Movement Enhancement
Movement Enhancement
Movement Enhancement
FITT 1 midline.
ADDUCTION- is the movement
FITT PRINCIPLE towards the midline.
F- frequency (how often)
I- intensity (how hard)
T- time (period of time)
T- type (what type)
OPPOSITION- brings the thumb
and little finger together.
REPOSITION- is a movement that
moves the thumb and the little
finger away from each other, SUPINATION- body facing
effectively reversing opposition. upward/palm facing-up.
PRONATION- body facing
downward/ palm facing down.
Skill-Related Components
1. Agility- quickness of movement
2. Speed- the ability of the individual
to make a successive of the same
kind in the shortest time.
3. Balance- the state of equilibrium.
4. Power- refers to muscular power
which is the ability to release
maximum force in the shortest period
of time; the ability of the muscle to
ROTATION- allows a bone to extent effort.
move around one central axis. 5. Reaction Time- the amount of -
CIRCUMDUCTION- a continuous time it takes to start a movement
motion. once your senses signal the need to
6. Coordination- the ability to use the
senses together with body parts in
performing tasks smoothly and Three Minute Step Test
accurately. Beep Test
Health-Related Components
1. Cardio respiratory Endurance- the EATING DISORDER
ability of the lungs and heart to take - eating disorder are a range of
in and transport adequate amounts psychological conditions that cause
of oxygen to the working muscles. unhealthy eating habits to develop.
2. Muscular Endurance- the ability of They might start with an obsession
the muscles to apply a sub maximal with food, body, weight, or body
force repeatedly or to sustain a shape.
muscular contraction for a certain WHY there are Eating Disorders?
period of time. 1. Genetic- Some genes identified in
3. Muscular-strength- the maximal the contribution to eating disorders
one effort force that can be exerted have been shown to be associated
against a resistance. with specific personality traits. They
4. Flexibility- the functional capacity are believed to be highly heritable
of a joint to move through a full range and often exist prior to the onset of
of motion. the eating disorder.
5. Body Composition- the ratio of 2. Biochemical- Individuals with
lean body tissue (muscle and bone) eating disorders may have abnormal
to body fat tissue. levels of certain chemicals that
regulate such processes as appetite,
TYPES OF WARM-UP EXERCISE mood, sleep, and stress.
Static warm-up- stay in position 3. Psychological- this eating order are
Dynamic warm-up- moving from common in individuals who struggle
one place to another with clinical depression, anxiety
PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTING disorders, and obsessive-compulsive
- provides information on the status disorder, low self-esteem, feelings or
of your overall physical fitness. hopelessness, and inadequacy.
Vertical Jump Trouble coping with emotions or
Push Up expressing your emotions and
50 Meter Sprint perfectionism.
ILLINOIS Agility Run Test 4. Cultural- most individuals are
exposed to cultural pressures
regarding weight or appearance.
5. Environmental- can cause eating
disorder because of family or other
relationship problems, history of
physical abuse, activities that
encourage thinness, or focus on
weight, peer pressure, being bullied
because of weight, or appearance in