Design of Voice Command Access Using Matlab

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10 XI November 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

Design of Voice Command Access Using Matlab

Mohd. Abdul Naqi1, Panaganti Naresh2, Chityala Sai krishna3, Dhanavath Praveen Kumar4
1, 2, 3, 4
Dept.of ECE, CMR Technical Campus

Abstract: This particular project is mainly deals with security and access to a device. As the present generation the technology
was increasing rapidly. The security for the electronic devices is also increasing highly. There are different types of security was
implemented for the electronic devices. They are: Biometric, Iris Scan, Facial Recognition and Voice Recognition We preferably
think Voice Recognition is more secured when compared. So we are designing a voice Access Module. For which we are using
Audio processing subject on a lighter note. The central idea of the project is to use MATLAB software and record few people
audio and store them as a data- base. Now the task to be done by design is when a person tries to open system with his voice
command, the design need to verify that particular audio with the database created. The design allows the person only when he
is one of the authorized persons, in else case it recognizes that the one is an intruder.
Keywords: Security, Voice processing, database.

In the modern world, there is an ever-increasing need to authenticate and identify individuals automatically. Securing personal
privacy and deterring identity theft are national priorities. Biometrics, the physical traits and behavioral characteristics that make
each of us unique, area natural choice for identity verification. It is an emerging technology that promises an effective solution to
our security needs. It can accurately identify or verify individuals based upon their unique physical or behavioral characteristics. It
is a key that can be customized to an individual’s access needs opening doors for one while keeping others out. We can use a
biometric to access our home, our account, or to invoke a customized setting for any secure area or application. In this chapter we
explore the various types of biometric authentication techniques and their deployment potential. We take a look into the emerging
technologies in this field and note their potential applications and future prospects.


Several experiments have been carried out over the years by different groups of researchers.

Here are some of the following groups:

1) Bhuvan Taneja, Jones C J, Rohan Tanwar –“ Speech Recognition”- International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering
Trends - January 2021. In this thesis, we have exhibited an evaluation pertaining to Automated Speech Recognition Systems.
We have discussed the system more-over its vital attributes, also the overall architecture pertaining to Automated Speech
Recognition. We consider utilizing neural networks in our perspective that is pertaining with automated speech processing to
construct an intelligent interface built on computer vision moreover functions to input the speech of users with the purpose that
the interfaces permit smart inter communication along with users more over initiate a natural as well as smooth communication
amongst the machines and human.
2) Neha Sharma , Shipra Sardana “ Designing a Real Time Speech Recognition System using MATLAB”- National Conference
on Latest Initiatives& Innovations in Communication- April 2020. In this project nine words were collected and analyzed.
Words were distinguished by energies associated with them. The system was able to separate the words according to their
energies. Final output comes out in the form of text. By using this code the system can be trained for more words and
paragraphs. This system is also very sensitive to noise. In future we can work for this task. Also this system is very sensitive to
word pronunciation during training.
3) Daniel S. Park, Yu Zhang, Ye Jia, Wei Han, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Bo Li, Yonghui Wu and Quoc V. Le – “Improved Noisy
Student Training for Automatic Speech Recognition” – 29 October 2020. We have adapted and improved noisy student
training for ASR. We have employed Spec Augment, language model fusion and sub-modular sampling into the noisy student
training pipeline to adapt it for speech recognition.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1384
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at


Our proposed model is voice recognition using matlab. Biometrics is unique identification for even two twins as well know, One
can use therebiometrics with copying finger prints, without knowledge of actual authority. For achieving this we are using Matlab
software and few of its features. In our model the design begins with access of the human voice, who is the actual user of the device
this voice. The characteristics of this voice like the Cepstrum, Automatic Dialect, Mel frequency, Gaussian feature, Frequency

Figure 3.1: Work Flow of Model

We can upload the dataset that is our voice command with the help of MATLAB tool and observe the obtained results.

Fig 4.1: Voice Signal

Here the above we gave the actual voice of the user and plotted the voice as a signal showing its modulation and its amplitude. Here
the other features are also saved as the data of the original user. Now the other person voice signal is given to the program and the
features are analysed. This features are compared with original data. For the users who are or the one is not the actual user, it is
displayed as “You are an intruder! Try AGAIN” For the actual user it has recognized the voice and displayed as “Hi user!
Thus we get the desired output through a MATLAB program by using its few of the features. This is just a program wrote down in
the software, and the same program can be further developed as an application or website with some more detailed work on it nad
can be used as a security access control by the user

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1385
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue XI Nov 2022- Available at

Fig 4.2: Analysis of Voice

This work describes Speaker Recognition systems as a part of the Biometric Security System. Mainly, this work aims at the speaker
identification and the research in this field. The Speaker Identification system using Gaussian Mixture Model is implemented on
MATLAB 11 platform. There is two session of system first is Registration and second is Testing . In Registration session firstly
silence is removed from the voice print to improve the precision of the recognition. The feature MFCC is extracted for recognition
than GMM training is applied for extracting μ, Σ, C is stored. In testing session voice print of unknown speaker is taken then silence
removed and like hood isfound, the corresponding to the maximum like hood person in database isidentified. Experiments have
been conducted on the database stored in the lab. And it has been observed that the system is accurate to a value of 90%.

[1] Bhuvan Taneja, Jones C J, Rohan Tanwar –“ Speech Recognition”- International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends - January 2021
[2] Neha Sharma , Shipra Sardana “ Designing a Real Time Speech Recognition System using MATLAB”- National Conference on Latest Initiatives& Innovations
in Communication- April 2020.
[3] Daniel S. Park, Yu Zhang, Ye Jia, Wei Han, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Bo Li, Yonghui Wu and Quoc V. Le – “Improved Noisy Student Training for Automatic
Speech Recognition” – 29 October 2020
[4] Dr. M. Thangamani, Ms. P. Seetha Subha Priya “Automatic Speech Recognition through Artificial Intelligence International Journal of Advanced Trends in
Computer Applications (IJATCA) Vol. 1, ISSN: 2395-3519,pp. 82-85,December-2019
[5] Dhawan S. Thakur1 and Aditi Sharma2- “Voice Recognition Wireless Home Automation System Based On Zigbee”- IOSR Journal of Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE)- June 2019
[6] Mirco Ravanelli, Titouan Parcollet, Yoshua Bengio-“ Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP )”-IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and
Signal Processing - September 2019
[7] Veton Kepuska, Mihir Patal, Nicholas Rogers.-“A MATLAB Tool for Speech Processing, Analysis and Recognition”-International Journal of Advanced Trends
in Computer Applications (IJATCA) ,January-2018.
[8] Pete Warden Google Brain –“Speech Commands: A Dataset for Limited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition” – 9 April 2018
[9] Vineel Pratap, Awni Hannun, Qiantong Xu, Jeff Cai, Jacob Kahn, Gabriel Synnaeve,Vitaliy Liptchinsky, Ronan Collobert-“ The Fastest Open-Source Speech
Recognition System” 18-December-2018 .
[10] Anjalika Gupta, Prof. Pankaj Raibagkar, Dr. Anup Palsokar,“ Speech Recognition Using Correlation Technique”International Journal of Current Trends in
Engineering & Research (IJCTER), June 2017

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1386

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