
276 detest v. : to dislike someone or something very strongly
vt. : to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness
277 detract
of something
vt. “ : to draw the attention or mind to something else
n. : the act of causing damage or injury to something or
278 detriment
279 devastate v. : to destroy much or most of something
adj. l 为 为: willing to lie and trick people in order

to get what is wanted

280 devious
adj. l 为 为: not straight or direct, having many
twists and turns
n. : an angry and usually long speech or piece of
281 diatribe

writing that strongly criticizes someone or something

282 dichotomy n. 、 : a division into two opposite groups
adj. 为: designed or intended to teach people
something used to describe someone or something that tries to

283 didactic
teach something (such as proper or moral behavior) in a way
that is annoying or unwanted
adj. l 为: hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of
284 diffident self-confidence
adj. 为: reserved, unassertive
adj. 为: being at once verbose and ill-organized
285 diffuse adj. l x为 -≦为: not concentrated in one area
v. ≦ : spread out over a large space
286 dilatory adj. 为: tending to be late, slow to do something
n. 为 伤 上 : a person whose interest in
287 dilettante
an art or in an area of knowledge is not very deep or serious
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adj. 为: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic

288 diligent
effort : painstaking
v. : to make (a liquid) thinner or less strong by adding
289 dilute water or another liquid
vt. : to lessen the strength of (something)
adj. 为: a word or suffix that indicates that something is
290 diminutive
291 disarray n. : a lack of order
v. 何 何: to deny that you know about or are
292 disavow
involved in something
v. , : to recognize or identify as separate and
293 discern

294 disciplinary adj. 为: intended to correct or punish bad behavior
295 discontinuity n.l x : lack of continuity or cohesion

vt. ) : an amount taken off a regular price
296 discount vt. 伦 : to think of (something) as having little

importance or value
vt. : to make (someone) less determined, hopeful, or
297 discourage
vt. : to make (something) less likely to happen
v. 中: to cause someone or something to seem dishonest
298 discredit or untrue
v. …为 : to damage the reputation of
adj. 为: having or showing discernment or good
299 discreet
judgment in conduct and especially in speech

adj. 为: available to be used when and how you

300 discretionary
adj. 为 r 为: talking or writing about many
301 discursive

different things in a way that is not highly organized

n. : a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone
302 disdain
or something you think does not deserve respect
v. : to empty whatever is in the stomach through the

303 disgorge mouth

v. : to let out or release
vt. : to hide something so that it will not be
304 disguise
seen or noticed
vt. 】 : to cause a person or group of people to lose
305 dishearten
hope, enthusiasm, or courage
n. : false information that is given to people in order to
306 disinformation
make them believe something or to hide the truth
307 disingenuous adj. 为: not truly honest or sincere
adj. 为: not influenced by personal feelings, opinions, or
308 disinterested
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adj. 为 为: having no desire to know about a

particular thing
n. “ : a lack of connection between things that are related
309 disjunction
or should be connected
v. 低: to destroy or interrupt the orderly structure or
310 disorganize
function of
v. 何: to say or decide that you will no longer be connected
311 disown with, associated with, or responsible for someone or
312 disparate adj. l 为: different from each other
v. : to describe someone or something as
313 disparage
unimportant, weak, bad, etc.

adj. 为 l 为: not influenced or affected by
314 dispassionate

v. ≦ ≦: to go or move in different directions
315 disperse

vt. 从 : to remove from the usual or proper place
316 displace vt. 们 : to force (people or animals) to leave the area
where they live
317 disprove v.
 o : to show that something is false or wrong
318 dispute n. : to argue about something
319 disquisition n. n : a long speech or written report on a subject

vt. l l : to ignore (something) or treat

320 disregard
(something) as unimportant
321 dissemble v. : to hide your true feelings, opinions, etc.

v. l : to have a different opinion

n. : to publicly disagree with an official opinion,
322 dissent
decision, or set of beliefs
n. l lf : a lack of agreement or harmony

323 dissimilar adj. l 为: not the same

adj. m l 为 一 为: clearly marking a person or a
324 distinctive thing as different from others
adj. 一 为: having or giving a special look or way

vt. 低: to change (something) so that it is no longer

true or accurate
325 distort vt. 】 : to change the natural, normal, or original
shape, appearance, or sound of (something) in a way that is
usually not attractive or pleasing
v. : to trouble the mind of, to make uneasy
n. 临 临: unhappiness or pain, suffering that affects the
326 distress mind or body
n. : a very difficult situation in which you do not
have enough money, food, etc.
327 diverse adj. l 为: different from each other
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adj. 为: made up of people or things that are

different from each other
n. : the art or practice of using signs and omens or
328 divination
magic powers to foretell the future
adj. “ 为: causing a lot of disagreement between people
329 divisive
and causing them to separate into different groups
v. 倾: to make ( information) known, to give
330 divulge
(information) to someone
n. : an official paper that gives information about
something or that is used as proof of something
vt. : to create a record of (something) through writing,
331 document
film, photography, etc.

vt. : to prove (something) by using usually
written evidence

adj. | 为 为: expressing personal opinions or
332 dogmatic beliefs as if they are certainly correct cannot be doubted,

adj. 为: of or relating to dogma
adj. 为 为: commanding, controlling, or
333 dominant
prevailing over all others

334 dour
adj.u 为: looking or being serious and unfriendly
adj. 俯为: silent and gloomy
v. : to throw a liquid on,
335 douse
v. : to put out
adj. 为 为: inclined to live in peace and to
336 dovish
avoid war

v. l : to make (something) seem smaller or less

337 downplay
338 draconian adj. u 为: very severe
339 dramatic adj. 为 之 为: striking in appearance or effect

340 drawback n. : something that causes problems

341 droll adj. 了为: having an odd and amusing quality
adj. 中为 中为: giving rise to uncertainty,
questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality

342 dubious
adj. … 中 为: not feeling sure about the truth,
wisdom, or trustworthiness of someone or something
n. 》 : something that is exactly the same as something
343 duplicate else
vt. 》 : made as an exact copy of something else
344 duplicitous adj. 为 为: deceptive in words or action
345 dwindle v. : to make or become less or smaller
346 easygoing adj. 为 为: relaxed and informal
347 ebb n. 俗: a condition of weakness, failure, etc.
348 ebullient adj. 为, 为: lively and enthusiastic
349 eccentric adj. 为 为: tending to act in strange or unusual
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ways, not following a perfectly circular path

n. k 俗: a change to a lower state or level
350 eclipse vt. j : to be greater, better, or stronger
v. : to teach (someone) in a way that improves the mind
351 edify
or character
adj. 为: having the power to produce a desired result or
352 efficacious
adj. 二为: aiming for equal wealth, status, etc. , for all
353 egalitarian
n. |x : the feeling or belief that you are better, more
354 egotism
important, more talented, etc., than other people

355 egregious adj. 为 为: very bad and easily noticed
adj. 为 》 为: made or done with great care or with

much detail, having many parts that are carefully arranged or
356 elaborate planned

vt. : to give more details about something : to
discuss something more fully
357 elicit v. : to get (a response, information, etc. ) from someone

358 elucidate
 o : to make (something that is hard to understand) clear
or easy to understand
v. 俭: to avoid adroitly

359 elude v. … : to fail to be understood or remembered by

adj. 为: hard to understand, define, or remember
360 elusive

adj. 俭为 为: hard to find or capture

n. : a government order that limits trade in some
361 embargo
v. : to decorate (something) by adding special

362 embellish details and features, to make (something) more appealing or

363 embolden v. : to make (someone) more confident
364 emend v. : to correct errors in (something written)

adj. 为 为: newly formed or prominent

365 emergent
adj. 为: calling for prompt action, urgent
adj. 为: causing strong emotions for or
366 emotive
against something
367 emphasize v. a to place emphasis on
adj. 为: based on testing or experience
368 empirical
v. : to give power to (someone), to give official
369 empower
authority or legal power to (someone)
370 emulate v. : to try to be like (someone or something you admire)
371 enchanting adj. 为: very attractive, charming
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n. : glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise, , an

372 encomium
expression of this
v. : to impede or hamper the function or activity of
373 encumber
v. 例 : to place a weight or burden on
adj. 丹 为 为 为 为: covering
374 encyclopedic
everything or all important points
v. : to publicly or officially say that you
375 endorse
support or approve of (someone or something)
vi. : to continue to exist in the same state or condition, to
376 endure experience (pain or suffering) for a long time
vi. : to deal with or accept (something unpleasant)
377 engaging adj. 为: attractive or interesting

v. : to cause to exist or to develop
378 engender
v. : to come into existence

379 enigma n. 东低为 : something hard to understand or explain
v. : to make (something) more interesting, lively, or
380 enliven

381 enormous adj. 为: very great in size or amount
382 entail v. : to have (something) as a part, step, or result
 o : to attract (someone) especially by offering or
383 entice
showing something that is appealing, interesting, etc.
384 enviable adj. 仑 为: causing envy, very desirable

385 ephemeral adj. 为: lasting a very short time

adj. 为: just or fair: dealing fairly and equally with
386 equitable

vi. , t 为 : to use unclear language

387 equivocate
especially to deceive or mislead someone
v. : to gradually destroy (something) or to be gradually
388 erode
destroyed by natural forces (such as water, wind, or ice)

adj. l 为: acting, moving, or changing in ways that are

not expected or usual, not consistent or regular
389 erratic
adj. 为: different from the ordinary in a way that causes
curiosity or suspicion

adj. 为: having or showing knowledge that is learned by

390 erudite
adj. 为: difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or
intelligence to understand
391 esoteric
adj. 为: not known or meant to be known by the
general populace
v. : to take up and support as a cause
392 espouse
v. : to give in marriage
393 essential adj. 为 为: extremely important and necessary
394 esteem v. ≧ : respect and affection
395 estrange v. : to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference
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in where there had formerly been love, affection, or

adj. 为: of or relating to the regions beyond the earth
396 ethereal adj. 为: not composed of matter
adj. 为: marked by unusual delicacy or refinement
n. : the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral
397 ethos
nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution
n. : the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive
398 euphemism expression for one that may offend or suggest something
399 evanescent adj. 信为: tending to vanish like vapor
adj. 为 俭为 俭为: hard to find, capture, or isolate,
400 evasive

401 evenhanded adj. 为: not favoring one side or group over another

v. : to change or develop slowly often into a better, more
402 evolve complex, or more advanced state, to develop by a process of

v. … : to make (a bad situation, a problem, etc. )
403 exacerbate
adj. u 为 为: very difficult or demanding
404 exacting adj. 为: requiring much time, effort, or careful

v. : to think of or describe something as larger or greater

405 exaggerate than it really is, to make (something) larger or greater than

406 exasperate v. : to excite the anger of

407 excoriate v. 临 : to criticize (someone or something) very harshly
vt. : to prove that someone is not
408 exculpate guilty of doing something wrong

adj. 为: extremely good and deserving to be admired and

409 exemplary copied
adj. 为 为: serving as a warning

410 exhaustive adj. 为 为: including all possibilities, very thorough

411 exhilarate v. : to cause (someone) to feel very happy and excited
412 exiguous adj. 为 为: excessively scanty
adj. 为 付 为: very different,
strange, or unusual, (of a plant or animal) not living or
413 exotic
growing naturally in a particular area, from another part of
the world
n. - 仪: the act of becoming bigger or of making
something bigger, the act of expanding
414 expansion
n. : a more complete and detailed written work or
set of comments based on something shorter
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v. : banish, exile, to withdraw (oneself) from residence in

415 expatriate
or allegiance to one's native country
416 expedite v. : to cause (something) to happen faster
adj. 付 为: acting or done in a quick and efficient
417 expeditious
vt. : to officially force (someone) to leave a place
418 expel or organization
vt. : to push or force (something) out
adj. 为b 为: of, relating to, or based on
419 experimental
experience or experiment
vt. 供 交 : to do something as a way to show that you are
420 expiate
sorry about doing something bad

421 explicable adj. 低 为: possible to explain
adj. 为 为: fully revealed or expressed without

422 explicit
vagueness, implication, or ambiguity
n. : a public show or exhibition
423 exposition

n. : the act of explaining something: clear explanation
v. - …为休 - …为 : to continue in a specified
direction or over a specified distance, space, or time
424 extend
 o : to become longer or to be able to become
adj. 为: located, seen, or used on the outside or surface of
425 external
something, coming from outside
vt. : to cause (something) to stop burning
426 extinguish
vt. : to cause the end or death of (something)

427 extirpate v. : to destroy or remove (something) completely

adj. 为 为: not forming an essential or vital part
428 extraneous
adj. 为: not having anything to do with the matter at hand
429 facet n. : a part or element of something

adj. 为: too simple, not showing enough thought or effort

adj. 为: done or achieved in a way that is too easy
430 facile
adj. 为: working, moving, or performing well and very

v. : to make (something) easier, to help cause

431 facilitate
adj. 为: tending to deceive or mislead
432 fallacious
adj. l 东为: containing or based on a fallacy
433 falsehood n. : an untrue statement
n. : something that is produced by the imagination, an
idea about doing something that is far removed from normal
434 fantasy
v. : the act of imagining something
435 far-fetched adj. 为 l 为: not likely to happen or be true
436 far-reaching adj. 为: affecting many people or things, having a
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wide range or influence

adj. 为 为 为: very careful about how you
437 fastidious
do something, hard to please
v. : to measure the depth of (as a body of water)
438 fathom typically with a weighted line
v. 低: to penetrate and come to understand
439 faultless adj. :having no fault : irreproachable
adj. l例 为: having or resulting from a weak character
440 feckless or nature, irresponsible
adj. 为: worthless, not producing the desired result
adj. 为 为: producing or able to produce many
441 fecund
babies, young animals, or plants

442 feeble adj. 为: very weak
443 feign v. : to pretend to feel or be affected by (something)

adj. 为: very well suited for some purpose or situation
444 felicitous
adj. 为 为: pleasant, delightful

445 ferret v. 优: to search about
adj. 为: producing many plants or crops, able to support
the growth of many plants
446 fertile
adj. y 为: producing a large amount of something
adj. 为: producing many ideas
adj. 为: felt very strongly, having or showing very strong
447 fervent
448 fickle adj. 为: changing often
adj. 为: used with a meaning that is different from the

449 figurative basic meaning and that expresses an idea in an interesting way
by using language that usually describes something else
450 finite adj. 为: having definite or definable limits
451 flagrant adj. 为: openly outrageous

adj. 仔之为, 为: having a very noticeable quality that

452 flamboyant
attracts a lot of attention
n. : a small fault or weakness

453 flaw v. : an imperfection or weakness and especially one that

detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness
454 fleeting adj. 为: lasting only for a short time
455 flighty adj. 为: not serious or dependable
n. 且 也: unbecoming levity or pertness especially in
456 flippancy
respect to grave or sacred matters
v. : to break or ignore (a law, rule, etc.) without hiding
457 flout
what you are doing or showing fear or shame
458 fluctuate v. : to change level, strength, or value frequently
adj. 为: able to speak a language easily and very
459 fluent
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adj. l 为: done in a smooth and easy way

v. : to choose not to do (something that you could do), to
460 forbear
avoid doing or saying (something)
adj. 为: not friendly or appealing, having a
461 forbidding
frightening or threatening
462 foretell v. : to describe something before it happens
463 forgo v. : to give up the use or enjoyment of
adj. 为: very difficult to deal with
464 formidable
adj. ≧ 为: causing fear, dread, or apprehension
adj. 为: consisting of, or made or
465 formulaic
expressed according to, a formula or formulas

466 fortuitous adj. 为: happening by chance
adj. 侮为 互 为: causing trouble, hard to manage or

467 fractious
adj. 为, 仰 为: easily broken or damaged : very
468 fragile
delicate, not strong

adj. 且为: used to say that someone is speaking or writing
469 frank
in a very direct and honest way
adj. 为: done to trick someone for the purpose of
470 fraudulent
getting something valuable
471 fruitful adj. 为: producing a good result, very productive
vt. : to prevent (efforts, plans, etc. ) from succeeding
472 frustrate vt. v: to cause (someone) to feel angry, discouraged, or
upset because of not being able to do something
473 fulminate v. 佣: to complain loudly or angrily

adj. 为 为: being of such a nature that one part or

474 fungible quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in
the satisfaction of an obligation

adj. 为: done in a quiet and secret way to avoid

475 furtive
being noticed
adj. 为: having no result or effect
476 futile
adj. lu 为: lacking in seriousness or maturity

vt. 侮 : to make (someone) feel annoyed or angry

477 gall n. 为 : a deep-seated ill will
n. : extreme boldness or rudeness
v. 严 : to cause (a force that is capable of
causing change) to become active
478 galvanize v. : to cause (people) to become so excited or concerned
about an issue, idea, etc. , that they want to do something
about it
479 generic adj. 为: of or relating to a whole group or class
n. ( : great natural ability, remarkable talent or
480 genius
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481 germane adj. 为 为: being at once relevant and appropriate

482 glean v. : to gather or collect in a gradual way
v. : to show in an improper or selfish way that you
483 gloat
are happy with your own success or another person's failure
adj. 为: somewhat dark, not bright or sunny
484 gloomy adj. 为: causing feelings of sadness, not hopeful or
promising, sad or depressed
n. 仔: public praise, honor, and fame
485 glory n. : something that brings praise or fame to someone
or something, something that is a source of great pride
v. : to behave or speak in a way that is intended to
486 grandstand
impress people and to get public approval

487 gratify v. : to make (someone) happy or satisfied
488 groundless adj. 为: not based on facts

n. : a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill
489 grudge

490 guarantee n. : an assurance for the fulfillment of a condition
n. : the use of clever and usually dishonest methods to
491 guile
achieve something
adj. 为: capable of being lived in : suitable for
492 habitable
493 half-formulated adj. 为 l 为: not definite or final

v. to restrict the movement of by bonds or

494 hamper
obstacles: impede
v. | : to damage or ruin the force or effectiveness of
495 hamstring

(something or someone)
adj. 为, 体 为: having no plan, order, or
496 haphazard
497 harbinger n. : one that presages or foreshadows what is to come

498 harrow v. : o cause persistent suffering to

adj. 为 l 为: having a coarse uneven surface that
is rough or unpleasant to the touch
499 harsh
adj. u 为: unduly exacting

500 hazardous adj. 为: involving risk or danger

501 heartfelt adj. 似 为: very sincere
v. 俭: something that provides protection or
502 hedge
503 heed v. : to pay attention to
504 hefty adj. : big and strong
505 heighten v. : to increase the amount, degree, or extent of
506 heroic adj. 为: having or showing great courage
507 heterogeneous adj. 为: made up of parts that are different
508 hierarchy n. 二产 : a system in which people or things are placed in
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a series of levels with different importance or status

v. : to make or try to make people notice or be aware of
(someone or something) : to direct attention to (someone or
509 highlight something)
v. l : to mark (any brightly illuminated or
prominent part of a form or figure) with light tone
v. : to make (something, such as a task or action) slow or
510 hinder
n. 为 伴: behavior that is too emotional
511 histrionics
or dramatic, histrionic behavior
v. … , … : to attach, fasten, or connect
512 hitch
(something) with a hook, knot, etc.

513 hodgepodge n. : a mixture of different things
514 honorific adj. ≧为: giving or expressing honor or respect

515 horrific adj. 为 为: causing horror or shock
adj. 为 为: not friendly, having or showing
516 hostile

unfriendly feelings
n. : the quality or state of not thinking you are better than
517 humility
other people: the quality or state of being humble

518 hypercritical
adj. 为: criticizing other people or things too
strongly or too often
n. : a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are
519 hysteria
so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way
n. 习 : a person who criticizes or opposes
520 iconoclast
beliefs and practices that are widely accepted

n. 东 : the attitude of a person who believes that it is

521 idealism possible to live according to very high standards of behavior
and honesty
522 ignorant adj. 为: lacking knowledge or information

v. : to make (something) clear and easier to understand

523 illuminate
v. : to enlighten spiritually or intellectually
vt. : to give examples in order to make (something)
524 illustrate easier to understand

vt. : to be proof or evidence of (something)

adj. 为: notably or brilliantly outstanding because of
525 illustrious
dignity or achievements or actions
v. …n : to make (oneself) fully involved in some
526 immerse
activity or interest
vt. : to copy (someone's or something's behavior, sound,
527 imitate
appearance, etc. )
528 immutable adj. 为 l 为: unable to be changed
v. : to diminish in function, ability, or quality : to
529 impair
weaken or make worse
530 impartial adj. 为: treating all people and groups equally
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531 impeccable adj. 为: free from fault or error

532 impede v. : to interfere with or slow the progress of
533 impenetrable adj. l 东低为: impossible to understand
n. 仿 : a command, rule, duty, etc. , that is
very important or necessary
534 imperative
adj. 为 n 为: forcing one's compliance or
participation by or as if by law
adj. 为: not pertinent
adj. 也为 为: rude and showing a lack of respect
535 impertinent
adj. l 也 为 l| 为: showing a lack of
manners or consideration for others
adj. 为 l 为: acting or done quickly and
536 impetuous

without thought, controlled by emotion rather than thought
adj. ,为: sticking to an opinion, purpose, or course of

537 implacable action in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion
adj. 为: impossible to please, satisfy, or change

adj. 为: not able to produce fruit or offspring
538 impotent
adj. 为 为: lacking power or strength
539 impracticable adj. l 伴为: difficult or impossible to do or use
adj. ≧ 为 为: having the power to
540 impressive
impress the mind or feelings especially in a positive way
v. : to assail by words or arguments, oppose or attack as
541 impugn
false or lacking integrity
542 impulse n. : a sudden strong desire to do something
543 inadvertent adj. 为: not intended or planned

544 inattentive adj. 为 l 为: not attentive, not paying attention

n. : a person who excites factions, quarrels, or
545 incendiary sedition, agitator
adj. 为 为: tending to excite or inflame

n. : something that encourages a person to do something

546 incentive
or to work harder
n. 也: a rude or impolite attitude or behavior, lack of
547 incivility

548 inclusive adj. 为: covering or including everything

549 incommensurate adj. l 为: not commensurate
adj. l 为 l 为: not able to exist together without
550 incompatible
trouble or conflict, not going together well
551 inconclusive adj. 为 l “为: not conclusive
552 incongruous adj.lf 为 not harmonious or inconsistent within itself
553 inconsequential adj. l 为: not important
adj. lf 为: having parts that disagree with each other
554 inconsistent
adj. 》 为: not always acting or behaving in the same
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555 incontrovertible adj. l 从中为: not able to be doubted or questioned

n. : a usually small amount or degree by which
556 increment
something is made larger or greater
n. : a sudden invasion or attack, an act of entering a place
557 incursion
or area that is controlled by an enemy
adj. l 为: not able to be stated or described in an exact
558 indeterminate
adj. 为: impartial
adj. 为: neither good nor bad
559 indifferent
adj. l 为: not interested in or concerned about
adj. 为: not going straight to the point or not
560 indirect

straightforward and open
561 indiscriminate adj. 付|为: not marked by careful distinction

562 indispensable adj. l 为: extremely important and necessary
adj. 为: impossible to question or doubt, not
563 indisputable

n. 伴 w : a person who does things
564 individualist
without being concerned about what other people will think
565 indolent
adj. 为: not liking to work or be active
vt. : to cause (something) to happen or exist
566 induce vt. : to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or

course of action by using arguments or earnest requests

567 inertial adj. l 为 为: not active
568 inessential adj. 为: not essential

569 inevitable adj. 为: sure to happen

570 inexplicable adj. 低 为: not able to be explained or understood
adj. 为: capable of being passed to someone else by
571 infectious germs that enter the body

adj. 为: easily spread to others

vt. : to form (an opinion) from evidence, to reach (a
572 infer conclusion) based on known facts
vt. : to hint or suggest (something)

573 inflammatory adj. 为: making people react very angrily

adj. 为 为: very smart or clever ,having or showing
574 ingenious
adj. 为 为: showing innocent or childlike simplicity
575 ingenuous
and candidness
adj. 为: capable of winning favor
576 ingratiating
adj. 为: intended to gain someone's favor or approval
vt. : to keep (someone) from doing what he or she
wants to do
577 inhibit
vt. : to prevent or slow down the activity or
occurrence of (something)
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n. 为 会 : a person who is undergoing or

has undergone an initiation
v. : to start, to cause the beginning of
578 initiate
v. 低 : to teach (someone) the basic facts or
ideas about something
adj. 为 为: existing from the time a person or
579 innate animal is born, existing as a part of the basic nature of
adj. 为: causing no injury
580 innocuous
adj. l 为: not likely to bother or offend anyone
v. : to do something in a new way, to have new ideas
581 innovate

about how something can be done
adj. l 为 习 为: lacking tact

582 insensitive
adj. l 为 为: lacking feeling, not sensitive
adj. 低为 为: having or showing a very
583 insightful

clear understanding of something, having or showing insight
adj. l 为 为: small or unimportant, not
584 insignificant

585 insincere
adj. 为: not expressing or showing true feelings, not
adj. l 为: a relaxed and calm state, a feeling of not
586 insouciant
worrying about anything
587 instability n. l : the state of being likely to change
adj. 为: relating to or based on instinct, based on feelings
588 instinctive

or desires that do not come from thinking or learning

adj. 为: very bad or unpleasant , too unpleasant to
589 insufferable
deal with or accept
adj. l “为: not having or providing enough of what is
590 insufficient

needed, not sufficient

adj. mp 为 为: separated from other people or
591 insular
cultures: not knowing or interested in new or different ideas
vt. : to do or say something that is offensive to

592 insult (someone), to do or say something that shows a lack of respect

for (someone)
adj. l 为: impossible to solve or get control of,
593 insurmountable
impossible to overcome
adj. 为 住 l 为: not made of physical substance,
594 intangible
not able to be touched, not tangible
n. : the quality of being honest and fair
595 integrity
n. : the state of being a united whole
adj. 东低为: able to be understood, especially clear
596 intelligible
enough to be heard, read, etc.
597 intense adj. 为 为: very great or strong in degree
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adj. ”为: done with or showing great energy, enthusiasm,

or effort
adj. “何 为: (of a person) very serious
v. : to act together, to come together and have an
598 interact
effect on each other
n. : to put each of two or more things in the place
599 interchange
of the other
600 interdependent adj. 依为: mutually dependent
601 intermediary n. x : acting as a mediator
v. : to make or show a relationship between (things
602 interrelate
or people)
n. 为r 做 : something (such as an

603 intoxicant alcoholic drink) that causes people to become excited or
confused and less able to control what they say or do

604 intractable adj. 为: not easily managed, controlled, or solved
605 intransigent adj. 为: completely unwilling to change

606 intriguing adj. 为: extremely interesting
adj. 为: belonging to the essential nature of a thing,
607 intrinsic
occurring as a natural part of something
 o : a natural ability or power that makes it possible to
know something without any proof or evidence, a feeling that
608 intuition
guides a person to act a certain way without fully

understanding why
v. l 为 : cause to habituate
609 inure
something unpleasant

610 invaluable adj. 为: extremely valuable or useful

611 inverse adj. 为: opposite in nature or effect
612 inveterate adj. 伟 为: always or often happening or existing
adj. 为 为: unpleasant and likely to cause

bad feelings in other people

613 invidious
adj. l 为: containing or implying a slight or showing
614 invigorate v. : to give life and energy to (someone)

615 invisible adj. 为: impossible to see

616 irascible adj. 为: becoming angry easily
adj. l东 为: not based on reason, good judgment, or clear
617 irrational
adj. l 为 l 为: not important or relating to what is
618 irrelevant
being discussed right now
619 irreplaceable adj. l 为: not replaceable
adj. 为: impossible to resist especially because
620 irresistible
of strength or attractiveness
adj. l 为: impossible to change back to a previous
621 irreversible
condition or state
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622 irritate v. : to make (someone) impatient, angry, or annoyed

v. : to put or keep (someone or something) in a place or
623 isolate
situation that is separate from others
adj. 丰 为: fatigued by overwork, exhausted
adj. 为: feeling or showing a lack of interest and
624 jaded
excitement caused by having done or experienced too much of
adj. 为: to make a harsh or discordant sound
625 jarring adj. 值 为 l 为: causing a strong emotional reaction
because of unexpectedness
adj. 为: not interesting
626 jejune adj. 为: having or showing the annoying qualities (as

silliness) associated with children
vt. : to get rid of (something), to reject

627 jettison
(something, such as a plan or idea)
628 judicious adj. 为: having or showing good judgment

vt. … 东: to provide or be a good reason for
629 justify (something) ,to prove or show (something) to be just, right, or
adj. 为: having or showing an ability to think clearly and
to understand what is not obvious or simple about something
630 keen
adj. 为: very strong and sensitive, highly developed

adj. 为: very excited about and interested in something

631 knotty adj. 》 为 低 为: difficult or complicated
632 laconic adj. 为: using few words in speech or writing

vt. u : to criticize (someone or something) very

633 lambaste
n. : an expression of their sadness
634 lament
v. 临 : to express sorrow or regret

635 laudatory adj. 为: expressing or containing praise

adj. 为: having a very rich and expensive quality
636 lavish adj. 为 为: giving or using a large amount of

adj. 为: allowed according to rules or laws

637 legitimate
adj. 东为: fair or reasonable
adj. ) : a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing
638 lethargy
things, a lethargic feeling or state
adj. 为 为: not bound by authoritarianism,
639 liberal orthodoxy, or tradition
adj. 为 为: marked by generosity
n. : a connection or relationship between two or more
640 linkage
641 lionize vt. … : to treat (someone) as a celebrity
642 loath adj. l l : not wanting or willing to do something
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643 long-winded adj. 为: tediously long in speaking or writing

adj. 为: liking to talk and talking smoothly and
644 loquacious
adj. 为: having full use of one's mind and control
645 lucid over one's actions
adj. 为: very clear and easy to understand
646 lucrative adj. 为: producing money or wealth
n. : a brief time when an action or activity
647 lull
v. : to cause (someone) to feel safe and relaxed instead
of careful and alert
648 luminary n. : a very famous or successful person

649 luxuriant adj. 为: having an appealingly rich quality
adj. n 为 为: having the confident quality of

650 magisterial
someone who expects to be obeyed by other people
adj. 为: having or showing a generous and kind
651 magnanimous

vt. : to make (something) seem greater or more important
652 magnify than it is
vt. : to make (something) greater
653 magnitude n. : the size, extent, or importance of something
654 majesty n. u : a great and impressively beautiful quality

n. : a disease or illness, an unwholesome or

655 malady
disordered condition
n. : illegal or dishonest activity especially by
656 malfeasance

a public official or a corporation

adj. 为: causing or intended to cause harm
v. : to say bad things about (someone or something)
657 malign
publicly, to criticize (someone or something) harshly or

adj. 为: capable of being extended or shaped by beating
658 malleable
with a hammer or by the pressure of rollers
659 manageable adj. 为: capable of being managed

v. : to make evident or certain by showing or

660 manifest
adj. 为 l 付 为: able to be seen : clearly shown or
vt. : to use or change (numbers, information, etc. )
661 manipulate
in a skillful way or for a particular purpose
adj. 促 为: not included in the main part of society or of a
662 marginal group
adj. l 为: not very important
663 materialism n. : the belief that only material things exist
664 mawkish adj. 为: sad or romantic in a foolish or exaggerated
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adj. l 为: not having enough of something for comfort or
665 meager
v. 互 : to become involved in the activities and concerns
666 meddle
of other people when your involvement is not wanted
adj. 为 为: of moderate or low quality, value,
667 mediocre
ability, or performance
668 mendacious adj. 为 为: likely to tell lies
adj. 为 为: greedy for money
669 mercenary n. : a soldier who will fight for any group or country
that hires him
670 mercurial adj. 为: changing moods quickly and often

n. : a word or phrase for one thing that is used to refer to
671 metaphor
another thing in order to show or suggest that they are similar

adj. l 为 为: working in a very careful and
672 methodical
organized way

adj. fsl 为: very careful about doing something in an
673 meticulous
excessively accurate and exact way
adj. 为: being such in appearance only and made with or
674 mimic
manufactured from usually cheaper material
vt. : to imitate very closely
675 ministration n. : the act or process of ministering

676 minuscule adj. 为: very small

677 misconception n. 低: to misunderstand the meaning of
678 misconstrue v. 低 低: to misunderstand the meaning of

adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a miser

679 miserly
especially : marked by grasping meanness and penuriousness
v. 为 为 : to deal with or manage
680 mishandle
(something) badly or incorrectly

681 misinterpret v. 低: to understand or explain (something) incorrectly

v. : to describe (someone or something) in a false
682 misrepresent way especially in order to deceive someone, to give someone a
false idea about (something or someone)

v. 低: to fail to understand (someone or something)

683 misunderstand
684 misuse n. : to use (something) incorrectly
v. k : to make (something) less severe, harmful,
685 mitigate
or painful
n. 了: behavior or speech that makes fun of someone or
something in a hurtful way, mocking behavior or speech
686 mockery
n. 了为 : a false, derisive, or impudent
687 modicum n. : a small amount
688 modify v. : to change some parts of (something) while not
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changing other parts

v. : to make (someone) less angry, to calm
689 mollify
(someone) down
690 momentary adj. 乏 为 为: lasting a very short time
adj. 为: very important, having great or lasting
691 momentous
adj. f 为: of, relating to, or resembling a monolith, huge,
692 monolithic massive
adj. 付 为: very large and plain with no character
adj. 为: used to describe something that is boring
693 monotonous
because it is always the same
adj. 伤为 为: expressing harsh criticism
694 mordant

especially in a way that is funny
adj. 为: very sick, close to death

695 moribund
adj. 为 l 为: no longer active or effective
696 motivate vt. 伴 : to provide with a motive

697 multifarious adj. 为: of many and various kinds
adj. p 为: relating to ordinary life on earth rather than to
698 mundane spiritual things
adj. 为: dull and ordinary
adj. 为: concerning each of two or more persons or
699 mutual
things, especially given or done in return

700 naiveté n. : the quality or state of being naïve

vt. 何: to oppose, deny, or take a pessimistic or
701 naysay
negative view of

702 negligible adj. l 为: very small or unimportant

n. : a person who has just started learning or doing
703 neophyte
n. : the unfair practice by a powerful person of
704 nepotism

giving jobs and other favors to relatives

vt. x : to cause (a chemical) to be neither an acid nor a base
vt. : to stop (someone or something) from being
705 neutralize effective or harmful

vt. x : to make (something, such as a country or area)

neutral during a war
adj. l 为: very small in amount
706 nominal adj. j为: existing as something in name only, not actual
or real
adj. 一 为 为: not easily described, having
707 nondescript no special or interesting qualities, parts, etc. , typical and
n. : the state of being homesick, homesickness
708 nostalgia n. : pleasure and sadness that is caused by
remembering something from the past and wishing that you
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could experience it again

adj. 为: new and different from what has been known
709 novel
n. 五 : a long written story usually about imaginary
characters and events
n. : a person who has just started learning or doing
710 novice
n. : a very small difference in color, tone, meaning,
711 nuance
vt. … : to cause (something) to lose its value or
712 nullify
to have no effect
adj. 为 为: having a mysterious, holy, or spiritual
713 numinous

n. ≧ ≧: respect for someone or something

714 obeisance n. ≧也 : a movement of your body (such as bowing)
that shows respect for someone or something

v. : to make (something) more difficult to
715 obfuscate
adj. 为 l 为: not good or right,
716 objectionable
causing people to be offended
n. : something that you must do because of a law, rule,
717 obligation promise, etc. , something that you must do because it is

morally right
adj. 伙 为 】为: tending to bother people by appearing
where you are not welcome or invited
718 obtrusive

adj. 之为 为: noticeable in an unpleasant or annoying

vt. ... |l : to make (something) no longer
719 obviate
necessary, to prevent or avoid (something)

adj. 为 为: not pleasing or likable,

720 off-putting
causing you to feel dislike of someone or something
vt. : to cancel or reduce the effect of (something) :
721 offset
to create an equal balance between two things

722 omnipresent adj. l 为: present in all places at all times

adj. 为 为: difficult and unpleasant to do or deal
723 onerous
adj. l保 为: not letting light through, not transparent
724 opaque
adj. 东低为: difficult to understand or explain
n. : actions or opinions that show that you disagree
725 opposition
with or disapprove of someone or something
adj. l 为 为 为: expressive of opprobrium,
726 opprobrious scurrilous
adj. 为 为: deserving of opprobrium, infamous
727 optimism n. : a feeling or belief that good things will happen
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in the future, a feeling or belief that what you hope for will
n. aa person's feelings, interests, and beliefs
n. : a main interest, quality, or goal
728 orientation n. j 二 为 亲 余亮: the process of
giving people training and information about a new job,
situation, etc.
adj. 为: used to make something more attractive, used
729 ornamental
for decoration
adj. 仔为 为: displaying wealth, knowledge, etc. , in a
730 ostentatious
way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or envy
vt. 偷: to cause or force (someone or something) to
731 oust

leave a position of power, a competition, etc.
adj. 为: no longer useful or acceptable, not modern or

732 outdated
adj. 为: very strange or unusual, extremely different
733 outlandish

from what is normal or expected
v. j : to be more than (someone or something) in
734 outnumber

735 outrage
n. 值 : extreme anger, a strong feeling of unhappiness
because of something bad, hurtful, or morally wrong
vt. : to be or become better, greater, or larger than
736 outstrip
(someone or something)
adj. n 为: often trying to control the behavior of other
people in an annoying or unwanted way
737 overbearing

adj. f”为 为: decisively important,

738 overcurious adj. : too inquisitive
739 overestimate n. : an estimate that is too high

v. “- “- : to extend or stretc. h (something) too

740 overextend
741 overreact vi. : show an exaggerated response to something
vt. 仓: to make (something) no longer valid

vt. l : to ride over or across, trample

742 override
vt. … : to have more importance or influence than
vt. 】 : to cause (something or someone) to seem
less important or impressive when compared to something or
someone else
743 overshadow
vt. …传j 俯: to make (something) less
enjoyable because of sadness, fear, or worry
vt. : to cast a shadow over (something)
v. : to say that (something) is larger or greater than it
744 overstate
really is
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745 overt adj. 为 为: easily seen, not secret or hidden

vt. 但: to remove (someone or something) from power
746 overthrow
especially by force
747 overwrought adj. 为: very excited or upset
adj. 为: having a pleasant or agreeable taste
748 palatable
adj. 为: pleasant or acceptable to someone
adj. 为 为: dull and uninteresting
749 pallid adj. 为: very pale in a way that suggests poor
750 palpable adj. 为 为: obvious and noticeable
adj. 为 l 为: very small or too small in amount,
751 paltry
having little meaning, importance, or worth

n. h : something that will make everything about a
752 panacea
situation better

n. : a situation that causes many people to become
afraid and to rush to do something
753 panic

n. : a state or feeling of extreme fear that makes someone
unable to act or think normally
754 paradigm n. 休 : a model or pattern for something that may be copied
 o 乐 : something (such as a situation) that is made up
755 paradox of two opposite things and that seems impossible but is
actually true or possible

n. 休: a person or thing that is perfect or

756 paragon excellent in some way and should be considered a model or
example to be copied

vt. v】 : to make (someone or

757 paralyze
something) unable to function, act, or move
758 parity n. 二 二: the quality or state of being equal or equivalent
adj. 为: limited to only the things that affect your

local area
759 parochial
adj. 为: of or relating to a church parish and the area
around it
760 parsimonious adj. “ 为: very unwilling to spend money

adj. 为 为: tending to treat one person, group, or

761 partial thing better than another
adj. “为: not complete or total
v. : to give specific details or examples
762 particularize
of (something)
adj. 为: inclined to favor one side over another
adj. ?为: adhering or confined to a particular sect or
denomination or party
763 partisan
n. q 为 : a firm adherent to a party, faction,
cause, or person, especially one exhibiting blind, prejudiced,
and unreasoning allegiance
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n. r 为r : a mixture of different things

764 pastiche n. : something (such as a piece of writing, music,
etc. ) that imitates the style of someone or something else
n. : something that is made up of different
765 patchwork
n. 东 : the study of diseases and of the changes that they
766 pathology
n. 严 x 为一 : a quality that
767 pathos
causes people to feel sympathy and sadness
adj. 为:manifesting forbearance under provocation or
768 patient
n. : a small amount of something, an amount that is less
769 paucity

than what is needed or wanted
n. 万一 一 : the quality or state of being unusual or

770 peculiarity
n. : something that is unusual or peculiar in a

person or thing
adj. j为 m 为: relating to or in the form of
771 pecuniary

772 pedantic
adj. 件为 为 为 : narrowly, stodgily,
and often ostentatiously learned
adj. 为: not interesting or unusual

773 pedestrian n. 伴 : a person who is walking, especially in a town or city,

rather than travelling in a vehicle
774 penalty n. 介 介 : punishment for breaking a rule or law

vt. 保: to go through or into something

775 penetrate
vt. : to see or show the way through (something)
776 pensive adj. 为 为: quietly sad or thoughtful
adj. 为 为: used to describe something that is done

777 perfunctory without energy or enthusiasm because of habit or because it is

n. : the possibility that you will be hurt or killed or
778 peril
that something unpleasant or bad will happen

adj. 为: lasting or continuing for a very long time or

779 permanent
forever, not temporary or changing
adj. | 为: causing great harm or damage often in a
780 pernicious
way that is not easily seen or noticed
v. 人 : to cause (something that should be stopped, such
781 perpetuate
as a mistaken idea or a bad situation) to continue
782 perplex vt. : to confuse (someone) very much
v. l : to continue doing something or trying to do
783 persevere
something even though it is difficult
adj. l 为 为b ,为: existing for a long or longer
784 persistent
than usual time or continuously ; continuing to exist despite
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interference or treatment
vi. m… : to relate to someone or something,
785 pertain
to have a connection to a person or thing
adj. l 为: perversely persistent
786 pertinacious adj. ,为 为: adhering resolutely to an opinion,
purpose, or design
adj. 为 为: relating to the thing that is being
787 pertinent
thought about or discussed
v. : to spread through all parts of (something), to
788 pervade
exist in every part of (something)
adj. 为: having or showing a lack of hope for the future,
789 pessimistic
expecting bad things to happen

n. : a danger or problem that is hidden or not obvious at
790 pitfall

v. : to cause (someone) to feel less angry about
791 placate

adj. 为: not moving much, calm and stead
792 placid
adj. 为: not easily upset or excited
v. : to use the words or ideas of another person as if they
793 plagiarize
were your own words or ideas
adj. 为: expressing suffering or sadness, having a sad
794 plaintive

n. : a material that is produced from oil by a chemical

process and that is used to make many objects
795 plastic adj. 为 为: capable of being made into different

adj. l 为: not real or sincere
796 plausible adj. 东为 为: possibly true, believable or realistic
n. : a very large amount or number, an amount that is
797 plethora

much greater than what is necessary

n. : a strong written or spoken attack against
798 polemic
someone else's opinions, beliefs, practices, etc.
vt. 九 : to make (something) smooth and shiny by

rubbing it
799 polish
vt. : to improve (something) : to make
(something) better than it was before
800 ponder v. 他: to think about or consider (something) carefully
adj. 为: very boring or dull
801 ponderous
adj. 争 为: slow or awkward because of weight and size
vt. : to be a sign or warning that something usually
802 portend
bad or unpleasant is going to happen
adj. 为: dealing with the problems that exist in a specific
803 pragmatic situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending
on ideas and theories
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v. : to make a speech about religion in a church or

other public place, to deliver a sermon
804 preach
v. : to write or speak about (something) in an approving
way, to say that (something) is good or necessary
adj. 为 l 为: not safe, strong, or steady
805 precarious
n. : something done or said that can be used as an
806 precedent
example or rule to be followed in the future
n. : a solid substance that is separated from a liquid
especially by a chemical process
vt. … : to cause (something) to happen quickly
807 precipitate
or suddenly

adj. 为: happening very quickly or too quickly without
enough thought or planning

vt. l : to make (something) impossible, to
808 preclude prevent (something) from happening

vt. : to prevent (someone) from doing something
n. : (of a child) having or showing the qualities or
809 precocity
abilities of an adult at an unusually early age

810 predate
vt. j : to exist or happen at an earlier time
than (something or someone)
v. : to decide (something) before it happens or in
811 predetermine
vt. : to destine, decree, determine, appoint, or
812 predestine
settle beforehand, especially predestinate

n. : a natural liking for something, a tendency to do

813 predilection
or to be attracted to something
vt. : to prevent (something) from happening
814 preempt
vt. : to take the place of (something)

n. : an introduction to a book or speech

vt. … | … | : to introduce (a piece of
815 preface
writing, a speech, a remark, etc.) by writing or saying

vt. : to show or suggest (something that will

816 prefigure
happen or exist at a future time)
817 premature adj. 为: happening too soon or earlier than usual
818 premeditate v. : to think, consider, or deliberate beforehand
n. : a statement or idea that is accepted as being true and
that is used as the basis of an argument
819 premise
n. : a building and the area of land that it
is on
n. : a price that is higher than the regular price
820 premium adj. 为 为: of high or higher than normal quality
adj. 为 为aan amount above the regular or stated
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vt. : to give or be a sign of (something that will
821 presage
happen or develop in the future)
adj. 为 为: having or showing awareness of and
822 prescient
preparation for the future
n. 件 : a chemical that is added to food to keep it fresh
823 preservative
n. : the respect and admiration that someone or
824 prestige
something gets for being successful or important
vt. | : to think that (something) is true without
knowing that it is true
825 presume
vt. : to do (something) that you do not have the

right or permission to do
vt. ... | : to be based on the idea that

826 presuppose
something is true or will happen
adj. 为: having or showing the unpleasant quality of

827 pretentious people who want to be regarded as more impressive,
successful, or important than they really are
adj. 伴为 为: accepted, done, or happening often
828 prevalent
or over a large area at a particular time, common or
adj. 为 为: most important, most basic or

829 primary essential

adj. 为: happening or coming first
adj. 为: of, belonging to, or seeming to come from an
early time in the very ancient past

830 primitive
adj. 倦为 为: very simple and basic, made or done in
a way that is not modern and that does not show much skill
vt. : to say or state (something) in a public,

831 proclaim official, or definite way, to declare or announce (something)

vt. : to show (something) clearly
n. : a strong natural liking for something that is
832 proclivity
usually bad, a tendency to do something that is usually bad

n. 且: the rate at which goods are produced or

833 productivity
work is completed
834 profess vt. : to say or declare (something) openly
n. : someone who purchases and maintains an
835 profitmonger
inventory of goods to be sold
adj. 为 为: carelessly and foolishly wasting money,
836 profligate
materials, etc. , very wasteful
adj. 为 为: having or showing great
knowledge or understanding
837 profound
adj. 为 为: difficult to understand, requiring
deep thought or wisdom
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n. : a judgment about what is going to happen in the

838 prognosis
839 proliferate vi. : to increase in number or amount quickly
840 prolific adj. 为 y 为: producing a large amount of something
adj. 为 为: likely to succeed or to be
841 promising
good, full of promise
vt. 产 : to change the rank or position of (someone) to
842 promote a higher or more important one
vt. : to help (something) happen, develop, or increase
n. : ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated
843 propaganda and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a
government, etc.

844 propitious adj. 为 为: likely to have or produce good results
n. 伴|为 : a person who argues for or

845 proponent
supports something
n. : one that possesses, owns, or holds

exclusive right to something, specifically proprietor
846 proprietary
adj. n 为 n 为: used, made, or sold only by the
particular person or company that has the legal right to do so
847 prosaic
adj. 为 为: dull or ordinary
vt. : to make (something) illegal, to not
848 proscribe
allow (something)

vt. 人 伴 to follow to the end, to seek legal

849 prosecute
n. : the possibility that something will happen in

850 prospect the future

n. : the act of looking forward
n. : a document that describes the details of a treaty or
formal agreement between countries
851 protocol

n. 也 : a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and

procedures to be followed in formal situations
n. 休 : someone or something that has the typical
qualities of a particular group, kind, etc.
852 prototype

n. : an original or first model of something from which

other forms are copied or developed
n. : the quality or state of being provincial (a
853 provincialism
person of local or restricted interests or outlook)
adj. z 为 为: existing or accepted for the present time
854 provisional
but likely to be changed
vt. … : to cause (a person or animal) to become angry,
violent, etc.
855 provoke
vt. : to cause the occurrence of (a feeling or action), to
make (something) happen
856 pseudonym n. : a name that someone (such as a writer) uses
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instead of his or her real name

adj. 为: silly or childish especially in a way that shows a
857 puerile
lack of seriousness or good judgment
adj. 为 为: showing a readiness or desire to fight or
858 pugnacious
adj. fsl 为: very careful about behaving properly and
859 punctilious
doing things in a correct and accurate way
vt. : to claim to be or do a particular thing when this
claim may not be true
860 purport vt. : intend, purpose
n. : the main or general meaning of something
(such as a speech or a person's actions)

861 purposeful adj. 为 为: having a clear aim or purpose
n. 为 : someone who is easy to persuade or

862 pushover n. 为 : something that is easy to do

n. 为 : an opponent that is easy to
863 putative adj. 为: generally believed to be something
vt. … … l低: to confuse (someone), to be
difficult for (someone) to understand
864 puzzle
n. 使f 为 : something or someone that is difficult

to understand
adj. 为 j为: of or relating to how good something
865 qualitative
is, of or relating to the quality of something

n. 中 : a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you

866 qualm
are doing the right thing
vt. …为 : to find or calculate the quantity or amount
867 quantify
of (something)

vt. : to narrow down or make less general in meaning

v. : to have the necessary skill or knowledge to
do a particular job or activity : to have the qualifications to do
868 qualify

vi. 他 优 : to pass an exam or complete a

course of study that is required in order to do something
vt. : to end or stop (something) usually by using force
869 quell vt. 二 : to calm or reduce (something, such
as fear or worry)
870 querulous adj. 为 为: complaining in an annoyed way
adj. 为: not active
871 quiescent
n. 为 : something strange that happens
872 quirk by chance
n. 为 : an unusual habit or way of behaving
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adj. l” 为 为: hopeful or romantic in a

873 quixotic
way that is not practical, like Don Quixote
adj. 中 为 了为: showing that you do not understand
874 quizzical
something or that you find something strange or amusing
adj. 为: having extreme political or social views that are
875 radical not shared by most people
adj. 为 为: very basic and important
vi. : to walk or go from one place to another place
without a specific goal, purpose, or direction
876 ramble
vi. : to go from one subject to another without any clear
purpose or direction
adj. 下专为 为: growing quickly and in a way that is
877 rampant

difficult to control
vt. : to cause (someone) to feel angry

878 rankle
or irritated especially for a long time
v. : to talk loudly and in a way that shows
879 rant

anger, to complain in a way that is unreasonable
adj. 为: always wanting more money, possessions, etc. ,
880 rapacious
wanting more than is needed or deserved

881 recant
 o : to publicly say that you no longer have
an opinion or belief that you once had
882 recapitulate vi. : to give a brief summary of something

vi. 仇: to quickly move away from something that is

883 recoil shocking, frightening, or disgusting, to react to something with
shock or fear

adj. 为 为: dealing with or describing something

884 reductive complicated in a simple or too simple way, reducing complex
things to simple elements
adj. 为 为: repeating something else and therefore
885 redundant

vt. : to remove the unwanted substances in (something)
886 refine
vt. : to improve (something) by making small changes
n. : an image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface

n. : something that shows the effect, existence, or

887 reflection character of something else
n. : a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark
made as a result of meditation
vt. 何: to prove or say that (something) is not
888 refute
vt. 》 : to bring (someone or something)
889 rehabilitate back to a normal, healthy condition after an illness, injury,
drug problem, etc.
vt. 》 : to talk about or discuss (something)
890 rehash
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vt. l 众: to present (something) again

in a slightly different form
vt. : to strengthen (something, such as clothing or a
building) by adding more material for support
891 reinforce
vt. : to encourage or give support to (an idea, behavior,
feeling, etc. )
vt. 为 l 为 二 : to understand and
892 reinterpret
explain or show (something) in a new or different way
vt. : to make major changes or improvements
893 reinvent
to (something)
vt. 两: to repeat something you have already said in order
894 reiterate
to emphasize it

n. 依 : the state of needing someone or something for
895 reliance
help, support, etc.

n. : enjoyment of or delight in something
896 relish vt. 世 : to enjoy or take pleasure in

n. 低 : a way of solving or correcting a problem
897 remedy n. 众 : a medicine or treatment that relieves pain or
cures a usually minor illness
adj. 为 为: thinking about the past, having
many thoughts of the past

898 reminiscent adj. 为: reminding you of someone or something

else, similar to something else

vt. … : to pay someone for work that has been

899 remunerate
n. 》 : the period of European history between the
14th and 17th centuries when there was a new interest in

900 renaissance science and in ancient art and literature especially in Italy
n. 》 : a situation or period of time when there is a new
interest in something that has not been popular in a long time
901 renewal n. b : the act or process of renewing

adj. 为 为: known and admired by many

902 renowned
people for some special quality or achievement
adj. 》为 》 为: having parts, actions, etc. , that are
903 repetitious repeated many times in a way that is boring or unpleasant,
having too much repetition
adj. 为 为: having much or plenty of something,
904 replete
filled with something
905 replicate vt. 》 : to repeat or copy (something) exactly
vt. 《 : to speak in an angry and critical way to
906 reproach (someone), to express disapproval or disappointment to
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vt. : to refuse to accept or support

907 repudiate (something), to reject (something or someone)
vt. : to say or show that (something) is not true
adj. 为 为: causing a strong feeling of
908 repugnant
dislike or disgust
adj. 为: able to return to an original shape after being
pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.
909 resilient
adj. 》 为: able to become strong, healthy, or
successful again after something bad happens
n. 低 低 : the act of finding an answer or solution to
a conflict, problem, etc. , the act of resolving something
910 resolution
n. “ 且: the ability of a device to show an image clearly

and with a lot of detail
vt. : to continue to produce a loud, clear, deep

sound for a long time
911 resonate vt. : to have particular meaning or

importance for someone, to affect or appeal to someone in a
personal or emotional way
adj. 为: able to deal well with new or difficult
912 resourceful
situations and to find solutions to problems
n. : a short period of time when you are able to
913 respite stop doing something that is difficult or unpleasant or when
something difficult or unpleasant stops or is delayed
adj. l 为 l 为: feeling bored or impatient while
914 restive
waiting for something to happen or change
vt. : to keep from exceeding a desirable

915 restrain
degree or level
916 restrictive adj. 为: limiting or controlling someone or something
vi. 仇 : to change the way things are done in order to
917 retrench

spend less money

918 retroactive adj. 为: effective from a particular date in the past
vt. 倾 : to show (something) plainly or clearly
919 reveal

n. : support of ideas and beliefs that differ from and

920 revisionism try to change accepted ideas and beliefs especially in a way
that is seen as wrong or dishonest
vt. 》 》 : to make (someone or something)
921 revitalize
active, healthy, or energetic again
v. 》 》 : to make (someone or something) strong,
922 revive
healthy, or active again
n. 东低为 使f 为 : something or someone
923 riddle difficult to understand
n. 亏: a coarse sieve
924 ridicule n. 了: the act of making fun of someone or something in a
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cruel or harsh way : harsh comments made by people who are

laughing at someone or something
adj. u 为: strictly observed
925 rigid adj. 为 为: not willing to change opinions or
n. u : the difficult and unpleasant conditions or
experiences that are associated with something
926 rigor
n. u : the quality or state of being very exact, careful,
or strict
vt. : to make (someone) angry, to irritate or annoy
927 rile
928 riveting adj. 为: very exciting or interesting

adj. 为 为: strong and healthy
929 robust adj. 为 低 : successful or impressive and not

likely to fail or weaken
vt. : to move in a violent and confused way

vt. : to upset (someone or something) very much,
930 roil
to cause (someone or something) to become very agitated or

931 rudimentary
adj. 为: basic or simple
adj. 倦为: not very developed or advanced
adj. l 为 为: too important and respected
932 sacrosanct
to be changed, criticized, etc.
adj. 乎 为: having or showing an ability to understand
933 sagacious
difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions

934 salient adj. 为 为: very important or noticeable

adj. 为: having a good or helpful result especially after
935 salutary
something unpleasant has happened
adj. 为 为: pretending to be morally better
936 sanctimonious

than other people

n. : an action that is taken or an order that is given
to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or
937 sanction stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid

for that country, etc.

vt. 何 : official permission or approval
938 sanguine adj. 为 为: confident and hopeful
adj. 为 为: showing that you disapprove of or do
939 sardonic
not like someone or something
n. : a way of using humor to show that someone or
something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. , humor that shows the
940 satire weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society,
n. : a book, movie, etc. , that uses satire
941 scant adj. 为 l 为: very small in size or amount
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adj. 为 l 为: very small in amount or number : not

942 scarce
943 scathing adj. 为, 伤为: very harsh or severe
adj. 为: very clever, amusing, and
944 scintillating
adj. 作 为: careful about doing what is honest and
morally right
945 scrupulous
adj. 为: very careful about doing something
vt. : to examine (something) carefully especially in
946 scrutinize
a critical way
vt. : to deposit or conceal in a hiding place

947 secrete vt. k : to appropriate secretly, abstract
vt. “ : to form and give off (a secretion)

adj. 为 为: relating to religious or political sects
948 sectarian
and the differences between them

adj. 为: disposed to arouse or take part in or guilty of
949 seditious
adj. - 为: of or relating to or characteristic of
950 self-aggrandizing
adj. 为 为: acting to defeat its own
951 self-defeating

adj. 为 为: continuing or prevailing without

952 self-perpetuating
any external agency or intervention
adj. 为: having or showing concern only about your
953 self-serving

own needs and interests

adj. 为 为: causing very great excitement or
interest with shocking details
adj. 为: arousing or tending to arouse (as by lurid
954 sensational

details) a quick, intense, and usually superficial interest,

curiosity, or emotional reaction
adj. 为: very excellent or great, very attractive
adj. 为 为: of, relating to, or arranged in a
955 sequential

particular order or sequence

n. 业 为 : luck that takes the form of
956 serendipity
finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for
n. : one of two rings or bands that are placed
around a person's wrists or ankles and that are connected by a
957 shackle chain
vt. : to deprive of freedom especially of action by means
of restrictions or handicaps : impede
vi. : to make a loud, high-pitched cry, or to say
958 shriek
(something) in a loud, high-pitched voice
959 shrink v. 仇 仇 : to become smaller in amount, size, or value
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vi. 俭 : to quickly move away from something shocking,

frightening, or disgusting
v. 俭: to try to avoid (something) because of nervousness,
960 shy away
fear, dislike, etc.
961 sidestep v. 俭: to move out of the way of
vt. 亏 : to separate or remove (something) by using a sifter
or sieve
962 sift
v. : to go through (something) very carefully in order to
find something useful or valuable
adj. “ 为: too simple, not complete or thorough
963 simplistic
enough, not treating or considering all possibilities or parts
964 simultaneous adj. 为 为: happening at the same time

adj. 为 为: done quickly without many details
965 sketchy
adj. l 《为: not complete or clear

n. : a piece of clothing worn by women and girls that
hangs from the waist down

966 skirt vt. 俭: to avoid (something) especially because it is
difficult or will cause problems
vt. …促 : to lie or go along the edge of (something)
967 skullduggery n.
 o : secret or dishonest behavior or activity
968 slapdash adj. 为: quick and careless
adj. 为 为: difficult to stand on, move on, or hold

because of being smooth, wet, icy, etc.

969 slippery adj. 为 l 为: not able to be trusted
adj. l 为 为: not easy to understand or

identify in an exact way

n. : a word or phrase that is easy to remember
970 slogan
and is used by a group or business to attract attention
n. : the quality or state of being lazy

971 sloth n. : a type of animal that lives in trees in South and

Central America and that moves very slowly
972 sluggish adj. 为 ≦为: moving slowly or lazily
vi. 二 : to decrease suddenly and by a large

973 slump
vi. 二 : to sit or fall down
suddenly and heavily
n. 为 : an unexpected problem or
n. : a sharp or broken part of something that sticks out
974 snag
from a smooth surface
vt. : to catch, capture, or get (something or someone) by
quick action
adj. 为: not drunk
975 sober
adj. u 为: having or showing a very serious attitude or
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adj. 为: plain in color
adj. 为: liking to be with and talk to other people
976 sociable adj. 为: involving or allowing friendly and pleasant
social relations
vt. : to treat or describe (something) as less
977 soft-pedal
important than it really is
adj. ” 为: showing concern or care for someone's
978 solicitous
health, happiness, etc.
n. f : a feeling of unity between people who
979 solidarity
have the same interests, goals, etc.
n. 万 : a state or situation in which you are alone
980 solitude

usually because you want to be
adj. 为: of a kind likely to induce sleep

981 somnolent
adj. 为: inclined to or heavy with sleep sleepy
adj. 为 为: having a sound that is deep, loud, and
982 sonorous

adj. 为: shining with brilliant points of light like
983 sparkling
adj. 为: used of wines and waters, charged naturally or
artificially with carbon dioxide
984 specificity n. 一 一 : the quality of being specific

adj. l 为: falsely appearing to be fair, just,

985 specious
or right, appearing to be true but actually false
vi. : to think about something and make guesses about it,

to form ideas or theories about something usually when there

986 speculate are many things not known about it
vi. : : to invest money in ways that could produce a
large profit but that, involve a lot of risk

n. : a very large nail

987 spike vt. : to stop the vent of (a gun or cannon) by driving a
spike nail, or the like into it
adj. 为 为 (伴|): done or said in a natural and

988 spontaneous
often sudden way and without a lot of thought or planning
vt. : to make (something) more active, to cause or
989 stimulate
encourage (something) to happen or develop
n. 为 为 : a person who accepts
what happens without complaining or showing emotion
990 F
adj. 为: showing no emotion especially when
something bad is happening
adj. 为 且为 为 为: proceeding in a
991 straightforward
straight course or manner, not deviating, honest, frank
vt. “ 借 : to divide or arrange into classes,
992 stratify
castes, or social strata
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n. 主 : an amount (such as an amount of money) that

993 surplus is more than the amount that is needed
adj. 为 为: left over, extra
994 surreptitious adj. 为 为 x为: done in a secret way
adj. … 为 为 为: easily affected,
995 susceptible
influenced, or harmed by something
996 sustainable adj. 为: able to last or continue for a long time
vt. : a controlling force or influence
997 sway
vi. : a slow movement back and forth
adj. 为: happening or done quickly or immediately
998 swift
adj. 为 为: smart or intelligent
n. : a person who praises powerful people in
999 sycophant

order to get their approval
n. : (biology) the relationship between two different

kinds of living things that live together and depend on each
1000 symbiosis other

n. 为 : a relationship between two people or
groups that work with and depend on each other
n. 二: the quality of something that has two
1001 symmetry
sides or halves that are the same or very close in size, shape,
and position, the quality of having symmetrical parts
n. 为 : the increased

1002 synergy effectiveness that results when two or more people or

businesses work together
n. : a word that has the same meaning as another word
1003 synonym

in the same language

n. : a short description of the most important
1004 synopses
information about something, a summary or outline
n. 亮: the ability to do or say things without
1005 tact

offending or upsetting other people

vt. 件 : to hurt or damage the good condition of
1006 taint
n. : something that causes a person or thing to be thought

of as bad, dishonest, etc.

adj. 二为 …为: equal to something in value,
1007 tantamount
meaning, or effect
1008 taxing adj. 为 为: requiring a lot of effort, energy, etc.
1009 tedious adj. 为 为: boring and too slow or long
vi. : to become filled to overflowing, abound
1010 teem
v. : empty, pour
adj. 为: having temperatures that are not
too hot or too cold
1011 temperate
adj. 为 为: emotionally calm and controlled
adj. 为: avoiding behavior that goes beyond what is
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normal, healthy, or acceptable

adj. , 为 为: very determined to do something,
continuing for a long time
1012 tenacious
adj. 为 l 为: not easily stopped or pulled apart,
firm or strong
adj. 为 为: strongly favoring a
1013 tendentious
particular point of view in a way that may cause
adj. 为 伤为: very thin
1014 tenuous adj. 仰 为 l 为: not certain, definite, or strong, flimsy,
weak, or uncertain
vt. : to show that something is true or real, to give
proof of something
1015 testify

v. : to talk about or say (something) in an honest
and confident way

n. : proof or evidence that something exists or is
1016 testimony

vt. : to prevent (someone) from doing something
1017 thwart
or to stop (something) from happening
adj. 为 为: feeling or showing a lack of courage or
1018 timid
n. 众: a medicine that brings you back to a normal physical
1019 tonic or mental condition, or something that makes you feel

healthier and more relaxed

n. ≦: a state of not being active and having very
1020 torpor little energy

n. l : apathy
adj. 为 为: having many twists and turns
1021 tortuous
adj. 》 为: complicated, long, and confusing
vt. “ : to talk about (something or someone) as

being very good, effective, skillful, etc.

vt. : to try to persuade people to buy your goods or
1022 tout
n. : a person who buys tickets for an event and resells

them at a much higher price

adj. 互 为 健 为: easily managed or controlled
1023 tractable
adj. 为 为: willing to learn or be guided by another
vt. : to rise above or go beyond the normal limits
1024 transcend
of (something)
v. : to change (something) completely and
1025 transform
usually in a good way
adj. 为: not lasting long, staying somewhere only a short
1026 transient
n. : a person who does not have a permanent home
and who stays in a place for only a short time before going
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somewhere else
adj. 保 为 为: able to be seen through
1027 transparent adj. 且为: honest and open, not secretive
adj. 为 为: easy to notice or understand
adj. 为 为: (medical) a serious injury to a person's
1028 traumatic adj. j 临 为: a very difficult or unpleasant
experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional
problems usually for a long time
1029 trendy adj. 为 伴为: currently popular or fashionable
n. : a feeling of fear that causes you to hesitate
1030 trepidation because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to

n. ≧ : something that you say, give, or do to show

respect or affection for someone
1031 tribute
n. 为 : something that proves the good quality or

effectiveness of something
n. 丝 l 为r : something that does not have
1032 trifle
much value or importance
 o 为 从: a lever on a gun that you pull
to fire the gun
1033 trigger n. …为 : something that causes something else to

vt. 住 : to cause (something) to start or happen
n. : a great or important victory, a great

success or achievement
n. 为 : the very happy and joyful feeling
1034 triumph
that comes from victory or success
vi. 优 : to achieve victory especially in a long or

difficult contest
1035 trivial adj. l 为 丝 为: not important
adj. 为 为: easily annoyed or angered and likely to
1036 truculent

n. 东 为 东: a true statement
1037 truism that is very commonly heard, a common statement that is
obviously true
1038 truncate vt. … : to make (something) shorter
adj. 为: moving in an irregular or violent
1039 turbulent
adj. 为: full of confusion, violence, or disorder, not
stable or steady
adj. 为 l 为: seeming to be seen
1040 ubiquitous
1041 ultimate adj. 为 8 E 8 G F> < FE 为 为
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F > E8 98 = E 8 <E 8
n. l : a feeling of being offended by what
1042 umbrage
someone has said or done
adj. 为 为: clearly expressed or understood, not
1043 unambiguous
1044 unavailing adj. 为 为: not useful or successful
adj. 为 l 价 为: not having or showing a desire
1045 unassuming
to be noticed, praised, etc.
adj. 为 l 为 not able to be accomplished or
1046 unattainable
achieved : not attainable
1047 unbounded adj. 为 l 为: not limited in any way
1048 uncharacteristic adj. 为: not characteristic : not typical or distinctive

adj. 为 为: extremely bad, unfair, or
1049 unconscionable wrong

adj. l 东为: going far beyond what is usual or proper
adj. 为 为 为: not disputed and not
1050 uncontested

made the object of contention or competition
adj. 为 为: very different from the things that
1051 unconventional are used or accepted by most people, not traditional or usual,
not conventional
adj. 做 为: fatty, oily
adj. 为 价 : used to describe someone who

1052 unctuous speaks and behaves in a way that is meant to seem friendly
and polite but that is unpleasant because it is obviously not

adj. “ 为 佣 为: not appreciated

1053 underappreciated
or valued enough
vt. …为 : to offer to sell things or work for a
lower cost than (another person or company)
1054 undercut

vt. …为 …为 : to make (something)

weaker or less effective
v. : to think of (someone or something) as being
1055 underestimate lower in ability, influence, or value than that person or thing

actually is
adj. 乘为 为: used to identify the idea, cause,
problem, etc. , that forms the basis of something
1056 underlying
adj. 为 为: evident only on close inspection,
vt. : to make (someone or something)
1057 undermine
weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way
vt. : to rate or value (someone or something) too
1058 underrate
vt. : to emphasize (something) or show the importance of
1059 underscore
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vt. …k: to draw a line under (something)

vt. : to make (something) seem less important than
1060 underplay
it actually is : to give too little attention to (something)
vt. l “ 为 : to say that (something) is
1061 understate
smaller, less important, etc., than it really is
vt. …为 : to place too low a value on (something)
1062 undervalue vt. l : to fail to give enough importance to
adj. 为 unable to be detected : impossible to discover
1063 undetectable
or notice
1064 undiminished adj. 为b 为: not made less, smaller, or weaker
1065 undisclosed adj. 为 为: not made known

adj. 为 l 为: not discriminating
1066 undiscriminating adj. 为: not making careful distinctions between

people or things
1067 undogmatic adj. 为: not dogmatic, not committed to dogma

1068 undue adj. 为 “为: more than is reasonable or necessary
1069 unencumbered adj. 为 例 为: free of encumbrance
1070 unethical adj. l 为: not adhering to ethical or moral principles
adj. 为 为 为: not unusually good,
1071 unexceptional
interesting, etc. , not exceptional
1072 unfeeling adj. 为: not kind or sympathetic toward other people

1073 unfettered adj. l 为: not controlled or restricted

adj. l 为 为: staying strong and determined even
1074 unflinching
when things are difficult

adj. 东 为 为: having no foundation,

1075 unfounded
baseless, vain, idle,
1076 unidimensional adj. f 为 为: one-dimensional

adj. 为 佩 为: very reliable and trusted, not

1077 unimpeachable
able to be doubted or questioned
adj. 为 h 为: done or experienced by everyone,
existing or available for everyone
1078 universal

adj. p 为 为: existing or true at all times or in

all places
adj. f 为 为: having one meaning only,
1079 univocal
adj. 东为 互东为: difficult to manage or
1080 unmanageable
adj. 为: difficult to control the people who
behave in an unacceptable way
adj. 为 l 为: not capable of being mistaken or
1081 unmistakable
1082 unnoticed adj. 为 l 为: not noticed
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adj. l 为 l 为: not consciously observing, not

1083 unobservant
paying attention
adj. 为 l 为: free from emotional agitation or
1084 unperturbed
nervous tension
1085 unprecedented adj. 为 为: not done or experienced before
1086 unpredictable adj. l 为: impossible to foretell
adj. 为: lacking pretension or affectation
1087 unpretentious
adj. l 仔为 l 为: not ostentatious
1088 unproven adj. 为 为: not proved
adj. 为 l 为: not having the skills,
knowledge, or experience needed to do a particular job or
1089 unqualified

adj. 为 l 为: complete or total
adj. l 为: not allowing emotions like pity or affection

1090 unsentimental
to interfere with work or decisions
adj. 为 为: not based on truth or logic, not

showing good judgment
1091 unsound
adj. l 为: not mentally normal, not wholly sane
adj. l 为: not healthy or wholesome
adj. l 为 为: not standing or moving in a steady and
balanced way
1092 unsteady
adj. l 为 为: not happening or proceeding in a

smooth and constant way

adj. 为 l 为: unable to be used without
1093 unsustainable
being completely used up or destroyed

adj. 二 l 为 为: not capable of being

1094 untenable
defended against attack or criticism, not tenable
1095 unwarranted adj. l 为 为: no need or reason for something
adj. 为 为: to describe a feeling or
1096 unwavering

attitude strong and firm and does not weaken

adj. 争 为 东为: difficult to handle, control, or deal
1097 unwieldy
with because of being large, heavy, or complex
adj. l 为: not intended or planned

1098 unwitting adj. l 为 为: not aware of what is really

adj. l 为 为: not changing or stopping
1099 unyielding
adj. l 为 为: not flexible or soft
adj. 为: positioned to be straight up
1100 upright adj. 为: always behaving in an honest way, having high
moral standards
1101 upshot n. 为 : the final result, outcome
1102 upsurge n. : a rapid or sudden increase or rise
adj. 为 ”为: very important and needing immediate
1103 urgent
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n. : the belief that a morally good action

1104 utilitarianism
is one that helps the greatest number of people
adj. 为: not filled, used, or lived in
adj. 二 为: (of a job or position) not occupied by
1105 vacant a person, available to be taken by someone
adj. 为: showing no indication of what someone is
thinking, feeling, etc.
vi. l : to repeatedly change your opinions or desires
1106 vacillate
vi. : to sway through lack of equilibrium
adj. 为 为: having or showing a lack of
1107 vacuous intelligence or serious thought, or lacking meaning,
importance, or substance

n. : an act of bidding farewell
n. : a speech that expresses good wishes for

1108 valediction
someone who is leaving, the act of saying goodbye in a formal

vt. : to enhance or try to enhance the price,
value, or status of by organized and usually governmental
1109 valorize
vt. : to assign value or merit to, validate
1110 vapid adj. 为: not lively or interesting, dull or boring
n. : a person who sells things especially on the
1111 vendor
vt. ≧ ≧: to feel or show deep respect for (someone or
1112 venerate
something that is considered great, holy, etc. )

vt. : to prove, show, find out, or state that

1113 verify
(something) is true or correct
adj. 为 为: having the appearance of truth,
1114 verisimilar

adj. 为 为: depicting realism (as in art or

adj. ( 为: able to do many different things
1115 versatile
adj. 为 为: having many different uses

adj. 为 为: intended to harass, causing

1116 vexatious
vt. : to say or write very harsh and critical things
1117 vilify
about (someone or something)
vt. … : to show that (someone) should not be blamed
for a crime, mistake, etc. , to show that (someone) is not guilty
1118 vindicate
vt. … : to show that (someone or something that has
been criticized or doubted) is correct, true, or reasonable
adj. j为 j为 j 优 何 :
1119 virtual being such in essence or effect though not formally recognized
or admitted
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adj. 体 为: existing or occurring on

computers or on the Internet
n. ( ): a person who
does something in a very skillful way, especially a very
1120 virtuoso skillful musician
adj. 为: having or revealing supreme mastery or
adj. 为: having or showing clear ideas about what
should happen or be done in the future
adj. 为: existing only in imagination, unreal
1121 visionary n. : one whose ideas or projects are
impractical, dreamer

n. 为 : a person who has clear ideas about what
should happen or be done in the future

adj. 为 为: happy and lively in a way that is
1122 vivacious

adj. 为 为: expressing feelings or opinions in a
1123 vociferous very loud or forceful way, expressed in a very loud or forceful
adj. 为 l 为: readily vaporizable at a
relatively low temperature
1124 volatile adj. 但 为 为 l 为: likely to change in
a very sudden or extreme way, having or showing extreme or
sudden changes of emotion
adj. 为 l 为: talking a lot in an energetic and
1125 voluble
rapid way

adj. 为 为: easily hurt or harmed

1126 vulnerable
physically, mentally, or emotionally
1127 waning adj. 为 为: becoming smaller or less

v. : (of a bird) to sing a song that has many

different notes
1128 warble
v. : to sing (something) especially with a high or
shaky voice

adj. ”为 令为: having or showing kindness,

1129 warmhearted
sympathy, and affection
adj. 为 为: not having or showing complete
1130 wary trust in someone or something that could be dangerous or
cause trouble
vi. : to move back and forth in an unsteady way
vi. l : to go back and forth between choices or
1131 waver
opinions, to be uncertain about what you think about
something or someone
adj. 为 》 为: unusual in a playful or
1132 whimsical
amusing way, not serious
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1133 wide-ranging adj. 为: including many different ideas, actions, or things

1134 widespread adj. 为 为: widely diffused or prevalent
vt. : to produce or provide (something, such as a
plant or crop), to produce (something) as a result of time,
effort, or work
vi. : : to give up possession of on claim or
1135 yield
demand, to give or render as fitting, rightfully owed, or
n. : the amount of something that is produced by a
plant, farm, etc.
n. “ 【 : a person who has
very strong feelings about something (such as religion or
1136 zealot

politics) and who wants other people to have those feelings, a
zealous person

adj. 似为 为:marked by fervent partisanship for a
1137 zealous person, a cause, or an ideal : filled with or characterized by


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2014-2021 GRE 6 26
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“ ” . GRE  o . . sentence equivalence
6 2 . . 2

1. After many years of feeling ________ by his senior managers, Clark was becoming hopeful of
A. vilified

B. stymied
C. hindered
D. aggrieved
E. circumvented .

F. overlooked

2 .
XXX.” .Clark

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. . .

ornamental decorative .9 2 “ ” . “ ”
. 2.ornamental decorative
 o “ . 4

.design purposeful. . 4 “ ” “ ”
. GRE “ ”. be designed to do sth.

The maps in this volume are meant not as guides but as________ they are designed to make the
reader think anew about the city.
A. adornments
B. references

C. truisms
D. provocations
E. valedictions

not as A but as B . 2 they are designed to make the reader

think anew about the city . anew . map 1
1 (volume) 4 (guides) . _____ . E
G (think anew).
provocation . .
be designed to do sth “ ” .
. provocation 4 “ ” .Webster provocation “something that
provokes”, provoke 1 “to call forth”, .provocation “
. ” E G . provocation, E
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GRE . “1 R.1 ” . . 2

“ ” . novelty.innovative.inventive . experimental original

1 “ ” “ ” . GRE “ ”
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GRE 1E . R “ .
GRE 4R . 1 4 ” . champion. R “


Even if the merits of the proposal are (i)_______, faculty members may be reluctant to (ii)
________ , given their fear of offending the group that champions it.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. unparalleled 4 D. demur
B. dubious E. approve
C. obvious F. acquiesce
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. R 4 . “ E
even if A, B, given C AB .BC .C “
G. B 4 .5 .A

dubious G . G demur .
champion . GRE 1 .

GRE . “exhaust” . exhausted “ ”
. “exhaustive” “ 1 . ” 4

Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few

pertinent sources on the Black Arts movement in literature have (i)________ Thompson’s search,
(ii)________, the text makes it clear that the author’s examination of these sources has been

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

A eluded D. moreover G. valuable

B characterized E. however H. timely

C. motivated F. consequently I. exhaustive

. . similarly 1
. few sources have XXX, similarly XXX .
” . . . ”
50 1E
Black Arts .5 .
.Thompson . 1 E

eluded . moreover exhaustive .

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9 ) 6 5
G8 12 -10 R

abnegate repudiate
abound proliferate
( absolve exonerate
) abstemious austere 为
abstract divorce “

abstruse esoteric, arcane, recondite

, abuse misuse
- accentuate highlight

. accession acquiescence 何
accord consensus
 o f
acerbic mordant, cutting, caustic 伤为
achieve realize
( acknowledge recognize 何
) acquiescence accession
acrimony bitterness 伤

acumen shrewdness
, acute severe u 为
- adaptability flexibility

. adaptable flexible
adept proficient 亮

admirable enviable 仑 为
adroit dexterous, nimble, skillful 亮为
( adversarial antagonistic 为
) advocate champion
affable easygoing, cordial 佩 为
affiliated kindred fw 为 fw 为
, aggravate exacerbate
- alarm dismay, unsettle
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. alleviate mitigate
( allure charm
( alter modify
( altruism beneficence
(( ambiguous equivocal
() analogous comparable
( ancient primitive 为
( ancillary supplementary 为
(, animus hostility

(- annoying unwelcome 为

(. anomaly aberration
) anonymous obscure 为 l 为

) antagonistic adversarial 为
) antecedent precursor o
)( antedate precede
)) antediluvian archaic 为
) anticipate prefigure, harbinger 体
) antithetical oppositional 为
), apprehension trepidation

)- appropriate borrow
). appropriation pilferage
arbitrary capricious 为 为

arcane esoteric, recondite 为

archaic outdated, antediluvian 为

( ascending mounting j 为
) aspersion slur x
assert insist, retain, maintain
assured settled 为
, astounding stunning 值 为 l 为
- attention publicity
. augment enrich
augmentation expansion -
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august majestic u为 u 为
auspicious propitious 为
( authoritative definitive 为
) autonomy independence 为
avaricious rapacious 为
aver assert
, awkward ungainly 争 为
- banal insipid 为 为
. banish expel

, banter raillery

, baseless untenable 为
, bedrock foundation, building block 乘

,( beget create
,) beholden to indebted to
, belie contradict m 乐 举
, belligerent pugnacious 为
,, betoken signify
,- blameless unimpeachable 为
,. bland insipid 为

- blemish defect
- boon benefit
- brook tolerate, forbear, bear

-( bucolic pastoral 为
-) burdensome onerous 为

- burgeoning expansion -
- buttress bolster
-, bypass circumvent, skirt 俭
-- calamity disaster
-. calculation deliberation 为
. calm quiescence 为
. calumnious defamatory 为
. canned formulaic 为 为
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.( canny shrewd 为
.) capricious fickle, versatile, volatile
. captivated enamored
. capture secure 优
., castigating chastising )
.- casual cursory 为
.. caterwaul shriek
cautious guarded 为
cede relinquish

celebrated renowned 为

( censure reprehend
) champion defend, protect, espouse

chary circumspect, prudent 为
check brake  o
, cheerless gloomy ) 为
- chimera illusion
. circuitous indirect
circumscribe confine, limit
clandestine covert 为

classic archetypical, typical, common 为 为

( clever ingenious, innovative
) coherent orderly f 为 为

colossal immense 为
combine meld

, comity civility 也
- comparatively relatively
. comparison analogy
compliant tractable 为 为
complicated knotty 》 为
comprehensive inclusive 为 h 为
( compromise impair
) concede acknowledge 何
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conceivable imaginable 为
concrete substantial 为
, confine limit, circumscribe
- conform to square with f
. confound obscure
( confuse muddle
( conjecture speculate
( consistent regular f
(( conspicuous prominent, salient, obtrusive 为

() constant stable 为

( constrain deter, govern 互
( construe interpret 低 东低

(, contemplate ponder
(- contempt disregard
(. contemptuous polemical 为 为
) contentious controversial 为 乐
) contravene violate
) controversial provocative 为 为
)( conundrum enigma 使

)) conviction certainty
) convoluted tortuous 》 为
) counterpart parallel

), coveted enviable 仑 为
)- craft cunning

). credulous trusting 为
cruelty barbarity
cryptic elusive 为
cumbersome unwieldy 争 为
( cursory perfunctory 为 为
) dampen deaden
dangerous perilous 为
dearth paucity
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, decay deterioration
- decisive unmistakable 从中为
. decorative ornamental 为 为
defender proponent
deferential respectful 为
defied disregarded
( definitive authoritative 为
) deflate soothe 仇
deflect shrug off

defy disregard

, deleterious detrimental 为
- delusive slippery l 为

. denounce lambaste
, dense concentrated
 o 为 为
, design purposefulness 为 付|
, destroy annihilate k
,( deteriorate decline
,) detract deprecatory
, deviate mislead

, dexterous adroit, nimble 为

,, diatribe rant
,- dichotomous contradictory

,. diffident timid 为 为
- diffuse spread

- dilatory remiss 为
- dilemma quandary
-( diligent industrious 为
-) dim darken
- diminutive minuscule 为
- estrangement from
-, disagreement divergence 二为 “
-- discern detect, discover
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-. discount undervalue
. discovered by discerned by
. discrepancy incongruity lf
. disdain opprobrium
.( disinformation mendacity
.) disintegrate crumble 低
. disinterested impartial 为
. dismiss ignore, disregard
., disparate heterogeneous, various l 为 为

.- disparity variance l

.. dispatch celerity
dispersed dissipated ≦为

incommensurate with l 为 l 为
disregard flout
( disseminate transmit ≦
) divergent disparate l 为

diverse heterogeneous, disparate l 为

diversity variety l

, doctrinaire dogmatic 为
- doubt disbelieve, question 中 中
. douse extinguish

dovish pacific 为
dramatic spectacular 为 l 东为
dreary tedious 为

( dwindling contracting 仇 为
) ecstasy euphoria
ecstatic euphoric 为
efficacy usefulness
, effusive emotional 倾 为
- egregious flagrant 为 为
. elegiac plaintive 为
elemental rudimentary, fundamental, basic 为 乘为
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elicit draw
eliminate put to rest
( eloquence rhetoric ( 为
) elusive slippery 为 东 l 为
emblematic totemic 为 为
emendation revision
, enamor favor
- encomium tribute

. encyclopedic exhaustive,complete,comprehensive 为 为

( endemic native 为 为

( endorse approve 何
( endurance tenacity

(( engaging winning 为
() enigma conundrum 使
( enigmatic perplexing 使为 为
( ephemeral transient, transitory 为 乏 信为

(, equivocal ambiguous t 为
(- erstwhile onetime 为

(. essential indispensable 为
) euphoria ecstasy
) evaluation critique 佣 佣

) evasive elusive
)( exacerbate worsen, aggravate
)) exacting meticulous 为 为

) exaggerate overrate 佣
) exaggeration hyperbole
), exalt valorize
)- excoriate crab 佣
). exemplar model 休
exonerate absolve
expand augment -
expel oust
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( experimental innovative 为
) extol valorize
extirpate eliminate
extraneous irrelevant 为 l 为
, extremist zealot
- facilitate further
. factiousness schism “
fair objective
faultless perfect 为

favor aid

( feigned false 为
) fiery impassioned 为 为

figurative symbolic 为 为
fitting apposite  o 为 ”为
, fixated on bothered by
- fleeting momentary 为
. flexible supple 为
, flout disregard
, fluctuate vary

, flummox confound
,( foresighted prescient 为
,) forestall prevent 俭

, formidable daunting ≧ 为
, fortuitous accidental 为

,, foster cultivate
,- fractious restive 为
,. free unconstrained l
- friendliness geniality
- fringe marginal 促 为
- frugality thrift
-( frustrate thwart
-) fungible interchangeable 为 为
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- fusty obsolete 件为 为
- futile pointless 为
-, galvanize animate
-- garrulous loquacious 为
-. gauge reckon 佣
. generality abstraction
. generic inclusive 为
. geniality friendliness
.( glean collect

.) gloomy lugubrious 为

. glut surfeit 为
. gradual imperceptible 为 为

., gratify please
.- gregariousness sociability
.. guile deviousness
( hail acclaim
( hamstring impair
( haphazardly randomly 为
( ( happenstance chance

( ) harmless innocuous 为
( hastily impulsively, rapidly 为
( hazardous precarious 为

( , heartless callous 为
( - helter-skelter haphazard 买 为

( . herald harbinger
( heterodox iconoclastic 为
( heterogeneity diversity
( heterogeneous disparate, dissimilar l 为
( ( hierarchical stratified 借产为
( ) hinder inhibit
( hindrance handicap
( hitch snag
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( , hodgepodge patchwork
( - homogeneity resemblance
( . homogeneous uniform 为
( hone enhance
( hubristic arrogant
( humdrum dull 为
( ( humility modesty
( ) hyperbole exaggeration
( hypocrisy mendacity

( hypocrite sycophant

( , hypothetical unconfirmed 为
( - iconoclastic heterodox 为

( . ignore slight
(( ill-advised misguided  o l 为
(( illuminate clarify
(( imbibe quaff 临做
((( immaterial inconsequential l 为
(() impair compromise
(( impartial disinterested, fair, evenhanded 为

(( impassionate fiery 为
((, impecunious indigent 为
((- imperceptible indiscernible l 为

((. implacable unyielding l 为

() impractical visionary l” 为

() improbable incredible l【 为 从 为
() inaccessible opaque
()( inaugurate engender 便
()) inauspicious ominous l 为
() inborn innate 为
() incisiveness acuity
(), incommensurate disproportionate l 为 l 为
()- incongruous divergent lf 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

(). inconsequential trivial 丝 为 l 为

( inconsistent mixed 乐 为 为
( indecorous unseemly l 为
( indict excoriate
( ( indifferent apathetic 为
( ) indigent impecunious 为
( indirect circuitous 为 l 为
( inert inactive 为
( , inevitable unavoidable 俭 为

( - inexplicable incomprehensible 东低为

( . inferable entailed 为
( inferable from entailed by

( inflammatory provocative 为
( ingenuous simple  o 为
( ( inimical antagonistic 为
( ) innocuous benign 为

novelty, original, unconventional,

( innovative
experimental, inventive

( inscrutable uninformative 为

( , insightful sagacious 为
( - insipid bland 为

( . inspired promoted
(, instability uncertainty l 为
(, insufficient meager l 为

(, insular provincial, private mp 为 为

(,( intelligibility simplicity 东低
(,) intelligible readable, comprehensible 为 东低为
(, intractable stubborn 东为 为
(, intransigence obduracy l
(,, intransigent resolute 为
(,- intricate convoluted, complex 》 为
(,. intriguing engaging 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

(- invigorating refreshing 为
(- irascibility exasperation
(- ironically paradoxically 乐
(-( irrelevant extraneous 为 为 l 为
(-) itinerant peripatetic 为 l 为
(- jejune vapid 为
(- kindred affiliated 为 为
(-, kinfolk relative
(-- laconic taciturn 为

(-. layperson nonspecialist l 伴为

(. lethargic somnolent, slumberous 为
(. limit confine

(. limited scant, circumscribed l 为
(.( limpid pellucid  o 保 为
(.) liquidity mutability
(. list tilt
(. loath reluctant l 为
winded, garrulous, rambling,
(., long 》 为

(.- lucidity clarity

(.. ludicrous risible 了为
) lugubrious gloomy 为

) lull respite, relief 为

) luxuriant rampant 为
) ( malfeasance fraudulence l 伴|

) ) malleable plastic 为 为
) malodorous noisome 为
) manifest reveal,self-evident,obvious
) , marginal peripheral 促为 为
) - marked conspicuous 为 之为
) . match parallel m m
) maturity precociousness
) maverick nonconformist 一 万伴为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

) meager insufficient 为
) ( mercurial volatile 为
) ) meticulous thorough 为 为
) meticulously painstakingly fsl 为 何 为
) minimal trifling 为 l 为
) , misgiving about trepidation over
) - mitigate ameliorate
) . mixed inconsistent 为
) mockery derision 了

) modern advanced 为 为

) modify revise, rehash
) ( momentary evanescent 为

) ) momentous significant, crucial, indispensable 为

) naive unsophisticated 为
) nascent budding 为
) , nebulous vague 为

) - neglect forsake l
) . negligible insignificant l 为

)( neophyte novice
)( nimble adroit, dexterous 为
)( nonspecialist layperson 伴 nq

)(( novel original 为

)() novice tyro
)( numinous occult 为

)( obedience camaraderie
)(, obfuscate obscure 为
)(- objectivity fairness
)(. obsequious sycophantic 为
)) obsolete fusty 为
)) obstacle hindrance
)) obtain glean
))( ominous inauspicious l 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

))) opportune timely 为

)) opportunism self-interest :
)) opprobrium disdain
)), order stability
))- original innovative 为
)). oust expel
) outmoded unfashionable 为
) outstanding unexampled 为 m 为
) overcome transcend

) ( overlook neglect, ignore, vilify,

) ) pacific dovish 为
) palatable appetizing 为

) paltry meager 为
) , panacea cure-all
 o h 众
) - paradigm model 休
) . parity equality 二
) parochial provincial 为 为
) paucity vacuousness, dearth
) penitent contrite 为

) ( perceptive discerning 为
) ) perennial long-standing 为
) perilous dangerous 为

) peripatetic itinerant 为 为
) , peripheral marginal 促为 为

) - perplex confound, confuse

) . persist continue
), persistence survival k 为 为
), pilferage appropriation
), placate appease
),( placatory conciliatory
),) plastic malleable 为
), plethora surfeit
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

), polymath encyclopedic 丹 为 为
),, ponder contemplate
),- porous permeable 保为
),. portend predict
)- preachy sanctimonious 伪佩为
)- preachy sanctimonious,didactic, pious 为
)- precarious perilous 为
)-( preclude bar, prevent
)-) precociousness maturity

)- preconception prejudice

)- precursor forerunner 乡
)-, predictable foreseeable 为

)-- predilection proclivity
)-. presage portend o
). prescience foresightedness
). preserve safeguard ?
). pressing critical 为
).( preternatural exceptional 为
).) prevalent extensive 为

). prevarication mendacity
). prevent preclude
)., primitive rudimentary 为

).- pristine undisturbed 为 为

).. private insular 为

proclaim profess
proliferate abound y
prolix garrulous verbose 为
( prominence salience
) promoter impetus
propitious auspicious 为
protean versatile 为
, protest remonstrate ;
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

- provenance origin
. provincial insular 为
prudent circumspect 为
pugnacious irascibly truculent 为 为
purposefulness design 体
( puzzle conundrum 使
) quaff imbibe
quantify measure
quiescence calm

, quixotic idealistic, visionary, impractical 东 为

- quotidian workday 为
. raillery banter

rally coalesce
rally behind coalescing around
rambling garrulous
( rampant luxuriant 下专为
) rant diatribe
rapacious avaricious 为
realism verisimilitude

, realist pragmatist
- realize achieve
. rebut debate

( recalcitrant headstrong 为
( recant repudiate 何

( reclamation reformation
(( recognize make out 何 何
() reconciliation rapprochement
( recondite convoluted 为
( recycle rehash 东
(, refuge oasis 俭
(- rehabilitate restore 》
(. rein in manacle
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

) reject repudiate
) rejection liberation 低
) relatives kinfolk
)( relentless unrelenting 为
)) relevant germane 为
) relish delighted
) remedy recipe
), remonstrate protest ;
)- remove strip away

). replace substitute

reproach opprobrium
repudiate recant 何

reservation doubt 中
( respite relief  o
) restive skittish 为 l 为
restorative tonic 为
resurgent recrudescent 为 》 为
, reticent reserved 为
- retrenchment curtailment 仇

. reveal manifest 保倾
revise rehash 东
revival renaissance 》

riddle conundrum
( risible ludicrous 了为
) robust strong 为

rudimentary primitive 为
sanction endorse
, scant limited l 为
- scarcely hardly l
. schism factiousness “
, scolding admonishment
, self-interest opportunism
, selfless altruistic
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

,( senescence decrepitude
,) settled unerring 为
stifle, hinder, hamper,
, shackle
impede,obstacle, stymie
, shirk neglect
,, shortcoming fault l
,- short-lived ephemeral 为
,. shriek caterwaul
- shun eschew 俭

- sidestep circumvent 俭
- significant considerable 为 为

-( simplicity intelligibility 为 东低为
-) sincere frank, heartfelt 佩为 ) 为

- singular unique, only 万f 为 一 为
skittish fractious
 o 健 为
-, slight disparage
-- slippery elusive 为

-. slur aspersion
. snag hitch

. solidarity camaraderie
. solitary private 为
.( somber solemn u 为

.) somnolent lethargic, slumber 义为

. sound unquestionable 东为
. sparing negative 为

., specious unconvincing l 为
.- speculative conjectural
.. spike upsurge j
spirited vigorous 为
spontaneous intuitive 为
sporadic scanty 为
( spur foster
) spurious artificial 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

spurring fostering
stingy parsimonious
, stratified hierarchical 借产为
- strip away remove
. stymie hinder
substantial concrete, solid 为
successively sequentially
succumb yield
( sullen surly 侮为 也为

) superficial sketchy 为

surfeit glut
surmise infer 不

, susceptibility characteristic 为 七 一
- suspect dubious  o 中
. sweeping comprehensive 为
swill guzzle 做
sycophant adulator 为
sycophantic obsequious 为
( symmetry balance

) synoptic abridged 为 为
taciturn laconic,reserved
talent genius “

, tantamount to synonymous with m

- tedious boring, monotonous, drab, plain 为
. temper moderate

( terse laconic 为
( theoretical conceptual 东 j为
( thrilled about elated by
(( tilt list
() timid diffident l
( transitory ephemeral 为
( trenchant profound 为
(, trepidation apprehension
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

(- trifling minimal l 为
(. trivial inconsequential, trifling, minimal l 为 l 为
) tyro novice
) ubiquitous omnipresent, universal l 为
) unabated insatiable l
)( unalloyed unqualified l
)) unambiguous clear-cut 为
) unassuming modest 为
) unavoidable inevitable 俭 为

), uncertain conjectural l 为

)- unconventional quirky 为
). undercut undermine x

undermine subvert
undeserved unexpected
 o l 为 l 为
undeveloped sketchy l 为
( undiminished undamaged 为
) undue excessive 为
unexceptional nondescript 为
unfamiliarity ignorance l

, unflagging unfatigued l丰 为
- unfounded unjustified 为
. unimpeachable blameless 为

unintelligible unfathomable 东低为

unique clear-cut 为

universal omnipresent, ubiquitous 为 l 为

( universality persistence
) unostentatious modest 为
unprecedented novel,abnormal 为 为 为
unprepossessing unremarkable l 为
, unremitting unceasing l 为
groundless, unfounded, unjustified,
- unwarranted 为
. unwillingly reluctantly l 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

, utilitarian functional 为
, vacillate fluctuate
, vacillation irresolution, wavering l
,( vacuousness paucity
,) variable changeable 为 为
, venerable respected
, veracity truth 东
,, verbose prolix 为
,- verisimilitude realism

,. vestige relic
- vigorous spirited 为

- vilified overlooked 为
- vilify overlook

-( virtue merit
-) visible salient 为
- vitiate impair
- vitriol opprobrium 伤

-, volatile versatile 》 为
-- wane decline

-. waning declining 俗
. warble croon
. waver oscillate

. wayward errant l 为
.( wealth profusion
.) welter hodgepodge

. whimsicality capriciousness
. wield exert
., witless dense 为
.- wondrous amazing 为
.. workday quotidian 为
, yield engender
, zealous impassioned 为
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GRE + E 2021 5
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573 他

2 1 0

<E > 8 <
8G < < w
( 9 8 < f a8 9 8 < F= 8 t 与
) 48 <E <
9 < <

, >8 FE >8 FE0) 8
- E

. < <

8 8 0 ) >8 FE0 G E
( E
) P8
>E 予
8 < <8 <

, 8 8 FE
- 8 ><9 8 < G < FE

. 8 ><9 8 <
8 F 为
8 F E F 体

8GG F 8 <
( 8 < <8E
9< < 8 <E F 8EF <
) m f 二
< 8 FE

9 EF 8
9 F F
8 8 < F << < 8
, 体 个i
G 8 <
- <E “
. <8 8E < 8 FE F= = 8 FE “
( F<== <E
( F F F
( F FE G <
R8R0R 8R x8|
(( 89 F < 8 <
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

() 8 ><9 8
( 8 8E l 为
( 8 < E8E 伴

8 < G F> < FE

< <E <

(- 98 < 促 为 x为
(. 8E < 8 FE
) 8 E8

) F 9 E8 FE

) F FE =8 F
)( F FE F>8

)) F FE 8 F

) F G < < 8 8 <

 o8 FE
) F G < E 9< 》
), F GF < E 9< 为
)- FE < < E 9<
). FE 8E
9< FF

< 8
< 8 = 8 FE
( < 8 P < < 8 8 <

) < <8 < 9P

==< <E 8 “
, < < <E P

- 9 < 为 9 < 9P
. < 8 FE F= < = <> << f
< 8 <E < 8 FE 低 二
< 8 FE
< <E P < <E E <>< “为
( < GFE<E
) =8 F
=8 F 8 借
FE < < < <E E <><
, FE < < F E <><
- F G P
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

. < 8 8 <
, < 8 GF E
, ==< <E <
, >
,( F E +
,) <
, FE
, F
,, < 8 FE
,- < <E E <>< < <E E 9<
,. =8 F 89 < 8 8 < 8 FE “低为
- =8 F 8 FE “低

><F < G F> < FE
- 二
< <E <

- E <8 <
-( E <8 < F

-) E= E < 8
- E <><
- E < <
-, 8 FE8 E 9<
 o 东
-- <8 GF 9 < 8 <
-. < <
. E<8 f 为 为
. E<8 < 8 FE f
. E<8 8E =F 8 FE f

.( < 8 F<== <E

.) 8
. E <E
. FEF 8

., EF 8
.- G 8E
.. G <
E8 8 F>8

E<>8 < E 9<

E F G < < 8 8 < 8 FE l a
( E <8 < 9P
) E< 8 P l二
E= E < < 8
E= E P
, 8 FE8 东
- <8 F FE G <
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

. < 8E
E<8 8 ><9 8
E<8 = E FE f
( <8E
) E
E 8 < 8 8P 例 例
< < 8
, G <
- G 8 FE
. G P <
E8 8 E 9<

E<>8 < F < E 9< 例
EFEE<>8 < 例为

( E < < G P <
) E 9< <F P

E < 8 F<== <E
F E <>< F E 9<
, F E8
- F > E8 < 8 FE
. G< <E 8><
( G< 8 FE
( GF < E 9<

( G < =8 F
(( G F 乱
() G F> < FE

( G FG< 9 <
( 8E
(, 8 < 8 FE
(- <8 E 9<

(. < E> < 8

) FF >E
) F E F==
) EF 8 8
)( E 9< E<
)) F E8 P 8 <
) GF PEF 8
) GF <
), G < E 9<
)- 8 8 < 8 FE
). F <E
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

8 8 >E
8 FE8 E 9< 东
( < G F 8 为
) < 8 E <
F E F F E F==
, < <E <
- 8 <
. F FE < 低
8 < FF
9 8 <E

( EF 8 i

) 8 89 <
F < E 9<

, G < F FE = 8 FE “
- 8E<F < 8 FE
. F FE 低
 o 于
, 9 8
, <E “
,( F < E<8 <
,) 8E> < E< 8 P i位l二

, E FE
, E w
,, < > < 8 < 8><
,- F <

i “
,. F FE = 8 FE “ “

- F G < = 8 FE

- 8 ><9 8 = 8 FE .

- 9 < “
-( 8E < 8 FE
-) F FE <EF 8 F “
- <EF E8 F “
- < 8 <E = 8 FE 二 “
-, = 8 FE “
-- E < < G FGF FE
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

-. <8 F FE <EF E8 F “
. < E 9< “
. G FG< = 8 FE “
. E < 8 F “
.( G FG< = 8 FE “
. < < < < F= 8 G FGF FE
. >8 = 8 FE “ m < 8 = 8 FE
., < <8E F= 8 G FGF FE

.- 89 8

.. 8 < 8E> < 位
8 A8 <E < < 修假

8 < E8 < 8E> < 位
8E> < 9 < F 位 “

( 8 位i位 为以
) F
< > 8G 停
=< <E <
, F FE 98 < 8E> < i位
- 8 < 8E> < 位i位

. 8 A8 <E 8E> < 修位

8 <
8E> < 位

( <E < F= 8 <
) <E 8 8E> < 位

8 P E <
, 9< ”
- F <
. F G < <E 8 P 8E> < 位

FE <E <
FE> <E 二为
FF E8 <
( F < GFE E> 8E> < 位
) F < FE
8 < <
, < ><
- < 8 < 8 8E> < 二促i位
. < < F 8E> < 位
( =8 < F= 8 F 为
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

( FE 8 < GF P>FE

( FE< 倍 乱0
(( FE < GF P>FE 促
() FF E8 < P <
( 9<
( < 8>FE 促
(, 8>FE8 位
(- <E FE 二

(. <E GF E
) < 8 < 8 二 二为促

) < <E P G8 < 二 为
) < <E 2 G 8E< = > < < <E

< < F 8E> < FE < 8 < <
)( 位
F= < 8E < 8
)) = E E<
) < 8>FE
 o 促
) PGF <E < 促
), E < < 促
)- E=< <E < 东
). E 9< ”
E < <G

E < F 8E> < 位

( GF E x

) E <
“ 位为 “0 <> <<
><F < <8E .
><F < P

, <G 8>FE g促
- PG< 9F 8
. E < 8E> < 位
E 9< 8E> < i位
E < <
F < < 8E> < 二 i位
( <> i位 为 位促 为t l 伴为促
) E<
E< <> <E
< 8E F= 8 8E> < i位 为x
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

, 8 < 8 促为
- F9 8 <E< < G <
. F9 < 8E> < 位
, F E8 <
, G8 8 < E< 伴
, G<E 8>FE 促
,( G 8E<
,) GF P>FE 促
, GP 8 位倍
, 8 8E
,, 8 < FE i位倍
,- 8 8E

,. 8
- < 8E> <

- < 8E> 8 PG< 9F 8 二
- <> 8 G

<> 8 F <> 8
-) < F < E < F 8E> < l 修 位
- F 9
- > 8 FE< 倍
-, > 8E> < 位i位
-- 8 <E< 为 l二促
-. 8 <E< 8E> < l二促i位
. EFE8>FE 促

. F9 < i位
. F 8>FE 位
.( FGGF < 位i位 x为 促
.) F > E

. F < 8G
. G8 8 < F> 8 伴 促
., G< < <
.- G< G<E 8 为

.. G 8E< ><F < P

( 6P 8>F <8E <F < 东 以 东
( 8 8 < 8 促
( < 8E> 8 FF E8 < 位
( ( < 8E> 8 F
( ) <> 8 GF P>FE 促
( <> 8 GP 8 倍
( > 8E> < 位
( , > 8 P E <
( - F E 8E> < 位
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

( . 8 <E< P E <
( <> <E F= 8 <
( < 促
( FG< 且
( ( F ><F < P
( ) 8 <
( 8 > E<
( GG < <E 8 P 8E> < 位
( , 8E < 8
( - 8E> < i位
( . < 8 8E> < 假位
( < <

( F

( G < <
 o 乱 乱
( ( 8 > 8E> < 位 - 位
( ) =8 < 8 <8 乱
( 8E><E ”
( 8G< F
( , >FEF < P i位

( - < < < < 假

( . F < 乱

(( 98 > 8G 七
(( 8 < > 8G 乱
((( > 8G

(() E< > 8G

(( > 8G <F P
(( G < 8 停
((, 89 <
((- = < <E P F E 偏且
((. < 8 < = < <E P 偏且
() <> <E < 98 > 8G “ 为
() < F
() F> 8 七
()( E 8 8 < 为
()) <E
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

() 9 8 8 < 为

() 8 GFF 为
(), <E “
()- F FE P<8 ( 为f
(). 9 FE
( < f位 f位
( F <E f) w
( > F )
( ( E < 8 8 P P<8 <8G P<8 (
( ) E < “

( 8 < “ f
( G<EEP f “

( , F <
( - < F

( . <G < 8 FE
( < 8 <E < < 8 FE 二
( E=< <E < 东 东
( G F989 P GF
9 P 且
( ( <E 8 <E <E P x
( ) 8 < <8E <8E

( 8 < “
( G< <E < 丹“
( , E < 8 < 8E>< “

( - F <
( . G< FE
(, 9F G F
(, 8E 8 < 8 FE

(, 8 G < 8E 8 < 8 FE
(,( E < < FE
(,) AF E 8 P < <
(, E FE < FE G E G < 东

(, G F989 P < G< <E 且

(,, 8E F < G< <E
(,- F F <
(,. 8 G < G8 <
(- < <E
(- < 8 P < P 二
(- 8E F < < FE
(-( 8 P < < 为
(-) E <G<E <E 万 为
(- =8 F 8 借
(- 9 FE < “
西柚西柚Online(光年) https://www.shelker.com

(-, <E P <

(-- = < <E P < 偏且
(-. 8E F 8 89 <
(. G F989 P 9 FE 且“
< G< < 8 < <8E F= 8E F
8 89 <
(. < < 8E F 8 89 < ≦
8GG F 8 < P EF 8 P
(.( “
9 <
FE E F G F989 P
(.) 且“
9 FE
(. FE E F 8E F 8 89 <

(. 8E 8 EF 8 9 FE 【“

g 予
(., < 8 F < 8 < 8 0

(.- F < 8E 1
(.. < 8E /
) EF < 8E e
) EF F < 8E
 o d
) 8 8 F 9 G
E < ==< <E < 9 8
) (
8 = F 9
) ) G P G F ×
) 8 < 9P 9 ÷

) 89 F < 8 < aRR

) , 8 <

) - 9<

) . 8 < FF
) 9< FF
) G8 8 < F 伴
) G< G<E 8 F
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1. Permutation: Pnm = = n(n - 1)(n - 2)...(n - m + 1)
(n - m)!

n! n(n - 1)(n - 2)...(n - m + 1)

2. Combination: Cnm = =
m!(n - m)! 1´ 2 ´ 3...m
3. Discount= Cost × rate of Discount

4. The number of factors of Z= x • y • z

a b c
(x,y,z is positive prime number), n=(a+1)(b+1)(c+1)

5. Quadratic formula x= (-b ± b 2 - 4ac )

n(a 1 +an ) n(n −1)
6. Arithmetic progression an = a1 + (n −1)d, Sn = = na1 + d
2 2

a1 (1 - q n )
7. Geometric progression a n = a1q ( n -1) , S n =
 o 1- q

8. Distance between points (x, y) and (a, b) is (x − a)2 + (y − b)2

9. Area of triangle= bh

10. Special formula of area of triangle = s( s - a)(a - b)( s - c) , s = (a + b + c)

11. Area of rectangular = lw
12. Area of parallelogram = bh
Product of two diagonals

13. Area of a rhombus =

(b1 + b2 )
14. Area of a trapezoid = h

15. Volume of cubic solid = a

16. Volume of rectangular solid = l ´ w´ h

17. Volume of right circular cylinder = r2 • h

1 2
18. Volume of right circular cone = r •h

4 3
19. Volume of ball = r
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9 GRE 387
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9 GRE 387

7 2 3 4

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E 4

8 E 0R1

9 31
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24 4 91 G pc

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89 7 gR 89 7 , 32 7 2-2 8 4,7 8

2-2 8 4,7 8 p Rd


8 7
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07 4-2 8 gR gR

u R G


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s a h


8 7
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GRE 387

zouzhongjie526 025-85981526

abjure, forswear, recant, renege,

vt. a to renounce, repeal, repudiate, retract, unsay,
formally reject withdraw
1 abnegate

vt. a to give abdicate, cede, relinquish, renounce,

up formally resign, step aside, step down, surrender
vi. 偶
a to accept,

agree, or allow accede, agree, assent, come round,
2 acquiesce something
 o to consent, subscribe
happen by staying dissent
silent or by not
adj. 为
t 为a able
to be understood in
more than one way,

having more than

one possible
3 ambiguous
obscure, arcane, cryptic, elliptical,

adj. 东低为a enigmatic, equivocal, fuliginous, inscrutable,

not expressed or nebulous, occult
understood clearly accessible, clear, nonambiguous,

obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal

aberrant, aberrated, abnormal,
exceptional, atypical, especial, exceeding,
adj. 为a not extraordinaire, extraordinary
4 anomalous
expected or usual common, customary, normal,
ordinary, typical, unexceptional,
unextraordinary, usual
n. a
ancestor, daddy, foregoer, forerunner,
something that
5 antecedent granddaddy, precursor, predecessor
came before
something else and
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may have
influenced or
caused it
previous, anterior, foregoing, former,
adj. 为 a precedent, preceding, prior
earlier in time after, ensuing, following, later,
posterior, subsequent, succeedingot
vt. a to
allay, alleviate, help, ease, mitigate,
lessen the intensity
mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
of (something that
aggravate, exacerbate
6 assuage pains or distresses)
vt. a to

put an end to by satisfy, quench, sate, satiate, slake

adj. 为 a
excessive, devilish, intolerable, lavish,
characterized by
overdue, overmuch, overweening, plethoric,

middling, moderate, modest,
complexity, or
7 baroque
reasonable, temperate

byzantine, elaborate, intricate,

adj. 》 为a involved, knotty, labyrinthian, labyrinthine,

having many details sophisticated, tangled

or too many details noncomplex, noncomplicated, plain,
simple, uncomplicated

n. a
a long bag of cloth
completely filled
with soft material, a

long pillow or
8 bolster
a to make

(something) back, support, buttress, corroborate,

stronger or better, to reinforce, substantiate
give support to
mandatory, forced, imperative,
incumbent, involuntary, necessary,
adj. 为a
9 compulsory nonelective, obligatory, peremptory,
required by rule
elective, optional, voluntary
v. a to bamboozle, beat, confuse, flummox,
10 confound
make (something) fox, fuddle, gravel, maze, puzzle, vex
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difficult to
n. a the backwash, child, conclusion,
outcome of an event precipitate, product, result, resultant, sequel,
especially as sequence, upshot
relative to an antecedent, causation, cause, occasion,
individual reason
11 consequence
account, importance, import,
n. a magnitude, moment, momentousness,
having important significance, weight, weightiness
effects or influence insignificance, littleness, puniness,
slightness, smallness, triviality

adj. 为a
likely to cause

disagreement or

aggressive, agonistic, belligerent,
12 contentious
discordant, militant, pugnacious,
adj. 为a
quarrelsome, scrappy, truculent, warlike
likely or willing to
nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific,
peaceable, peaceful, unbelligerent,
uncombative, uncontentious

adj. 为
debased, corrupt, degenerate,
为 a having low
degraded, demoralized, depraved, dissipated,
13 decadent morals and a great
libertine, unwholesome, warped

love of pleasure,
pure, uncorrupt, uncorrupted
money, fame, etc.
adverse, detrimental, evil, hurtful, ill,
adj. 为 a
injurious, mischievous, nocuous, wicked
14 deleterious damaging or

anodyne, benign, harmless, hurtless,

innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe
choosy, delicate, finicky, exacting,
adj. 为a not
fastidious, finical, finicking, particular,

easily satisfied or
persnickety, picky
undemanding, unfastidious, unfussy
15 demanding arduous, burdensome, challenging,
adj. 为
exacting, grueling, killing, laborious,
为arequiring much
onerous, persnickety, taxing
time, attention, or
light, nondemanding, unchallenging,
v. a to
disagree politely object, except, expostulate, kick,
16 demur
with another protest, remonstrate
person's statement
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or suggestion

n. ahesitation
usually based on
doubt of
acceptability of
something offered
or proposed
n. a false
information that is
given to people in
17 disinformation
order to make them

believe something
or to hide the truth

adj. 为a not
18 disingenuous truly honest or

n. 》 a
clone, copycat, copy, imitate,
something that is
exactly the same as
reduplicate, render, replicate, reproduce
something else
19 duplicate
carbon, carbon copy, clone,
vt. 》 a made as
duplication, facsimile, imitation, mock,
an exact copy of
replication, reproduction
something else
archetype, original, prototype

n. 俗 a a decadence, declension, declination,

condition of degeneracy, degeneration, degradation,
20 ebb
weakness, failure, downgrade, decline, eclipse, fall
etc. ascent, rise, upswing

adj. 为
为a tending to
act in strange or
bizarre, cranky, odd, erratic, offbeat,
21 eccentric unusual ways, not

outlandish, peculiar, queer, screwy, weird

following a
perfectly circular
n. |x a egocentrism, narcissism,
the feeling or belief self-absorption, self-centeredness,
that you are better, self-concern, self-interest, self-involvement,
22 egotism
more important, selfishness, selfness, self-preoccupation
more talented, etc., self-abandonment, self-forgetfulness,
than other people selflessness, unselfishness
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v. a to make
clarify, construe, demonstrate,
(something that is
demystify, explain, explicate, expound, spell
23 elucidate hard to understand)
out, unriddle
clear or easy to
adj. 为a existential, experiential, experimental,
24 empirical based on testing or objective, observational
experience nonempirical, theoretical, unempirical
brief, momentary, evanescent, flash,
fugitive, impermanent, passing, temporary,
adj. 为 a
transient, transitory
25 ephemeral lasting a very short
ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless,

enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal,
lasting, unending

educated, knowledgeable, learned,
adj. 为 a
lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read
having or showing

26 erudite benighted, dark, ignorant, illiterate,
knowledge that is
uneducated, unlearned, unlettered,
learned by studying
 o 为a
difficult for one of abstruse, arcane, deep, profound,
ordinary knowledge hermetic, recondite

or intelligence to shallow, superficial

27 esoteric
behind-the-scenes, confidential,

为a not known or
private, hushed, hush-hush, inside, intimate,
meant to be known
nonpublic, privy, secret
by the general
common, open, public

v. a to
take up and support
28 espouse as a cause
v. a to give in

marry, match, wed

v. 临 a to
criticize (someone abuse, assail, bash, belabor, castigate,
29 excoriate
or something) very attack, lambaste , potshot, savage, vituperate
v. a banish,
exile, to withdraw
(oneself) from
30 expatriate
residence in or
allegiance to one's
native country
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adj. 为a too
superficial, one-dimensional, shallow,
simple, not showing
enough thought or
deep, profound
downhill, effortless, fluent, fluid,
adj. 为a done light, painless, ready, simple, smooth, snap
31 facile or achieved in a arduous, demanding, exacting,
way that is too easy grueling, laborious, rough, severe, strenuous,
toilsome, tough
adj. 为 a
working, moving,
or performing well

and very easily
adj. 为 l doubtful, dubious, flimsy,

32 far-fetched 为a not likely questionable, unapt, unlikely
to happen or be true likely, probable

adj. 为a
broad, deep, expansive, extended,
affecting many
rangy, sweeping, wide, wide-ranging,
33 far-reaching people or things,
having a wide range
or influence
v. a to

measure the depth

of (as a body of sound, plumb
water) typically
34 fathom

with a weighted line

v. 低a to
penetrate and come
to understand

arduous, grueling, hellacious,

adj. 为a very herculean, moiling, rigorous, stiff, strenuous,
difficult to deal sweaty, toilsome
with cheap, easy, effortless, facile, light,

35 formidable
mindless, simple, soft, undemanding
adj. ≧ 为a alarming, dire, dread, fearful,
causing fear, dread, forbidding, formidable, ghastly, horrendous,
or apprehension intimidating, shocking
adj. 为 仰
breakable, delicate, frail, frangible
为a easily broken
36 fragile infrangible, nonbreakable, strong,
or damaged a very
sturdy, tough, unbreakable
delicate, not strong
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abortive, barren, bootless, empty,

fruitless, otiose, profitless, unavailing,
adj. 为 a
useless, vain
having no result or
deadly, effective, effectual,
efficacious, fruitful, potent, productive,
37 futile
profitable, successful, virtuous
adj. l u 为 a birdbrained, ditzy, giddy, frivolous,
lacking in frothy, futile, goofy, puerile, silly, yeasty
seriousness or earnest, serious, serious-minded,
maturity sober, unfrivolous
applicable, apropos, apposite,
adj. 为
pertinent, relevant
为a being at once

38 germane extraneous, immaterial, impertinent,
relevant and
inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative,

irrelevant, pointless
aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic,
adj. 为

random, hit-or-miss, scattered, slapdash,
体 为a having
39 haphazard stray
no plan, order, or
methodical, nonrandom, orderly,
 o organized, regular, systematic, systematized
grave, grievous, dangerous,
jeopardizing, menacing, parlous, perilous,
adj. 为 a
risky, threatening, venturesome
40 hazardous involving risk or
harmless, innocent, innocuous,
nonhazardous, nonthreatening, safe,

n. 二 产 a a
system in which
people or things are
41 hierarchy

placed in a series of
levels with different
importance or status
v. a to
blemish, compromise, crab, cripple,

diminish in
deface, disfigure, endamage, flaw, injure,
function, ability, or
42 impair mar, spoil, vitiate
quality a to
patch, rebuild, recondition,
weaken or make
reconstruct, renovate, repair, revamp
v. a to clog, encumber, fetter, hinder, inhibit,
43 impede interfere with or obstruct, retard, shackle, stymie, trammel
slow the progress of aid, assist, facilitate, help
n. a a sudden
descent, foray, raid, inroad, invasion,
44 incursion invasion or
attack ,an act of
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entering a place or
area that is
controlled by an
adj. 付|为a
45 indiscriminate not marked by
careful distinction
adj. 低 为a
inexplainable, unaccountable,
not able to be
46 inexplicable unexplainable
explained or
accountable, explainable, explicable
adj. 为
artful, creative, imaginative, clever,

为a very smart or
47 ingenious innovative, inventive
clever ,having or

uncreative, unimaginative
showing ingenuity
artless, genuine, honest, guileless,
adj. 为

innocent, naive, natural, sincere,
为 a showing
unaffected, unpretentious
48 ingenuous innocent or
affected, artful, artificial, assuming,
childlike simplicity
dishonest, dissembling, dissimulating,
and candidness
guileful, insincere, pretentious
adj. 为a disarming, endearing, insinuating,

capable of winning winsome

favor unendearing, uningratiating
49 ingratiating adj. 为 a

intended to gain
someone's favor or
adj. mp 为
illiberal, narrow, little,

为a separated
narrow-minded, parochial, petty, picayune,
from other people
provincial, sectarian
50 insular or cultures a not
broad-minded, catholic, cosmopolitan,
knowing or

liberal, open, open-minded, receptive,

interested in new or
different ideas
n. x a acting
51 intermediary
as a mediator
adj. froward, headstrong, recalcitrant,
为 a not easily refractory, ungovernable, unmanageable,
52 intractable managed, unruly, untoward, wayward, willful
controlled, or controllable, governable, manageable,
solved tractable
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adamant, headstrong, obstinate,

inconvincible, obdurate, ossified,
adj. 为 a
pertinacious, perverse, stubborn, willful
53 intransigent completely
acquiescent, agreeable, amenable,
unwilling to change
compliant, complying, flexible, pliable,
pliant, relenting, yielding
adj. 为 a
belonging to the immanent, inherent, inbred,
essential nature of a indigenous, ingrained, innate, integral,
54 intrinsic
thing ,occurring as a intrinsic, native, natural
natural part of adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic

adj. 为 a
55 inverse opposite in nature

or effect
irrecoverable, irredeemable,
adj. l 为a

irremediable, irretrievable, irreparable,
impossible to
unrecoverable, unredeemable
56 irreversible change back to a
correctable, corrigible, fixable,
or state
previous condition
redeemable, remediable, repairable,
reparable, retrievable, undoable
drab, dreary, drudging, jading, jejune,

monochromatic, monotonous, stale, tedious,

adj. 为a not weary
interesting absorbing, engaging, engrossing,

gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving,

57 jejune
adj. 为 a
having or showing
adolescent, babyish, immature,

the annoying
infantile, childish, juvenile, kiddish, puerile
qualities (as
adult, grown-up, mature
silliness) associated
with children

vt. u a to
criticize (someone abuse, assail, bash, belabor, blast,
58 lambaste
or something) very castigate, excoriate, scathe, slam, vituperate
adj. 为 a lawful, legal, licit
allowed according illegal, illegitimate, illicit, lawless,
59 legitimate to rules or laws unlawful, wrongful
adj. 东为a fair
or reasonable
n. misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing,
60 malfeasance
a illegal or wrongdoing
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dishonest activity
especially by a
public official or a
despiteful, malevolent, hateful,
adj. 为 a malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful,
causing or intended vicious, virulent
to cause harm benevolent, benign, benignant, loving,
v. a to say
61 malign bad things about
(someone or

publicly, to criticize

(someone or
something) harshly

or unfairly
adj. 为a very
sick, close to death

62 moribund
 o 为
antiquated, archaic, dated, demoded,
l 为a no
fossilized, obsolete, mossy, neolithic, rusty,
longer active or
adj. p 为 a carnal, earthbound, fleshly, material,
relating to ordinary earthly, sublunary, temporal, terrene,

life on earth rather terrestrial, worldly

63 mundane than to spiritual heavenly, nontemporal, unearthly,
things unworldly
adj. 为a dull everyday, prosaic, terrestrial,

and ordinary workaday

n. a the
state of being

n. a
pleasure and
64 nostalgia sadness that is
caused by
something from the
past and wishing
that you could
experience it again
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vt. a to
cancel or reduce the
annul, cancel out, compensate for,
effect of
correct, counteract, counterbalance,
65 offset (something) a to
counterpoise, make up for, negative,
create an equal
balance between
two things
n. 值 a extreme
anger, a strong
feeling of angriness, choler, furor, fury,
unhappiness indignation, irateness, ire, anger, rage,
66 outrage
because of spleen

something bad, delight, pleasure
hurtful, or morally

n. 休 a a model

or pattern for
67 paradigm
something that may
be copied
 o 乐 a
something (such as
a situation) that is
made up of two
68 paradox opposite things and dichotomy, incongruity, contradiction
that seems
impossible but is

actually true or
illiberal, insular, narrow-minded,
adj. 为a

narrow, petty, picayune, provincial, sectarian

limited to only the
broad-minded, catholic, cosmopolitan,
things that affect
liberal, open, open-minded, receptive,
your local area
69 parochial tolerant

adj. 为a of or
relating to a church
parish and the area
around it
mingy, miserly, niggard, tingy,
penurious, pinching, pinchpenny, sparing,
adj. “ 为a
stinting, tightfisted
70 parsimonious very unwilling to
bounteous, bountiful, charitable,
spend money
freehanded, generous, liberal, munificent,
openhanded, unsparing, unstinting
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drab, dreary, drudging, jading, jejune,

monochromatic, monotonous, stale, tedious,
adj. 为a
not interesting or
absorbing, engaging, engrossing,
gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving,
71 pedestrian
n. 伴 a a person
who is walking,
especially in a town
or city, rather than
travelling in a

adj. | 为a
adverse, baleful, baneful, deleterious,
causing great harm

detrimental, mischievous, nocuous, noxious,
or damage often in
72 pernicious pernicious, wicked
a way that is not
anodyne, benign, hurtless, innocent,

easily seen or
harmless, inoffensive, safe, white
adj. 为 l
73 precarious
为 a not safe,
strong, or steady
adj. z 为
ad interim, impermanent, interim,
为 a existing or
temporary, provisionary, provisory,
74 provisional accepted for the
present time but
long-term, permanent

likely to be changed
n. 中 a a feeling
of doubt or
uncertainty about
75 qualm compunction, misgiving, scruple

whether you are

doing the right
vt. a to end or
clamp down on, crack down on, crush,

stop (something)
put down, quash, repress, squash, squelch,
usually by using
subdue, suppress
76 quell vt.
二 a to calm or
reduce (something,
such as fear or
vt. 》
cure, fix, mend, rehab, heal, habilitate,
77 rehabilitate a to
reclaim, redeem, regenerate, reform
bring (someone or
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something) back to
a normal, healthy
condition after an
illness, injury, drug
problem, etc.
n. a appetite, fancy, favor, fondness,
enjoyment of or partiality, preference, liking, shine, taste
delight in aversion, disfavor, disgust, dislike,
something distaste, hatred, loathing, mislike
78 relish
vt. 世
a to enjoy or adore, delight, dig, fancy, get off ,
take pleasure in groove, rejoice, enjoy, revel, savor

v. 》 》

a to make
reanimate, recharge, regenerate,
(someone or
79 revive rejuvenate, rekindle, resurrect, resuscitate,

something) strong,
revitalize, revivify, rewake
healthy, or active
了a the act of
making fun of
someone or

something in a cruel
or harsh way a
80 ridicule derision, mockery, sport
harsh comments

made by people
who are laughing at
someone or

vt. a
to move in a violent
and confused way
vt. a to

upset (someone or
something) very
81 roil
much, to cause enrage, incense, inflame, enflame,
(someone or anger, ire, madden, outrage, rankle, rile
something) to delight, gratify, please
become very
agitated or
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adj. 为a advantageous, benignant, favorable,

having a good or profitable, restorative, salubrious,
helpful result salutiferous, sanative, tonic, wholesome
82 salutary especially after disadvantageous, unfavorable,
something unfriendly, unhelpful, unprofitable,
unpleasant has insalubrious, noxious, unhealthful,
happened unhealthy, unwholesome
adj. 为 l
exiguous, scant, scarce, skimp,
为a very small in
skimpy, slender, slim, spare, sparing, sparse
83 scarce amount or
abundant, ample, bountiful, copious,
number a not
generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful

adj. - 为a
of or relating to or

84 self-aggrandizing
characteristic of

adj. 为
为 a
85 self-defeating
acting to defeat its
own purpose
coexistent, coexisting, coextensive,
coincident, concurrent, contemporaneous,
adj. 为
coterminous, contemporary, synchronic,
86 simultaneous 为ahappening
at the same time
asynchronous, noncontemporary,

nonsimultaneous, nonsynchronous
n. a
(biology) the

between two
different kinds of
living things that
live together and

87 symbiosis depend on each

n. 为
a a relationship
between two people
or groups that work
with and depend on
each other
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drab, dreary, drudging, jading, jejune,

adj. 为 monochromatic, monotonous, stale, tedious,
为 a boring weary
88 tedious
and too slow or absorbing, engaging, engrossing,
long gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving,
adj. 为
strongly favoring a
89 tendentious
particular point of
view in a way that
may cause

adj. 为 伤
为a very thin

adj. 仰 为 l
90 tenuous 为a not certain,

definite, or strong,
flimsy, weak, or
 o a a
feeling of fear that
causes you to

hesitate because alarm , alarum, anxiety, dread,

91 trepidation
you think fearfulness, fright, horror, panic, scare, terror
something bad or

unpleasant is going
to happen
adj. 为
clear-cut, definite, definitive, express,
为 a clearly
specific, explicit, unequivocal, univocal

92 unambiguous expressed or
ambiguous, circuitous; equivocal,
understood, not
indefinite, inexplicit, unspecific, vague
adj. 为
cutthroat, immoral, Machiavellian,

为 a
unprincipled, unethical, unscrupulous
extremely bad,
ethical, moral, principled, scrupulous
unfair, or wrong
93 unconscionable baroque, exorbitant, extravagant,
adj. l 东 为 a
extreme, fancy, immoderate, plethoric,
going far beyond
steep, stiff, towering
what is usual or
middling, moderate, modest,
reasonable, temperate
vt. a to accentuate, bring out, italicize, stress,
94 underscore emphasize underline, emphasize
(something) or de-emphasize
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show the
importance of
vt. …ka
to draw a line under
adj. 为 l
为 a not inapt, incapable, incompetent,
having the skills, inexpert, unable, unfit, unfitted, unqualified,
knowledge, or unskilled, unskillful
experience needed able, capable, competent, expert, fit,
95 unqualified
to do a particular qualified, skilled, skillful, ultracompetent

job or activity
adj. 为 l categorical, categoric, complete,

为a complete consummate, definite, downright, outright,
or total sheer, thorough, utter

vt. a to
argue, attest, authenticate, certify,
prove, show, find
corroborate, substantiate, support, validate,
96 verify out, or state that
(something) is true
verify, confirm
disprove, rebut, refute
or correct
adj. 为

为 a
expressing feelings
or opinions in a blatant, caterwauling, clamant,

97 vociferous very loud or clamorous, obstreperous, squawking,

forceful way, vociferant, vociferating, yawping, yowling
expressed in a very
loud or forceful

n. a
(medicine) a pill or
substance that is

98 placebo given to a patient

like a drug but that
has no physical
effect on the patient
clever, imaginative, ingenious,
adj. 为
innovational, innovative, innovatory,
为a not like others,
99 original inventive, creative, originative, Promethean
new, different, and
uncreative, unimaginative,
uninventive, unoriginal
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nameless, no-name, noteless,

adj. | 为a uncelebrated, unfamous, unknown,
not well-known, not unrecognized, unsung
known to most celebrated, famed, famous, noted,
people notorious, prominent, renowned,
adj. 》 为
ambiguous, arcane, cryptic,
东 为 a
enigmatic , enigmatical, equivocal, obscure,
difficult to
mystic, nebulous, occult
understand, likely
accessible, clear, nonambiguous,
to be understood by
obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal
only a few people

100 obscure vt. … a to
make (something)

difficult to
understand or

know, to make
 o a to hide
belie, cloak, conceal, curtain, disguise,
or cover
enshroud, screen, shroud, suppress, veil
(something), to be
bare, disclose, display, divulge,
in front of
expose, reveal, uncloak, uncover, unmask,
(something) so that
it cannot be seen
adj. l

uncertain or obscure vague
101 equivocal
questionable in certain, indisputable

n. a the state
or vicissitude of life
or fortune
vt. a to

bear up against and ride out, survive

come safely through
102 weather
a to deal
with or experience
dangerous or
unpleasant) without
being harmed or
damaged too much
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n. a a
major change or
bouleversement, cataclysm,
period of change
earthquake, paroxysm, storm, tempest,
that causes a lot of
tumult, convulsion, uproar
conflict, confusion,
103 upheaval anger, etc.
n. a an
occurrence in which
a part of the Earth's
surface moves up
n. a a state or
counterpoise, equilibration,

condition in which
equilibrium, equipoise, poise, balance
104 stasis things do not

disequilibration, disequilibrium,
change, move, or
imbalance, nonequilibrium, unbalance

n. aa
grassy plain in campo, champaign, down(s),
105 savanna
tropical and grassland, heath, lea
subtropical regions
a to give up

(something), to give
(something, such as cede, deliver, give up, yield, abnegate,
106 relinquish
power, control, or cede, abdicate, renounce, resign, step aside

possession) to
another person or
n. athe state

or quality of lasting
107 permanency or remaining

n. aa
thick subsurface
108 permafrost layer of soil that
remains frozen
throughout the year
adj. 为a
relating to a
109 monarchical kingly, princely, queenly, regal, royal
monarch or
n. a
110 magnanimity
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n. a a usually
violent attempt to
111 insurrection
take control of a
adj. 为aof the
112 homogeneous
same kind; alike
n. b a
113 gut
courageb visceral
n. b b
a a protein
114 gluten
found in wheat, rye,
oats, and barley

v. a to
affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit,
pretend to feel or be

115 feign dissemble, fake, pretend, profess, sham,
affected by

v. a to
abolish, efface, eradicate, erase,
destroy or remove
116 extirpate expunge, exterminate, annihilate, obliterate,
sweep, wipe out

v. 俭 俭a to
avoid (something)
avoid, dodge, duck, elude, evade,
117 eschew especially because
finesse, scape, shake, shirk, shun
you do not think it
is right, proper, etc.

adj. 二 为 二
coequal, compeer, coordinate,
为 a having the
118 equivalent counterpart, equal, fellow, parallel, peer,
same value, use,
meaning, etc.

artifice, cheating, cozenage, craft,

n. atreachery,
119 duplicity craftiness, crookedness
artlessness, forthrightness, good faith

a to give
control of
cough up, deliver, give up, hand over,
120 cede (something) to
lay down, relinquish, render, yield
another person,
group, government,
n. a large
powerful tractor
121 bulldozer n.
a one that
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n. l
了 a a sound
that people make to catcall, Bronx cheer, hiss, hoot, jeer,
122 boo show they do not raspberry, razz, snort
like or approve of cheer
someone or
n. j athe act of
ascent, climb, rise, rising, soar
rising to an
123 ascension descent, dip, dive, drop, fall, nosedive,
important position
or a higher level
age, agedness, ancientness, hoariness
n. aancient times

n. athe people

of ancient times
124 antiquity n. arelics or

monuments (such as
coins, statues, or
buildings) of
ancient times
n. aa
small, very toxic

molecule (NH3)
produced by
125 ammonia nitrogen fifixation

or as a metabolic
waste product of
protein and nucleic
acid metabolism.

adj. 为 a
having or showing beneficent, benevolent, charitable,
126 altruistic an unselfish do-good, eleemosynary
concern for the self-centered, self-concerned, selfish

welfare of others
adj. a move
127 wobbling unsteadily from side
to side
vi. a (of the
moon) to appear to
128 wane
become thinner or
less full
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vi. a to abate, decline, ease, ebb, moderate,

become smaller or recede, relent, shrink, subside, wane
less, to decrease in accumulate, balloon, build, enlarge,
size, amount, escalate, mount, mushroom, rise, snowball,
length, or quality soar
atrocious, barbarous, bestial, brutal,
adj. 为
callous, inhumane, insensate, sadistic,
为 a very violent
truculent, vicious
129 vicious and cruel, having or
beneficent, benevolent, benignant,
showing very angry
compassionate, softhearted, sympathetic,
or cruel feelings
tender, tenderhearted, humane
adj. l 为 l

为 为a bad
or unfavorable, not

incongruous, incorrect, indecorous,
130 untoward

inept, infelicitous, malapropos, perverse,
adj. l 为 l
unsuitable, inappropriate, wrong
为anot proper
appropriate, becoming, befitting,
or appropriate
correct, decorous, felicitous, genteel, right,
seemly, suitable
adj. l 为

l 为 a
creating an
131 unprepossessing
unfavorable or

neutral first
adj. 争 为 l
awkward, gawkish, gawky, graceless,
为a moving in an
132 ungainly klutzy, uncoordinated, clumsy

awkward or clumsy
coordinated, graceful
way, not graceful
adj. 为 l
为a very strong clear-cut, definite, definitive, express,

and clear, not specific, unambiguous, explicit, univocal

133 unequivocal
showing or ambiguous, circuitous, equivocal,
allowing any doubt, indefinite, inexplicit, unspecific, vague
not equivocal
n. qaa
134 undertaking task, assignment, or
v. ato
bear, bolster, brace, buttress, carry,
support; to form
135 underpin prop (up), shore (up), stay, support, sustain,
part of, strengthen,
undergird, uphold
or replace the
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foundation of

n. k aa
road or pedestrian
136 underpasses tunnel passing
under another road
or a railroad
adj. l 从中为
为a not
hallowed, holy, inviolable, sacrosanct,
137 unassailable able to be doubted,
sacred, untouchable
attacked, or

138 tundra a an extremely llano, moor, pampa, plain, prairie

cold, dry biome
n. 估 a

139 tuatara lizard-like reptile
with a parietal eye
astronomical, colossal, elephantine,
 o enormous, gargantuan, immense, mighty,
adj. 为
mountainous, prodigious, tremendous
为a very large or
bitty, diminutive, infinitesimal, micro,
140 tremendous microminiature, microscopic , miniature,
minuscule, minute, tiny
adj. 为

为a very good or
backstabbing, betrayal, business,
n. a the
disloyalty, double cross, faithlessness
141 treason crime of betraying

allegiance, devotion, faithfulness,

one's country
fealty, fidelity, loyalty, staunchness
deciduous, ephemeral, evanescent,
momentary, fugacious, fugitive,

adj. 为 impermanent, temporary, transient,

142 transitory 为a lasting only for transitory
a short time ceaseless, deathless, enduring, eternal,
everlasting, immortal, permanent, perpetual,
timeless, undying
adj. 为a
143 touted
highly praised
n. a
bar, barometer, benchmark, criterion,
something that is
144 touchstone gold standard, measure, metric, standard,
used to make
judgments about the
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quality of other
arid, boring, colorless, drab, dreary,
adj. 为
drudging, dry, dull, dusty, flat
145 tiresome 为 a tiring;
absorbing, engaging, engrossing,
boring; annoying
gripping, interesting, intriguing
v. a to
146 temper
moderate; soften
a a temporary
group of employees
147 task-force
responsible for

bringing about a
particular change

adj. 亿 为a
having a curving

form, forming a
adj. 为
为 a including or
involving many
things, wide in

range or amount
148 sweeping
adj. 事 为a too
general, including

or involving too
many things or
adj. 为a broad, deep, expansive, extended,

very large and far-reaching, rangy, extensive, wide,

important or wide-ranging, widespread
significant narrow
adj. 侵为 flexible, limber, lissome, lithe,

149 supple 为asoft and able to lithesome, pliable, pliant, willowy

bend or fold easily inflexible, rigid, stiff, stiffened
n. 伴
| a an irrational
150 superstition
belief arising from
ignorance or fear
awesome, divine, fantastic, groovy,
adj. 为 excellent, splendid, stellar, superb,
151 superlative a of very high unsurpassed, wonderful
quality atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy,
pathetic, poor, rotten, terrible, vile, wretched
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adj. 为 l
excess, extra, redundant,
为abeyond what
152 superfluous supererogatory, spare, supernumerary,
is needed, not
adj. 为
为a concerned only
with what is facile, one-dimensional, shallow,
obvious or skin-deep
apparent, not deep, profound
thorough or
153 superficial complete
adj. 伴

二 为a
affecting only the

skin-deep, surface
outer part or surface
of something, not

deep or serious
vt. 但 仓a to
secretly try to ruin
destroy a
political system,
154 subvert
vt. 件 bastardize, corrupt, debauch, degrade,
二 a to make demean, demoralize, deprave, deteriorate,

(something) weaker profane, vitiate

or less effective elevate, ennoble, uplift
vt. 伸 a to
disrobe, undress, unclothe
take the clothes off
dress, gown, robe

vt. a to take
away all duties,
abate, bereave, divest, deprive
honors, or special

155 strip vt. a to
remove all the
contents (as
equipment or
accessories) from
n. a a long,
narrow piece of
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brassbound, cast-iron, exacting,

hard-line, inflexible, rigorous, strict, rigid,
156 stringent u 为a
very strict or severe
flexible, lax, loose, relaxed, slack
v. a to draw
v. ato
injure by overuse,
157 strain
misuse, or
excessive pressure
n. aan act of

v. ato
158 stir mix with a circular

159 stead n. ain place of

adj. 为 amazing, astonishing, astounding,
160 staggering
为aoverwhelming awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous
vt. a to
(something) clamp down, crack down, crush,
161 squelch from continuing by quash, repress, silence, squash, quell,
doing or saying subdue, suppress
adj. 亿为bl flabby, mushy, pulpy, soft, squashy,
162 spongy 为 a lacking squishy, squooshy

firmness firm, hard, solid

n. a
petty ill will or
hatred with the

163 spite
disposition to
irritate, annoy, or
adj. 为a

winding or circling
around a central
point and usually coiling, corkscrew, helical, involute,
164 spiral
getting closer to or screwlike, winding
farther away from
it, shaped or
moving like a spiral
vi. a turn or
cause to turn or
165 spin
whirl around
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n. athe act of
spinning or twirling
v. ato shine
166 sparkle scintillate, spark
or twinkle
a someone who
augur, diviner, forecaster, foreseer,
makes predictions
167 soothsayer foreteller, futurist, prognosticator,
about what is going
prophesier, prophet, visionary
to happen in the
adj. 为

为 a
having or showing

the attitude of aristocratic, elitist, high-hat,
168 snobbish people who think persnickety, potty, ritzy, snobby, snooty,

they are better than snotty
other people a of
or relating to people
who are snobs
n. a an
informal photo, pic, print, shot, snap,

photograph that is photograph

taken quickly

a a quick view
169 snapshot
or a small amount
of information that
tells you a little

about what
someone or
something is like
idiomatic, individualized, particular,
adj. 为 f

patented, peculiar, personal, personalized,

为 a showing or
private, individual, unique
indicating no more
general, generic, popular, public,
than one thing
170 singular shared, universal
adj. 为 a curious, extraordinary, peculiar, rare,
better or greater unusual, unaccustomed, uncommon,
than what is usual uncustomary, unique, weird
or normal common, ordinary, plain, usual
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aberrant, abnormal, anomalous,

atypical, peculiar, uncommon, uncustomary,
adj. 为 a unique, unusual, unwonted
strange or odd common, customary, normal,
ordinary, typical, unexceptional,
unextraordinary, usual
v. a to cook
(something) so that
it is almost boiling coddle, parboil, poach, boil, stew
for a certain period
of time
171 simmer v.

to be filled with a

strong feeling that
is difficult to

control or hide
adj. 为a narcissistic, self-absorbed,
concerned with self-centered, self-concerned, self-infatuated
172 self-regarding
oneself or one's self-forgetful, self-forgetting, selfless,
own interests unselfish

173 self-knowing 为 a having

adj. 乐 为a

having two or more

174 self-contradictory
parts that disagree
with each other
aplomb, assurance, confidence,

n. a self-assuredness, self-confidence
175 self-assurance
self-confidence diffidence, insecurity, self-distrust,
adj. 了 为 a

feeling or abhorrent, contemptuous, disdainful

176 scornful expressing admiring, applauding, appreciative,
contempt or approving
n. b b
a a full
177 savoring
appreciation and
178 sanctimony 伪 佩 a
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pretended piety

n. 低 a
something that
saves someone or
179 salvation deliverance, rescue
something from
danger or a difficult
adj. 为alike a
riot; disorderly;
disturbing the
180 riotous

laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous,
adj. 为aloud risible, screaming, sidesplitting

and uproarious uncomic, unfunny, unhumorous,

austere, authoritarian, flinty, hard,
adj. u 为astrict; harsh, heavy-handed
181 rigorous
harsh; severe clement, forbearing, gentle, indulgent,
 o lax, lenient, tolerant
n. a a small
monkey that is
182 rhesus
often used in
medical research
vi. a to

fight in a violent insurgence, insurgency, insurrection,

183 revolt way against the rule mutiny, outbreak, rebellion, revolution,
of a leader or rising, uprising

n. 》 aa
policy of seeking to
184 revanchism retaliate, especially
to recover lost

v. b ato
find and bring back, get back, re-collect, reacquire,
185 retrieve
get back; to put recapture, reclaim
right, make good
n. 介 a
punishment for payback, reprisal, requital, retaliation,
186 retribution
doing something revenge, vengeance
n. a
187 retrenchment
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n. 伴
a a group of entourage, following, posse, cortege,
188 retinue
helpers, supporters, suite, tail, train
or followers
n. aa
feeling of indignant
displeasure or
189 resentment persistent ill will at
something regarded
as a wrong, insult,
or injury

critical, imperative, essential, integral,
necessary, necessitous, needful, required,

adj. 《为
requisite, vital
为a needed for a
dispensable, inessential, needless,
particular purpose

nonessential, unessential, unnecessary,
190 requisite
condition, demand, must, necessary,
 o a necessity, need, needful, requirement,
requirement essential
nonessential, nonnecessity

adj. 为a
191 reprehensible deserving blame or

vt. |
a to cause
clone, copycat, duplicate, imitate,
(someone or
192 render reduplicate, copy, replicate, reproduce
something) to be in

a specified
character, decency, goodness, honesty,
n. a the
morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness,

quality of being
193 rectitude virtue, virtuousness
honest and morally
badness, evil, evildoing, immorality,
iniquity, sin, villainy, wickedness
vt. a
engage in
dally, disport, frolic, play, rollick,
194 recreate activities rather than
skylark, sport, toy
work, occupy
oneself in a
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vt. a
freshen, recharge, renew, regenerate,
to give new life or
rejuvenate, repair, restore, resuscitate,
freshness to,
revitalize, revivify
adj. 伙为 l
为 a not
daredevil, devil-may-care, foolhardy,
showing proper
195 reckless harum-scarum, irresponsible
concern about the
possible bad results
of your actions
vi. 俗 back away, drop back, fall back, pull
a to move back out, retreat, retire, withdraw

or away, withdraw advance, march on, move on,
diminish, dwindle, lessen, lower,

196 recede vt. a to
decrease, recede, relent, remit, subside, taper
grow less or
accumulate, burgeon, enlarge,
smaller, diminish,

escalate, mount, mushroom, snowball, soar,
swell, wax
adj. l froward, headstrong, recalcitrant,

 o 为 a refractory, ungovernable, unmanageable,
197 recalcitrant stubbornly refusing unruly, untoward, wayward, willful
to obey rules or controllable, governable, manageable,

orders tractable
v. 》 a
spring back b to
bounce (back), come back, rally,

198 rebound recover from

recover, snap back
setback or
n. b 休

a a kingdom; a
199 realm
region or field of
n. a an

animosity, animus, antagonism,

angry feeling of
antipathy, bitterness, gall, grudge, hostility,
200 rancor hatred or dislike for
jaundice, enmity
someone who has
treated you unfairly
n. a
201 purveyor
supplier; seller
charged, edgy, exciting, inciting,
adj. 为 a
instigating, instigative, piquing, provoking,
202 provocative causing disturbance
or excitement
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circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse,

adj. 为 garrulous, logorrheic, pleonastic, prolix,
203 prolix 为a using too rambling, verbose, windy
many words compact, concise, crisp, pithy,
succinct, terse
n. a an
204 proliferation increase in number,
205 profligacy a reckless
astronomical, colossal, elephantine,

enormous, gargantuan, immense, mighty,
adj. 为a very mountainous, prodigious, tremendous

big bitty, diminutive, infinitesimal, micro,
microminiature, microscopic , miniature,
206 prodigious

minuscule, minute, tiny
astonishing, astounding, awesome,
为 a amazing or
wonderful, very
miraculous, portentous, marvelous,
staggering, stunning, sublime, wondrous
character, decency, goodness, honesty,
n. 佩 a the
morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness,
quality of a person
207 probity virtue, virtuousness
who is completely
badness, evil, evildoing, immorality,

iniquity, sin, villainy, wickedness

adj. 为 l
metaphysical, otherworldly,
为 a very
paranormal, supernatural, transcendent,
208 preternatural unusual in a way
transcendental, unearthly

that does not seem

earthly, mundane
adj. 《为b 《
为apreceding and

209 preparatory
preparing for
n. a
something that
comes before
angel, foregoer, harbinger, herald,
210 precursor something else and
outrider, forerunner
that often leads to
or influences its
n. a
211 pragmatism
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n. q q
a a person who
regularly does an expounder, guru, high priest,
212 practitioner
activity that interpreter, exponent
requires skill or
vt. a to
suggest (something,
such as an idea or hypothecate, hypothesize, assume,
213 postulate
theory) especially in premise, presume, presuppose, say, suppose
order to start a

n. a future
214 posterity

n. b
215 pomposity

credible, creditable, likely, believable,
 o 东为a
presumptive, probable
possibly true,
216 plausible far-fetched, implausible, improbable,
believable or
incredible, unbelievable, unlikely,
n. 伪佩a devotion
to God, the quality devotion, faith, religion
217 piety

or state of being atheism, godlessness

adj. 众 东 为 a
pertaining to the
218 pharmacological

scientific study of
adj. a
apparent, bald, barefaced, distinct,
plain to the

evident, obvious, palpable, patent,

perspicuous, unequivocal
219 perspicuous especially because
clouded, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal,
of clarity and
indistinct, mysterious, nonobvious,
precision of
obfuscated, obscure, unapparent
n. a
220 perspicacity keenness of
n. 位 a an
221 persona individual's
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pattern of
and acting
n. aatonement
222 penance
for sin
n. 们 a the
birth, blood, breeding, descent,
origin and history
ancestry, line, origin, parentage, pedigree,
223 pedigree of something
especially when it is
issue, posterity, progeny, seed
good or impressive
n. “ b
224 parsing athe grouping of

words into phrases
n./v. b a

225 parley discussion, usually
between enemies

n. h a
a group of people
226 pantheon held in high esteem
their great
《 aa complete or
227 panoply
collection of things

n. a a ballyhoo, blather, bluster, commotion,

wild uproar, tumult storm, tumult, turmoil, uproar, welter, whirl
n. 三a
Gehenna, Pandemonium, perdition,
(capitalized) the
228 pandemonium Tophet

capital of Hell in
bliss, elysian fields, Elysium,
Milton's Paradise
empyrean, heaven, kingdom come, New
Lost; the infernal
Jerusalem, paradise, sky, Zion (also Sion)
regions, hell

vt. 低 a to
make the effects of
allay, alleviate, assuage, ease,
(something, such as
229 palliate mitigate, mollify, help, relieve, soothe
an illness) less
aggravate, exacerbate
painful, harmful, or
adj. “ 为
为 a careful, conscientious, fussy, loving,
230 painstaking showing or done meticulous, scrupulous
with great care and careless
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n. aa chemical
change in which a
231 oxidation
substance combines
with oxygen
vt. 】 a
to cause (something
or someone) to
seem less important outrank, overbalance, outweigh,
or impressive when overweigh
compared to
something or
someone else

232 overshadow vt. …传j
俯a to make blacken, blear, blur, darken, dim,

(something) less overcast, overcloud, cloud, shadow, shroud
enjoyable because brighten, illuminate, illumine, light up,

of sadness, fear, or lighten
vt. a to cast a
 o over
exaggerated, hyperbolized, inflated,
adj. 为a past
233 overblown outsize , outsized, bloated, overdrawn,
the prime of bloom
n. b

为 a
authorized or
234 orthodoxy
generally accepted
theory, doctrine, or

a very strong
disapproval or
dishonor, disgrace, reflection,

criticism of a
235 opprobrium reproach, scandal
person or thing
credit, honor
especially by a
large number of
n. :
a the art,
policy, or practice
236 opportunism
of taking advantage
of opportunities or
circumstances often
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with little regard for

principles or
block, choke, clot, congest, dam, jam,
vt. 倒a to close
clog, occlude, stop up, stuff
237 occlude up or block off ,
clear, free, open up, unblock, unclog,
unplug, unstop
adj. 位 为a
(mathematics) not
ending in a sharp
point, measuring
between 90 degrees

and 180 degrees
238 obtuse adj. 为 a

airheaded, birdbrained, boneheaded,
stupid or
chuckleheaded, dull, dumb, obtuse,
unintelligent, not
pinheaded, thickheaded, vacuous

able to think clearly
alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever,
or to understand
exceptional, fast, hyperintelligent, keen,
what is obvious or
 o nimble

adj. 为
为a too eager to
239 obsequious
help or obey
someone important
n. l
240 nonchalance

alack of concern
n. x a a
particle that is
241 neutrino smaller than an

atom and that has

no electrical charge
n. x aa position
242 neutrality of not taking sides

in a conflict
adj. 为 ambiguous, arcane, cryptic, enigmatic,
为 为a equivocal, obscure, mystic, nebulous, occult,
243 nebulous not clear, difficult opaque
to see, understand, accessible, clear, nonambiguous,
describe, etc. obvious, plain, unambiguous, unequivocal
adj. 为b
244 mutable
vt. a
245 mould alteration in the
shape and diameters
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of the fetal head

during labour
n. a tiny
246 moss leafy-stemmed
flowerless plants
n. n a written
account of a single
247 monograph
thing or class of
adj. 价 为a
affectedly dainty or
248 mincing refined, very

delicate, and not

n. 任 a
dangerous infection
249 meningitis

of the outer lining
of the brain
n. a
250 mendacity
vt. a to get
(something, such as
a settlement or
intercede, intermediate, interpose,
251 mediate agreement) by
working with

opposing sides in a
vi. 俭
a to pretend to

252 malinger be sick or injured in

order to avoid doing
n. a evil in

253 maligner nature, one that

adj. 争 为a very botched, bungling, clumsy, fumbled,
254 maladroit awkward, not inept, inexpert, awkward
skillful or adroit adroit, deft, dexterous , facile
adj. 代之 为a
large enough to be
255 macroscopic
visible to the naked
n. a a
256 lungworm
disease carried by
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domestic sheep that

Big Horn are not
adapted to and will
kill them
n. l a debit, disbenefit, downside, drawback,
someone or handicap, incommodity, disadvantage,
something that minus, negative, strike
causes problems advantage, asset, edge, plus
257 liability
n. a the state
of being legally
responsible for

n. aa lack of
258 levity

vt. …x

a something
259 leaven
that makes a
situation or mood
less serious
n. a a very
large area of land
260 landmass continent, mainland, main
(such as a
n. a

a type of skirt
261 kilt
traditionally worn
by men in Scotland
vt. a to adventure, compromise, gamble with,

262 jeopardize present a danger to hazard, endanger, jeopard, jeopardize,

something menace, peril, venture
n. 为

something that
people are talking
about, thinking
about, etc., an
263 issue important subject or
v. …二 a
to announce
(something) in a get out, publish, print, put out
public and official
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v. a to go, cast, discharge, emanate, evolve,

come, or flow out exhale, expel, irradiate, emit, radiate, vent
为 为a
264 invigorating
adj. 为a
contumelious, abusive, opprobrious,
relating to, or
scurrile , scurrilous, truculent, vitriolic,
characterized by
vituperative, vituperatory
265 invective insult or abuse
n. a abusive
billingsgate, fulmination, abuse,
or venomous

obloquy, scurrility, vitriol, vituperation
baroque, byzantine, convoluted,

elaborate, involved, knotty, labyrinthian,
adj. 》 为a
266 intricate labyrinthine, sophisticated, tangled
having many parts

noncomplex, noncomplicated, plain,
simple, uncomplicated
v. a to meet
267 intersect
and cross at one or bisect, cross, cut
more points
abandoned, rampant, runaway,
adj. 为 unbounded, unbridled, unchecked,
为 l 为a uncontrolled, unhampered
268 intemperate
having extreme bridled, checked, constrained,

conditions controlled, curbed, governed, hampered,

hindered, restrained
n. 东 低 a the
ability to

269 intelligibility understand the

words that someone
else is producing
vt. a

270 insulate to protect from

outside influence
vt. )
a to protect
271 inoculate
against disease,
error, or harm
adversarial, adversary, antagonistic,
antipathetic, inhospitable, inimical,
adj. l 为a
272 inimical jaundiced, mortal, unfriendly, unsympathetic
not friendly
friendly, hospitable, nonantagonistic,
nonhostile, sympathetic
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adj. l 为 a
likely to cause
damage or have a
bad effect
vt. ka to
take (something,
273 ingest down, get down, swallow
such as food) into
your body
n. aevil
reputation brought discredit, disesteem, disgrace,
274 infamy about by something dishonor, disrepute, ignominy
grossly criminal, esteem, honor, respect

shocking, or brutal
n. a a

275 inertia tendency not to
move or change

adj. 也为 l
amiss, graceless, improper, inapposite,
也 为aconflicting
inappropriate, inapt, incongruous, incorrect,
with accepted
276 indecorous
standards of good
inept, infelicitous
appropriate, becoming, befitting,
conduct or good
correct, decorous, felicitous

adj. 为 ( aborning, budding, inceptive, nascent,

为 a not incipient
completely formed adult, full-blown, full-fledged, mature,

or developed yet ripe, ripened

277 inchoate
为 a imperfectly
formed or

adj. 为 a
immanent, inherent, inbred,
existing from the
indigenous, ingrained, innate, integral,
278 inborn time someone is

intrinsic, native, natural

born, natural or
adventitious, extraneous, extrinsic
a to put adventure, compromise, gamble with,
279 imperil (something or hazard, endanger, jeopard, jeopardize,
someone) in a menace, peril, venture
dangerous situation
n. a
280 impediment a barrier;
281 impartiality n. a
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vt. 书ato
kill someone as a
282 immolate offer, sacrifice
sacrificial victim,
usually by fire
bodiless, ethereal, formless,
incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial,
adj. 为a
nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied,
not consisting of
bodily, corporeal, material, physical,
283 immaterial
extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable,

adj. 为a
inapposite, irrelevant
not important or
applicable, apposite, apropos,

germane, pertinent, relevant
adj. 为

为 w 万一为
一 a
n. idiosyncrasy a
284 idiosyncratic
peculiarity of
constitution or

n. 习
bohemian, counterculturist, deviant,

a a person
enfant terrible, free spirit, heretic,
who criticizes or
285 iconoclasts nonconformist, individualist, maverick,
opposes beliefs and
practices that are
conformer, conformist

widely accepted
n. a behavior
that does not agree cant, dissembling, dissimulation,
286 hypocrisy with what someone insincerity, piousness

claims to believe or genuineness, sincereness, sincerity

adj. 为
287 hurtling 为amoving swiftly
and with great force
vt. ≧ … | consecrate, bless, sacralize, sanctify
288 hallow a to respect desecrate, deconsecrate, desacralize,
greatly desanctify
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calm, hushed, peaceful, placid, quiet,

serene, still, stilly, tranquil, untroubled
adj. 为
agitated, angry, inclement, restless,
为a calm, peaceful
rough, stormy, tempestuous, turbulent,
289 halcyon unquiet, unsettled
booming, boomy, flourishing,
adj. 为 y
healthy,prospering, roaring, successful,
为 a prosperous,
depressed, unprosperous, unsuccessful
n. a a rapid
movement in a
290 gyration
circle or spiral; a

whirling motion
august, baronial, gallant, grandiose,

adj. 为 a
imposing, majestic, monumental, regal,
characterized by
splendid, stately
greatness of scope

humble, unheroic, unimposing,
or intent
291 grandiose adj. l 为a
affected, pretentious, highfalutin,
trying to present an
high-minded, ostentatious
appearance of
modest, unpretentious
grandeur or
n. a a

person who enjoys

bon vivant, epicurean, gastronome,
292 gourmet and knows a lot
gastronomist, gourmand, epicure
about good food
and wine

adj. 佩 为 a
sincere and honest
certifiable, certified, authentic,
293 genuine adj. 为 a honest, real, right, sure-enough, true

actual, real, or true, bogus, counterfeit, fake, false, mock,

not false or fake spurious, suppositious, supposititious,
unauthentic, unreal
disaffirm, disallow, disavow, disclaim,
v. 何ato declare disconfirm, disown, negate, refute, reject,
294 gainsay to be untrue or repudiate
invalid acknowledge, admit, allow, avow,
concede, confirm, own
n. a one
295 gadfly that acts as a
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n. a a
person who annoys
annoyance, annoyer, bother, nuisance,
others especially
gnawer, nudnik, pain, persecutor, pest, tease
with constant
n. b pb
296 futurity
p为 afuture time
297 fused
adj. 为b
298 fragmented 为abroken into

v. a to

stop something
from happening or avert, prevent, head off, help, obviate,
299 forestall

to cause something preclude, stave off
to happen at a later
 o a to
cause or try to cause
the growth or abet, brew, ferment, incite, instigate,
300 foment
development of pick, provoke, raise
(something bad or

n. aability
301 fluidity
to flow
adj. 为 a
302 flapping moving up and

n. ( a a
aptitude, bent, endowment, faculty,
303 flair natural ability to do
talent, genius, gift, head, knack

aggressive, agonistic,assaultive,
adj. 为 contentious, discordant, disputatious,
为a not afraid to belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome,
304 feisty fight or argue, truculent
very lively and nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific,
aggressive peaceable, peaceful, unbelligerent,
uncombative, uncontentious
n. a
305 fickleness
n. a
306 feebleness
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n. a all the
animals that live in
307 fauna a particular area,
time period, or
bygone, bypast, dead, defunct,
adj. 为a no departed, done, expired, gone, nonextant,
308 extinct
longer existing vanished
alive, existent, existing, extant, living
v. a to
destroy or kill (a abolish, black out, blot out, eradicate,
309 exterminate group of animals, erase, expunge, annihilate, extirpate,

people, etc.) liquidate, obliterate

n. a those
310 exploiter who make selfish

use of something
体 a something
311 expediency
that has immediate
n. a
312 exhilaration
v. a to be a
very good example

313 exemplify of (something), to demonstrate, illustrate, instance

show (something)
very clearly
adj. 为a
314 exasperating

extremely annoying
vt. b
“ a take
315 eviscerate clean, disembowel, draw, gut
away a vital or

essential part of
bespeak, betray, communicate,
v. a to show
316 evince declare, demonstrate, display, show, expose,
(something) clearly
manifest, reveal
n. a a
person and
especially a
317 evangelist
preacher who tries
to convince people
to become Christian
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a someone
who talks about
something with
great enthusiasm
n. a a perfect
example, an
abstract, breviary, brief, capsule,
example that
318 epitome conspectus, digest, roundup, sum, synopsis,
represents or
something very well
castrate, damp, dampen, deaden,
v. …】 a

desiccate, devitalize, dehydrate, geld,
to make (someone
319 enervate lobotomize, petrify

or something) very
brace, energize, enliven, invigorate,
weak or tired
quicken, stimulate, vitalize, vivify

v. … a to
320 enamor cause (someone) to
be loved or admired
 o a the
advocacy or
existence of an elite
321 elitism
as a dominating
element in a system
or society.

n. aa
322 elation feeling of great joy
or pride
n. 候为 ,

a an offensive
exhalation or smell
323 effluvium n. a a
by-product debris, dross, dust, garbage, junk,

especially in the litter, rubbish, trash, truck, waste

form of waste
n. 何 a
324 earnestness
b ... b
325 dub 》 ato give a title,
nickname, or
description to
v. a to make
326 doom
(someone or
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something) certain
to fail, suffer, die,
n. a very bad
events or situations
that cannot be
n. a a
belief or set of
beliefs that is
accepted by the
members of a group

without being credo, doctrine, creed, gospel,
327 dogma
questioned or ideology, philosophy, testament

doubted, a belief or
set of beliefs that is

taught by a
 o a to end
the occupancy or
possession of

...为 a to
328 divest
deprive or

especially of
property, authority,
or title

n. l a
329 disparity
n. aone who
disparages or
330 disparager

belittles the worth

of something
adj. 】 为a
331 disorienting confusing in
v. “低 “ a to
take (something, break down, demount, disassemble,
such as a machine dismember, dismount, knock down, strike,
332 dismantle
or structure) apart take down
so that it is in assemble, construct
separate pieces
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adj. 为
baleful, ominous, direful, doomy,
为 l 为a being
foreboding, inauspicious, menacing,
333 dire or showing a sign of
minatory, portentous, threatening
evil or calamity to
k a to
pass (responsibility,
power, etc. ) from
334 devolve
one person or group
to another person or
group at a lower

level of authority
adj. 万 为 n

arbitrary, autocratic, czarist, absolute,
为a of, relating to,
335 despotic dictatorial, monocratic, tyrannical, tyrannous
or characteristic of

a despot
adj. l≧为
belittling, contemptuous, decrying,
为 a showing a
336 derogatory critical
 o or
degrading, demeaning, denigrative
commendatory, complimentary,
laudative, laudatory

v. 了a to
talk or write about
(someone or ridicule, gibe, jeer, laugh, mock,
337 deride

something) in a scout, shoot down, skewer

very critical or
insulting way
v. a to

publicly state that blame, censure, condemn, criticize,

someone or dispraise, fault, knock, pan, reprehend, slag
something is bad or extol, laud, praise

338 denounce v. a to report

(someone) to the
police or other
authorities for
illegal or immoral
n. a the end death, expiration, expiry, termination
of something that is alpha, beginning, birth,
339 demise
thought of as being commencement, creation, dawn, genesis,
like a death launch, morning, onset
340 demarcate vt. “ aset bound, circumscribe, define, delimit,
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the boundaries or demark, limit

limits of
postpone, delay, hold off, hold over,
v. a put off,
hold up, lay over, put off, put over, remit,
v. a to submit
341 defer to another's wishes,
opinion, or
governance usually
through deference
or respect
adj. 为 deferent, dutiful, regardful, respectful

342 deferential
为arespectful disrespectful, undutiful
adj. p 为a

doubtful or
distrustful of the
343 cynical

goodness or
sincerity of human
j 为a
too ready to believe
344 credulous
things, easily fooled

or cheated
n. a
snapping or rustling

345 crackle vi. a
to make sharp
snapping or rustling

v. a carp, caterwaul, complain, croak, fuss,
346 crab to complain about gripe, grizzle, whimper, whine, yowl
peevishly crow, delight, rejoice

v. 仇a to move
back or bend your
347 cower cringe, grovel, quail
body down because
you are afraid
n. p aa global
outlook emerging in
348 cosmopolitanism response to
349 convert neophyte, proselyte
为 a a person
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who has changed to

a different religion,
belief, political
party, etc.
vt. a
to bring about a
religious conversion
vt. a to
change (something)
into a different form
or so that it can be

used in a different

n. a
350 contingency

vt. a to
agree, please, gladden, gratify,
make (someone)
pleasure, rejoice, satisfy, suit, warm
pleased and

n. a a major
content, motif, motive, question,
object of interest or
351 content subject, theme, topic
n. a the
amount of

something (as
subject matter)
adj. 为a of or

relating to a college
or its students
adj. 为a
352 collegial marked by power or

authority vested
equally in each of a
number of
adj. 倒
353 claustrophobic 为 a fear of small
adj. 为a alert, cautious, chary, careful,
thinking carefully conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded,
354 circumspect
about possible risks heedful, wary
before doing or careless, heedless, incautious,
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saying something unguarded, unmindful, unsafe, unwary

n. 为
a a person who
impostor, fraud, hoaxer, humbug,
falsely pretends to
355 charlatan mountebank, phony, pretender, quack,
know or be
ringer, sham
something in order
to deceive people
adj. 为b 价为a
356 celiac of or relating to the

abdominal cavity
n. a an

explanation or
warning that should

357 caveat be remembered
when you are doing
or thinking about
adj. 为b eye-catching, noticeable, prominent
358 catchy 为aeasy unnoticeable, unobtrusive,

to remember unremarkable, unshowy

adj. 为 active, assiduous, busy, diligent,
为afull of energetic employed, engaged, hopping, industrious
359 bustling

and noisy idle, inactive, unbusy, unemployed,

activity;busily astir unoccupied
n. b
360 braggadocio a empty bluster, bombast, brag

adj. 为
361 boreal
adj. 为a flatulent, fustian, gaseous, gassy,

362 bombastic pompous in speech grandiloquent, oratorical

and manner unrhetorical
v. ato move
n. aa wood or
363 bolt
metal bar or rod
used to fasten a
vt. “b”“|
364 bisect ato divide into cross, cut, intersect
two usually equal
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vt. a to
show (something), bespeak, indicate, denote, mean,
365 betoken
to be a sign of signify, tell
n. a
366 benevolence kindness,
generosity, charity
adj. 伴| 乡
为agoing back to
367 atavistic
behavior found in a

remote ancestor
adj. 为 a

relating to or having
a strict and simple
368 ascetic

way of living that
avoids physical
 o a to
learn or find out discover, catch on to, find out, get on
369 ascertain (something, such as to, hear, learn, realize, see, wise up

information or the miss, overlook, pass over

adj. 为b

370 aristocratic 为 a of noble elitist, high-hat, snobbish

birth; snobbish
adv. a dictatorial, high-handed, imperious,
371 arbitrarily
randomly peremptory, willful

a the action of allocation, allotment, annuity,
372 appropriation
taking something entitlement, grant, subsidy, subvention
for one's own use

n. asuspicion
373 apprehension or fear especially of alarm, dread, foreboding
future evil
n. a a short
adage, saying, apothegm, byword,
phrase that
374 aphorism epigram, maxim, proverb, saw, sententia,
expresses a true or
wise idea
vt. 争
a to copy
375 ape
closely but often
clumsily and ineptly
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n. aany of
various primates
with short tails or
no tail at all
n. b athe
antipode, contrary, counter, negative,
376 antithesis direct opposite, a
obverse, opposite, reverse
sharp contrast
n. 低众 …为
a a substance
that stops the
harmful effects of a cure, corrective, curative, rectifier,
377 antidote
poison, something remedy, therapeutic, therapy

that corrects or
improves the bad

effects of something
n. a
378 annals

historical records
vt. 低 ato cut in
pieces in order to
display or examine break down, cut, deconstruct, dissect
379 anatomize
the structure and
use of the parts

vt. “ a analyze analyze, assay

adj. 为aliving,
active, occurring, or

380 anaerobic existing in the

absence of free
n. t aable

381 amphibian to live both on land

and in water
n. 乐 东a
382 ambivalence mixed feelings or

vt. a to make help, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate,
383 allay (something) less mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
severe or strong aggravate, exacerbate
adj. 为a
arising or occurring
384 adventitious sporadically or in
other than the usual
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adj. 为a
spontaneously or accidental, extrinsic, alien, extraneous,
accidentally in a external, foreign, supervenient
country or region to inherent, innate, intrinsic
which it is not
obstinate, adamantine, obdurate,
adj. 为 ,
opinionated, ossified, pertinacious, perverse,
为a not willing to
pigheaded, stubborn, willful
385 adamant change an opinion
acquiescent, agreeable, amenable,
or decision, very
compliant, complying, flexible, pliable,

pliant, relenting, yielding
n. 伤a

acidity, acidness, acridity, acridness,
386 acrimony angry bitter feelings
asperity, bile, bitterness, cattiness
or words

adj. 伤为a
expressing harsh or acerb, acrid, barbed, biting, sarcastic,
387 acerbic
sharp criticism in a mordant, pungent, sardonic, scathing, tart
clever way

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