17 Keystroke Analysis As A Method of Advanced User Authentication and Response
17 Keystroke Analysis As A Method of Advanced User Authentication and Response
17 Keystroke Analysis As A Method of Advanced User Authentication and Response
Abstract: There has been significant interest in the area of keystroke analysis to support
the authentication of users, and previous research has identified three discrete
methods of application; static, periodic dynamic and continuous dynamic
analysis. This paper summarises the approaches and metrics arising from
previous work, and then proceeds to introduce a new variation, based upon
application-specific keystroke analysis. The discussion also considers the use
of keystroke analysis as a progressive, escalating response measure in the
context of a comprehensive user authentication and supervision system,
presenting an example of how this could be realised in practice.
The original version of this chapter was revised: The copyright line was incorrect. This has been
corrected. The Erratum to this chapter is available at DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-35586-3_46
M. A. Ghonaimy et al. (eds.), Security in the Information Society
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2002
216 Part Six: Information Security Services
• Mean error rate - The mean error rate can be used to provide an
indication of the competence of the user during normal typing.
Whilst this may not be user specific, it may be possible to classify
users into a generic category, according to their typing ability, which
can then be used as an additional authentication method.
• Mean typing rate - A final metric is that of the mean typing rate. As
with the mean error rate, individuals can be classified according to
their typing ability and hence evaluated based on their average
typing speed.
While the final two metrics indicated above are unlikely to provide a
suitably fine-grained classification of users for direct authentication
judgements, they may be used to provide a more generic set of user
categories that can contribute to a combined measure.
It should be noted that all of the above techniques and metrics can be
implemented on a standard PC platform, without the need for special
Keystroke Analysis as a Method of Advanced User ... .. , 219
Digraph 5% 5.5%
Digraph 0.25% 16.67%
Digraph 2.8% 8.1%
Digraph 5%
Statistical 12.8% 2
Brown & Rogers (1993) [5] Digraph 0% 4.2%
IGroup 1, 2Group 2 Combined Neural 11.5% 2
Network & Statistical
Napier et al. (1995) [13] Digraph 29.5%/3.8%
Mahar et al. (1995) [8] Digraph 35% /17.6%
Furnell et al. (1996) [14] Digraph 8% 7%
1Static, 2Dynarnic Neural Network I, 15% 2 0%2
Statistical 2
220 Part Six: Information Security Services
70 -
r-- -
! 40
! 30
10 !----
IntllrT'MH Uenenger VIIlrd
DPowt'rPc w'U
User 0 UserE
/ X
:: 30
1t I
C 20 I
-- _ I
- --
- --,'
0 I
User A UserS UserC User 0 UserE
, Fail (significant profile
Incompatibility) .
; analysis
Pass L specific OR
Fail Explicit
dynamic static or Lock
analysis analysis
being permitted three attempts to enter the details), then the most appropriate
response is to deny access (if the correct password is provided, but the
keystroke analysis aspect fails, then an alternative option could be to allow
the login to proceed, but to begin the session with a higher level of
subsequent monitoring - e.g. continuous rather than periodic assessment). If
this login authentication is successful, the user will proceed to a logged in
session, during which dynamic keystroke analysis could be applied on a
periodic basis (in order to minimise the associated processing overhead in
the initial instance). Assuming no anomalies, this could simply continue
throughout a logged in session. If a departure from the typing profile is
noted during the monitoring period, however, there would be two options for
response. If the keystroke data exhibits a significant incompatibility, then a
high confidence of impostor action could be assumed and the responder
could proceed directly to some form of explicit action (e.g. interrupting the
user session by issuing a challenge or suspending their activity pending an
administrator intervention). In cases where the profile incompatibility is not
conclusive, the responder could initiate an increase in the monitoring
resolution - firstly to invoke continuous dynamic analysis, and then beyond
this to invoke either application or keyword-specific methods. The choice in
the latter case would depend upon the context of the current user's activity.
For example, if they were word-processing, then application-specific
dynamic analysis would potentially give a more accurate assessment of
identity. If, by contrast, they were operating at a command line level, then it
could be considered more appropriate to invoke keyword-specific static
analysis, looking for instances of particularly sensitive commands such as
'format' or 'erase'. Profile incompatibility at this final stage would
automatically result in more explicit response action.
In cases where the responder agent has initiated a more detailed level
(e.g. from periodic to continuous, or from continuous to application-
specific), then the monitoring would continue at this level for a period of
time, in order to ensure that profile incompatibilities were no longer
observed. A suitable trigger (e.g. the entry of a certain number of further
keystrokes without significant profile departure) would be used to reduce the
alert status of the monitoring system, and thereby allow the responder agent
to re-invoke a lesser level of analysis (this is indicated by the dotted arrow
lines in the figure).
The combination of mechanisms in this manner allows a system to
provide a standard, and hence acceptable, user login for the initial
authentication, while also providing enhanced user supervision for the
duration of the users' session. Such a system should, in theory, ensure
transparent operation to legitimate users. It should also be noted that, in a
practical context, keystroke analysis may not be the only technique involved,
and other metrics relating to user activity and behaviour might also be
Keystroke Analysis as a Method ofAdvanced User ...... 225
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