Electrical Resistivity Survey in Soil Science A Review
Electrical Resistivity Survey in Soil Science A Review
Electrical Resistivity Survey in Soil Science A Review
Electrical resistivity of the soil can be considered as a proxy for the spatial and temporal
variability of many other soil physical properties (i.e. structure, water content, or fluid
composition). Because the method is non-destructive and very sensitive, it offers a very attractive
tool for describing the subsurface properties without digging. It has been already applied in
various contexts like : groundwater exploration, landfill and solute transfer delineation,
agronomical management by identifying areas of excessive compaction or soil horizon thickness
and bedrock depth, and at least assessing the soil hydrological properties. The surveys, depending
on the areas heterogeneities can be performed in one-, two- or three-dimensions and also at
different scales resolution from the centimetric scale to the regional scale. In this review, based
on many electrical resistivity surveys, we expose the theory and the basic principles of the
method, we overview the variation of electrical resistivity as a function of soil properties, we
listed the main electrical device to performed one-, two- or three-dimensional surveys, and
explain the basic principles of the data interpretation. At least, we discuss the main advantages
and limits of the method.
1. Introduction
The changes caused on soil by intensive agricultural production are variable in space and time.
As a consequence, a continuous and precise spatially and temporal follow-up of the soil physical
and chemical properties is required. Geophysical methods have been applied to soil sciences for a
considerable period. The general principle of geophysical exploration is to non intrusively collect
data on the medium under investigation (Scollar et al., 1990). Among such methods, those based
on the electric properties seem particularly promising because soil materials and properties are
strongly correlated and can be quantified through the geoelectrical properties. Indeed, the flux of
electrical charges through materials permits conductor materials like metal or electrolytes, where
the conductivity is great, to be distinguished from insulating materials like air, ice and plastics,
where it is small. Among the latter, soil materials exhibit intermediate electrical properties
depending on their physical and chemical properties (texture, salinity or water content).
Schlumberger in 1912 cited by Meyer de Stadelhofen (1991) introduced the idea of using
electrical resistivity measurements to study subsurface rock bodies. This method was first
adopted in geology by oil companies searching for petroleum reservoirs and delineating
geological formations. In soil science, Bevan (2000) reported that the first known equipotential
map was compiled by Malamphy in 1938 for archaeological research at the site of Williamsburg
in USA. Since that early study, the interest in subsurface soil prospecting by electrical
prospecting has steadily increased. In this paper, we review the literature dealing with the use of
electrical resistivity applied to soil. We first present the basic concept of the method and the
different array devices. Then, we discuss the sensitivity of the electrical measurements to the soil
properties. Finally, the advantages and limitations of electrical resistivity in soil survey and the
application to agricultural management are discussed. 2. Theory and basic principles The purpose
of electrical resistivity surveys is to determine the resistivity distribution of the sounding soil
volume. Artificially generated electric currents are supplied to the soil and the resulting potential
differences are measured. Potential difference patterns provide information on the form of
subsurface heterogeneities and of their electrical properties (Kearey et al., 2002). The greater the
electrical contrast between the soil matrix and heterogeneity, the easier is the detection. Electrical
resistivity of the soil can be considered as a proxy for the variability of soil physical properties
(Banton et al., 1997). The current flow line distributions depend on the medium under
investigation; they are concentrated in conductive volumes. For a simple body, the resistivity r (Ω
m) is defined as follows :
with R being the electrical resistance (Ω), L the length of the cylinder (m) and S is its cross-
sectional area (m2). The electrical resistance of the cylindrical body R (Ω), is defined by the
Ohm’s law as follows:
with V being the potential (V) and I is the current (A). Electrical characteristic is also commonly
described by the conductivity value σ (Sm_1), equal to the reciprocal of the soil resistivity. Thus :
In a homogeneous and isotropic half-space, electrical equipotentials are hemispherical when the
current electrodes are located at the soil surface as shown in Fig. 1 (Scollar et al., 1990; Kearey et
al., 2002; Sharma, 1997; Reynolds, 1997). The current density J (A/m2) has then to be calculated
for all the radial directions with :
where 2πr2 is the surface of a hemispherical sphere of radius r. The potential V can then be
expressed as follows:
Fig. 1. Distribution of the current flow in a homogeneous soil.
Measurement of electrical resistivity usually requires four electrodes: two electrodes called A and
B that are used to inject the current (‘‘current electrodes’’), and two other electrodes called M and
N that are used to record the resulting potential difference (‘‘potential electrodes’’). The potential
difference ΔV measured between the electrodes M and N is given by the equation :
Where AM, BM, AN and BN represent the geometrical distance between the electrodes A and M,
B and M, A and N, and B and N, respectively. The electrical resistivity is then calculated using :
where K is a geometrical coefficient that depends on the arrangement of the four electrodes A, B,
M and N. The current electrodes A, B, and the potential electrodes M and N can be placed in the
field at the soil surface, or in boreholes. As compared with the surface methods, the cross-
borehole methods present the advantage of a high resolution with depth (Slater et al., 2000). This
technique requires nevertheless intrusion into the studied bodies for the insertion of the
electrodes. At the laboratory scale this technique can also be applied by placing the electrodes
around the soil sample at various depths (Olsen et al., 1999).
The electrical resistivity is a function of a number of soil properties, including the nature of the
solid constituents (particle size distribution, mineralogy), arrangement of voids (porosity, pore
size distribution, connectivity), degree of water saturation (water content), electrical resistivity of
the fluid (solute concentration) and temperature. The air medium is an insulator (i.e. infinitively
resistive), the water solution resistivity is a function of the ionic concentration, and the resistivity
of the solid grains is related to the electrical charges density at the surface of the constituents.
These parameters affect the electrical resistivity, but in different ways and to different extents.
Electrical resistivity experiments have been performed to establish relationships between the
electrical resistivity and each of these soil characteristics.
Table 1 : Typical ranges of electrical resistivities of earth materials (after modified Palacky,
The porosity can be obtained for the electrical property via the Archie’s law, which for a
saturated soil without clay is written as :
where the proportionality factor F is called the formation factor, a and m are constants related,
respectively, to the coefficient of saturation and the cementation factor, r and rw are, respectively,
the resistivity of the formation and the resistivity of the pore-water, f is the porosity. The factor F
depends then on the pore geometry. Knowing the pore-water resistivity and the a and m constants
the porosity can be calculated from the resistivity value. The calculated porosity should be
considered as an ‘‘apparent’’ porosity values because Archie’s law assumes that all the void
space is filled with water excluding the possibility of the gas presence.
where S is the saturation degree and n is a parameter related to the saturation degree. Eq. (10)
was established to be valid for medium to coarse-grained soils. It assumes that the characteristic
of the solid phase does not influence the electrical current conduction. Frohlich and Parke (1989)
reported that the great practical success of Archie’s law was related to the assumed validity of the
determined constants on a large range of soils except for clayey soil. Indeed, this relationship was
successfully used for water content estimation in numerous studies (Binley et al., 2002; Zhou et
al., 2001). An empirical linear relationship between the resistivity and the water content was
proposed by Goyal et al. (1996) and Gupta and Hanks (1972) as follows :
where a and b are empirical constants implicitly containing the soil and water characteristics (i.e.
porosity, temperature, salinity) and assumed to be invariant with time. Temporal variations in the
soil moisture profile are estimated by using electrical resistivity sounding data acquired at
different times (Aaltonen, 2001; Michot et al., 2003).
Fig. 2. Relationship between the volumetric water content and the electrical resistivity for
different soil types (values issues from Fukue et al., 1999; Michot et al., 2003; McCarter, 1984).
where ps and pw represent the solid matrix and the pore-water resistivity, respectively, a and b
are coefficients depending on the solid phase characteristics, related to the texture and
mineralogy, and u is the volumetric water content (cm3 cm-3). By using Eq. (12), Kalinski and
Kelly (1993) predicted the volumetric water content with a standard error of 0.009 for water
contents ranging from 0.20 to 0.50 in soil containing 20% clay.
3.3. Pore fluid composition
As outlined above, the electrical conductivity is related to the mobility of the ions present in the
fluid filling the pores. Conductivity depends on the concentration and the viscosity of the water
(Scollar et al., 1990). The estimation of the water content by resistivity measurements requires a
knowledge of the concentration of dissolved ions. Early studies dealing with the determination of
the soil water content were confronted with the problem of estimating the soil salinity variation
(Rhoades et al., 1977). Since salts have to be in an ionized form to conduct the current, the
amount of water in soil governs the available paths of conduction. Shea and Luthin (1961) found
a close linear relationship between electrical resistivity and salinity for a soil water content
ranging from saturation to -3 kPa water potential. Thus, estimation of the soil salinity by
electrical resistivity requires measurements made at the same water content. The soil salinity is
usually measured at saturation, as this is considered as a standardized condition. Kalinski and
Kelly (1993) estimated the volumetric water content using Eq. (12) and with pore solution
resistivity (pw) of 1, 2 and 3 mmho/cm. They found that at a given water content, the electrical
resistivity decreases when the water conductivity increases (Fig. 3). Moreover, the different ions
present in the solution (H+, OH-, SO42-, Na+, Cl-, . . .) do not affect the conductivity in the same
way because of differences in ion mobility. This explains why soil solutions at the same
concentration but having different ionic compositions, may have different electrical
conductivities. This results in a large range of possible electrical conductivities because of
concentration and ionic composition variations in different areas of the soil. This property was
also used by Bernstone et al. (1998) to delineate landfill structure. The large resistivity contrast
between salt water- and fresh water-saturated zones was used by several investigators to study
salt water intrusion into coastal areas (Nowroozi et al., 1999; Acworth, 1999; Yaramanci, 2000).
Van Dam and Meulenkamp (1967) considered the soil resistivity values of 40, 12 and 3 Ω m as
representative of fresh, brackish and saline water, respectively.
3.4. Temperature
Ion agitation increases with temperature when the viscosity of a fluid decreases. Thus, the
electrical resistivity decreases when the temperature increases. Comparisons of electrical
resistivity measurements require the expression of the electrical resistivity at a standardized
temperature. By conducting laboratory experiments on 30 samples of saline and alkaline soils,
Campbell et al. (1948) showed that conductivity increased by 2.02% per °C between 15 and 35
Fig. 3. Relationship between the volumetric water content and resistivity for different values of
pore-water conductivity. (values issues from Kalinski and Kelly, 1993).
Corrections can be then calculated to express the electrical conductivity at the standardized
temperature of 25 °C as follows :
where σt is the conductivity at the experiment temperature, σ25° the conductivity at 25 °C, and α
is the correction factor equal to 2.02%.
Colman and Hendrix (1949) discussed the validity of the Campbell’s equation using 13 soils
showing a wide range of texture. These results are in agreement with Campbell and corresponded
also to the references formula used to correct the temperature effect in the log interpretation chart
of Schlumberg (1989). In soils, temperature variation during a year occurs at two temporal scales,
day and season. In studies where the temperature effect is not corrected, an assumption is made
that temperature remains stable mostly because measurements are done every day at the same
time over a short period (Bottraud et al., 1984b). At the annual scale, it is not possible to avoid
the effect of temperature on electrical field resistivity measurements. Usually, the greatest
resistivity values are recorded from September to November (in the Northern hemisphere), while
the smallest resistivity values are recorded from June to July. Aaltonen (2001) also reported that
coarse-grained materials presented a wider range in seasonal resistivity variation than clayey soil.
Thus, a knowledge of the seasonal variation of the temperature and its consequences on the
electrical resistivity is essential to avoid misinterpretation of field measurements when comparing
resistivity acquisition at the same place but on different dates.
4. One-, two- and three-dimensional surveys
4.1. One-dimensional survey
One-dimensional arrays using four-electrodes cells A, B, M, N are commonly used in the
laboratory for electrical resistivity calibration (Rhoades and van Schilfgaarde, 1976a), and in the
field for vertical electrical sounding (VES). The latter consists of electrical measurements where
distances between the electrodes are successively increased. At each step, the depth and volume
of soil investigated increase and the measurement displays the variation of soil resistivity with
depth without taking into account the horizontal variation (Loke, 2001). For VES data
interpretation, it is usually assumed that the subsurface consists of several horizontal layers
(Pozdnyakova et al., 2001). Bottraud et al. (1984a) emphasized the interest in soil science to
record information about the vertical discontinuity associated with different soil horizons. For
more complex formations with lateral changes over short distances, 2D and 3D surveys display
more realistic results.
The latter configuration is an asymmetrical array, in which two directions (forward and reversed)
are considered. Depending on the array configuration, the geometrical factor K differs ; Seaton
and Burbey (2002) reported that the array configuration has a substantial influence on the
resolution, sensitivity and depth of investigation.
Fig. 4. Establishment of a 2D electrical resistivity pseudo-section.
Table 3 summarizes for different 2D array configurations and compares the following
characteristics for all the arrays: (i) the sensitivity of the array to horizontal and vertical
heterogeneities, (ii) the depth of investigation, (iii) the horizontal data coverage and (iv) the
signal strength (Loke, 2001; Griffiths and Barker, 1993). The different orientations of
heterogeneity can be vertical for heterogeneities such as dykes, cavities, preferential flow, or
horizontal such as sedimentary layers. The depth of investigation is determined for homogeneous
ground, but gives an a priori indication of the depth of investigation in heterogeneous ground.
The horizontal data coverage is related to the electrode array configuration. The signal strength is
related to the joint signal-response of the measurement. It is inversely proportional to the
geometric factor K and is an important factor if the survey is carried out in areas with high
background noise. All the different array types have specific advantages and limitations. The
choice of the array configuration then depends on the type of heterogeneity to be mapped and
also on the background noise level; the characteristics of an array have to be taken into account.
Hesse et al. (1986) emphasized that in specific cases the use of multiple configurations can
improve the chances of reading different features of the subsoil and leads to a better
Detection and characterisation of cracking in concrete with the square array quadripole was
investigated by Lataste et al. (2002).Apparent resistivity measurements and the establishment of
an anisotropic index provided a useful indication of the presence and localization of cracks.
Moreover, the presence of anisotropies resulting in a strong orientational effect, they were
commonly detected by measuring the azimuthal resistivity (Pettinen et al., 1999; Busby, 2000).
This method consists of rotating the electrical device from a fixed centre point and then
measuring the resistivity as a function of the azimuth, i.e. the angle of rotation. The measured
apparent resistivity changed with the orientation of the square array; indeed the square device is
more reliable linked to anisotropy than more commonly used devices, i.e. Schlumberger or
Wenner array (Lane et al., 1995). To avoid preferential directions in data recording that would be
introduced by the linear electrode layout, Brunner et al. (1999) measured electrical resistivity by
theway of a pole–pole electrode array arranged in concentric circles at the surface. Panissod et al.
(1997b) underlined the need for research into new array geometries describing better the
heterogeneities in order to optimize the apparent resistivity image before data interpretation.
Through the combined results of theoretical studies and of field surveys, one of their conclusions
pointed out the advantage of using a circular array configuration in the detection of
heterogeneities in an archaeological context. Apparent anisotropy effects also provide useful
information related to the direction of electrical anomalies for 3D electrical survey (Habberjam
and Watkins, 1967; Senos Matias, 2002), or in-line arrays (Meheni et al., 1996).
Fig. 6. Influence of the array device in electrical resistivity prospecting, simulation of a apparent
resistivity pseudo-section over a vertical resistive structure of 4 mm width and 40 mm length
located at x = 0 in an homogeneous medium of 40 Ω m, (a) dipole–dipole array, (b) Wenner
Fig. 7. Diagram of iterative inversion modeling scheme (after Sharma, 1997).
The inversion process is of non-linear type, and the resolution essentially starts with a guess
model whose parameters are updated using a linearized iterativetype adjustment procedure (Fig.
7). In order to be able to simulate complex distribution of electrical resistivity, the model of the
medium must be discretized in many cells (j = 1 to m). The physical properties (resistivity) in
each cell are fixed (mj, with j = 1 to m). The electrical resistivity data (apparent resistivity) can be
described as one mathematical function, which has relevant medium properties as variables :
where di are the observed data (i = 1 to n), Fi the forward mapping operator which allows to
calculate the model response for a given set of the earth model parameters mj (j = 1 to m) at each
of the data point I (i = 1 to n), and ei are the errors in the observation data set. Solving the non-
linear Eq. (14) requires at first to express this equation into a form that can be handled by
methods used for linear inverse problems. A commonly procedure to ‘‘linearize’’ the problem is
to start with an initial model with guessed values of the resistivity distribution (Sharma, 1997).
The theoretical data ci of the initial earth model with guessed resistivity parameters mj is
calculated at the data points (i = 1 to n).
As expressed in the Eq. (16), the observed data di differ from the theoretical data ci by the values
The objective is to find a set of update resistivities (mj), which minimizes the differences between
the observed data and the computed data for all data points Eq. (16).
where p0, pt are resistivities at the initial stage (0) and during the temporal monitoring (t),
respectively. This index is easily calculated and provides useful information on temporal
variations of electrical resistivity. The differences between successive resistivity measurements
are more accurate than the absolute values of these measurements, because systematic errors are
eliminated. Bottraud et al. (1984a,b) observed different patterns of water distribution related to
variations in grape vine growth in a homogeneous sandy soil : they established a qualitative
description of water transfer using the relative variation of apparent resistivity, during monitoring
periods of 2.5 months. Samouelian et al. (2003) monitored artificial cracks as they deepened and
observed an increasing apparent resistivity anomaly over time. This pattern is related to
climatological variation affecting the ground watertable, precipitation, and temperature. In a 2
year long experiment, Binley et al. (2002) found a clear correlation between the net rainfall and
the change of the electrical resistivity in the 0–0.82 m depth.
7.2. Limitations
A seen above, electrical resistivity survey can be affected by many different factors and they can
act as the same time that leads the measurements more difficult to interpret.
7.2.2. Calibration
Field prospecting using electrical resistivity can be associated with laboratory studies (Shaaban
and Shaaban, 2001). The purpose of these preliminary studies is to calibrate the resistivity within
different soil units under controlled conditions. Field electrical measurements can be then used to
estimate in situ properties for which laboratory calibrations have been made. This calibration
approach is valid for all electrical surveys, i.e. pedological prospecting, water content monitoring
and identifying specific anomalies such as in archaeology. Nevertheless, the calibration cannot
usually be generalised to other soil types (Gupta and Hanks, 1972).
Fig. 8. Two-dimensional electrical resistivity image perpendicular in the traffic direction (after
Besson et al., 2004).
Electrical resistivity devices and inversion softwares are currently available on the market.
Nevertheless, the primary results obtained after electrical surveys give only indirect information.
The method needs primary calibration at the laboratory and interpretations require a minimum
knowledge of the medium under study. The use of this method as a routine operation for farmers
would appear to be unlikely. The duration of data acquisition is shortened with newly available
dataloggers and multiplexers. Such equipment is necessary to perform 3D measurements with a
high spatial resolution or to apply electrical resistivity measurements to transfer processes.
Landscape solute transport modelling can serve as a crucial component of precision agriculture
by providing feedback concerning solute loading to ground-water or to drainage tile systems
(Corwin and Lesch, 2003). Christensen and Sorensen (1998) estimated the vulnerability of an
aquifer to leakage of a polluting substance from the soil surface, such as infiltration of nitrates
from excess fertilisers. These studies constitute a useful step in the hydrological understanding of
chemical pollutant transfers such as heavy chemical products released from agricultural and
industrial practices. Indeed, salinity limits water uptake by plants by reducing the osmotic
potential and thus the available water content for the plant growth. Real-time measurements
obtained by electrical resistivity surveys may assist in our understanding of the transport
phenomena of water solution and his spatial distribution. Model predictions may help identify
management actions that will prevent the occurrence of detrimental conditions.
8. Conclusion
Electrical resistivity prospecting is a very attractive method for soil characterisation. Contrary to
classical soil science measurements and observations which perturb the soil by random or by
regular drilling and sampling, electrical resistivity is non-destructive and can provide continuous
measurements over a large range of scales. In this way, temporal variables such as water and
plant nutriment, depending on the internal soil structure, are monitored and quantified without
altering the soil structure. The applications are numerous: (i) determination of soil horizonation
and specific heterogeneities, (ii) follow-up of the transport phenomena, (iii) monitoring of solute
plume contamination in a saline or waste context. It enables the improvement of our
understanding of the soil structure and its functioning in varying fields such as agronomy,
pedology, geology, archaeology and civil engineering. Concerning agronomy, applications are
present in precision farming surveys. Nevertheless, electrical measurements do not give a direct
access to soil characteristics that interest the agronomist. Preliminary laboratory calibration and
qualitative or quantitative data (i.e. after inversion) interpretations have to be done to link the
electrical measurements with the soil characteristics and function.
Acknowledgement : The authors gratefully thank Setphen Cattle for improving the English.
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