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College of Computing and Informatics

IT Security and Policies


Deadline: Tuesday 8/11/2022 @ 23:59
[Total Mark is 14]
Student Details: CRN:
Name: ID:
Name: ID:
Name: ID:
Name: ID:


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You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
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Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.
Pg. 1 Question OneQuestion One

Project Description and Instructions

 In this project, every group of students is required to apply the knowledge gained
throughout the course by choosing any organization/company, profit or non-
profit. Carefully read and study the organization's culture, information security
strategy, policies, and practices. Based on your study and observation, answer
the required questions.

 The work on this project must be performed by a group (minimum 3 and a

maximum of 4 students).  

 The leader of each group must send an email with the group member's
details (name, id) before 6/10/2022 (midnight), and the group leader must submit
the project with all group member details mentioned on the cover page.

 You are required to cite the resources and references.

 The work should be your own. Copying from students or other resources will
result in ZERO marks.

 You are advised to make your work clear and well presented; marks may be
reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling in your information on the
cover page.

 You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image
unless specified otherwise by the question.

 Late submission will result in ZERO marks being given.

 Use Times New Roman font with font size 12.

Pg. 2 Question OneQuestion One
Pg. 3 Question OneQuestion One

Learning 2 Marks
Question One
 Identify a shared attitude, values, goals, or practices that
networking and characterize the culture of the chosen organization/company.
security, security  Is your chosen organization currently ISO 27001 certified? If does
issues, trends,
and security not, write in your own words how an organization achieves ISO
resource 27001 certification.

Analyze problems
related to the field
of Security and


Develop security
policies and put in
place an effective
architecture that
modern hardware
and software
technologies and
Pg. 4 Question OneQuestion One

Learning 2 Marks
Question Two
 What are the information security policies that relate to protecting
networking and the CIA of the organization's information assets (Note: information
security, security assets include both software and hardware assets)?
issues, trends,
and security
 Determine which ISO 27002:2013 domains and sections should
resource apply to these information security policies.


Develop security
policies and put in
place an effective
architecture that
modern hardware
and software
technologies and
Pg. 5 Question OneQuestion One

Learning 6 Marks
Question Three
Conduct a risk assessment using any risk assessment tool of your choice
Analyze problems (you may use the "smart sheet" tool), and fill the following Tables.
related to the field
of Security and Assets Threats Vulnerabilities Risk

a. Risk assessment (at least two assets): (2 marks)

b. Risk Matrix (at least two threats for each asset): (4 marks)

Threats Potential Financial Risk Risk Risk level

area of impact severity likelihood
Pg. 6 Question OneQuestion One
Pg. 7 Question OneQuestion One

Learning 2 Marks
Question Four
Locate a copy of the Acceptable Use Agreement (or an equivalent
Develop security document). Read and write a critique of the agreement by answering the
policies and put in following questions:
place an effective
a. Explain which activities are prohibited or encouraged? (0.25
architecture that
modern hardware
and software
b. How does it encourage users to be security conscious? (0.25
technologies and mark)

c. What is the sanction policy? (0.25 mark)

d. Does it clearly explain the employee expectation of privacy?

Clarify your answer. (0.25 mark)

e. Go back to Chapter 2, “Policy Elements and Style,” and review

the sections on using “plain language”. Edit the agreement
document so that it conforms with plain language guidelines. (1
Pg. 8 Question OneQuestion One

Learning 2 Marks
Question Five
Identify at least two examples of the organization security awareness
Develop security reminder/program. In your opinion, is the reminder effective? Explain
policies and put in
why or why not.
place an effective
architecture that
modern hardware
and software
technologies and


processes to
implement and
enforce policy

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