EGruposDMime - Ground Mat Resistance Test
EGruposDMime - Ground Mat Resistance Test
EGruposDMime - Ground Mat Resistance Test
M.F. Groves
Director, Division of
Operation and Maintenance
The information contained in this manual regarding commercial products or firms may not be used for advertising
or promotional purposes and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or firm by the Western
Area Power Administration (Western). The information contained in this manual was developed for Western; no
warranty as to the accuracy, usefulness, or completeness is expressed or implied.
This guide is issued by the Western Area Power Administration (Western) and is designed to provide specific
guidelines, instructions, procedures, and criteria for performing ground mat resistance tests in Western’s electri-
cal facilities. Procedures and guidelines are in accordance with established industry standards and current
industry practices. Any corrections or comments concerning this guide may be addressed to the Western Area
Power Administration, A6200, Golden, Colorado.
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
2. GENERAL PHILOSOPHY..................................................................................2
3. TEST OBJECTIVES...........................................................................................3
5. GLOSSARY......................................................................................................10
6. REFERENCES .................................................................................................11
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Introduction
Personnel safety and many aspects of an electrical installation’s stable operation are directly related to the
adequacy and continued performance of the electrical facility’s ground mat. Therefore, Western Area Power
Administration (Western) has implemented a ground mat resistance testing program using the fall-of-potential
method to determine the adequacy and continued performance of the ground mats that are connected to its
electrical facilities.
This document provides the necessary information and criteria needed to establish a safe and effective ground
mat testing program in Western. The purpose of this document is twofold: to briefly review the function of ground
mats, and to outline, in detail, the recommended ground mat testing procedures. The information contained in
this document, when used in conjunction with other applicable safety standards and codes, will provide the nec-
essary information and procedures to perform ground mat tests safely and effectively.
Western will revise and expand this document as needed. Any suggestions that would improve the contents of
this document should be sent to Western Headquarters, Division of Operation and Maintenance (O&M), Attn:
2. General Philosophy
The principal factor in determining the adequacy of a ground mat is its impedance to earth. Designing and
achieving a low impedance ground still includes a good deal of both art and science. Impedance is certainly a
major consideration in the design of all electrical facilities. However, there are no legislated standards for accept-
able ground mat impedance levels at large electrical installations. Instead, the general philosophy is the lower
the better, with some consideration of economics.
Western specifications consider acceptable impedance levels as less than 1 ohm for large electrical facilities.
Although there can certainly be exceptions in a specific case, it is generally true that a ground mat impedance of
1 ohm will be adequate to:
• Protect personnel and property from injury or damage by high voltage surges resulting from lightning, switching, or
other causes.
• Handle discharge currents from lightning arrestors, overvoltage gaps, and so on.
• Provide a ground return path for grounded wye generators and transformers.
• Improve the reliability of electric process controls, computers, and communication circuits by providing low-resis-
tance ground connections.
3. Test Objectives
3.1 General Requirements. From the discussion in section 2, we understand that ground mats are engineered
to achieve impedance levels that provide adequate protection and stability for a facility, and once installed they
remain physically and electrically stable. Many workers would then ask “So why test an existing ground system?”
The following are valid reasons for considering such tests:
• To obtain realistic resistance data for use in calculating actual ground potential rise (GPR) values for the mat, and
for determining the step and touch potentials which may occur within a station during fault or surge conditions.
• To help to resolve the instability of equipment relays or communications, which might be caused by inadequate
• To determine the continued adequacy of the ground mat wherever system changes are implemented which increase
the available fault current at the station.
• To determine the effect on the integrity and performance of the ground mat caused by known physical changes
(planned or unplanned) in the grounding system.
• To establish ongoing documentation of the stability and continued performance of the grounding system by periodic,
scheduled measurement of the ground mat resistance, or, conversely, to detect any unsuspected and undesirable
3.2 Specific Requirements. The following discussion outlines the specific requirements and test intervals for
testing Westerns ground mats:
• Field Offices should establish benchmark data for all substation ground mats.
• Ground mats from new electrical facilities will be tested to verify their intended design and adequacy.
• Whenever the ground mat is modified, the ground mat should be tested.
• Ground mats should be tested whenever there is a concern about the continued performance of the grounding sys-
4. Test Procedure
4.1 Job Hazard Analysis (JHA). Before testing the ground mat, all personnel involved in the testing must
review and discuss the pertinent test procedures of the job hazard analysis (JHA) and address the safety
aspects of the testing activity. Western recommends that each Area Office or District Office develop its own spe-
cific JHA, using the sample JHA given in appendix A as a guide.
4.2 Equipment. A list of the equipment necessary to perform ground mat resistance testing is included in
appendix B. A checklist should be prepared to assure that all the necessary equipment will be on hand when
conducting the tests.
Note: Before testing begins, personnel must ensure that all battery-operated instruments (such as the earth
tester, the walkie-talkies, and multimeter) are operable and fully charged.
4.3 Preliminary Information. Before beginning the test, the following information must be gathered and
recorded on the Ground Mat Resistance Test Report form (shown in appendix C):
• Station name
• Current (C2) and potential (P2) probe distances to be used (see section 4.5)
• A sketch of the test area, including special terrain features along the probe directions
• Drawing of the ground plan for the site, including ground mat dimensions
• Notifications, clearances, and gate keys that may be required for working at the site.
4.4 Location of the Tester. The specific location for the tester connection to the ground mat will be selected by
the personnel in charge of the test. Generally, the tester will connect at two locations: at a ground riser along the
station perimeter fence, or at a ground riser near a piece of equipment located where the terrain surrounding the
station permits straight test leads to run for several thousand feet (if possible).
4.5 Routing of the Test Leads. Before setting up the tester, the test engineer will select the direction in which
the test leads to the remote C2 and P2 probes shall be run. Routing of the test leads is dependent on the ter-
rain, but they should be run in as straight a line as possible. The first set of data should be taken with the
longest practical C2 distance. A rule of thumb is that the distance of C2 equals five times the diagonal of the
substation ground mat. The distance of the most distant P2 probe should be greater than 60 percent of the C2
probe distance, preferably at 90 percent. The nearest P2 probe should be placed closer than 20 percent of the
C2 distance. The separation between other placed P2 probes should be at equal distances to obtain at least 10
ground mat resistance measurements.
Note: Test leads should not run parallel to transmission or distribution lines, fences, ungrounded piping, and rail-
roads because mutual inductance resulting in the flow of stray currents will affect the test results.
4.6 Initial Test Setup. Personnel should set up the equipment as illustrated in figure 1 and in accordance with
the following steps:
Station Fence Perimeter
Ground Mat
Connection Current
Potential Probes
Figure 1.
(1) To provide additional insulation to personnel during the test, place an insulating platform or rubber blanket
on level ground a short distance from the point of connection to the ground mat (a piece of dry plywood board,
3/4 inch thick, 3 feet wide by 4 feet long, may be used in lieu of a safety blanket). Place the tester on a wooden
test stand (if available) and on the blanket or board with the tester oriented so it can be adjusted and read with-
out tripping over the test leads.
(2) Run the C2 and P2 leads to the maximum designated remote test probe distances. Make sure that the C2
and P2 lead wires are separated by at least 6 feet if they are run parallel with each other. This arrange-
ment will minimize the mutual inductance between the lead wires while running the test. Other angles between
probe leads may be used, but they should be noted on the test report form shown in appendix C.
Note: The leads frequently need to be run several hundred or several thousand feet. Portable two-way radios
(walkie-talkies) are essential for maintaining communications between the personnel operating the tester and
those running leads or placing probes.
(3) Make sure the CURRENT RANGE switch on the tester is OFF.
(4) Drive C2 and P2 probes a few inches into the earth at their maximum designated distances and attach the
lead wires. DO NOT connect the leads to the tester terminals at this time. Record the distances from the ground
mat connection point to the C2 and P2 probes.
Note: It is important that the test probes make good contact with the earth. Tamping the earth around the probe,
wetting the earth around the probe, or driving more than one probe and connecting them in parallel are methods of
getting the necessary earth contact in problem soils.
(5) Follow the P2 lead back and mark the wire or drop other probes at the distances where the other P2 probe
test readings are to be taken. A tape measure should be used to determine the distance between probe place-
ments. The most distant P2 probe should be at a distance greater than 60 percent of the C2 probe distance,
preferably at 90 percent. The nearest P2 probe should be placed closer than 20 percent of the C2 distance.
Note: The P2 test points should be in as straight a line toward the tester as the terrain will allow.
4.7 Preliminary Checks. Before continuing, personnel should make the following preliminary checks to assure a
proper test setup (a flow chart of the Biddle DET-2 tester operation is illustrated in figure 2):
(1) With P1 disconnected and the CURRENT RANGE switch OFF, connect both P2 and C2 probe leads to their
respective terminals on the tester.
(2) Using lineman’s gloves, clamp the P1 and C1 tester leads to the ground mat riser cable.
(3) Place the TEST CURRENT dial to NORMAL and FILTER dial to OUT.
(5) If the INPUT NOISE light and the SPIKE RESISTANCE light are off, and the digital numbers are steady (not
flickering), then the test setup is good. Turn the RANGE switch to OFF. Proceed to section 4.8 of this procedure.
(6) If the INPUT NOISE light is lit, increase the TEST CURRENT.
(7) If the INPUT NOISE light stays lit at all current levels, the test probe (spike) arrangement must be corrected.
Note: To correct the test probes, one or more of the following steps must be taken:
(c) Drive one or two additional probes and jumper from probe to probe.
(8) If the SPIKE RESISTANCE light is lit, the test current must be reduced.
(9) If the digital readout flickers, the FILTER switch should be turned to the IN position.
(10) When the tester indicates the setup is good, turn the RANGE switch to OFF and proceed to section 4.8.
4.8. Determining Background Voltages. Measure the ac and dc background voltages as follows to assess any
existing stray voltages and currents:
(1) Leave the P1 and C1 leads connected to the ground mat, but disconnect them from the tester (see figure 3).
(2) Connect the ac-dc voltmeter between the C2 probe lead and the C1 lead. Set it for the 0- to 10-volt ac scale.
Figure 2.
C2 Probe
P 2 Probe
Figure 3.
(3) Read the residual ac voltage and record it on the Ground Mat Resistance Test Report form.
(4) Switch the voltmeter to the dc-volt scale and record the voltage for the C2 lead.
(5) Disconnect the meter from the C2 probe lead and connect it to the P2 probe lead.
(6) Repeat steps 2 through 4 and record the ac and dc voltages for P2.
(7) Disconnect the P1 and C1 leads from the mat. Disconnect the voltmeter.
4.9 Measurement of Resistance to Remote Earth. The following steps outline the specific procedure for mak-
ing the resistance measurements:
(2) Verify that all connections from tester to ground mat (C1, P1) and to the remote probes (C2, P2) are correct
and solid.
(3) Verify that the TEST CURRENT dial on the tester is set to the desired position.
(4) Place station assistants at the remote P2 location and the test engineer at the tester with walkie-talkies to
establish communications.
(5) When all personnel are in a safe position and communications are established, turn the RANGE switch to
the appropriate setting.
Note: Personnel at the remote probe location should be warned that the instrument is ON and not to touch the
probes or leads.
(6) Record the ohmic resistance when the reading becomes stable.
(8) Disconnect the P2 probe lead from the tester terminal.
(9) Inform the personnel at the remote probe that the tester is disconnected, and request them to move the P2
lead to the next nearest test probe distance.
(10) When the P2 test probe change is confirmed by the remote personnel, connect the P2 probe lead to the
tester, turn the RANGE switch to the desired range, and record the ohmic reading for this P2 distance.
(13) Disconnect the P1,C1 leads from the ground mat (wear rubber gloves if connections are made outside the
protection zone of the ground mat).
4.10 Verification of Results. The validity of the measurements should be checked at the test site by the follow-
ing procedure. An example of the calculation procedure is given in appendix D.
(1) Plot measured resistance (ohms) versus the P2 probe distance. (It simplifies the procedure to express the
P2 distance as a percentage of the C2 distance.) The curve should be smooth and slightly S-shaped.
(2) From the plot, read the resistance values R1, R2, and R3 corresponding to P2 distances of 0.2, 0.4, and
0.6 C2, respectively.
(4) The value of u should fall within the range 0.40 - 1.60. If it does not fall in this range, the test data is
invalid. A new set of test data must be run with C2 at a further distance from the ground mat connection, or with
C2 and P2 in a different direction. An alternate approach is to run two more tests with C2 at different distances
and to analyze the data by the Tagg Intersecting Curve method (see appendix E).
(5) If u falls within the 0.40 - 1.60 range, find the quantity Pt/EC in the Tagg Slope method tables (see appendix
F). This quantity is the P2/C2 value that is associated with the true value of the ground mat resistance.
(6) From the plot of R versus P2/C2, read the true ground mat resistance corresponding to Pt/EC.
4.11 Test Confirmation. At the test coordinator’s discretion, other sets of measurements may be taken, as out-
lined below:
(2) Reposition the P2 probe to approximately 80 percent of the new C2 distance, and mark off distances for
the new set of P3 probe placements.
(3) Connect the P2 and C2 probe leads to the tester terminals (verify that the range switch is OFF).
(4) Clamp the P1 and C1 test leads to the ground mat cables (wear rubber gloves).
(5) Repeat the series of readings as in section 4.9 with P2 moved successively closer to the ground mat.
(6) Plot this new set of data, check for a smooth curve, and calculate the ground mat resistance according to
guidelines given in section 4.10.
Note: The results from the two tests should be within 10 percent if the Tagg Slope method calculation was used.
If the Intersecting Curve method was required, the curves should intersect at a value similar to that obtained in
other ground mat test results (see the example given in appendix E).
5. Glossary
Background Voltages (ac and dc) Voltage measurements taken between the connection of the grounding sys-
tem under test and the test instrument end of the C2 and P2 leads.
Current Probe (C2) A probe driven into remote earth used for connecting the current lead routed from the test
instrument. This probe allows the test current to enter the ground at the C2 location and circulate current
between ground and the test instrument.
Current Test Lead Test lead routed from the test instrument to the remote current probe (C2).
EC The distance between the electrical center of the tested ground system and the remote current probe (C2).
Fall-of-Potential Method The measurement of the voltage between the station ground and remote ground. A
test set-up for injecting a current through the station ground via the remote current probe (C2), and measuring
the voltage between the station ground and the remote potential probe (P2).
Ground Mat A system of closely spaced bare conductors that are connected to the installed system of ground
Ground Potential Rise (GPR) The maximum voltage that a station grounding grid may obtain relative to a dis-
tant grounding point assumed to be at the same potential as remote earth.
Potential Probe (P2) A probe driven into remote earth used for connecting the potential lead routed from the
test instrument. This probe allows the measurement of the voltage produced between the ground system under
test and the surface of remote earth.
Potential Test Lead Test lead routed from the test instrument to the remote potential probe (P2).
Pt The calculated distance of P2 where resistance will equal “true” resistance of the tested ground system.
Tagg Slope Method Tables Values of Pt/EC (same as P2/C2) for values of u.
True Resistance The calculated resistance (in ohms) of the tested grounded system.
λ (lambda) A letter from the Greek alphabet used to represent the distance of the true electrical center from
the tested location.
u Factor Ratio of resistance at 60 percent minus the resistance at 40 percent over the resistance at 40 percent
minus the resistance at 20 percent (R3 - R2)/(R2 - R1).
6. References
Guide for the Maximum Electric Power Station Ground Potential Rise and Induced Voltage from a Power
Fault, IEEE Std. 367.
Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground
System, IEEE Std. 81.
Guide for Protection of Wire-line Communication Facilities Serving Electric Power Stations, ANSI/IEEE
Std. 487.
IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, IEEE Std. 142.
Measurement of the Resistance of an Earth’s Electrode System Covering a Large Area, Dr. G. Tagg, IEEE
Proceedings, Vol. 116, March 1969.
Measurement of the Resistance of Large Earth Electrode Systems by the Slope Method, Dr. G. Tagg, IEEE
Proceedings, Vol. 117, November 1970.
Standard for Grounding Permanent Connections Used in Substation Grounding, ANSI/IEEE Std. 837.
Appendix A
Job Hazard Analysis
ACTIVITY: ________________________
Substation Ground Mat
Resistance Measurement Testing
LOCATION: ________________________
DATE: ________________________
Appendix A
The purpose of this document is to address the potential hazards that may be encountered while testing
substation ground mats and to list the required countermeasures needed to eliminate such hazards (table A-1).
The information given in this document, when used in conjunction with the information given in other applicable
safety standards and codes, should provide the necessary guidance to ensure maximum safety to the public,
employees, and property.
A.1 Equipment Operations and Use of Tools. The tests will be conducted in accordance with specific written
procedures using the fall-of-potential method (table 4-2). Biddle’s Digital Earth Resistance Tester, Model DET-2,
will be used to perform the tests. Accessory equipment (used to perform the tests) includes ground rods, test
leads, sledgehammer, and a surveyor’s level. The instrument’s output voltages will be limited to 50 volts peak
with selectable test currents of 5 - 40 milliamps.
A.2 System Conditions. The tests will be performed with all electrical conducting paths left connected to the
power station grid and with the powerplant operating in its normal configuration.
(2) A tailgate safety meeting will be conducted before engaging in the testing to review and discuss the pertinent
procedures and to address the safety aspects of the job.
(3) Work activity will be performed under the direction and continuous supervision of experienced personnel who
are knowledgeable in the work involved.
(4) Only experienced personnel, knowledgeable in the use and operation of the test set, will be allowed to oper-
ate the test instrument.
(5) All personnel will comply with applicable sections of Western’s Power System Safety Manual.
(6) For safety reasons, workers are encouraged to work in pairs whenever practicable.
(7) A list of emergency telephone numbers for the location where the tests are performed will be available for
emergency use (table A-3).
Table A-1. Potential Hazards and Countermeasures
Possible ground faults in the Use linemans gloves when handling the test leads. Wear
substation while the ground insulated footwear. Avoid placing yourself in series with the
mat testing is underway test leads while performing the test. Provide fused
connections where feasible to enhance safety.
Possible electrical short in Handle leads and probes with caution. Use insulated gloves,
the handling of the remotely rubber-soled shoes, and insulating mat. Disconnect the P2
grounded test leads lead from the test instrument before allowing anyone to
handle the remote leads and ground probes.
Possible electrical shock If you are involved in the testing, do not come in contact
during the course of the with the cable containing the current probes. Also, caution
test the public and post any appropriate warning signs.
Falling while walking over Be aware of the surroundings and walk cautiously. Survey
rough terrain area ahead of time to determine potential hazards. Wear
hard hats, safety shoes, and safety glasses.
Snake bites Avoid placing the test probes in areas where snakes may
nest. Be aware of the surroundings and walk cautiously.
Body dehydration Since routing the test leads involves walking long distances,
dehydration may occur. Therefore, have sufficient drinking
water available to avoid dehydration.
Table A-2. Sample of Written Procedures Approval Sheet
________________________________ ________________________________
Signature ________________________________
Name ________________________________
(Please Print)
Title ________________________________
Table A-3. List of Emergency Telephone Numbers
Appendix B
Appendix B
• Voltmeter
• Lead wire
5000 feet minimum. In 400- and 800-foot lengths wound on 500- or 1000-foot metal wire reels, with both ends of
wire on each reel available for connection to clamps or instrument terminals.
[Size 14, 16, or 18 AWG, stranded copper with flexible insulating coating (such as SIS type switchboard wire) is rec-
• Jumper wires
Six 2-foot lengths with battery clips on each end. To be used for connecting test probes when more than one probe
is required for a good remote ground.
• Test probes
Eight minimum, 5/8-inch diameter steel, 18 inches long, with pointed tips
Lineman’s blanket or 3/4-inch thick plywood sheet to isolate test personnel from ground while using the
• Instrument table
For respooling wire. Should be collapsible and designed to handle two wire spools at a time.
• Two-way radios
Two portable walkie-talkies with sufficient range and strength to handle anticipated distances and terrain
• Test procedure
B.2 Accessory Equipment
• Tape measure
Preferably 300-foot steel tape on reel. (Use cloth tape in vicinity of energized equipment.)
• Sledgehammer
• Clipboard
• Hand calculator
• Linemans gloves
• Compass
• Binoculars
• Leather gloves
• Wire terminals
• Side cutters
• Pliers, regular
• Vise grips
• Crimping tool
• Screwdrivers
• Wire brush
• Flashlight
• Knife
Appendix C
Ground Mat Resistance Test Report Form
Ground Mat Resistance Test Report Form Sheet No. _____ of _____
(Fall-of-potential Method)
n n
CURRENT _______________ RANGE ________________ FILTER: IN ; OUT
C2.ft P2.ft P2/C2 ohms
R1 R2 R3
.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
u = R 3 R2 = =
R 2 - R1
From Tagg Tables: PT =
R True = ohms
NOTES: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Appendix D
Appendix D
C2 P2 P2/C2 R
(feet) (feet)
2,020 1,820 0.90 0.375
2,020 1,620 0.80 0.32
2,020 1,420 0.70 0.295
2,020 1,220 0.60 0.285
2,020 1,020 0.50 0.27
2,020 820 0.41 0.235
2,020 620 0.31 0.215
2,020 420 0.21 0.20
2,020 220 0.11 0.16
Calculate u as follows:
Ground Resistance: Sample-of-Potential Plot
For P2 / C2 = 0.59 X
RTrue = 0.28 µohms
X R 3 = 0.285
R 2 = 0.245
0.15 By:
Job No.
Pt/EC = 0.5928
(Pt/EC = P2/C2) .
R = 0.284 ohms .
If u is outside the range of 0.40 - 1.60, the data cannot be treated in this manner. Instead, personnel should use
the Tagg Intersecting Curve method. Appendix E shows how to treat fall-of-potential resistance data by the Tagg
Intersecting Curve method.
Appendix E
Appendix E
When the calculated value of u falls outside the Tagg Slope method tables, then the following procedure can be
used (see figure E-1):
(1) Consider that the connection to the ground mat is not at the "electrical center" of the mat (see figure E-1).
Tester C2
X P2
Ground Mat
Figure E-1.
Ground Mat Connection
(2) The true C2 distance should be C2 + λ Then the actual P2 distance is:
(4) For each calculated value of Pt, choose a value of resistance from the original P2 vs. R plots (see figure E-
(6) Repeat steps 3-5 for data obtained with the C2 probe at two (or preferably three) distances. Plot all λ vs. R
curves on the same graph (see figure E-3).
(7) The true resistance of the ground mat is the point where the curves intersect.
2 at
R (ohms)
200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
P 2 (feet)
Figure E-2.
P2 vs. R
C 2 at
1,200 R true = 0.26
C 2 at 1,600
0.30 C 2 at 2,000
R (ohms)
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
λ (feet)
Figure E-3.
λ vs. R
Note: If the intersection of the curves forms a triangle, the true resistance of the ground mat is at
the center of the triangle.
λ Pt R*
(ft) (ft) (ohms)
_____ _____ ______
50 723 0.32
100 704 0.30
300 627 0.26
600 513 0.20
λ Pt R
(ft) (ft) (ohms)
_____ _____ ______
50 970 0.29
100 951 0.28
300 874 0.26
600 760 0.23
λ Pt R
(ft) (ft) (ohms)
_____ _____ ______
50 1,217 0.28
100 1,198 0.27
300 1,121 0.26
600 1,007 0.24
Plotting λ vs. R produces the curves shown in figure E-3. The true ground mat resistance is found at the inter-
section point, where R = 0.26 ohms.
Appendix F
Tagg Slope Method Tables
(Values of Pt/EC for Values of µ)
µ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.40 0.6432 6431 6429 6428 6426 6425 6423 6422 6420 6419
0.41 0.6418 6416 6415 6413 6412 6410 6409 6408 6406 6405
0.42 0.6403 6402 6400 6399 6397 6396 6395 6393 6392 6390
0.43 0.6389 6387 6386 6384 6383 6382 6380 6379 6377 6376
0.44 0.6374 6373 6372 6370 6369 6367 6366 6364 6363 6361
0.45 0.6360 6359 6357 6356 6354 6353 6351 6350 6348 6347
0.46 0.6346 6344 6343 6341 6340 6338 6337 6336 6334 6333
0.47 0.6331 6330 6328 6327 6325 6324 6323 6321 6320 6318
0.48 0.6317 6315 6314 6312 6311 6310 6308 6307 6305 6304
0.49 0.6302 6301 6300 6298 6297 6295 6294 6292 6291 6289
0.50 0.6288 6286 6285 6283 6282 6280 6279 6277 6276 6274
0.51 0.6273 6271 6270 6268 6267 6265 6264 6262 6261 6259
0.52 0.6258 6256 6255 6253 6252 6250 6248 6247 6245 6244
0.53 0.6242 6241 6239 6238 6236 6235 6233 6232 6230 6229
0.54 0.6227 6226 6224 6223 6221 6220 6218 6217 6215 6214
0.55 0.6212 6210 6209 6207 6206 6204 6203 6201 6200 6198
0.56 0.6197 6195 6194 6192 6191 6189 6188 6186 6185 6183
0.57 0.6182 6180 6179 6177 6176 6174 6172 6171 6169 6168
0.58 0.6166 6165 6163 6162 6160 6159 6157 6156 6154 6153
0.59 0.6151 6150 6148 6147 6145 6144 6142 6141 6139 6138
0.60 0.6136 6134 6133 6131 6130 6128 6126 6125 6123 6121
0.61 0.6120 6118 6117 6115 1663 6112 6110 6108 6107 6105
0.62 0.6104 6102 6100 6099 6097 6096 6094 6092 6091 6089
0.63 0.6087 6086 6084 6083 6081 6079 6077 6076 6074 6073
0.64 0.6071 6070 6068 6066 6065 6063 6061 6060 6058 6057
0.65 0.6055 6053 6052 6050 6049 6047 6045 6044 6042 6040
0.66 0.6039 6037 6036 6034 6032 6031 6029 6027 6026 6024
0.67 0.6023 6021 6019 6018 6016 6015 6013 6011 6010 6008
0.68 0.6006 6005 6003 6002 6000 5998 5997 5995 5993 5992
0.69 0.5990 5989 5987 5985 5984 5982 5980 5979 5977 5975
µ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.70 0.5974 5973 5971 5969 5967 5965 5964 5962 5960 5959
0.71 0.5957 5955 5953 5952 5950 5948 5947 5945 5943 5942
0.72 0.5940 5938 5936 5935 5933 5931 5930 5928 5926 5924
0.73 0.5923 5921 5920 5918 5916 5914 5912 5911 5909 5907
0.74 0.5906 5904 5902 5900 5899 5897 5895 5894 5892 5890
0.75 0.5889 5887 5885 5883 5882 5880 5878 5877 5875 5873
0.76 0.5871 5870 5868 5866 5865 5863 5861 5859 5858 5856
0.77 0.5854 5853 5851 5849 5847 5846 5844 5842 5841 5839
0.78 0.5837 5835 5834 5832 5830 5829 5827 5825 5824 5822
0.79 0.5820 5818 5817 5815 5813 5812 5810 5808 5806 5085
0.80 0.5803 5801 5799 5797 5796 5794 5792 5790 5788 5786
0.81 0.5785 5783 5781 5779 5777 5775 5773 5772 5770 5768
0.82 0.5766 5764 5762 5760 5759 5757 5755 5753 5751 5749
0.83 0.5748 5746 5744 5742 5740 5738 5736 5735 5733 5731
0.84 0.5729 5727 5725 5723 5722 5720 5718 5716 5714 5712
0.85 0.5711 5709 5707 5705 5703 5701 5699 5698 5696 5694
0.86 0.5692 5690 5688 5686 5685 5683 5681 5679 5677 5675
0.87 0.5674 5672 5670 5668 5666 5664 5662 5661 5659 5657
0.88 0.5655 5653 5651 5650 5648 5646 5644 5642 5640 5638
0.89 0.5637 5635 5633 5631 5629 5627 5625 5624 5622 5620
0.90 0.5618 5616 5614 5612 5610 5608 5606 5604 5602 5600
0.91 0.5598 5596 5594 5592 5590 5588 5586 5584 5582 5580
0.92 0.5578 5576 5574 5572 5570 5568 5565 5563 5561 5559
0.93 0.5557 5555 5553 5551 5549 5547 5545 5543 5541 5539
0.94 0.5537 5535 5533 5531 5529 5527 5525 5523 5521 5519
0.95 0.5517 5515 5513 5511 5509 5507 5505 5503 5501 5499
0.96 0.5497 5495 5493 5491 5489 5487 5485 5483 5481 5479
0.97 0.5477 5475 5473 5471 5469 5467 5464 5462 5460 5458
0.98 0.5456 5454 5452 5450 5448 5446 5444 5442 5440 5438
0.99 0.5436 5434 5432 5430 5428 5426 5424 5422 5420 5418
Tagg Slope Method Tables (concluded)
(Values of Pt/EC for Values of µ)
µ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.00 0.5416 5414 5412 5409 5407 5405 5403 5400 5398 5396
1.01 0.5394 5391 5389 5387 5385 5383 5380 5378 5376 5374
1.02 0.5371 5369 5367 5365 5362 5360 5358 5356 5354 5351
1.03 0.5349 5347 5345 5342 5340 5338 5336 5333 5331 5329
1.04 0.5327 5325 5322 5320 5318 5316 5131 5311 5309 5307
1.05 0.5305 5302 5300 5298 5296 5293 5291 5289 5287 5284
1.06 0.5282 5280 5278 5276 5273 5271 5269 5267 5264 5262
1.07 0.5260 5258 5255 5253 5251 5249 5247 5244 5242 5240
1.08 0.5238 5235 5233 5231 5229 5226 5224 5222 5219 5217
1.09 0.5215 5213 5211 5209 5206 5204 5202 5200 5197 5195
1.10 0.5193 5190 5188 5185 5183 5180 5178 5175 5173 5170
1.11 0.5168 5165 5163 5160 5158 5155 5153 5150 5148 5145
1.12 0.5143 5140 5137 5135 5132 5130 5127 5125 5122 5120
1.13 0.5118 5115 5113 5110 5108 5105 5103 5100 5098 5095
1.14 0.5093 5090 5088 5085 5083 5080 5078 5075 5073 5070
1.15 0.5068 5065 5062 5060 5057 5055 5052 5050 5047 5045
1.16 0.5042 5040 5037 5035 5032 5030 5027 5025 5022 5020
1.17 0.5017 5015 5012 5010 5007 5005 5002 5000 4997 4995
1.18 0.4992 4990 4987 4985 4982 4980 4977 4975 4972 4970
1.19 0.4967 4965 4962 4960 4957 4955 4952 4950 4947 4945
1.20 0.4942 4939 4936 4933 4930 4928 4925 4922 4919 4915
1.21 0.4913 4910 4907 4904 4901 4899 4896 4893 4890 4887
1.22 0.4884 4881 4878 4875 4872 4870 4867 4854 4861 4858
1.23 0.4855 4852 4849 4846 4843 4841 4838 4835 4832 4829
1.24 0.4825 4823 4820 4817 4814 4812 4809 4806 4803 4800
1.25 0.4797 4794 4791 4788 4785 4783 4780 4777 4774 4771
1.26 0.4768 4765 4762 4759 4756 4754 4751 4748 4745 4742
1.27 0.4739 4736 4733 4730 4727 4725 4722 4719 4716 4713
1.28 0.4710 4707 4704 4701 4698 4696 4693 4690 4687 4684
1.29 0.4681 4678 4675 4672 4669 4667 4664 4661 4658 4655
µ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.30 0.4652 4649 4645 4642 4638 4635 4631 4628 4625 4621
1.31 0.4618 4614 4611 4607 4604 4601 4597 4594 4590 4586
1.32 0.4583 4580 4577 4573 4570 4566 4563 4559 4556 4553
1.33 0.4549 4546 4542 4539 4535 4532 4529 4525 4522 4518
1.34 0.4515 4511 4508 4505 4501 4498 4494 4491 4487 4484
1.35 0.4481 4477 4474 4470 4467 4463 4460 4457 4453 4450
1.36 0.4446 4443 4439 4436 4432 4429 4426 4422 4419 4415
1.37 0.4412 4408 4405 4402 4398 4395 4391 4388 4384 4381
1.38 0.4378 4374 4371 4367 4364 4360 4357 4354 4350 4347
1.39 0.4343 4340 4336 4333 4330 4326 4323 4319 4316 4312
1.40 0.4309 4305 4301 4296 4292 4288 4284 4280 4275 4271
1.41 0.4267 4263 4258 4254 4250 4246 4242 4237 4233 4229
1.42 0.4225 4221 4216 4212 4208 4204 4200 4195 4191 4187
1.43 0.4183 4178 4174 4170 4166 4162 4157 4153 4149 4145
1.44 0.4141 4136 4132 4128 4124 4210 4115 4111 4107 4103
1.45 0.4099 4094 4090 4086 4082 4077 4073 4069 4065 4061
1.46 0.4056 4052 4048 4044 4040 4035 4031 4027 4023 4018
1.47 0.4014 4010 4005 4001 3997 3993 3989 3985 3980 3976
1.48 0.3972 3968 3964 3959 3955 3951 3947 3943 3938 3934
1.49 0.3930 3926 3921 3917 3913 3909 3905 3900 3896 3892
1.50 0.3888 3883 3878 3874 3869 3864 3859 3854 3850 3845
1.51 0.3840 3835 3830 3825 3820 3816 3811 3806 3801 3796
1.52 0.3791 3786 3781 3776 3771 3766 3760 3755 3750 3745
1.53 0.3740 3735 3730 3724 3719 3714 3709 3704 3698 3693
1.54 0.3688 3683 3677 3672 3667 3662 3656 3651 3646 3640
1.55 0.3635 3630 3624 3619 3613 3608 3602 3597 3591 3586
1.56 0.3580 3574 3569 3563 3557 3552 3546 3540 3534 3528
1.57 0.3523 3517 3511 3506 3500 3494 3488 3482 3477 3471
1.58 0.3465 3459 3453 3447 3441 3435 3429 3423 3417 3411
1.59 0.3405 3399 3393 3386 3380 3374 3368 3362 3355 3349