Hot and Cold Water Systems
Hot and Cold Water Systems
Hot and Cold Water Systems
Three Wavin fitting types are designed for use with one Wavin Advantages in practice:
multi-layer composite pipe. Wavin Tigris K1, Wavin Tigris M1 Low weight
and Wavin smartFIX use either Press-fit or Push-fit techno- Dimensions from 16 mm to 63 mm
logy. Significantly fewer fittings needed due the ease of pipe
bending and long pipe coils
All three systems fulfil the requirements for hot and cold Easy bending with dimensional stability is ideal for tight
water installations and radiator heating systems. They meet installation situations
all drinking water quality requirements and are physiologically Quick and safe assembly
harmless. Diffusion-proof
Suitability for all water qualities
1.1. The Wavin multi-layer composite pipe Free of encrustation
Physiologically harmless
The Wavin multi-layer composite pipe for plumbing and hea- Corrosion resistant
ting comprises an internal cross-linked polyethylene layer (PE- Minimum length expansion
Xc), an external layer in PE and an intermediate butt welded Pressure and temperature resistant
aluminium layer. The three layers are uniformly connected
together by means of bonding agents. This produces a pipe
structure with a total of five layers. 1.2. Technical specifications
As well as being diffusion-proof, the uniform plastic-metal Wavin multi-layer composite pipe
construction offers additional advantages:
Pipe material Internal layer is electron-beam
The pipe is dimensionally stable, resistant to unwanted crosslinked polyethylene (PE-Xc),
movement yet flexible. external layer is PE, with an
With easy bending, the installation is easy and time aluminium layer between, connected
required can be reduced to a minimum. by special bonding agents
The permanent connection of the plastic pipes to the Pipe colour White
aluminium pipe means that the length expansion is Max. constant
determined by the metal. It is roughly equal to that of operating
copper, i.e. it is minimal (see page 20 for more temperature* 85°C
information). Max. shortterm load** 100°C
Max. constant
operating pressure 10 bar (where Tmax. = 70°C)
Coefficient of
thermal expansion 0.025 – 0.030 mm/m K
Thermal conductivity 0.4 W/m K
Pipe roughness 0.007 mm
4 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
1.3. The Wavin multi-layer composite pipe 1.4. Additional protective measures
for radiator heating and underfloor
heating Thermal overloading of the composite pipe network must be
avoided by taking appropriate safety precautions including
The Wavin multi-layer composite pipe can be used for both the use of suitably regulated equipment and monitoring
radiator and floor heating systems. Being 100% resistant to equipment.
oxygen diffusion, temperature resistant, supple and flexible,
it offers outstanding properties for all types of heating instal- Protection from UV radiation
lations. The plastic outer sheath of the composite pipe provides ade-
quate protection from indirect UV radiation inside buildings
Aluminium thickness and no further measures are required. However, the pipes
The aluminium layer in the Wavin pipe is manufactured using must not be constantly subjected to direct UV radiation (solar
butt-welding technology. This gives a secure aluminium layer radiation outdoors) without suitable protective sheathing.
with no variation in thickness of the aluminium or the finished
pipe and ensures a reliable seal when the pipe is connected Installation
to the fittings. The Wavin pipe can be handled by a single installer. Optimal
aluminium thickness means it can be bent by hand for pipes
Corrosion resistance up to 20 mm diameter. Bending springs and bending pliers
The plastic internal and external layers offer minimal surface may be used to assist and should always be used for dia-
friction for water as a result of their low roughness. Deposits meters 25 mm and above. Furthermore, the Wavin pipe can
and corrosion are things of the past. be installed with the polymer fittings from the Wavin Tigris
K1 press fitting range and the Wavin smartFiX push-fit fitting
It can be safely used in mixed installations as there is no risk system. It can equally be used with the metal fittings of the
of electrochemical corrosion. Moreover, the plastic outer Tigris M1 press fitting range.
sheath allows embedding of the Wavin multi-layer composite
pipe directly in the screed. Accessories and Tools
The pipe ends must be calibrated and de-burred using the
Limited length expansion Wavin calibration tool. The pipe can then safely be inserted
The internal aluminium layer has a decisive effect on the ther- and connected to all three Wavin fittings types i.e. Tigris K1,
mal length expansion of the composite pipe. As a result of Tigris M1 and smartFIX.
the permanent connection with the plastic layers, the length
expansion is determined by the expansion co-efficient of the
aluminium layer and therefore roughly equal to that of a metal
2.1. PPSU Wavin Tigris K1 press fitting Wavin has more than 140 different K1 press fittings in its
with defined leak function range, including threaded transition fittings. In the case of ex
ternally threaded fittings, you have the choice between pure
The Wavin Tigris K1 press fitting is made of the high technical PPSU fittings and fittings in dezincification resistant brass.
performance plastic polyphenylsulfone (PPSU), which is resi- Internally threaded fittings have an insert in dezincification
stant to high temperatures (heat shape resistance > 200 °C, resistant brass. In order to avoid stress cracking corrosion,
processing temperature 360°C), corrosion and encrustation. all brass components undergo a special follow-up treatment.
Its extremely high notched impact strength and lack of sen-
sitivity to stress cracks make the fitting extremely robust and The new generation of PPSU press fittings guarantees that an
insensitive to impacts. The performance of PPSU has already accidentally unpressed connection is unsealed and reliably
been proven over many years in aircraft engineering, medical exposed by leaking during the pressure test. Furthermore, the
sterilisation technology, chemical plants and automotive engi- new hexagonal head cross-section reduces the force required
neering as well as in Wavin plumbing fittings. to insert the pipe, which makes the work of the installer easier.
The new fitting design is patented.
The fittings are equipped with a fixed stainless steel press
sleeve. The sleeve gives the connection additional strength 2.2. Range of applications
and reliability. It has an observation window, through which
the insert depth of the pipe can be reliably checked before Wavin Tigris K1 meets the requirements for tap water installa-
pressing. The seal is with an O-ring. tion and radiator heating systems. The pipe system is suitable
for all tap water qualities and is physiologically harmless.
Figure 2: The observation window in the stainless steel press Figure 4: Safety through clever
sleeve can be used to check that the pipe is inserted technology: the Defined Leak
to the stop. Function in the pressure test
reveals unpressed fitting
6 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
Advantages in practice: 2.4. Technical specifications
3.1. Wavin Tigris M1 metal press fitting Available in diameters 16 to 63 mm. The new generation of
with defined leak function metal press fittings guarantees that an accidentally unpressed
connection is unsealed and reliably exposed in the pressure
The Tigris M1 system is an addition to the range from Wavin. test. Furthermore, the new hexagonal head cross-section
Based on the patented Tigris K1 design with the hexagonal has a positive impact on reducing the insertion forces with
head cross-section, Wavin now offers a system for installers reduces the force required to insert the pipe. The new fitting
who prefer to use metal fittings. design is patented.
The Wavin Tigris M1 metal press fitting is resistant to high 3.2. Range of applications
temperatures, corrosion and encrustation.
Wavin Tigris M1 meets the requirements for tap water installa
The fittings are equipped with a fixed stainless steel press tion and radiator heating systems. The pipe system is suitable
sleeve. The sleeve gives the connection additional strength for all tap water qualities and is physiologically harmless.
and reliability. It has an observation window, through which
the insert depth of the pipe can be reliably checked before Wavin Tigris M1 is therefore suitable for cold and hot water
pressing. The seal is with two O-rings. installations and for radiator heating in residential construc-
tion as well as in public and commercial buildings. Thanks to
an extensive range of fittings, the system is optimally suited
not only to new construction but also to renovations of old
8 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
Advantages in practice: 3.4. Technical specifications
The base body of the push-fit fitting and the fixing ring are
made of the high technical performance plastic polyphenyl- Figure 9: The smartFIX push-fit fitting.
sulfone (PPSU), which is resistant to high temperatures (heat
shape resistance > 200°C, processing temperature 360°C),
corrosion and encrustation. The caps are produced in glass 4.3. Range of applications
fibre reinforced polyamide.
Wavin smartFiX meets the requirements for tap water installa-
The extremely high notched impact strength and lack of sen- tion and radiator heating systems. The pipe system is suitable
sitivity to stress cracks make the fitting robust and insensitive for all tap water qualities and physiologically harmless.
to impacts. The performance of PPSU has already been pro-
ved over many years in aircraft engineering, medical sterilisa- Wavin smartFiX is therefore suitable for cold and hot water
tion technology, chemical plants and automotive engineering installations and for radiator heating in residential construction
as well as in Wavin plumbing fittings. as well as in public and commercial buildings.
The smartFiX fittings have an observation window, through Wavin smartFiX is a complete installation pipe system. It lends
which the insert depth of the pipe can be checked. The seal itself particularly where quick and safe installation is required
is with a dry-coated O-ring, which contributes to minimising at the same time as minimisation of expenses for installation
the insertion forces. The helps make the fitting tolerant to site tools.
conditions, for example dust and debris.
10 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
Advantages in practice: 4.5. Technical specifications
The Wavin system components are well protected in the Building and electrical regulations such as VDI 0190 parts 410
original packaging. Nonetheless, all components (fittings and and 540 demand potential equalisation between earth wires
pipes) should be protected from mechanical and environmen- and “conductive“ water, wastewater and heating pipes. As
tal damage. Wavin Hot and Cold Water Systems do not represent con-
ductive pipe systems, they cannot be used for potential equa-
5.2. Impairment due to ultraviolet radiation lisation and are accordingly not to be earthed. An approved
electrician must check that the installation of Wavin Tigris K1/
Wavin multi-layer composite pipes must be protected from M1 and Wavin smartFIX does not impair the existing electrical
direct, intense sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This protective and earthing measures.
applies both for the storage of the pipes and for finished
installation. Storage must therefore not take place in the 5.5. Installation temperature
open air. Suitable measures must be taken to protect finished
systems and system components from the effects of UV rays. The installation temperature for Wavin pipe systems should
not fall below -10ºC.
5.3. Observe press and push-fit fitting assembly
instructions The operating temperatures of the new pressing machines
with the Li-ion batteries from the Wavin range must be above
Always cut the pipe to length at right angles -15°C nor above 40°C. The optimum processing range for
Calibrate and chamfer the pipe end all round Wavin Tigris K1/M1 and Wavin smartFIX system components
Push the pipe into the fitting to the sto lies roughly between 5ºC and 25ºC.
Check the press or push-fit fitting observation window
Press in the case of the press fittings 5.6. Frost protection
See pages 16 et seq. for detailed installation
and assembly information When using Wavin Hot and Cold Water Systems with pipe
networks that require protection from frost (e.g. cold water
networks, brine pipes), we recommend the use of ethylene
glycol (to protect from risk of freezing). Ethylene glycol can be
used up to a maximum concentration of 35%. This concen-
tration roughly corresponds to frostproofing of -22ºC. Before
using alternative frost protection additives, confirm the suita-
bility/approval with the manufacturer or with Wavin.
12 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
5.7. Sealing
Specifically chemical sealants (e.g. Loctite) and
adhesives (e.g. 2-part adhesives) must not be used.
Expanding foams produced on the basis of
methacrylate, isocyanate and acrylate must not be used.
4 4
14 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
1 Combination cutters (with pipe holder) for the dimension 16 – 25 mm
Pipe cutter for the dimension 32 – 63 mm
Dimensions 16 – 25 mm: all-round chamfer of depth min. 1 mm
Dimensions 32 – 63 mm: all-round chamfer of depth min. 2 mm
Max. battery or drilling machine rotation speed should be 500 rpm
Remove accumulated shavings from the battery calibrating pin
smartFIX: If one end of the pipe is already connected to the fitting,
the opposite end should not be calibrated without resistance,
to avoid the pipe rotating in the fitting
The pressing jaws must be positioned on the inner stop of the press sleeve
The pressing process may be executed only once per connection
Slide the press connection into the copper fitting and press according to the
specifications of the copper fitting manufacturer. A minimum space of 5 mm
must be observed between the soldered joint and outer edge of the copper
5 The pressing jaws must be positioned on the inner stop of the press sleeve
The pressing process must be executed only once per connection.
Attention: D
o not solder, otherwise the sealing rings on the press transition to
copper may be damaged
16 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
5.10.2. Assembly instructions for smartFIX push-fit
transition to copper
Check the transition coupling for cleanness and correct sitting of the
sealing elements. Push the transition coupling onto the copper pipe as far as
it will go. Do not use oil or any lubrication here
The pipe is easy to bend: by hand, with the aid of the bending spring or using the
Wavin bending pliers.
16 x 2,0 5 x ø ≈ 80 4 x ø ≈ 64
20 x 2,25 5 x ø ≈ 100 4 x ø ≈ 80
25 x 2,5 5 x ø ≈ 125 4 x ø ≈ 100
32 x 3,0 - -
40 x 4,0 - -
50 x 4,5 - -
63 x 6,0 - -
Pipe length [m]
Vertical lines, e.g. such as risers, can generally be installed 13
only with fixed point clips. Here, fixing should be in front of 11 5
or behind each storey branch. By contrast, floating point 10
9 4
fixings guarantee expansion and movement of the pipeline 8
concerned. For more information about this, please refer to 7 3
the next chapter. 5 2
2 1
0 20 40 60 80
Temperature difference [k]
18 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
The length changes can likewise be calculated using the following formula:
Δl = x l x Δ
Δl = Length expansion (mm)
= Coefficient of length expansion (mm/m.K)
l = Pipeline length (m)
Δ = Temperature difference (K)
40 x 4,00
In the case of a change of direction, the thermal length expan- 1200 32 x 3,00
Bending joint LB [mm]
sion of a pipeline can often be offset within the pipe layout by 1000
25 x 2,50
20 x 2,25
bending joints and expansion U-bends. 16 x 2,00
800 14 x 2,00
The length of the bending joint can be determined by calcula-
tion or taken from the diagram below.
LB = C d · ∆L
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
LB = Length of the bending joint [mm] Figure 11: Bending joint classification of Wavin multi-layer
d = External pipe diameter [mm] composite pipes.
∆L = Length change [mm]
C = Material-dependent constant for Wavin Sample calculation:
multi-layer composite pipe (= 30)
Given: Length change = 20 mm
Pipe diameter d = 25 x 2.5 mm
Constant c for Tigris K1/M1/smartFiX = 30
Pipelines on a supporting base must be fixed in accordance The type and intervals of the attachments/fixings are depen-
with DIN 18560 part 2, section 4.1. dent on pressure, temperature, medium and installation situa-
tion. The pipe attachments/fixings must be properly designed
The number of fixing components is essentially dependent according to the total mass (pipe weight + weight of the water
on the piping in the respective construction project. As the + weight of the insulation), in accordance with the recognised
calculation basis with straight piping, a fixing component can codes of practice.
be attached at approx. 1 m pipe length. In the areas of diver-
sions, at least two fixing components are to be affixed (before
and after the diversion curve). Dimension Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe
mass mass mass mass
Because of their dimensional stability, Wavin multi-layer com- + water + water + water
posite pipes installed in exposed locations require no suppor- + Iso 9 mm + Iso 13 mm
ting aids e.g. such as a supporting shell or support tube. They mm kg/m kg/m kg/m kg/m
can be fixed at the intervals specified in the following table.
16 x 2,00 0,095 0,202 0,232 0,250
Dimension Fixing interval 20 x 2,25 0,138 0,330 0,364 0,384
mm m 25 x 2,50 0,220 0,558 0,596 0,620
32 x 3,00 0,340 0,942 0,988 1,012
16 x 2,0 1,00 40 x 4,00 0,605 1,605 – –
20 x 2,25 1,20 50 x 4,50 0,840 2,480 – –
25 x 2,5 1,50
32 x 3,0 1,50 Table 3: Pipe masses.
40 x 4,0 1,80
50 x 4,5 1,80
20 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951 Pipes in screed or concrete Causes of damage in floating screeds are often due to several
pipe strings installed under the screed plate.
Due to the relatively low expansion forces, no compensation
measures are required in the case of direct embedding of The following principles should be observed when installing
the pipes. Because of the slight plastic malleability of Wavin pipe strings in the floor construction:
multi-layer composite pipes, the length changes are absorbed
by the pipe wall. Moreover, the respective requirements for Use heat and sound insulated pipelines
heat protection (see the energy saving regulation section in Use sound insulated pipe fixing.
this handbook) and impact noise insulation must be observed. Avoid pipe crossings as much as possible
Pipeline installation parallel to walls Pipes in the floor construction Perpendicular junctions of pipelines into neighbouring
As multi-layer composite pipes can move axially within the Maximum width of the pipe string 120 mm
insulation with little resistance, the expected length changes Minimum distance between pipelines and walls:
must be absorbed. Right angle diversions in the insulating 200 mm in corridors, 500 mm in the living are
layer must be arranged such that length changes that occur in Piping through screed expansion joints with corrugated
the respective sections are absorbed by the insulation thick- tube or alternatively with 6 mm pipe insulation
ness in the curve area. Pipelines installed under plaster
Wavin Hot and Cold Water Systems already laid in the ground
are exposed to many potential impacts on site during the con- Depending on the wall construction and masonry strength,
struction phase, from scaffolding, ladders or other objects. there is a risk that the expansion forces from a multi-layer
Damage to the pipe/fitting or even the insulation must be composite pipe that is plastered in directly will cause damage
avoided. Before installing further floor construction, a check to the wall.
should therefore be conducted for damage. Any damage to
the pipe insulation should be repaired in all cases in order Multi-layer composite pipes under plaster should therefore
to avoid the risk of the formation of impact noise bridges or be installed with insulation. This pipe insulation must be able
reduced sound insulation (see also the section on sound insu- to absorb expected length changes due to heat. In the case
lation in this handbook). of pipelines under plaster for which there is no need for heat
insulation, we recommend the use of the Wavin multi-layer
composite pipe in black protective tube (see product range).
All pipes and fittings installed under plaster must be protected
from direct contact with all building materials (such as mason-
ry, plaster, cement, screed, tile adhesive) as detailed above.
This type of installation should be used only when supplying In-series installation is suited to multi-storey installation
to regularly and frequently used taps and fittings. Regularly with upstream water meters. The pipe is routed from one
and frequently here means “daily”. Tee connections result in tapping point directly to the next using double connections.
single supply lines in which the drinking water can stagnate The tapping points are supplied by a common pipe. It should
if it is not used. be ensured that the most frequently used fixture appears at
the end of the in-series installation. WC flushing systems that
Advantages: can be set with a continuous, timed flush are available. These
ensure that the entire cold-water piping on each storey is
Simple piping flushed even when not in continuous use, for example in
Quick to install hotels. If required, flush valves for hot water piping are also
Less piping used available, with which a continuous, timed flush can be set.
Simple piping
No joints in screed
Time-saving, quick installation
Even pressure and heat distribution
Low stagnation volume
Rapid water exchange
22 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951 Loop installation Loop installation with circulation
Example 3: Loop installation; loop-through up to the last fixture Example 4: Loop installation with separate circulation.
and then return to the storey connection point.
The loop installation illustrated here is suited to multi-storey This type of loop installation is suitable for multi-storey instal-
installation with upstream water meters. The pipe is routed lations without upstream water meters. The pipe is guided
from one tapping point directly to the next using double con- from one tapping point directly to the next using double
nections. The piping then runs from the last consumer back connections. The piping then runs from the last cold water
to the storey connection point. consumer back to the storey connection point. The hot water
pipe is guided from the last fixture as a circulation pipe back
Advantages: to the storey connection point.
Fig. 14: The principle of internal circulation through Wavin internal circulation pipe PE-Xc, in 8 mm or 12 mm.
an entiredrinking water installation. Wavin multi-layer composite pipe.
Tigris K1 and Tigris M1 pre-form parts (incl. pre-form
parts with sleeve as transition to internal
Internal circulation is an efficient installation type offering circulation pipe).
various advantages. Basically, the circulation piping feeds into Thermostat valve with default setting for circulation
the hot water piping. piping.
Phase regulation and isolation valve.
Note for calculating the size:
Less space required in the duct With internal circulation, the selected existing pipe generally
No separate fixings has to be one size bigger than the calculation. The Wavin
No separate insulation connection set is available on request.
No separate fire protection. Less material required
No additional loss of energy through external circulation Tigris Inliner connection sets Cat. code
Optimum hygiene 40 x 32 mm 03171473
Can be retrofitted into existing installations 50 x 32 mm 03171474
(depending on standing pipe dimension)
Individual parts Cat. code
Tigris Inliner pipe PE-Xc 8 mm 03171472
Tip: Internal circulation: quick, energy-efficient, Tigris Inliner pipe PE-Xc 12 mm 03171471
can be retrofitted. Tigris M1 Inliner fitting 1” x ¾” 8 mm 03171469
Tigris M1 Inliner fitting 1 ½” x ¾” 12 mm 03171470
24 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951 Heating installation variants With the use of 4-way valves:
The advantages:
1. Pipe connection from the wall by means of radiator 2. Pipe connection from the floor by means of
connecting block and IT “Eurocone” screw Tigris K1 angle connecting pipes.
connections and the use of a junction fitting.
Tigris K1
T connecting Tigris K1 Tigris K1 Tigris K1
pipes Angle connecting pipes Radiator assembly Radiator assembly
fittings for the wall fittings for the floor
26 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
5.13.3. Manifold assembly
Inspection and service The press tools must meet the following requirements:
The reliable performance of the press tool is dependent on
careful handling. This is an important requirement for the tool Only Wavin pressing jaws (U-contour) may be used.
to ensure long-lasting joints. The device requires regular ser- The press tool must be operated and serviced according
vice and maintenance. For the fault message/check list see to the respective manufacturer guidelines. The Wavin
page 30). Only a clean and operational press tool can ensure assembly guidelines must be complied with.
a long-lasting sealed joint. The pressing jaws must only be The “mini” press (16 – 32 mm) must provide a linear
used for their intended purpose of pressing Wavin Tigris fit- thrust of at least 15 kN.
tings and should only be replaced by a qualified technician. The “cordless” press (16 – 63 mm) must provide a linear
thrust of 30 kN to 34 kN.
The bolt geometry of the press tool must be suitable
for the Wavin pressing jaws.
Important note:
The following press tools from Rems/Roller must not be used
with the Wavin pressing jaws:
REMS Power-Press E REMS Power-Press 2000
ROLLER Uni-Press E ROLLER Uni-Press 2000
28 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
The table below illustrates Wavin Tigris K1/M1 pressing jaw 5.14.2 Inspection and service
compatibility with alternative brand press tools. This table
lists only “compatible devices” with a pressing force of 32 kN The following check list can be used when tools require
(± 2 kN) and 40 mm piston stroke. The “mini” versions are not regular inspection and maintenance, or in the event of
listed here since they are generally not compatible. If using damage or a complaint.
press tools and pressing jaws not listed here, proof of suita-
bility for the Wavin Tigris K1/M1 systems must be provided In the event of local service solutions only the authorised
in accordance with the corresponding national regulations. offices and agents of the manufacturers can be considered
According to technical specifications, the Wavin Tigris K1/M1 and then only after prior authorisation from Wavin Overseas
system can be used with the following device types.
Manufacturer: Novopress tools
Machine type/description Features Pressing jaw
ACO 102
Wavin UAP3L 16 to 63 mm
Wavin ACO202 16 to 63 mm
ACO 202
Wavin ECO202 16 to 63 mm ECO 202
Uponor electric press tool UP 50 EL 16 to 63 mm and the respective jaws.
Uponor cordless press tool UP 75 16 to 63 mm
Uponor electric press tool UP 75 EL 16 to 63 mm
Manufacturer: Klauke Tools
Geberit “new” PWH-75 Blue sleeve above 16 to 63 mm
pressing jaw fixture
Novopress EFP 2 Swivel head 16 to 63 mm UAP2
(manuf. after 1996) UAP3L MAP1
Novopress ACO 1/ECO 1 ACO 1 = cordless 16 to 63 mm MAP2L UP2EL-14
(Pressboy) ECO 1 = electric
Novopress ACO201/ECO201 ACO201 = cordless 16 to 63 mm
ECO201 = electric
and the respective jaws.
Novopress AFP201/EFP201 AFP201 = cordless 16 to 63 mm
EFP201 = electric In the first instance all requests for technical support should
Novopress AFP202/EFP202 AFP202 = cordless 16 to 63 mm be sent to your local Wavin Overseas distributor or agent from
EFP202 = electric
whom the tool was purchased.
Klauke ipress UAP3L 16 to 63 mm
Milwaukee M18 HPT 16 to 63 mm
REMS Power-Press 16 to 63 mm
REMS Power-Press ACC 16 to 63 mm
REMS Akku-Press 16 to 63 mm
REMS Akku-Press ACC 16 to 63 mm
ROLLER’S Uni-Press 16 to 63 mm
ROLLER’S Uni-Press ACC 16 to 63 mm
ROLLER’S Multi-Press 16 to 63 mm
ROLLER’S Multi-Press ACC 16 to 63 mm
Rothenberger ROMAX® 3000 16 to 63 mm
Ridgid cordless press tool RP 340-B 16 to 63 mm
Ridgid electric press tool RP 340-C 16 to 63 mm
Viega cordless press tool Pressgun 5 16 to 63 mm
Viega cordless press tool Pressgun 4B 16 to 63 mm
Viega electric press tool Pressgun 4E 16 to 63 mm
Viega electric Type PT3-EH/H 16 to 63 mm
Viega electric press tool Type 2 16 to 63 mm
(manuf. after 1996)
Serial numbers starting with 96…;
lateral leverage
for bolt monitoring
Telephone / Fax:
Contact person:
Other complaints:
30 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
5.15. Flushing Wavin Tigris K1/M1 and 5.17.1 Test Conditions
Wavin smartFIX tap water pipes
Test Pressure: Min 0.5 Bar, Max 3 Bar
The flushing of tap water pipes is described in detail in DIN
1988 part 2. Test duration: 15 minutes after temperature equalisation
between the pipe and the test medium.
This treatment of the pipe network ensures the quality of the
tap water. All pipe sections must be free of contamination Note: In case of greater temperature differences (~10 K)
and foreign bodies at the time of initial operation. Time delays between the ambient temperature and the filling water
between flushing and initial operation of the tap water net- temperature, a waiting time of 30 minutes has been
work must be avoided, as complete drainage is not generally observed for temperature equalisation after filling of
carried out after flushing. According to VDI 6023 – hygiene- the system.
conscious planning, execution, operation and maintenance
of tap water systems – system sections that are unused for Test differential pressure: 0.0 bar.
longer than 4 weeks must be flushed again.
There should be no pressure drop during this test. A further
5.16. Initial operation and handover visual check should be carried out to ensure there are no
leaking connections.
According to DIN 1988-2, the installer of the system must
prepare relevant handover and acceptance logs. The system 5.18. Main System Pressure Test
operator must be instructed with respect to the operation of (all fittings systems)
the tap water system created. It is recommended that the
instruction being completed is confirmed in writing. It is essential that a system pressure test is carried out in line
with the relevant local regulations for plastic pipe systems
Depending on the scale of the system, the presentation of used for drinking water or heating systems. Clean filtered
written operating instructions is advised. drinking water should be used for the test.
5.17. Checking Wavin Tigris K1 or If there are no clear local regulations available then Wavin
Tigris M1 (unpressed/unsealed) recommends to use the testing procedures according to DIN
1998 Part 2. The main requirements of the test conditions,
This additional test serves as an additional check for unpres- including records to be kept are summarised below.
sed connections. When the function check is carried out
with water, the leak from unpressed connections is clearly
Test pressure = authorised max. operating pressure x 1.1; min. 11 bar (based on the lowest point of the system)
All pipelines must undergo a pressure test. The pipes completed but not yet tested must be filled with filtered tap water (protect
from frost). Connect the pressure gauge to the lowest point on the installation to be tested. Use only pressure gauges that allow
reliable reading of a pressure change of 0.1 bar.
Valves or other blocking agents before and after heat producers and boilers must be closed in order to keep the test pressure away
from the rest of the system. The pipeline must then be checked with test pressure and reduced to operating pressure. The test
pressure is the authorised positive operating pressure for the system x 1.1. For tap water systems with an authorised positive ope-
rating pressure of e.g. 10 bar, the test pressure is 11 bar. The maximum positive operating pressure for pressure booster systems
must be checked.
Main test
32 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
5.19. Flushing heating installations 5.20.2. Test (unpressed/unsealed)
The completed heating installation must be flushed thorou- See Section 5.17 above.
ghly before initial operation. This process removes metallic
residues and contaminants that may have entered the pipe
system during the construction activity.
Test pressure = authorised max. operating pressure: bar (based on the lowest point of the system)
System height: m
All pipelines must undergo a pressure test in accordance with DIN 18380. The pipes completed but not yet tested must be filled
with water (protect from frost). Connect the pressure gauge to the lowest point on the installation to be tested (e.g. boiler house).
Use only pressure gauges that allow reliable reading of a pressure change of 0.1 bar.
Water heaters are to be tested with pressure equal to 1.3 times the total pressure at any point in the system and at least 1 bar posi-
tive pressure. As soon as possible after the cold water pressure test, check whether the system also remains sealed at maximum
temperature by heating to the highest hot water temperature on the basis of the calculation.
The aforementioned system was heated to the design temperature and no leaks were found. After cooling, there were also no leaks.
Suitable measures must be taken in the event of a risk of freezing.
34 Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook Phone. +31(0)38 42 94 951
Hot and Cold Water systems Technical Handbook 35
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1505 15-191 - May 2015