Trampuz 2003
Trampuz 2003
Trampuz 2003
The majority of patients with prosthetic joint re- joint infection. In the research setting, detection
placement (arthroplasty) experience dramatic of 16S ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid by poly-
relief of pain and restoration of satisfactory joint merase chain reaction has been used in the mo-
function. In the United States, more than .5 mil- lecular diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection.
lion people have a primary arthroplasty each Various antibiofilm strategies directed at dis-
year. Less than 10% of prosthesis recipients ruption of adherent bacteria are the focus of in-
have complications develop during their life- tense research to improve the detection of
time, commonly as a result of aseptic biome- biofilm organisms and their eradication. In this
chanical failure, followed by prosthetic joint in- article, molecular and antibiofilm approaches to
fection. The pathogenesis of prosthetic joint prosthetic joint infection are reviewed.
infection is related to bacteria in biofilms, in
which they are protected from antimicrobial
killing and host responses rendering these infec- Prosthetic joint implantation has greatly im-
tions difficult to eradicate. Current microbiology proved the quality of life for many individu-
laboratory methods for diagnosis of prosthetic
als.48 Enthusiasm about the results of arthro-
joint infection depend on isolation of a pathogen
by culture. However, these methods have neither
plasty in elderly patients has led to gradual
ideal sensitivity nor ideal specificity. Therefore, expansion of indications for arthroplasty, such
culture-independent molecular methods have that selected relatively young, active patients
been used to improve the diagnosis of prosthetic now receive total joint replacements. In the
United States, more than 500,000 primary
arthroplasties are done annually and more than
From the *Division of Infectious Diseases, Department 1.3 million people live with an artificial
of Internal Medicine; the **Division of Clinical Micro- joint.36 Total joint replacement is one of the
biology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathol- most successful operations currently avail-
ogy; and the †Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN. able; less than 10% of patients have complica-
Supported by the Mayo Foundation, the Minnesota Chap- tions develop during their lifetime for which
ter of the Arthritis Foundation and the Swiss National they require revision surgery.85 Aseptic bio-
Science Foundation grant Number BS81-64248. mechanical loosening is the most common
Reprint requests to Robin Patel, MD, Division of Infec- cause of prosthetic joint failure, followed by
tious Diseases, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. S.W.,
Rochester, MN 55905. Phone: 507-255-6482; Fax: 507- prosthetic joint infection. Although prosthetic
255-7767; E-mail: [email protected]. joint infection compromises the result in few
DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000087324.60612.93 implant recipients, the economic impact, the
Clinical Orthopaedics
70 Trampuz et al and Related Research
morbidity, and the emotional trauma of pros- by its material and design (ceramic, stainless
thetic joint infection is immense and devastat- steel, Ti, Ti alloy), technical aspects of device
ing to the patient and society. The diagnosis implantation (cementing, creation of a porous
and the antimicrobial and surgical treatment of implant surface or HA cover for stimulating
prosthetic joint infection is complex, and the bone apposition), antiadhesive implant coating
recovery is arduous and prolonged.77 (antiseptic or bioactive surface properties),
It would be ideal to diagnose prosthetic joint quality of host bone, and extent of patient activ-
infection reliably preoperatively to enable ap- ity.5 Long-term implant stability depends
propriate surgical treatment and initial choice mainly on good initial fixation (osseointegra-
of systemic antimicrobial agents and locally de- tion) and factors maintaining sufficient local
livered antimicrobial agents in PMMA beads or bone density around the prosthesis, which is the
spacers. The suspicion of prosthetic joint infec- net result of bone resorption (osteolysis) and
tion when none is present may result in a delay new bone formation. Table 1 shows different
of several days before reimplantation of the mechanisms for implant failure. Aseptic biome-
prosthesis, extending the hospital stay, and re- chanical failure often is difficult to distinguish
quiring the use of an extra operating suite, ex- from occult chronic prosthetic joint infection.78
tra anesthesia risk and expense, and a prolonged Osteolysis induced by particulate wear debris
period of patient immobilization and rehabilita- from implant materials is recognized as a major
tion. In addition, the consequences of failure to cause of long-term prosthesis failure.41 Wear
recognize prosthetic joint infection may be sub- particles become deposited in the space between
stantial. In particular, implantation of the pros- the implant and bone (or cement, if present), and
thesis into an infected surgical site, without are phagocytosed by macrophages, forming a
appropriate debridement and antimicrobial granulomatous tissue layer or membrane. The
treatment, may result in persistent infection, macrophages in turn release inflammatory me-
and ultimately in implant failure. Furthermore, diators, which stimulate osteoclastic bone re-
a delay in the diagnosis and early treatment of sorption. Biopsy specimens from osteolytic le-
prosthetic joint infection can permit the infec- sions surrounding tissue often show only
tion to become established at the bone-implant acellular, necrotic debris, but biopsy specimens
interface, thereby eliminating the possibility of from surrounding tissue may contain granular-
using a debridement procedure with antimicro- appearing macrophages associated with small
bial treatment and prosthesis retention.13,89,108 particles, foreign-body-type giant cells, and os-
In this study, we reviewed different mech- teoclasts, the arthroplasty effect. Migration of
anisms of orthopaedic implant failure with an macrophages into lymphatic and blood vessels
emphasis on prosthetic joint infection. We re- ultimately may result in distant dissemination of
viewed the importance of biofilm formation in orthopaedic wear debris.95 Other aseptic mech-
the pathogenesis of prosthetic joint infection anisms of implant failure include inappropriate
and discuss novel approaches to the diagnosis mechanical load, fatigue failure at bone-implant
of prosthetic joint infection directed at detect- interfaces, implant micromotions, and perhaps
ing microorganisms in the biofilm environ- synovial fluid hydrodynamic pressure.6
ment. Finally, we reviewed molecular tech- Infections occur in approximately 1% to 5%
niques, such as detection of bacterial 16S of all primary arthroplasties.33,73,78 The inci-
ribosomal DNA (rDNA), and their application dence of prosthetic joint infection is higher after
to diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection. a revision arthroplasty, possibly because of the
long operating time, scar formation, or recrudes-
Mechanisms of Implant Failure cence of unrecognized infection present at the
It is well-recognized that synthetic materials initial surgery. Other risk factors for prosthetic
used to construct implants will not last forever. joint infection include wound healing problems,
The functional implant life may be influenced rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, malig-
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 71
nancy, and high National Nosocomial Infec- biofilms. Existence within a biofilm represents a
tions Surveillance (NNIS) System surgical pa- basic survival mechanism of bacteria, by which
tient risk index score and surgical site infection they are protected from external environmental
not involving the prosthesis.9,47 Microorgan- toxins (normal levels of antimicrobial agents)
isms can colonize the prosthesis at the time of and host immune responses (such as opsoniza-
implantation (either through direct inoculation tion, complement-mediated lysis, and phagocy-
or as a result of airborne contamination of the tosis).20,109 As a consequence, prosthetic joint
wound) or colonize the implant postoperatively infection is difficult to treat successfully and in
through hematogenous seeding or spread from a many patients removal of the implant ultimately
contiguous infectious focus. Once microorgan- is necessary for microbiologic cure.
isms attach to and grow on the surface of an or- The basic structure unit of the biofilm is the
thopaedic implant, they begin to produce a microcolony. Microcolonies are enclosed in a
highly hydrated matrix of extracellular poly- highly hydrated polymeric matrix surrounded
meric substances. The extracellular polymeric by interstitial voids (water channels) in which
substances together with embedded microor- nutritients can circulate between bacterial cells.
ganisms are collectively known as a biofilm.22 Within biofilms bacterial cells develop into
In large series, staphylococci are the most im- organized and complex communities with
portant microorganisms involved in prosthetic structural and functional heterogeneity that in
joint infection, accounting for approximately many ways resemble a multicellular organism
50% of infections overall, followed by strepto- in which water channels with convective flow
cocci, enterococci, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudo- serve as a rudimentary circulatory system.19
monas aeruginosa, and anaerobes.30,36,78,85 Release of cell-to-cell signaling molecules (a
rudimentary endocrine system) induces bacteria
Importance of Biofilm Formation in a population to respond in concert by chang-
Prosthetic joint infection is a prototype of an in- ing patterns of gene expression, a phenomenon
fection with a low organism burden, the patho- called quorum sensing.22 At sufficient popula-
genesis of which is related to bacteria in tion density, these signals reach concentrations
Clinical Orthopaedics
72 Trampuz et al and Related Research
required for activation of genes involved in polymeric substances that they have produced,
biofilm differentiation. Furthermore, it has been and exhibit an altered phenotype with respect to
suggested that programmed cell death of dam- growth rate and gene transcription.”27
aged cells may play an important role in bacte- Figure 1 shows the evolution of biofilm
rial biofilms, similar to multicellular organ- formation on a prosthesis surface. Attached
isms.49 In addition, proximity of cells within the bacterial cells synthesize extracellular poly-
microcolony provides an ideal environment for meric substances and aggregate into micro-
exchange of genes located on extrachromoso- colonies.20 These multicellular communities
mal DNA (plasmids). Based on these charac- develop by bacterial surface motility, binary
teristics, the bacterial biofilm recently has been division, and recruitment from the environ-
defined as “ . . . a microbially derived sessile ment.88 During the formation of a biofilm, at-
community characterized by cells that are at- tached bacterial cells release antigens thereby
tached to a substratum or interface or to each stimulating the production of antibodies and
other, are embedded in a matrix of extracellular the attraction of phagocytes. In response,
Fig 1A–D. Evolution of biofilm formation on a prosthesis surface is shown. (A) Bacterial contamination
shows that planktonic bacteria are introduced into the prosthesis neighborhood. (B) Bacterial attach-
ment and microcolony formation shows that bacteria naturally adhere to the prosthesis surface and ag-
gregate into microcolonies. (C). Formation of ECM shows that attached bacteria synthesize extracellular
polymeric substances that protect them from antimicrobial agents and the host immune system,
whereas most planktonic bacteria are cleared by antibodies, phagocytes and/or antibiotics. Phagocytes
release enzymes, which can damage the surrounding host tissue. (D) Bacterial detachment shows that
mature sessile colonies detach from the periphery and disperse as planktonic bacteria.
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 73
phagocytes release enzymes, which generally sistent and recurrent nature of biofilm infec-
are not able to destroy the biofilm completely, tions.50 Biofilm bacterial cells may be dis-
but instead damage the surrounding host tis- persed either by shedding of daughter cells,
sue. With time, microcolonies differentiate detachment as a result of nutritient shortage or
into mature thick biofilm structures. As bacte- quorum sensing, or shearing of biofilm aggre-
rial colonies mature, surface-associated ses- gates because of flow effects. The mode of
sile bacteria on the periphery detach and dis- dispersal may affect the phenotypic character-
perse as suspended planktonic bacteria that istics of the shed bacteria. Eroded or sloughed
can multiply rapidly. aggregates from the biofilm are likely to retain
Sessile (attached) bacteria in biofilms ex- certain biofilm characteristics (such as antimi-
hibit dramatically increased resistance to crobial resistance), whereas cells that have
killing by antimicrobial agents as compared been shed as a result of growth may revert to
with suspended (planktonic) bacteria.16 Sev- the planktonic phenotype.26
eral reasons for increased antimicrobial resis-
tance have been postulated.86 Bacteria in bio- Diagnosis of Prosthetic Joint Infections
films are enclosed within a negatively charged The clinical presentation of prosthetic joint in-
exopolymer matrix that can physically restrict fection is variable and sometimes difficult to
the diffusion of large molecules, such as some distinguish from that of aseptic implant fail-
antimicrobial agents, enzymes, and comple- ure. Early postoperative and hematogenous
ment components. More important, nutrient prosthetic joint infection typically is caused by
depletion or waste product accumulation relatively virulent organisms, such as Staphy-
within the biofilm causes some bacteria to en- lococcus aureus and often is characterized by
ter a nongrowing (stationary) state, in which acute onset of symptoms and signs of infec-
they are less susceptible to growth-dependent tion. Conversely, late postoperative prosthetic
antimicrobial killing. For example, glucose joint infection generally is chronic and insidi-
and oxygen do not penetrate all the way ous grade in nature and is more commonly
through the biofilm.1 Bacteria dispersed from associated with relatively less-virulent organ-
biofilms into medium quickly regain their an- isms, such as coagulase-negative staphylo-
timicrobial susceptibility. A subpopulation of cocci.78 As compared with early postoperative
bacteria may differentiate into a pheno- prosthetic joint infection which in most cases
typically resistant state or express biofilm- occurs in the first 3 months after surgery, late
specific resistance genes. Recently, a regula- postoperative prosthetic joint infection gener-
tory protein (PvrR) in Pseudomonas aerugi- ally occurs thereafter and is characterized by
nosa that modulates the phenotypic switch more subtle signs of inflammation, chronic
from antimicrobial-resistant to antimicrobial- persistent postoperative pain, and/or early
susceptible forms and also regulates biofilm loosening of the implant; differentiating late
formation has been identified.28 This may ex- postoperative prosthetic joint infection from
plain why antimicrobial concentrations that aseptic implant failure can be challenging.108
are sufficient to kill free-floating planktonic To date, no single routinely used clinical or
bacterial cells such as those in synovial fluid, laboratory test has been shown to achieve
may be inadequate to clear sessile (attached) ideal sensitivity and specificity for the diag-
bacterial cells embedded in an established nosis of prosthetic joint infection. Table 2
biofilm such as in chronic prosthetic joint in- summarizes available preoperative and intra-
fection. Such persisters seem to survive expo- operative tests for the diagnosis of prosthetic
sure to antimicrobial agents and ultimately to joint infection. In most cases, the diagnosis of
reform the biofilm when antimicrobial therapy prosthetic joint infection depends on a combi-
is discontinued; planktonic bacteria then will nation of clinical features, radiographic find-
be shed again. This construct explains the per- ings, and laboratory results.92 Although the
Clinical Orthopaedics
74 Trampuz et al and Related Research
Clinical history and examination Persistent joint pain; fever, chills or rigors without known etiology;
erythema, warmth or effusion of the joint; sinus tract
Hematological tests Leukocyte count and differential; erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
C-reactive protein level
Synovial fluid aspiration Leukocyte count and differential; Gram stain and culture
Radiographic imaging Plain radiography; computed tomography; prosthetic devices may
produce imaging artifacts
Radionuclide imaging Scintigraphy by technetium (Tc99m), gallium citrate (Ga67) or indium
(In111) scan; accuracy improved by combination with labeled leukocyte
or monoclonal antigranulocyte antibody scan
Positron emission tomography Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18 FDG) positron emission tomography
Periprosthetic tissue Histopathology; Gram stain and culture
Explanted prosthesis Culture
(Reprinted with permission from Trampuz A, Steckelberg JM, Osmon DR, et al: Advances in the laboratory diagnosis of prosthetic
joint infection. Rev Med Microbiol 14:1–14, 2003.)
presence of a sinus tract or frank purulence in hour, C-reactive protein greater than 10 mg/L,
the joint aspirate or in tissue obtained at the frozen section tissue histopathologic examina-
time of surgery is specific for defining pros- tion showing greater than 5 neutrophils per
thetic joint infection, these findings are not high-power field, or at least one joint aspirate
sensitive.83 Findings supportive of infection or more than 1/3 of periprosthetic tissue speci-
include joint pain; fever, chills or rigors with- mens culture positive.82 At our institution, the
out a known cause; erythema, warmth or effu- following criteria are used for the definitive di-
sion of the joint; and increased sedimentation agnosis of prosthetic joint infection: two or
rate or C-reactive protein level. Routine hema- more cultures of joint aspirates or intraopera-
tologic screening tests have not been particu- tive tissue specimens positive for the same
larly helpful in diagnosing prosthetic joint in- microorganism; purulence surrounding the
fection. Radiographic imaging is hampered by prosthesis at the time of surgery; acute inflam-
artifact produced by prosthetic devices; scintig- mation consistent with infection on histo-
raphy has a low specificity.53 pathologic examination; or presence of a sinus
No standardized criteria exist for the diag- tract communicating with the prosthesis.9
nosis of prosthetic joint infection and different Synovial fluid cell count and differential
investigators have used different defini- frequently are used in evaluating joint disor-
tions.2,3,110 In one study, the diagnosis of pros- ders but criteria for interpreting the associated
thetic joint infection was made on the basis of values have not yet been well defined in the
at least one of three criteria: (1) presence of an context of prosthetic joint infection. Gram
open wound or a sinus tract communicating stain of synovial fluid generally is not helpful
with the joint; (2) systemic signs or symptoms because of low sensitivity (25%).12 A negative
of infection with pain in the joint and puru- culture result does not exclude prosthesis in-
lence surrounding the prosthesis at surgery; or fection; the sensitivity of synovial fluid culture
(3) three or more positive results of the fol- ranges from 50% to 93%.4,29,46,47,82,91 It has
lowing tests: ESR greater than 30 mm per been suggested that in patients with an ortho-
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 75
paedic implant and an underlying noninflam- false-negative culture results, even years later
matory disorder such as OA, a synovial fluid when the cement is fractured during revision
leukocyte count less than 2000 per mL and a operations.70 Conversely, cultures may be
differential of less than 50% neutrophils have falsely positive because of contamination
a 98% predictive value for the absence of in- introduced in the operating room, during spec-
fection.43 In contrast, patients with an ortho- imen transport, or in the microbiology labora-
paedic implant and an underlying inflamma- tory. For these reasons, multiple intraopera-
tory disorder such as rheumatoid or crystal- tive tissue specimens should be sent to the
induced arthritis, may have leukocyte counts microbiology laboratory for culture. In a
between 2000 and 50,000 per mL and a dif- mathematic modeling study, culture of five or
ferential of greater than 50% neutrophils in the six specimens was necessary to produce a di-
absence of infection.43 agnostic test that was sensitive and specific.3
Numerous studies have reported that the If the implant is removed, the entire prosthesis
presence of acute inflammation in a peripros- can be cultured in enrichment broth media.
thetic tissue specimen at the time of surgery The advantage of this approach is that the site
is specific for infection.23,52,67,82 However, of infection is sampled directly. However,
histopathologic studies do not identify the in- care interpreting culture results is warranted,
fecting organism, an essential element in post- because of the risk of contamination during
operative treatment and selection of appropri- processing. Because prosthetic joint infection
ate antimicrobial therapy. Because of the focal is a biofilm-mediated infection, techniques
nature of prosthetic joint infection, sampling that sample bacteria in biofilms may improve
errors can lead to false-negative results. In ad- the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection.
dition, acute inflammation has been variably
defined as from greater than or equal to 1 to Methods to Dislodge Microorganisms
greater than or equal to 10 neutrophils per from Prosthesis Surfaces
high-power field (magnification, 400). Biofilm properties depend on attachment and
Histopathology studies are, by their nature, aggregation of bacterial cells into micro-
subjective. Interobserver variability among colonies. Antibiofilm diagnostic strategies are
histopathology studies may be substantial, directed at disruption of adherent bacteria and
even in specialized institutions.84 In addition, their multicellular structure. By dispersing
histopathologic studies on tissue from patients adherent bacteria from the surface, the recov-
with underlying inflammatory joint disorders ery efficiency and therefore the sensitivity of
(such as RA) may be indistinguishable from diagnostic assays may be increased. Free-
histopathologic studies on tissues from pa- floating planktonic organisms as opposed to
tients with prosthetic joint infection.3 Gram their sessile surface-associated counterparts
stain of periprosthetic tissue shows an ex- are likely preferentially cultured using con-
tremely low sensitivity (range, 0%–23%) in ventional methods (synovial fluid and peripros-
various studies.2,3,17,46,82 In contrast, intraop- thetic tissue culture). Various potential strate-
erative tissue cultures provide the most accu- gies to dislodge sessile bacteria in biofilms
rate specimens, to date, for microbiologic cul- from foreign body surfaces, which may be of
ture and frequently have been used as the diagnostic relevance, have been tested includ-
reference standard for diagnosing prosthetic ing mechanical (sonication, vortexing, shock
joint infection.67,82 Cultures may be falsely wave treatment), biochemical (enzyme treat-
negative because of prior antimicrobial expo- ment), and electrical approaches10,11,27,64,66
sure, a low number of organisms, inappropri- (Table 3). To date, mostly ultrasound has been
ate culture media, or fastidious or atypical studied for improvement of recovery of adher-
organisms. In addition, bone cement impreg- ent bacteria from explanted orthopaedic de-
nated with antimicrobial agents may cause vices,25,61,94 and from vascular prosthetic
Clinical Orthopaedics
76 Trampuz et al and Related Research
grafts, ureteric stents, and vascular and peri- pressure stage releasing an enormous amount
toneal catheters.32,42,66,79 of energy on the surface of the objects (a
Antibiofilm strategies have potential thera- process referred to as implosion). This agitation
peutic application to enhance antimicrobial causes a vacuum-scrubbing action by releasing
killing of biofilm-associated bacteria; the syn- acoustic energy at the surface of objects.
ergistic effect of antimicrobial drugs and Mild sonication has been used to dislodge
ultrasound or electric current are known as adherent bacteria from surfaces of orthopaedic
the bioacoustic or bioelectrical effect, respec- devices for diagnostic purposes. Dobbins et
tively. Because electrical, ultrasonic, and al25 used ultrasound for 10 minutes (and vor-
shock wave approaches have been used to pro- texing for 30 seconds) on internal fixation de-
mote healing of nonunion of previous bone vices removed for reasons other than infec-
fractures, such techniques theoretically are at- tion. Twenty of 26 (77%) sonicate cultures
tractive adjunctive approaches to the therapy were positive; in most cases (15 sonicates),
of prosthetic joint infection.24,55,97,107 coagulase-negative staphylococci were cul-
tured. This was in contrast to swabs of
Sonication adjacent tissues, where coagulase-negative
Ultrasound, transmitted at frequencies gener- staphylococci were isolated in only three of
ally beyond the range of human hearing ( 20 26 cultures (12%). Unfortunately, no negative
kHz), has been used in many applications in controls were examined and the positive cul-
medicine and research. Although in diagnostic tures could represent contamination.
and therapeutic applications high frequencies Tunney et al94 did mild sonication of ex-
(MHz range) are used, low frequencies (kHz planted hip prostheses followed by sonicate
range) are used for bacterial detachment such as culture, and by immunofluorescence micros-
the cleaning of medical instruments.14 The ul- copy and broad-range PCR amplification of
trasound waves radiate through a solution and the explant sonicate.93 In the first study,94 mild
produce high and low pressure areas. During sonication was done on 120 removed hip pros-
the low-pressure stage, millions of microscopic theses. Sonicates were plated onto five aerobic
vapor bubbles are formed (a process referred to and five strict anaerobic blood agar plates.
as cavitation), which collapse during the high- Bacteria were cultured from 26 of 120 soni-
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 77
cate cultures (22%), although the criteria used W/cm2 used in these studies has no inhibitory
for definition of a positive culture result were or bactericidal activity against bacteria when
not clear and varied between different publi- delivered alone. There are hypotheses to ex-
cations by the same investigators describing plain the mechanism of the bioacoustic effect,
the same patients.93,94 Propionibacterium ac- including increased transport through the
nes was isolated either alone or in association membrane, a mechanical effect on the biofilm-
with Staphylococcus species from 16 of 26 pa- associated bacteria, or promotion of specific
tients (62%) with positive sonicate cultures. gene expression.72 Whether the bioacoustic
Review of the records for 18 of the 26 patients effect could be applied to the therapy of pros-
with culture-positive implants revealed that thetic joint infection has not been determined.
infection was suspected as the cause of loos-
ening in only six of 18 patients (33%) and in Other Potential Antibiofilm
all cases, histopathologic examination of the Defense Approaches
periprosthetic tissue showed inflammatory Similar to ultrasound, an acoustic shock
cells. Standard cultures of preoperatively aspi- wave is a transient pressure disturbance that
rated synovial fluid or intraoperatively sam- propagates rapidly in three-dimensional space.
pled periprosthetic tissue were positive in only In contrast to ultrasound, a shock wave is a
two patients. The limitations of this study sonic pulse with a high peak pressure (50–100
include the failure to document the diagnosis MPa) and a broad frequency spectrum (16
of prosthetic joint infection using well- Hz–20 MHz). Shock waves produce high
formulated gold standard criteria and the in- stresses that act on boundary interfaces be-
complete clinical and histopathologic data. tween two media (such as tissue and prosthe-
Nguyen et al61 treated 21 femoral compo- ses) generating cavitation bubbles. During col-
nents of hip and knee prostheses with ultra- lapse of the bubbles a high amount of acoustic
sound removed from patients without clinical energy is released in the form of water jets and
evidence of infection. Swab cultures of the high temperature.64 Originally applied clini-
prostheses grew no organisms. The explant cally as lithotripsy to pulverize calcific de-
sonicate was passed through a 0.45-m pore posits within the body (renal stones), shock
filter, and the filter residue was cultured aero- waves have been used increasingly in muscu-
bically. In one of 21 explant sonicates (5%) a loskeletal disorders (orthotripsy), especially in
coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species treating enthesiopathies and delayed fracture
was cultured but the same organism also was healing.63,76,90 The primary advantage of shock
found in one of 21 sonicate cultures from ster- wave therapy is its noninvasive nature. To
ilized prostheses used in this study as a nega- date, shock wave therapy has not been used for
tive controls. Therefore, sonicate cultures diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of pros-
from aseptically failed prostheses did not thetic joint infection.
yield more organisms than those from nega- Mechanical bacterial removal with vortex-
tive controls. ing has been used in the diagnosis of infections
Other investigators have shown that low- of vascular catheters and vascular grafts,
frequency continuous and pulsed ultrasound mostly as an adjunct to ultrasound treat-
(28–67 kHz) for 6 to 24 hours enhances killing ment.10,66,79 Vortex agitation with glass beads
by antimicrobial agents of biofilm microor- is an efficient method to mechanically disrupt
ganisms (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Es- and remove biofilm-associated bacteria.8
cherichia coli) in vitro and in animal mod- However, in diagnosis of prosthetic joint in-
els.40,69,71,74,75 The mechanism by which fection, vortex agitation with beads may rep-
ultrasound enhances antimicrobial action (the resent a risk for prosthesis contamination.
bioacoustic effect) is unclear because ultra- Low electric current combined with an an-
sound with a power density of 100 to 300 timicrobial agent has been shown to enhance
Clinical Orthopaedics
78 Trampuz et al and Related Research
the killing of biofilm-associated bacteria as the bacteria to wander across the surface in-
compared with the antimicrobial agent alone stead of forming cell clusters and biofilms.80
(the bioelectric effect).11,44,57,98 In particular, Because the formation and detachment of
the bioelectric effect reduces the very high con- biofilms has been found to be controlled by
centrations of aminoglycosides or quinolones signaling molecules, a specific antibiofilm de-
needed to kill biofilm bacteria to levels close to fense mechanism might act on disruption of
those needed to kill planktonic bacteria of the quorum-sensing signaling molecules, involved
same species. The mechanism of the bioelectric in biofilm architecture.22,68 At sufficient popu-
effect is not defined completely. Possible mech- lation density, these signals reach concentra-
anisms of the bioelectric effect include elec- tions required for activation of genes involved
trophoresis, iontophoresis, electrolysis (result- in biofilm differentiation. During biofilm for-
ing in increased delivery of oxygen to the mation, different genes may be activated or re-
biofilm), and electrophoresis, which might over- pressed. Upregulation and downregulation of
come biofilm biomass and cell wall barriers, genes in bacteria provides an additional possi-
and metabolic activity and growth rate of the ble antibiofilm strategy through inhibition of
bacteria themselves.38,87 To date, electric cur- gene transcription.7,21,28,103 These studies re-
rent has not been used for dislodgment of bac- veal potential antibiofilm defense mecha-
teria associated with prosthetic joint infection. nisms acting at a critical juncture in biofilm
A mixture of enzymes has been shown to development but to date, none of these meth-
be bactericidal and effective in eradicating ods have been used in the setting of prosthetic
biofilms of several different organisms by dis- joint infection.
solving the matrix polymers of the biofilm. A
Molecular Methods for Diagnosis of
combination of streptokinase and streptodor-
Prosthetic Joint Infection
nase was used by Nemoto et al.60 Other inves-
tigators tested the activity of enzymes against Advantages of Molecular Microbiology Testing
bacterial cells in biofilms by fluorescence mi- Molecular techniques are being used increas-
croscopy and an indirect conductance test in ingly in clinical microbiology laboratories
which evolution of CO2 was measured.39 Ox- to establish the cause of infectious diseases.
idoreductases were bactericidal against bio- Molecular diagnostic methods make it possi-
film bacteria and a complex mixture of poly- ble to detect bacterial nucleic acid in samples
saccharide-hydrolyzing enzymes was able to from infected patients even when conven-
remove bacterial biofilm. Hatch and Schiller34 tional cultures are negative (because of un-
showed that alginate lyase allowed more ef- usual microbial growth requirements or fail-
fective diffusion of aminoglycosides through ure to grow after antimicrobial exposure
alginate, the biofilm extracellular polymeric or due to unfavorable environmental condi-
substance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. tions).102 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is
Other chemical substances showed blockage the most widely used nucleic acid amplifica-
of biofilm matrix synthesis. For example, Ya- tion technology, replicating a selected seg-
suda et al105,106 showed that clarithromycin en- ment of DNA using a thermostable DNA poly-
hanced the therapeutic efficacy of other antimi- merase enzyme.59 PCR-based assays can be
crobial agents against infections caused by extremely sensitive. They are able to detect
clarithromycin-resistant strains of Pseudo- one copy of bacterial DNA under optimal con-
monas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epider- ditions and can have a rapid turnaround time.
midis. Lactoferrin, a ubiquitous constituent of Timely microbiology results are critical to ef-
human secretions, was shown to block biofilm fective patient treatment and to reduction of
development by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. By the overall cost of patient care. Such tech-
chelating iron, lactoferrin stimulates twitching, niques may be useful in the diagnosis of pros-
a specialized form of surface motility, causing thetic joint infection.
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 79
Fig 2. This figure shows broad-range PCR. The double-stranded 16S rDNA first is heat denaturated,
followed by universal primer annealing to conserved regions, and synthesis of a complementary DNA
strand. The amplified segment contains a variable region allowing bacterial classification via sequence
analysis. Depending on the PCR efficiency, the PCR amplification product increases almost exponen-
tially with each temperature cycle. (Reprinted with permission from Trampuz A, Steckelberg JM, Os-
mon DR, et al: Advances in the laboratory diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection. Rev Med Microbiol
14:1–14, 2003.)
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 81
105 104 103 102 101
A 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Cycle Number
Staphylococcus epidermidis
(101 to 105 colony forming
Fluorescence -d(F1) /dT
1.5 No template:
1.0 Mastermix
Sterile water
Temperature (˚C)
Fig 3A–B. The graph shows Staphylococcus epidermidis 16S rDNA PCR amplification using a se-
quence-independent double-stranded fluorescent dye (SYBR Green dye I) from different initial con-
centrations of target sequences (from 10 to 100,000 colony forming units per PCR reaction). (A) Quan-
tification curve analysis is shown. The negative controls (sterile water and mastermix) show a positive
signal at a high cycle number (28 cycles) representing a small amount of nonspecific (background)
DNA. (B) A melting curve analysis is shown. Staphylococcus epidermidis 16S rDNA amplified from dif-
ferent initial concentrations of target sequences yielded products exhibiting similar melting tempera-
tures (86.8 C). In contrast, products generated from negative controls containing no specific template
(sterile water and mastermix) exhibited a different melting temperature with lower fluorescence inten-
sity, presumably generated by primer dimers and nonspecific (background) DNA.
tive classification of bacteria, the amplifica- curacy of the data. Most DNA sequencing
tion products must be sequenced, and the se- methods are based on a modification of Sanger
quence data must be used to classify the source dideoxynucleotide triphosphate (ddNTP) chain
bacterium. Historically, DNA sequencing termination chemistry in which synthetic
methods were laborious, time-consuming, and ddNTP molecules that lack 3’ hydroxyl groups
had a relatively high error frequency.59 Ad- normally present in the natural molecules are
vances in sequencing instrument automation added to a DNA synthesis reaction. Whenever
and chemistry have decreased the turnaround a ddNTP molecule is incorporated into the
time to less than 24 hours and improved the ac- growing DNA strand in lieu of the usual de-
Clinical Orthopaedics
82 Trampuz et al and Related Research
oxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP), the syn- profiles that define species or genus level dif-
thesis reaction is terminated. For dye-termina- ferences; such profiles need to be defined for
tor cycle sequencing, four different fluores- each unique situation.
cent dyes are incorporated into each of the
four ddNTPs (ddATP, ddCTP, ddGTP, and Contamination Issues with Polymerase
ddTTP); the result is a collection of DNA frag- Chain Reaction
ments of different lengths labeled with differ- Polymerase chain reaction is capable of 106- to
ent dyes depending on the terminal nucleotide. 107-fold amplification of one copy of template
Reaction end products are separated by elec- DNA. Therefore, one of the most difficult chal-
trophoresis and excited and detected by a lenges associated with PCR has been preven-
laser. The resulting digital data are processed tion of exogenous nucleic acid contamina-
into electronic DNA sequencing data. Se- tion.18 Contaminating DNA may be introduced
quence data are analyzed using special soft- in the surgical suites (airborne contamination),
ware and displayed either as a linear string of during specimen transportation, or in the labo-
one-letter nucleotide codes or as a graphic ratory. Sources of contamination in the labora-
presentation (electropherogram). Bidirectional tory include contamination introduced during
sequencing (forward and reverse sequence of specimen processing (from the hands of labo-
each DNA strand) can improve the accuracy ratory personnel, the laboratory environment,
of the data by resolving any nucleotide ambi- or specimens containing large numbers of tar-
guities present. get molecules) and from manipulation of am-
To classify the source bacterium, sequence plified nucleic acids. False-positive reactions
data are used to query a database. Public ge- especially are challenging for broad-range
nomic databases (such as GenBank from the PCR targeting 16S rDNA. A positive PCR re-
National Center for Biotechnology Informa- action may contain more than a billion copies
tion104) tend to contain large numbers of se- of an amplified target sequence, each of which
quences but do not require verification of the may serve as a substrate for additional amplifi-
taxonomic classification of organisms or se- cation. Amplified nucleic acid may contami-
quence data before submission. They can be nate reagents, laboratory surfaces, ventilation
used in combination with a smaller but peer- ducts, and skin, hair, and clothing of laboratory
reviewed and well-validated private database personnel. The use of physically divided areas
(such as MicroSeq® 16S 500 library, Applied for specimen processing, PCR setup, and
Biosystems, Foster City, CA). The analysis PCR product manipulations with unidirec-
focuses on the percent sequence identity with tional flow from pre-PCR to post-PCR rooms
the most closely related sequences. If more is essential.58 Furthermore, dedicated equip-
than one genus is determined to be closely re- ment and instruments and the use of gloves and
lated by 16S rDNA sequence analysis, the gowns may help in preventing contamination.
evaluation focuses on classifying the organ- For specimen processing, a Class II biologic
ism into the correct genus (or genera). If one safety cabinet with high-efficiency particulate
genus is determined to be closely related, the air (HEPA)-filtered circulating air is recom-
average interspecies 16S rDNA sequence mended and should not be used jointly for PCR
variability of the organisms in the genus is de- setup. In addition, safety cabinets should be
termined, and, if possible, species-level classi- equipped with an UV lamp to degrade any ex-
fication is made. Interpretation of 16S rDNA ternal DNA before PCR amplification. Carry-
sequence data may be problematic when close over contamination controls may be included
homology among species limits resolution ca- using deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) and
pabilities. For species (or genera) whose 16S enzymatic inactivation with uracil-N-glycosy-
rDNA sequences are related closely but not lase (UNG).51 Deoxyuridine triphosphate is in-
identical, there may be signature nucleotide corporated into the amplified PCR, in lieu of
Number 414
September, 2003 Approaches to Prosthetic Joint Infection 83
deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP), such sults may additionally arise from detecting
that the amplified target contains dUTP, and small quantities of bacterial DNA present
native target will contain dTTP. Any dUTP- in specimens (such as normal background
containing amplification products present as a DNA). It recently has been shown, for exam-
contaminant in subsequent reactions will be ple, that there is bacterial DNA in human spec-
cleaved by UNG before amplification. The imens (such as the blood of healthy subjects)
UNG then is inactivated before proceeding classically considered free of bacteria.62 Addi-
with PCR. Contamination between samples tionally, false-negative results may occur be-
containing large amounts of target DNA can be cause of the presence of PCR inhibitors in
minimized by frequent changing of gloves be- clinical samples, failure to extract bacterial
tween handling of specimens, use of dedicated DNA (because of a thick cell wall of gram-
equipment, avoiding aerosol generation, and positive cocci), or loss of DNA during purifi-
opening only one specimen at a time. Another cation. If a mixture of bacterial species is pre-
possible source of DNA contamination espe- sent in a clinical specimen, interpretation of
cially relevant for broad-range bacterial PCR is multiple PCR products generated using broad-
reagents derived from a bacterial source, such range PCR is challenging and may only be
as DNA polymerase and UNG.15 During en- resolved by subjecting amplified DNA to
zyme production, nucleic acids may be copuri- cloning, high performance liquid chromatog-
fied and as such, enzyme may contain micro- raphy, or denaturing- or temperature-gradient
bial DNA (including rDNA). Numerous gel electrophoresis to obtain a pure template
methods have been used to eliminate back- for sequencing of individual 16S rDNA. In ad-
ground rDNA, including physical (UV irradia- dition, no standardized assays for 16S rDNA
tion), photochemical (psoralens), or enzymatic PCR for the diagnosis of prosthetic joint in-
pretreatment of reagents (DNase I, restriction fection are available and results derived from
endonucleases).18 different laboratories may not be directly com-
Limitations of Polymerase Chain Reaction in
Diagnosis of Prosthetic Joint Infection
With some exceptions (such as methicillin re-
sistance in Staphylococcus aureus attributable Several studies have evaluated broad-range
to the presence of mecA), amplification tech- PCR assays for diagnosis of joint infections
niques fail to provide antimicrobial suscepti- without implants,37,96,99,100 but only a few in-
bility of the pathogen. For prosthetic joint in- vestigators have addressed the usefulness of
fection, the antimicrobial susceptibility of the PCR in the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infec-
pathogen is crucial in appropriate patient tion.35,54,93,94 Mariani et al54 compared bacter-
treatment. Another disadvantage is the ex- ial DNA detection by broad-range PCR in sy-
treme sensitivity of PCR, leading to the pos- novial fluid with results of standard synovial
sibility of false-positive results, which may fluid and periprosthetic tissue cultures. Fifty
complicate the interpretation of molecular re- patients with symptoms after a total knee re-
sults. In the case of prosthetic joint infection, placement were studied. Polymerase chain re-
it is the commensal organisms on the skin that action testing of synovial fluid from a preoper-
most commonly infect prosthetic joints. This ative joint aspiration detected bacterial DNA in
renders it difficult to determine, simply from 32 of 50 specimens (64%). Six synovial fluid
the identity of the organism, whether it is clin- cultures (12%) and 15 periprosthetic tissue cul-
ically significant or a contaminant derived tures (30%) were identified with bacterial
from the skin of the patient, the medical staff growth. All patients with positive cultures had
obtaining the specimen, or the laboratory staff positive PCR results. This study suggests that
processing the specimen. False-positive re- PCR may be more sensitive than conventional
Clinical Orthopaedics
84 Trampuz et al and Related Research
cultures and that some cases of prosthetic joint clonal antibody and polyclonal antiserum spe-
infection may be misclassified as aseptic loos- cific for Staphylococcus species were used. By
ening using current methods. However, the this method, coccoid or coryneform bacteria
presence of prosthetic joint infection was not were detected in all of the specimens that were
defined by well-formulated standard criteria positive by culture and in 53% of the culture-
and it is possible that some of the PCR results negative specimens. The total number of spec-
were false-positive. In one instance, 16S rDNA imens positive by immunofluorescence mi-
PCR was positive while Candida species was croscopy was 71 of 113 (63%). Bacterial DNA
cultured. This is likely a false-positive result was detected in 72% of sonicate specimens by
because Candida species are not known to har- 16S rDNA PCR. Unfortunately, Tunney et al93
bor 16S rDNA. In addition, the investigators did not determine the clinical significance of
did not sequence the amplified DNA to con- the positive sonicate culture, immunofluores-
firm that the amplified DNA was representa- cence microscopy and PCR results in patients
tive of the same organism found in culture (for without prosthetic joint infection. This could
culture-positive cases) and to show the source have been accomplished by following up their
organisms for the amplified DNA (for culture- patients prospectively to determine whether
negative cases). the cumulative probability of subsequent pros-
Tunney et al93,94 did two studies that also thetic joint infection was higher in the sonicate
suggest that unrecognized infection may be culture, immunofluorescence microscopy, or
present in patients with aseptic loosening of the PCR positive group compared with the soni-
prosthesis, and that ultrasound, immunofluo- cate culture, immunofluorescence microscopy,
rescence microscopy, and broad-range PCR or PCR negative group. The investigators did
may improve detection of subclinical prosthetic not sequence the amplified DNA to confirm
joint infection. The first study was already pre- that the amplified DNA was representative of
sented. In the second study,93 the same explant the organism in culture (for culture-positive
sonicates from 120 retrieved hip prostheses that cases) and to show the source organism for the
were used in the first study94 were examined us- amplified DNA (for culture-negative cases).
ing immunofluorescence microscopy and 16S Hoeffel et al35 attempted to reduce the
rDNA PCR amplification. A specific mono- false-positive amplification of broad-range
Fig 4. The model shows prosthesis sonication and molecular diagnosis using explant sonicate. Ster-
ile Ringer’s salt solution (Oxoid Ltd, Basingstoke, Hampshire, England) is added to explanted pros-
thetic components. Biofilm-associated bacteria are dislodged from the surface by sonication in a bath
after which the explant sonicate is centrifuged. Deoxyribonucleic acid is extracted from the pellet and
subsequently amplified using broad-range PCR targeting 16S rDNA. The amplification product is se-
quenced and the microorganism classified by sequence analysis.
Number 414
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