Analytic Rubric
Analytic Rubric
Analytic Rubric
Evangelista, Cj A.
The performance shows no The performance shows a developing The performance shows proficient The performance shows exceptional
Work in understanding of working in a team understanding of working in a team understanding of working in a team understanding of working in a team
team Environment. Environment. environment. Environment.
Occupational Not following safety procedure. The safety procedures somewhat The safety procedures performed and The safety procedures are well performed and
Health and performed. followed. followed thoroughly.
mensuration The work doesn’t obtain proper The work acquired some proper The work obtained proper mensuration The work gained accurate performance in
and mensuration and calculations. mensuration and calculations. and calculations. mensuration and calculations.
Maintain The learner not know how to The learner shows a bit understanding The learner shows proficient The learner shows Highly maintained tools and
tools and maintain a tool and equipment. of maintaining tools and equipment. understanding of maintaining tools and equipment.
equipment equipment.
Technical Do not know how to interpret a Knows the basic information about Knows the different symbols and Outstanding in interpreting all aspects/
Drawings technical drawings and plans technical drawings and plans interpretation of technical drawings and features in technical drawing and plans
and Plans plans