Sylabus of PEPCO Power Wing

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PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS PEPCO / POWER WING PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Phone: 992022111237412323 EXAMINATION CELL WAPDA, Fax. 99202608 323-WAPDA HOUSE, LAHORE No. GM (Trg.)/DIExams/ 02044/1285-13)0 Dated. 74 10612017 NOTIFICATION Syllabi of Departmental Promotion Examination of following categories of Power Wing to be promoted in BPS-17 and above have been revised by Syllabus Review Committee (Power Wing) under Convener-ship of General Manager (C&M) PEPCO. Sr#| Category 1. _| DPE fom Junior Engineer to Se. Engineer 8PS-17 to BPS-48 Non Generation) 7, | DPE trom Sr. Engineer to o Superintending Engineer BPS-18 to BPS.19 (Hyde | te DPE trom UTSS/DiplomaiNon Dipiome to - Engineer BPS-13/16 10 BFS-17(Thermal Generation) | DPE from UTSS/DiplomalNon Diploms to Jr. Engineer BPS-13!16 to BPS-17. (Hydel Generation) DPE from UTSS 8.Tech Honor (Non Generation) to Junior Engineer BPS-13/16 to BPS-17. DPE from UTSS B Tech Honor (Thermal) to Junior Engineer BPS-A3/16 to BPS-17. 44, DPE from UTSS B.Tech Honor (Hydel) to Junior Engineer BPS-13/16 to BPS-17. 45, DPE form UTSS (Telecom) to Junior Enginoer (Telecom) BPS-16 to BPS-17. BPS-13 to BPS-17 18. _| DPE from Senior Chemist/Dy. Director (Chemical) to Director (Chemical) BPS-18 to BPS-19. | 19. OPE trom Asstt: Programmer to ProgrammerlAsstt: Director (Computer) BPS-16 to BPS-17 | 20, | OPE trom Asstt: Director to Dy. Director (Computer) BPS-17 to BPS-16. | pees 21. _| DPE from Dy. Director (Computen to Ditector (Computer) BPS-18 to BPS-18. | 22, Pe from } Commercial Supait: to Revenue Oificer BPS-15 to aPs-17. OPE from Revonve' Officer to Dy. Commercial Manager BPS-17 to BPS-18. DPE from Dy. Commercial Manager to .ctor (Commercial) BPS-18 to BPS-19. irector (Environment) to Dy. Director (Environment) BPS-17 to BPS-18. | a DPE from Dy. Diroctor (Environment) to Director (Environment) BPS.18 to BPS.19, DPE from Asst: Director (Social) to Dy. Director (Social) BPS-17 to BPS-18, ) BPS-18 to BPS. 26 2 22,_| DFE from Dy. Director (Social to Director (Soe 29, _| DFE form Regional Store Manager/Oy. Ditector(.0) to Director (.0) BPS-18 0 BPS-19. 2. | DPE from Asstt: Field Store Manager to Field Store Manager BPS-15 to BPS-17. 31, _ | DFE from Fieta Store Manager to Regional Store Manager BPS-17 to BPS-18. 32. | DPE form Labour & Welfare Oificer (BPS-16) to AD (Labour Welfare & Legal) 8°S-17. | Syllabus of each category is called "Revised Syliabus-2017 and is hereby notified for the information of all concerned and implementation right from the Session August-2017. Any syllabus/syliabi can also be downloaded from the Wapda website www wanda This is issued with the approval of competent authority. DAS eas ie ictor (Exar WAPDA cc GM (Hydel) Operations WAPDA, Wapda House, Lahore. Addl: DG (Public Relations) WAPDA for publication of this notification in WAPDA Khabarnama L-% Director (Computer) Admn, 501 Wapda House, Lahore for publication of all above syllabi on WAPDA website www.wapda gov pk. 1. GM (HR) PEPCO Wapda House, Lahore ' 2. GM (CM) PEPCO Wapda House, Lahore. Loe ea og 3. Chief Executive Officers of all DISCOs, GENCOs, NTDC, PITC subordinate 4. All General Managers of Power Wing WAPDA eyicee 5. 6 [sia] | DPE from Executive Engineer to Superintending Engineer _| BPS-18 to BPS-19 (Thermal) Paper-B Technical | BPS-13/16 to BPS-17. (Hydel Generation) _| BPS-13/16 to BPS-17, INDEX REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION POWER WING Category | | DPE from Junior Engineer to S:. Engineer BPS-17 to BPS-18 Paper-A, Paper-8 Common for Non Generation, Thermal, Hydel, Telecom and Ps nical for (Non on) DPE from Junior Engine: ngineer BPS-17 to BPS-1 | (CThermal) Paper-C Technical DPE from Junior Engineer io Sr. Engineer BPS-17 to BPS-18 Hyde!) Paper-C Technical DPE from Junior Engineer io Sr. Engineer BP | (Telecom) Paper-C Technical OPE from Executive Engineer to Superintending Engineer | BPS-18 to BPS-19 Paper-A Common for Non Generation, Thermal, Hydel, Telecom and Paper-B Technical for (Non Generation) 17 to B DPE from Executive Enaineer to Superintending Engineer BPS-18 to BPS-19 (Hydel) Paper-B Technical DPE from Executive Enginoer to Superintending Engineer | BPS.18 to BPS-19 (Telecom) Paper-B Technical BPS-13/16 to BPS-17. (Non Generation) DPE from UTSS/Diploma/Non Diploma to Junior Engineer BPS.13/16 to BPS.17. (Thermal Generation) DPE from UTSS/DiplomaiNon Diploma to Junior Engineer | DPE from UTSS B.Tech Honor (Non Generation) to Junior Engineer BPS-13/16 to BPS-17 DPE from UTSS B.Tech Honor (Thermal) to Junior Engineer 3/16 te from DPE form UTSS (Telecom) to Junior Engineer (Telecom) | | BPS-16 to BPS-17 nate Chemist to Junior Chemist BPS-13 to TOPE from” Junior Chemist to Senior Chemist BPS-17 | BPS-18. | DPE from UTSS/Dipioma/Non Diploma to Junior Engineer | 102 - 104 DPE from Senior Chemis¥/Dy. Director (Chemical) to Director | | (Chemical) BPS-18 to BPS-19. DPE from Asstt: Programmer to Programmer/Asstt: Director | (Computer) BPS-16 to BPS-17 105 - 107 108 - 109 20. [DPE from Asstt: Direct to Dy. Director (Computer) BPS-17 | | joss eee enm | | 21. [OPE from Dy. Director (Computer) to Director (Computer) 112-413 | |__| BPS-18 to BPS-19. - | | 22. | DPE irom Commercial Supdti: to Revenue Officer BPS-15 to| 44 445 | BPS.17. | r 23. | DPE from Revenue Officer to Dy. Commercial Manager 116-117 | | BPS-17 10 BPs-18. | | 2 18-119 | 25. [DPE from Asstt: Director (Environment) to Dy. Director! 420 —121 ~T | (Environment) BPS-17 to BPS-18. See | DPE fiom Dy. Director (Environment) “to Director! Y5 49 | _| (Environment) BP: |B to fs 27. | DPE from Asstt: Director (Social) to Dy 74-195 | |ePs17toBPs18 DPE from Dy. Director (Social) to Director (Social) BPS-18 to | 126 - 127 y = Director (I.C) BPS-18 to BPS-19. weet ee ele | DPE from Assit: Field Store Manager to Field Store Manager | 430-131 | BPS-16 to BPS-17, 0 7 bakes a | DPE irom Field Store Manager to Real eas, | | BPS-17 to BPS igen _ se ene DPE form Labour & Welfare Olficer (BPS-16) to AD (Labour aI Welfare & Legal) BPS-17 " : | DPE form Supervisor (OC / DE) / Computer Operator to 135 | ___| AD (Computer) BPS- to 17. REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER TO SENIOR ENGINEER (NON GENERATION, THERMAL, HYDEL & TELECOM) (8PS-17 TO BPS-18) Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-A, COMMERCIAL & ACCOUTNS. Marks= 100 (Paes Marks 59) i) Departmental Financial Rules i) Punjab Financial Rules iii) Accounts Code (Up dated) iv) Subsidiary Treasury Rules V) Public Works Department Code vi) WAPDA Accounting Manual (Latest Edition) Vi) Introduction to the Pakistan Government Accounts and Audit, vii) Commercial instructions (Accounts & Sales) ix) a) Memorandum of Instructions for the guidance of Sub Division and Billing Offices issued under O.M. (E)'s No.33676-726 dated 04.08.1962 (For Non Generation) or b) Memorandum of Instructions regarding reorganization of the Stores Department in the Electricity Operation Brach issued under O.M. (E)'s Memo No.25901 dated the 5" June 1963. (For Generaton, Thermal, Hye! & Telecom) %) Budget Manual (Latest Edition) Consult lion of books in the Examination hall shall be permitted for all items except Commercial Instructions (Accounts & Sales) in item-8. Yee, wel. General banages sym Chief Engineer MO Wap ti, "Telecom n REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER TO SENIOR ENGINEER (NON GENERATION, THERMAL, HYDEL & TELECOM) BPS-17 to BPS-18 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-B. CURRENT AFFAIRS & RULES & REGULATIONS 4100 Marks (Note: Passing in each partis mandatory to clear Paper-8) (ass merks 47) Part Current Affairs 33 Marks (Pass mans <0) Current Affairs paper will be set from leading issues published in the newspaper for the last 3 months, Partll Rules and Regulations (Books allowed in descriptive part only) 67 Marks Note: (Pass marks 50%) + The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (E&D) Rules, 1978, + The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 + The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978. + Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of Individuals, 1982 + The Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees, 1982 + The Pakistan WAPNA Employees Medical Attendance Riles, 1979 ‘+ The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Treatment of Chronically Sick Persons) Rules 1967. + Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Purchase of Motor Car / Motor Cycle / Scooter / Cycle. 1962 «The Pakistan WAPDA Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for tne Construction / Purchase of Houses / Plots, 1967. + The Pakistan WAPDA TA Rules, 1982 + NEPRA Rules & Regulation Consultation of Delegation of Book of Financial (Powers), WAPOA Rules & Regulations, Electricity Act 1910 & NEPRA Rules & Regulations, 800ks shail be permitted in the Examination Hall except Typed / hand written and photocopied material / decuments. General Manage Coan) Bi wena) onaetos ae REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER TO SENIOR ENGINEER (NON GENERATION) (BPS-17 TO BPS-18) Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-C TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 400 Marks (Consultation of books not allowed) (ass matt 50%) Note: One question from Computer (Information Technology) is compulsory to be included in Paper-C TECHNICAL ) Commercial Instructions (Sales) including Tariff Table and application of supply. ii) Electrical Engineer Field Practice iii) Conditions of Supply and Tariff Tables. iv) Safety Code v) Telegraph Act 1885{amended up to-date) as adopted in Pakistan in so far as it relates to tight-of-way and protection of lines of communication from power lines and ‘other matters pertaining to power lines. vi) Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (amended up to-date) vil) General Engineering connected with each of the subject below. = Steam Power Generation = Diesel Power Generation = Hydel Power Generation = High Tension Transmission including Transmission and interiinked system - HT and LT Distribution vill) Electricity Branch Manual of Orders. x) Not Dy} ii) iit) i) “ ‘Workmen's Compensation Act te: Candidates will be permitted to consult the following books Only Tariff Table in Item 1 namely Commercial Instructions (Sales) Supply and Tariff Tables. Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 as adopted in Pakistan (Item-5) Electricity Branch Manual of Orders (Item-8) Workmen's compensation Act (Item-9) DISTRIBUTION 2) b) Voltage Issue ~ Introduction to the primary distribution system. - Voltage stability consideration - Power losses - Economic justification for re-conductoring and bifurcation of feeders. Safety - Accidents prevention and investigation - Need for accident prevention - Elimination of unsafe conditions and Acts - Safety posters and safety meetings Introduction to accident investigation - Procedure for issuing and getting/cancellation of PTW before and after work at site - Accidents investigation procedure and report writing ~ Types of accidents what, when and why accidents - Prevention of re-occurrence of an accident ¢) Capacitors = Capacitors applications. installation and location - Series and shunt capacitors , = Selection criteria of fixed and switched capacitors banks ~ Voltage improvement due to installation of shunt capacitors d) Earthing Systems = Purpose and function of earthing = Protection against electrocution - Earth Resistance Tester ~ Ceuses of failure of earthing system - Remedial measures of failure of earthing system e) Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments - Working principles of CTs and PTs = Digital and analogue instruments (comparison) = Operation of digital instruments ~ Energy meters (Analog and digital) ~ Types of energy meters and their connection f) Circuit Breakers and Isolators = Design, Construction, Working, type and Manufacture of Circle Breakers = Classification of Circuit Breakers = Comparison of circuit breakers, cause of faults, trouble shooting and remedial measures. - Instrument transformers & their testing = _ Isolator types, control, circuit, mechanism and maintenance 1¢ & Lab Pract - Measurement of earth resistance = Improvement of power factor of induction motor - Accuracy Test of Energy Meter - Effect of aifterent loads on power factor - Ratio Test of C.T with primary injection set TRANSMISSION General Concepts of Grid Station Testing and commissioning procedure for: ~ Power transformer - HV/LV circuit breaker / insulator A > Over current relays / - Differential relays = Distance relays ~ Storage battery - Battery charger - Control / relay panels - Lightning arrestor ~ Define the types of converter 2 - Earthing system > Classes of Bus bar Power Transformer - Principle, types and construction = Vector groups, no load & load losses, tum ratio ' = Tap changers (no load and on load) = Cooling systems - Parallel operation = Buchholz relay = Oil and winding temperature gauge = Maintenance and trouble shooting - LTR Test - DEStest = High Voltage Insulation Test Power System Protection - Requirement of protective system - Over current and earth fault relay (for Tine & transformer) Instrument transformers ¢) Current transformer matching CTs 4) Potential transformer. CVT. CCVTS Differential relay Distance relay Powerline carrier system Over flux relay Over voltage relay REF relay Storage Batteries and Battery Chargers = Introduction = Types of storage batteries = Working principles of batteries - Construction of batteries - Defects and remedies of batteries - Maintenance of batteries - Trouble shooting of batteries - Battery chargers types, mechanism - Batteries chargers mechanism and trouble shooting Maintenance of Grid Station Introduction = Job planning - Safety requirement - Arrangement of T&P / testing equipment = Co-ordination of staff / groups Maintenance 7 - Crew maintenance system ~ Work programming - Routine inspection + Regular maintenance ~ Major overhauling = Periodic maintenance Basic Concept of Operation i) GSO System - Study of different types of high voltage circut breaker + Current transformer Over current / earth fault relay - Use of high voltage detector - Earth resistance test - Issuance of P.T.W. , ii) Switchgear = Storage batteries ~ tine fault ~ Differential relay matching > Buchholz relays - On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) - Coordination of different protective relays = Study of 11 KV circuit breaker (oil, vacuum types, SF6 Gas) ~ Study of high voltage CT/PT General Concepts of Power System ~ Elements of power system - Battery - Protective relaying - Types of relays = Transformer protection ~ Bus protection = Line protection = Flementary system protection - Protective devices - Current carrying devices d) Power Sector Improvement i) Short term measures ii) Long term measures e) Renewable energy options. ) Crises in Power Sector COMPUTER (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, Operating systems, inpuvoutput and storage devices, types of computer languages. programming and functions of compiler, main features of utlity of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & & Computer Virus. REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER TO SENIOR ENGINEER (THERMAL GENERATION) BPS-17 to BPS.18 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-C TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 Marks (Consultation of books not allowed) (Pass mas 5) Note: One question from Computer (Information Technology) is compulsory to be included in Paper-C (Technical) TECHNICAL SOURCE OF THERMAL ENERGY - Efficiency improvement Heat Rate of Gas Turbine and Steam Turbines - Combustion System of Gas Turbine, Steam Power Station. - Instrumentation and control of Gas Turbines, Boilers, Steam Turbines & Combined Cycle. - Electrical & Mechanical Protections of Gs Turbines, Steam Turbine Generators and power Transformers FUELS a) Coal = Goal including Thar + Goal reserves in the world / Pakistan, Mining and transportation Issues. - Analysis and testing of coal, Heat Velue, Classification of Coal - Spontaneous combustion of coal + Clinker formation - Mechanical Stockers - Pulverized coal Advantages / disadvantages of coal over other types of fuels used in thermal power plants. b) Fuel Oil & HSD - Specifications of various types of fuel oil & HSD - Properties of fuel oil / HSD (Viscosity, Flash Point, Heating Value etc) - Detail of fuel oil burning equipment = Storage tanks, pumps, fuel oil heaters, Burners. - Advantages / disadvantages of Fuel Oil / HSD over other types of fuels used in ‘thermal power plants ¢) Gaseous Fuels = Description of various fuel gases = General Specifications of Natural gas + Gas fields in Pakistan and their increasing / decreasing trend - Why Pakistan needs imported gas fuels? - Advantages of gaseous fuel over other types of fuels used in thermal power plants BOILERS + Types of Boiler - HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generation) + Main components of Boilers & their functions > Procedure for starting & shutting down boilers - Boiler Preservation + Air Flow System + Flue Gas System Safety Devices for Boilers Boiler Inspection Requirements by Boiler Inspector - Hydrostatic Tests of Boilers - Boiler Explosions, Causes & Remedies - Routine & Special Maintenance of Boilers + = Importance of proper seldings & checks for welds + Periodic Checks of Boller Safety Values + Boiler Protections and their functions + (F.B.C). Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers - Economizer of Boiler - Heat Exchanger (Revolving) of Boiler Heat Recovery - Air Preheating Systems - Types of Fuel for Boiler - Fuel Handling System and Storage ‘STEAM & GAS TURBINES - Main Components of Steam & Gs Turbines & their functions - Original Manufacturers and Manufacturing by Reverse Engineering Process - Condensate Cycig/Feed Water Cycle. ~ Importance of Condenser Vacuum and procedure for building the vacuum - Bleeding Steam and Seal Steam Systems - LP&HP Heaters + + Functions of Generator - Turbine Starting & Stopping Procedures - Turbine Governor Back Pressure & Turbine Rupture Diaphram Condenser Cooling System (close & open cycle) = When and how to replace Condenser Tubes = Routine Maintenance Planning & execution of Major Overhauling + Turbine protections - Lube Oils uses and Lubrication Systems = Alignment of Turbines and procedures + Rotor Bearings of Turbine / Generators = Rotor couplings of Turbine / Generators GENERATOR = Main components and functions Generator cooling systems - Hydrogen sealing system - Drying out of generators Active Reactive power characteristics ‘Open and short circuit characteristics ‘Short circuit ratio Generator reactances Generator relay protection system Excitation system Voltage regulation syster/AVR system Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance Major overhauling TRANSFORMERS Main components & their functions Transformer insulation & cooling types Transformer metering & protections Testing of transformer oil Role of silica jel in transformers Functions of current & voltage Transformers Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance Function of buchholz relay (On load and off load tap changers Fire protection system of transformers BREAKERS & ISOLATORS. Types Main components of 11 KV, 66 KV, 132 KV, 220 KV breaker Functional mechanism ot vanous types of breakers ‘Sequence of operation of breakers & isolators while open & closing a circuit Importance of D.C supply in the operation of breakers, Routine maintenance Major overhauling Importance of maintaining record of maintenance ECONOMIC CONSIDERATION Fixed Cost, Running Cost Interest and depreciation Load Factor, Capacity Factor, Diversity Factor, Utilize Factor, Cold Reserve, Hot Reserve, Spinning Reserve Low Power Factor Causes, Disadvantages of low power factor, improvement of power factor. WELDING TECHNIQUES DYNAMIC BALANCING Tig Welding Spot Welding Stick Welding Brazing Soldering Turbine Rotor Generator Rotor MISCELLANEOUS a ~ Fuses & types = Pumps & types = Compressors & type - Fans & types ~ Line protections > Bus bar protection + Motor protection = Special toos required for major overhauls - Factors necessary for planning & executing major overhauling ~ Importance of fire fighting arrangements in Thermal Power Plants fire fighting equipment used - Importance of D.C. System in Thermal Power Plant and allied grid stations. > Maintenance of batteries — Routine checks & record - General safety aids against accidents used by electrical & O&M Staff = Line diagram of Thermal Power Plant - Line diagram of coal fired thermal plant + Line diagram of gas turbine power plant ~ Line diagram of combined cycle power plant + Pollution control equipments for fuel air, water and noise + Security measures for power stations CHEMICALS + Objectives of water treatment and its need in Boiler & Gas Turbine POLLUTION CONTROL, + Air emission and its control + Global Warming - Ozone layer degradation - Water emission and its control - Noise Pollution - Waste Water Treatment - National Environmental Quality Standards for Air emission, waste water and Noise + World Bank Standards and World Health Organization (WHO) Standards COMPUTER (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, operating systems, inputloutput and storage devices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & Computer Virus REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER TO SENIOR ENGINEER (HYDEL GENERATION) BPS-17 to BPS-18 Objective Questions 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-C TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 Marks (Consultation of books not allowed) (ase arts 50%) Note: One question from Computer (information Technology) is compulsory to be included in Paper-C (Technical) TECHNICAL TYPES OF HYDRO POWER Run off River Plants = Peaking plants (daily storage) + Seasonal/Pump Storage Hydro Power Plants - Large Dam Hydro Power Pants COMPONENTS OF HYDRO POWER FACILITIES Water Passages (.e.g. tunnel headrace, penstock gates, inlet valves, tailrace & spillway) = Turbine ~ Generator unit and its components + Power Station electrical equipment — transformers, motors , automatic controls, switchyard - Transmission lines — Interconnection TERMINOLOGIES USED FOR POWER STATION = Plant Factor - Availability Factor - Load Factor = Plant Utlization Factor - PowerFactor - Capacity Factor SCOPE OF HYDEL GENERATION Existing Hydel Stations in Pakistan and their significance in WAPDA Syste ~ Rehabilitation / Refurbishment of old Hydro Power Plants - Future prospects of Hyde! Development in Pakistan Necessity of new Hydel Projects and their role in country economic. - Advantage and disadvantages of Hydropower Projects ELECTRICAL GENERATOR DESIGN OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Principles of Active & Reactive Power Control and performance curve of a synchronous generator - Heat Run Test of generators = High Voltage Tests of Stator & Rotor Windings - "Capacitance & Dissipation Facto” Test - Insulation Resistance Test of Stator & Rotor Winding - _Insolated Phase Bus Ducts, operating system + Fire Extinguishing System for Generator - Fault localization in case of fault in Stator Windings and Rotor Pole etc = Rriaf description of Cammissinning Taste and Special Field Tasts of Generator - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Generetor and its schedule POWER TRANSFORMERS ‘Specifications of Transformers, vector groups, type of cooling, tap changer Breathing System - Brief description of Commissioning Tests and Special Field Tests - Fault localization in case of faults in Transformer Winding, Insulation failure ete = Buchholz Protection, gas analysis and its role in fault analysis = Preventive Maintenance check / tests of transformers and transformer oil and its schedule STATIC EXCITATION SYSTEM - Principle of Static Excitation System + Functions of the Automatic Voltage Regulator = Function of: ‘Active Ampere Limiter Load Anglo Limiter Reactive Ampere Limiter. = -—_-Response Ratio of Exctation System POWER HOUSE PROTECTION Principles and schemes of various protections for Generator and Transformers in a Hydro Power Piant. - Bus Bar Protections, various types and their operation - Testing of protective relays, methods, schedule etc. ~ Role of Current Transformers in Protection System CIRCUIT BREAKERS + Principles of Circuit Interruption ~ Classification of breakers based on medium for Arc Interruption ‘Specifications of Circuit Breakers (11 KV, 132 KV, 220 KV 500 KV) - Advantages of SF6 type Circuit Breakers over other types - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Circuit Breakers and its schedule EARTHING + Significance of Earthing and various Earthing methods. Generator & Transformer Neutral Earthing - Disadvantages of ungrounded system. ~ Testing of Earthing Systems STORAGE BATTERIES = Significance of a battery system for a power plant - Consideration in maintenance of battery system weekly / monthly schedules - Commissioning Tests ~ Defects and remedies INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS = General purpose of instrument transformers + Capacitive Coupling Voltage Transformers Working Principle - Various Tests on Instrument Transformers, SCADA (SUPERVISORY CONTROL & DATA ACQUISITION) a ~ General configuration of SCADA, how main computer front end and R.T.Us are linked with each other ~ Adaptive works for connecting power system to Remote Terminal Units ot) wh a ee . aly 12 hee ork oe ee Reaere tanapes (Coord 3 Diane ‘WO Wepca Hew ako ve ~ Adaptive works for connecting power system to Remote Terminal Units LATEST STATIC EXCITATION SYSTEMS AND ADVANTAGES = Funetion = Important Parts - Testing, Calibration and Maintenance PLC BASES DIGITAL NUMERICAL PROTECTION RELAYS Function - Parts - Testing - Adjustments - Maintenance Gis SYSTEM - Needs & Advantage - Working Principle - Maintenance & Trouble Shooting MAJOR FAULT HISTORY OF HYDEL POWER PLANTS Generators Turbines - Breakers Any other E&M equipment - Damages of Civil Structure MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC TURBINES ~ Power calculation formula - Types of Turbines and classification according to head ~ Criteria for selection of turbine with reference to available head - Synchronous Speed, Specific Speed, Runaway Speed = Components of Francis Pelton and Kaplan Turbines = Cavitations phenomenon, its effects and remedies - Preventive Maintenance checks / tests and schedule - Commissioning Tests of Turbine ‘SPEED REGULATION OF TURBINES - Types & working principle of Mech. Hydraulic Governors, = Commissioning tests and routine checks / tests of governor system ACCESSORIES | AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT - Fire Extinguishing Methods in Power House = Pumps of various kinds and their applications in Hyde! Stations = Cranes of various types and their applications. REHABILITATION OF HYDEL STATIONS - Necessity of Rehabilitation /Refurbishment of Hydel units and its advantages ~ Different Electrical and Mechanical components requiring rehabilitation and the technology involved = Scope of Rehabilitation in the existing Hyde! Stations. FRANCIS, KAPLAN AND PELTON TURBINES & THEIR PARTS - Working principal r(Coort)Power 43 - Types & advantages - Major parts and description - Overhauling TRASH RACK CLEANING MACHINES - Purpose - Types & advantages - Working principal - Maintenance & overhiauling DIGITAL GOVERNING SYSTEM AND PID CONTROLLERS Basic function & Control - Types Advantages - Maintenance - Testing - Trouble Shooting ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GENERATION / HYDEL PROJECTS = Opportunity Cost, Shadow Pricing and Sunk Cost ~ Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) Optimization of the project size of a generation project Long Run Material Cost (LRMC) Difference between Financial and Economic Analysis. FEASIBILITY STUDY OF HYDRO POWER PROJECT - Hydrological analysis = Project development alternatives = Cost estimates for equipment and construction - Energy production estimates & utilization ~ Construction & Project implementation plan = Economic & Financial Analysis - Environmental & socio economic impact. COMPUTER (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, ‘operaling systems, inpuYoutput and storage devices, types of computer languages, Programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & & Computer Virus. REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM JUNIOR ENGINEER (TELECOM) TO SENIOR ENGINEER (TELECOM) NTDC : BPS-17 TO BPS-18 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-( TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 Marks (Consultation of books not allowed) (Pass macs 50%) Note: Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject, which they opt out of the following subject i.e. TECHNICAL GENERAL, )) Planning and Designing to Telecom System / identifying bottlenecks / Specifying Solution. jl) Types of Communication Media & Services POWER LINE CARRIER ') Working principle / Block Diagram of Power Line Carrier type, ETL 600, Power Link, MiCOMT-390. ') Description, components and function of each outdoor coupling equipment including Line Trap, Frequency response curve of Line Traps, Coupling Capacitors, Line Matching Unit, RF cable. iii) Funeticning of Tele-protection type NSD-550, NSD 600, ISWT3000, DIP5000 (Permissive and Direct tripping), Coded and un-coded Tele-protection, including cross trip scheme, implementation and usages. iv) Frequency Planning of PLC Links v) Testing and operation EXCHANGES i) Basic Functions of PAXs i) Funetion / programming of telephone switching equipment (exchanges) type DCX600, ECS-Fx, ECS-FD, SAM 4000E, SOPHO i3000 iii) Telephony Network Planning and Designing FIBER OPTICS i) Fiber Optic Basics. Construction / Characteristics of Fiber / Cable / OPGW. il) Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Diffraction, Absorption and Scattering, Alternation Types of Optical Sources and detectors iv) Installation, Splicing, Testing, Commissioning and operation of Fiber Optic Cable (OPGW + UGFoc) 15 V) Optical Line Terminal Equipment vi) Digital Multiplexer FOX-515, MSE 5100, SURPASS Hit 7060 vil) PDH/SDH Technology, DXC 5000, FMX 2R 3.2 vii) NMS basies ix) Fiber Optic Link Budget Calculation, Repeater / Repeater less / Boosters NETWORKING i) Basics i) Routers SCADA i) Description / components and Functions of NTDC SCADA system ji) Collector RTU-400, RTU-560, MiCOM C264, AK 1703 working of different cards, testing and commissioning iil) Data Routes / Networking / protocols POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM 48V DC Batteries Working / Block diagram of Single Phase Battery Charger Working / Block diaaram of 3-phase Battery Charger Reference )) PLC Manuals i) _ RTUC System Manuals iii) NPCC SCADA System jv) PAX Manuals v) — B/Charger Manuals vi) Relevant Test Books New Technologies around the globe COMPUTER (information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types ‘of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, operating systems, inputfoutput and storage devices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, internet, E-Mail && Computer Virus. Reference Books * Microsoft Window Telocommunication NTO fc 625-Wapda House, Lahore REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TO SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (NON GENERATION, THERMAL, HYDEL & TELECOM) BPS-18 to BPS-19 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive= 50% PAPER-A CURRENT AFFAIRS & RULES & REGULATIONS 100 Marks (Note: Passing in each part is mandatory to clear Paper-A) (Pass marie 47> Part Current Affairs 33 Marks (Pa mare 0%) Current Affairs paper will be set from leading issues published in the newspaper for the last 3 months. Partll Rules and Regulations (Books allowed in descriptive p only) 67 Marks (Pass marks 50%) + The’Pakistan WAPDA Employees (E&D) Rules, 1978 + The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978. ‘+ The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978. ‘+ Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of individuals, 1982. + The Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees, 1982. ‘+ The Pakistan WAPDA Employees Medical Attendance Rules. 1979. The Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Treatment of Chronically Sick Persons) Rules, 1967. + Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Purchase of Motor Gar / Motor Cycle / Scooter / Cycle, 1962. + The Pakistan WAPDA Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Construction / Purchase of Houses / Plots, 1967 + The Pakistan WAPDA TA Rules, 1982. + NEPRA Rules & Regulation Note: Consultation of Delegation of Book of Financial (Powers), WAPDA Rules & Regulations, WAPDA Act 1958, Electricity Act 1910 & NEPRA Rules & Regulations, Books shall be pormitted in the Examination Hall except Typed / hand written and photocopied material / documents, Chief Enginesr Telecommunication Manager (Coon) Powez5-Wapda House, i... 510 Wapda House, Latore NaNtaty tt os t eoek,. wana woot ere o ) awe! ” 0" ote a ee REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TO SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (NON GENERATION) BPS-18 to BPS-19 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-B TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 marks (Consultation of books not alowed) (ass mars 30%) Note: One question from Computer (Information Technology) is compulsory to be included in Paper-B (Technical) TECHNICAL DISTRIBUTION a) Voltage Issue = Introduction to the primary distribution system operation Maintenance and load forecasting - Demand side management ~ Energy efficiency - Voltage stability consideration - Power losses - Reactive power role in voltage regulation = Induetive load compensation Economic justification for re-conductoring and bifurcation of feeders. b) Safety - Accidents causes prevention and investigation - Measures to prevent accidents in the light of global practices for human safety introduction Tools & Plants Need for accident prevention - Elimination of unsafe conditions and Acts - Safety posters and safety meetings = Introduction to accident investigation ~ Accidents investigation procedure and report writing ~ Types of accidents what, when and why accidents = Prevention of re-occurrence of an accident = Typical case study accident and its suggestion scenario based analysis ) Capacitors = Capacitors applications, installation end location - Series and shunt capacitors - Selection criteria of fixed and switched capacitors banks = Voltage improvement due to installation of shunt capacitors = Capacitance operational difficulties = Earthing for capacitors 4) Earthing Systems = Purpose and function of earthing Q 18 = Protection against electrocution - Earth Resistance Tester - Causes of failure of earthing system = Remedial measures of failure of earthing system + Earthing Mesh - STEP voltage and earthing + System voltage stability + Human safety ‘ - Animal safety = Lighting ©) Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments - Working principles of CTs and Pg - VA burden calculation a - Back meters and CTS role play - Principles of digital devices with respect to its architecture - Physical and application layer - Digital and analogue instruments (comparison) - Operation of digital instruments - Energy meters (Analog and digital) - Allsort of energy meters application and characteristics from accuracy class 4 to 0,2 - Energy meters specifications - Types of energy meters and their connection - Faults in energy meters reasons and remedies = AMR and AMI moviels far Pakistan - Energy meters role in distribution automation Breakers and Isolators = Design, Construction, Working, type and Manufacture of Circle Breakers = MCCB and MCB,OCB and VCB characteristics and applications - VCB its short circuit rating and current rating applications standards - SF6 crouit breakers = Schedule maintenance of grid equipment - PLC up gradation or fiber for grid automation = Classification of Circuit Breakers = Comparison of circuit breakers, cause of fauits, trouble shooting and remedial measures. ~ Instrument transformers & their testing - _Isolator types, control, circuit, mechanism and maintenance - Power transformer functions and different protections installed 9) Line & Lab Practical - Measurement of earth resistance - Improvement of power factor of induction motor = Accuracy Test of Energy Meter - Effect of different loads on power factor - Ratio Test of C.T with primary injection set 19 TRANSMISSION General Concepts of Grid Station Testing and commissioning procedure for Power Transformer HV /LV Circuit Breaker / Insulator Over current relays Diferential re'ays, Distance relays Storage battery Battery charger Control /relay panels Lightning arrestor Earthing system Classes of Bus bar Power Transformer Principle, types and construction Vector groups, no load & load losses, turn ratio, Tap changers (no load and on load) Cooling systems. Parallel operation Buchholz relay Oil and winding temperature gauge Maintenance and trouble shooting TTR Test OES test High Voltage Insulation Test OC Resistance Test Power System Protection Requirement of protective system Over current and earth fault relay (for Tine & transformer) Instrument transformers, a) Current transformer matching CTs b) Potential transformer, CVT, CCVTS Differential retay Distance relay Power line carrier systern ‘Over flux retay ‘Over voltage relay REF relay Under Frequency Protection Storage Batteries and Battery Chargers Introduction Types of storage batteries Working principles of batteries Construction of batteries Defecis and remedies of batteries Maintenance of batteries Trouble shooting of batteries Baitery chargers types, mechanism Batteries chargers mechanism and trouble shooting oy ee 20 Maintenance of Grid Station Introduction - Job planni = Safety requirement + Arrangement of T&P / testing equipment - Co-ordination of staff / groups Maintenance + Crew maintenance system + Work programming - Routine inspection + Regular maintenance + Major overhauling - Periodic maintenance Basic Concept of Operation GSO System ‘Study of different types of high voltage circuit breaker Current transformer (Over current / earth fault relay Use of high voltage detector Earth resistance test Issuance of P.T.W. ‘Switchgear = Storage batteries = Line fault ~ Differential relay matching - Buchholz relays = On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) = Coordination of different protective relays = Study of 11 KV circuit breaker (oil, vacuum types, SF6 Gas) + Study of high voltage CT/PT General Concepts of Power System ~ Elements of power system - Battery = Protective relaying ~ Types of relays - Transformer protection - Bus protection - Line protection - Elementary system protection + Protective devices + Current carrying devices a) Power Sector Improvement i) Short term measures ii) Long term measures b) Renewable energy options. ©) Crises in Power Sector ¢ can SL0 ae so Pepe ie vo 24 eo ee >) COMPUTER (Information Technology) \ Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, operating systems, input/output and storage devices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & & Computer Virus, 22 REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 2 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TO SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (THERMAL GENERATION) BPS-18 to BPS-19 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-B TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 400 Marks (Consultation of books hot allowed) (Poss mats 2%) Note: One question from Computer (Information Technology) Is compulsory to be included in Paper-B (Technical) TECHNICAL SOURCE OF THERMAL ENERGY = Efficiency improvement Heat Rate of Gas Turbine and Steam Turbines = Combustion System of Gas Turbine, Steam Power Station. = Instrumentation and control of Gas Turbines, Boilers, Steam Turbines & Combined Cycle. RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES - Wind Energy Power Plant = Solar Power Plant FUELS a) Coal = Coal including Thar = Coal reserves in the world / Pakistan, Mining and Transportation issues. - Analysis and testing of coal, Heat Value, Classification of Coal - Spontaneous combustion of coal - Clinker formation - Mechanical Stockers - Pulverized coal = Advantages / disadvantages of coal over other types of fuels used in thermal power plants. b) Fuel Oil & HSD = Specifications of various types of fuel oil & HSD ~ Properties of fuel oil / HSD (Viscosity, Flash Point, Heating Value etc.) = Detail of fuel oil burning equipment ~ Storage tanks, pumps, fuel oil heaters, Burners = Advantages / disadvantages of Fuel Oil / HSD over other types of fuels used in thermal power plants c) Gas BOILE! seous Fuels Description of various fuel cases General Specifications of Natural gas Gas fields in Pakistan and their increasing / decreasing trend Why Pakistan needs imported gas fuels? ‘Advantages of gaseous fue! over other types of fuels used in thermal power plants RS Types of Boiler HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generation) Main components of Boilers & their functions Procedure for starting & shutting down boilers. Boiler Proservation Air Flow System Flue Gas System Safety Devices for Boilers Boiler Inspection Requirements by Boiler Inspector Hydrostatic Tests of Bollers Boller Explosions. Causes & Remedies Routine & Special Maintenance of Boilers Importance of proper seldings & checks for welds Periodic Checks of Boiler Safety Values Boiler Protections and their functions F.B.C. Fluidized Bed Combustion Boilers Economizer of Boiler Heat Exchanger (Revolving) of Boiler Heat Recovery Air Preheating Systems ‘Types of Fuel for Boiler Fuel Handling System and Storage STEAM & GAS TURBINES Nain Components of Steam & Gs Turbines & their functions Original Manufacturers and Manufacturing by Reverse Engineering Process Condensate Cycle Fees Water Cycle. Importance of Condenser Vacuum and procedure for building the vacuum Bleeding Steam and Seal Steam Systems LP & HP Heaters Functions of Generator Turbine Starting & Stopping Procedures Turbine Governor Back Presoure & Turbine Rupture Diephram Condenser Cooling System (close & open cycle) ‘When and how to replace Condenser Tubes Routine Maintenance Planning & execution of Major Overhauling Turbine protections Lube Oils used and Lubrication Systems g Alignment of Turbines and procedures Ww us Rotor Bearings of Turbine / Generators q j fotor couplings of Turbine / Generators a Ser 24 GENERATOR TRAN Main components and functions Generator cooling systems Hydrogen sealing system Drying out of generators Aclive Reactive power characteristics Open and short circuit characteristics Short circuit ratio 5 Generator reactances Generator relay protection system Excitation system Voltage regulation system Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance Major overhauling ISFORMERS ‘Main components & their functions Transformer insulation & cooling Types ‘Transformer metering & protections Testing of transformer oll Role of silice jel in transformers Functions of current & voltage Transformers Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance Function of buchholz relay (On load and off load tap changers protection system of transformers BREAKERS & ISOLATORS Types Main components of 11 KV, 66 KV, 182 KV, 220 KV breaker Functional mechanism of various types of breakers ‘Sequence of operation of breakers & isolators while open & closing a circuit Importance of D.C supply in the operation of breakers Routine maintenance Major overhauling Importance of maintaining record of maintenance ECONOMIC CONSIDERATION Fixed Cost, Running Cost Interest and depreciation Load Factor, Capacity Factor, Diversity Factor, Utilize Factor, Cold Reserve, Hot Reserve, Spinning Reserve Low Power Factor Causes, Disadvantages of low power factor, improvement of power factor. WELDING TECHNIQUES Tig Welding ‘Sport Welding Stick Welding L Brazing Soldering Me ye on ge 25 DYNAMIC BALANCING - Turbine Rotor + Generator Rotor MISCELLANEOUS - Fuses & types - Pumps & types = Compressors & type - Fans & types . ~ Line protections ~ Bus bar protection - Motor protection = Special tools required for major overhauls - Factors necessary for planning & executing major overhauling - Importance of fire fighting arrangements in Thermal Power Plants fire fighting equipment used = Importance of D.C. System in Thermal Power Plant and allied grid stations. Maintenance of batteries ~ Routine checks & record ~ General safety aids against accidents used by electrical & O&M Staff = Line diagram of Thermal Power Plant - Line diagram of coal fired thermal plant - Line diagram of gas turbine power plant ~ Line diagram of combined cycie power plant = Pollution control equipments for fuel air, water and noise - Security measures for power stations CHEMICALS = Objectives of water treatment and its need in Boiler & Gas Turbine POLLUTION CONTROL = Air emission and its control = Global Warming - Ozone layer degradation = Water emission and its control - Noise Pollution Waste Water Treatment ~ National Environmental Quality Standards for Air omission, waste water and Noise - World Bank Standards and World Health Organization (WHO) Standards COMPUTER (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Charecteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, operating systems, input/output and storage devices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & Computer Virus 26 REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM EXECUTIVE ENGINEER TO SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (HYDEL) BPS-18 to BPS-19 Objective Questions = 50% Descriptive = 50% PAPER-B TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 Marks (Consultation of books aot allowed) (ese mate 50%) Note: One question from Computer (Information Technology) is compulsory to be included in Paper-B (Technical) TECHNICAL TYPES OF HYDRO POWER ~ Runoff River Plants - Peaking plants (daily storage) = Seasonal/Pump Storage Hydro Power Plants Large Dam Hydro Power Plants COMPONENTS OF HYDRO POWER FACILITIES Water Passages (e.g. tunnel headrace, penstock gates, inlet valves, tailrace & spillway) ~ Turbine — Generator unit and its components = Power Station electrical equipment — transformers, motors , automatic controls, switchyard - Transmission lines — Interconnection ‘TERMINOLOGIES USED FOR POWER STATION = Plant Factor - — Availatility Factor - Load Factor = Plant Utilization Factor = PowerFactor - Capacity Factor SCOPE OF HYDEL GENERATION Existing Hydel Stations in Pakistan and their significance in WAPDA System - Rehabilitation / Refurbishment of old Hydro Power Plants = Future prospects of Hydel Developmentin Pakistan - Necessity of new Hyde! Projects and thelr role in country economic + Advantage and disadvantages of Hydropower Projects ELECTRICAL GENERATOR DESIGN OPERATION & MAINTENANCE = Principles of Active & Reactive Power Control and performance curve of @ synchronous generator - Heat Run Test of generators = High Voltage Tests of Stator & Rotor Windings = "Capacitance & Dissipation Factor” Test = Insulation Resistance Test of Stator & Rotor Winding - Insolated Phase Bus Ducts, operating system - Fire Extinguishing System for Generator 27 @ - Fault localization in case of fault in Stator Windings and Rotor Pole etc - Brief description of Commissioning Tests and Special Field Tests of Generator - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Generator and its schedule POWER TRANSFORMERS = Specifications of Transformers, vector groups, type of cooling, tap changer Breathing ‘System. - Brief description of Commissioning Tests and Special Field Tests = Fault localization in case of faults in Transformer Winding, Insulation failure etc. = Buchholz Protection, gas analysis and its role in fault analysis - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of transformers and transformer oll and its schedule STATIC EXCITATION SYSTEM = Principle of Static Excitation System - Functions of the Automatic Voltage Regulator = Function of: ‘Active Ampere Limiter = Load Angle Limiter = Reactive Ampere Limter = —=—= Response Ratfo of Excitation System POWER HOUSE PROTECTION = Principles and schemes of various protections for Generator and Transformers in a Hydro Power Plant. - Bus Bar Protections, various types-and their operation = Testing of protective relays, methods, schedule et. = Role of Current Transformers in Protection System. CIRCUIT BREAKERS = Principles of Circuit Interruption - Classification of breakers based on medium for Arc Interruption = Specifications of Circuit Breakers (11 KV, 182 KV, 220 KV 600 KV) ~ Advantages of SF6 type Circuit Breakers over other types - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Circuit Breakers and its schedule. EARTHING = Significance of Earthing and various Earthing methods. = Generator & Transformer Neutral Earthing = Disadvantages of ungrounded system. = Testing of Earthing Systems STORAGE BATTERIES = Significance of a battery system for a power plant. = Consideration in maintenance of battery system weekly / monthly schedules ~ Commissioning Tests = Defects and remedies INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS = General purpose of instrument transformers - Capacitive Coupling Voltage Transformers Working Principle - Various Tests on Instrument Transformers SCADA (SUPERVISOR CONTROL & DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM ~ General configuration of SCADA, how main computer front end and R.T.Us are linked with each other THCY General eneger (Coord) Ree ‘S10 Wapda House, Lafisie: £3 = Adaptive works for connecting power system to Remote Terminal Units LATEST STATIC EXCITATION SYSTEMS AND ADVANTAGES > Function + Important Paris + Testing, Calibration and Maintenance PLC BASES DIGITAL NUMERICAL PROTECTION RELAYS + Function + Parts - Testing + Adjustments - Maintenance Gis SYSTEM ~ Needs & Advantage = Working Principle - Maintenance & Trouble Shooting MAJOR FAULT HISTORY OF HYDEL POWER PLANTS - Generators - Turbines - Breakers - Any other E&M equipment + Damages of Civil Structure MECHANICAL, HYDRAULIC TURBINES = Power calculation formula = Types of Turbines and classification according to head - Criteria for selection of turbine with reference to available head - Synchronous Speed, Specific Speed, Runaway Speed ~ Components of Francis Peiton and Kaplan Turbines - Cavitations phenomenon, its effects and remedies - Preventive Maintenance checks / tests and schedule - Commissioning Tests of Turbine SPEED REGULATION OF TURBINES = Types & working principle of Mech. Hydraulic Governors = Commissioning tests and routine checks / tests of governor system ACCESSORIES / AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ~ Fire Extinguishing Methods in Power House - Pumps of various kinds and their applications in Hydel Stations - Cranes of various types and their applications, REHABILITATION OF HYDEL STATIONS ~ Necessity of Rehabilitation /Refurbishment of Hydel units and its advantages = Different Electrical and Mechanical components requiring rehabilitation and the technology involved - Scope of Rehabilitation in the existing Hydel Stations. FRANCIS, KAPLAN AND PELTON TURBINES & THEIR PARTS: ~ Working principal ~ Types & advantages vanes DO, Core ee ow aneaer cy Sos Ban MRMET Conn) Pengy oh pe S10 We oe 29 \ WY 8 So - Major parts and description 3 - Overhauling TRASH RACK CLEANING MACHINES + Purpose - Types & advantages ~ Working principal - Maintenance & overhauling DIGITAL GOVERNING SYSTEM AND PID CONTROLLERS ~ Basic function & Control - Types - Advantages - Maintenance - Testing ~ Trouble Shooting ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF GENERATION / HYDEL PROJECTS Opportunity Cost, Shadow Pricing and Sunk Cost - Net Present Value (NPV) internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) + Optimization of the project size of a generation project = Long Run Material Cost (LRMC) - Difference between Financial and Economic Analysis. COMPUTER (Information Technoloay) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software, types of memory and functions, operating systems, inputloutput and storage devices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, mein features of utiity of MS Word, MS Excel, MS. Power Point, Internet, E-Mail & Computer Virus | Ae \ Sor we cb Se Ce 30 REVISED SYLLABUS 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM SR. ENGINEER | DY. MANAGER / XEN (TELECOM) TO SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER/MANAGER (TELECOM) NTDG BPS-18 TO BPS-19 Objective Questions = 50%, Descriptive = 50% PAPER-B TECHNICAL & COMPUTER 100 Marks (Consultation of books not allowed) (Pass mari 50%) Note: Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject, which they opt out of the following subject i.e TECHNICAL GENERAL i) Planning and Designing to Telecom System / identifying bottlenecks / Specifying Solution ii) Types of Communication Media & Services POWER LINE CARRIER i) Working principle / Block Diagram of Power Line Cartier type, ETL 800, FTI-8, FTI ~41 ETL-81, Power Link, MiCOM T-390, ZAP-51 ii) Description, components and function of each outdoor coupling equipment including Line Trap, Frequency response curve of Line Traps, Coupling Capacitors, Line Matching Unit, HF cable. ill) Functioning of Tele-protection type NSD-550, NSD 600, ISWT3000, DIP5000 (Permissive and Direct tripping), Coded and un-coded Tele-protection, including cross trip scheme, implementation and usages. iv) Data Transmission v) Frequency Planning of PLC Links vi) Testing and operation. EXCHANGES i) Basic Funetions of PAX i) Function / programming of telephone switching equipment (exchanges) type DCX-5, DCX600, ECSFX, ECS-FD, SAM 4000E, SOPHO 13000 ii) Telephony Network Planning and Designing FIBER OPTICS ) Fiber Optic Basics i) Construction / Characteristics of Fiber / Cable / OPGW. iii) Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion, Diffraction, Absorption and Scattering, Alternation wy :S of Optical Sources and deleciors Chiohengineer Telecommiication NTOC 31 625-Wapda House, Lahore wv Installation, Splicing, Testing, Commissioning and operation of Fiber Optic Cable (OPGW + UGFoc) vi) Optical Line Terminal Equipment vil) Digital Multiplexer FOX-515, MSE 5100, SURPASS Hit 7060 vill) PDH/SDH Technology, DXC 5000, FMX 2R 3.2 ix) NMS basics ‘ x) Fiber Optic Link Budget Calculation, Repeater / Repeater less / Boosters NETWORKING i) Basics i) Routers SCADA i) ii) iv) Description / components and Functions of NTDC's SCADA system Collector RTU-400, RTU-560, MICOM C264, AK 1703 working of different cards, testing and commissioning Data Routes / Networking / protodols Interfacing of Grid Elements to RTUs POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM i i) 48V DC Batteries Working / Block diagram of Single Phase Batiery Charger ‘Working / Block diagram of 3-phae Battery Charger Reference i) PLC Manuals ji) RTU System Manuals il) SCADA System iv) PAX Manuals v) —_B/Charger Manuals vi) Relevant Test Books New Technologies around the globe COMPUTER (|nformation Technology) Introduction to Computer System, M.S. Word and M.S. Office: Characteristic of computer, types of computer, computer hardware and software. types of memory and functions, operating systems, inpuoulput and storage d ices, types of computer languages, programming and functions of compiler, main features of utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet, E-Mail && Computer Virus. Reference Books Microsoft Window ey REVISED SYLLABUS — 2017 > DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM UPPER TECHNICAL SUBORDINATE STAFF (UTSS) NON GENERATION TO JUNIOR ENGINEER BPS-13/16 TO 17 PAPER-A - The Paper will be 50% objective and 50% Descriptive = Passing in both Parts is mandatory. PARTI Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part-| will be 60% Objective and 50% Subjective. Subjective part should at least cover one question from each section. MANAGEMENT SECTION 4. WAPDA Act, 1958 = All'Sections 2. Electricity Act, 1918 -_ > All'Sections 3. Electricity Rules, 1937 - All Sections | Re - Section 15 - Section 16 = Section 125-A - Section 26 = Seetion 40 5. Land Acquisition Act 1894 - Section 3 = Section 4 = Section 5 - Section 6 Oui - Section 7 = Section 17 1952 6. Pakistan Essention Services Maintenance A - All Sections 7. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Al Sections (including instructions of the Authority on the above subject not being in contradiction of the Act/Laws in force). 8 Rules & Regulations 2 Pakistan WAPDA Empidyees (E&D) Rules, 1978. as * Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules. 1978 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978 Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of Individuals, 1982 33 Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees, 1982 Pakistan WAPDA Employees Medical Attendance Rules, 1979 Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Treatment of Chronically Sick Persons) Rules, 1967 Rules regarding the Grant of Advances for the Purchase of Motor Car / Motor Cycle / Scooter / Cycle, 1962 Pakistan WAPDA Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Construction / Purchase of Houses / Plots, 1967. Pakistan WAPDA TA Rules, 1982 NEPRA Rules & Regulations New Technologies around the Globe Computer (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, MS Word and MS Office: Characteristic of Computer. Types of Computer, Computer Hardware and Software. Types of Memory and Functions, Operating System, InpuOutput and Storage Devices, Types of Computer Languages, Programming and Functions of Compiler, Main Features of Utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, internet, E-Mail & Computer Virus. GENERAL SECTION WAPDA New Commercial Procedure Complete Electricity Pranul: Manual uf Order Chapter-VIll; Legal matters. Electricity Operation Branch Schedule of Tariff Complete WPDA Current Five Year Plan Power Section Safety Code 5.1 Use of Safety Equipment 52 Testing of Protection Equipment - Rubber Gloves - jal Test . Air Test - Boots > Protective Hat - Insulating Plier - Safety Belt 5.3. Safety Procedure for working on live / dead: Over-Head Lines - _Under-ground cables = Equipment ‘Switching Procedure - PTW 34 - Danger Notice - Caution Notice - Procedure of making the line de-energized * Testing the lines 5.5 Earthing - Installing earths on lines & equipment - Removing earths from lines & equipment 56 Electric Shock Treatment Mouth to mouth resuscitation - Back pressure - Arms Lift - Role top resuscitation = Rescuing the victim electric contact 5.7 Fire Protection - Explanation for the fire protection scheme for generators, transformers and cable tunnel. Function of the emulsi fire diesel engine. Checking of Air and Water Pressure for transformers fire protection control Duties of Sub Divisional Officer - Administrative + Technical ACCOUNTS SECTION Accounts 11 Imprest = Receipt of temporary advance - Authorization of payment vouchers - Checking of imprest Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance 1.2 Misc: Receipts Accounting - Authorization of Receipts - Checking of Misc: Receipt Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance - Transfer of money collected to the Divisional Officer 1.3 Capital Receipts (Demand Notices) - Authorization of Demand Notices .- Checking of Demand Notices Register - Receipt of scrolls from the concerned Bank - Submission of list of paid demand notices to XEN 14 Pay * Preparation of pay roll (Sectionalized) = Submission of pay roll fo the XEN for approval ~ Receipt of cheque from the XEN & endorsement to bank for draw! of cash - Disbursement of pay to the employees 35 - Submission of un-claimed salaries book & un-disbursed cash to the XEN's office = Payment to.the claimant subsequently 1.5 Store Accounting = Procurement of store for connection and maintenance - System of Store Requisition & its authorization - Submission of Store Requisition to the XEN for approval - Electrical” Measurement Book and site Account Register or consumption ledger = Service connection order - Return of surplus store or equipment reserved to the Store on Store Return Warrant = Maintenance of numerical Account for T&P - Maintenance of Equipment Removal Register 2. Delegation of Financial Power 24 Definitions - Section XVI 2.2 Works and T&P Financial Power regarding: - Technical sanction of works other than construction of Residential Buildings. = Placing of work orders for repair / overhauling of T&F, Vehicle & Light machinery without inviting tender / quotations. - Administrative Approval & Technical sanction of repair / overhauling of TP, vehicle & Light machinery. 2.3. + Local Purchase Financial Powers regarding: - Local Purchase of Store. Instrument & T&P without inviting quotations in emergency. 24 Contingent Expenditures Financial Powers regarding: - Purchase of Stationery articles - Purchase and repair of drawing & service instrument, furniture & office equipment, space heaters, coolers, air conditioning plant - Hiring of office furniture - Expenditure of carriage of official record / property and hiring of transport in emergency Electricity, water charges, duties & Taxes - Purchase of Service postage stamps - Hot & cold weather charges = Purchase of newspapers + Charges for remittance of Pay & Allowances of establishment « Is by money orders. - Expenditure on binding work dag And) ctor (HQ) PEPC' eee ivapda House. Lanore. Adat: Drekor G.26.Wepda He 25 Electricity Bills otc. “Financial Powers regarding: 26 POL # Payment under court orders - Refund of deposits = Suspension of recovery of electricity bills - Installments of electricity bills - Extension in due date of electricity bills - _ Rettification of electricity bills - Recovery of electricity dues outstanding against previous consumers = Waver of surcharge Financial Powers regarding: Budget - Purchase of petrol, motor oil and lubricants ete. 3.1 Introduction Budget Planning directive from the Authority The budget holder & the principal budget holder General Rules for preparation of the budget Draft budget objectives in accordance with the policy of the Authority The operating plan of the year Aclivily-wise preparation of budget Keeping in view the opjectives & the operating plan The statement of policy 3.2 Budget Preparation & Completion Preparation of budget by each budget holder in accordance with the time table & instructions The purchase of each budget form The purpose of each budget form General description of what the form contains How the budget formats are prepared ‘Submission of budget to the principal budget holder Checking of entries on the budget formats 3.3. Budgetary Control HQ) PEPCO jouso, Lahore. Phasing the income & expenditure over each accounting period Explanation for variances by the budget holder to the principal budget holder Correctives action in respect of variances Budgeting sale of energy, line losses & losses & other income Budgetary control over procurement & usage of material Phasing the budgeted cash flow Review of uncommitted balances by the budget holder before making any further commitment Maintenance of commitment record for: - Material dravin form store: - Material purchased direct 37 4. WAPDA Disposal Procedure - Preparation of disposal reports for dismantled / unserviceable material / equipment / vehicle 8. Executive of Works - Preparation of estimates - Carrying out of work departmentally and through contractor - _ Incurring expenditure anticipation of funds and sanctioned estimates - Completion Report - Initial record of works account - Measurement books and authorization of recording detailed measurement - Verification of contractors / supplier's bills - Deposit works and deposits for works to be done - Securities - Facilities of work charged establishment - Issue of Material / advances to contractors for works PART =I Total Marks Pass Marks = 50% Part-II will be 50% Objective and 50% Subjective. At least one Question should be from Technical Common Section and two Questions from Technical Specific Section. TECHNICAL (COMMON) SECTION 4. Introduction - Electric circuits > Electric current - Electric pressure - Electric power - Electric energy - Electric resistance - Eleciric insulation - Load Factor = Demand Factor - Diversity Factor - Power Factor 2. Electric Circuit Theory — D.C. = Ohm's Law : Power Relationship : Resistance in series - Resistance in Parallel - Resistance in series — parallel 3. Electric Circuit Theory ~ A.C. + Alternating current Resistance in A.C. circuit : Inductance in series + Capacitance in A.C. circuit - Power in AC. circuits - Energy flow in AC. circuits fete (HQ) PEPCO youse, Laher 38 4 Electric Units (Definitions) ee Volts - Amperes - KW. - KVA - °KVAR - KWH « KVARH . 5. Transformers - Construction (Principle & Type) = Loading of Transformers (Balancing, Rating, Cooling & Fusing) - Fixing of Transformers (Protection & Earthing) - Testing 6. Switches / Circuits Breakers = Gang Operated Switches (GOS, No Load & on Load) - Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) - Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) Application & - Isolators Maintenance - _, Auto Reclosers = “Bulk oil / Minimum Oil, Circuit Breakers - SF 6 (Gas Circuit Breaker) 7. Lightening Arrestors - Application Ri 9 = Location TECHNICAL(SPECIFIC) SECTION Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject. which they opt out of the following subject ie. A. DISTRIBUTION is Distribution System Network - «Radial - Ring Main = Interconnected 2. Distribution System Design - Voltage Drop Calculations (from SLD of feeder) - Determination of conductor size - Load Estimation (Connected Load & Mas: Demand) - Methods of Voltage Improvement - Calculation of Energy Consumption - Calculation of Line Losses - Calculation of Sag. a) - Brief Description of S.D.1 - Preparation of drawing on suitable scale for installing HT/LT Line and service 39 aeunnee) dat rector CO) FEE 3. Line maintenance Q 3.1 Line Patrolling» - Emergency Patrolling (Looking for the type of faults) - Broken Conductors - Broken or Cracked Insulators - Tree branches interfering with lines - Short Circuiting - Other reasons - Routine Patrolling, looking for defects in = Conductors = Insulators - Transformers : D-Fittings - Guys = Cross-Arms = Poles & Structures * Service Wires and Jumpers 3.2. Preventive Maintenance Maintenance of - LT. Lines - — HT.Lines - Transformers - Voltage Regulators = Vacuum / Oil Switches - Gang Operated Switches / ACB / Isolators 4. Load Measurement of Transformers = Recording maximum load on Transformers, - Balancing load on Transformers Ground Resistance Test Wiring / Meter Test 6.1 Wiring Test = General Connection - Industrial Connection 62 Testing of Energy Meters .- Single Phase - Three Phase 7. Line Material 7.1 Line Supports (Type & Size) - Steel Structure and L&H Types - Steel Tubular Poles - Wood Poles q] - Conorete Poles 5 7.2 Cross Arms (Type & Size) - Wood Size (for 11 KV Line) : 49 (Rana seitiag Ahmad) (HQ) PEPCO se, Lahore. 10. >» Steel Size (for 11 KV Line) 7.3 Insulators (Type LT & HT) 7.4 Insulators Pins (Type) 7.5 Braces (Size) 7.6 — Nuts & Bolts (Various Sizes Used) 7.7 Conductors = WAPDA's Standard Conductors for HT & LT Lines - Current Carrying Capacity of each type of Conductor = Conductor Accessories Underaround and Overhead Cables 8.1 LT. P.V.C. Cables Type & Rating 82 HLT. Cables - Underground = Overhead - HT. Cable Accessories Capacitors (11 KV & LT.) =, Advantages - Applications - Fusing = Operating > Selecting Size and Position of installation Voltage Regulators - Principle - Application - Protection = Operation - Selecting Size & Position of Installation on 11 KV Feeders Tae Basic Concepts of Electricity - _, Types of Electric Charges = Electromagnetic Induction = Generation of Electricity - Ohm's Law - Electric Current, Voltage and Power - Working principle of Inductors, Capacitor, Resistor - Active and Reactive Power + Direct Current and Alternating Current - Power Factor and Methods to improve Power Factor Elementary Knowledge of Power System Components - AC and DC Generators / Motors - __ Major Parts of Generators and Motors Types of Generator Wingdings and Characteristics Different sources of Electric Power Generation Different Sources of Flectrie Power Generation and their Comparison aA Napda Houn2, Lz Grid Station Equipment Layout (.e.) Single Line Key Diagram of a Grid Station with Different Bus Bar Scheme - Single B/Bar - Double B/Bar - 1-1/2 Breaker scheme Power Transformers = Principle of Operation = Construction = Types of Transformers - Tap-Changers - Types of Cooling of Power Transformers - Rating and Cooling = _ Qiland Winding Temperature Gauges / Limits - Daily Visual inspection - ‘Periodic Maintenance - Interpretation of Name Plate Data - Brief Detail of Tests carried out on Power Transformer with respect to P&l Testing Storage Batteries and Battery Chargers - Working Principle of Batteries - Main Parts - Different Types for Different Uses - Daily Visual Inspection - Periodic Maintenance - Working Principle of Battery Charger - Types of Battery Chargers Float Charging, Boast Charging Daily Inspection Periodic Maintenance Role of National Power Control in our Power System Circuit Breakers - Characteristics and Purpose of Circuit Breakers = Different Types of C.B. - Technical Comparison of Different Types = Daily Inspection - Periodic Maintenance / Testing, Overhauling - Name Plate Data Understanding - General maintenance of 11 KV Bus Bar Isolators - Construction, Function and Purpose - Name Plaie Interpretation - Maintenance and Trouble-shooting Measuring Instruments - Working Principle / Purpose of C.Ts and P.Ts - VABurden and Accuracy 42 Weg Ahmad) HQ) PEPCO. 10. 1%; 12. 13. 14, idk: Director # Energy Meters Types and Connections: - Volt Meters and Ampere Meters = Common Nomenclature of above Components =, Calculation of Multiplying Factor for KWH, KVARH, MDI Readings of Eneray Meter - Ratio Test of CT with Primary Injection Set Protective Relays / Testing Commissioning of Grid Equipment Basic Working Principle of - Differential Relays = Buchholz Relays - Restricted Earth Fault Relays = Breaker Failure Relays - D.C. Supervision Relays - Testing and Maintenance = Testing and Commissioning Procedure for: _ Power Transformer - Battery and Battery Charger - Protection Relay of Line / Transformer Lightening Arrester Transmission Lines Types of Conductors and their Use - Types of Insulators and their Use - Types of Towers - Routine Maintenance - Periodic Maintenance Power And Control Cables - Main Parts of Cable and their Purpose - Knowledge of Nomenclature of Cables = Maintenance and Care of Cables - Different Types of Cable and their Use - Current Rating of Different Size of 11 KV Cables Earthing Systems - Purpose and Function of Earthing System = Causes of Failure of Earthing - Maintenance and Testing of Earthing - Purpose and Use of Poriable Temporary Ground (PTG) - Earth Resistance Tester - Knowledge of Work “Standard Operating Procedures” (SOP) - Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Work Planning and Supervision - Use of Portable Temporary Grounding (PTG) 43 ie Wapda House, Lahore. REVISED SYLLABUS — 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM UPPER TECHNICAL SUBORDINATE STAFF (UTSS) THERMAL GENERATION TO JUNIOR ENGINEER BPS-13/16 TO 17 PAPER-A The Paper will be 50% objective and 50% Descriptive - Passing in both Parts is mandatory. PART-1 Total Marks = 50 Part will be 50% Objective and 50%. Subjective part should at least cover one question from each section. . MANAGEMENT SECTION 1. WAPDA Act, 1958 - ‘All Sections 2. Electricity Act, 1918 - All'Sections 3. Electricity Rules, 1937 - All'Sections 4. Industnal Kelations Ordinance 1969 - Section 15 - Section 16 - Section 125-0, - Section 26 - Section 40 5. Land Acquisition Act 1804 =, Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5 - Section 6 - Section 7 - Section 17 6. Pakistan Essention Services Maintenance Act, 1952 - _ All'Sections 7. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - All Sections (including instructions of the Authority on the above subject not being in contradiction of the Act/Laws in force). 8 Rules & Regulations - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (E&D) Rules, 1978. - __, Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978 aa Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of Individuals, 1982 on Terme, Arms Lift - Role top resuscitation - Rescuing the victim electric contact 5.7 Fire Protection - Explanation for the fire protection scheme for generators, transformers and cable tunnel, Function of the emulsi fire diese! engine. Checking of Air and Water Pressure for transformers fire protection control Duties of Sub Divisional Officer > Administrative - Technical ACCOUNTS SECTION Accounts 14 Imprest ie Receipt of temporary advance - Authorization of payment vouchers - Checking of imprest Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance 1.2 Misc: Receipts Accounting - Authorization of Receipts = Checking of Misc: Receipt Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance = Transfer of money collected to the Divisional Officer 1.3. Capital Receipts (Demand Notices) - Authorization of Demand Notices - Checking of Demand Notices Register - Receipt of scrolls from the concemed Bank - Submission of list of paid demand notices to XEN - Preparation of pay roll (Sectionalized) - Submission of pay roll to the XEN for approval - Receipt of cheque from the XEN & endorsement to bank for draw of cash - Disbursement of pay to the employees. a fei mateo 149 hppa wees oun tater 15 Store Submission of un-claimed salaries book & un-disbursed cash to the XEN's office Payment to the claimant subsequently intin« Procurement of store for connection and maintenance System of Store Requisition & its authorization ‘Submission of Store Requisition to the XEN for approval Electrical Measurement Book and site Account Register or ‘consumption ledger Service connection order Return of surplus store or equipment reserved to the Store on Store Return Warrant Maintenance of numerical Account for T&P Maintenance of Equipment Removal Register Delegation of Financial Power 24 22 23 24 Definitions Section XVI Works and T&P Financial Power regarding Technical sanction of works other than construction of Residential Buildings, Placing of work orders for repair / overhauling of T&P, Vehicle & Light machinery without inviting tender / quotations. Administrative Approval & Technical sanction of repair / overhauling of TAP, vehicle & Light machinery. Local Purchase Financial Powers regarding: - Local Purchase of Store, Instrument & T&P without inviting quotations in emergency. Contingent Expenditures Financial Powers regarding: = Purchase of Stationery articles - Purchase and repair of drawing & service instrument, furniture & office equipment, space heaters, coolers, air conditioning plant. z Hiring of office furniture - Expenditure of carriage of official record / property and hiring of transport in emergency s Electricity, water charges, duties & Taxes = Purchase of Service postage stamps - Hot & cold weather charges a Purchase of newspapers = Charges for remittance of Pay & Allowances of establishment by money orders. - Expenditure on binding work ater aster (tea) Tecra Savpk wands Bones. Lebeer 17 2.5 — Electricity Bills etc. Financial Powers regarding: 28 * Payment under court orders - Refund of deposits - Suspension of recovery of electricity bills a Installments of electricity bills * Extension in due date of electricity bills = Rediification of electricity bills - Recovery of electricity dues outstanding against previous consumers = Waver of surcharge Financial Powers regarding Budget - Purchase of petrol, motor oil and lubricants etc. 3.1. Introduction Budget Planning directive from the Authority The budget holder & the principal budget holder General Rules for preparation of the budget Draft budget objectives in accordance with the policy of the Authority The operating plan of the year Activity-wise preparation of budget keeping in view the objectives & the operating plan The statement of policy 3.2 Budget Preparation & Completion Preparation of budget by each budget holder in accordance with the time table & instructions The purchase of each budget form The purpose of each budget form General description of what the form contains How the budget formats are prepared Submission of budget to the principal budget holder Checking of entries on the budget formats 3.3 Budgetary Control Phasing the income & expenditure over each accounting period Explanation for variances by the budget holder to the principal budget holder Correctives action in respect of vatiances Budgeting sale of energy, line losses & losses & other income Budgetary control over procurement & usage of material Phasing the budgeted cash flow Review of uncommitted balances by the budget holder before making any further commitment Maintenance of commitment record f - Material drawn fem store - Material purchased direct (Chiet Bagincer CAMS) Thermo PAPDA Wied Hou. Ladon 4 4. WAPDA Disposal Procedure - Preparation of disposal reports for dismantled / unserviceable material / ‘equipment / vehicle 5. Executive of Works = Preparation of estimates - Carrying out of work departmentally and through contractor - _Incurring expenditure anticipation of funds and sanctioned estimates * Completion Report i Initial record of works account - Measurement books and authorization of recording detailed measurement - Verification of contractors / supplier's bills oe Deposit works and deposits for works to be done a Securities 7 Facilities of work charged establishment - Issue of Material / advances to contractors for works PART-II Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part-ll will be 50% Objective and 50% Subjective. At least one Question should be from Technical Common Section and two Questions from Technical Specific Section. TECHNICAL(COMMON)SECTION 1 Introduction - Electric circuits - Electric current - Electric pressure - Electric power - Electric energy - Electric resistance - Electric insulation - Load Factor - Demand Factor - Diversity Factor - Power Factor 2. Electric Circuit Theory ~ D.C. - Ohm's Law - Power Relationship - Resistance in series - Resistance in Parallel - Resistance in series — parallel 3. Electric Circuit Theory ~ A.C. - Alternating current - Resistance in A.C. circuit * Inductance in series - Capacitance in A.C. circuit - Power in A.C. circuits < Energy flow in A.C. circuits m 49 Ghat Engineer (963) Therma, APDA Wipds Hous Likes 4. Electric Units (Definitions) Volts Amperes KW. KVA KVAR KWH KVARH , 5. Transformers Construction (Principle & Type) Loading of Transformers (Balancing, Rating, Cooling & Fusing) Fixing of Transformers (Protection & Earthing) Testing 6. Switches / Circuits Breakers Gang Operated Switches (GOS, No Load & on Load) Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) Application & Isolators Maintenance Auto Reclosers Bulk oil / Minimum Oil, Circuit Breakers SF 6 (Gas Circuit Breaker) 7. Lightening Arrestors Application Rating Location TECHNICAL(SPECIFIC) SECTION Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject, which they opt out of the following subject Le. ELECTRICAL GENE RATOR Main components and their functions. Principles of Active & Reactive Power Control and performance curve of a synchronous generator Heat Run Test of generators High Voltage Tests of Stator & Rotor Windings “Capacitance & Dissipation Factor’ Test Insulation Resistance Test of Stator & Rotor Winding Generator cooling system Hydrogen sealing system Fire Extinguishing System for Generator Fault localization in case of fault in Stator Windings and Rotor Pole etc Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Generator and its schedule Monthly, annual and major overhaul check/Tests. TRANSFORMERS Transformers Types & Construction be Chie! Bagtocar (MMS) Trerma: WAPDA, Weods House, Caton - Specifications of Transformers, vector groups, type of cooling, tap changer Breathing System. - Fault localization in case of faults in Transformer Winding, Insulation failure ete. + Buchholz Protection, gas analysis and its role in fault analysis - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of transformers and transformer oil and its schedule EXCITER - Introductions, different types(static & Rotary) - Principle & conversion of Static rotary Excitation System - _ Funsiions of the Automatic Voltage Reguiator = Sequence of synchronization of unit POWER HOUSE PROTECTION = Principles and schemes of various protections for Generator and Transformers in a Hydro Power Plant. - Bus Bar Protections, various types and their operation = Role of Current Transformers in Protection System. CIRCUIT BREAKERS - Principles of Circuit Interruption - Classification of breakers based on medium for Arc Interruption - Specifications of Circuit Breakers (11 KV, 132 KV, 220 KV 500 KV) - Advantages of SF6 type Circuit Breakers over other types - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Circuit Breakers and its schedule, EARTHING ificance of Earthing and various Earthing methods. - _, Generator & Transformer Neutral Earthing - Disadvantages of ungrounded system. - Testing of Earthing Systems - OTS and lighting arresiors, their rating and locations STORAGE BATTERIES - Significance of a battery system for a power plant. - Consideration in maintenance of battery system weekly / monthly schedules - Defects and remedies INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS - General purpose of instrument transformers - Capacitive Coupling Voltage Transformers Working Principle - Various Tests on Instrument Transformers MECHANICAL TECHNICAL General - Basic principal of steam, Gas and combined cycle Power Plants. - Single line diagram of steam, Gas and combined cycle power plants. - Starting / Stopping sequence of operation of steam, gas and combined cycle power plants, Turbines - ‘Types of Turbine, Turbines used in steam, Gas and Combined Cycle Units. - Daily, weekly, Monthly, Annual and Major overhaul checks/ Tests of Turbines, - Turbines protections. Specifications of different types fuels. (e.g Coal, Furnace Oil, HSD & Gas) Fuel cycles from storage to burners in Boiler, combustion chamber and HRSG. - Types and construction of Boiler. - Main components of Boiler & their function. - Procedure for staring & shut down of Boiter. - Boiler preservation. - Air Flow System. - | Flow Gas System. - Forced, Induced and Balanced draft Boilers. - Boiler protection and their functions. - Routine & special Maintenance of combustion chamber - Construction and working of following boiler allies ° Clarifier o LD./F Dfans © Regenerative Air leater(RAI) © Economizer, Super heater , Boiler Drum, Water Tubes © Burner Tilting Mechanism Combustion Chamber - Construction and main components of combustion - Routine & Special Maintenance of combustion chamber. + Types and Construction of HRSG. + Main components of HRSG and their functions, - Routine & special Maintenance of HRSG. Single line diagram of different cycles - Steam Cycle. - Condensate Cycle. - Feed Water Cycle. = Fuel Cycle > Air Cycle. - Flue Gas System. - Steam BleadingSystem. = Sealing Steam System. + Oil Lubricating System - Generator Hydrogen Cooling System. - Raw Water System. fort set eager (HOA Tra eek wees: teem: tater 62 Auxiliary of Steam Power Plant Condenser. - Types. construction & working principle - Condenser protection, condenser cleaning. Feed Pump. - Types of feed pump, construction and working principal - Feed pump starting & stopping operation Turning Gear - Construction & working principal. HP & LP HEATERS Construction & working principal WATER Treatment Plant - Construction & working principle. Steam Traps - Construction & working principle. I umps = Types of Pump - Construction & working principle. Valves ~ Types of Valves - Construction & working principle. Cooling Tower. - Types of Valves - Construction & working principle Bearings - Types. Construction & working principle Diesel Generator. - , Types, Construction & working principle Instrumentation & control - Pressure measurement - Temperature measurement - Flow measurement - Frequency meter - Volt, Ampere Meter. my hiet Bezincer (uta) Theme WAPDA. Meads Howse, Labor 53 PART REVISED SYLLABUS — 2017 _ DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM UPPER TECHNICAL SUBORDINATE STAFF (UTSS) HYDEL GENERATION TO JUNIOR ENGINEER BPS-13/16 TO 17 PAPER-A ‘The Paper will be 50% objective and 50% Descriptive. Passing in both Parts is mandatory. 1 Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part-I will be 50% Objective and 50%. Subjective part should at least cover one question from each section MANAGEMENT SECTION WAPDA Act, 1958 > All'Sections Land Acquisition Act 1894 =’ Section 3 - Section 4 - Section § - Section 6 - Section 7 = Seetion 17 Pakistan Essention Services Maintenance Act, 1952 - AllSections Payment of Wages Act, 1936 - All Sections (including instructions of the Authority on the above subject not being in contradiction of the ActiLaws in force), Rules & Regulations - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (E&D) Rules, 1978. - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978 = Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of Individuals, 1982 - Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees, 1982 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees Medical Attendance Rules, 1979 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Treatment of Chronically Sick Persons) Rules, 1967 = Rules regarding the Grant of Advances for the Purchase of Motor Car / Motor Cyole / Scooter / Cycle, 1962 - Pakistan WAPDA Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Construction / Purchase of Houses / Plots, 1967 - Pakistan WAPDA TA Rules, 1982 - __NEPRA Rules & Regulations 54 6. > New Technologies around the Globe - Computer (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, MS Word and MS Office: Characteristic of Computer, Types of Computer, Computer Hardware and Software, Types of Memory and Functions, Operating System, Input / Output and Storage Devices, Types of Computer Languages, Programming and Functions of ‘Compiler, Main Features of Utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, “Internet, E-Mail & Computer Virus. GENERAL SECTION WAPDA Current Five Year Plan - Power Section Safety Code 2.4 Use of Safety Equipment 2.2 Testing of Protection Equipment - Rubber Gloves - Visual Test - — AirTest Boots Protective Hat - Insulating Plier Safety Belt 2.3 Safety Procedure for working on live / dead: - Over-Head Lines - _ Under-ground cables = Equipment 24 Switching Procedure - PTW = Danger Notice - Caution Notice - Procedure of making the line de-energized - Testing the lines 25 Earthing - Installing earths on lines & equipment - Removing earths from lines & equipment 26 Electric Shock Treatment = Mouth to mouth resuscitation - Back pressure - Arms Lift - Role top resuscitation - Rescuing the victim electric contact 27 — Eire Protection - Explanation for the fire protection scheme for generators, transformers and cable tunnel. Function of the emnulsi fire diesel engine. Checking of air and water pressure for Transformers Fire Protection Control. ACCOUNTS SECTION Accounts 1.4 imprest 7 = Receipt of temporary advance = Authorization of payment vouchers - Checking of imprest Cash Account Verification of Cash Balance 12 Pay - Preparation of pay roll (Sectionalized) = Submission of pay roll to the XEN for approval = Disbursement of pay to the employees = Submission of un-claimed salaries book & un: XEN's office - Payment to the claimant subsequently 1.3. Store Accounting - Procurement of store for connection and maintenance System of Store Requisition & ite authorization - Submission of Store Requisition to the XEN for approval - Electrical Measurement Book and site Account Register 2 consumption ledger - Service connection order = Return of surplus store or equipment reserved to the Store on Store Return Warrant = Maintenance of numerical Account for T&P = Maintenance of Equipment Removal Register Delegation of Financial Power 24 Definitions - Section XVI 22 Works and T&P Financial Power regarding - Technical sanction of works other than construction of Residential Buildings. - Placing of work orders for repair / overhauling of T&P, Vehicle & Light Machinery without inviting tender / quotations. = Administrative Approval & Technical sanction of repair / overhauling of TAP, vehicle & Light machinery. 23 Local Purchase Financial Powers regarding - Local Purchase of Store, Instrument & T&P without inviting quotations in emergency, 66 2.4 Contingent Expenditures . Financial Powers regarding: - Purchase of Stationery articles - Purchase and repair of drawing & service instrument, furniture & office equipment, space heaters, coolers, air conditioning plant. - Hiring of office furniture - Expenditure of carriage of official record J property and hiring of transport in emergency - Electricity, water charges, duties & Taxes - Purchase of Service postage stamps = Hot & cold weather charges - Purchase of newspapers - Charges for remittance of Pay & Allowances of establishment by money orders. - Expenditure on binding work 25 * Financial Powers regarding: Purchase of petrol, motor oil and lubricants etc. Budget 3.1. Introduction - Budget Planning directive from the Authority - The budget holder & the principal budget holder = General Rules for preparation of the budget - Draft budget objectives in accordance with the policy of the Authority - The operating plan of the year - Activity-wise preparation of budget keeping in view the objectives & the operating plan - The statement of policy 32 Budget Preparation & Completion - Preparation of budget by each budget holder in accordance with the time table & instructions - The purchase of each budget form - The purpose of each budget form = General description of what the form contains - How the budget formats are prepared - Submission of budget to the principal budget holder - Checking of entries on the budget formats WAPDA Disposal Pr - Preparation of disposal reports for dismantled / unserviceable material / equipment / vehicle Executive of Works - Preparation of estimates - Carrying out of work departmentally and through contractor =‘ Incurring expenditure anticipation of funds and sanctioned estimates = Completion Report - Initial record of works account ae 57 - Measurement books and authorization of recording detailed measurement - Verification of contractors / supplier's bills - Deposit works and deposits for works to be done - + Securities - Facilities of work charged establishment = Issue of Material / advances to contractors for works PART-II é Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part-il will be 50% Objective and 50% Subjective. At least one Question should be from Technical Common Section and two Questions from Technical Specific Section. TECHNICAL(COMMON)SECTION 1. Introduction - Electric circuits Electric current Electric pressure - + Electric power Electric energy Electric resistance Electric insulation Load Factor Demand Factor Diversity Factor Power Factor 2. Electric Circuit Theory — D.C. - Ohm's Law = Power Relationship - Resistance in series = Resistance in Paralle! - Resistance in series ~ parallel 3. Electric Circuit Theory — A.C. - Alternating current - Resistance in A.C. circuit - Inductance in series - Capacitance in A.C. circuit - Power in AC. circuits - Energy flow in A.C. circuits 4. Electric Units (Definitions) - Volts = Amperes - KW. - KA - KVAR - KWH = _KVARH 58 5. Transformers Construction (Principle & Type) Loading of Transformers (Balancing, Rating, Cooling & Fusing) Fixing of Transformers (Protection & Earthing) Testing 6. Switches / Circuits Breakers Gang Operated Switches (GOS, No Load & on Load) | Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) Application & Isolators Maintenance Auto Reclosers Bulk oil / Minimum Oil, Circuit Breakers SF 6 (Gas Circuit Breaker) 7. Lightening Arrestors Application Rating Location TECHNICAL(SPECIFIC) SECTION Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject, which they opt ‘ut of the following subject ie. ELECTRICAL GENERATOR DESIGN OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Generator main components and their functions, Principles of Active & Reactive Power Control and performance curve of a synchronous generator Heat Run Test of generators High Voltage Tests of Stator & Rotor Windings “Capacitance & Dissipation Factor” Test insulation Resistance Test of Stator & Rotor Winding insolated Phase Bus Ducts, operating system ' Fire Extinguishing System for Generator Fault localization in case of fault in Stator Windings and Rotor Pole etc Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Generator and its schedule Monthly, annual and major overhaul check/Test. TRANSFORMERS Types & Construction Specifications of Transformers, vector groups, type of cooling, tap changer Breathing System. Brief description of Commissioning Tests and Special Field Tests Fault localization in case of faults in Transformer Winding, Insulation failure etc. Buchholz Protection, gas analysis and its role in fault analysis Preventive Maintenance check / tests of transformers and transformer oll and its schedule 59 EXCITER - Different types(static & Rotary) - Principle & construction of Static! rotary Excitation System - _, Functions of the Automatic Voltage Regulator POWER HOUSE PROTECTION - Principles and schemes of various protections for Generator and Transformers in a Hydro Power Plant - Bus Bar Protections, various types and their operation - Role of Current Transformers in Protection System. CIRCUIT BREAKERS - Principles of Circuit Interruption - Classification of breakers based on medium for Arc Interruption = Specifications of Circuit Breakers (11 KV, 132 KV, 220 KV 500 KV) - Advantages of SF6 type Circuit Breakers over other types - Preventive Maintenance check / tests of Circuit Breakers and its schedule. EARTHING = Significance of Earthing and various Earthing methods. - Generator & Transformer Neutral Earthing - Disadvantages of ungrounded system. - Testing of Earthing Systems - OTS and lightning arrestors, their rating and locations STORAGE BATTERIES - Significance of a battery system for a power plant. - Consideration in maintenance of battery system weekly / monthly schedules - Defects and remedies INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, - General purpose of instrument transformers - Capacitive Coupling Voltage Transformers Working Principle - ‘Various Tests on Instrument Transformers. MECHANICAL TYPES OF HYDRO POWER - Run off River Plants - Peaking plants (daily storage) - Seasonal/Pump Storage Hydro Power Plants - Large Dam Hydro Power Plants HYDRAULIC TURBINES - Types of Turbines and classification according to head - Criteria for selection of turbine with reference to available head - Components of Francis Pelton and Kaplan Turbines - _ Cavitations phenomenon, its effects and remedies - + Preventive Maintenance checks / tests and schedule 60 ACCESSORIES / AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT = Spillways - Intake structure ~ Diesel Generator set operation & Maintenance ~ Fire Extinguishing Methods in Power House = Bumps of various kinds and their applications in Hydel Stalions ~ Cranes of various types and their applications. FRANCIS, KAPLAN AND PELTON TURBINES & THEIR PARTS - Working principal - Types & adventages Major parts and description = Cooling, Lubrication & Governing system etc. | Monthiy, Annual and Major overhaul schedules of different equipment. TRASH RACK CLEANING MACHINES - Purpose - Types & advantages = Working principal = Maintenance & overhauling TERMINOLOGIES USED FOR POWER STATION - Plant Factor - Availability Factor - Load Factor - Plant Utilization Factor - Power Factor - Capacity Factor REVISED SYLLABUS — 2017 DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION FROM UPPER TECHNICAL SUBORDINATE STAFF (UTSS) B-TECH (HONORS) NON GENERATION TO JR.ENGINEER BPS-13/16 TO 17 PAPER-A - The Paper will be 50% objective and 50% Descriptive, - Passing in both Parts is mandatory. PART -1 Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part will be 50% Objective and 50% Subjective. Subjective part should at least cover one question from each section MANAGEMENT SECTION 1. WAPDA Act, 1958 All Sections 2. Electricity Act, 1918 All Sections 3. Electricity Rules, 1937 - All Sections 4. Industrial Relations Ordinance 1989 = Section 15 - Section 16 - Section 125-A > Section 28 = Section 40 5. Land Acquisition Act 1894 = Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5 - Section 6 - , Section 7 - Section 17 6. Pakistan Essention Services Maintenance Act, 1952 - All Sections 7. Payment of Wages Act, 1938 - All Sections (including instructions of the Authority on the above subject not being in contradiction of the Act/Laws in forca) 8 Rules & Regulations ie Pakistan WAPDA Employees (E&D) Rules, 1978. - Pakistan WAPDA Empioyees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1978 - Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses sustained by the Authority through Fraud or Negligence of Individuale, 1082 62 = Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees, 1982 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees Medical Attendance Rules, 1979 - Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Treaiment of Chronically Sick Persons) Rules, 1967 - Rules regarding the Grant of Advances for the Purchase of Motor Car / Motor Cycle / Scooter / Cycle, 1962 - Pakistan WAPDA Rules Regulating the Grant of Advances for the Construction / Purchase of Houses / Plots, 1967. - Pakistan WAPDA TA Rules, 1982 é NEPRA Rules & Regulations New Technologies around the Globe - Computer (Information Technology) Introduction to Computer System, MS Word and MS Office: Characteristic of Computer, Types of Computer, Computer Hardware and Software, Types of Memory and Funetions, Operating System, Input/Output and Storage Devices, Types of Computer Languages, Programming and Functions of Compiler, Main Features of Utility of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Intemet, E-Mail & Computer Virus. GENERAL SECTION WAPDA New Commercial Procedure - Complete Electricity Pranoh Manual of Order - Chapter-VIll; Lega! matters, Electricity Operation Branch Schedule of Tarrif & Complete WAPDA Current Five Year Plan - Power Section Safety Code 54 Use of Safety Equipment 5.2 Testing of Protection Equipment = Rubber Gloves. - Visual Test % Air Test * Boots - Protective Hat = Insulating Plier <= Safety Belt 5.3 Safety Procedure for working on live / dead: é - Over-Head Lines - Under-ground cables 3) = Eknipmient BO, 54 Switching Procedure oo ve - PTW eG = é Danger Notice 7 Caution Notice - Procedure of making the line de-eneraized - Testing the lines 55 Earthing - Installing earths on lines & equipment = Removing,earths from lines & equipment 5.6 Electric Shock Treatment = Mouth to mouth resuscitation - Back pressure - Arms Lift - Role top resuscitation - Rescuing the victim electric contact 5.7 Fire Protection - Explanation for the fire protection scheme for generators, transformers and cable tunnel. Function of the ernulsi fire diese! engine. Checking of Air and Water Pressure for transformers fire protection control. Duties of Sub Divisional Officer - Administrative = Technical ACCOUNTS SECTION Accounts 11 Imprest = Receipt of temporary advance - Authorization of payment vouchers = Checking of imprest Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance 1.2 Misc: Receipts Accounting - Authorization of Receipts - Checking of Misc: Receipt Cash Account - Verification of Cash Balance - Transfer of money collected to the Divisional Officer 1.3. Capital Receipts (Demand Notices) Authorization of Demand Notices Cheoking of Demand Notices Register Receipt of scrolls from the concerned Bank Submission of list of paid demand notices to XEN Preparation of pay roll (Sectionalized) Submission of pay roll to the XEN for approval Receipt of cheque from the XEN & endorsement to bank for drawl of cash 20 Disbursement of pay to the employees eEPCO, oo 6A 2.41 Definitions Submission of un-claimed salaries book & un-disbursed cash to the XEN's office Payment to the claimant subsequently 15 Store Accounting Procurement of store for connection and maintenance ‘System of Store Requisition & its authorization Submission of Store Requisition to the XEN for approval Electrical’ Measurement Book and site Account Register or consumption ledger Service connection order Return of surplus store or equipment reserved to the Store on Store Return Warrant Maintenance of numerical Account for T&P Maintenance of Equipment Removal Register 2 Delegation of Financial Power Section XVI 2.2 Works and T&P Financial Power regarding Technical sanction of works other than construction of Residential Buildings. Placing of work orders for repair / overhauling of T&P, Vehicle & Light machinery without inviting tender / quotations. Administrative Approval & Technical sanction of repair / overhauling of T&P, vehicle & Light machinery. 23 Local Purchase Financial Powers regarding: Local Purchase of Store, Instrument & T&P without inviting quotations in emergency. 2.4 Contingent Expenditures Financial Powers regarding Purchase of Stationery articles Purchase and repair of drawing & service instrument, furniture & office equipment, space heaters, coolers, air conditioning plant. Hiring of office furniture Expenditure of carriage of official record / property and hiring of transport in emergency Electricity, water charges, dutios & Taxes Purchase of Service postage stamps Hot & cold weather charges Purchase of newspapers Charges for remittance of Pay & Allowances of establishment by money orders. Expenditure on binding work 65 25 Electricity Bills ete. Financial Powers regarding: - Payment under court orders - Refund of deposits - Suspension of recovery of electri - Installments of electricity bills - Extension in due date of electricity bills = Rettification of electricity bills, - Recovery of electricity dues outstanding against previous consumers - Waver of surcharge ty bills 26 PO. Financial Powers regarding: = Purchase of petrol, motor oll and lubricants etc. Budget 3.1 Introduction - Budget Planning directive from the Authority - The budget holder & the principal budget holder - General Rules for preparation of the budget - Draft budget objectives in accordance with the policy of the Authority - The operating plan of the vear - _ Aativity-wise preparation of budget keeping in view the objectives & the operating plan - The statement of policy 3.2 Budget Preparation & Completion - Preparation of budget by each budget holder in accordance with the time table & instructions - The purchase of each budget form - The purpose of each budget form - General description of what the form contains - How the budget formats are prepared - Submission of budget to the principal budget holder = Checking of entries on the budget formats 3.3 Budgetary Control - Phasing the income & expenditure over each accounting period - Explanation for variances by the budget holder to the principal budget holder Z Correctives action in respect of variances * Budgeting sale of energy, line losses & losses & other income - Budgetary control over procurement & usage of material - Phasing the budgeted cash fiow - Review of uncommitted balances by the budget holder before making any further commitment s Maintenance of commitment record for: + Material drawn form store - Material purchased direct 66 4. WAPDA Disposal Procedure @ - Preparation of disposal reports for dismantled / unserviceable material / equipment / vehicle 5. Executive of Works - Preparation of estimates = Carrying out of work departmentally and through contractor = Incurring expenditure anticipation of funds and sanctioned estimates = Completion Report - Initial record of works account - Measurement books and authorization of recording detailed measurement - Verification of contractors / suppliers bills - Deposit works and deposits for works to be done = Securities - Facilities of work charged establishment - Issue of Material / advances to contractors for works PART-II Total Marks = 50 Pass Marks = 50% Part-ll will be 50% Objective and 50% Subjective. At least one Question should be from Technical Common Section and two Questions from Technical Specific Section. TECHNICAL (COMMON) SECTION 1. Introduction - Electric circuits - Electric current - Electric pressure - Electric power - Electric energy - Electric resistance = Electric insulation - Load Factor - Demand Factor - Diversity Factor - Power Factor 2. Electric Circuit Theory ~ D.C. - Ohm's Law s Power Relationship - Resistance in series - Resistance in Parallel - Resistance in series — parallel 3. Electric Circuit Theory — A.C. = Alternating current - Resistance in A.C. circuit - Inductance in series 028) = Capacitance in AC. circuit io AGE POO, = Power in A.C. circuits pate or HOY OM Energy flow in A.C. circuits Dues 9 se Nt 00 UN PS x B Electric Units (Definitions) - Volts - Amperes - KW. - KVA > KVAR - KWH KVARH ij Transformers - Construction (Principle & Type) - Loading of Transformers (Balancing, Rating, Cooling & Fusing) * Fixing of Transformers (Protection & Earthing) a Testing Switches / ‘cuits Breakers + Gang Operated Switches (GOS, No Load & on Load) = Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) Application & + Isolators Maintenance - Auto Reclosers - Bulk oil / Minimum Oil, Circuit Breakers - SF 6 (Gas Circuit Breaker) Lightening Arrestors - Application - Rating - Location TECHNICAL(SPECIFIC) SECTION Candidates will be tested for specific technical knowledge of the subject, which they opt Out of the following subject i.e. A 1 ‘pire’ Net ous: DISTRIBUTION Distribution System Network - Radial = Ring Main * Interconnected Distrit System Design - Voltage Drop Calculations (from SLD of feeder) - Determination of conductor size ms Load Estimation (Connected Load & Mas: Demand) =, Methods of Voltage Improvement = Calculation of Energy Consumption - Calculation of Line Losses = Caleulation of Sag. - Brief Description of S.0.1 .8) __ Preparation of drawing on suitable scale for installing HT/LT Line and service {ano a

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