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Eat your h add ou

Work in pairs. Look at the photos of daily diets from around thew
and discuss the questions.
1 Which diet looks the most appealing?
2 Which diet looks the most similar to your own?
3 What can we tell about the countries by looking at these people's diets?

Find out as much as you can about your partner's diet. Does yourpæ
snack between meals?
2 eat fast food regularly?
3 drink a lot of tea and coffee?
4 eat plenty of fresh fruit?
5 prefer to eat organic food?
6 avoid certain foods?

Complete the phrases with the words in the box.

balanced fat free -low vegetarian—vitamins

1 a high-..ÆQX.. diet
2 a strict
3 a diet rich in
4 a well-å2huu:kdiet
5 a .kJßA...-saIt diet
6 a diet

Use the phrases in Activities 2

and 3 to describe the diet most peo
have where you live. How
healthy is it? Which phrases would you
to describe the diet you should
48 Unit 5 Eat your heart out
v•essionsof quantity
How healthy do you think a Japanese sumo wrestler's diet is compared to
other athletes?

Choose the correct option(s) in italics. Sometimes both options are possible.
1 Japanese sumo wrestlers consum an enormous amount of a great deal of calories —ten
times more than the recommended daily intake foi%n average man.
2 Sumo wrestlers eat enyfe very little eggs.
3 Sumo wrestlers drink great deal o an enormous amoun f beer.

vi e
4 A sumo wrestler's diet only contain a little a few salt.

n Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1 Which of the expressions in the box can be used instead of the expressions of quantity
in italics in Activity 6?

a bit of a lot of hardly any

2 Which expressions of quantity in Activity 6 and in the box above can be used with
countable/uncountable nouns? Copy the table and complete it. Some can be used
with both.
Countable Uncountable

Turn to page 149 for more practicewith countable and uncountable nouns.

What is the difference in meaning between these examples?

1 A The shop sells a few cakes.
Don't get confused (s less
B The shop sells very few cakes.
between a few and few.
2 A There's a little cheese left.
The party was OK; there
werea few people /knew B There's very little cheese left.
there. (a few = some)
Theparty wasn 't a Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions based on the sentences in Activity 9.
success; few people
turned up. (few= hardly
any) N.B. hardly any is
Subject/Verb agreement
more natural in spoken GRAMMAR REFERENCE p.149
Work in pairs. Choose the correct option in italics and explain your choices.
1 Not many peopleG)/ikes raw fish.
2 Two thousand five hundred calories per day is/@enough for the average man.
3 Everyone need/€)to eat a balanced diet.
4 Eating a lot of fresh vegetables and cheesé@re good for you.
5 There is ar a lot of advice on the internet about eating a healthy diet.
6 Most of my famil@/eats meat but I'm a vegetarian.

12 Complete these sentences about eating habits so that they are true for you.
Then compare with a partner.
1 Most of my family 3 One of my friends
2 Both of my parents 4 No one in my house

Unit 5 Eat your heart out 49

Open cioze (Part 2)
Work in pairs and discuss how far these
statements are true for you.
1 1 14
can't stand the taste of chilli. It's too hot.
2 |love food which has lots of spices and
different flavours.
3 |am addicted to caffeine—I drink at least four
cups of coffee a day.

a Read the text opposite quickly and choose the

correct words in italics.
The write like /doesn't like chilli.
2 Chillica be isn'tveryaddictive.

Look at the gaps in the text. In which four gaps

should you put an expression of quantity? Give
reasons for your answers.

In Part 2 you need to use a variety of grammatical
forms, such as pronouns (he, them), prepositions (at,
about), articles (a, the), auxiliaries (do, are), linking
words (although, next), comparisons (than, as) and
quantifiers (any, many).
WI)! do peop
a Now think of the word which best fits each love cbitlü
gap. Use one word in each gap. There is an
example at the beginning.

Look at the expressions of quantity from the

eople don't wash their eyes in lemc
text. What other ways are there to say the
pour boilinghot tea over themselvt
same thing?
are we prepared to go through so
I very few people pain for the sake of chilli?
2 does not seem to have any addictive qualities Chilli is not the only strange thing tha

3 a large quantity of seem to enjoy. For example, very (1)

4 lots of our favourite dishes people like the bitter taste of coffeeto
with but soon most of us (2)
Work in pairs and discuss the questions. But coffee contains caffeine, whichh
1 What do children generally dislike eating? addictivequalities, and this explains
2 What foods did you hate at first, but enjoy now? it is so popular. But capsaicin, the 1]

3 Is there any food that you refuse to eat? Why? which makes chillies hot, does not
have (4) addictive qualities
(S) we consumed a large que
it would kill us. And yet chilliesha
used in cooking in almost (7)
thousands of years. Today, a third
population eat chilli at least once
our favourite dishes just wouldn't
(8) it.

50 Unit 5 Eat your heart
completion 015 You will hear a food writer
called Sarah
Willis talking about the history of
•CUS p. 188
Follow the steps in Activity 2 for
each answer, then listen and complete
Do most people still cook traditional dishes in the sentences.
your country? What new foods have become
popular recently? EXAM TIP
Look at question I in the text below. What You may hear more than one number/noun/
adjective/verb that will fit grammatically. But
kind of information do you think is missing?
one of these will fit the meaning.
Give reasons for your answers.
A a meal
B a type of food
Read through your answers to check they
make sense grammatically.
C an animal

Underline the key words in the text below Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
and make sure you understand what each
Give reasons for your answers.
sentence means. 1 How much raw food do you eat?
2 Do you think people should eat less meat?
3 What would you like to eat more or less of?


Sarah says about 60 percent of a chimpanzee's diet
consists of a mixture of (1)
There is no (2) in a large percentage of the plants
that chimpanzees eat.
The size of the human (3) makes it difficult for
people to eat large quantities of plants.
Before they discovered cooking, it could take a minimum
of (4) for people to eat their food.
One benefit of cooking was that (5) could be kept
until the following day.
Some scientists think cooking resulted in an increase in
the size of the (6)
The idea of sharing a (7) with the whole family
probably started when people began to cook.
The risk from (8) meant that female cooks needed
New evidence from Africa shows that (9) could
have been used earlier than scientists previously thought.
During the last ice age the extra (10) . provided by
cooked food helped people to survive.

Unit 5 Eat your heart out 51

is made in the fifth paragraph?
5 What point
Multipåe choice (Part 5) Most of our food
has been alteredin
EXAM FOCUS p.187 needs to get more
B Food production efficient
(A) reluctant to eat food
Discuss the questions and give reasons for C People are productsth
your answers. unnatural.
are easy to grow will
1 If
you lived on your own, would you bother cooking?
D Plants which
more popular vegetables.
2 Would you ever replace
a meal with an energy drink paragraph, the writer expresses
or smoothie? 6 In the final
Soylent is only suitable
A doubt that
Read the article quickly to find out three pieces of people.
of information about a food product called may be a solutiontoa
B hope that Soylent
Soylent. Then compare with a partner. serious problem.
C surpriseabout the predicted demandfor
EXAM TIP Soylent products.
Remember, when you are looking for the answers in D disagreement that products like Soylentarea-
this part, the questions will follow
the order of the text to family life.
Always check your answers very
Work in pairs. Check your answers by maw
For questions 1—6,choose the answer words in the options to what is stated
(A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text. El Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 Why did Rob Rhinehart initially create Soylent? 1 Would you consider trying Soylent? What doyou
are its advantages and disadvantages?
A He saw it as a way of earning money to support
his new company. 2 What would you give up if you wanted tosave
B e felt that cooking was taking up too much of A buying snacks D your phone
his time. B going out E your car
C He wanted to live on a diet of nutritious food. C buying presents F something else?
D He thought that he would be able to live
more cheaply. Match the underlined phrases in the articlet
2 Following the interest in his blog, Rhinehart
meanings 1—6.
A couldn't keep up with the demand for Soylent. 1 refuse to accept ok-es
B had to choose which of his businesses to close. 2 remove the need for
C improved the recipe forSoylent. 3 discover by accident
started producing big quantities of Soylent. 4 no longer possible to continue secxuucLtnaut(
3 The writer was surprised by the public reaction to 5 be limited to
Soylent because 6 spread quickly on the internet
A liquid food has always been associated with
ill health. n Work
in pairs and decide whether bothor
B people were already familiar with the idea of of the verbs in italics collocates withthen
liquid meal replacements. Then check the meaning
in a dictionary.
C there are lots of similar products available. 1 Their crop of soya
beans has doub/ed/expandedinsi*
D astronauts stopped using liquid food a long 2 The business
expanded/grew rapidly.
time ago. 3 They raised/grew a
huge family on very littlemoneY9
4 What does Rhinehart say about people's eating 4 No one
habits in:the future? raised/introduced any objections to thepn
5 The company
A They will feel less hungry at meal times. had to raise/increase
demand for the productionto
B They will prefer eating liquid food
C They will only cook when they feel like it. Use the verbs
in Activity 7 to talk about
in your town/city,
D They will appreciate eating out more than your workload andthe
people do now. of transport.

52 Unit 5 Eat your heart out

Think of popular celebratio
TaNLClC\ Work in pairs.
Passive forms country.What
food is typically eaten
use passive forms.
GRAMMAR REFERENCE p.150 made? Try to
Read the sentences about celebrations. Decide
whether it is better to use the active (sentence
Passive reporting verbs
A) or passive (sentence B) form of the verb and A, B and C. Which
Look at sentences believes?
who What isthe
say why. avoid(s) saying
1 A At weddings in Italy,they oftengive sugared difference in form?
almonds to guests. believe that monkeys
B At weddings in Italy, sugared almonds are often A Thai people
believed to bring wealth.
given to guests. B Monkeys are
that monkeys bring wealth.
Some people hate surprise parties that people C It is believed
give them on their birthdays.
B Some people hate being given surprise parties TIP
on their birthdays. opinions and beliefs with
We must make a decision soon about which \ölecan report
or believe.
restaurant we should book for mum and dad's
wedding anniversary. passive reporting verb + that clause
B A decision must be made soon about which subject + passive reporting verb + present]
restaurant we should book for mum and dad's infinitive
wedding anniversary.
We will provide flowers on all the tables at the
Complete the second sentence so that
wedding reception.
B Flowers will be provided on all the tables at the similar meaning to the first sentence,using\
wedding reception. word given.
I was really thrilled when my sister asked me to 1 People expect tourists to carry sticks to protect
give a speech at her wedding. themselves from curious monkeys.
B I was really thrilled to be asked by my sister to ARE
give a speech at her wedding.
Read the text about a celebration. What is protect themselves from curious monkeys.
unusual about it? 2 Most people think monkeys are a huge touristattm
At the end of November an annual feast
(1) .. (D.... in Lopburi,Thailand.An enormous
amount of fruit and vegetables (2) 6..„.. by tourist attraction by most people.
local people. Chefs (3) 3 to preparea 3 Newspapers claim that twenty top chefs havebeen
wonderful meal. Not so unusual, perhaps, except that to preparethe meal.
the 3,000 guests are all monkeys! Monkeys BY
(4) everywhere in this jungle town and
monkeys (5) to bring wealth, in the form twenty top chefs have been vited to preparethe
of tourism. The feast (6) in 1989 by a
4 The tourist office has estimated that over
local businessman as a way of saying thank you to them.
watch the feast.
Complete the text with the verb phrases in
It .„.....souWW...
the b that ov
visitors watch the feast.
are bélieved cambe seen have beenünvited 5 Everyone says monkeys can be very aggressive arou
was started atgd willbe< • gtplace TO
Monkeys .
aggressive around food
• We use the passive form when we don't know/it n Work in pairs. Discuss stories which have
doesn't matter/it's obvious who does the action. reported recently online
or on TV.
Use a form of to be + past participle. Example: The prime
minister/president is said t
A new film about
... has been made recently
54 Unit 5 Eat your heart out
Describing a personal
experience Franco's
Read the restaurant Franco's on Canal Street is said
n to
review and tick going
no-bookings policy; there's
the things that nothingI
to queue for ages. But last week
are mentioned. me there and although we did have a frienö
staff u/ for a table, it was definitely worthit.
• writer's expectations There are only six pizzas on themenu
some who expect to have a widerse'!
location 4, me it's the quality of the
décor size of the menu. The pizzas here
other diners Neapolitan, which isn't that surprising
experience is from Naples and had the wood-fired
designed there.
The service was very efficient- but
food didn't getthe impression that the
pressure to serve us quickly so that
Work in pairs and discuss the questions. n
more customers. In fact, they couldn't
1 Would you go to Franco's after reading this review) or more helpful.
2 Do you prefer to read restaurant reviews or to gec The only downside was that it was
personal recommendations from friends before were given a table quite close tothe
going to a new restaurant? whole, it was a first-rate experience-so
going to one of the characterlesspizza
3 How good do you think the restaurantsare where recommend going to Franco's. It'sa grea
you live? Which ones would you recommend to a quality, affordable meal out withfriends.
visitor to your town/city?
4 Have you ever been disappointed or pleasantly
surprised by a meal in a restaurant?

In which paragraph(s) does the writer

Review (Part 2)
A give details about the food? 2-
B say who she recommends the restaurant for? Read the exam task and writeat
C describe her experience? I some of the ideas and language
D express negative points? of Franco's. You should write141

You see this advertisement in thelocal

Recommend can be followed by -ing or a clause.
I would strongly recommend booking/that you WANTED: RESTAURANT
book in advance. Have you tried a new restaurant in youran
like to know your opinion, not onlyofthef(
Copy the table and complete it with words/ staff, the atmosphere and the prices.Tell
phrases from the review. would recommend the restaurant to othe

food staff The best review will be publishedin ne

best pizza in
the city, Write your review

Underline examples in the text where the

writer uses EXAM TIP
You should include both positiveat
A adverbs for emphasis.
comments but don't forget to stati
B the passive.
C expressions for giving opinions.

56 Unit 5 Eat your heart out

n Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete Choose the correct word in italics to
the sentences. complete the sentences.
1 He snacks a lot meals. 1 A high percentage of people@re allergic
A besides B on C b tween D from to nuts.
2 It's importan eat a diet in vitamins. 2 Both coffee and tea ontain contains a lot
A rich B igh C full D plenty of caffeine.
3 People would be healthier if they ate less food 3 Only one of my brother@re a good cook.

ODfast B quick C hurried D speedy 4 Neither of my parents eat at meat.

4 Never add salt to any dish without it first to see 5 The government hase introduced new rules
it's needed. about food labels.
A asting B cooking C flavouring D pouring 6 Information on ways to improve your diet is re
5 Some culture re known their spicy food. available on the website.
C about D with 7 The Spanish G)/eats a lot of fish.
6 What are needed to ake that dish? 8 Four hundred pound@are an awful lot of
A parts B items I gredients D pieces money to spend on one meal.
7 A lot of children are addicted sugar.
A for B on c D by Complete the sentenceswith the correct
by more than 20 percent
passive form of the verb in brackets.
8 The price of coffee
I t year. 1 Children Ode* {QL9hteach) about healthy
ised B increased C expanded D doubled eating in many schools.
2 This restaurant
Complete the sentences with one word. newspapers recently.
1 We've got very. QW cheese left. Can you go to the 3 The onions must (fry) until they
shops for me? are soft.
2 I don't eat eggs these days; just two a week. 4 That chef (say) to be extremely
3 There's only a tiny of cake left. Who's eaten it all? talented.
4 O n
She eats . .l.b any chocolate these days. 5 All the cake (eat) last night.
5 Eating fruit is very good for you. 6 Only fifty people (Invite) to their
6 There are only a calories in a strawberry. wedding, which is on Saturday
7 There's a great of salt in this dish.
8 We cooked an enormous {ONO (of food for the party.

Unit 5 Eat your heart out 57

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