c3 - Dezvoltarea Creierului

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Curs neurostiinte clinice -

dezvoltarea creierului

Miralena I. Tomescu, PhD, sem I 2020

Brain development

from birth to 1-year

brain volume increases 101%. Brain
volume growth
slows down in the second year with
volume increasing
an additional 15%

This dynamic growth across the

first 2 years of life is largely a result of
gray matter growth. In comparison,
white matter shows a more
prolonged developmental trajectory

Swanson et al, 2019

Brain Development

Neurogeneza si migrare neuronala



Brain development

infants with the greatest change

over time in the development of the
splenium of the corpus
callosum across 6–24 months had
superior language at 24

white matter in typically developing

infants is associated with
general cognition, visual orienting, and
working memory.

Swanson et al, 2019

Brain development

Anatomically, white matter develops

in a posterior to anterior, and inferior to superior

The brain stem and internal capsule fiber tracts

undergo myelination first and temporal
association tracts undergo myelination last

Sensory pathways myelinate first, followed

by motor pathways, and then association areas
Brain development
Brain development
Brain development

Synaptic plasticity refers to a set of mechanisms that

mediate the activity-dependent strengthening or weakening
of neuronal connections at the level of the synapse.
between neurons

Brain development
Pre 20 ms
Hebb’s postulate: Synaptic synaptic

Cells that fire together =>> wire together T1 T2

Pre Post
Synaptic 20 ms synaptic
Cells that fire apart =>> wire apart

TIME is Important - window of 20 ms

What is Synaptic pruning?

Maturation from “local” organization
Segregarea intra lobi
to “distributed” organization, as
measured by functional graph
theoretical measures. Frontal regions
are highlighted in blue in A; notice
they are closely connected in children
and less so in adults. The DMN, a
collection of anatomically distributed
regions, is highlighted in red in B.
Notice they are segregated in children
and highly integrated in adults. Integrarea retelelor

Fair et al. (2009)

Brain development

Swanson et al, 2019

Brain Development
Brain Development

Rylaarsdam et al., 2019

Recunoasterea obiectelor,
fetelor, citire, procesare lexicala,
Brain Development semantica, identificarea emotiilor,
Memorie vizuala

Swanson et al., 2020

Fasciculul longitudinal inferior stang

WM biomarker of neurodevelopment

More about DTI

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twsV81UFFcE
 Multumesc pentru atentie!!!

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