SFC Student Manual For Online Exam
SFC Student Manual For Online Exam
SFC Student Manual For Online Exam
5. If you are logged off during the exam due to Internet connectivity issues
then login again.
Step 1
Step 2
Login with your registered Mobile number and Password as 123456 (This
is one time Password)
Step 4
You are required to change the password and set the new password which
you will be using for all the exams.
Step 5
Once you have set your new password, you are required to login again with
that new password which is set by you as mentioned in STEP 3
Step 6
After you have logged in to the exam portal you will have the access to give
your respective exams. Click on Attempt to start with the exam.
Step 7
New window will open and you will see instructions before your exam
starts and at the end of instructions you will see start assessment link. It will
get activated only at the time of your exam. For e.g. if your exam is between
10am-11am then this link will get activated from 10am onwards. Click on
Start Assessment and your exam will BEGIN.
Step 8
After you click on Start Assessment your exam & Timer will start.
As you start answering the questions you will observe that boxes on the
right side of the page start changing colours.
CLICK ON SAVE & NEXT after you attempt every question. You can go back
to any question and edit your previous answer. You can mark your question
if you want to review later.
Step 9