0105 HAssignment

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05 Honors - Bone Markings (20 Points)

Directions: Part 1 – Do THREE of the palpation exercises below. Delete the choices you don’t use. Then answer the reflection
questions with complete sentences. Part 2 – Complete the bone activity and answer the questions. Part 3- Fill in the table with
the correct information

Part 1 (5 Points)

Palpation Exercises

Choice #1: Patella and Tibial Tuberosity: Sit on a stable surface so that your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Use your
fingers to feel the front of your kneecap. The patella is a round bone that is suspended in the quadriceps tendon (muscles on the
front of your thigh) and patellar tendon. Palpate around all borders. Follow the inferior patellar ligament to the tibial tuberosity.
This is the large round projection found at the superior end of your tibia.

Choice #2: Medial and Lateral Condyles of Femur and Tibia: Move your fingers from the patella inferiorly on the medial (and
then the lateral) knee surface. You will feel the femoral condyle first, then the tibial condyle.

Choice #3: Spine of the Scapula: Facing your partner's back, have him extend his arm out to the side. As the shoulder joint is
moved, you should see a spreading of the scapula on the rib cage. With arms extended, palpate the surface of the scapula.
There will be an indentation at the superior and inferior halves of the bone. These indentations are the supraspinatous fossa and
infraspinatous fossa. You will also be able to feel the horizontal ridge of bone called the scapular spine.

Choice #4: Olecranon Process of the Ulna: With your arm in a relaxed position and enough space for full range of motion, flex
and extend the elbow as you palpate its dorsal aspect. Feel the olecranon process of the ulna. This is the large, curved, bony
prominence that hooks around the olecranon fossa of the humerus to form the elbow joint.

Choice #5: Surface of the Clavicle: Standing with one of your arms relaxed at your side, palpate the clavicle along its entire
length from sternum to shoulder. The clavicle runs horizontally at the upper and anterior part of the thorax, just above the first rib.
Although this is a curved bone, you will feel that the surface contains both smooth areas and areas with impressions where
muscle attaches.

Choice #6: Lateral and Medial Malleolus: The malleolus is the bony prominence on each side of the ankle. The medial
malleolus is the prominent bone on the inner side of the ankle. It is formed by the lower end of the tibia. The lateral malleolus is
the prominent bone on the outer side of the ankle. It is formed by the lower end of the fibula.
Part 1

1. What structures did you choose to palpate?

The boundaries of the patella

2. Describe how you knew you found the bone markings?

I realized I had tracked down the various boundaries of the patella by checking out at a model of the
leg. I saw how the various ligaments and muscles connect to the patella and felt them myself.

3. Which structure was the easiest for you to palpate and which was the most challenging? Why?

The boundaries of the patella was the simplest to touch since it was the least demanding to find.
Part 2 (5 Points)

Human Arm Activity

Build a human arm by dragging the bones into formation. Finally, label the bones and FOUR bone markings that you notice.

Bone and socket bone Radius fits on the lateral

side of the carpals Carpals are at the start
of the hand
humerus radius carpals

ulna Phalanges are the fingers.
metacarpals You can tell the difference
between them all by
Identify 5 Bone Markings Is This Bone Marking A What Are Some Example Of A Bone
From The Lesson Projection, Depression, Functions Associated Where This Marking Is
Or Opening? With This Marking? Found?

Condyle Projection Gliding movement Femur

Ramus Projection Joint that opens and Pelvis

closes mouth

Sulcus Depression serve as channels Humerus

Fossa Depression joints Pelvis

Foramen Opening holes for Skull

blood vessels,
ligaments, or nerves to

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