Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi

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Name : .........................................

Classs : .........................................

A. What do you say if you are in these situations? ( good afternoon,good bye, i’m sorry, Thank
you,good morning )
1. You meet your teacher in the morning. (...............................................................)
2. You want to leave your friend before the scool ends. (..................................................)
3. You borrow your friend’s book, but unfortunately you lost it. (.........................................)
4. You get a new dress from grandma. (............................................................................)
5. You meet Mr. Hasan on the way to your home at 6 p.m. (.................................................)
B. Write in English
1. Kakek =
2. Nenek =
3. Ayah =
4. Ibu =
5. Paman =
6. Bibi =
7. Saudara laki-laki =
8. Saudara perempuan =
9. Keponakan laki-laki =
10. Keponakan Perempuan =
C. Write the date and year
1. 21-3-1989 =
2. 1-1-2023 =
3. 25-12-2022=
4. 12-7-2007=
5. 16-8-1975=
D. Write the time below
1. 07.00 =
2. 09.30 =
3. 08.15 =
4. 10.45 =
5. 05.00 =
E. Write parts of your body
1. Rambut =
2. Kepala =
3. Dahi =
4. Telinga =
5. Pipi =
6. Telinga =
7. Mata =
8. Hidung =
9. Mulut =
10. Gigi =
11. Leher =
12. Bibir =
13. Bahu/Pundak =
14. Pergelangan tangan =
15. Jari =
16. Lengan =
17. Lutut =
18. Kaki
19. Pergelangan Kaki =
20. Jari kaki =
F. Complate the sentences with (This, That, These , Those, have, has)
1. My sister......................a big house in the city.
2. They........................pool in their house.
3. ..............is my ball in my hand and..............your ball over there.
4. ..............are my Tony’s friends and................are my friend over there
5. ...............is sally’s bike in front of the door and ...........is her coat here.

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