Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Notes

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Duval Nature OF Radiation + & Matter .11 # 1384 —detection OF EMW'S: (Hertz's exp 1 Maxucl's equ’) * 18q5 — discovery OF X-rays — Roentgen +1897 - " w @2 ~3-3- Thomson % Ak low P of about 6-001 mm oF Hg column , discharge took place blo the electrodes , causing Fluorescent glow on RE to ges in discharge tobe - Cavse OF Fluorescence =% Cathode rays (1840 —Williarn Crookes) % JT. Thomson found the €/ny rako ofthe cathode ray * Cathode ray trovel with speeds. tanging Horn O11 -0°2 Himes c- a Value oF © = 146 x10" edgy. Ww : * 1384 — certam petals emitted -ve Charges on ‘mradialion asith ov- = i ” " " * » healing - The valve Of © of the above cus same as cathode rays . re his led to Aiscovery oF eC. Blectron Briission ) tree e& in WD) + IAM, the e@ ‘my ovter shsil are loosely bound => free 2 —> Bur they ore confined to the conductor cmd cam} teove “te surface in normal conditian When ‘it tries to come oof, 4he rnetal surface gets + charge and pulls ‘ik back. ~» So. there ‘te potential barrier at metal surface cshich has to be overcomed by e@ fo escape fhe surface. > The min arnt oF energy reqired by an e® to just ssieed 4he © surface => work fone. of the metal (dolWo) —> Depends on: + corditions on the surface *Matore OF Metal. Y Llectron voll = lev 2 Kinetic energy gained by an ©2 wohen it 1s accelerated through a potenhal diff of I voll. — lev = 1602x1I07'9 "=F Note: a of Plaknum - 5 65eVv Chighest) 0 OF Caeslom - 2-14 CV (lowest) °M) Blectron erriission ~» phenomenon of emission of eS. from a 4) surface > Energy “is Soppied by: \. Therrdoric erdission + heating metal semitted @2 — therrnions / thermo -clectrons 2: Field /Cald Cathede ervission - high E (03-10% Vm!) + less effhaent - 3:Photnelectic emission « due to electromagnetic radiations oF high D - + emitted e© — photoelectrans 4. Seconclary ensission “due to fast roving ©2© ashich shike the @ and transfer Shs energy 1d Free eS. “Photoelecttic Ffeck - 3 \ * r . — Nght oF suitable Frequenuy Wuminates a metal surface 2 are emitted from the metal surface - : » Hertz's Observation —> phenomenon of Photoelectric emission = discovered by Hertz Ww \38F- — While demostraling EMW she found that : Meta) 13 Wlumimated by bv emission ce ec from ™M v high vollage sparks TP metal eledrade of the detector loop WD) Hatiwach’s and Lenard's Gbservalon 7 ~ HALWACH: * zn plate «Zn pore becarne 7 Suncharged WF anally => *ve charged “WF uncharged . =yroore +ve charged ae Amitially a charges were ercitted by 29 plate . ~ve cha dectroscope Conclusion. some -ve —>+ LENARD (1900) - » IF uv higot Falls on emitter plate of on evacuated glass yobe Current Flows 1D ae circvih «IF UV light stops 1 + stops: #% SO, 0V Nignt covsed ernission OF e@ which was attracted by co\\ector piste rereahng meh {They obs: that when the "0 OF Incident hight coas Yess than a. certdin min: valve (threshold Frequend) » no photoelec were ennitted - i me metals (LisvNa ik +Cs 1Rb) — highly phiolosens Wve = erik 68 mh Ww za-cal 1Mq Al aa visible Night Heavy metals > X-ray. De firsiion he phenomenon oF emission OF c© from a metal sorface when EM radiations of svffidently high Frequency are ind on Wr OS called PEE: sl i q ce The photo generated ee => photoelectrons. Experimental Study OF Photoelectric effect | > Lenard and RA: Millikan = Experimental Arrangernent : 4. Evacuated ghoss quartz tobe enclosing foetal plates: 2 Jpotosensifive plate -c , collector plare — A- 3 Quartz esindow —W = aillows LV Nigh 4: The 2 dlechrodes\. ore connected +0 high yension Bis rmcroarnnneter potential divider - 5. Vourmeter V roe asures dhe potential aiff blu the electrode > Experireent © When mmonechrorealic radiations of suitable UD Fait on the jake C1 e2 ore ernitted ewhich ore collected by plate A: So a current called photo Cleclric curvent Flows in the ovter arcu Odbich 16 roeagured by moicroanmeter - Quartz 8 s Photosensitive Eractatsa Plate siuss tbe Electrons | Commutator a" \. Effect of ‘intensity on PE current 5 4% IF we allow radiatfons oF Fixed VD on " lar the potential AIFF. bho electrodes Fixed ce © Cand Keep PE current TF linearly with Intensity oF Incident radiak ANON oo AS bape’ om No: OF photoelectrons emitted (sec +, we can say that the no- of photoelectrons ernitted Isec 18 propor Honal 4p the Intensity of inddent radiation: | PEC 2- Effect oF potential aplenelns * IF we Keep the antensity Ti and V OF madent radiation fixed , +> As we T accelerating potential on A gr dvally PEC TF HI a stage Gs reached ae Snes roax- called goloration current and dosee\h Pang forther ath the ancrease “in accelerah porenk > pt the Stage of maak PEC , al tne 2 ercitted by the piste c ore ‘Galected by dhe pore B- + TF we apply a -ve potential on piake Be Tits mognitode radvally + PEC vy rapidly until ik becomes zero for a certain valwe OF ve potenat on A- _y The valve of the retarding potential ok wwhiclh the PEC es zero > cut off or Stopping potential: ation oF Same > bor of Wy current rains S jal. becoro > TF we vepaalr sy oot sinadenr radi higher snronsity (Tay) , value oF saturalio ain proportion jo intensity bot stopping potential rel sarne 2 * Renan = TOVmax =eVo where Vo — stopping potential At Vo 1athen no photpelecitons are ereiited » the work done stopping potential on the fastest eS mus} be equal to the eS KE- + Thus for & gr UV OF ‘incident radiation , the Slopping polential Is Aindependent of Ws Ilensily ie max KE of photoelectrons ‘“e independent oF ‘Wrensily oF Inddent radiation. t aidan” Qdend 3: Effect oF Frequency x x We adjust +he intensity of inagse! iahon at each D = that the satvralion current jesame (for Wve porennial) x The potential sn plate A abdradval oto zero & then 4 iw ve divechon AW) Vo Is reached . S ax The valve of Gt with V of Inddent rachatons. * Greater the D, greater Kmax of photoclecttons and greater ts dhe relarding potential required to Stop ee. we AS V37V27 D1 + Stopping potential * Vo37Vo2 2 Vor - Photoelectric: current Saturation current “Ys -Yo2 Yor ~— 0: Collector plate potential —> +— Retarding potential ‘ ss) % If we plor a graph blw 0 of Inadent radiaHon and the corresponding Vo for diff restals jwe get str! line graph - Cbservalions : Vo F Mneatly with D oF Incident vadiaHon for a gn photosensitve material - >For 2 diff metals A & B+ the graphs are Ne! sir|- lines ie same slope: BUF threshold frequendes are diff - = There exists a certain pain cut OFF Frequenuy for ahich Vo 15 zero. Lets “iroply . we the max: KE OF the photoelectrons + arly. Uoith the > OF She jmadenk rodioHON. ook 16 insepensent of iis intensity * For a Frequency 0 OF thei Bae radiation tess than 4he 4hresholad Frequency o PEE 1S ible chow soeverr large is the oa adent radialion. Laws of photoelectric enfission : rial and V OF jnadent radiaton for a gven notosensifive nates i : 4 8 r pe current 16 directly proportonal fo “intensity above V0) whe 5 F - light - the Saturation current Is Airectly propor Honal to iwiensily of inadent radiahon Jnctosensitive rraterial , there exists a ceriain minimum 2-For a g> Pi cuk oF F Frequenyy below ushids no photnelecttons ore eritted , howsoever bigh 1s jhe miensity OF Inadent yadion - This freq sone yg called threstold Frequency 5 2-Prove the dnreshold fees the Stopping potential or equivalenty dhe rox: KE of the * proesecrone ys directly = > jo the DY of the madent radioton 1 bor proportional independent of its wtensity- 4. The PEE ‘is an instantaneous process “the time lag blus the 3 Incidence oF light Fadialion ond the emission OF photoelectron “is very smatl seven less har los. Failure oF classical wave theory d-Ace tp wone theory when wove front shikes ™) 1 free e9 at Surface absorb the radiant energy continuously - Grealer “Intensity » greater ampiitude of Cae, greater energy density OF the wave, greater KE of GB Buk on contrary , KE 1s \ndependent of ylensity - 2- Wave theory Falls 40 explain the exsherce of threshold Rrequsncy, F Any value oF Y Should be able to Ipark enough energy require to eject the @© from (M) = Wove tae 3-The energy Of light coae 18 smo and evenly distriboled to advancing dove front: Bub each Ost res A Finite Hime Yo exape From (4) surface - Bur actually the Temission is “instarkanesss - S Linstsin's Theory oF PEE ; N * 1905 — Einstein expared PEE on the basis OF Planck's quantum » theory acc: to which a light travels in the form oF discrete Photons * Energy oF photon =hv & Main points OF the Einstein's PEE — PEE Is the result oF InterachHon OF 2 particles One o photor OF incident radiation and the other an eS oF metal. —> Free ©© are bound «within the @ dove to restraining forees on Ane surface: The min: energy required to Viberate an 9 from Yhe (@) = Work Tone: > Each photon Wleracls awith 19 sthe energy bv of photon a Ss used up in 2 parts: «to liberate ©® Fromm @) = do - « to Inport KE. to ejected 09 . ~> Very few Cer'h) photons swhase hu7do +help to eect eo. “Finskdins PE equalon: Energy of ‘inddent proton = Max: WE of photoelectron + Go ho = 1 rovenax +o hv -bo = Lrovinax Rexx. — 0) “the nrashold Frequency De sAhen IE the “‘inadent photon ‘ts OF q ) and KE 678 * 4 Woo “is sufficient 10 free the 22 From energy Kenax = Liwmae =hv-hvo =hlv Ee A. Explanation oF effect of Intendity, Q\ of photons Striking +he @/ > Thersase “in “intensity means 16 no: unit Hine - : aM We > Bs each protoricejecls only one ©2180 the no: OF ejected Propoelecttons % with t in IWwiensity - 2. Sxplanaton oF Vo — SIF VSVe . KE becomes 3. Bxplanofion of KE = D7Ve 4tinen Kinax ve . SO PEE dosen'} occur below % = AMOVinax LV > = ke F lineary wth VD * > 4 in intensity only t the no: of photoelectrons and not their energy» So KE VS independent OF intensity - 4. Explanation oF me 10 “> PEE ‘is a result OF Glasic collision bls Photon & eo". So» energy is Hansferred in one lurnp ‘instead OF contin alosorphon OF energy as in Coove theory =r Sorthere is no Hime a the photon # Light Is nade OF discrete packels of energy called quanta. aths particle = photon - * the particle nalure of EM — confirrned iy 19244 - by exp OF A‘: Compton on scattering of x-rays by ef. * Compton effect ~ ‘phenomenon Gr tn %, OF hoy photons scattered by ee. #* Features oF photon : x > In the interaction of radiation cot Her , radiaHon behoves as if Ik was rata gg Soe called photons - = Energy oF photon or ie = Liman i. NORD Ne » — A Protons oF Tight oF a parhcol same E & p independent of the intensity oF radiahon - > -y electrically nevbal & undeflected by BE ae. — In photon - e® collision » HAL EG p conserved - Buk Ahe no OF photons may not be conserved - > TF intensity 4, no- OF photons jnadent * bk ES ar Frequency have sanne - Deternfinalion of Planck's Const: & Po nr max = hv- Ho -@ Umax = eVo —@ “eNo =hv -do ve (i) de © Ve = (1p p~ de © Compare toy =ro1+e Frequency of incident radiation (v]—> [ew] (e-2] DE] Te determine ro graphically m =tan@ = AC =h Boe oe h= Ace i) gr? awe aye? Next c= -@eo ic = oe AN o = e@xrmagnitde of Intercept Wave nature of matter *\92l, — De ~ Broghe pur Op athe hypothesis 4rak material porticles ‘in rection shoold display wove ~ Te proper Hes This was due td =~ ie =pae* There must be rovival syrometry bluo mass and rodiahon - — Bs radiahion has dual nature + aval nature: | erthe coves assodated ashy material parkcles Ww moon ave coiled Matter | de broglie Gnves and ahsir d is called de Broglie eovelength . matter must also have de - Broghe's wove equalon 12 ‘trergy of photon =ho =E -O ‘tinsisin’s mass energy felaHionship = E =rec? —@) Sor From @ & © hv =mc? he. ere? a eet = me L =| cho =me x =) me Na. Fb -peme me Pp L aa Ash a=b. 27 Be Brogle's unve £40; Ne * TE V=0, = GN So sts shavs that waves are associated, ah matter im rroton «tle —Broglie's waves /reatter waves are “associated cit porticles withoot Charge Os well. «these waves can'} be lectromagne ic as EMA are only for accelerated charged particles de —Broglie's wavelength of on ric} Re =Lrw? = tm( e icacee sa8 2 Ee ry aoe pe m2 ve oe 2™ YE = work done on the e® =ev K= Pp? sev 2m Rep? => amv = p? = p= VamK 20 R=ev = p= Yamev Sor »Ajsh=lh =_h Sobshiuting he valves N= 14224) pm Vv TE V=nov , =O NINM- & Pd Note: , + PEE, Compton effect can, be explaned only in terms OF f \ . Qyantor theory © a « Thlerforence « diftracHon + polansalton ~ cave ratore So Wight has dual ratere + Molter wave ple Incorporates the Heisenberg's vncerfainty principe: Bh isn't possible to rrsasure both the positon and rnomentum Of O subatomic porkcle ok dhe same He exachy Baxop 7b an + To describe the location of a particle , Max Born suggested ‘interpretali 4o the totter wave amplitude - So, the square of amplitude OF roatter wave ot a pik ‘ss reloled fo prob. density oF “he particle . TF Lis large » dnere 6 greater prob: of the parlicle being found ih a cerkin fegion. -Acc to de Brogiie’s relation \2F an e@ has definite momentum p 4 (ap=0) vthen ‘if hos a definite A+ Such a wave of single > extends all over space re €9 “s nok Nocalised In any finile region (8x20) oy * Generally ; matter coves assodated cuit) a particle dosen't extend al over space It is a wave packet that “extends over Some Firile region OF space» Tt has a spread oF Xs ‘Ground some cental \ & So there BO spread OF p-

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