Knowledge Economy

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Knowledge Economy

What Is the Knowledge Economy?

The knowledge economy is a system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital.
In particular, it refers to the ability to capitalize on scientific discoveries and basic and applied research.
This has come to represent a large component of all economic activity in most developed countries. In a
knowledge economy, a significant component of value may thus consist of intangible assets such as the
value of its workers' knowledge or intellectual property.


 The knowledge economy describes the contemporary commercialization of science and academic
 In the knowledge economy, innovation based on research is commoditized via patents and other
forms of intellectual property.
 In the Information Age, the global economy has moved further toward the knowledge economy.
The Knowledge Economy Explained
Less developed countries tend to have agriculture and manufacturing-based economies. A developing
country has a manufacturing and service-based economy, and developed countries tend to have service-
based economies.

Most countries' economies are composed of each of these three major categories of economic activity, but
in differing proportions relative to the wealth of that country. Examples of knowledge economy activities
include research, technical support, and consulting.

 The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 was a major turning point in the treatment of intellectual property in the U.S.
because it allowed universities to retain title to inventions or discoveries made with federal R&D funding
and to negotiate exclusive licenses.1
In the Information Age, the global economy has moved toward the knowledge economy, bringing with it
the best practices from each country's economy. Also, knowledge-based factors create an interconnected
and global economy where sources of knowledge, such as human expertise and trade secrets, are crucial
factors in economic growth and are considered important economic resources. However, it is important to
note that generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) do not allow companies to include these
assets on their balance sheets.

The modern commercialization of academic research and basic science has its roots with governments
seeking military advantage.
Knowledge Economy and Human Capital
The knowledge economy addresses how education and knowledge—that is, "human capital," can serve as
a productive asset or business product to be sold and exported to yield profits for individuals, businesses,
and the economy. This component of the economy relies greatly on intellectual capabilities instead of
natural resources or physical contributions. In the knowledge economy, products, and services that are
based on intellectual expertise advance technical and scientific fields, encouraging innovation in the
economy as a whole.

The World Bank defines knowledge economies according to four pillars:

1. Institutional structures that provide incentives for entrepreneurship and the use of knowledge
2. Availability of skilled labor and a good education system
3. Access to information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures
4. A vibrant innovation landscape that includes academia, the private sector, and civil society 2
Real-World Example of a Knowledge Economy
Academic institutions, companies engaging in research and development (R&D), programmers
developing new software and search engines for data, and health workers using digital data to improve
treatments are all components of a knowledge economy. These economy brokers pass on their knowledge
and services to workers in more traditional fields, such as farmers who use software applications and
digital solutions to manage their farm crops better, advanced technological-based medical care procedures
such as robot-assistant surgeries, or schools that provide digital study aids and online courses for students

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