Blocks Belgard Certification
Blocks Belgard Certification
Blocks Belgard Certification
2. Intended use -as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
Masonry Conditions/Situations A1 and A2 (Work below
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
or near external ground level) and D (Rendered external
(2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets,
• A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
sills)) – Classes MX2.1/2.2/3.1:
• A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
Category 1, Group 1:
• C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1)
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2)
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or a
declared normalised compressive strength of
See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
≥ 10.5 N/mm2
National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
• mortar strength class: M4 (A1 / MX2.1/2.2/3.1), M6 (A2
Durability (freeze/thaw) / MX2.2)
Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
Masonry Conditions/Situations A3 (Work below or near
external ground level) and C1 and C2 (Unrendered
• MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
external walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings,
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
parapets, sills)) – Class MX3.2:
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Category 1, Group 1:
• MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 and a
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
normalised compressive strength
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
of ≥ 18 N/mm2
of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• mortar strength class: M12
• MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620,
For Render (including mix, thickness and number of
Aggregates for concrete)
coats), see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause (Applied external surface finishes), Annex E
(Specification for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and
2) and Annex F (National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-
1:2016)) and I.S. EN 13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5
(Materials), 6 (Design considerations) and 7 (Work on
site, preparation and application of renderings)). Note:
Rendering is affected by the combined action of freeze
thaw cycles, wind, sun and rain, and their effects will
depend upon the degree of exposure. Durability of
render will depend on the correct choice of mix,
thickness and number of coats and correct detailing
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Mallow 0050-CPR-137
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit - B1 Standard/Common Solid Block
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2, 24N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Code Description
1230002 100mm Solid Standard S7.5
1230003 140mm Solid Standard S7.5
1230001 65mm Solid Standard S7.5
1230004 100mm Solid Standard S13
1230008 140mm Solid Standard S13
1230006 100mm Solid Standard S18
1230005 100mm Solid Standard S24
Dimensional stability: Moisture Movement: 0.6 mm/m
Shear bond strength: Fixed value 0.15(N/mm2)
Flexural bond strength: NPD
Reaction to fire: Euroclass A1
Water absorption: ≤20g/m2s (7.5N, not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. Refer to the Durability Below. All strengths: not to be used as a DPM).
Water vapour diffusion coefficient: 5/15µ
Direct airborne sound insulation: Gross dry density >1900 kg/m3
Thermal conductivity: 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry, unit, S1)
Durability against freeze-thaw: Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1
& 2: 2016 and S.R. 325 :2013+A2:2018
Refer to DoP Table 8 Declared Performance
(Horizontal Cavity)
1. Unique identification code of the product type:
2. Intended use -as a common masonry unit and internal walls in non-load bearing walls (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011
Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including
Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and
Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and 325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design
of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
4. Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
5. N/A
7. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 4 Normal I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
Configuration Vertical
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
≤20 g/(m2*s)
Water Absorption due to Capillary 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605
EC amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
Certification Body NSAI 050
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Ballyknockane Castlebar 0050-CPR-157 Classis 0050-CPR-923
Bunratty Galway 0050-CPR-156 Joseph Hogan’s 0050-CPR-346
Mallow Kilmacow 0050-CPR-0216
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit – Group 4 Cavity
Code Description
2. Intended use -as common Group 2 masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and
civil engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S. EN
13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5):
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry) I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity (215mm cavity Block Thermal resistance *Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
0.210 m²K/W)
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish • Irish Building Regulations
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance (including Technical Guidance
Documents A, C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: Documents C & D)
2016 and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 • Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
5N/mm2 Category 1, Group 2 Not Reference in Table 14 masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
Durability of masonry in finished construction of SR
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
- NA:2010))
D *Rendered external walls, (other than chimneys,
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
capping, copings, parapets, sills).
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
E Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity, MX1
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
J1 *Rendered Freestanding boundary and screen walls
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
with coping or capping min. 40mm overhang, Classes
• D -* Rendered external walls as in A1
MX3.1, MX3.2
• E - Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity walls MX1
as in A1
Category 1, Group 2
• J1 *Rendered Freestanding boundary and screen
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2
walls with coping or capping 40mm overhang, Classes
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
MX3.1, MX3.2
• D & E mortar strength class: M4
• J2 Freestanding boundary and screen walls with
• J1 mortar strength class: M6
cappings 40mm overhang Classes MX3.1, MX3.2
≤20 g/(m2*s)
Water Absorption due to Capillary 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
Belgard, s 0510/01/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Belgard 0050-CPR-0165
Carrigtwohill 0050-CPR-0423
Gooig 0050-CPR-0138
Slane 0050-CPR-0164
Tullamore 0050-CPR-0185
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit-- Standard Group 2 Cavity
Dimensions: Length (440mm), Width (65mm,100mm,140mm) Height (215mm)
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, (Refer to Docket)
Shell Shell
Strength Length Width Height Web
Code Description Side End
(N/mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
1231005 215mm Twin Pot Cavity H5.0 5.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
215mm Single Pot Cavity H5.0 5.0
1231008 215 215 215 38 38 -
Half (Football)
1231006 215mm Twin Pot Cavity H7.5 7.5 440 215 215 38 38 58
215mm Single Pot Cavity H7.5 7.5
1231016 215 215 215 38 38 -
Half (Football)
1231004 215mm Twin Pot Cavity H13 13 440 140 215 30 30 60
215mm Single pot Cavity H5.0 13
1231007 215 215 215 38 38
Half (Football)
Durability against freeze-thaw: 7.5N D, E and J1, ≥13N D, E , J1 & J2 Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of masonry in
finished construction) of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents C & D),
Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 and S.R. 325 :2013+A2:2018
Refer to DoP Table 8 Declared Performance
2. Intended use -as a facing masonry unit as internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and
unreinforced masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including
Irish National Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National
Annex - NA:2010))
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5
(Exclusion of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Not to be used as exposed Masonry – if used in external
walls Render exposed faces as per guidance below. Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of E Internal walls & inner leaves of cavity walls
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2:
2016 and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of
exposure of completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-
Masonry Conditions/Situations E Internal walls and 2:2006:
inner leaves of cavity walls Classes MX1 • MX1 – In dry conditions
Durability (freeze/thaw) Category 1, Group 1: • MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or a levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
declared normalised compressive strength of • MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed
≥ 10.5 N/mm2 to freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• mortar strength class: M4 levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external
All masonry units produced with aggregate in sources of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive
accordance with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) chemicals
and S.R. 16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620, • MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
Aggregates for concrete) cycling but not exposed to external sources of
significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
≤20 g/(m2*s)
Water Absorption due to Capillary I.S. EN 772 – 11
7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions.
Refer to the clause Above.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605
EC amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Mallow 0050-CPR-137
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, (Refer to Docket)
Code Description
Shell Shell
Strength Length Width Height Web
Code Description (N/mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Side End
(mm) (mm)
1233006 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H5.0 5.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233007 5.0
215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H5.0 Half 215 215 215 38 38 -
1233008 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H7.5 7.5 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233015 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H7.5 Half 7.5 215 215 215 38 38 -
1233010 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13 13.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233018 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13Half 13.0 215 215 215 38 38 -
1232010 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H18 18.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233012 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13Half 18.0 215 215 215 38 38 -
Table 1. Production details can be traced via dispatch docket & Number on strap
2. Intended use -as Group 2 Facing masonry unit as internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications and free standing boundary walls in ≥13N/mm2 (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete
Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External
Rendering and Internal Plastering) and 325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in
Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5):
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -3mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry) I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity (215mm cavity Block Thermal resistance *Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
0.210 m²K/W)
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of • Irish Building Regulations
masonry in finished construction) of S.R. (including Technical Guidance
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish Documents C & D)
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance • Eurocodes
Documents A, C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: • I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
2016 and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
5N/mm2 Category 1, Group 2 Not Reference in Table 14 • I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
Durability of masonry in finished construction of SR structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
325 E Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity, MX1 and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex -
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
Masonry Conditions/Situations: of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
D *Rendered external walls, (other than chimneys, • I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
capping, copings, parapets, sills).
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
E Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity, MX1 Masonry Conditions/Situations:
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
Category 1, Group 2 (2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 • A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 • A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
• D & E mortar strength class: M4 • C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1) As in A3 (but Group
1 or Group 2 units)
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2) As in A3 (but Group
Masonry Conditions/Situations as above D, E, J1 and J2 1 or Group 2 units)
Freestanding boundary and screen walls with cooping or • D - Rendered external walls As in A1 (but Group 1 or
capping min. 40mm overhang Classes MX3.1, MX3.2 Group 2 units)
• E - Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity walls
Category 1, Group 2: • J1 - With coping MX3.1, MX3.2
Durability (freeze/thaw) • declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 • J2 - With capping MX3.1, MX3.2
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• mortar strength class: M6 or M12 Dependant on design/ See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
Exposure class – as advised by engineers. National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
Generally, for use in Sheltered/Moderate Exposure, Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
*render system must prevent the passage of moisture to of completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
the inside of the building or damage to the fabric of the
building including the walls from excessive moisture. To • MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
prevent excessive cracking in the render system and freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant levels
masonry external walls, the walls should be designed with of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
adequate movement joints. • MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant levels
For exposed Blockwork for use in buildings refer to our of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Masonry range • MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and freeze/thaw
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R. • MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620, cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
Aggregates for concrete) levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
≤20 g/(m2*s)
Water Absorption due to 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Capillary Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table NA.
3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall constructed
with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-1-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
Belgard, s 0510/04/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Shell Shell
Strength Length Width Height Web
Code Description (N/mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Side End
(mm) (mm)
1233006 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H5.0 5.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233007 5.0
215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H5.0 Half 215 215 215 38 38 -
1233008 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H7.5 7.5 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233015 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H7.5 Half 7.5 215 215 215 38 38 -
1233010 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13 13.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233018 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13Half 13.0 215 215 215 38 38 -
1232010 215mm Twin Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H18 18.0 440 215 215 38 38 58
1233012 215mm Single Pot Cavity Fine-Texture H13Half 18.0 215 215 215 38 38 -
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Durability against freeze-thaw: Refer to DoP Table 8 Declared Performance 7.5N/mm2- E Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity
walls, ≥13N/mm2 C1 & C2 Work above ground level Unrendered external walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets, sills), E Internal walls and inner leaves
of cavity walls
Refer to - Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of masonry in finished construction) of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with
Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 and S.R. 325 :2013+A2:2018
Dangerous substances: None
2. Intended use -as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 Normal I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
Configuration Vertical
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and
unreinforced masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including
Irish National Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
(Exclusion of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table
masonry in finished construction) of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
and used in accordance with Irish Building Regulations
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
(including Technical Guidance Documents C & D),
Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 and S.R.
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
Masonry Conditions/Situations A1 and A2 (Work below or
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
near external ground level) and D (Rendered external walls
(2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
(other than chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets, sills)) –
• A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
Classes MX2.1/2.2/3.1:
• A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
Category 1, Group 1:
• C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1)
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2)
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or a
declared normalised compressive strength of
See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
≥ 10.5 N/mm2
National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
• mortar strength class: M4 (A1 / MX2.1/2.2/3.1), M6 (A2 /
Durability (freeze/thaw) MX2.2)
Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of
exposure ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-
Masonry Conditions/Situations A3 (Work below or near
external ground level) and C1 and C2 (Unrendered external
walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets,
• MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
sills)) – Class MX3.2:
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
Category 1, Group 1:
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 and a
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
normalised compressive strength
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
of ≥ 18 N/mm2
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
• mortar strength class: M12
of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance
cycling but not exposed to external sources of
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620, Aggregates
for concrete)
For Render (including mix, thickness and number of
coats), see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause (Applied external surface finishes), Annex E
(Specification for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and
2) and Annex F (National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-
1:2016)) and I.S. EN 13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5
(Materials), 6 (Design considerations) and 7 (Work on
site, preparation and application of renderings)). Note:
Rendering is affected by the combined action of freeze
thaw cycles, wind, sun and rain, and their effects will
depend upon the degree of exposure. Durability of
render will depend on the correct choice of mix,
thickness and number of coats and correct detailing
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Mallow 0050-CPR-137
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Strength Length Width Height
Code Description Thiuckness
(N/mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1237006 215mm Lintel (U-block) 13.0 440 215 215 50
Table 1. Production details can be traced via dispatch docket & number on strap
2. Intended use -as an Accessory unit for Facing masonry in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
Concrete infill and reinforcing steel designed by Structural Engineer.
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Huntstown 0050-CPR-176
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 4 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 Normal I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
Configuration Vertical *Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1200kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
Documents A, C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2:
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
2016 and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
Generally used in Masonry Conditions/Situations D & E
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
(2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
Used as permanent formwork filled with reinforced
• A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
concrete to form a lintel or bond beam, to engineers
• A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
• C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1) As in A3 (but Group
1 or Group 2 units)
Category 1, Group 2:
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2) As in A3 (but
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2
Group 1 or Group 2 units)
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• D - Rendered external walls As in A1 (but Group 1 or
• mortar strength class: M6 or M12 Dependant on design/
Group 2 units)
Exposure class – as advised by engineers.
• E - Internal walls and inner leaves of cavity walls
• J1 - With coping MX3.1, MX3.2
Durability (freeze/thaw) • J2 - With capping MX3.1, MX3.2
For exposed Blockwork for use in buildings refer to our
Masonry range
See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620,
of completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
Aggregates for concrete)
• MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Huntstown 0050-CPR-176
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit 215mm Lintel (U-block)
Code Description
2. Intended use -as an internal facing masonry unit in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil engineering
applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in accordance with
Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2:
2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and 325:2013+A2:2018
(Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6). Also Used for Air leakage
control application < 3 m³ / h / m² @ 50 Pascal‘s
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
Aristocrat Blocks are generally used in internal Facing
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
Fairfaced or painted walls, if used in Exposed
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
conditions/situations refer to the information below.
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Masonry Conditions/Situations: E Internal walls & inner
leaves of cavity walls
Masonry Conditions/Situations E Internal walls & inner
leaves of cavity walls
Durability (freeze/thaw) See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
Category 1, Group 1:
National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or ≥
Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
of completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
declared normalised compressive strength of
MX1 - In a dry environment
≥ 10.5 N/mm2 or ≥ 18 N/mm2
• mortar strength class: M4, M6 or M12 to Engineers
Generally, built as internal walls but if Rendered for
guidance (including mix, thickness, and number of coats),
see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance
(Applied external surface finishes), Annex E (Specification
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and 2) and Annex F
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620,
(National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-1:2016)) and I.S. EN
Aggregates for concrete)
13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5 (Materials), 6 (Design
considerations) and 7 (Work on site, preparation and
application of renderings)). Note: Rendering is affected
by the combined action of freeze thaw cycles, wind, sun
and rain, and their effects will depend upon the degree
of exposure. Durability of render will depend on the
correct choice of mix, thickness and number of coats and
correct detailing
≤20 g/(m2*s)
Water Absorption due to Capillary 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m per clause of SR 325
(or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
Ryan’s 0050-CPR-436
Gooig 0050-CPR-138
Huntstown 0050-CPR-176
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit – Aristocrat Solid
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2, 24N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Code Description
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of masonry in finished construction) of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 and S.R. 325 :2013+A2:2018
Refer to DoP Table 8 Declared Performance
1. Intended use -as an internal facing masonry unit in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil engineering
applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in accordance with
Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2:
2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and 325:2013+A2:2018
(Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6). Also Used for Air leakage
control application < 3 m³ / h / m² @ 50 Pascal‘s
2. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
3. N/A
5. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Masonry Conditions/Situations E Internal walls & inner Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
leaves of cavity walls ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
Durability (freeze/thaw) Category 1, Group 1:
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 • MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or ≥ freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
13N/mm2 levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
declared normalised compressive strength of • MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
≥ 10.5 N/mm2 or ≥ 18 N/mm2 freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• mortar strength class: M4, M6 or M12 to Engineers levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
spec. • MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance • MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R. cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620, levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Aggregates for concrete)
For Render (including mix, thickness and number of
coats), see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause (Applied external surface finishes), Annex E
(Specification for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and
2) and Annex F (National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-
1:2016)) and I.S. EN 13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5
(Materials), 6 (Design considerations) and 7 (Work on
site, preparation and application of renderings)). Note:
Rendering is affected by the combined action of freeze
thaw cycles, wind, sun and rain, and their effects will
depend upon the degree of exposure. Durability of
render will depend on the correct choice of mix,
thickness and number of coats and correct detailin
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
Ryan’s 0050-CPR-436
Gooig 0050-CPR-138
Huntstown 0050-CPR-176
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 2 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit – Aristocrat Cavity
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2, 24N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Code Description
2. Intended use - as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
4. Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
5. N/A
7. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density ≤1250kg /m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Compatible with Part L requirements, published
Psi values avaialble at
Thermal Conductivity 0.33 W/mK (λ 10,dry )
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Masonry Conditions/Situations E Internal walls and inner Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
leaves of cavity walls Classes MX1 ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
Durability (freeze/thaw) Category 1, Group 1:
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 • MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or a freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
declared normalised compressive strength of levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
≥ 10.5 N/mm2 • MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
• mortar strength class: M4 or M6 to Engineers spec. freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
Units produced with aggregate in accordance with I.S. EN freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
13055-1 :2002 lightweight aggregates -part 1:lightweight of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
aggregate • MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
s for concrete , mortar and grout. cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Water Absorption due to Capillary 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
2. Intended use - as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
4. Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
5. N/A
7. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density ≤1250kg /m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Compatible with Part L requirements, published Psi
Thermal Conductivity 0.35 W/mK (λ 10,dry ) values avaialble at
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National Annex
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials and
execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex -
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion of
moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
masonry in finished construction) of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
and used in accordance with Irish Building Regulations
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
(including Technical Guidance Documents C & D), Eurocodes,
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
(2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
• A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
• A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
Masonry Conditions/Situations A3 (Work below or near
• C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1)
external ground level, E Internal walls & inner leaves of
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2)
cavity walls and D Rendered external walls (other than
• D- Rendered external walls (other than chimneys, cappings,
chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets, sills)
copings, parapets, sills)
Category 1, Group 1:
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 and a
• E- E Internal walls & inner leaves of cavity walls
Durability (freeze/thaw) normalised compressive strength
See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of National
of ≥ 18 N/mm2
Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
• mortar strength class: M6 or M12 to engineers spec.
Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure ofof
When used in rising walls/footings use Annex E SR21 Type
completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
T.2 Permeable/free draining backfill, footpath and
rendered plinth
• MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant levels of
• No Current European or National Test Method for
sulfates or aggressive chemicals
concrete masonry, when tested to EN 772-22.
• MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
Methods of test for masonry units. Determination of
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant levels of
freeze/thaw resistance of clay masonry units. The units can
sulfates or aggressive chemicals
be classified as Freeze/Thaw Resistance Category MX3.2
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and freeze/thaw
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
Units produced with aggregate in accordance with I.S. EN
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
13055-1 :2002 lightweight aggregates -part 1:lightweight
• MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw cycling
aggregates for concrete , mortar and grout.
but not exposed to external sources of significant levels of
sulfates or aggressive chemicals
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as per
clause of SR 325 (or
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-1-
1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table NA.
3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall constructed with
Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-1-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply with
Dangerous Substances None Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which prohibit the
use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
Table 1. Production details can be traced via dispatch docket & number on strap
2. Intended use -as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6).
Generally used as a foundation block or cavity closer
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
Test Configuration Vertical *Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of
Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
masonry in finished construction) of S.R.
Masonry Conditions/Situations:
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
(1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
(2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
• A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
• A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
• C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1)
Masonry Conditions/Situations A3 (Work below or near
• C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2)
external ground level) and C1 and C2 (Unrendered
external walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings,
See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
parapets, sills)) – Class MX3.2:
National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
Category 1, Group 1:
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3
Durability (freeze/thaw) Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 and a
ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
normalised compressive strength
• MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
of ≥ 18 N/mm2
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• mortar strength class: M6 or M12 to Engineers spec.
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
When used in rising walls/footings use Annex E SR21 Type
freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
T.2 Permeable/free draining backfill, footpath and
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
rendered plinth
• MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance
• MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620,
levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Aggregates for concrete)
For Render (including mix, thickness and number of
coats), see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause (Applied external surface finishes), Annex E
(Specification for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and
2) and Annex F (National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-
1:2016)) and I.S. EN 13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5
(Materials), 6 (Design considerations) and 7 (Work on
site, preparation and application of renderings)). Note:
Rendering is affected by the combined action of freeze
thaw cycles, wind, sun and rain, and their effects will
depend upon the degree of exposure. Durability of
render will depend on the correct choice of mix,
thickness and number of coats and correct detailing
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Mallow 0050-CPR-137
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit - Foundation Block
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 13N/mm2 (Normalized strength 18N/mm2 (equiv. 100mm cube strength))
Code Description
Table 1. Production details can be traced via dispatch docket & number on strap
2. Intended use -as a common masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building and civil
engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)) in
accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L), Eurocodes, I.S.
EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal Plastering) and
325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode 6). Use only in
the vertical orientation.
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
4. N/A
6. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density >1900kg/m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Thermal Conductivity 1.01 - 1.19 W/mK (λ10, dry)
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
Masonry Conditions/Situations in Table 14 (Durability of • S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
masonry in finished construction) of S.R. of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
325:2013+A2:2018 and used in accordance with Irish • I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D), Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 Table 14 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018:
and S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 Masonry Conditions/Situations:
• A1 - Low Risk of Saturation
Masonry Conditions/Situations A1 and A2 (Work below (1) Without Freezing (MX2.1, MX2.2)
or near external ground level) and D (Rendered external (2) With Freezing (MX3.1)
walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings, parapets, • A2 - High Risk of Saturation Without Freezing (MX2.2)
sills)) – Classes MX2.1/2.2/3.1: • A3 - High Risk of Saturation with Freezing (MX3.2)
Category 1, Group 1: • C1 - Low Risk of Saturation (MX3.1)
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 • C2 - High Risk of Saturation (MX3.2)
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 7.5N/mm2 or a
declared normalised compressive strength of See masonry mortar strength classes in Table NA.3 of
≥ 10.5 N/mm2 National Annex in I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005
• mortar strength class: M4 (A1 / MX2.1/2.2/3.1), M6 (A2
Durability (freeze/thaw) / MX2.2) Table A.1 (Classification of micro conditions of exposure
ofof completed masonry) of I.S. EN 1996-2:2006:
Masonry Conditions/Situations A3 (Work below or near
external ground level) and C1 and C2 (Unrendered • MX2.1 - Exposed to moisture but not exposed to
external walls (other than chimneys, cappings, copings, freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
parapets, sills)) – Class MX3.2: levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
Category 1, Group 1: • MX2.2 - Exposed to severe wetting but not exposed to
• net density ≥ 1,500 kg/m3 freeze/thaw cycling or external sources of significant
• declared mean compressive strength ≥ 13N/mm2 and a levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
declared • MX3.1 - Exposed to moisture or wetting and
normalised compressive strength freeze/thaw cycling but not exposed to external sources
of ≥ 18 N/mm2 of significant levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
• mortar strength class: M12 • MX3.2 - Exposed to severe wetting and freeze/thaw
cycling but not exposed to external sources of significant
All masonry units produced with aggregate in accordance levels of sulfates or aggressive chemicals
with I.S. EN 12620 (Aggregates for concrete) and S.R.
16:2016 (Guidance on the use of I.S. EN 12620, For Render (including mix, thickness and number of
Aggregates for concrete) coats), see S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause (Applied external surface finishes), Annex E
(Specification for mortar for masonry - I.S. EN 998-1 and
2) and Annex F (National guidance to I.S. EN 13914-
1:2016)) and I.S. EN 13914-1:2016 (including Clauses 5
(Materials), 6 (Design considerations) and 7 (Work on
site, preparation and application of renderings)). Note:
Rendering is affected by the combined action of freeze
thaw cycles, wind, sun and rain, and their effects will
depend upon the degree of exposure. Durability of
render will depend on the correct choice of mix,
thickness and number of coats and correct detailing
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
EN 771-3:2011 + A1:2015 Category I, Group 1 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Unit -25% Void Solid block
Compressive strength: Mean Air-Dry Mortar Capped 7.5N/mm2, 13N/mm2, 18N/mm2, 24N/mm2 (Refer to Docket)
Code Description
Table 1. Production details can be traced via dispatch docket & number on strap
2. Intended use - as a Internal facing masonry unit and internal walls in load bearing or non-load bearing building
and civil engineering applications (see I.S. EN 771-3 2011 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and
Lightweight)) in accordance with Irish Building Regulations (including Technical Guidance Documents A, B,C,D,E & L),
Eurocodes, I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016 (Design, Preparation and Application of External Rendering and Internal
Plastering) and 325:2013+A2:2018 (Recommendations for the design of masonry structures in Ireland to Eurocode
3. Name, registered trade name or registered trademark and contact address of the manufacturer as required
under Article 11(5)
4. Roadstone Ltd.
Dublin 24
5. N/A
7. Harmonised Standard: I.S. EN 771-3 2011 + A1 2015 Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units (Dense and Lightweight)
Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No. Location FPC Cert No.
Belgard 0050-CPR-165
I.S. EN 772-16
Dimensional Tolerance D1 (+3mm, -5mm)
*Annex C.3 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Category 1 to EN 1996-1-1 Group 1 I.S. EN 1996-1-1 + NA
*Annex C.5 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
Normal Configuration Vertical
Gross Density I.S. EN 772-13
*Building Regulation—Part E (Sound)NDP
Net Density ≤1400kg /m³ I.S. EN 772-13
As shown in Table 1 above, I.S. EN 772-1 (7.3.2 Air Dry, Mortar Capped)
Compressive Strength (Mean) *Annex C.4 and C.5 of S.R.325:2013+A2:2018
in vertical orientation Building Regulations - Part A (Structure) NDP
I.S. EN 1745 Annex A (Tabulated)
Compatible with Part L requirements, published
Psi values avaialble at
Thermal Conductivity 0.33 W/mK (λ 10,dry )
*Building Reg.—Part L (Cons. of Fuel and Energy)
• Irish Building Regulations
(including Technical Guidance
Documents C & D)
• Eurocodes
• I.S. EN 1996-1-1:2005 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. General rules for reinforced and unreinforced
masonry structures (+A1:2012) (including Irish National
Annex +A1:2014))
• I.S. EN 1996-2:2006 (Eurocode 6: Design of masonry
structures. Design considerations, selection of materials
and execution of masonry (includes Irish National Annex
- NA:2010))
• S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018 (including Clause 5.5 (Exclusion
of moisture), Clause 5.6 (Durability) & Table 14)
• I.S. EN 13914 - 1 & 2: 2016
Water Absorption due to Capillary 7.5N Not to be left unrendered in Exposed conditions. I.S. EN 772 – 11
Action Refer to the clause Above.
All strengths: not to be used as a DPM.
I.S. EN 772-14
Movement joints required at 7 Meter centres as
per clause of SR 325
Moisture Movement < 0.6 mm/m (or as specified by competent person)
*Annex C.6 of S.R. 325:2013+A2:2018
& Table NA.6 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN
1996-1-1:2005+A1:2012 NDP
Water Vapour Permeability 5/15µ I.S. EN 1745 Annex A(Tabulated)
Based on Commission Decision 200/605 EC
amending 96/603 EC
Reaction to Fire Class A1 (Refer to I.S. EN 1996-1-2 National Annex Table
NA. 3.1/3.2 & 3.3 for fire ratings of wall
constructed with Class A1 Units)
*Building Regulations Part B—Fire Safety
I.S. EN 998-2(Tabulated)
Shear Bond Strength 0,15N/mm² (Tabulated) *Table NA.5 of NA:2010+A1:2014 to I.S. EN 1996-
Cement, Aggregate Water & Admixtures comply
Dangerous Substances None with Relevant EN’s and National SR’s which
prohibit the use of Dangerous Substance
*Reference to National Provisions / NDP = National Defined Parameter
The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the declared performance. This declaration of performance is issued in
accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of Roadstone ltd.
Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:Alan Lowe, Senior Technical Manager, Roadstone Ltd.
Belgard, s 0528/03/2022 s
(Place and Date of Issue) (Signature)