P.G.I.M.E.R - Deptt. of Psychiatry: Mental Status Examination
P.G.I.M.E.R - Deptt. of Psychiatry: Mental Status Examination
P.G.I.M.E.R - Deptt. of Psychiatry: Mental Status Examination
Mental Status Examination:-
2. Speech
4. Thought
5. Perception
7. Insight
8. Judgement
General appearance and behavior-
It gives idea about the physique, body build [Asthenic-lean and thin, Pyknic-
fatty and Athletic- well developed body , bones, muscles]
Physical appearance [apparent age, state of physical health, hygiene, self-care i.e.
cleanliness of hair, cloths, body, concern about appearance], grooming [overly
groomed/poorly groomed], dressing (adequate, appropriate, any peculiarities),
facies (non-verbal expression of mood visible on face), whether patient is
Attitude towards examiner-
Cooperation/guardedness/evasiveness/hostility/combativeness/ haughtiness,
Appears interested/disinterested/apathetic
Perplexity- [है रान / परे शान सा चेहरा]- confused / indifferent looking face
Comprehension - Intact/impaired (partially/fully)
Gait [चाल/चलने का ढं ग ]and posture- Normal or abnormal (way of sitting,
standing, walking, how patient is lying on bed)
Motor activity- Increased/decreased, any over excitement/stupor[akinesis (not
able to move) and mutism (unable to speak)], abnormal involuntary movements
(AIMs) such as tics, tremors, akathisia, restlessness
Catatonic signs (mannerisms, stereotypies, posturing [voluntarily maintaining
abnormal posture specially against gravity for prolonged period of time], waxy
flexibility, negativism, ambitendency [inability to decide for or against same
activity/behaviour example-brings hand for shaking with examiner at same time
takes back]), conversion and dissociative signs (pseudo seizures, possession
state), social withdrawal, autism, compulsive acts, rituals or habits (for example,
nail biting, counting via fingers etc]
Speech can be examined under the following headings:
The mood and affect both are similarly described under quality, range (of
emotional changes displayed over time), depth or intensity of affect (normal,
increased or blunted) and appropriateness of affect (in relation to thought and
surrounding environment).
Mood and affect are assessed subjectively (‘how do you feel whole day’/पुरे ददन
आपका मन कैसा रहता है ) as well as objectively by looking at face and described
as general warmth, euphoria, elation, exaltation and/or ecstasy (seen in severe
mania) in mania; anxious and restless in anxiety and depression; sad, irritable,
angry and/or despaired in depression; and shallow, blunted, indifferent,
restricted [narrow in range], inappropriate/ appropriate to situations and/or
labile in bipolar / schizophrenia. Anhedonia may occur in both schizophrenia
and depression.
Perception/Perceptual disturbance
Perception means process by which information which we are receiving via our
5 sensory organs are meaningfully arranged and decoded/interpreted by our
brain by comparing it with our previous experiences. Perception is assessed
under the following headings:
It should be further enquired what was heard, how many voices were
heard, in which part of the day, male or female voices, how interpreted
and whether these are second person or third person hallucinations (i.e.
whether the voices were addressing the patient or were discussing him in
third person); also enquire about command (imperative) hallucinations
(which give commands to the person). Enquire whether the hallucinations
occurred during wakefulness, or were they hypnogogic (occurring while
going to sleep) and/or hypnopompic (occurring while getting up from
sleep) hallucinations.
Illusions- misinterpretation of normal stimuli like seeing rope as snake in
dark room
Depersonalisation/derealisation- disorder in perception of a person’s
environment and own self [patient feel they are seeing their bodies from
Somatic passivity phenomenon- Somatic passivity is the presence of
strange sensations described by the patient as being imposed on the body
by ‘some external agency’, with the patient being a passive recipient.
b. Recent Memory- Ask how did the patient come to the hospital; what he ate
for dinner the day before or for breakfast the same morning. Give an address to
be memorised and ask it to be recalled 15 minutes later or at the end of the
c. Remote Memory- Ask for the date and place of marriage, name and birthdays
of children, any other relevant questions from the person’s past. Check for any
amnesia (anterograde/ retrograde), or confabulation, if present.
Abstract thinking
Abstraction means the concept which cannot be seen and touched it can
only be understand/conceptualized. The methods used are:
Insight is the degree of awareness and understanding that the patient has
about his/her illness.[मरीज़ मानता है की नहीीं की उसे कोई मानससक बबमारी
है ]. Insight is rated on a 6-point scale from one to six.
i. Social judgement is observed during the hospital stay and during the
interview session. It includes an evaluation of ‘personal judgement’.
ii. Test judgement is assessed by asking the patient what he/she would do
in certain test situations such as-
what he/she will do ‘when they see a house on fire’ [यदद आपके आँखों के
सामने ककसी के घर पे आग लग जाएगी तब आप क्या करोगे ], or
‘a sealed, stamped, addressed envelope lying on a street’. or
‘यदद आपको ककसी का पसस, पते और पैसे के साथ रोड पर पड़ा हुआ समले तो
आप क्या करोगे?’
Judgement is rated as Good/Intact/Normal or Poor/ Impaired/Abnormal