Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
high reachin content that is brand-relevant and audience-driven.
E Emotional
T Target
T Two-way
E Exponential
R Reach
Brand Personality experience for everyone. To begin,
The first, and quite possibly most we had to identify the brand per-
crucial compo- sonality that is the best fit for the
nent within the Boston Celtics.
el is the brand We have identified three
personality. The core brand characteristics of
brand personality the Boston Celtics, and then
curates a unifying from those three character-
personality and istics developed a brand ar-
voice for brands chetype to guide our mar-
to follow, which keting efforts. The three
allows for mes- characteristics are as fol-
saging to remain lows: electric, progres-
consistent and to sive, and legendary.
help target audi-
ences connect on The Boston Celtics have an
a more person- incredible fanbase, being in
al level with the the heart of Boston. There is
brand. This is possible as the brand nothing quite like New Englanders,
personality gives human-like char- and no one dedicates themselves
acteristics to the brand. Audiences to a team more. They bring ener-
identify with these characteristics gy to the games which feeds onto
and as a result feel as if they can see the court. The Celtics are the ben-
themselves in a brand. This is what eficiaries of this energy created by
ultimately leads to lasting fans, which allows them to have an
brand loyalty. The Boston
Celtics already have an in-
credible fanbase, and our
goal is to use the BETTER
model to extend that fan-
base even further, and im-
prove the overall in-game
proud of, and this is why we have
selected progressive as the second
brand characteristic.
Relationship Identification
These improvements to the venue
experience expose fans to every side
of the Boston Celtics, from meet-
ing the players, to taking photos, to
face painting and more. It also pro-
vides the Celtics franchise the op-
portunity to show they are
willing to listen to custom-
1. Identification ers and stay up to date with
what they want and what
matters most to them. Through this
improved experience, fans will be
able to understand what the Celtics
2. Inspiring do and what they stand for, on and
off the court.
This campaign highlights the im-
3. Helpful portance of remembering and hon-
oring the Celtics’ legendary histo-
ry, and by dedicating a space in the
venue for fans to relive those
Our goal is to make every partic-
ipant feel like a welcomed guest.
Each participant can choose the
path they want to walk on in our
experience. A family with little kids
will most likely spend their time in
the kids play area at the top of the
person next to you. Even if you don’t arena. This is a welcoming space
know them personally, you have a
special connection with them be-
cause of your same passion and love
for the same team. You instantly
feel connected to them because all
of the sudden you have something
in common. That’s what sports are with countless activities to let the
all about. Our in game experienc- kids get their wiggles out and stay
es bring that consecutiveness to the entertained. A different participant
next level. When a fan is chosen for who is fascinated by the history of
the player look alike cam they in- the Celtics will spend some time
stantly feel connected to that play- engaging, reading, and walking
er. When your kids become friends through the historic walk. Anoth-
er participant will spend their time act wants, hopes, and desires. Each
getting their entire face covered in activity appeals to different types of
Celtic green in hopes of getting on fans that walk into the arena. The
the big screen. Each fan can person- participants get to petsonalize their
alize their experience to fit their ex- experience to their own liking.
The TD
Experiencewith the Celtics
The Celtics have been at the heart of
Boston for decades. At TD Garden, fans'
excitement skyrocket as they watch the
game between whistles. But we are here
to help Celtics fans have an exciting
experience that includes so much more
than just basketball. This new and improved
fan experience starts with the venue.
Historic Walk
The BETTER model acts as a frame- personality in our experiential
work that helps us best connect marketing efforts allows us to re-
with and reach target audiences. main consistent as an organization,
The importance of brand person- which creates more authentic con-
ality cannot be expressed enough, nections with our audience. In this
and returning back to the brand section of our experiential market-
ing campaign, we want to focus in
on one of our three brand charac- Prominent figures will include the
teristics: legendary. greats such as Larry Bird, Bill Rus-
sel, John Havlicek, Paul Pierce, Kev-
The Celtics are one of eight teams in McHale, Sam Jones and more.
to survive the first ten years in the Plaques with players stats will be in-
NBA. Celtics fans are proud of the cluded allowing for fans to compare
team and its history, as well as the and contrast the greats, encourag-
incredible players ing healthy debate
they have had over over who is tru-
the years. That is ly the best of the
why for our next el- best. Logistically
ement of our cam- speaking, this will
paign we want to be an investment,
introduce an addi- but it will be a
tion to TD Garden: worthwhile one.
the Celtics Legends Yankee Stadium
Historic Walk. We has a similar fea-
will build in this walk of legends on ture in their hall of legends, and the
the east side of the arena and it will stadium has seen great success, as
extend across several portals. Celt- well as additional social media ex-
ics fans are all about history and tra- posure from fans photos, from it.
dition, the Celtics Legends Histor- If New Yorkers can do it, imagine
ic walk will give fans the ability to how much better true Bostonians
transcend time as they see banners can do!
championing their favorite players.
Look-Alike Cam
Humor is arguably one of the sim- playfully crafted look-alike game
plest yet most effective ways to on the jumbotron can bring smiles
make an experience memorable. A and laughter to TD Garden. This al-
ready popular stunt is executed by timeout. Traditions help fans have
various arenas around the nation. anticipation for the arena experi-
Because a doppelgänger cam is eas- ence and keep them coming back.
ily understood, it is funny and en- Some examples of look-alikes to do
joyable for all ages. This jumbotron are historic Celtics players, current
activity also gives unexpecting fans Celtics players, and famous movie
a chance to participate in the TD characters.
Garden experience. Because this
could easily become a well-loved The jumbotron screen would first
tradition of Celtic fans, game at- display a photo of the famous per-
tendees would amusingly look for- son/character, then a live feed of
ward to the look-alike cam during a someone in the arena who looks
like that famous person/character Celtics fans and fans attending for
would appear on the screen next to opposing teams will welcome the
the photo. The screen should also entertaining diversion if a game
have the name of the famous per- isn’t going the way they want. A
son/character displayed. Planning jumbotron look-alike cam will un-
and precision is required for this doubtedly be a crowd favorite at ev-
activity to be executed smoothly, ery Celtics game.
but the happy results are worth it.
They will
be stationed
at the doorways
so that as guests enter
TD Garden they can cap-
ture that initial excitement
from both new and return-
walk on the court. The facial expres-
ing fans. After that they
sions the parents explain to grand-
could roam around taking pictures
ma and grandpa, but are never able
of people trying the famous Crazy
to capture in a picture. After each
Dough Pizza or dancing as they try
game the photos would be available
to distract the free throw shooter.
for download for that night's tick-
et holders with that game's unique
They would be able to capture the
hashtag. One photo would be se-
fans' emotions as they watch that
lected to be the fan of the game
buzzer beater shot hit nothing but
and the subjects of the photo will
net or watch as their favorite play-
receive free courtside seats. This
er gets that alley-oop dunk. They
would encourage fans to share their
would capture the excitement in
photos and ultimately drive word
the son's face as they see their idol
of mouth. This adds an Exponen-
Polaroid Wall
Have you ever been to a sporting We will have a wide variety of arm
event and wanted a good picture of sleeves, headbands, clip on beards,
you and your group? Well we got and the #7 jersey.
you covered. The polaroid booth is
a new experience you won’t want Within seconds you and your
to miss out on. The backdrop will group can look like the whole Celt-
change for each game. Each back- ic squad. The fun doesn’t stop there.
drop will be unique to the time of We will take two pictures for you.
year and who the Celtics are play- The first one your group can take
ing. This isn’t just every other pho- home so you can always remember
to wall, ours will contain props to your experience at the legendary
make you look like the players. For Celtic game. The second picture we
example, if your favorite player is will put on the massive photo wall.
Jaylen Brown then you’re in luck. You will have the chance to come
back, find your picture on the wall, days. You will always be a part of
and reminisce about the good old the TD Garden and the Cletics.
As part of our plan to improve the since it can often be difficult for a
venue experience at the Boston young toddler to stay still in their
Celtics TD Garden, we want to assigned seat. There would be kid
implement a kids play area at the basketball hoops for children and
top of the arena. This space would their families to play with while
provide ample room for kids to utilizing the space. We would also
run around and use their energy, provide places for parents to sit
and relax to watch their kids play. els while keeping the venue experi-
This space is designed for families ence family-friendly.
to enjoy the game on multiple lev-