Steps To Jannah Lesson 10
Steps To Jannah Lesson 10
Steps To Jannah Lesson 10
. َف ِبْر ِني َع ْن اِإْلْحَس اِن: َق اَل. َص َد ْق ت: َق اَل
‘from the realm of Islam’? Does eeman increase
and decrease? Does Islam increase and decrease?
. َف ِإْن َلْم َتُكْن َتَراُه َف ِإَّنُه َيَراك، َأْن َتْع ُبَد َهَّللا َك َأَّنك َتَراُه: َق اَل
>> Majority of the scholars of ummah agreed that
َم ا اْلَم ْس ُئوُل َع ْن َه ا ِبَأْع َلَم: َق اَل. َف َأْخ ِبْر ِني َع ْن الَّس اَع ِة: َق اَل eeman consist of actions.
. ِم ْن الَّس اِئِل >> Allah describes solah as eeman in the Quran
Al-Baqarah - 2:143, َوَم ا َك اَن ٱلَّلُه ِلُيِض يَع ِإيَٰم َنُكْۚم
َو َأْن، َأْن َتِلَد اَأْلَم ُة َرَّبَت َه ا: َف َأْخ ِبْر ِني َع ْن َأَم اَراِتَه ا؟ َق اَل: َق اَل
. َتَرى اْلُحَف اَة اْلُع َراَة اْلَع اَلَة ِرَع اَء الَّش اِء َيَت َط اَو ُلوَن ِفي اْلُبْن َي اِن
And never would Allah have caused you to lose
، َفَلِبْث ُت َم ِلًّي ا، ُثَّم اْنَط َلَق
your faith [i.e., your previous prayers].
>> Minority (the Hanafis) say that eeman not
. َيا ُع َم ُر َأَتْد ِري َم ْن الَّس اِئُل ؟: ُثَّم َق اَل consists of actions, matter of belief, connected to
tasdiq and tasdiq refers to immovable ratifications
. ُهَّللا َوَرُس وُلُه َأْع َلُم: ُقْلُت of an idea, with unshakable trust; related to the
heart and belief.action is a manifestation of the
." َف ِإَّنُه ِج ْب ِريُل َأَتاُكْم ُيَع ِّلُم ُكْم ِديَنُكْم: َق اَل belief;
From previous lesson, it has been brief the >>To conclude, they agree that something goes
relationship between Eeman and Islam. Referring up and down, and what differs are the linguistic
to the hadiths where Rasulullah explained to Abu terms.
Qays on how eeman is manifested in actions from
the pillar of Islam, eeman and Islam are >>Looking at the evidence, practically, we see
connected. conformance to what the majority says that
actions are from eeman and eeman increase
Does eeman consists of actions (predominantly and decrease
‘from the realm of Islam’? Does eeman increase
and decrease? Does Islam increase and decrease? >> Eeman entails Islam and Islam entails eeman.
saying eeman increase and decrease has higher
impact than saying islam increase and
>> in seeking knowledge, if you know the answer, it decrease.
is permissible to ask and affirm the answer with
the intention of other people benefiting from the >> Ibn Tamiyyah explained Islam increases and
answer , on condition : decreases refers to an angle of people’s
that you are doing so not to test the teachers, outright righteousness and piety and people
which that is bad manners sometimes are more righteous in their worship, in
you are not doing so to create fitnah, which is their outward actions and sometimes they are
sinful. less.
The minority connects the righteousness to
Rasulullah SAW highlighted the five pillars of Islam and six pillars of eeman to define eeman and islam. Why
do we call these ‘pillars’ when it wasn’t being specified as pillars? Why are there different pillars of Islam and
eeman based on the answers given by Rasulullah SAW to Jibreel’s questions between eeman and Islam?
The topic of pillars is derived by the ijtihad of islamic scholars;
Being a student of knowledge, precision is important; in jurisprudence methodology, we judge ideas by
evidences, not judge evidence based on ideas.
To understand the pillars of eeman and pillars of Islam which has been attached to the tenet eeman and
tenet Islam, we have to understand the impact of the terms based on evidence.
From evidence, we see people believe that they have to fast but don’t fast; people has to pay zakah,
they don’t pay zakah, they are still Muslim. But when they don’t make solah, scholars agree that they are
disbelievers because hadith the difference between Muslim and kafr is solah.
Pillars is erected and falling based on evidences ⇒ precisions.
People being misconceived by the name of Islam practice terrorism. Vigilante justice vigilant to
oppression but Islam don’t say that’s the reality.
Based on Rasulullah SAW answer, we see that each tenet of eeman there’s two level: compulsory that
has to be met which is the level that makes Islam standing or not; and an additional level that makes a
person a believer nased on additional knowledge one learn after they turn into Islam.
Corrective portion of eeman in the pillars of Islam without it, it can’t be the correct way because in the
pillars of Islam, we believe in Rasulullah SAW which is in the pillars of Eeman.