Is 1293.1988

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IS : 1293 - 1988 (Roattiemed 1995) Indian Standard cea SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UP TO 16 AMPERES (Second Revision ) ‘Second Reprint JUNE 1998 UDC 621316541 © Copyright 1988 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG NEW DELHI 110002 Gry December 1988 1S: 1293 - 1988 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UP TO 16 AMPERES (Second Revision) 0 FOREWORD 0.1 The Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Stan- dards on 26 February 1988, after the draft finalized by the Electrical Wiring Accessories ‘Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 This standard was first published in 1958. ‘The fist revision was brought out in 1967. ‘This second revision has been undertaken to bring it in line with the latest IEC Publication and fo take into account the developments within the country. test siethods for 3 pin ( ing) plugs and socket out} and dc circuits having exceeding 250 V. 0.4 Two pin plugs are intendemnOrbeites only for Clas Il appliances, the use of which fn the country s extremely limited. In order to keep the variety limited and to enable such ppliances. to be conveniently used with the available three pia socket outlets, the Com- ities desired that even in Class Ii appliances, three pin plugs as intended for normal appli- cation be used with earth terminal remaining ‘unconnected. 0.5 In preparing this standard, assistance has ‘been derived from the following standards: IEC Publication 83 ( 1975) Standards for ‘plugs and cocket-outlets for domestic ‘simliar general use. Interoational Electrotechnical Commission (HEC), IEC Doc: 238 ( Central Office )43 : Draft ‘standard for plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes: Part 1 General requirements. International Electrotechnical Commission (TEC). SARS 164: 1953 Three-pin plugs’ and socket-outlets. South African Bureau of Standards, BS 546 : 1950 Two-pole and earthing-pin ‘plugs socket-outlets and_ socket-outlet Adaptors. British Standards Institution. ~ '0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard. is ‘Complied with, the final value, observed or calcite, expressing the retull of atx, shall be rounded off in accordance with I8:2-i960*. ‘The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard, ‘Rules for rounding off aumerical values (revised ) 1. SCOPE 11 This standard covers the requirements and ‘ests for three-pin two-pole and earthing plugs and sockel-outlets of surface and flush type Cohuttered and non-shuttered ) suitable for ac and de circuits having voltages up to 250 volts. ‘Nore — 2 pin plugs and socket outlets are con- sidered nonesundard (3¢¢ 04). 2, TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions chall apply. 2.1 Plog — A devico carrying three metallic Contacts ia tho form of pint, intended for amagement with corrxponding ook contacts ‘arranged for attachments to a flexible cord or cable. jug with 2 fuse link 2.2: Fused Plug — A. ith fore the line plug pin » in circuit 2.3 Socket-Ontlet — A. device carrying three meals contact designed for sggngrment with correspon lug pins and arranged Foreonnection to fied wing. 2.4 Fixed Socket-Oatlet — A socket-outlet ‘which is connected to the fixed wiring. 2.5 A Poctable Socket-Outlet — A socket. ‘outlet intended to be connected to, or integral with, flexible cables or cords, and which can easily be moved from one place to another ‘while connected to the supply. 2.6 A Maltiple Socket-Outlet — A combina- tion of two or more socket-outlets. IS : 1293 - 1988 2.7 Stuttered Socket Outlet — A socket-outlet hhaving provision for screening its line and neutral socket contacts automatically with, a shutter when they are not in engagement with the corresponding plug pins. 2.8 A Rewirable Plog or Portable Socket ‘Outlet — An accessory s0 constructed that the flexible eable or cord can be replaced. (2.9 A Nov-Rewirable Plug or a Non-Rewirable Portable Socket-Outlet — An accestory 80 Eonsursted tbat forms a complete unit’ with fhe Reyibleceble or cord afer connection and assembly by the manufacturer of the accessory Geeaie Ba), 2.10 Socket Contact — Metallic contacts in the socket-outlet which engage with the pins - of the plug. = 2.11 A Pillar Terminal — A terminal in which the conductor is inserted into a hole or cavity where it is clamped under the shank of the Mow or coon ‘The clamping pressure may. be applied ivealy by ihe shal of the serew or through ‘an intermediate member to which the pressure applied by the shank of the sere. Examples of pillar terminals are gir in Fig. 1. ‘2.12 A Serew Terminal — A terminal in which ‘the conductor is clamped under the head of the screw. ‘The clamping pressare may be applied directly by. the head of the screw or through an intermediate part, such as a washer, clamp- jing plate or antispread device. Examples of screw terminals are given ire Es 213 A Stod Termlonl — A tecminal i which {i conductor is clamped under a ast ‘The. clamping pressure, may be applied directly by a sutably shaped nut or through Stintcrmedite part, suchas a washer, lam ing plate or antispread devi a Examy ‘to stud termi i aegis eal are given. in 2.14 Rated Voltage — Voltage assigned to the plug or socket-outlet by the maker. 2.15 Rated Current — Current assigned to the plug of socket-outlet by the maker. ‘216 Type Tests — Tests carried out to prove conformity with the requirements of the 8 ication. These are intended to prove ‘general qualities and design of the given ‘ype of plug or sockctoutlet 217 Reatine ‘Tests ~ Tests carried on each Fidm forcbeck requirements whith ar ikely 19 vary during.productien, 218 Acceptance Tests — Tests carried out on Samples taken from fot for the purpose of sozeptance of the fot. Nort ~The, word ‘ccetry” Inui In ha edad Sith ANT Sto Fog td tock Now2— The word ocksote” where wed eae ET Ipellcis sao re of te ot 3, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Accessories shall be so designed and con- structed that in normal use their performance is reliable and without danger to the user or the surroundings. In general, compliance is checked by carrying out all the este epeaiied. 4, GENERAL NOTES ON TESTS ‘41 Unless otherwise specified, the samples are tested as deli and under’ normal conditions of use, ‘Non-rewirable accessories are tested with the type and size of a flexible cable or cord, as delivered, at least 1 m long. 42 Unless otherwise: specified, the ‘tests are carried out in the order of the clauses, at an ambient temperature between 15 and 35°C. Fro. 1 PILtan Type TERMINALS Serew 00t requiring washer (of clamping plate ‘Screw tarmiate 1S: 1293 - 1988 Optionst B = washer and clamping plate ‘D = conductor space Fro, 2 Screw TERMINALS AND SruD TERMINAL Incase of doubt, the tests are made at an ambient temperature of 27 +: S°C, Plugs and socket-outlets are tested separately. ‘The neutrai, ifany, is treated as 2 pole. 5, RATINGS SA Rgied Voltage — The rated voltage shall not exceed 250V. The preferred voltage shall be 240 V. 5.2 Rated. Current — The rated current shall be 6 of 16A in line with international practice: However, for the convenience of manufacturers ‘and users used to the present series of 5 and 15 A and in order to facilitate a sinooth change over, both the series shall be used con- currently til December 199 ater. which only Gand 16A shall be the rated current. 6. CLASSIFICATION E21 The sockevoutets are clasied accord '8) absence or presence of enclosures: 4) unenclosed, and ii) enclosed. For, unenclosed socket-ovtlets, the protection against electric shock is given by the enclosure in which the socket- outlet is intended to be mounted; 1b) absence or the presence of shutters: i) without shutters, and fi) with shutters (see 94); and ©) the method of application: IS : 1293 - 1988 4) surface-type socket-outlets, fi) fush-type socket-outlets, iii) semi-Bush type socket-outlets, and iv) portable type socket-outlets. 7, MARKING AND VISUAL INSPECTION 7A, The following shall be marked clearly ang, indelibly on both plugs and. socket outlets: 8) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark or both; b) Currené ratings ©) Voltage rating; 4) The words ‘for ac only’ in. the case of plugs and socket-outlets intended for ‘use-on ac circuit only; ©) The symbols, L and N, to indicate the terminals’ corresponding to the ‘earthing, line and neutra) socket con- tacts respectively, shall, be marked clockwise when the ‘socket-outlet is Viewed in the front position, The marking shall be as close as practicable to the ing terminals. The terminals of the plug pins shall also be marked, L and N corresponding to the termidals of the socket-outlets; and £) Country of manufacture. 72 When symbols are used, they shall be as sollows: ) Earth. Lines formed by the construction of the tool are not considered as part of the marking, For markings for rated current and rated voliage, figures may be used alone. These Figures shall be placed on one. line separated by an oblique line or the figure for rated current shall be placed, above, the figure for fated voltage, separated by a horizontal Tine. Fhe marking’ for nature of supply shall be placed next to the marking for rated current nd rated voltage. ‘The marking for current, voltage and aro of supply may be, for stance, as follows: 16A240V or 16/240 or iS 7.3 Marking shall be durable and easily legible. Compliance is checked by it by rubbing the marking by hand for 15s with apiece of cloth soaked with petroleum spirit. jemarkings shall remain legible after the test. Marking made by impression, mouldi pressing or engraving is not subjected to this. test. tion and 7.4 The plugs and socket-outlets may also be marked with the Standard Mark. Nort — The use of the Standard Matk i govera- ef youn of the Bereta of odion Standards A2CT906 and the Riles ae Regulstons see SulsterenderTuestandeed Mack oo iran icdian Standard cosveye nt they havo been progasec al ased eaten of nection, ‘ate of orpection, eudag snd ig cooteol whieh fs deveed and superfsed by a Sranaard ebecked by ‘ined. to. cuanufactters or producers ma Syerisea om the Bureat of Totion Standards, 7.5 The accessories shall be visually examined for compliance with the relevant requirements specified under 7 and 42 t0 14. 8, CHECKING OF DIMENSIONS 8.1 Dimensions of Plogs and Socket-Ontlets— ‘The dimensions of plugs and socket-outlets shall be in accordance with Table 1. A.A Socket contacts shall be self adjusti for centres O15 mm greater or less than and 3, Nore — In case of socket sch Fibal.Sneiy lthseaenrbr ol 8 AS 8.1.2 In case of multiple, sgcket-outlets, the wall thickness of the insulating material be- {een the respective pinhole for the 6A and 16A pins shall not be less than 2 mm. 8:1.3 The pins may be slotted axially with a asia temaraicetent ree fied diameter. If slotted, the dimensions shall be as given in Table 1. ‘The pins having slots for the of tightening. only shall have’ slot” depths of 3'mam for 6A plugs and 4mm for 16A plugs. 8.2 Unless there is a shutter intended to pervert current-carrying socket contacts from ing touched, the diameter of holes in the socket-outlet plate of cover for the reception of current-carrying plug pins shall not be greater than Table 1. £83 Design and Construction — The plugs and socket-outlets shall be 60. designed and cons- tructed that it is not possible for any pin of a plug to touch a live contact except during Aormal insertion. 8.3.1 The current-carrying socket contacts shall be sunk below the surface of the socket- outlet in sucha way as to make it impossible for them to be touched unintentionally. 8.3.2 The mechanism for screening live and neviral contacts automatically shall be designe ed to ensure positive operation of shutters When plug is withdrawn from a socket outlet. ‘The shutters shall not operate without the insertion of the earthing-pin into the socket outlet. "TABLE 1 DIMENSIONS OF PLUGS AND ‘SOCKET-OUTLETS (Clauses 6.1, 813, 9.2 and 9.1) arma oA 1A. 4 222 286 2 1 254 +0-028 +0025 c rosters anthers 99+ 0025 40-005 > saat 106 t E 106 r most h 6, Mia 794 # $16 00 754 x 60 Nomina! width of slot: ‘Cutrentcarcying pia Earthiog-ple Minium length of slot: ‘Garreat-carrying Pia Bathing pin Nort—The measurement of width of slot of ‘arrest curcyiog pla and earthing pla shall be ‘cartled out st tho bottom of the slot 1S: 1293 - 1988 4 Daring normal insertion of the plug into a socket-outlet with the ace of the plug and Socket-outlet parallel it shall not be possible fo touch a live pin with the standard test Eager (see 18 1401-1970") after contact has been established between’ the pins aad its socket contac. 855 Interchangeablilty — The accessories shall be tested for interchangeability and correot- ess of spacing of pins and socket contacts by means of GO" gauges describedin Appendix A. 9, PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTRIC SHOCK 9.1 Socket-outlets shall. be $0 designed that, ‘hen they are mounted and wired as in pormal ‘se, live parts are not accessible. 1 Live parsof plots shall noite sce ‘when the plugis fa partial or complete e meat witha socket-outlet. ee Compliance is checked by inspection, and it nog by the following test ‘The sample is mounted as in normal use and fited with conductors of appropriate cross feotional areas. For socket-outlets, the standard test fi shown in Fig. 3 18 applied in every possible postion, ESET Tor acenbiy tt probes (fat IS + 1299 - 1988 su 180. 7 20. ‘coo co 2014} vd t10 CYLINDRICH, aia] ao i Cy POE, © "x SECTION SECTION aA BB ee “Fe, SECTION Zouenieat ee CHAMFER ALL EDGES DETAIL x (EXAMPLE) +--]e J VIEW FROM BACK: SIDE ‘All dimensions fo ealttimetres. Pant 3 pant? ‘oteranet on denne wthot speed eeanoe naan: 8 co en dieasoon aptosmm Sos am cree 28mm; 20200 Materia ot fopr og, berated tect sr ons of his Pager may be bent rough an anal of 90778 but im one ad he same diecton coly. ner higr ar cnin o on . on gt lara nea eae eal suit RASS eae fae le 19 30% For ths reatoa, dimensions proaches in oder to, init to bending ‘mot giveo ia the drawing. The Flo, 3. STANDARD Test FINGER For plugs, the test finger is applied every possible position when the plug is in partial or. full engagement with a socket- outlet, ‘As electrical indicator with » voltage not Jess than 40-V and not more than 50 V, is used to show contact with the relevant part. For accessories, where the use of elasto- meric or thermoplastic material is likely to influence the requirements, the test is repeated bat at an ambient temperature of 35 + 2°C, the accessories being at this temperature. During this addition test, the sccessories ‘are subjected for 1 min to a force of 75N, Applied through the tp ofa strat uajlnted test finger of the same the stan dard test finger. This finger, with an electrical indicator as described above, is applied to ll 1S 1 1293 . 1988 STEEL, PRESSURE pial Fio. 4 ARRANGEMENT FOR COMPRESSION Test ‘laces ‘where jielding of the insulating mate~ Fial could inipair the ‘safety. of the accessory Sut it is not: applied to thin walled knock outs. Dariag this test, the accessory with its mounting means shall not deform to such an extent that those dimensions which ‘ensure safety are unduly altered and no live part shall be accessible. Fach sample of plug or portable socket- outlets tne prnedbetwera two fat succes with a force of 150 N for’S min, as shown in Fig. 4. Fifteen minutes after removal of the test apparatus, the samples shall not show such. deformation as would result in undue altera- tion of those dimensions shown in Teble 1. 9.2 It shall not be to make connec- tion between a pin ofa plug and a live socket-contact of a socket-outlet other pin is accessible. ‘Compliance is checked by manual test. For accessories with enclosures or bodies of thermoplastic material, the test, is made at ‘an ambient temperature of 35 2k 2°C, both the accessory and the gauge being at this tempe- ature, 9.3 External parts of plugs and socket-outlets, withthe exception of asgembly sores and the Tike, current carrying end earthing pins, earth~ ing straps and metal rings around pins, shall be of insulating materi The overall dimensions of rings, if any, around pins shall not exceed 8 mm concentric with respect to the pin. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection. Lacquer or enamel is not deemed to be insulating material for the purpose of 911093, 9.4 Shuttered socket-outlets shall be 0 cons- tructed that Tive parts shall not be accessible, 7 ny withoit « plug in engagement, with the gat Shown jin Fig. 3 noe with a. plug partially inserted with the test finger shown in Fig. 3. All dimensions i rallimetres. Fro: 5_ Gavan ror Crecrto Non- Accessinitity THRovaH SHUTTERS To ensure this degree of protection, socket- ‘outlets shall be so constructed that the live Contacts are automatically screened when the flue is withdrwan, met means of | achieving ‘this shall be such ‘cannot easly be operated. by any thing other than a plug and it thall not depend ‘upon parts which are liable to be lost. The gauge shall be applied to the entry holes corresponding to the live contacts. For socket-outlets with enclosure or bodies of thermoplastic material, the test Is made at an ambient temperature of 35 + 2°C, both ie sovket-oulets and the gauge being at this femperatere, 9.8 Earthing contacts of a socket-outlet shal! ‘be 0 designed that they cannot be deforme: by the regu ete aad to such an extent that safety is impaired. eakommlance is ehekd by the following ‘The socket-outlet is placed in such a posi- tion that the sockecontacs are inthe vertical position. A test plug, corresponding to the t} of sockeroutlet ta inserted into the socket outlet yithe force of 150.N which is applied for ‘a 19 11293. 1988, After this test, the, socket-outlet shall stil comply with the Fequirement of 8. 10, PROVISIONS FOR EARTHING 10.1 Accessories thall be so constructed that, ‘when inserting the plug the earth, conaection is made before the current carrying contacts of the plug become live. When withdrawing the plug, the current ‘carrying contacts shall separate’ before the ‘connection is broken. . Compliance is checked by checking the samples against Table 1. Conformity to relevant dimensions ensure compliance with this requirement. 10.2 Earthing terminals of rewirable accessories shall comply with the appropriate requirements 10.3. Accessible metal parts of socket-outlets which may become live in the event of an insulation fault, shall be” permanent! reliably connected to the earthing terminal. For the purpose of this requirement, small screws and the like, iolated trom live pacts, for fixing bases, covers or cover plates, are not considered as accessible parts which ‘may ‘become live in the event of an insulation fault, 104 Contection to Earthing Pin — The con- nection of flexible conductor to the earthing pin of the plug. hall be visible through an Opening in the plug. 11, TERMINALS AND SCREWS 111 Terminals — The material, design and proportion of all terminals shelf be such that Connections made there to do not slacken or overheat under the normal conditions of use, ‘They shall allow a conductor to be connected without special jon, for exam foldering of strands, use of” cable lugs an formation of eyelets. 11.1.1 Terminals shall be $0 designed that they clamp the conductors between metal Surfaces with sufficient contact. pressure and ‘without damage to the conductor. 11.1.2 All terminals shall’ be of sufficient size relative to the rated current of plugs and socket-outlets. 11.1.3 All connections shall be mad such a way that strands of the conductors are Prevented from slipping or spreading at the terminal. : 114.14 Terminals shall be’ so located that provided the conductors are correctly fitted, there is no risk of accidental contact between live parts of different polarity or between such pars and accessible metal parts, 1.5 When pilar type terminals are used, they shall conform to the dimensions given in Table 2, TABLE 2 DIMENSIONS OF TERMINALS Cae) ciate ha, gra te Bs ta beans crn Naa EN tame Para 2a Ghee Bien PUY ct, MEE Si sm OM" SB Os “at o 2 2 . Me ow @ eo oO. Ss) - ° 2B £ fk & ee ee IL16 The socket-contacts and its termi- nals shall either be formed from one piece or. bbe riveted or firmly screwed to each other to ‘give robust construction and good electrical ‘contact. 11,2 Screws 11.21 Terminal screws. used for gripping the conductors shall be rounded or chamfe At the ends $0 as to, prevent, damage to the conductors, and in pillar type terminals the Stall be long enough Co exteud to the fir end of the terminals and shall be of a diameter approximately equal to that of the hole. 11.2.2 Screwed connections, electrical or otherwise, shall withstand mechanical stresses ‘occurring in normal use. 1823 Screws transmitting contact pres- sute, and those while the plugs and socket-outlets are being mounted and con- nected, and having a nominal diameter less than 3°5 mm, shall screw into metal nuts or metal inserts, 12. CONSTRUCTION OF FIXED SOCKET-OUTLETS 12,1 Socket-contact -assemblics shall have auflicent resiliency to ensure adequate contact Pressure on the plug'pins. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and uctetetbed se 12.2 Socket-contacts and pins of socket-out~ Jets shall be resistant to corrosion and abrasion, 12.3 Insulating linings, barriers and the like Sill have adequate mechanical strength and shall be secured in a reliable manner. Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of 23, 12.4 Socket-outlets shall be so constructed as to permit: 4) easy introduction and the conductors in terminals; ) easy fixing of the base to a wall of in ‘2 mounting box; ynection of ©) correct positioning of the conductors; and 4) adequate space between the underside ot the tastYond ce" sucacezon ‘which the base is mounted or bétween the sides of the base and the enclosure (Cover or mounting box ) so. that after installation of the socket-outlet, the insulation of the conductors does not come in contact with live parts of different polarity. This requirement does not imply -that the metal parts of the terminals are ily Protected by insulating barriers of insulating Shoulders, to avoid contacts, due to incurrect installation of the terminal metal parts, with the insulation of the conductor. For surface type socket-outlets to be mounted on a mounting plate, a wi ‘channel may be needed to comply with requirement. In addition, socketoutlets shall _pershit easy positioning and of the cover for cover-plate, without displacing the conduc~ tors. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and by an installation tert with conductors of the largest crost-sectional area. 12.8 Socket-outlets shall be 0. designed that full engagement of associated plug t at prev fr Tent tues "USmpiance i checked by deter mining that the gap between the engagement frees ofthe socket outlet and a plug does not exered Lim when the plug i inserted into the socket-oullet as far as itll go. Bes Mott Tae teP sia sal wot be poss for the pins, . Sieve remove them from the outside or 10 ‘detached inad become inside, when the cover is remoyed. 12.7 Covers or cover plate may be held in place at two. ot more points by effective fixing Fach that hee removal requires the wi of @ tool. Covers of coversplates may be fixed by means of single screw, ‘that they ‘are kept in. position by another means ( for ‘example, by shoulder). For socket-outlets, the fixings of covers or cover-plates shall not serve to fix any other part. 12:8 Surface type socket-outlets shall be so constructed that, when they arc fixed and wired as in normal use, there are no free Openings in the enclosures other than the ‘entry openings for the pins of the plug. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and by an installation test with conductors of the smallest crosesectional teas | ‘Stall gaps between enclosures end conduits or cables “or between enclosures and earthing ‘contacts, if any, are neglected. 1S: 1299 - 1988 12.9 Screws are other means for mounting the socket-outlet on a surface or in a box or gnclosure, shall be easly accesible from the front. These means shall not serve any other fixing purpose. 12.10 Multiple socket-outlets with a common base shall be provided with fixed links ur Interconnection of, the contacts ia, parallel: ixing of these links independent of the connection of the supply wires. 12.11 The mounting plato of surfaces focke outs shal ave adequate mechanical Strength. Compliance is checked by inspection aft the test of 231. acta 12.12 Socket-outlets shall not be combined with lampholders or lamp caps. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection. 42.13 Earthing pins “shall have adequate mechanical strength. Compliance is checked by. inspection and, ins which are not_ solid, by ‘2 which is made after the tests of 19, 12.14 Farthing conticts and_ neutral contacts shall be locked against rotation and removable only with the aid of a tool after dismantling the socket-ontlet. Compliance is checked by inspection and bby manoal test. ‘A. design permitting the removal of a contac without the aid of a tool after removal ‘of an enclosure requiring the use of a tool, is trot allowed. YLAS Metal strips of arth have no burrs which might tion of the supply conductors. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection. 12.16 Socket-outlets to be installed in a box shall be so designed that the conductor ends ‘can be prepared after the box is mounted in position but before the tocket-outet i= Bed In the box. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection. 13, CONSTRUCTION OF PLUGS AND PORTABLE SOCKET-OUTLETS 33.1 A non-rewirable plug or a non-tewirable portable socket-outlet shall be such that: 1) the flexible cable or cord cannot be separated from the accessory without ‘making it permanently useless, and. ) the accessory cannot be opened by hhand or by using a general purpose tool, for example, a screw-driver. Nore— An scoewory it, considered to. be permancnih ule when fo tequeni the SSeqnary, pare oe ‘materia i ° ‘rsa te fo be usd. for circuit shall nage insula 1S 11293 - 1988 13.2 Pins of plugs and portable socket-outlets Shall have adequate mechanical strength. Compliance is checked by the tests of 23 and, for pins which are not solid, by the foligwing tert which ts made ser’ the txt A force of 100 N exerted on the pin which is supported as shown in Fig. 6, for 1 min in adirection perpendicular to the axis of the pin, by means of @ stecl rod having a dia Ineter of 48 mm, the axis of which is also Perpendicular to’the axis of the pin: z Fig. 6 Device ror TestING NoN-Solip PINS During the application of the force, the reduction ofthe dimension of the pin af the int where the force is applied not Exceed O13 mm, . After removal of the rod, the dimension of the pin at other places’ shall not have changed by more than 0°06 mm in any direc 133 Pins of lags shall be locked agaist rotation and shall not be removable without dismantling the plug. It shall not be possible to replace the earthing or neutral pins or contacts or plugs in ‘an incorrect Compliance is checked by inspection, by manual test and by the test of 23.2. 134 Earthing contacts and neutral contacts of portable socket-outlets shall be locked ‘against rotation and: shall not be removable ‘except with the aid of a tool after dismantling the socket-outlet. Compliance is checked by inspection, by manual test and for portable socket-outiets by the test of 23.2. 13S Socket-contact assemblies shall have sufficient resiliency to ensure adequate contact pressure. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and by the tests of 19 and 21, 13.6 The‘ enclosure of rewitable accessories shall completely enclose the terminals and the tends of flexible cable and cord. ‘The construction shall be such that the conductors can be properly connected and that, when the accessory is wired as in normal use, there is no tisk that a) the cores are pressed against cach other: ¥) a core, the conductor of which is con- nected'to a live terminal, comes into gontact with aecessble ‘metal parts an ©) a'core, the conductor of which is con- nected to the earthing terminal, comes into contact with live parts. 13.7 Rewireable accessories shall be so design- ced that terminal screws or nuts cennot become Toose and fall out of position in such a way that they establish an electrical connection ‘between live parts and the earthing. terminal ‘or metal parts connected to the earthing termi- nal, Compliance with the requirements of 13.6 and 13.7 in checked by inspection and by ‘manual test, 138 Rewirable accessories with earthing con- tact intended by connection of flexible exter- nal conductors shall be designed with ample space for alack of the earthing conductor in such « way that if the strain relief should fail, the connection of the earthing conductor is, subjected to strain afier the connections, of the current-carrying conductors and that, in cease of accessive stresses, the earthing conduc tor will break after the current-carrying conductors. Compliance is checked by the following test. ‘The flexible cable or cord is connected to the accessory in such a way that the current carrying conductors are led from the strain relief to the corresponding terminals along the shortest possible path, ‘After they are correctiy connected, the core of the earthing conductor is led to its ‘terminal and cut off at a distance 8 mm longer than that necessary for its correct connection. ‘The earthing conductor is then connected to the terminal es well. It must then be possi- Ble to house the loop which is formed by the pote condnctor owing 10 ie mcs . in the wiring space without ‘aqueezing or pressing the core when the shell Of cap of the accessory is remounted and fixed correctly, 0 13.9 Terminals of rewirable accessories shall ‘be so located or shielded that they comply with the following test. A6mm length of insulation is removed from the end of a flexible conductor. One wite of the stranded conductor is left free and the remaining wires are fully inserted into and ‘clamped in the terminal, as in normal use. ‘The free wire is bent, without tearing the insulation back, in every posible direction, and without making sharp bends round darriers: ‘The free wire of a conductor con- nected (0 a live terminal shall not touch any accessible ‘metal part or be able to emerge from the enclosure when the accessory has een assembled. ‘The free wire of a conductor connected an earthing terminal shall not touch a live part. If necessary, the test is repeated with the free wire in another position. ‘The prohibition against making sharp: ‘bends bound barriers does not imply that. the free wire shall be kept straight during the test. Sharp. bends are, moreover, made if it is considered likely that such bends can occur uring the normal assembly of the plug or socket-outlet, for example, when a Eover is pushed on. 13:00 Inmung parts, which Keep the live parts imposition shall be reliably fixed to- ether, and it shall not be possible to dismantle the accessory without the aid of a tool. ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and ‘by manual test. 13.31 If covers of portable socket-outlets are provided with bushes for the entry holes for the pins, these bushes shall not be allowed to be removed from the outside or to become detached inadvertently from the inside, when the cover is removed. 13.12 Screws intended to allow the access to the accessory shall be captive, The use of tight fitting washers of cardboard or the like deemed to be an adequate method for securing screws which niust be captive, Compliance with the requirements of 13.11 and 43.12 is checked by inspection, 13.13 The engagement face of plugs shall have tno projections other than the pins, when the plug is wired as in normal use, ‘Compliance is checked by inspection, after 13.14 Portable socket-outlets shall be 20 designed that full engagement of associated plugs is not prevented by any projection from their engagement face, n 1S : 1293. 1988 ‘Compliance is checked by the test of 12.5, 1345 Plogs shall be shaped in such a way and fande of auch a ster that they fan easly be. withdrawn by hand from the relevant socket-outlet. Tn addition, the gripping surfaces shall be 80 de that the be ‘withdrawn without having to pall'on the Rexibe cable or cord. 14. MATERIALS 141 The component parts of the plugs and tpeke-ouey dal be anaictared fom the following material specified Part 8) Plug bate, plug Tough, noi cover, socket insulating mat ‘outlet cover and shutter b) Socket base Tough, non-ignitable insuisting "material or vitrified ceramic material ©) Pins, terminals Phosphor-b ronze, current- brass, aluminium carrying parts, alloy’ or suitable Enetuding material earthing-pi n and earthing contact 6) Non-current car- Mild steel, eluminium tying parts alloy, brass of simi Jar alloys, of insulat- ing material 14.2 Vitrified ceramic material shall be resis tant to water absorption which shall not depend on glaze, 15, RESISTANCE TO AGEING AND ‘MOISTURE. 15.1 Resistance to Agelag — Accessories shall be resistant to ageing. Parts intended for decorative purposes only, such as certain lids, are to. be removed before the test. ex oMPlianee Is checked by the following Accessories, mounted es in normal use, are subjected to, a test in a heating cabinet with an atmosphere having the composition and ‘pressure of the ambient air and ventilated by ‘Ratural circulation, ‘The temperature in the cabinet is 70 2°C. ‘The samples are kept in the cabinet fort days Cea) ‘The use of an electrically heated cabinet is commended. ree ‘Natural circulation may be provided by holes in the wails of the cabinet. 1S : 1293 - 1988 After the treatment, the samples are removed from the cabinet and kept at room temperature and relative humidity between 45 and 55 percent for at least 4 days ( 96 hi). The samples shall show no crack visible with normal or corrected vision without additional magnification, nor shall the material have become sticky of greasy, this being judged as follows. ‘With the forefinger wrapped in a dry piece of rough cloth, the sample is pressed with forge of SN. No traces of the cloth shall remain onthe sample and the material of the sample shall not stick to the cloth. ‘After the test, the samples shall show no damage which would lead to non-compliance ‘with this standard. ‘The force of $1 can be obtained in the following way. “The sample is placed on one of the pans of a balence and the other pan is loaded. with a foass equal to. the. mats of the semple plus 300 g. Hguilibrium is then restored by pressing ihe Sample. withthe forefinger wrapped int ty piset of rough cloth 15.2 Resistance to Humidity — Accessories shall be proof against humidity which may ‘occur in normal use. Compliance is checked by the humidity treatment described in this subclause, followed immediately by the measurement of the insula~ tion resistance and by the electric strength test specified in 1 Inlet opening in the enclosure, if any, is left ‘open; if knockouts are provided, one of” them is opened. Parts which can be removed without the aid of @ tool, are removed and subjected to the humidity treatment, with the main part; spring lids are open during this treatment. ‘The humidity treatment is carried out in a humidity cabinet containing air with a relative humidity maintained a ot less than 95 per. cent. The temperature # of the air, where samples are placed, is maintained a¢ 4045°C. The humidity treatment is carried out for a period of 48 hours. Before being placed inthe humidity cabinet, the samples are brought to a temperature between f and 1-+4°C, where # is the temper- ature in the humidity cabinet. In most cases. the samples may be brought to the specified temperature, by keeping them‘at this temj ature for at least 4h before the humidity ‘treatment. A relative humidity of 95 percent can be obtained by placing in the humidity cabinet, a saturated solution of sodium sulphate (NaSO.) R of potassium nitrate (KNOs) in water having 4 sufficiently large contact surface with the air. In order to achieve the specified conditions within the cabinet, it is necessary to ensure ‘constant circulation of the air within and, in general, to use a cabinet which is thermally insulated, After this treatment, the samples shall meet the requirements of 16 within 2 to 3 minutes of their removal from the humidity cabinet, 16, INSULATION RESISTANCE AND ELECTRIC STRENGTH 16.1 Insulation Resistance 16.1, At the Prevailing Atmospheric Condi- tions — The test may be carried out at prevail- ing atmospheric condition with relevant humidity not exceeding 80 percent. The insulation resistance (dry ) shall be measured at a voltage of $00 volts de after minute of electrification between the parts specified in. 16.2.1, 16.1.1,2 The insulation resistance thus ‘measured shall be not less than 100 megohms. 16.1.2 The insulation resistance shall then ‘be measured within 2 to 3 minutes after the removal of plug or socket-outlet from the conditioning chamber in accordance with 15.2. 16.2 Electric Strength 16.2.4 Plogs and socket-outlets. shall satis- factorily withstand the application of an ac voltage of 1 $00 V rms for a period of I minute ‘without arcingor puncture amongst the follow- ing parts: 8) Between line and neutral, and ) Between line and neutral connected together and any other parts insulated therefrom including earthing terminal, 16.2.2 The test voltage shall be. approxi: mately of sine-wave form having any conveni- ent frequency between 40 and 60 cycles per second. 16.2.3 The test voltage shall be spplied iually,. The initial voltage shall not exceed 0 percent of the full test voltage and shall be incfeased uniformly to full voltage within 30 seconds. The full test voltage shall be main- tained for 1 minute after which the voltage shall be diminished rapidiy to 30 peroent of its full value before switching it off. 16.2.4 Immediately following the test for high voltage, the insulation resistance ( dry) shall be measured in accordance with 16,1. 16.2.5 Flesh Test — As @ routine test, the high voltage test_may be_ carried out in the form of flash test, an ac voltage of 2.000 V rms being applied for a petiod of 1 second between the paris specified in 16.21 without arcing. 17, EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTACT IDA The effectiveness of contact between & plug pin and the corresponding socket-outlet Shall be such that inthe completely engaged position, the voltage'drop at full current rating ‘hall not exceed 13 millivolts when measured between the terminal of the plug pin and the terminal of the socket-contact. 18, TEMPERATURE RISE 18.1 Accessories shall be so constructed that they comply with, the following temperature rise test Rewirable accessories are fitted with poly- vinyl chloride insulated conductors having 4 fominal cross-sectional area as shown in Table 3. "FABLE 3 SIZE OF PVC CABLES Rar Comnmer Nowinat, Cross Secriowat, Ansa fOVACcESONT ea ‘Flesitie Conduc- Rigid Conduc- tore for Portable tors (Solid or ‘Accessories Stranded ) for Fixed Accetsorles © @ o 3 1 rs 45 4s 25 “The terminal screws or nuts are tightened with a torque equal to two third of that speci- fied in Table 4. TABLE 4 TORQUE, “Other Seeews 2 No os os 12 20 2s e018: 1962-1962 ‘Dimensions for serew threeds for general purposes diameter range 16 10-39 m0) eT eae fromthe oles wen dante To ensure normal cooling of the terminals, the conductors connected to them must have a length of at least 1m. 18.2 The temperature-tise measured by means of athermocouple shall not exceed 20°C on any part after the plugs, and socket-outlets, ave carried their full rated current and attain- ed'a steady temperature, 18,4 The temperature rise shall be measured ‘by thermocouples attached by low melting point alloy or by some other equally effective ‘means of attachment. 19, BREAKING CAPACITY 19.1 Plugs and socket-outlets shall be capable of breaking current 125 percent of the rated which do not protrude a Is 21293 - 1988 current at a voltage not less than. 110. percent of the rated voltage, 10 times in succession, at intervals of 30 seconds, the plug being with drawn from the socket-outlet by hand et the rate of approximately 15cm per second. The earthing. socket-contact neutral-contact shall be connected together, and the socket- outlet shall be mounted as it is normally done in service. 19.2 After completion of the test, the voltage drop across the plug and socket-outlet shall not exceed 50 millivolts. 20, ENDURANCE TEST FOR SHUTTERS 204 Shutters shall be capable of contin to work after having been operated mechan cally 5 000 times by the pins of the correspon- ding plugs not carrying any current, at a rate not exceeding 20 complete cycles per minute and at regular intervals. The means used for moving pins shall be such a8 to give a. speed approximately 15 cm/s both during insertion and ducing withdrawal. 21, WITHDRAWAL PULL DAA The socket-oittlets are mounted asin ‘orinal use and the pulling force is applied in such a place and direction as to. simulate nor mal use. The socket-outlet should be 40 held that the gauge (see Appendix A ) is substan- tially vertical and the projecting part of it is downmost. The gauge shall not slide down under its own weight, 21.2 Fotce necessary to withdraw the plug from the socket-outlet shall be between the ts given in Table 5. ‘TABLE 5 WITHDRAWAL FORCE Commer Ramo Force mt Newrous w Min Mex a @ @) 3 30 o 1s 40 » 22, CORD GRIP 228 Tho pig i fed, with the exile cord or cable, the. cord grip being appropriately used. The conductors are introduced into the terminals and the terminal screws are tightened by applying two-thirds of the torque specified in Table 4 so. that the conductors may not easily change the position, After reassembling, the parts of the body shall fit closely together, and it shall not be possible to push the cord further into the plug. 22.2 The flexible cord is then subjected 100 times, each for 1 second, to a pull of 60. N applied gradually; the pull shall not be applied in jerks. 22.3 Immediately afterwards, the cord is sub jected for a period of | minuie to a torque of O'15 Nm, During the test, no damage shall be caused to the flexible cord. B TS : 1293 - 1988 224 At the end of the test, the cord shall not have displaced by more than2 mm in the cord grip and the end of the conductors. shall not hhave been noticeably, displaced in the termi- nals. Tn order to enable the displacement to be measured before starting the test, mark is made on the cord or cable under strain at a distance of approximately from the cord grip, Atthe end of the test, the displacement of this mark in relation to the cord grip is measured while the cord or cable is still under strain. 23, MECHANICAL STRENGTH 23.0 Accessories, surface mounting boxes and screwed glands shall have adequate mechani- cal strength to withstand the stresses imposed during installation and use. Compliance is checked by the following tests. 23.1 For Socket-Ontlets ic blleand speci ecanial sreneth socket-outlets ‘mechanical strengt ‘ofcovers and boxes for flush type socket Outlets is tested in the impact test apparatus Sesctibed in Appendix B. 23.12 The socket-outlets are, mounted on the support as ip normal use end subjected to blows from a suitable impact test apparatus, 23.1.3 Flush type socket-outlets are placed in recess in'a Block of hard-wood 90 that the front of the box, if any, is flush. with the block. 23,14 Boxes for flush, type socket-outlets are also tested held. against the Support with the bottom towards the hammer, ‘The sample is s0 placed that the point of impact lies in a. vertical plane through the ais of the pendulum. 23.1.5 Tea blows are applied to points aly distributed over the snp as specified 8) For flush type socket-outlets, ont bblow in the centre, one at each extre mity of the area which covers the box, and the other two midway between the other blows, preferably on the ridge, if any, the sample being moved horizontally; ive more blows are then applied ia the same way after the sample has been turned through 90 about its axis (perpendicular to the support}; and Inall other cases, one. blow in the zat, one, om ich ide ith the sample torned as far as possible, up to yaad the other two midway between ths other blows, preferably on the ridge, if any, the sample being tumed around a vertical axis; five more blows are then applied in the same way after the sample has been turned through » 90 about its axis ( perpendicular to its support ). If cable entries are provided, the two lines of the blows on the surface of the amples are chosch $0 a8 to be as nearly as possible, equi- distant from the entry holes, 23.1.6 The impact energy for each blow shall be 0°25 Nm for covers of fush ty socket-outlets and for those parts of their ‘covers which are protected by a ridge having height of at least one-fourth of the largést imension of the protected part, and 0°4 Nin for all other parts. 23.1.7 During the test, cracks may appear and small picces may become detached, but Provided the external parts, such a5, covers, Cover plates and boxes cam be removed and Feplaced and the protection against electric shock is not impaired, the socket-outlet shall bbe deemed to have passed the test. 232 Test for Mechanical Strength ( for Plogs ‘Only ) 23.2.1 The plugs are tested for mechanical inthe tumbling barrel as shown in st Fig. 7. 23.2.2 The sample is fitted with flexible cord ‘or cable with the corresponding current rati and alength of 100 mm. The termigals ar assembly screws are tightened to two-thirds of the test torque specified in Table 4, The sample falls from a height of 50 cmon toa late of 3 mm thickness. The barrel is turned ata rate of 5 rev-min, 10 falls per ‘minute thus taking place. Only one sample is tested at a time. The sample is dropped: 8) 1.000 times if the weight of the sample is not over 100 g, ) $00 times if the weight of the sample is over 100g and up to 200 g, and ©) 100times if the weight of the same is over 200 g. 23.2.3 After the test, the sample shall show ‘no signs of damage within the meaning of ‘the specification. No parts shall have become detached or loosened, specially the connection of the flexible cord or cabl ‘to the terminals. 23.2.4 Pins shall not be deformed to an e1 tent that they no longer comply with the require- ments of 8.1 and 9. They shall be able towith- stand for 1 minute a torque of 0'8 Nm applied in both directions, without turning. 24, RESISTANCE TO HEAT 240 Accessories made of moulded insul ‘material shall be resistant to heat, Compliance is checked by the following test, 241 The sample shall be kept in a heating cabinet at a temperature of 100 S*C fora period of 1 hour, “4 IS : 1293 - 1988 Sez asssss5 275 Fro, 7 TumatiNe Baast 24.1.1 The sample shall not undergo any change impairing its further use and scaling compound shall not flow to such an extent that live parts are 24.1.2 External paris of insulating material are subjected to a ball:pressure test by means ‘of the apparatus shown in Fig. 8. A stee! ball ‘of S mm diameter is pressed by a force of 20 N ‘on any external surface placed in the horizon tal position, ‘The test is madeat a temperature of 25 3: 5c. SPHERICAL 225mm Fro. § BALL PRESSURE APPARATUS After 1 hour, the ball is removed and the diameter of impression measured. The diameter shall not exceed 2 mm. 25, SCREWS, CURRENT CARRYING PARTS AND CONNECTIONS 25.1 Connections, electrical or mechanical, shall withstand the mechanical stresses occur ing in normal use. 5 Screws or nuts which transmit contact Breaure shall bein engagement with « metal read, ‘Compliance is checked by inspection and, for sctews and nuts transmitting contact pres ‘sure of which are. of ‘connecting yperated up the accessory, by the following test. ‘The screws or nuts are tightened and Joosened: 8) 10 times for screws in engagement with a thread of insulating material and for screws of insulating material, and ') 5 times in all other cases. Screws or nuts in’ engagement with a thread of insulating material and screws of insulating material are completely removed ‘and reinserted each time. ‘The test is made by means of a suitable screw Griver or other tool, a torgue as given in Table 4 applied. During the test, no damage impairing the further use of the” screwed connections shall ‘Occuf, such as breakage of sertws or damage 40 the head slots, threads, or washers. Screws or nuts which are operated when connecting up accessories include serews for fixing covert or cover plates, etc, but not connecting means for screwed conduits and serews for fixing the base of & fixed socket ets. 1S; 1293 - 1988 ‘The shape of the blade of the test serew river must match the head of the serew to be tested. ‘The screws end nuts must” not be fighiened in eis.” Damage to covers i neg ect 25.2 Screws in engagement with a thread of insulating material-and which are operated ‘when connecting up the accessory, shall have a length of engagement of at least 3 mm_plus Snevthird of the nominal screw diameter: oF 8 mm, whichever is shorter. Correct introduction of the scfew into the screw hole or nut shall be ensured. Compliance is checked by inspection, by measurement and by manual test. ‘The requirement with regard to correct introduction is met if introduction of the screw ina slanting manner is prevented, for example, by guiding the screw by the past to be fixed, by a recess in the “female thread or by the use of a screw with the leading thread remoyed. 25.3 Screws and rivets which serve as electri- ‘cal as well as mechanical connections, shall be Tocked against loosening or turning. Compliance is checked by inspection and ‘by manual test. Spring washers may provide satisfactory ng. For rivets, 9 non-circular shank of an appropriate notch may be sufficient. ‘Scaling compound which softens on heating provides satisfactory locking only for screw Connections not subjected to torsion in normal ‘use. 26, CREEPAGE DISTANCES AND ‘CLEARANCES 26.1. Creepage and clearance distance shall, be not less than the value specified below: Parts Creepoge Distance mm Between five parts of different 30 polarity Between live'parts and accessible 3.0 ‘metal parts, earthing contact Screws or devices forcing base or cover of fined socke-outs and assembly serews of plugs (except screws on the front surface of plugs) Nors—Gapsor grooves tess than 1 mm wide are ignored whea measuring creepage distances. Parts Clearances mm “Between live parts of different 30 polarity Between live parts and accessible 30 metal part, earthing contacts crews of devices for fixing base or cover of fixed socket. ‘outlets and assembly screws of jugs (except screws on the oat surface of plugs) 27. TEST FOR WATER ABSORPTION 27-1 The vitreous ceramic and moulded insu ating material shall be resistant to water absorption which shall not depend on glaze or varnish. . ‘BAL Vitreous Ceramle Material TAA Clean, dFy plug bases and socket outlet bases made of vitreous ceramic material from. which metallic portions have been removed, sball be broken into pieces having a ize within the range of 6 to 12mm. A number of these pieces, not less than 40 g nor more than 50 g in weight, shall be taken for testing. ; 10 2 Eine dy ehmoapier for atleast S SC in a dry at jor at hours and cooled in @ desiccator to remove the residual moisture, if any. The conditioned test pieces shall then be weighed and immersed in distilled water for 24 hours, after which the test pieces shall be taken from water and the residual Grops of wate are removed by colling them ‘over @ piece of filter paper or dry cloth. 21A.L4 The test pieces shall be re weighed to.the nearest milligram within 10 minutes after removal from the water. The percentage of water absorp- tion ‘shall be calculated from these measurements. 2711.6 The ceramic material shall not have absorbed more than 0°5 percent of water. 27.1.2 Moulded Insulating Material — Test ices having a sie within the range of 12 to sam shall be prepared ftom parts, of plugs and socket-outlets made of mouldcd insulating. materials and subjected to’ water absorption test in accordance with 27.1.1 except that the sample pieces shall be heated at a temperature of 30 st 3°C for 24 hours for driving away the residual moisture. ‘The moulded insulatirg material shall not have absorbed more than 2°0 percent of water. Nore — To avoid retention of water on the tur- ‘face, test ploces should be wiped individually. 28, RESISTANCE TO RUSTING 28. All ferrous parts shall be rendered rust proof. 28.2 Allferrous parts including fixing fasteners shall be subjected to the test specified in 28.2.1 and 28.2.2, 28.2.1 All grease shall be removea from the parts to be tested by immersion in carbon tetrachloride for 10 minutes. The parts shall then be immersed for 10 minutes in an aque- ‘ous solutioneof 10 percent ammeeivem-chloride ‘at a temperature of 27 & 5°C. 28.2.2 Without drying but after shaking off any drops of the solution, the parts. shall then ‘be placed for 10 minutes in a box containing ‘ir saturated with moisture at a temperature of 27-4 5°C.. The samples shall then be Sried for 10 minutes in @, heating cabinet at ‘a temperatare of 100 5°. At the end of this treatment, surfaces shall show no signs of rast. Traces of rust on sharp edges anda yellowish fm removable by rubbiog should be ignored. 29; TESTS 29.4 Classification of Tests 29.1.1 Type Tests — The following shail be carried ou ts type tests on selected samples of. plugs and” socket-outlets, the samples being “raw preferably at random from st production lot: ) Visual examination (s¢e 7.5), W Ghecking of dimensions (see 8, 11 and ©) Protection against electric shock (see 9), 4) Construction (see 12 and 13), ©) Interchangeability (see 8.5), 1) Resistance to ageing and moisture (see 15), 8) Insulation resistance and electric strength ( see 16), 1h) Effectiveness of contact (see 17), i). Temperature rise ( see 18), K) Breaking capacity (see 19), mm) Endurance test for shutters (see 20), 1S: 1293 - 1988 1) Withdrawal pull ( see 21), p) Cord grip ( see 22), q) Mechanicat strength ( see 23 ), 1) Resistance to heat ( see 24), 8) Screws and connections ( see 25), 1) Water absorption ( see 27), and 1u) Resistance to rusting ( see 28 ). Number of samples thall be five and each ‘shall be subjected to the tests specified in 29.11 in the orders specified therein. 29.4.2 Criteria for approval — All samples Subjected Co type tests shall pass all the {ests for proving conformity with the require- ments of this standard. If one or more failures coour, the testing authority at its discretion fay call for twice the original number of Samples and subject them to all tests or those in which failure occurred. No,{ailure shall be. permitted in the repeat test(s). 2914.2 Acceptpiice Tesis The folowing stall consis acceptance test 8) Visual examination, 'b) Dimensions, ¢) Interchangeability, 4d) Resistance to moisture, ¢) Insulation resistance and i f) Effectiveness of contact, g) Temperature tise, ‘h) Breaking capacity, Pen k) Withdrawal pull, and m) Mechanical strength. A recommended samplit yee Se Appendix C. Ta hare The following shall constitute mnitt 2) Visual inspection, ‘b) Interchangeability, and ©) High voltage. electric APPENDIX A ( Clauses 8.1.1, 8.5and 21.1) GAUGES FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS kel, 'GO” GAUGE FOR PLUGS ALA The use (ee Table 6) it to prove ‘correct spa ing of plug pins. It accepts the plugs with plug pins at any centres that can be coepted without interference in socket-outlets gauged by the maximum and minimum socket: gauges. W 4s ; 1293-1968 ‘TABLE 6 ‘Gb" GAUGE YOR PLUG (Eteuse Alt) All diaeétions io tnillisetres, RADIUS. R-STRUCR FROM PIN CIRCLE, centne Pat 2+ a fe TS a ut w Py ile te - i ie ea hat Wh ie } a : t an N a a) | 7 25 att a] fea mi A = i: A—a SECTION Zz nome Oo ow a OE OR ORO OR * oe 6 1383) 263) THA TD 243 7H 1692-2167 2050 ISTE 2T18 1702 16 Thi eee boo ite s2et 102 meer dvet_zhas 200 3226 21-9 Folate eal F000 Foi FEW 4000 4025 FOO 4001 400 400 — +028 Hm Loot too “eer “oo 02s “ee “eos -oo1 ~ool — 02s Tors — The drawings are, a0 lnteaded to by mandatory resutdiog details of construction. AcL.1l In addition it proves the aveenee of ‘azial projections on the face of the plug axial ojos gc Fy ofthe pe ae ang-it also indicates accuracy of projection of ‘the plug pins from the face of the plug if the end of each plog pi ies within the appropriate step on the back of the gauge when the plug is folly inserted. ‘A-2. ‘GO’ GAUGES FOR SOCKET- OUTLETS A-2L Two gauges (see Tables 7 and 8) are required, each having pins of the niaximum diameters specified in 81, but one gauge having its pins so Set that its complete inser- tion into socket-outlet proves that the socket- outlet will accept without interference, a plug having plug pics at the maximui centre dis- tance and the other gauge having its pins so set that its complete insertior into a socket outlet proves that the socket-outlet will accept Without interference a plug having plug pins at the minimum centre distance. ‘The socket Dutlet gauges also prove the absente of axial projections on the face of the socket-outlet. 18 SECTION 22 sappe yor ¢ .b F F py Eos. 6 2633 st) S10 ne. T1570 wes 16 366 sree 87d eee 862, 2009 23198 alenaise $001 4001 4800 46-00 ‘toes ten 308 - HS RS RR Ne He en te Ne te ‘Hort = The drawings arene iateoded tobe mandaory reeardng Gale of coowretion. ‘TABLE 8 MINIMUM “GO" GAUGE FOR BOCKET-OUTLET (Clea 424) i SECTION 72 nae vox © bP FF oye gp 6 was 79 0p S10 sen the? ase 16 18 ins 8 7 ees TE some 490 40M 4900 Fem 4900 Fem +000 Fos Lin Sem Ate tee tsar tee see 28h tee ‘Nora — The drawings are not fateaded to be mandatory regarding details of coustrection, w Is ; 1293-1988 A-3, WITHDRAWAL PULL GAUGES FOR EFECTIVENESS OF CONTACT A-3.A These gauges (see Table 9) are to test the withdrawal pull specified in 21 and shall be used in individual socket-contacts of complete socket-outlets. They shall Be applied, when used, efter the maximum ‘GO* gauge for socket-outiet. When gauging, line and neutral socket contacts, the shutter, if any, shall be kept clear of the gauge. TABLE 9 WITHDRAWAL PULL GAUGES ‘All dimensions ia m:ltimetres. dea Rarma Covracrs > ® w x & ‘Gorcent-caeat 937 02 6 She st % 8B 16 Carreat-arryiog ist 4 038 gage ah 3 333 Toleraacee = 401 a005 = = 2003 APPENDIX B (Clause 23.1.1) IMPACT. TEST APPARATUS BAL, DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS: B-L1 A typical impact apparatus has been shown in Fig. 9. B-L2 The pendulum consist of, a steel tube With aa external diameter of 9°0 mm. and a thickness of 0°S mm. It is suspended in such Saye ie owings only in, a yertical plate 4 Wling clement wething O15 kg is Ail feed to the lower ond of arm it fis axis one metre below theaxis of suspension. ‘The stckng cement has a hemispherical fee made of hardwood, polyamide or ey of hardness of 80 to 100 Rockwell R Scale. ‘B-1.3 The support for the sample shall be such That the sample can be so placed thatthe point of impact lies in a vertical plane through the suspension axis of the pendulum. The sample can be turned about an axis perpendi ‘cular to the support, the sample can be tuine about a vertical axis and the sample can be moved horizontally and vertically. B14 The sample shall be mounted on the support asin normal us, "Cable entries shal be left open. Fixing screws of bases and covers are tightened to two-thirds the torque specified in Table 4. B-1.5 The height of fall shall be as under: Impact Bnergy Helght of Fall 025 Nm 170mm 040 No 270 mm IS : 1293 + 1988 Fig. 9 APPARATUS FoR Impact Test APPENDIX C (Clause 29.1241) SAMPLING PROCEDURE 1, LOT C-1.1 In any consignment, all plugs and socket-outlets of the same type manufactured bby the same factory during the same period shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. 1.2 From each lot, a certain number of lugs and socket-outes asapecifed ia Table 10 Shall be selected at random and subjected to tests specified in 29.1.2. C-2, CRITERION FOR CONFORMITY ©-2.4 In Table 10, Ny is the sizeof the fist Sample,” If the number of failures found in this sample is less than of equal to Ci, the lot Shall be considered to be conforming’ to this Standard and accepted, if the number of failures is greater than or equal to Cy, the lot thall be rejected, If the number of failure is between Cz and Cy, further sample of Na pieces shall be taken and subjected t0 all tests. C21. If the number of failure in the two samples combined is less than Cy, the lot shall be accepted; otherwise the lot’ shall be ejected. ‘FABLE 10 SAMPLING PLAN (Clauses C-1.2 and C-2.1) MMe (MAM) Ge OSe oo “Oo 8 6 19 0 2 86030 88 20 13 206 oS ee ee en so 2 00S wo 35 7 SBT BOI t0130 50 100 © 0310 1M1andabove 75 150 «SSD Tore bey emer! ee Sagan tn czas ee SaR Oe eraae att it Spit aattartesdd eles Serena eee © ais a Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statulory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This, does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS. Review of Indian Standards ‘Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, iis taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’ Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affecied BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams: Manaksanstha ‘Telephones: 323 01 31, 323 33 75, 323 94 02 (Common to all offices) Regional Offices: ‘Telephone Central: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 323.76 17, 323 3841 NEW DELHI 110002 Eastern: 1/14 CLT. Scheme VITM, V.LP. Road, Maniktola 337 84 99, 3378561 CALCUTTA 700054 337 86 26, 33791 20 Northern : SCO 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60 38 43 6020 25 Southern : CLT. Campus, TV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 235.02 16, 235 04 42 235 15 19, 235.2315 Westem : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East) 832.9295, 832 78 SB ‘MUMBAI 400093 832 78 91, 832 78 92 Branches : AHMADABAD. BANGALORE. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. COIMBATORE. FARIDABAD. GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD. JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. PATNA. PUNE. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. baad a Sco Ping Pres DA AMENDMENT NO. 1 OCTOBER 1989 To IS 1 1293-1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PLUG AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UPTO 16 AMPERES { Second Revision } (Page 12, clause 15.2, para 5) — Substitute the following for the existing paras” ” "Hourron, Tuxgapin ‘Diaurten op Hour Dusaten Conpperon" Pittak att Nowmal Dae Min Min Min ba ieee w co w © © For Pluss 6 3 30 20 06 16 ‘ “0 x0 06 For Socket “Outlets ‘ 3s a3 2s 06 16 ‘ “5 30 06 ( Page 9, clause 12.4) — Substitute ‘incorrect’ for ‘incurrect” in para 2, tine 4, ( Page 10, clause 133) Delete the clause and renumber the sub- sequent clauses. ( Page 12, clause 16.1.2 ) — Substitute the following for the existing clause: “46.12 The insulation resistance shall also be measured within 2 to 3 minutes after the removal of the plug or socket-outlet from the condition- ing chomber in sccordance with 15.2. The insulation resistance thus ‘measured shall be not less than 2 megobms.” (Page 12, elause 16.2.8 ) — Substitute ‘Flash’ for ‘Flesh’ in the head- ing ( Page 13, clause 21.1 ) — Delete and renumber 21.2 as 21.1. (Page 13, Tables 3:and 5) — Substitute ‘6’ and ‘16" for ‘5' and ‘15° respectively in the frst column, (Page 14, clause 23.0, lines \ and2)— Delete the words ‘surface mounting boxes and serewed glands’, ( Page 14, clause 23.1.5 ) — Substitute ‘90, ‘60° and ‘90° for ‘90°, ‘60° and ‘90° respectively. (Page 14, clause 23.2) — Substitute the following for the existing ane Mechanical Streagth ( for Pings and Portable Soket Outlets { Page 14, clause 23.2.2(c) ] — Substitute ‘sample’ for ‘same’. (Page 16, clause 27.1.6, line 2.) — Substitute ‘I'0 percent’ for ‘O'S percent’. ( Page 17, clause 29.1.2) — Insert the following note at the end of the clause: “Nove — For the purpose of acceptance test the humidity treatment is done for 24 hours while carrying Out the Yer for Reaietance to mowsture C3)" (Page 20, clause A-3 and Table 9 )— Delete. ( Page 21, Fig. 9) — Substitute ‘Sample’ for ‘Appliance’. ( Page 21, Table 10) — Renumber the table as “TABLE: (ETDC 44) Prinied a Bide Piating Prov, Delhi, Inala AMENDMENT NO. 3 DECEMBER 1992 To 1S 1293 : 1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF 250 VOLTS AND RATED a CURRENT UP TO 16 AMPERES. ( Second Revision ) (Page 1, clause 0.3) — Substitute the following for the éxisting cliuse: ‘0.3 This standard covers the requirement and test: methods for (iwo-pole and earthing ) plugs and socket-outlets ( including multiple focket-ontlet ) suitable For'nc and de circuits baving a rated voltage ot exceeding 250.V." Page 1, clause 1.1 ( s2¢ also Amendment No. 2.) } — Substitute the following for the existing clause: 1.1 This standard covers the requirements and tests fot tnree-pin two- pole and. earthing plugs and -socket-outlets: ( shuttered and non- Shuttered ) including multi-socket outlet (shutteréd and non-shatttered ) ‘Suitable for ac and de. circuits with a rated voltage above 50 V but not ‘exceeding 250'volts and a rated current of 6A or 16A. NOTE — 2pla plugs and socket outlets are considered non-standard.’ (Page 4, clause 8.1.2) —- Substitute the following for the existing clause: B12 Intase of multiple socket-outlets, the wall thickness of the insulating miaterial between respective pin holes for the 6A and 164. pins shall not be less than 2 mm. In case of shuttered socket-outlets, the wall thickness may not be provided. (Page 4, claues.8.1.3, para 2) — Substitute the following for the existing para: “The pins having slots for the purpose of tightening only shall hav ha betcon S mea teiblaruas and fmm maxim for Both [ Page 5, Table 1 ( see also Amendment No. 2) | — Insert the following Nolen st Note land Sand coonumber the exiotng Note as Note 3 ‘NOTE 1— G's the misimum distance betwen the pi othe peviniery of iheplues : NOTE2— Dimension 1c" shall also. be: the earthing pin with Bea oa Pinsuary, 193" peru ae (live and neutral ) ( Page 8, clause 12.2) — Substitute “the following for ‘the existing clause: 112.2 Socket-contacts and terminals of socket-outlet shal! be resistant to corrosion and abrasion.” (Page 17, clause ) — Insert the following as clause 29 and rentimber the subsequent clauses: «29 RESISTANCE TO ABNORMAL HEAT AND FIRE 29.1 Parts made from moulded insulating’ material shall be resistant to abnormal heat and fire as shown by the following test. 29.2 Test pieces shall be conditioned in accordance with Appendix D before the test is carried out. 293 The test shall be carried out in. an oven as shown in Fig. 18 of 18 302-1 ( 1979 ) ‘Safety of household and similar electrical appliances: Part 1 General requirements ( fifth revision }. “The oven is heated by passing a suitably regulated clectric current through a nichrome rfaigtance wite surroundiag the heating tube, 29.44 The opening at the top of the oven shall be in the form of a square with 25 mm sides and the inlet at the bottom of the oven shall bein the form of nine 3 mm diameter, holes giving approximately 65 mm. The gas flame shall be of 16 to 22 mm high and fixed 20 that its base is immediately above and centrally placed over the top opening of the oven. ‘The temperature of the oven shall be measured with a thermocouple situated at the level of the centre of the basket contain Jing the specipeng and equidistant from the inner surface ofthe beatin tube and the basket which is suspended centrally in, the chamber wit its top 25 mm below the base of the pilot fame. | The wire sizes shall bbe at given in 18 7358 : 1984 ‘Specification for thermocouples:” 29.5 The samples of the material to be tested shall be brokea from an ‘actual plug or socket outlet into small pieces and placed in a cylindrical ‘wire mesh basket and the following conditions shall be complied with: 8) Size of basket — 19 mm in diameter, $1 mm Jong with 2x2mm cue the basket. b) Size of sample — Just large enough to be retained in Le ee ei eight of the tonples being approximately 65. 29.6 The heat chamber shall be raised -to 300°C and the basket with Jamples shall be inserted from the top and suspended as specified $8394) The temperature shall then be readjusted to 200 s£10°C within. ‘a period of 3 minutes and this temperature ‘shall be maintained until a period of 5 minutes has elapsed mm ‘the time of insertion of the basket. At the end of the period of 5 minutes the basket shall be removed from the chamber. 29.7 The material shall be deemed to have passed the test if it has not, during the test period, given off vapours in sufficient quantity to ignite fat the pilot lame. Any form of halo accurring during the specified rll be ignored. Three ‘tests on each material shall be carried out. NOTES eer ere re ee Eiuhsonme ae oh te ote Titia aot necessaty to perform this test om materials that are obviously Fealstant to abnormal heat and fie, for example, ceramic or metal Parts,” 17, clause 29.1.1 ( Renumbered 30.1.1 )|—-Insert the follow. ing at the end: +v) Resistance to abnormal heat and fire ( see 29 )." Page 17, clause ( Renumbered ), line 3} — Substitute “30.1.1 for 39.1.1". (Page 19, Table 7, col 8, formula) — Substitute the following for she existing formula: paltt?e ase ( Page 19, Table 8, col 8, formula )— Substitute the following for the existing formula: onthe (Page 21, Appendix C)—Insert the following Appendix after ‘Appendix C: ‘APPENDIX D (Clause 29.2) CONDITIONING OF SPECIMENS FOR RESISTANCE TO ‘ABNORMAL HEAT AND FIRE TEST ‘The specimen shall be subjected for not less than 18 hours to 2 controled atmosphere of 75 percent felatve humidity, at a tempers Lure of 15 to 250C. - Every specimen shall be tested as soon as possible after removal from the controlled atmosphere and in any case before three minutes have elapsed. humidity may be obtained by the use of lumps of 8 ride*, which shall be sprinkled occasionally with water. ‘The surface of the salt shall be moist, care being taken that the lumps are not flooded with water, and shall be large per unit volume of air ce, or the rate of attainment of equilibrium will be very slow. Sulphuric acid shell not be used for obtalning the specified relative humidity. ; In order to ensure that the relative humidity of the controlled” Stwoephere i maintained at the correct value it is necessary ether tthe temperature be kept very constant or that the air be cizculat wwthin the chambers 7 YO “The following method has been. found ‘satisfactory for maintaining constant the relative humidity of the controtied atmosphere, ‘The apecimens ae placed on «shelf half-vay up ina cubical box with tides 0°6 m long. ‘The floor of the box is nearly covered by a dish containing lumps of salt. Air is circulated by means of a small fan Over the salt up through Boles cut at two corners of the shelf, over the eamples and dowa through holes at the opposite corners of the ‘The humidity of the air may be measured by wet and dry bulb thermometers. If the velocity of the air past the thermometers is grester than 3 m/sec, the humidity attains a constant value in about three minutes after the box has been closed and the fan has been started, unless the prevailing conditions are extreme. ‘Asan alternative to wet and dry bulb thermometers, which may require a known sit velocity, a dew point thimble may be inserted in the box and used when the fan is working. With either method a window is necessary to avoid opening the box. —sGommon faingal, vais considerably im composition and is always satisfactory for this purpose. ee (ETD My jad Sines Ping rows Da AMENDMENT NO. 4 JULY 1995 TO IS 1293: 1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF RATED VOLTAGE UP TO AND INCLUDING 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UP TO AND INCLUDING 16 AMPERES (Second Revision) [ Page 4, clause 8.1.2 (,s0e also Amendment No. 3) | — Substitute the . following forthe existing clause: , : “In the case of multiple socketoutles, the minimum wall thickness of the insulating material of top cover (plate ) between the holes for 6A and 16A pins shall be not less tban 2 mm. In case of shuttered socket outlets wall thickness say not be provided.” [ Page 5, Table 1 (see also Amendments No.2 and 3) | — Substitute the following forthe existing notes: “Nore 1 — Dinesson “i te minimum distance been the pas ie and new) snd the piper ofthe pog. Nowe? — Dineason sal vot be aplcabl fr cart pia? (Page, Table 2)— Add the following note in this uble: “Nome —The screw head sale ase ia 54218 (Pat 1) SO mettre (Page 11, clause 15.1, para 1, Ties 3 and 4 of page 12) — Substitute ‘65 and 75 peroeat for ‘45 and 55 precent’. (Page 13, Table 4, col 1, heading ) ~ Substitute ‘ScREW DESIGNATIONS? Jor "DIAMETER OF SCREW. [ Page 17, clause 29.6, line 3 (see also Amendment No. 3.) )— Substitute "290+ 10°C" for ‘200+ 10°C”. (ETD14) : Fined a Since ine rem De lis AMENDMENT NO. 5 AUGUST 1996 TO IS 1293 $1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS OF 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UP TO 16 AMPERES (Second Revision) ( Page 4, clause 8.13, para 1) — Delete the words ‘If slotted, the dimensions shall be as given in Table 1° ‘ (Page 4, clause 8.1.3, para 2.) — Delete. (Page 5, Table 1, ‘Nominal width of lot’ and ‘Minimum length of slot" ) —Delete all entries. [ Page 17, clause 29.7 (see also page 3 of Amendment No.'3 ) | — Insert the following new clause afte notes under 29.7: a ‘298 Glow-Wire Test 29.8.1 As an altemative to tests at 29.1 to 29.7, the moulded insulated parts of plugs or socket-outlet may be tested for resistance fo abnormal heat and fire in accordance with method given in Appendix E. [ Page 21, Appendix D ( see also Amendment No. 3) ) — Insert the following new Appendix E after Appendix D: “APPENDIX E (Clause 298.1.) GLOW WIRETEST ‘The testis performed according to IS 11000 ( Part 2’Sec 1) : 1984 ‘Fire hazard testing : Par 2 Test methods, Section 1 Glow wire test and guidance’, under the following conditions: 2) For parts of insulating material necessary fo retain current-carrying ‘pars, and parts ofthe earthing circuit, in position by the test made at a temperature of 850°C, »)_ For parts of insulating material not necessary to resin current-carryi parts and parts of the earthing circuit in position, even they are ‘contact with them, by the test made at a temperature of 650°C. 1 Amend No, 5 to IS 1293: 1988 I the tests specified have to be made at more than one place on the same plug or socketoutlet, care shall be taken to ensure that any deterioration cfused by previous test does not affect the result ofthe fet to be made. ‘Small parts, such as washers, are not subjected fo these sts. ‘The tests are not made on parts of ceramic material. I possible, the samples should be a complete plug or'socketoutlet. Ifthe test cannot be made on’a complete plug or socketoutlet, suitable part may be cut from it for the purpose of the test. ‘The testis made on one sample. In case of dispute, the test shall be repeated on two further samples. ‘The sample shall be stored for 24 h at standard ambient atmospheric condivions before the test. ‘The tes is made applying the glow-wire once. ‘The sample shall be positioned during the test in the most unfavourable position of its intended use (with the surface tested in a vertical position). The tip of the ‘low-wire shall be applied to the specified surface of the specimen taking into ‘ccount the conditions of the intended use iinder which a bested or glowing clement may come into contact wit the plug or socket-outlet. ‘During the application time of the glow-wire and duting a period of 30 s from the end of the application time, the sample and the surrounding part, including the layer under the sample, shall be observed. Nore “hele tet pd sim at nyheter i tt cs Ge toe Inet deny rt sme ate paring eal hw td bee oe ‘Sie acd nina its Hed a tom st rng ae ble emt ‘Sse pang dom ee placa eden ae ‘The time when the ignition of the sample occurs and/or the time when the flames extingvish during or after the application time shall be measured and recorded. ‘The plug or socket-outlet is regarded as having passed the glow wire test if: — there is no visible lame and sustained glowing, and — flames and glowing at the plog or socket-outlet extinguish within 30 s after the removal of the glow wire. ‘There shall be no ignition of the tissue paper or scorching of board. (ETD 14) Pistol i Sinco Pang Pros Doi als AMENDMENT NO. 7 APRIL 2000 : + TO {S 1293 : 1988 SPECIFICATION FOR PLUGS AND S@CKET OUTLETS OF RATED VOLTAGE UP TO AND INCLUDING 250 VOLTS AND RATED CURRENT UP TO AND INCLUDING 16 AMPERES (Second Revision) [ Page 1, clause 0.3, fine 4 ( see also Amendment No, 3 ) }~ Delete the words ‘and de’. {Page 1, clause 1A, line 5 (see also Amendments No, 2 and 3) | — Delete the words ‘and de’. [ Page 1, clause 1.1, Note ( see also Amendment No. 3 )}— Insert the following note as Note 2and auntber the existing note as Note 1: “Nott 2-— Posed plugs are sot covered wader the scope ofthis standard.” (Page 1, clause 1.1.) — Insert the following sub-clause after the note: 1.2 The plugs and socket outlets may also be incorporated with pilot lamps.” (Page 1, clause 22) — Delete and renumber subsequent clauses. (Page 4, clause 8.2.) — Delete and renumuber the subsequent clauses. (Page 5, Table 1, Dimension K) — Delete all entries. ( Page 8, Table 2, col 2, heading ) — Substitute “SCREW DESIGNATION’ for ‘NOMINAL THREAD DIAMETER, Min’, (Page 8, Table 2, col 2, rows 1 and 2 ) — Substitute ‘M25 and M3? for*25s and30'. (Page 12, clause 16.1.1.) — Insert the fotlowing note at the end: Price Group 1 Amend No. 7 to 1S 1293 : 1988 (Page 12, clause 16.2.1) — Insert the following note atthe end: “Nore — In the ease of plugs and socket outets incorporating pilot lamps, the tet at 1213) and (0) shal be cased out by disconnecting the pilot amp (Page 13, Table 4, col 1) — Substitute *M3, M3.5,M4, MS and M6’ in place of 25,4,Sand 6. (Page 14, clause 23.1.7 ) — Insert the following new sub-clause after this lnvse: " After the test on a Jens (window for pilot lamp), the lamp may be cracked andor dislodged but it shall not be possible to touch the live parts with: — the standard jointed test finger under the conditions stated in 9.1, — the standard unjointed test finger under the conditions stated in 91, but with force of 10.” ( Page 14, clause 23.2.3 ) — Insert the following new sub-clause after the la "2323.1 After the test on a lens (window for pilot lamps), the famp may be cracked and/or dislodged but it shall not be possible to touch the live parts with: — the standard jointed test finger under the conditions stated in 9. but with force of 10. — the standard unjointed test Ginger under the conditons stated in 9.1, but with force of 10 N.’ ( Page 14, clause 24) — Substitute the following for the existing text except jgure 8: for 24 RESISTANCE TO HEAT. Accessories and surface-mounting boxes shall be resistant to heat. Compliance is checked by: 3) For surtace-mounting boxes, separable covers, separable cover-plates and separable frames by the test of 24.3; 1) For portable accessorics, with the exception of the parts, if any covered by (4), by the tests of 24.1 and 24.4 with the exception of parts made from natural or synthetic rubber or a mixture of both, by the test of 243; 7 Amend No. 7 to IS 1293: 1988 ©) For fixed socket-outlets, with the exception ofthe parts, ifany, covered by (2), by the tests of 241, 24.2 and, with tbe exception of parts made from natural or synthetic rubber or a mixture of botb, by the test of 243. Parts intended only for decorative purposes, such as certain lids, are not submitted to this test. 24.1 The specimens are kept for 1 h ina beating cabinet at a temperature of 300° » 2°c, During tbe test, they shall not undergo any change impairing their furtber use and sealing compound, if any, shall not low to such an extent that live paris are exposed. ‘Afier the test, the specimens are then allowed to cool down to approximately room temperature. There shall be no access to live parts which are normally not accessible when the specimens are mounted as in normal use, if the standard test finger i applied with a force not exceeding SN. After the test, markings shall still be legible. Discoloration, blisters or slight displacement of the scaling compound is disregarded provided that safety is not impaired within the meaning of this standard 24.2 Parts of insulating material necessary to retain current-carrying parts and parts of the carthing circuit in position, and parts of the front surface zone of thermoplastic material of 2 mm width’ surrounding the phase and neutral pin entry holes of socket outlets, shall be subjected to a ball-pressure test by means of the apparatus shown in Fig. 9, except the insulating parts necessary to retain the earthing terminals in position in a box shall be tested as specified in 24.3. [NOTE — When it isnot possible w cary out the tes 0 the apecioncs, the test should be canied out on a piece a least 2 mum tick which is cut ou of the specimen. IC hs is ‘ot posible, up to aod including four Layers, each cut out ofthe sae specimen, may be teed in which cae the tua thickness ofthe layers shall be not less than 25 men. ‘The part under test shall be placed on a steel plate at Ieast 3 mm thick and in direct contact with it. ‘The surface of the part tobe tested is placed in the horizontal position and a stect bal¥of $ mum diameter is pressed against the surface witha force of 20 N. 3 Amend No. 7 to IS 1293: 1988 ‘The test load and the supporting means shall be placed within the heating cabinet for a sufficient time to ensure that they have attained the stabilized vesting temperature before the test commences. “The testis made ina beating cabinet ata temperature of 125° « 2°C. ‘After 1 b, the ball shall be removed from the specimen, which is then immersed, in cold water for cooling down within 10 s to approximately room temperature. ‘The diameter of the impression caused by the ball is measured and shall not exceed 2: mm. 243 Parts of insulating material not necessary to retain curreat-carrying parts and parts of the earthing cirevit in position, even though they are in contact with them, are subjected to a ball-pressure test in accordance with 24.2, but the testis made at a temperature of 70° + 2°C, o 40° = 2°C plus the highest temperature. rise determined for the relevant part during the test of 18 whichever is the higher. 244 The specimens are subjected to a compression test by means of an ‘apparatus as shown in Fig. 9, the test being made in heating cabinet at a temperature of 80° 2°C, ‘The apparatus comprises two steel jaws, having 8 cylindrical face of 25 mm ‘radius, a width of 15 mm and a length of SO mm. ‘The length of 50 mm can be increased, depending on the size of the accessory to be tested. The comers ace rounded with a radius of 2.5 mm. “The specimen is clamped between the jaws in such a way that these press against it in the area where it is gripped in normal use, the centre Tine of the jaws coinciding as nearly as possible with the centre of the area. The force applied ‘through the jaws is 20 N. ‘After 1 h, the jaws are removed and the specimens shall show no damage within the meaning of this standard.” (Page 15, Figure 8) — Insert the following figure as Figure 9: Amend No. 7to IS 1293: 1988 FIG. 9 APPARATUS FOR COMPRESSION TEST FOR THE VERIFICATION OF RESISTANCE TO HEAT OF 24.4 (Page 17, Annex A, line 1) — Substitute clause reference ‘8.4° far ‘8.5'. ( Page 20, clause B-1.1, line 2) — Substinte the words ‘Fig. 10° in place of ‘Fig. 9. (Poge 21, Figure 9) — Remumber ‘Fic. 9° 2s “Ro. 10.’ (ETD 14) ee Reprography Unis BIS, New Delt Toda

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