CyScan Operators Guide V3.7a

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Guidance Navigation Limited Document
4 Dominus Way This issue: CyScan Operator’s Guide v3.7a
Meridian Business Park Date: 22/02/08
LE19 1RP Document №: 94-0004-4
United Kingdom Previous issue: Operator’s Guide v3.6d
Tel: +44 (0)116 229 2600 Date: 27/2/06
Fax: +44 (0)116 229 2604
Changes: Updated with changes in CyScan User Console v3.15
Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2008 Guidance Navigation Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright in the whole and every part of this document belongs to Guidance Navigation
Limited (the “Owner”) and may not be used, sold, transferred, copied or reproduced
in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person other
than in accordance with the terms of the Owner’s Agreement or otherwise without
the prior written consent of the Owner.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies or organisations.
Table of Contents
Introduction Navigation Basics
Welcome................................................................................................................... 3 Blanking Zones....................................................................................................... 16
System Overview...................................................................................................... 3 Setting the Blanking Zone.................................................................................... 16
CyScan Sensor Part Names....................................................................................... 4 Selecting Preset Blanking Zones........................................................................... 16
Creating Custom Blanking Zones......................................................................... 17
Getting Started Positional Display Modes....................................................................................... 18
Start Up and Shut Down.......................................................................................... 6 Range & Bearing.................................................................................................. 18
Screen Layout........................................................................................................... 7 Bow and Starboard Axes (NMEA0183P).........................................................................18
Sensor Display....................................................................................................... 8 A and B Axes (A Pos and B Pos) (NMEA0183R)..............................................................18
Navigation Section................................................................................................. 9 Working with Reflections...................................................................................... 19
Status Bar.............................................................................................................. 9 Basic Reflection Data........................................................................................... 19
Button Bar........................................................................................................... 10 Rejecting Unwanted Reflections........................................................................... 20
Alarms and Reflections Tabs................................................................................. 11 Scanner Tilt Controls.............................................................................................. 21
Day and Night Views.............................................................................................. 12 Scanner Tilt Modes.............................................................................................. 21
Setting The Date and Time.................................................................................... 13 Manually Tilting the Scanner................................................................................ 22
Using the On-Screen Keyboard............................................................................. 13 Setting the Tilt Bearing and Angle........................................................................ 23
Working with Alarms............................................................................................. 14
Filtering Alarms.................................................................................................... 14
Using the Historic Alarm List................................................................................ 14

CyScan Operator – 1
Navigation Troubleshooting
Navigational Information Quality......................................................................... 25 Problems and Possible Remedies........................................................................... 39
Single Target Navigation....................................................................................... 26 Alarm Codes........................................................................................................... 40
Starting Single Target Navigation......................................................................... 26 Cleaning the Sensor and Targets........................................................................... 40
Ending Single Target Navigation........................................................................... 26 CyScan Fuse Information....................................................................................... 41
Multi-Target Navigation........................................................................................ 27 CyScan LED Indicators............................................................................................ 42
Starting Temporary Multi-Target Group Navigation.............................................. 27
Starting Preset Multi-Target Group Navigation..................................................... 27 Technical Notes
Ending Multi-Target Group Navigation................................................................. 27 Targets—Reflective Material................................................................................. 44
Creating Preset Multi-Target Groups.................................................................... 28 Targets—Installation And Position........................................................................ 45
Aligning Multi-Target Groups............................................................................... 30 Vertical Beam Divergence...................................................................................... 47
Low Temperature Operation................................................................................. 48
Support Information
Serial Numbers & Software Versions..................................................................... 32 CyScan System Specifications
Configuration Settings........................................................................................... 33 General System Specifications............................................................................... 49
DP Feed Format & Message String....................................................................... 34
Extended Dialogs................................................................................................. 34 Index
Entering Service Access Mode............................................................................... 35
Configuration Settings - Service Access Mode...................................................... 36
System Logging Options........................................................................................ 37
Starting and Stopping Manual Logging................................................................ 37
Copying Log Files to an External USB Drive........................................................... 37
Deleting Log Files................................................................................................. 37
Taking Screen Shots............................................................................................. 37

CyScan Operator – 2

Welcome to the CyScan position reference system. CyScan is a high accuracy laser sensor CyScan emits eye-safe infra-red light and detects the reflections back from retro-reflective
which provides positional information to allow automated approach and/or station keeping targets. Targets are mounted on designated structures or vessels. They consist of strips of a
relative to a structure or vessel. The structure or vessel requires one or more reflective high performance reflective tape mounted on a flat or a cylindrical support.
targets to be attached to its sides. The accurate range and bearing of one or more targets is measured by CyScan and used to
calculate the exact position of the CyScan vessel relative to the target structure or vessel.
System Overview This positional information is displayed on the console screen and automatically transmitted
to the vessel’s DP system.
CyScan is designed to be semi-portable and straightforward to operate. In use, the CyScan
system consists of several key elements, these being:
XX The CyScan Sensor, which is mounted
on the vessel (typically on the wheel-
Structure or
house) as required.
CyScan Vessel
XX The CyScan Console. A monitoring and
control software application running Sensor
within Microsoft® Windows™ on a
standard computer.
This provides the DP operator with full Reflective targets
status information and control of the
system and the data stream being fed to
the DP system.
Power PSU
XX The Power Supply Unit (PSU). It is
contained within a watertight enclosure
and is mounted near the CyScan sensor.
The Console and DP System cables are
connected via this unit.
XX The Data Converter (optional). This
sealed enclosure is situated near the
PC running the CyScan console software
package. It acts as an interface and Console PC DP CyScan
translates the RS422 signal generated by
the CyScan sensor to the RS232 signal Hardware System equipped
required by a standard PC serial port.
The key elements of the CyScan system

CyScan Operator – 3
CyScan Sensor Part Names
The diagram below shows the key parts of the sensor unit and the various names that are
used throughout this guide:

Sensor unit

Base Plate

CyScan Operator – 4
Getting Started
This section covers the basics of using the CyScan system. It contains the following pages:

XX Start Up and Shut Down (page 6)

XX Screen Layout (page 7)

XX Day and Night Views (page 12)

XX Setting the Date and Time (page 13)

XX Using the On Screen Keyboard (page 13)

XX Working with Alarms (page 14)

CyScan Operator – 5
Start Up and Shut Down
Start Up Shut Down
To Enter CyScan User Console To Suspend, Exit or Reset Communications
1. Ensure that the CyScan sensor is powered on and running correctly. 1. Click on the CyScan button in the lower left corner of the screen
2. Double-click on the CyScan User Console icon. Note: This button is disabled while navigating or during manual logging. (See page 37).
(Or run the CyScan User Console application from A dialog box will be displayed.
Start > Programs > CyScan > CyScan User Console).
2. Click on the down-arrow. Select one of the following options and click on the OK button.
3. T
he Console display screen will appear.
After a brief initialisation period the sensor will begin operation and its scanning results XX Suspend—Places the sensor into a ‘sleep mode’ whereby the rotor ceases spinning and
will be displayed on screen. the scanner tilt returns to a fixed state. However, upon command from the Console
application, the unit will return to full operation. This mode is suitable for use when
travelling between locations.
XX Suspend & Exit—Places the sensor into the same ‘sleep mode’ as the suspend command
(discussed above) and also closes the CyScan Console program.
XX Reset Communications—Re-initialises the communication links between the Console
computer and the CyScan sensor.

CyScan Operator – 6
Screen Layout
The CyScan User Console screen has five key areas:
Positional Data Display
XX The
Sensor Display (see page 8)

XX The Navigation Section (see page 9)

XX The Status Bar (see page 9)

Navigation Section
XX The Button Bar (see page 10)
The Navigation Section displays
XX The Property Tabs (see page 11)
positional data when the system is
in navigation mode. (See page 9).

Sensor Display
This circular area displays the
relative positions of the CyScan
vessel and any targets that have
been picked up by the sensor
(See page 6).
Property Tabs
The Alarms and Reflections tabs
are always displayed. (See page 11).
Additional tabs can be accessed by
clicking on the Sensor Operations
Button Bar
A collection of nine buttons that
provide, or control, a range of
functions. (See page 10).

Status Bar
Provides important feedback information on various topics and displays
the date and time that the situation was first reported. (See page 9).

CyScan Operator – 7
Sensor Display CyScan Vessel
The circular Sensor Display shows the relative positions of the CyScan vessel and any detected The CyScan vessel image can be displayed as either an outline or a solid filled shape, with a
reflections. Click on the Display Options button to configure which of the following elements distinct bow and stern. The vessel image may be switched off if required.
appear on the display. (See page 10).
Depending upon the chosen display option, the centre of the Sensor display will either represent
the CyScan vessel, or the target origin of the current multi-target group.
Reflection Tilt-direction
(See Display Options on page 10).
images and tilt-angle
Blanking Zone
The Blanking Zone is the segment within each revolution of the sensor rotor where the laser
is switched off. It is typically set to correspond with the area where the beam would strike
portions of its own vessel. The blanking zone can be adjusted to suit different situations.
(See Blanking Zones on page 16).

Range Circles
The Range Circles act as a visual guide to show the distance between the CyScan vessel and
the detected reflections. Distances are shown in in metres from the CyScan vessel.
Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the Button Bar to change the scale of the display.
(See page 10).

Multi-Target Group Reference Frame

The Multi-Target Reference Frame indicates the A-B axis that the CyScan system uses to
define the positions of each target, relative to the origin of the multi-target group. The frame
can be included or excluded from the display as required. (See Display Options on page 10).

Tilt-direction and Tilt-angle

The tilt and direction arrow indicates the direction and amount of tilt that the CyScan sensor
is applying to keep its rotor at a set level. The colour of the arrow head and tail changes as the
scanner tilts up and down:

Blanking XX Green—The scanner is tilting upwards,

zone XX Grey—The scanner is level,
XX Red—The scanner is tilting downwards.
When the tilt-angle and tilt–direction are being adjusted manually, the outer arrow head follows
the cursor to apply the necessary offsets. (See Manually Tilting the Scanner on page 22).

Target Images
Multi-Target CyScan Range
Reflections that have been picked up by the sensor are displayed as yellow squares. During
reference vessel circles
frame navigation, red or yellow boxes are drawn around reflections to show how they are associated
with the selected targets. A yellow box indicates strong association, whereas a red box
indicates poor or no association.

CyScan Operator – 8
Navigation Section Tilt Mode and DP Feed
The upper right corner of the screen displays positional information while the system is The status of the Scanner Tilt Mode (see page 21) and the DP Feed (see page 34).

Positional display
Status Bar
Provides important feedback information on various topics and displays the date and time
that the situation was first reported. A flashing green icon indicates that communication
between the User Console and the CyScan sensor is OK.

Double click on the Time and Date portion of the status bar to set the current system date
and time. (See page 13).

Status Bar Buttons

To the left of the status bar are two buttons:
Scanner tilt mode DP Feed mode Information
Quality Indicator

Positional display – Range, Bearing and Heading CyScan Button

XX For NMEA0183 DP feed types in single target operation, this display will show distances Click this button to view the Control dialog. From here you can select the following options:
along Bow and Starboard axes. Heading information is not available for single target
XX Suspend—Places the sensor into a ‘sleep mode’ whereby the rotor ceases spinning and the
scanner tilt returns to a fixed state. However, upon the resume command, the unit will
XX For NMEA0183 DP feed types in multi-target operation, the range is displayed along return to full operation.
A and B axes determined by the multi-target group configuration, and Heading is
XX Suspend & Exit—Shuts the Console software application but maintains power to the
calculated relative to the axes origin, i.e. Target 1.
sensor. Upon starting the application the unit will return to full operation. This mode is
XX For ASCII17 DP feed types, Range and Bearing data are shown relative to the single suitable for use when travelling between mooring locations.
target or primary target (in multi-target target operation).
XX Reset Communications—Re-initialises the communication links between the Console
(See Positional Display Modes on page 18). computer and the CyScan sensor.
Note: This button is disabled while navigating or during manual logging. (See page 37).
Information Quality Indicator
This graph indicates the confidence that the system has in the quality of the position data Help Button
that is being generated.
Click this button to view the online CyScan User Console operator’s guide using
The more bars shown, the better the information. The height of the bars indicates the Acrobat Reader.
brightness of the reflections returned by the target.
The colour of the bars and the display read-out also changes according to the quality of the
information. (See Navigational Information Quality on page 25).

CyScan Operator – 9
Button Bar Display Options (continued)
The Button Bar contains nine buttons providing the following range of functions. XX Show Blanking Zone—Display/hide the angular area within each rotor revolution where
When a function is not available, the button image is greyed-out. the laser is switched off.
Stop Navigation Zoom Out Display Sensor Cancel XX Show Tilt—Display/hide the arrow and angle label that indicate the current direction and
Click to stop navigating. Click to zoom out Options Operations Click to abandon any angle of tilt.
from the display. See below See opposite changes and revert to
The system will stop the previous setting. XX Show Vessel Shape—Determines how the CyScan vessel is represented on the sensor
sending live positional display – the options are: Off, Outline and Filled.
data to the DP system.
XX Display Centred On—When navigating on a multi-target group, this option determines if
the scanner display is centred on the target or on the vessel.
XX Display Day/Night View—Switches between day/night display modes. (See page 12).
XX Display Options—Selects the Extended Dialogs (see page 34) and
Range and Bearing Only (see page 18) options.
XX Display Vessel Bow—Selects the orientation of the vessel’s bow displayed on the screen,
Start Navigation Zoom In Alarms Apply either: Top, Left, Bottom or Right.
Click to start navigating. Click to zoom in Click to view the Click to apply
on the display Alarms Tab. the current
After clicking on this changes.
button, you will need (This option only
to select either a single becomes available
target, temporary multi- when one or more
Error or Fatal alarms
target group, or a preset
multi-target group to have occurred). Sensor Operations
navigate with. Click on the Sensor Operations button to view the following configuration options:
XX Multi-Target
Group—Choose between either Align, Create or Edit:
Align­—Allows the Heading Axis to be rotated so that it aligns with true North.
This enables the reported position to be given in true Northings and Eastings.
Display Options (See Aligning Multi-Target Groups on page 30).
Click on the Display Options button to override the Create—Used to create preset multi-target groups. (See page 28).
options set in the Configuration Tab (See page 33). Edit­—Used to edit preset multi-target groups.
Note: Display Options are temporary and only apply to the current session. XX Set Blanking Zone—Used to select the required blanking zone. (See page 16).
XX Show Bearing Axis—Display/hide the tick marks around the outer circle of the sensor XX Select Tilt Mode—Selects the scanner tilt mode. (See page 21).
display. XX Set Manual Tilt—Used to set a manual tilt angle and direction. For example, when station-
XX Show
Range Circles—Display/hide the concentric distance circles of the sensor display. keeping close to a platform where the targets are mounted high and the CyScan sensor
must be made to ‘look up’ for them.
XX Show Labels—Display/hide the the numbering of targets within a multi-target group under
navigation. Note: Scanner tilt presets are only possible when the tilt mode is set to Manual Tilt.
XX how Reflections—Display/hide the markers representing the reflections received by the
S XX Datalogs—Activates System Logging. (See page 37).
CyScan sensor. XX About CyScan—Opens the About CyScan tab, which displays
XX Show Targets—Display/hide the range and bearing vector, if selected, and the association software version, licence and contact details. (See page 35).
boxes that are superimposed on the reflection squares. XX CyScan Configuration—Opens the CyScan Configuration window. (See page 33).
XX Show Heading Axis—Display/hide the heading axis line
(multi-target groups only, see page 27).

CyScan Operator – 10
Alarms and Reflections Tabs
The Alarms and Reflections tabs are always displayed. Other tabs appear when you select an
option from the Sensor Operations button. (See page 10).

Alarms Tab Reflections Tab

Alarm messages are classified into four types, in increasing order of severity: Provides a numeric list of the reflections received during the last complete revolution of the
sensor rotor. This screen can be used to verify the graphical representation of reflections
XX Information—grey symbols
shown within the Sensor display.
XX Warning—orange symbols
As a new revolution is started, the list is cleared and starts again. For each verified reflection
XX Error—red
symbols the list provides: Range, Bearing and Brightness values. The two sliders allow you to filter out
XX Fatal—red
symbols unwanted reflections that might adversely affect navigation.
(See Rejecting Unwanted Reflections on page 20).
A filter is available to suppress the display of particular alarm types. As standard, the filter is
activated and grey information messages are hidden from the list. Extra information is displayed on the Reflections Tab when the Extended Dialogs option is
selected on the Configuration tab. (See page 34).
The arrow symbol indicates the start of an entry that persists, while the square symbol
indicates the end of an entry. The pause symbol indicates an entry that does not persist. Note: If an arrow is appended to a reflection entry, this indicates that the reflection may
be improved by tilting the sensor either upwards (up arrow) or downwards (down arrow).
Accepting alarms in the Current list moves them to the Historic list. (See page 14).
Please refer to the Scanner tilt adjustment section on page 21.
Deleting alarms from the Historic list will delete them permanently.

Note: The two rejection sliders

are not available if the CyScan
sensor has firmware version 3.07
or below.

CyScan Operator – 11
Day and Night Views
To provide maximum visibility during daytime operation and minimal glare during night shifts,
CyScan User Console offers two display modes: ‘Day View’ and ‘Night View’.
The default option is set in the Configuration Tab (see page 33), but this setting can be
overridden from the Display Options menu:

To change the day/night view mode:

1. Click on the Display Options button.
2. Click on Display Day/Night View.
3. Click on either Day View or Night View.

Day View Night View

CyScan Operator – 12
Setting The Date and Time Using the On-Screen Keyboard
In order to accommodate systems without keyboards, CyScan Console provides an on-screen
To Set the System Date and Time keyboard option. This enables text to be input text using only a mouse pointer. You can
activate the on-screen keyboard wherever you see this icon:
1. Double-click on the time displayed on the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen.
If the icon is greyed out then the on-screen keyboard feature is disabled.
2. The Date and Time Properties window is opened.
Note: By default, the on-screen keyboard feature is disabled as CyScan is usually
3. Set the correct date and time and click on the OK button. installed on systems with keyboards. (See ‘To enable the on-screen keyboard’ below).
When displayed the on-screen keyboard appears ‘Always on Top’ of all other applications –
this can be changed using its Settings menu.

To use the on-screen keyboard

1. Click on the icon to display the on-screen keyboard.
2. Select an item within CyScan Console that requires text entry or editing.
3. Click on the necessary keys on the on-screen keyboard using your mouse.

To enable the on-screen keyboard

Note: This procedure can only carried out when using Service Access mode, for which you
require a restricted authorisation code.
1. Enter Service Access Mode. (See page 35).
2. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
3. Click on CyScan Configuration.
The Configuration Tab is opened. (See page 33).
4. Click on the down arrow of the Select Configuration Category box and select the
Communications / Display Options entry.
5. Tick the Enable On-Screen Display option.
6. Click on the Apply button.

CyScan Operator – 13
Working with Alarms Using the Historic Alarm List
The Alarms tab has two alarms lists:
During operation, the CyScan system produces an event audit trail of system messages.
XX The Current List displays new alarms (since the last start of the console software).
These range in increasing order of severity from: Information, Warning, and Error to Fatal.
As these alarms are received from the sensor, the console application lists them within the XX The Historic List is used to store alarms that have been cleared from the current list.
Alarms tab on the property sheet. Current alarms are automatically transferred to the Historic list on shutdown.
Alarm types are colour coded: Items in the Current List cannot be deleted, they may only be moved to the Historic List.
Information - (grey) Only items in the Historic List can be permanently deleted.
Warning - (orange)
Fatal and Error - (red)
To accept alarms in the current list
1. Click on the Alarms tab on the
The triangular and square symbols represent the start and stop points of each alarm. Property sheet and check that the
When an alarm is raised, a start symbol is displayed at the beginning of the entry. Select Log Type entry is Current.

When the alarm is resolved, the stop symbol is appended to the entry. 2. Select the alarms that you wish
to move into the Historic list:
To accept one alarm—Click on the required entry and click on the button.
To accept two or more alarms—Hold down the Ctrl key,
Filtering Alarms click on the required entries and click on the button.
The alarm filter allows you to select the types of alarm that are displayed. To accept all alarms—Click on the button.
By default, only Warning, Error and Fatal alarms are displayed.
Note: If you attempt to transfer any alarms that are still unresolved, a warning dialog
To enable/disable the filter, click on the left side of the filter button. will be displayed.
The filter is active whenever the left side of the filter button is ‘pressed in’.

To use the alarms filter To clear the historic list

1. Click on the Alarms tab on the Property sheet (in the lower right corner of the screen). 1. View the Alarms tab within the
Property sheet and check that
2. Click on the right side of the filter button. the Select Log Type entry
A drop down list will be displayed showing the four types of reports/alarms. shows Historic.
3. Click on each type of alarm to check/un-check them as necessary. 2. Select the alarms to delete:
Alarm types that are ticked are displayed in the alarms list, un-ticked items are hidden. To delete one alarm – click on the alarm entry and then on the button.
To delete two or more alarms – hold down the Ctrl key, and
click on the required alarm entries and click on the button.
To delete all alarms – click on the button.
A dialog will be displayed and will require confirmation for each deletion.
You can confirm each deletion individually, or click on the Yes to All button.

To export an alarms list

XX To export all alarms to a text file, click on the
Export Historic and Current Alarms button

CyScan Operator – 14
Navigation Basics
This section explains how to set up the system prior to navigating.
It contains the following pages:

XX Blanking Zones (page 16)

XX Positional Display Modes (page 18)

XX Working with Reflections (page 19)

XX Scanner Tilt Controls (page 21)

CyScan Operator – 15
Blanking Zones Setting the Blanking Zone
There are two ways to set a blanking zone:
The Blanking Zone is used to mask the segment of the scan rotation that is obscured by the XX Selecting a preset blanking zone (see below).
vessel’s superstructure. While the scanner passes through the blanking zone, the laser is
switched off to prevent any unwanted reflections from interfering with the target data. XX Creating
a custom blanking zone (see page 17).

(Even if the sensor has a clear 360° view, there must be a blanking zone of at least 90°).
Generally, once the blanking zone has been set, it will not need to be changed. However, Selecting Preset Blanking Zones
there may be occasions when it is necessary to adjust the blanking zone, for example if the
The orientation of the vessel displayed in the Blanking tab automatically matches the Display
target is on the opposite side of the vessel to normal.
Vessel Bow settings (Top, Left, Bottom and Right) accessed from the Display Options button.
Note: Changing the blanking zone whilst navigating will interrupt the data sent to
the DP system.
If the blanking zone is adjusted while navigating, the new values are applied only to
To select a preset blanking zone
the active multi-target group. However, if the blanking zone is adjusted while out of 1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
navigation mode, the new values are not applied to any existing multi-target groups 2. Click on Set Blanking Zone > Use Presets.
but instead form a new baseline setting.
The Blanking tab is opened.
3. Click on the blanking zone shape that best suits the current CyScan installation and its
field of view.
4. Click on the Apply button to confirm the changes.

CyScan Operator – 16
Creating Custom Blanking Zones
In custom blanking mode, you can manually select the segments of the display that make up
the blanking zone.
Note: When selecting the start and stop segments for the blanking zone, you must always
work in an anti-clockwise direction.

To Create a Custom Blanking Zone

1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
2. Click on Set Blanking Zone > Manually.
3. Click on the first segment of the blanking zone.
4. Release the mouse button.
5. Drag the mouse in an anti-clockwise direction around the display circle.
(When you hover over a segment it will turn grey, showing that it will become part of the
blanking zone).
6. Click on the last segment of the blanking zone. La
t st
en S
Note: The 360 sweep of the sensor display is split into sixteen segments. The blanking
gm eg
e m
zone must cover at least four segments. tS en
F ir s t
7. Click on the Apply button to confirm the changes.
“click” “click”

CyScan Operator – 17
Positional Display Modes Bow and Starboard Axes (NMEA0183P)
In this mode the position of the sensor vessel is expressed in metres from the target along
The relative positions of the CyScan vessel and single or multiple targets can be expressed Bow and Starboard axes which have their origin at the primary (or only) target.
either as Range and Bearing values, or in terms of the rectangular coordinate frame
The axes are parallel with the vessel’s own axes.
appropriate to the selected type of navigation (single or multi-target) and DP feed messages.
This mode is available for single target navigation, and for multi-target navigation where the
Coordinate frame axes are only displayed if the DP feed is set to either NMEA0183P or
DP feed messages are of type NMEA0183P (primary).
NMEA0183R. The display can be overridden to display Range and Bearing data, if required.
DP Mode Navigation Type Coordinate Frame Axes
Single Target
NMEA0183P (Primary) Bow and Starboard Axes
Single Target Bow and Starboard Axes
NMEA0183R (Raw)
Multi-Target A and B Axes

All other DP modes display Range and Bearing data only.

To change the positional display mode:

The default mode is set in the Configuration Tab (see page 33)
but this setting can be overridden from the Display Options menu:
Note: Selecting either option has no effect on the message strings sent to the DP system.

1. Click on the Display Options button.

2. Click on Display Options > Range & Bearing Only. A and B Axes (A Pos and B Pos) (NMEA0183R)
If the Range & Bearing option is ticked, range and bearing will be displayed. If the option In this mode the position of the sensor vessel is expressed in metres from the target along A
is un-ticked, either Bow and Starboard or A and B axes information will be displayed, and B axes which have their origin at the primary target.
depending on the type of DP feed messages that are being sent to the DP system. The axes are initially aligned with the multi-target group, with the A axis passing through the
secondary target. However, if the multi-target group is subsequently aligned, the axes are
Range & Bearing rotated such that the A axis remains as the baseline for the vessel heading.
Range and Bearing mode displays the distance and the bearing of the target from the This mode is only available for multi-target navigation where the DP feed messages are of
sensor vessel. type NMEA0183R (raw).

CyScan Operator – 18
Working with Reflections Extended Reflection Data
By default, only basic reflection data is displayed on the Reflections tab.
Extended information is displayed when the Extended Dialogs option (see page 34)
on the Configuration tab is ticked. Pulses
The Pulses column displays the number of laser pulses that have been received back from
each target in the following format:
For example, if the pulses column was displaying 9/1/10, it would indicate that CyScan was
using 9 laser pulses for the position calculation, and had discarded 1 bad pulse out of a total
of 10.
In general, the larger the target the more pulses that will be returned.
Basic Reflection Data This value will increase as the distance to the target reduces.

The following icons indicate that the scanner is operating correctly:

A black cross indicates that the reflection has been manually rejected using the
minimum Range and Brightness sliders. (See page 20).

A red icon indicates that the reflected pulse was too bright and has blinded the scanner.
Extended Reflection Data

The Width column shows the horizontal width of each target, measured in degrees.

Basic Reflection Data Signal A, B and C Levels

Rev#—The total number of revolutions made by the scanner rotor since CyScan has been last The Signal A-lo, Signal B, and Signal C-hi columns can indicate that the scanner is pointing
switched on. too low or too high in relation to the detected reflections.
Reflections—The number of detected reflections. This can occur when the CyScan Vessel is working close to a rig and the targets are mounted
Rejects—The number of manually rejected reflections. (See page 20). high above the scanner. (See Manually Tilting the Scanner on page 22).

Power—The relative output power of the laser. CyScan automatically adjusts the output Note: High readings in either the A or C sectors can also be caused by unwanted
power of the laser to receive an adequate reflection from the brightest target without reflections and do not always necessarily indicate that the scanner is pointing too low
saturating the scanner. The maximum value is 100%. or too high in relation to the intended target.

Pulses—The total number of pulses received during the last revolution of the scanner.
Ambient—The temperature inside the scanner unit.
(See Technical Note 4: Low Temperature Operation on page 48).
Marker—The Marker displays the orientation of the scanner in relation to the vessel:
0° indicates that the scanner has been mounted with its connectors facing the bow.
180° indicates that the scanner has been mounted with its connectors facing the stern.

CyScan Operator – 19
Rejecting Unwanted Reflections To reject unwanted reflections:
1. Click and drag the range and/or brightness sliders to the required threshold settings.
The Range and Brightness sliders on the Reflections tab can be used to reject any unwanted
reflections that may be interfering with the CyScan system. For example, reflections from a 2. Click on the Apply button.
different vessel to the one you are keeping station with.
Unwanted reflections can be rejected at any time, even during navigation.
Use the sliders to set the minimum thresholds for range and brightness:
The Range Slider allows you to reject reflections that are closer than the threshold range.
For example, if you set the range threshold to 40m, any reflections less than 40m away will
be rejected. The range threshold can be adjusted between 10 and 70 metres.
The Brightness Slider allows you to reject reflections that are below the threshold brightness
level. For example, if you set the brightness threshold to 30%, any reflections that have a
brightness of 30% or less will be rejected. The brightness threshold can be adjusted between
The minimum brightness
0% and 60%. (Reflection brightness is measured as a percentage value of the brightness of the setting of 41% has caused the
light initially emitted by the laser.) first reflection in the list to be
rejected and to be marked in
red on the scanner display.

Note: The two rejection

sliders are not available if the
CyScan sensor has firmware
version 3.07 or below.

Once set, any reflections that do not meet the specified range or brightness values will be
marked in red on the scanner display, listed as a reject on the property page and omitted as a
navigation reference.
To hide rejected reflections on the Reflections tab,
tick the Suppress rejects from reflection list option.

CyScan Operator – 20
Scanner Tilt Controls
The scanner tilt mechanism automatically compensates for the pitch and roll of the vessel. The current tilt mode is displayed above the
Motion sensors and a two-axis tilt drive mechanism ensure that the scanning rotor remains at top left corner of the property tab.
the correct level to see the target.

Scanner Tilt Modes

The scanner can be operated in one of three tilt modes:
XX Zero Tilt­­—The scanner tilt automatically maintains the rotor in a horizontal position by
compensating for the pitch and roll of the vessel.
XX Manual Tilt—This mode is used when it is necessary to manually tilt the scanner to reach
the target. For example, when station-keeping close to a platform where the targets are
mounted high up and the CyScan sensor must be tilted up at them.
XX Auto Draught Follow—The scanner tilt automatically adjusts to compensate for draught
changes as the vessel loads or unloads.

To change the scanner tilt mode

1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.

o 2. Click on Select Tilt Mode and then choose the required scanner tilt option from the
Sensor tilt sub-menu.

3. Click on the Apply Sensor Changes button to confirm your action.

o Note: When changing from Zero Tilt to Manual Tilt modes, you will be immediately
Beam spread 8 asked to select the required tilt bearing and angle of tilt.
o (See Setting the Tilt Bearing and Angle on page 23).
Sensor tilt o
o 20
Sensor tilt

CyScan Operator – 21
Manually Tilting the Scanner
The scanner can be tilted manually so that centre of the fanned beam is pointing at the The amount of signal being received in each sector is displayed on the Reflections tab (when
target. This may be necessary when the CyScan Vessel is close to a platform and the targets the Extended Dialogs option is selected).
are positioned above the sensor. (See Setting the Tilt Bearing and Angle on page 23).
When a target is in view of CyScan but is not central within the
fanned beam, indicator arrows are displayed in the Reflections
tab to show that tilting the sensor towards the target(s) will
improve the brightness and stability of the reflection.
An upward pointing arrow shows that the sensor should be
tilted up.
A downward pointing arrow shows that the sensor should be
tilted down.
Start with a small amount of tilt, say 3º to judge the optimum

All of the reflection signal is All of the reflection signal is

being received in sector A – the being received in sector C – the
sensor is pointing too high. sensor is pointing too low.
CyScan divides the beam spread into 3 vertical sectors; A, B and C:
Generally, most of the signal should be in the middle Sector B. If the sensor is pointing too
Sector C low then most of the signal will be in Sector C. If the sensor is pointing too high, most of the
signal will be in Sector A.
Sector B
Note: High readings in either the A or C sectors can also be caused by unwanted
Beam spread Sector A reflections and do not always necessarily indicate that the scanner is pointing too low
or too high in relation to the intended target.

CyScan Operator – 22
Setting the Tilt Bearing and Angle Move the mouse around the circle
to the required tilt direction.
Note: If the tilt bearing and angle are adjusted while navigating, the new values are Click the mouse button to fix the
applied only to the active multi-target group. However, if the tilt bearing and angle are tilt direction.
adjusted while out of navigation mode, the new values are not applied to any existing
multi-target groups but instead form a new baseline setting.
1.  Select Manual Tilt Mode:
Click on the Sensor Operations button and then on Select Tilt Mode > Manual Tilt.

2. Click on the Sensor Operations button and then on Set Manual Tilt.

3. Set the Tilt Bearing:

Move the mouse clockwise or anti-clockwise around the outside of the sensor display until
the arrow points in the required direction for the tilt.
When the tilt bearing is correct, click the mouse button to fix the tilt direction.

4. Set the Tilt Angle:

Move the mouse in and out between the centre and edge of the circular sensor display.
To tilt the scanner upwards, move the mouse towards the tilt arrow head.
To tilt the scanner downwards, move the mouse towards the tilt arrow tail.

The current tilt angle is shown just outside the circular sensor display. The colour of the
tilt arrow also indicates the up/down direction of tilt:
XX Green – upwards tilt
XX Grey – no tilt. Move the mouse towards the arrow
XX Red – downwards tilt head to tilt the scanner upwards.

When the tilt angle is correct, click the mouse button to fix the tilt angle. Move the mouse towards the arrow
tail to tilt the scanner downwards.
5. Click on the Apply tick button to confirm the new tilt settings. Click the mouse button to fix the
tilt angle.

CyScan Operator – 23
This section explains how to select targets and navigate with them.
It contains the following pages:

XX Navigational Information Quality (page 25)

XX Single Target Navigation (page 26)

XX Multi-Target Navigation (page 27)

CyScan Operator – 24
Navigational Information Quality
The CyScan Sensor rotates anti-clockwise once every second. On each rotation, the sensor
emits a beam of infrared laser light and analyses the position of any reflections that it
After several rotations, the sensor is able to compare the reflections received on the last
rotation with those received during previous rotations. This enables CyScan to recognise the
reflections from the intended targets and to ignore any unwanted reflections.

Before navigation is started, the positional After a few seconds, as the scanner gathers
display readings in the top right hand more information, the display readings
corner of the screen are grey. should turn amber and then green.
This indicates that the system is not This indicates that the vessel’s position can
currently navigating. now be calculated accurately.

When navigation is started, the positional The number of bars displayed on the
display readings in the top right hand Information Quality Graph (up to a
corner of the screen will go red. maximum of 9) indicates the confidence
This indicates that there have not been that the system has in tracking the targets.
enough rotation scans to calculate the The height of the bars indicates the
vessel’s position. brightness of the reflections received by
the sensor.

CyScan Operator – 25
Single Target Navigation
During Single Target Navigation, CyScan uses a single flat, cylinder, prism or prism cluster
Single Target Navigation is quick and easy to use, but has the following limitations:
XX Tracking stability will be affected if the target reflection is lost temporarily, as there is no
XX If the true target reflection is obscured by vessel operations there is a possibility that the
sensor track will jump to another reflection.
XX There is no provision for heading data to be produced.

Starting Single Target Navigation Ending Single Target Navigation

Single target navigation can be started when the CyScan vessel is within range
of the platform or vessel, and a target is visible on the console sensor display. 1. Click on the button.
2. In the subsequent dialog, click OK to confirm your action.
1. Click on the button.
The readouts in the navigation section will become inactive and turn grey.
2. Select either:
[Single Cylinder or Flat Target]
(if the vessel/platform targets are flat or cylindrical)
[Single Prism or Prism Cluster]
(if the vessel/platform targets are prism style).
Note: The most common targets are flat or cylindrical.

3. Select a reflection to use as a target by clicking on one of

the yellow squares shown on the sensor display.
After a short delay, the navigation data will be determined
and displayed.
Note: Only ‘Range and Bearing’ or ‘Bow and Starboard’
values will be shown as single targets cannot provide
heading information.

CyScan Operator – 26
Multi-Target Navigation Starting Preset Multi-Target Group Navigation
Navigation using a preset group can be started when the CyScan vessel is within range of the
During multi-target navigation CyScan uses between two and five retro-reflective targets. platform or vessel, and the group’s reflections are visible on the console sensor display.
Multi-Target navigation has the following advantages when compared to using a single target: 1. Click on the button.
XX Improved tracking stability. 2. Select the preset group that matches the rig that you
XX Increased immunity to false reflections. are approaching.
XX Redundancy allows temporary loss of a target reflection. 3. A
fter a short delay, the system will start to use the
preset reflections as targets and navigational data will
XX Preset multi-target groups can be stored for re-use. start to be sent to the DP system.
XX Provision of heading data in relation to target group. Note: When a multi-target group is selected for
navigation, the scanner tilt bearing and the blanking
Multi-Target Group Types zone defined for that multi-target group are applied.
There are two types of multi-target group; temporary and preset.
Temporary Groups are set up in a similar way to Single Target Navigation, except that
multiple targets are selected. Temporary groups use the current scanner tilt details and
blanking zone. They are not stored by the system. If you stop navigating you must set up
another temporary group when you restart navigation.
Preset Groups can be created once and then stored, so that they can be reused when the
vessel next needs to approach or station-keep off the target-group location. Preset groups
also store the scanner tilt details and blanking zone used at a particular location.

Starting Temporary Multi-Target Group Navigation Ending Multi-Target Group Navigation

A new temporary multi-target group can be created when the CyScan vessel is within range of
the platform or vessel, and two or more targets are visible on the console sensor display. 1. Click on the button.
2. In the subsequent dialog, click on OK to confirm your action.
1. Click on the button.
The readouts in the navigation section will become inactive and turn grey.
2. Select [Temporary Multi-Target Group]
Note: Once navigation stops, the baseline scanner tilt and blanking zone defined for
3. Click on two or more of the yellow reflections shown on single target mode will be re-applied.
the sensor display. (Up to a maximum of five).
Consider the following when selecting
reflections to use as targets:
XX The first reflection that you click on will form the origin
point for the multi-target group. The positions of the other
reflections will be calculated relative to this origin point.
XX If more than two reflections are used, select either the far
right or far left one as the origin.
4. After a short delay, the system will start to use the
selected reflections as targets and navigational data will
start to be sent to the DP system.

CyScan Operator – 27
Creating Preset Multi-Target Groups
Preset multi-target groups can be used to store the targets, tilt details and blanking zones i. Click on a yellow target image.
used at a particular location. They are created using two or more targets located on a
platform or target vessel, that the CyScan vessel will regularly approach and/or station-keep.
A new multi-target group can be created when the CyScan vessel is within range of the
platform or vessel, and two or more targets are visible on the console sensor display.
Note: Navigation accuracy is improved when using multiple, asymmetrically spaced
targets. This helps CyScan to differentiate between targets with greater precision.
(Please refer to Technical Note 2, Targets—Installation and Position on page 45).
If multiple targets are not spaced asymmetrically, it is better to operate
with fewer (eg. 2) targets. If more targets are mounted on the rig, then the superfluous
ones should be physically removed and not just omitted from the multi-target group.
If there are other targets in the vicinity that cannot be removed (i.e. on a neighbouring
rig) try to adjust the blanking zone to obscure them from view.
(See Blanking Zones on page 16).
ii. Click on a second target image.
Consider the following when selecting targets:
Choose one that is a reasonable distance from the
XX Use the zoom in or zoom out buttons to select an appropriate view where you can see all origin target.
of the targets.
XX The first target that you click on will form the origin point for the multi-target group. The
positions of the other targets will be calculated relative to this origin point.
XX If more than two targets are used, select either the far right or far left one as the origin.

To create a new multi-target group

Note: New multi-target groups cannot be created while CyScan is navigating.
1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
2. Click on Multi-Target Group > Create.
iii. An A–B axis will be superimposed on the sensor
3. Within the sensor display, click on two or more yellow target images display, relative to the chosen targets.
(up to a maximum of five targets).
4. If required/available, up to three more targets can be selected in turn.
(See note above about the asymmetric spacing of targets).
5. When all required targets have been selected, (up to a maximum of five)
click on the Apply ‘tick’ button.
(Continued on next page).


CyScan Operator – 28
Creating Preset Multi-Target Groups (Continued)
6. The New group’s details will be displayed on the Multi-Target Groups tab,
with a placeholder name.
7. Click in the Multi-Target Group Name box and enter a meaningful name for the new
group, i.e. the name of the current rig/location.

8. Align the new group with the vessel’s compass, if required.

(See Aligning Multi-Target Groups on page 30).
9. Click on the Apply button to save the new multi-target group.
The new group will now appear on the navigation menu, and can be selected
as a preset multi-target group. (See page 27).

CyScan Operator – 29
Aligning Multi-Target Groups
When navigating using a multi-target group, CyScan creates a local coordinate frame on
which it bases all of its calculations. It is possible to rotate this frame to align with the ship’s
compass so that when navigating, the reported position will be given in true Northings and
Note: The data to the DP system will change instantly once the alignment is confirmed,
hence it is recommended to deselect the CyScan sensor at the DP Console before com-
mencing this operation.

Enter the current heading

To align a multi-target group from the ship’s compass,
1. Click on the button and begin navigating with the required multi-target group. or drag the red compass
needle to the required
2. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
3. Click on Multi-Target Group > Align.
The property sheet will display the Align Multi-Target Group tab containing a compass
4. E
nter the current heading from the ship’s compass, or drag compass needle to the
required setting. (CyScan will accept headings that are accurate to 0.1 of a degree.) Click on the Apply button.
5. Click on the Apply button.
After a short pause, the multi-target group reference frame will be rotated
and navigation will begin using the new multi-target group reference frame.

CyScan Operator – 30
Support Information
This section contains the following pages:

XX Serial Numbers and Software Versions (page 32)

XX Configuration Settings (page 33)

XX Entering Service Access Mode (page 35)

XX System Logging Options (page 37)

CyScan Operator – 31
Serial Numbers & Software Versions
These numbers identify the hardware configuration and product revision and will be
requested by Guidance Navigation in the event of an application service or support call to the

Product Labels Software Version Information

Component Part Numbers and individual Serial Numbers are assigned to each component of The Configuration tab within the Property sheet provides version information about every
CyScan. They can be found on product labels affixed to each unit. software component within the Console application and the CyScan Sensor.

CyScan sensor
part number

CyScan sensor
serial number

Software component
version information

CyScan PSU
part number

CyScan PSU
serial number

CyScan Operator – 32
Configuration Settings
The Configuration tab is used to display CyScan sensor data for troubleshooting purposes, and
to set the default display options.
Note: The default display options can be overridden by clicking on the Sensor Display
Options button. However, any overrides will only last for the current CyScan session.

To open the Configuration tab:

1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
2. Click on CyScan Configuration.
The Configuration tab will be displayed:
The Configuration tab has four selectable options:
XX Day View/Night View—Click on the drop-down arrow and select either
Day or Night display settings. (See page 12).
XX DP Feed Format & Message String—This is key to correct operation but does not usually
require alteration during day-to-day operations.
(See DP Feed Format and Message Strings on page 34).
XX ange & Bearing Only—Tick this option to display Range and Bearing information.
(See page 18).
XX Extended Dialogs—In normal user mode this option displays additional information in the
Reflections tab. (See page 19).
For more information please refer to the CyScan Engineer’s Guide.

CyScan Operator – 33
DP Feed Format & Message String Extended Dialogs
The DP Message string field displays the current text being sent to the DP system based on The Extended Dialogs option displays extra information in the Alarms and Reflections tabs.
the current selection of the DP Feed Format type (When the system is in Service Access (see page 35) or Engineer modes, extended dialogs are
The DP Feed Format option controls the format in which the positional information is pack- displayed by default and the option is greyed-out).
aged and sent to the vessel’s DP system. The DP Feed Format may only be changed when
CyScan is not navigating. To Display Extended Dialogs:
Note: Any changes to this setting MUST be carried out in conjunction with a similar 1. Open the Configuration tab. (See page 33).
change on the DP system – both systems must use exactly the same format.
2. Tick the Extended Dialogs option.
The choice of DP Feed Format can have an effect on the information displayed in the
Navigation section (top right corner) of the console screen. 3. Click on the Apply button.

To change the DP feed format:

Note: Changes in formats, other than between NMEA and ASCII, can only be carried out
in service access mode. (See page 35).
1. Ensure that the DP system is correctly prepared to receive the new message format.
2. Open the Configuration tab. (See page 33).
3. Click on the down arrow of the DP Feed Format box to reveal a drop-down list of options.
4. Select the required format and click on the Apply button.

CyScan Operator – 34
Entering Service Access Mode
There are many settings within CyScan Console that can seriously affect system operation 3. Click on the Service Access button in the lower right corner of the About tab.
if they are incorrectly adjusted. For this reason they are concealed until you enter service A dialog will be opened, displaying a Service request code:
access mode.
4. Send the service request code to Guidance Navigation Limited

IMPORTANT: Indiscriminate adjustment of parameter settings can adversely affect the ([email protected]) or an authorised customer service representative.
operation of CyScan. It is not advisable to edit the settings unless directed to do so by a
qualified technician or Guidance Navigation Limited. Note: The service request code is constructed as two groups of six capital letters [A-Z]
separated by a + sign. There are never any numerals in a service access code.
Service access mode can be entered by plugging an engineer USB key into any available USB port on
the console computer prior to starting the application. It is recommended that the application be 5. A corresponding Service Access Code will be supplied to you. This code is nontransferable
re-started without the key in order to return to normal user mode. and will operate only with current Console system for a limited period.
Note: The service access code is a 12 digit hexadecimal number [0-9, A-F].

To obtain and use a temporary service access code 6. Enter the received code into the Service access code field and click on the OK button.
1. Click on the Sensor Operations button. Service access will be granted on this system for a maximum period of 12 hours, however,
the mode will be automatically ended after 20 minutes.
2. Select the About CyScan option.
Click on the Service Access button to restart service access mode.
The About Tab will be displayed:

Service access code dialog showing a request code and an area

to enter the corresponding access code

CyScan Operator – 35
Configuration Settings - Service Access Mode
In service access mode, the full range of DP Feed types become selectable within the General In Service Access mode, the
Settings/Version Info category on the Configuration tab: Configuration tab also displays
Communications/Display Options:

and Vessel Parameter/File Transfer


CyScan Operator – 36
System Logging Options
During navigation, the system automatically generates a set of operation logs that can be
analysed by a service engineer to diagnose any system faults. Logging can also be started
Deleting Log Files
manually, when the system is not navigating (see below). To delete all log files:
Note: During manual logging, the CyScan and Navigation buttons are disabled. You must 1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
stop logging before you can start navigating or exit the system. 2. Click on Datalogs > Delete all log files.
Logs are written to compressed folders that each contain approximately one hour’s data. The
folders are named according to the date and time period that they cover, and the type of
navigation that was being carried out. For example, logs recorded between 1 and 2 o’clock
on the 4th February 2008 during multi-target navigation would be stored in a folder named:
04d02m2008y 13h00m00s to 14h00m00s multi
Logs are stored in the C:\Program Files\CyScan directory and can be copied manually and
e-mailed to Guidance Limited ([email protected]) or your DP Supplier in the event
of a problem. Logs can also be copied automatically to a USB drive or “memory-stick” (see

Taking Screen Shots

Starting and Stopping Manual Logging The Screen Shot option records every detail of the current screen and stores it as a bitmap
To start (and stop) logging when CyScan is not navigating, either press the Alt + L keys image. Screen shots can be analysed by a service engineer or e-mailed to Guidance Limited
together, or use the menu option: in the same way as log files.
1. Click on the Sensor Operations button. Screen shots are stored in the same directory as the log files (C:\Program Files\CyScan). They
2. Click on Datalogs > Log Data Now. are named according to the date and time that they were taken, for example:
04d02m2008y 10h44m50s desktop

Copying Log Files to an External USB Drive To take a screen shot:

1. Connect a USB drive with sufficient free space to your PC.
1. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
2. Click on the Sensor Operations button.
2. Click on Datalogs > Take screen shot.
3. Click on Datalogs > Copy Log Files to USB.
3. The name of the screen shot file is displayed:
4. Click on the time period that corresponds to the log files that you want to copy
(either All files from today, All files since yesterday, the Last 7 days’ files or the
Last 14 days’ files).
5. Click on Datalogs > Copy Log Files
6. The light on your USB drive will
flash to show that files are being
copied. 4. Make a note of the name and location of the file and click on the OK button.
When the light stops flashing, the
drive can be disconnected from the

CyScan Operator – 37
If you experience problems when installing or using the CyScan system, please check through
this Troubleshooting section for a possible solution. It contains the following pages:

XX Problems and Possible Remedies (page 39)

XX Alarm Codes (page 40)

XX Cleaning
the Sensor and Targets (page 40)

XX CyScan
Fuse Information (page 41)

XX CyScan
LED Indicators (page 42)

If your problem is not listed or you cannot resolve the issue, please contact the system
installer or equipment provider who are trained to assist with installation and operational
If the problem cannot be resolved by the system installer or equipment provider, please
contact Guidance Navigation Limited:

Contact Details
XX Phone: +44 (0)116 229 2600
XX Fax: +44 (0)116 229 2604
XX E-mail: [email protected]

CyScan Operator – 38
Problems and Possible Remedies
No communication between CyScan Console and the Sensor System appears to be operational but no reflections are displayed
XX The User Console alerts the operator on loss of communications and offers to ‘Reset within CyScan Console
Communications’. Click OK. XX Check that the blanking zone is configured correctly.
XX Check the Power, DP Feed and Display/Diagnostic connections to the sensor. XX Clean the CyScan sensor lenses. (See Cleaning the Sensor on page 40).
XX Ensure that the LEDs on the sensor unit only show the green LED flashing fast, the yellow XX Check that the Show Reflections option in Display Options is selected. (See page 10).
and red LED should be off. If this is not the case, power cycle the sensor and observe the
LED behaviour. (See page 42). XX Check that the sensor display zoom is set appropriately.
XX Check on the data feed converter that it is powered (yellow LED on) and that the outer
transmit/receive lights are flashing once every couple of seconds (i.e. the user console System is operational but is not navigating
is trying to establish communications with the sensor unit). Under normal conditions XX Check that the correct multi-target group is selected.
the outer LEDs should flash first followed by the inner two LEDs flashing in response (the
sensor unit answering with data). XX Check that the sensor has a clear view of the targets.
XX Check that the blanking zone is not blocking targets from view.
Rotor does not rotate
XX The sensor rotor might be prevented from rotating due to mechanical System navigating but no data is received at the DP system
blockage. XX Check the DP Feed connection from the sensor.
XX Investigate and remove blockage. XX Check that the correct data format is selected for the DP system.
XX Check the LEDs on the system unit. Ensure that the red LED is not on. Otherwise there is a
hardware fault; power cycle the unit and observe LED behaviour.
System appears to be operational, however, it is exhibiting erratic
Check for ice build up between rotor and gearbox cover. Remove any ice which may be
behaviour with communications locking up occasionally
XX Check that the external supply voltage, supplied via the Power cable, to the sensor has
XX Check that the red locking pins used in transit have been removed. not dropped below 18V.

Rotor rotates slowly System operates correctly but in cold weather loses targets.
XX When switched on from cold at low temperatures the unit may rotate slowly for several XX Check for condensation or ice on targets. Clean if necessary.
minutes before building up to normal speed of 1 rev per second.
XX Check for condensation or ice on the lenses of the sensor. Clean if necessary.

CyScan Operator – 39
Alarm Codes Cleaning the Sensor and Targets
For the purpose of an audit trail, events of any nature are reported in the Console application To maintain the CyScan Sensor in good working order it is important that its optical elements
in the form of 4 different alarm types. These alarms only apply to the embedded navigator are kept free of contamination.
and the interaction between the sensor unit and the Console user-interface.

To clean the optical window

Fatal Alarms—Codes 2xxx Use a lint-free cloth with IPA spray to carefully wipe the optical window.
Signifies a fatal event such as malfunctioning software; the system might be able to recover
from this but a power cycle is always recommended (both sensor unit and console computer)
To clean the targets
Errors—Codes 3xxx In dirty environments the reflective faces of the targets should be cleaned regularly for best
Signifies an unexpected event such as a missing parameter file or a lack of response from a Under icy or frosty conditions, the targets should be cleared of any condensation or ice.
particular sub-system; these errors normally clear themselves after a while. If these errors
occur repeatedly in quick succession especially after restarting the system, then a serious
hardware problem might have occurred.

Warnings—Codes 4xxx
Signifies a possible error source; it will be followed by a relevant error message if the system
deteriorates, otherwise this will clear itself in due course. In general most warnings if they
are infrequent can be ignored.

Information—Codes 5xxx
Signifies purely an event, user initiated or automatic, for audit purposes.

Proxy Alarms—Codes 6xxx

Signifies events that are associated with the sensor rotor and tilt mechanism and can provide
diagnostic information about hardware issues.

CyScan Operator – 40
CyScan Fuse Information
The CyScan system contains two fuses, their locations are:
XX Inside the Power Supply Unit casing on the AC input
XX On the Controller PCB within the CyScan sensor housing on the DC input

Power Supply Fuse 3

Controller PCB Fuse

Fuse specification:
4A rating
Slow Blow

Fuse specification:
5A rating
Slow Blow

Please refer to the Engineer’s Guide for details on how to gain

access to the controller PCB.

CyScan Operator – 41
CyScan LED Indicators
To provide instant status information, the CyScan sensor features three LED indicators
mounted beneath both carrying handles. Each indicator displays the current status of three
key elements of the sensor circuitry:

Correct Startup Indication

As the CyScan sensor initialises itself, the following sequence should be seen:
Red Flashes once briefly when power is applied and should then be off for as
long as the yellow LED is on.
As soon as the yellow LED has turned off, it will toggle at one second
intervals as the scanner tilt circuitry initialises for about 30 seconds.
After the initialisation period, the Red indicator should switch off and stay
off. If at any point it stays on permanently then a hardware fault has been
Red Sensor diagnostic
Yellow On continuously after power has been applied while the embedded
PC circuitry initialises. Yellow Embedded PC status
After the initialisation period, the Yellow indicator should switch off and
stay off. It will come on again once the system has been shutdown or in
Green Main status
case of an embedded PC failure.
Green Flashes once per second after power is applied and while the yellow led is on.
As soon as the yellow led switches off and the leveller initialises
(RED led toggles), the green led will begin to flash at 10 Hz intervals giving the
main system heartbeat. When the system is suspended it flashes briefly once a

Shutdown/Suspend Error States and Possible Causes

Red Off unless there is a hardware failure. Red Permanently on at any point—Electronic hardware failure within the
leveller or sensor circuitry. Can also come on when a hardware failure is
Yellow On for shutdown, Off for suspend.
detected during operation.
Green Flashes briefly once a second.
Yellow On after the initialisation period is complete—Embedded PC failure or
unit is shut down. Communication with the sensor is not possible. Recycle
power to the CyScan system.
Green Permanently on or off—No “heartbeat” to the system. No operation is
possible. Recycle power to the CyScan system.
Blinking slowly—unit suspended or shutdown (see YELLOW and RED LEDs).
Toggling twice a second—After power has been applied, waiting for the PC to
initialise and the yellow LED to turn off.

CyScan Operator – 42
Technical Notes
1. Targets—Reflective Material (page 44)

2. Targets—Installation and Position (page 45)

3. Vertical
Beam Divergence (page 47)

4. Low
Temperature Operation (page 48)

CyScan Operator – 43
Technical Note 1

Targets—Reflective Material
CyScan has been designed to operate with good quality retro-reflective targets. There are
numerous manufacturers and types of reflective material available worldwide. These have
widely varying angular reflective specifications and are not all suitable for laser navigation
Only one type of reflective material is recommended for use with CyScan. It is known as
Scotchlite Diamond Grade White 4090 and is manufactured by the 3M Company. It is widely
available as a tape or flexible sheet in a variety of sizes with an adhesive backing. The
material can be obtained through 3M’s international product distribution network as detailed
3M trademarks are acknowledged.

Contact details for 3M product distribution network: Recommended reflective tape:

Country Contact point 3M Diamond Grade
United States 3M Austin Centre, Austin, Texas, 78726
Tel: 512-984-1800 White 4090
United Kingdom 3M UK Plc, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1JU
Tel: 01344-858000

Canada 3M Canada Product Information Centre,

London, Ontario, N5V 3R6
Tel: 1-800-364-3577

Japan Sumitomo 3M Limited, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158

Tel: 813-3709-8170

Germany 3M Deutschland GmbH, 41453 Neuss

Tel: 02131-143472

Italy 3M Italia SpA, Segrate, Milano

Tel: 392-70351

France 3M France Customer Information Centre,

F-95006 Cergy Pontoise Cedex
Tel: 331-130-318-020

Hong Kong 3M Hong Kong Limited, North Point, Hong Kong

Tel: 852-2806-6111

CyScan Operator – 44
Technical note 2

Targets—Installation And Position

Target Types
CyScan can operate successfully with flat or cylindrical targets. These are available from your
CyScan agent and are shown below:

Flat Targets Cylindrical Targets Prism Targets

Flat targets are generally attached to rigid structures Cylindrical targets can be used up to approxi- Prism cluster with 8 x 6cm elements for
such as metal stanchions using steel bands. mately 300 metres. They can be hung over the extended range operations.
side of the structure/vessel and secured at either
2 metre tall flat targets can typically be seen at up to Part number: 20-0075-1
400 metres in ideal conditions. Shorter 1 metre tall flat end.
targets are visible at up to 250 metres when viewed Part number: 20-0078-0
straight on. (1.5m cylindrical reflector)
Part number: 20-0031-0
(2m x 350mm flat reflector including stainless steel

CyScan Operator – 45
Target Installation
Key to the operation of the CyScan system is the correct installation of targets. Please follow
the guidelines given below when installing targets on the structure/vessel.
Once the targets are installed, their relative positions can be automatically surveyed by the

Installation Tips Optimum Spacing for Multiple Targets

XX Targets should be placed in positions where the sensor can see them while the vessel is XX argets should be positioned with unequal spacing between them – this helps the system
within the expected working area. Consider vertical position as well as horizontal. to distinguish between specific targets. For example, with a typical mooring distance
of 40-80m using three targets, suitable spacings between the targets would be 10m and
XX lat targets should not be placed too far along the structure/vessel from the expected
20m – giving a total spread of 30m.
working area as this can reduce the viewing angle for close operations.
XX he sensor beam should not strike a flat target at an angle of more than 45 degrees to the
target surface.

 
XX Cylindrical targets can be viewed from any angle equally well. Targets are asymmetrically spaced,
thus making it easier for the CyScan system
to assess which reflection corresponds to a
particular target.

45 o
GLE LE 45 o
0 VI
XX Targets should be placed no closer than 5m together. Ideally they should be placed 10m or
more apart.

û û Targets are too close together and have

even spacings. This makes it more difficult
for the CyScan system to differentiate

CyScan Operator – 46
Technical note 3

Vertical Beam Divergence

CyScan has an optimised optical system to ensure that bearing precision and target lock are
maintained even in high sea states and over the full range of the sensor. The optics produce
a vertically divergent beam (16º) with a very narrow profile. As the distance from the target
increases the beam becomes deeper as shown in the diagram.

Range R


(Not to scale)


Range R (m) Height h (m)

20 5.6

30 8.4

50 14.0

70 19.5

90 25.1

100 27.9

120 33.5

150 41.9

180 50.3

200 55.9

250 69.8

300 83.8

CyScan Operator – 47
Technical note 4

Low Temperature Operation

CyScan is a precision electromechanical device with hardware components that, of neces-
sity, are mounted in an external position on a vessel’s superstructure. It is recognised that
industrial marine operations may subject these components to harsh environments, including
low temperature.
The standard variant of CyScan is designed to operate within the temperature range – 10
to 55ºC. A low temperature variant of the hardware complies with the requirements of
IEC60068-2-1 and is able to operate for prolonged periods at temperatures down to – 25ºC
provided that certain operating conditions are maintained.

Operating Conditions Technical Considerations

The following recommendations are made for low temperature use: XX yScan uses a sophisticated rotating infra-red laser range-finder to accurately measure
XX For operation below 5ºC the sensor should remain powered and running the distance and bearing to retro-reflective targets that are placed at specific locations in
(i.e. not suspended). However, where this is not possible and it is necessary for the the working area. Movement sensors allow a mechanically driven base to compensate for
system to be switched on at temperatures below 5ºC (and down to – 25ºC) the sensor will vessel motion due to wave action. The internal mechanism may become disabled if it is
require some time to reach optimum operating condition. allowed to cool in a low temperature environment.

XX hen the system is not in use (i.e. un-powered or suspended) the sensor should be
W XX safety interlock prevents activation of the range-finder laser if the scanner head stops
protected by means of a suitable insulating and protective cover to prevent the external or is prevented from rotating by ice build-up.
build-up of ice. XX iew of the retro-reflective targets will be obscured by a build-up of ice on either the
XX For operation below – 25ºC additional forced air heating must be provided optical windows of the scanner or the surface of the targets (N.B. ice has poor reflective
properties at the infra-red frequency used by CyScan).
Note: Not exhaust emissions as these contain particulates which will degrade the optics.
XX he external PSU leads are rated for static operation to – 40ºC but only to – 5ºC for flexing
operation. The leads must therefore be adequately secured to prevent flexing and the
system should not be installed or de-installed at temperatures below 0ºC.

CyScan Operator – 48
General System Specifi-
CyScan System Specifications
Emitter Type Pulsed (30kHz) semiconductor laser diode operat- Power Requirement Stabilised 22-26VDC, 4A from PSU
ing at 904nm. I/O RS422 data feed for sensor control and data display
Classification Eye safe to Class 1 EN60825 RS422 9600 baud data feed to vessel control
Beam Characteristics 16º vertical, 0.23º horizontal Data Formats Compatible with all DP and other vessel control
Positional Accuracy Better than 0.5% of range – dependent on target systems using standard or customised message
layout types
Range Resolution 10cm Connections IAC PP series connectors
Range Repeatability 20cm Diagnostics Status LEDs with advanced software functions
Angular Resolution 0.006º (0.1 mrad) CONTROL & DATA DISPLAY
Angular Repeatability 0.03º (0.5mrad) for multiple targets Operating System PC / MS Windows XP Professional
Rotation Unidirectional 360º/sec (6.28rad/sec) Software Dedicated real-time interactive
LEVELLING PLATFORM Hardware Options Compact industrial PC module + 15” TFT monitor +
Active Axis Twin with independent dynamic control Mouse device

Tilt Compensation ±20º Roll and pitch combined Hatteland JH15 Type Approved integrated PC/TFT
module + Mouse device
Sensors 3 axis solid state gyros,
Laptop PC with 15” TFT display
Twin axes fluid tilt sensor
Drive Mechanism Stepper controlled linear actuator
Marine Certification ABS Type Approved version available IACS E10 and
Maximum Tilt Speed 5º/sec maximum acceleration 4º/sec2 IEC60945
Total Vertical Angular Visibility 56º Operating Temperature -10 to 55ºC (Low Temperature variant
Typical Wave Motion Compensation ±5º for 15 second wave period available to – 25ºC)
±2.5º for 5 second wave period Water / Dust Protection IP66 rated
Enclosure Anodised aluminium alloy baseplate with compos- Compass Safe Distance 80cm for 0.33 deg deflection.
ite body shell SUPPORT
Dimensions 340 x 460mm footprint, 400mm (Ø) x 440(h) unit Documentation Training DVD, Engineer’s, Maintainer’s and
Weight ca. 27kg Operator’s Guides
Mounting Permanent by securing bolt holes in base Warranty 12 months return to base
Transport packaging Re-usable strengthened flight case


CyScan Operator – 49
Simulator A software package for training purposes 10-0011-4
Power Supply Unit 24V regulated PSU (90-264 VAC, 47-63 Hz) 20-0030-0
complete with data cable assembly and mounted in
IP66 rated terminal box
Cables And Converters Set of test and software upload cables 31-0027-4
Retro-Reflective Targets Flat 2m x 350cm 20-0031-0
Cylindrical 1.5m Ø 205mm 20-0078-0
Glass prism cluster with 8x 6 cm elements 20-0075-1

CyScan Operator – 50
Symbols B
3M 44 Basic Reflection Data 19 Contact Details 38 DP
Beam 3M 44 Feed 9
A Characteristics 49 Guidance Navigation 38 ASCII17 9
NMEA0183 9
A and B Axes 18 Divergence 47 Control & Data Display 49
Feed Format 33, 34
About Bearing Axis 10 Create Multi-Target Group 28 System 3
CyScan 10 Blanking Custom Blanking Zones 17 Drive Mechanism 49
Tab 35 Tab 16 Cylindrical Targets 45
Accept Alarms 14 Blanking Zone 8, 16 CyScan 3 E
Access Code 35 Create Custom 17 About 10
Custom 17 E-mail 38
Accessories 50 Button 9
Select Preset 16 Configuration 10 EMC 49
Active Axis 49 Set 10 Emitter Type 49
Console 3
Alarm Codes 40 Setting 16 Sensor Part Names 4 Enclosure 49
Alarms Show 10 Vessel 8 Ending
Accept 14 Bow and Starboard Axes 18 Multi-Target Group Navigation 27
Clear 14 B Pos 18 D Single Target Navigation 26
Export 14
Brightness 20 Data Converter 3 Entering Service Access Mode 35
Filter 14
Filtering 14 Button bar 7, 10 Data Formats 49 Environmental 49
Tab 11 Datalogs 10 Error States and Possible Causes 42
Align Multi-Target Group 10, 30 Date and Time 13 Export Alarms 14
Ambient Temperature 19 Cables And Converters 50 Day View 10, 12, 33 Extended
Angular Cancel Changes 10 Deleting Log Files 37 Dialogues 33, 34
Repeatability 49 Classification 49 Reflection Data 19
Diagnostics 49
Resolution 49 Cleaning 40 Dimensions 49 F
A Pos 18 Clear Alarms 14 Display
Apply Changes 10 Communication/Display Options 36 Centred On 10 Fax 38
ASCII17 9 Compass Safe Distance 49 Day/Night View 10 Filtering Alarms 14
Auto Draught Follow 21 Configuration Extended Dialogs 34 Flat Targets 26, 45
Settings 33 Options 10 Fuse Information 41
Tab 33 Vessel Bow 10
Connections 49 Documentation 49
Console 3

CyScan Operator – 51
General Settings 36 Mechanical 49 On-Screen Keyboard 13 Range 20
Getting Started 5 Memory Stick 37 Operating Circles 8, 10
Message String 33, 34 Conditions 48 Repeatability 49
H System 49 Resolution 49
Brightness 20 Temperature 49 Range & Bearing 18
Hardware Options 49
Range 20 Optional Accessories 50 Range & Bearing Only 33
Heading Axis 10
Mounting 49 Reflection Data
Help 9 P Basic 19
Historic Alarm List 14 Multiple Target Spacing 46
Extended 19
Multi-Target Group 8, 10 Part Names
I Align 10, 30 4 Reflections 19
Images 8
Create 10 Part Number
Information Quality Indicator 9 Creating 28 Rejecting 20
Cylindrical Target 45
Introduction 3 Name 29 Show 10
CyScan PSU 32
I/O 49 Types 27 CyScan Sensor 32 Reflections Tab 11
Multi-Target Navigation 27 Flat Target 45 Reflective Material 44
K Ending 27 Prism Target 45 Reflective Tape 44
Preset 27 Phone 38 Rejecting Unwanted Reflections 20
Keyboard 13
Starting 27 Positional Rejects 19
L Temporary Group 27 Accuracy 49 Reset Communications 6, 9
Data Display 7
Labels 10, 32 N Display Modes 18
Retro-Reflective 3
Targets 50
LED Indicators 42 Name Information Quality 25
Rev# 19
Levelling Platform 49 Multi-target Group 29 Power 19
Rotation 49
Logging 37 Navigation 24 Power Requirement 49
Copy Files to USB 37 Basics 15 Power Supply Unit 3, 50
Deleting Log Files 37 Ending Preset Blanking Zones 16
Starting 37 Multi-Target 27
Stopping 37 Multi-Target 27
Cluster 26
Low Temperature Operation 48 Section 7, 9
Targets 45
Single Target 26
M Starting 10 Problems and Possible Remedies 39
Multi-Target 27 Product Labels 32
Manually Tilting the Scanner 22 Stop 10 Property pages 7
Manual Tilt 21 Night View 12, 33 PSU 3
Set 10 NMEA0183 9 Pulse Icons 19
Marine Certification 49 NMEA0183P (Primary) 18 Pulses 19
Marker 19 NMEA0183R (Raw) 18
Maximum Tilt Speed 49

CyScan Operator – 52
Scanner Tilt Signal C-hi 19 Tab USB Drive 37
Controls 21 Simulator 50 About 35 Using the Historic Alarm List 14
Modes 21 Single Cylinder or Flat Target 26 Alarms 11
Screen Layout 7 Blanking Zone 16 V
Single Prism or Prism Cluster 26
Screen Shots 37 Configuration 33
Single Target Navigation 26 Reflections 11 Vertical Beam Divergence 47
Select Tilt Mode 10 Ending 26 Vessel 8
Taking Screen Shots 37
Sensor 3, 49 Starting 26 Interface 49
Display 7, 8 Target 3
Software 49 Shape 10
Operations 10 Cylindrical 45
Software versions 32 Flat 45
Part Names 4
Spacing Multiple Targets 46
Images 8
Serial Number
Specifications 49 Installation 45, 46 Warranty 49
CyScan PSU 32
Starboard Axes 18 Installation Tips 46 Water / Dust Protection 49
CyScan Sensor 32
Starting Position 45
Service Wave Motion Compensation 49
Preset Multi-Target Group Navigation Prism 45
Access Code 35 Reflective Matierial 44 Weight 49
Access Mode 35 27
Show 10 Welcome 3
Configuration Settings 36 Single Target Navigation 26
Temporary Multi-Target Group Navi- Spacing 46 Width
Request Code 35
gation 27 Types 45 Target 19
Start Navigation 10 Technical Notes 43 Working with Alarms 14
Blanking Zone 10
Manual Tilt 10 Start up 6 Temperature 19, 48 Working with Reflections 19
Tilt Angle 23 Startup Indication 42 Temporary Service Access Code 35
Tilt Bearing 23 Status Bar 7, 9 Tilt
Show Angle 8 Zero Tilt 21
Status Bar Buttons 9 Set 23
Bearing Axis 10 Zoom In/Out 10
Stop Navigation 10 Bearing 23
Blanking Zone 10
Heading Axis 10 Sub-zero Temperatures 48 Compensation 49
Labels 10 Support 49 Controls 21
Range Circles 10 Support Information 31 Direction 8
Reflections 10 Mode 9, 21
Suppress Rejects 20 Select 10
Targets 10 Suspend 6, 9 Show 10
Tilt 10
System Date and Time 13 Total Vertical Angular Visibility 49
Vessel Shape 10
System Logging 37 Transport Packaging 49
Shut Down 6
System Specifications 49 Troubleshooting 38
Shutdown/Suspend 42
Signal A, B and C Levels 19
Signal A-lo 19
Signal B 19

CyScan Operator – 53
CyScan Covers (Guidance) 27/2/08 12:28 pm Page 3

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