Chapter 1

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Doing Digital

Doing Digital
The Guide to Digital for
Non-Technical Leaders

Ved Sen
Doing Digital: The Guide to Digital for Non-Technical Leaders

Copyright © Business Expert Press, LLC, 2023.

Cover design by Pablo Conde Llopis

Interior design by Exeter Premedia Services Private Ltd., Chennai, India

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other
except for brief quotations, not to exceed 400 words, without the prior
permission of the publisher.

First published in 2022 by

Business Expert Press, LLC
222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017

ISBN-13: 978-1-63742-409-4 (paperback)

ISBN-13: 978-1-63742-410-0 (e-book)

Business Expert Press Collaborative Intelligence Collection

First edition: 2022

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Every business is a technology business, or perhaps it’s more accurate to
say that every business is a digital business. Whether you work in a large
corporation or a small firm, you probably work in a business that’s going
digital. If anything, the past two years of the pandemic have accelerated
our path to digital, with remote work and ecommerce pushing us all into
digital modes of working and living. And yet, if you’re not a technolo-
gist, or if technology and jargon seems opaque to you, you might find
it daunting to figure it all out. If you understand business but feel that
you don’t understand digital and technology well enough, then you’re the
person I wrote the book for.
If you’re a business leader, in a large or small business, you will increas-
ingly find yourself making decisions that need to straddle design, technol-
ogy, and data, related to your organization, and understand the regulatory
aspects of digital trends. You will need to constantly update your view
of the world, and use this to refresh your strategy and roadmap more
frequently than you’ve done in the past. This book will help you as well.
Digital means many things to many people. Is it technology? Data?
Design? Is it about mobiles? Big data? Agile methods? AI? Often, the
answer depends on who you ask, but in reality, it’s all of these things.
This book will arm you with a conceptual framework with which to
understand digital. This will help you understand digital transformation
in your business better, but it will also help you make more sense of
your next small digital project. It will also give you a simple and robust
execution framework (connect, quantify, optimize) to help understand
digital cycles.
Along the way, I hope it will demystify a lot of jargon—why APIs
are like Lego, or what exponential strategies are about. It is designed to
give you a good starting point for your journey in understanding all the
many facets of digital. I’ve written this book to be a jumping-off point for
all these topics. This book should give you enough of an understanding
vi Description

and confidence to go looking for more information on the subjects that

attract you.
This is not a text book. It’s meant to be an easy read. It doesn’t assume
that you will read the chapters sequentially. Feel free to jump to any topic
that’s been bothering you.
This is not a book for technologists, it will not dive deep into tech-
nology. This is also not a book about digital strategy—there are plenty of
good ones out there. This is a guide to digital for non-technical managers,
because doing digital is no longer an option. I hope it’s fun to read, it’s
been fun to write.

digital; Web; mobile; Web 2.0; Web 3.0; Semantic Web; IoT; XaaS;
design thinking; service design; cyber security; containerization; API;
voice interfaces; big data; analytics; decision making; knowledge man-
agement; data architectures; data science; AI; networks; machine learn-
ing; deep learning; ethics; agile; fail fast; sprint; scrum; target operating
model; data ethics; graph database; exponential change; discontinuity;
networks; disruption; servitization; culture; automation; productiv-
ity; robots; connected health; predictive health care; electronic patient
records; identity; context; trust; customer experience; future of work;
scale-free networks; omnichannel; attention deficiency; transformation;
optimization; blockchain
List of Figures����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ix
Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xv

Part 1 What Is Digital�������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Chapter 1 Defining Digital���������������������������������������������������������������3

Part 2 Connect�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Chapter 2 The Web—Still Fundamental�����������������������������������������11
Chapter 3 The Social Interface—Media and Marketplace����������������19
Chapter 4 Mobile—The Remote Control for Your World���������������25
Chapter 5 The Internet of Things����������������������������������������������������35
Chapter 6 DiPhy or Phygital?���������������������������������������������������������43
Chapter 7 The Human Interface�����������������������������������������������������47
Chapter 8 Why Is Good Design So Difficult?���������������������������������53
Chapter 9 What Is Service Design, and Why Is It Suddenly Sexy?������63
Chapter 10 Digital Infrastructure: Cloud������������������������������������������71
Chapter 11 Digital Infrastructure: Middleware and API��������������������77
Chapter 12 Digital Security���������������������������������������������������������������85

Part 3 Quantify����������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Chapter 13 Welcome to the Data Jungle�������������������������������������������95
Chapter 14 Data in the Enterprise��������������������������������������������������101
Chapter 15 Data Architectures��������������������������������������������������������111
Chapter 16 Data Evolution�������������������������������������������������������������117

Part 4 Optimize�������������������������������������������������������������������� 123

Chapter 17 The Cruel World����������������������������������������������������������125
Chapter 18 Disruption and the Business Model������������������������������145
Chapter 19 Artificial Intelligence: The Next Era������������������������������153
Chapter 20 Networks—We Live Inside Them���������������������������������171
viii Contents

Chapter 21 Making Agile Work for the Rest of Us��������������������������181

Chapter 22 The Transformation Agenda������������������������������������������189

Part 5 Connect, Quantify, Optimize����������������������������������� 199

Chapter 23 Connect Quantify Optimize—The Model��������������������201
Chapter 24 Optimizing Health Care�����������������������������������������������211
Chapter 25 Optimizing Customer Experience���������������������������������217
Chapter 26 Optimizing the Workplace�������������������������������������������223

Part 6 Summary and Conclusion����������������������������������������� 227

Suggested Reference Books��������������������������������������������������������������������243
About the Author��������������������������������������������������������������������������������245
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Web 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, an overview����������������������������������17
Figure 9.1 London Tube Map, 1931, by Harry Beck������������������������67
Figure 12.1 A sample of high-profile cyberattacks throughout
the year 2021�������������������������������������������������������������������86
Figure 12.2 A sample of high-profile cyberattacks over the
past decade����������������������������������������������������������������������88
Figure 14.1 Cholera/sewage map—John Snow���������������������������������108
Figure 17.1 Exponential graphs��������������������������������������������������������126
Figure 17.2 The Tesla approach to disruptive innovation������������������126
Figure 17.3 The Amazon approach to disruptive innovation�������������127
Figure 19.1 The journey to AI����������������������������������������������������������166
All the ideas and frameworks in this book are based on my own observa-
tions, and do not necessarily reflect the thinking of my employers, unless
specifically called out.
My life has been full of fortuitous twists and turns executed with little
or no planning. Many of these have led to serendipitous meetings and
experiences with amazing people who have changed the course of my
thinking with just a conversation. And then there are the many, many
friends and family members whose minds I have selfishly explored over
many discussions and debates. It is to all these friends, colleagues, and
passing acquaintances that I owe a big debt of gratitude for a lifelong
evolution of my thinking.
Specifically, I’d like to thank Pradeep Kar for pulling me into the
world of technology, and Satish Sukumar who is responsible for some of
my earliest conceptual clarity about the Internet and technology.
Kannan R and Shefaly Yogendra deserve their share of blame for this
book—it was that conversation of December 2015 that drove me to writ-
ing it. Madhu Jalan and Rachel Nolan took time to give me useful feed-
back, but many, many spared the time to read the book and share their
thoughts. Pablo Conde designed the cover. All of you are very special.
To my parents, Kirit and Gopa Sen, and my sister Pragna, who would
have been disappointed if I didn’t write a book. And to my wife, Karuna
Kapoor who takes care of a million things, and inspires me to write.
And to my daughter Maya who is growing up in this digital world and
who treats every miracle as mundane.
Why This Book?
Everybody has an interpretation of digital business. And much like
the blind men and the elephant, we tend to define digital from our
perspectives—data enthusiasts will suggest that digital is all about data.
Designers will argue that it is in fact about user experience and emo-
tional connects. Technologists of all faiths will put forward their own
flavor of digital technology—AI, sensors, or agile development. There are
no shortages of catchy acronyms either. SMAC (social, mobile, analytics,
cloud) was a very commonly used phrase. Yet, SMAC represents as partial
a view as any of the others. I felt that a more complete definition was
required, which would embrace all aspects of digital, and yet be short
enough to suffice as a definition rather than a description. That was the
starting point of my thinking about this book. This led to the creation
of a conceptual framework, which hangs off the definition, which I hope
will be truly useful for people to deal with the multifaceted nature of
digital evolution.
But while a conceptual framework is useful for understanding digital,
it may not be as apt in helping people actually do digital projects. We
need a simple execution framework to follow from the conceptual one,
which can be used while thinking of doing a digital project. This is the
connect, quantify, optimize framework, which the title refers to, and what
the book drives toward. I hope that the book will therefore help readers to
both understand and deliver digital projects, change and transformation
in the smallest to the largest projects.

Who Is This Book For?

The book is aimed at the non-technical business user. It does not assume
any prior knowledge of technology, software development, or familiarity
with any technical jargon. However, it does assume that the reader is
engaged in commercial activity already and is exposed to the Web, mobile
xvi Introduction

apps, and has experienced the need to understand digital, whether as a

part of a large organization or as an entrepreneur or even a freelancer.
No part of this book tries to explain business concepts. It assumes a basic
appreciation of the needs of any business, such as competitive strategy,
marketing, cost control, and business processes.
While writing the book, I also read and referred to a number of excel-
lent books that are aimed at business leaders and address the challenge
of digital strategy. This book is aimed at people who may or may not be
in charge of the overall direction and strategy of their businesses. You
may be a CEO but you may also be a middle manager or even a junior
employee. The point at which a new technology grows exponentially is
not when it’s invented, but when it undergoes mass adoption. This is true
for cars, computers, and mobile phones. Similarly, for a concept such as
digital to really take root and grow, we need understanding and adoption
by the whole business population, rather than just by business leaders
and technologists. In short, this book will not talk about reshaping the
directions for your business, but rather will arm you with the understand-
ing to embark on your own digital journey—whether you want to build
a mobile app or an ecommerce website, or are trying to digitize the way
your department works.

Reading the Book

This is not a textbook. It doesn’t follow the structure and format of one,
it doesn’t set out learning objectives and follow a curriculum. Typical
textbooks also often abdicate the responsibility of holding your attention.
While there are plenty of conceptual and technical areas to talk through,
if on the whole you find the book boring, I would have failed. At the risk
of not going deep enough in certain areas, I’ve tried to pace the book so
that it isn’t a daunting read.
You are invited to read the book end to end or jump into any section
directly. I believe that areas such as AI, networks, and blockchain are some
of the areas that are the most forward thinking in this book. But the first
section on connect is fundamental.
Introduction xvii

Every Chapter Can Be a Book

The book takes on a lot of territory as every part of digital is morphing
and evolving as we speak. One of the biggest challenges has been to keep
the whole book relevant as new events bubble up every week that affect a
specific part of the framework. It would be fair to say that every chapter
in this book deserves to be a book on its own. So, please treat each chapter
as a starting point for further reading for yourself. Feel free to use it as a
jumping-off point to then go deeper, do your own research, and flesh out
your own model.

A Book, or a Discussion?
In my head, this book, and perhaps every book, is a discussion between
the author and the reader. We often have to imagine that conversation,
or perhaps every conversation doesn’t get completed because of the dis-
tance between the writer and the reader. We can address that. Talk to me
via twitter (@vedsen/[email protected]) and tell me what you thought.
What did you disagree with? What made you nod vigorously? What did
you love? Hate? Which parts put you to sleep? What examples do you
have that support or challenge what you read here? In the digital world,
books should be living documents, and I see this as an ongoing version
2.0 that I’d like to improve with your help and ideas. Talk to me.

Defining Digital

Digital Business: Chasing Rainbows

What Do You Do?

It was a typical evening at a typical networking event. I had just worked

my way through some canapés and was sipping my wine appreciatively,
when I found myself next to a lady who I recognized from the panel
discussion I had just attended. She was a board member at a mid-size
company, in the food and beverage business. We exchanged smiles and
she said, “What do you do?” “I’m a digital strategy and innovation con-
sultant,” I replied. I could see from the arch of her eyebrows that further
detail was required. “I help companies with digital strategy and initia-
tives,” I continued.
“But what do you do?” she said with a clear emphasis on the last word.
On that occasion, I ended up mumbling something about digital
technologies and disruption models, and probably left the lady feeling
very confused about what I did. And I remember being angry with myself
for a long time after that. This was the classic elevator pitch question, and
I fluffed it. Who knows, there could have been a great consulting oppor-
tunity at the end of that conversation if it had gone differently. Clearly,
I needed to find a better way of expressing what I did.
It also made me reflect on the fact that many clients have had a very
different definition of what digital means to them. In fact, for many
companies that I have known, digital is a sales and marketing issue, or
restricted to the customer interface. For others, it’s just a technology
upgrade. As you can see, an immediate challenge for me was to establish
the right definition when talking about digital. A part of the challenge of
this answer is the frame of reference of the person asking the question.
4 Doing Digital

To highlight this problem conceptually, let me tell you a funny story

about some classmates.
This young couple went house-hunting in Mumbai in the mid-1990s;
they were freshly engaged and freshly graduated from business school. He
was working for a leading strategy consulting firm; she had just joined a
credit rating agency. A prospective landlord asked him the name of his
employer, and then said: “so what do they make?” A little taken aback,
he explained that they provided strategy consulting and advisory services
but didn’t actually make anything. It took a few rounds of questioning for
the landlord to get his head around this. He then turned to her and asked
the same question—“where do you work?” and “what do they make?”
At which point, the real estate broker who had been patiently listening
to this exchange burst out saying “they make gajar ka halwa!1 how does
it matter to you?” (Gajar halwa is a popular Indian dessert, made with
The point is, how much of a jump are you making in your head to
understand digital business? For the landlord in my story, the leap from a
manufacturing world of making to a world of services—of doing—was a
paradigm shift he struggled to handle. From the time that I started work-
ing on web technologies and solutions, I found it very hard to explain to
my grandparents exactly what I did. Especially at a time when nobody
had Internet at home, so there was no personal experience to draw on.

So … What Is Digital?
As I was saying, despite working in the digital space for years, I was quite
stumped when I was asked to define it. Sometimes you can get away
with circumlocution (or, to use the technically correct term, waffling!)
But given all the hype around digital transformation, I felt that it was a
good time to create a working definition. The problem with definitions is
the tradeoff between pithiness, abstraction, and comprehensiveness. You
can be very pithy but be too abstract, for example, “Digital is the future
of business.” Or you can take a whole page to define digital, but that’s a
description and not a definition.
I’m happy to say I’m willing to stick my neck out and try and define
digital in less than 25 words. Here’s my definition, and I invite you to
Defining Digital 5

challenge it, differ with it, or adapt it as you wish. This book uses this
definition as a means of structuring the discussion on doing digital.
Digital: exploiting emerging technologies to create customer (user)-
centric experiences and data-driven decisions, leading to more agile,
competitive, and responsive business models.
(To a nonbusiness person, such as the landlord in my story, a some-
what simpler definition may suffice—using computers to make our lives
simpler, and our services and products cheaper and better, but the defini-
tion above will work for you as a business person.)
Let’s break this up.

Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies are the driving force of digital. It’s the reason why
we’re having this conversation. But there are many technologies emerging
and evolving simultaneously, today.
The frontend: The two big bang events for digital was the creation
and adoption of the Internet and the launch of the smartphone. The first
of these, the Web and its evolving technologies such as HTML5 and
JavaScript associated frameworks, continues to evolve to deliver slick
websites and applications. Social media is just one of the places we can
see this at work. The latter put powerful computers into people’s pockets.
It democratized access and provided a platform for almost all the
other innovations.
The next wave of frontend technologies includes Internet-connected
sensors and devices. We are seeing a large-scale adoption of the Inter-
net of things (IOT)—connected and smart objects have the potential to
change everything, again, in the way we buy and consume goods and ser-
vices. The majority of these sensors may have no screens. They may have a
voice-driven interface, or they may have no human interface at all—being
largely used for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.
Behind the scenes, a set of technologies that I call digital infrastructure
is evolving as fast as frontend technologies. Moore’s law is being stretched
to the limit, but the cost of computing is still heading down, leading
to significant improvement in computational capabilities. We are mov-
ing our infrastructure to the cloud, creating better means of connecting
6 Doing Digital

digital applications to legacy systems, and witnessing the everyday evolu-

tion of security-related technologies.

Customer-Centric Interfaces
All this fantastic technology would simply not be usable if it wasn’t for
design thinking and service design methodologies. Some of this is com-
monsensical should have been the norm. But the mind-shift is seismic.
Industry leading businesses have recognized the need to be customer
journey driven. I use the word interface in a broad sense here and not
just restricted to screens. The question to ask is “how do your customers,
partners, and even employees interface with your business?” Historically,
businesses decided how they wanted to run their processes and designed
systems and interfaces to match those desired processes. If a bank’s preference
was for the customer to be in the branch while opening an account, that’s
how the processes and systems were defined. In the digital world, those
interfaces are conceptualized outside-in. This means the starting point is
the user. How does the prospective customer want to open the account?
What are her constraints? What would make her choice easer and her
experience better?

Data-Driven Decisions
Implicitly or explicitly, every decision we make (what to wear to work,
for example) is made on the basis of data that we process (what meetings
do I have? What is the dress code? What is the weather?). Complex deci-
sions require more sophisticated data. Historically, this data has not been
available to us for many large and small decisions. How much to spend on
the marketing campaign? Where to open the next store? Who to hire as
a program leader for a new business area? How to implement a hot-desk-
ing policy? As a consequence, most businesses have relied on experts for
these decisions, whether they are from within the business or consultants
brought in for the purpose. Experts use their wisdom, which is often an
implicit accumulation of data from deep experience in that area. What we
are witnessing, thanks to digital interfaces and instrumentation, is a col-
lective shift to more explicit data-driven decision making. To do this, we
Defining Digital 7

need tools that can store and process gargantuan volumes of data being
gathered and processed at ever faster rates. If you’ve read Michael Lewis’s
2003 book Moneyball, this is exactly what he speaks about in the context
of baseball, and how Billy Beane used data and metrics to assemble a
competitive team for Oakland Athletic, despite a modest budget, when
everybody else was still working off their experience and instinct.

Competitive and Responsive Business Models

Stripped down to its barebones, a competitive business is simply about
serving customers better, faster, cheaper (than your competitors), or some
combination of these three. Digital native businesses tend to be better at
all three. In part, this is just the benefit of more contemporary tooling.
But it’s probably more significant that digital businesses are also more
responsive. We are used to stability and to treating change as a tempo-
rary disruption between periods of stability. Not dissimilar to moving
home. Increasingly though, we find ourselves in a state of continuous
change. The disruption is not a passing inclemency, but it is the new nor-
mal. Think of moving from a house to a caravan, for example. The com-
bination of technologies, design thinking, and data surfeit allows us today
to build a responsive and adaptive business model that is able to keep pace
with a fast-changing environment. The idea is to not just go get ahead,
but stay ahead. Agile methods, and the continuous optimization of busi-
nesses and functions, are some of the areas we discuss later in this book.

Connect, Quantify, Optimize

A conceptual understanding of digital is useful, but an execution model is
probably more valuable. Connect, quantify, optimize (CQO) is my exe-
cution model for digital, and this is why I’ve structured the book around
the CQO model. This model didn’t come out of academic research
or a moment of epiphany. It came out of dozens of projects and
programs with progressive waves of new technologies, out of which the
patterns emerged.
In a nutshell, it looks at a cyclical pattern. Good connections—that is,
digital interfaces such as the Web, mobile, or sensors lead to high-quality,
8 Doing Digital

abundant, and granular data. Companies that reshape themselves by put-

ting this data at the heart of their businesses can optimize their entire
business for the digital world. You can also optimize a single process or
function. The CQO model works at a project level. But you can apply it
to the idea of organizational transformation as well.
Eric Ries in his excellent book The Lean Start Up refers to a startup
business as a learning machine. This is because they are able to run this
CQO cycle at speed and at scale.
The CQO cycle is virtuous. The more data you get, and the more
innovative your optimization cycles, the more powerful your new inter-
faces and digital connects. Consider the example of Amazon Alexa, and
just for the moment, put aside the privacy concerns for the sake of this
illustration. Alexa is an almost purely voice-based interface. But thanks
to the echo, if you regularly listen to music with a sleep timer often,
Amazon knows what time you usually sleep. If you listen to the news
in the morning, Amazon knows when you’re up. There’s a lot of avail-
able third-party analysis that can probabilistically deduce things about
you from your music choices, including for example your political lean-
ings, your socio-economic status, and your age. Amazon already knows
your address and your taste in books and what kind of products you
buy online, how many kids you have at home and their ages and gen-
ders. In fact, Amazon has a patent for anticipatory shipment.2 In other
words, they ship products to a location near you before you’ve actually
ordered them. It is likely they will travel on Amazon’s own planes, and
possibly, in future, get delivered to your doorstep or your balcony within
30 minutes of ordering, thanks to Amazon’s drones. The point is that
Amazon can continue to optimize its business successfully because it’s
getting the connect and quantify stages right. This is data-driven and
industry-shaping digital transformation. For the record, Walmart or
Tesco would also know almost as much about you as Amazon does, if you
shopped there regularly.
Acute kidney infection (AKI), Calculus, change, 131–134
prediction, 214 Change
Additive manufacturing printing, 46 calculus, 131–134
Agile, 182–183 capability, 190
Aging society, 128–129 discontinuity, 135–136
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 72 evolution, 131–132
Analytics, 102–103 exponential, 125–127
Anti-scale business, 149–151 learning, 138–139
Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), politics, 137–138
26 revolution, 131–132
Application programming interface rules, 139–141
(API), 79–80 small change, power of,
consuming, 82 136–139
management, 81–82 speed, 138
Artificial intelligence (AI), 153–155 Climate change, 129–130
algorithm, 156 Cloud, 71–75
computation, 161 Computers, redefining, 44–46
data, role of, 166–167 Connect, quantify, optimize (CQO),
deep learning, 156–157 7–8, 141–143
future perspectives, 167–169 model, 201–203
journey to, 164–166 productivity paradox, 206–207
memory, 161–162 robotic process automation (RPA)
multisensory environments, 166 systems, 203–205
neural network, 156 robots, 207–209
observation, 162 Connected health, 112–113
and optimization, 157–158 Containerization, 73–74
reinforcement learning, 155–156 Culture, 191–193
sensing, 162 Customer-centric interfaces, 6
Attention deficiency, 219 Customer experience optimization
Augmented reality, 27–28 life cycle models, 221
Automobiles, 146–147 lifetime models, 220–221
new customer
Big data, 100, 112, 117, 136, 159, attention deficiency, 219
189 dead interface, 218–219
Bio-electronics, 50 encyclopedia effect, 218
Blink, 225–226 fragmented identities, 219
Blockchain, 178 Shazam effect, 218
Broadcasting, 179–180 trust erosion, 219–220
Business intelligence, 102–103 omnichannel initiative, 220
Business-to-business (B2B) Cyberespionage, 87
communication, 39 Cybersecurity, 91
248 Index

Data, 96 speed, 150

architectures, 111–115 automobiles, 146–147
database structures, 112–115 service-ization, 148–149
in enterprise, 101 tackling, 151–152
analytics, 102–103 Digital immigrants, 198
antiquity avoidance, 103–104 Digital infrastructure
business intelligence, 102–103 application programming interface
economics, 109–110 (API), 79–80
knowledge management, consuming, 82
106–107 management, 81–82
real-time data, 104–106 cloud, 71–75
visualization, 107–109 microservices, 80–81
graph databases, 114–115 middleware, 79–80
Hadoop/Spark, 113 Representational state transfer
Industry 4.0, 98–99 (ReST), 80
lakes, 115 simple object access protocol
management, 100 (SOAP), 80
NoSQL, 113–114 Digital security, 85–89
processes, 115 cybersecurity, 91
purpose, 96–97 network view, 90
volatile, uncertain, complex, and privacy vs., 89
ambiguous (VUCA), 97–98 vs. user experience, 89–90
Data-centric organizations, 118–119 Digital transformation, v, 4, 8, 96,
Data-driven decisions, 6–7 100, 132, 136, 137, 150,
Data evolution, 117–118 189–198, 202, 223
data-centric organizations, Discontinuity, change, 135–136
118–119 Distributed denial of service (DDOS),
ethics, 118 89
marketplaces, 119–122
Decision making, 6, 39, 95, 97–99,
108, 109, 153, 209 Electronic patient records, 211, 214
Deep learning, 156–157, 159 Encyclopedia effect, 218
Design, digital Enterprise apps, 33
change, 55 Enterprise data, 101
choices, 55–59 analytics, 102–103
constancy, 55 antiquity avoidance, 103–104
observational approach, 59–60 business intelligence, 102–103
designer role, 60–61 economics, 109–110
design thinking, 61 knowledge management, 106–107
science, 57–59 real-time data, 104–106
Design thinking, 6, 7, 56, 57, 61, visualization, 107–109
230, 231 Ethernet networks, 174
Design Value Index, 61 Evolving operating model (EOM),
Digital, 3–5 190
conceptual framework, 229–230 Exponential change, 125–127, 230
defining, 3–5
Digital disruption, 144–145 Fail fast, 186–187
anti-scale business, 149–151 Fragmented identities, 219
customer care, 150–151 Funding change, 191
Index 249

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), 72 broadcasting, 179–180

Google Docs, 14 living in, 174–175
Graph databases, 114–115 media, 179–180
open-source software, 180
Hadoop, 113 organization structure,
Health care optimization, 211–215 178–179
Healthy aging, 214 in real world, 177–180
Human and machine interface, 50–51 science of, 171–173
Human interface, 48–50 value, 175–177
human and machine, 50–51 Neural network, 156
voice and language, 47–48 NoSQL, 113–114

Industrial revolution, 132–133 Omnichannel, 220

Industry 4.0, 98–99 Open-source software, 180
Internet of Things (IoT), 35–40 Optimization
business-to-business (B2B) artificial intelligence (AI) and,
communication, 39 157–158
challenges, 40 customer experience
delivering value, 40–41 life cycle models, 221
Internet of Your Things, 36–38 lifetime models, 220–221
machine-to-machine (M2M) new customer, 218–220
communication, 39 omnichannel initiative, 220
Network of Your Things, 38–39 health care, 211–215
workplace, 223–226
Knowledge management, 106–107
3D printing, 46
Low-code/no-code (LCNC) tools, Productivity paradox, 206–207
32, 33
Ransomware, 87, 89
Machine learning, 118, 154, 156, Reality, redefining, 43–44
189, 223 Reinforcement learning, 155–156
Machine-to-machine (M2M) Relational database management
communication, 39 systems (RDBMSs), 112
Manufacturing, redefining, 46 Representational state transfer
Map-Reduce, 113 (ReST), 80
Media, 179–180 Robotic process automation (RPA)
Metrics, 183–185 systems, 203–205
Microservices, 80–81 Robots, 207–209
Microsoft, 72
Middleware, 79–80 Scale-free networks, 173, 228
Mobile passport, 28 Sentiment analysis, 20
Mobile payments, 28 Service design, 6, 40, 63–68, 227
Mobile wallet, 28 Service-oriented architecture (SOA),
Moving Picture Experts Group 80
(MPEG), 131–132 Servitization, 148
Shazam effect, 218
Networks, 127–128 Simple object access protocol (SOAP),
blockchain, 178 80
250 Index

Smartphone change capability, 190

apps development funding change, 191
device vs. network, 31–32 TCP/IP protocol, 174
language, 30–31 Transformation, 189–198, 193–198
low-code/no-code, 32 change capability, 190
native vs. web apps, 31 evolving operating model (EOM),
wireframing, 32 189–190
augmented reality, 27–28 funding change, 191
enterprise apps, 33 strong cultures, 191–193
identity, 28 target operating model (TOM),
important perspectives, 25–27 189–190
mobile passport, 28 Trust erosion, 219–220
mobile wallet, 28
payments, 28 Visualization, 107–109
presence, 28–29 Voice and language interface,
serving mobile user, 29–30 47–48
Social, mobile, analytics, cloud Voice interfaces, 50, 59
(SMAC), xv Volatile, uncertain, complex, and
Social networks ambiguous (VUCA),
connect, 23 97–98
transparency, 22
value, 20–21 Web
influence, 21 business, 13–16
mass-customized, 20–21 overview, 10–11
measurement, 22 technologies, 12–13
micro-targeted, 20–21 Web 1.0, 17
trust, 21–22 Web 2.0, 17
Spark, 113 Web 3.0, 16–17
Surface Water and Ocean Topography Wi-Fi networks, 174
(SWOT), 166 Wireframing, 32
Workplace optimization, 223–226
Target operating model (TOM),
189–190 XAAS model, 73

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