Dbms Practical 2

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DBMS Practicals With Solution

By Bhavik Thummar

From GEC, Modasa 3rd Sem I.T

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Practical – 2


1. Insert the following records

Acc_no Name City Balance Loan_taken
A001 Patel Jigar Mehsana 50000 YES
A002 Patel Ramesh Mehsana 50000 Yes
A003 Dave Hardik Ahmedabad 75000 NO
A004 Soni Hetal Ahmedabad 100000 NO
A005 Soni Atul Vadodara 100000 YES

Query : (1). insert into ACCOUNT values (‘A001’,

’Patel Jigar’,’Mehsana’,50000,’YES’);
(2). insert into ACCOUNT values (‘A002’,
’Patel Ramesh’,’Mehsana’,50000,’YES’);
(3). insert into ACCOUNT values (‘A003’,
’Dave Hardik,’Ahmedabad’,75000,’NO’);
(4). insert into ACCOUNT values (‘A004’,
’Soni Hetal’,’ Ahmedabad’,100000,’NO’);
(5). insert into ACCOUNT values (‘A005’,
’Soni Atul’,’Vadodara’,100000,’YES’);
2. Change the name ‘Patel Jigar’ to ‘Patel Hiren’.
Query : update ACCOUNT set name=’Patel Hiren’
where acc_no=’A001’;
3. Change the name and city where account number is A005.
(new name = ‘Kothari Nehal’ and new city = ‘Patan’).

Query : update ACCOUNT set name=’Kothari Nehal’,

city=’Patan’ where acc_no=’A005’;

4. Display only those records where loan taken status is ‘YES’.

Query : select * from ACCOUNT where loan_taken=’YES’;

5. Add the new column (address varchar2 (20)) into table


Query : alter table ACCOUNT add address varchar2(20);

6. Create another table ACCOUNT_TEMP (acc_no, name,

balance) from table ACCOUNT.

Query : create table ACCOUNT_TEMP as select

acc_no,name,balance from ACCOUNT;

7. Rename the table ACCOUNT to ACCOUNT_MASTER.


8. Update the column balance for all the account holders.
(Multiply the balance by 2 for each account holders)

Query : update ACCOUNT set balance=balance*2;

9. Describe the structure of table ACCOUNT

Query : desc ACCOUNT;

10. Delete the records whose account no is A004

Query : delete from ACCOUNT where acc_no=’A004’;

Table : LOAN
1. Insert the following Records

Loan_no Acc_no Loan_amt Interest_rate Loan_date Remaining_loan

L001 A001 100000 7 1-jan-04 75000
L002 A002 300000 9 18-may-04 150000
L003 A005 500000 11 15-june-04 300000

Query : (1). insert into LOAN values (‘L001’,

(2). insert into LOAN values (‘L002’,
(3). insert into LOAN values (‘L003’,

2. For each loan holders Add 100000 Rs. Amount into the
column loan_amt.
Query : update LOAN set loan_amt=loan_amt+100000;

3. For each loan holders Increase the interest rate 2%

Query : update LOAN set interest_rate= interest_rate+2;
4. Create another table LOAN_TEMP (loan_no, Acc_no,
loan_amt, loan_date) from The table LOAN.
Query : create table LOAN_TEMP as select loan_no,Acc_no,
loan_amt,loan_date from The table LOAN

5. Display only those records where loan holder takena loan in

month of January.
Query : select * from LOAN where loan_date=’01-JAN-04’;

6. Modify the structure of table LOAN by adding one column

credit_no varchar2 (4).
Query : alter table LOAN add credit_no varchar2(4);

7. Display the Loan amount*2 of table LOAN.

Query : select loan_amt*2 from LOAN;

8. Display the records of table LOAN by date wise in ascending

Query : select * from LOAN order by loan_date;
9. Display the records of table LOAN by account number wise in
descending Order.
Query : select * from LOAN order by acc_no desc;

10. Increase the size 5 to 7 of column acc_no.

Query : alter table LOAN modify acc_no varchar2(7);
1. Insert the following Records
Loan_no Inst_no Inst_Date Amount
L001 I001 2-Feb-04 15000
L002 I002 18-June-04 20000
L003 I003 15-July-04 20000

Query : (1). insert into INSTALLMENT values (‘L001’,

(2). insert into INSTALLMENT values (‘L002’,
(3). insert into INSTALLMENT values (‘L003’,

2. Change the Inst_Date ‘2-Feb-04’ to ’3-Mar-04’.

Query : update INSTALLMENT set inst_date=’03-MAR-04’ where

3. Reduce 5000 amount from all Installment holders.

Query : update INSTALLMENT set amount=amount-5000;
4. Add the amount 5000 where loan no is ‘L003’ and ‘L002’.
Query : update INSTALLMENT set amount=amount+5000
where loan_no=’L003’ or loan_no=’L002’;

5. Change the column size of 5 to 7 where column name is

Query : alter table INSTALLMENT modify loan_no varchar2(7);

6. Decrease the column size 5 to 4 where column name Inst_no.

Query : alter table INSTALLMENT modify inst_no varchar2(4);

7. Show the structure of the Table.

Query : desc INSTALLMENT;

8. Change the amount 15000 to 5000 where loan number is L001

Query : update INSTALLMENT set amount=5000
where loan_no=’L001’;
9. Perform delete operation. (Delete only particular one record)
Query : delete from INSTALLMENT where loan_no=’L001’;

1. Insert the following Records
Acc_no Trans_Date Amt Type_of_tr Mode_of_pay
A001 3-may-04 10000 D Cash
A002 5-july-04 5000 W Check
A003 12-Aug-04 25000 D Check
A004 15-may-04 30000 D Check
A005 22-oct-04 15000 W Cash

Query : (1). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A001’,

(2). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A002’,
(3). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A003’,
’12-AUG-04’,25000,’D’,’ Check’);
(4). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A004’,
’15-MAY-04’,30000,’D’,’ Check’);
(5). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A005’,
2. Insert any duplicate value and display all the records without
any duplicate rows.
Query : (1). insert into TRANSACTION values (‘A001’,
(2). Select distinct* from TRANSACTION;

3. Select all the records in descending order(account number

Query : Select * from TRANSACTION order by acc_no desc;

4. Display amt, date, and type of transaction by date wise.

Query : Select amt,trans_date,typr_of_tr from TRANSACTION
order by trans_date;

5. Create another table TRANSACTION_TEMP from this table.

Query : create table TRANSACTION_TEMP as
6. Create a another table TRANS_TEMP by change the column
name acc_no to account_no.
Query : create table trans_temp (account_no,trans_date,amt,
type_of_tr,mode_of_pay) as select acc_no,trans_date,amt,
type_of_tr,mode_of_pay from transaction;

7. Delete a table TRANSACTION_TEMP.

Query : drop table TRANSACTION;

8. Rename the table TRANSACTION to TRANS.

Query : rename TRANSACTION to TRANS;

9. Only create a structure of table transaction1 from table

Query : create table transaction1 as select * from transaction;

10. Display account number where type of transaction is ‘D’.

Query : select acc_no from TRANSACTION where
- Bhavik Thummar

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