QAV - BASF - Apr 2015 - 190515

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(New Part Development)

Date : Date : Date :


Diketahui Auditor Auditee Diketahui Auditor Auditee Diketahui Auditor Auditee

Score Mark Judge Score Mark Judge Score Mark Judge

Syarat QAV-PASS : QAV-2 Resume :

1. Part Safety (HS, HA, HB) Score Min.80%
Part Non Safety Score Min.75%

2. Tidak ada point yang berniilai kurang dari 3

Part List
QAV-2 Resume (Graph) QAV-2
1 Follow-up 1
Project Development Follow-up 2
Passing Grade
Abnormal Proses 100%
Dokumen Kontrol 85%

Item Check
Max QAV Follow Up 1 Follow Up 2
No Point Check
Point Score % Mark Score % Mark Score % Mark

MH2S Production Equipment

1 Project Development 20 18 90% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
2 Dokumen Kontrol 28 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
3 Production Equipment 20 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
4 Inspection Equipment 16 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
5 Operator Skill 20 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
NG Part Control Inspection Equipment
6 Supplier / L-2 Control 8 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
7 Trial Process 8 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
8 NG Part Control 8 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85% Trial Process Operator Skill
9 MH2S 8 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
Supplier / L-2 Control
10 Abnormal Proses 8 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 85%
Total 144 18 13% 0 0% 0 0%


Major Division Item Check Item Confirmations Actual Condition






Apakah telah dibuatkan Activity Plan yang telah
memenuhi/sesuai dengan kebutuhan event project di AHM
dan telah diketahui/disetujui oleh semua PIC? Is the New product development flowchart & documentation - BI >> PR Bandex
established Activity Plan comply/based on the event (PD-PR-001) + BASF INDONESIA documents
project' needs in AHM and acknowledged/approved by
all PIC?
Activity Plan
Activity Plan

Apakah aktivitas kerja terkontrol, sesuai dengan activity

plan - dan adakah pencatatan terhadap hasil atau
New product development flowchart & documentation - BI >> PR Bandex
perubahan activity plan? Are the working activities being 4
(PD-PR-001), + BASF INDONESIA documents
controlled and based on the activity plan? Is there any
record of result or changing of activity plan?

Project Apakah Subcont mengetahui : fungsi part, related part? 18 0 0

Development Does Subcont recognise about: function of part, related 3 Equipment (BI)

Apakah persyaratan ITEM-ITEM QUALITY POINT sudah

jelas dan dimengerti dan sudah ditetapkan ke dalam
standard - serta dipakai untuk mengevaluasi hasil TRIAL
(misal : ditentukan dengan metode FMEA)? Have the
3 Specification standard - BI will provide at formulation as master data
Study Drawing requirements of QUALITY POINT ITEMS be clear and
comprehendable as well as applied in standard form -
including applied in evaluate TRIAL result (for example:
determined by FMEA method)?

Data rejection dan Claim part sejenis dijadikan referensi

dalam penanganan/development part? Has the flow 4 Procedure for to handle NG >> FLOWPROCESS Bandex (PD-PR-005)
process and lay out maker been regulated and applied?

Apakah flow proses dan maker lay out sudah ditentukan

dan sudah diaplikasikan? Has the MANUFACTURING-
ITEM (Operational Control-Point) been reflected in the Production control procedure >> PR/QA/QC Bandex files about production
STANDARD form and evaluated that THERE IS NO

Apakah MANUFACTURING-ITEM ( Control-Point

Operasional ) sudah direfleksikan dalam STANDARD - dan
Production control procedure - EI, Job order - BI >> Maintenance Control
the Machine Condition included in the Control Items
and been clarified?

Apakah kondisi Mesin sudah dimasukkan ke dalam Control
Item - dan sudah diklarifikasikan? Has the Machine
Maintenance control procedure (daily check list)
Condition includied in the Control Items and been

Apakah penerapan metoda-metoda inspeksi sudah

dilakukan pengendaliannya berdasarkan hasil
Kemampuan-Proses (Cp) dan dapat diverifikasikan
berdasarkan hasil tersebut? Has the implementation of Production control procedure (QC check) >> BN&TD
inspection method been controlled based on the
Capability Process (Cp) and been verified based on the
Document Control result?
0 0 0
/ Dokument Kontrol


berdasarkan PQCS sudah diselesaikan secara tuntas
( Jelas dan dimengerti ) dan sudah dievaluasi tidak ada
Operation Standard kesalahan? Is the established OPERATIONAL Production control procedure - production process >> TD&BN
STANDARD based on PQCS solved completely (Clear
and Comprehendable) and been evaluated that there is
no mistake?
Apakah dokumentasi untuk STANDAR INSPEKSI telah
tersedia ( Item-Check point, Standar, Metoda, Frekuensi,
Inspection-Tools...dll) dan sudah dievaluasi tidak ada point
check yang kurang? Are the INSPECTION STANDARD Production control procedure - QC check >> BN& TP / DC Bantex - SOP
documents available (Check-Point Item, DC
Standardization, Method, Frequency, Inspection-Tools,
etc) and has been evaluated that there is no less check
Check Sheet point?

Apakah form baku untuk Inspeksi ( yg didasarkan pada

STD.INSPEKSI ) sudah ditetapkan - dan, Form tsb sudah
digunakan? Has the standard form of inspection (based Production control procedure - QC check >> Checksheet QC/QC/PR
on Inspection Standardization) been regulated - and,
has this from been applied?

Apakah mesin yang dipakai sudah sesuai dengan

spesifikasi proses (PQCS)? Is the used machine based Maintenance control procedure >> Manual Book QA/QC
on process of specification (PQCS)?

Machine / Mesin
Apakah hal-hal / bagian penting dari mesin sudah
diidentifikasi dan sudah diverifikasi/dipastikan dalam kondisi Maintenance control procedure? >> Maintenance Form / LAB equipment
baik? Has the important part/items of machine been calibration (QA/QC LAB calibration >> certificate)
idenfied and verified/confirmed in good condition?

Apakah penempatan part pada jig & fixture sudah tepat dan
tidak berpotensi menyebabkan timbulnya masalah / variasi
kualitas produk? Has the placement part in jig & fixture Not applicable
Production been in the proper place and not potentially caused 0 0 0
Equipment trouble?

Apakah pemilihan/kondisi cutting tool/dies sudah sesuai

dengan spesifikasi proses dan sudah diverifikasi layak
DJTF untuk digunakan? Has the election process/condition of Not applicable
cutting tool/dies been referring to specification process
and verified that proper to be used?

Adakah pengendalian dan pencatatan life time dies, cutting

tools ataupun jig proses? Are the controlling and
Not applicable
recording of life time dies, cutting tools or jig process
Apakah Inspection & Measurement Equipment/Machine
yang dibutuhkan telah diidentifikasi dan telah tersedia? Has Quality test equiment - EI, SWOM and SST at BASF Japan >> Maintenance
the needed Inspection & Measurement Form / LAB equipment calibration (QA/QC LAB calibration >> certificate)
Equiment/Machine been identified and is available?

Availability of
Apakah Inspection & Measurement Equipment/Machine
yang ada dalam kondisi baik dan telah dikalibrasi? Is the
Equipment / Callibration - EI >> Maintenance Form / LAB equipment calibration (QA/QC
available inspection & measurement
Ketersediaan LAB calibration >> certificate)
equipment/machine in good condition and has been
Inspection Equipment
0 0 0
Apakah ada jadwal kalibrasi yang ditentukan berdasarkan
Callibration - EI >> Maintenance Form / LAB equipment calibration (QA/QC
studi / pengalaman sebelumnya? Is the calibration
LAB calibration >> certificate)
schedule available and based on study?

Capability of Apakah Inspection & Measurement Equipment/Machine

Inspection yang ada telah digunakan dan mampu mengidentifikasi
Equiment kualitas produk (OK/NG)? Has the available Inspection & Maintenance control procedure - check list - EI >> QA/QC (TD/BN)
/Kemampuan Measurement Equipment/Machine been used and is
Inspection Equipment able to identified the product quality (OK/NG)?

Apakah operator telah memahami dan melakukan aktivitas

sesuai dengan OS? / Do the operator comprehend and
conduct the activity based on the OS? >> QC Document
Comprehension about
Control Bandex (FR-QC-002/ FR-QC-003/ Job training >> OJT Folder
OS / Pemahaman OS
FR-QC-004/FR-QC-005/FR-QC-011), QC Document
Control Bandex (WI files), Training Participant Report

Apakah operator mengetahui dan memahami quality point

Comprehension about & critical point pada area proses yang menjadi tanggung
the Quality / Critical jawabnya? Does the operator recognize and
Working instruction >> WI files
Point / Pemahaman comprehend the quality point and critical point at the
Quality / Critical Point processing area that his/her responsibility? >> Training
Participant Report Bandex

Operator Skill 0 0 0
Apakah operator bisa menggunakan dan memperlakukan
alat ukur / alat inspeksi secara baik dan benar? / Is the
Working instruction >> WI files
operator able to use and operate the measurement
machine? >> Training Participant Report Bandex

Usage of Apakah operator mampu mendeteksi ketidaknormalan alat

Measurement / ukur / alat inspeksi? / Is the operator able to detect
Inspection Machine Working instruction >> WI files
abnormality in measuring machine / inspection
/Penggunaan Alat machine?
Ukur / Inspeksi
Apakah operator melakukan inspeksi/pengukuran
(dimensi, visual, etc) sesuai SOP dan mendatanya? / Is the
operator able to conduct inspection / measuring Working instruction >> WI files, Manual Color Testing
(dimension, visual, etc) based on SOP and record the

Apakah approval material / sub part dari supplier sudah

dilakukan dan sudah dievaluasi tidak ada potensi masalah
Approval Part L-2 kualitas saat masspro? / Has the material approval / sub Ability trial at customer's line >> Complaint Flowchart
part from supplier been applied and evaluated that no
Supplier / Material / potential problem in quality during Masspro?
0 0 0
L-2 Control
Supplier / Material / 0 0 0
L-2 Control

Apakah ada pengecekan terhadap part yang dikirim oleh

Control Part L-2 supplier saat masspro? / Is there any inspection to part Quality check - CoA >> QA (TD&BN)
delivered by the supplier during Masspro?

Apakah trial proses sudah dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi

masspro (menggunakan material, mesin, equipment, man
Trial Process with
power, parameter setting, cycle tyme/kapasitas masspro)
Masspro Parameter / Mass production trial in Nov & Jan follow with line trial at customers >> PD
sesuai PQCS? / Has the trial process been applied
Trial Proses dengan & WI
based on the Masspro condition (using material,
parameter masspro
machine, equipment, man power, parameter setting,
cycle tyme/masspro capacity) based on PQCS?
Trial Proses 0 0 0

Apakah STANDARD QUALITY yang ada sudah mampu

Achievement of dicapai dan diteliti sampai bisa menunjukkan kelayakan
Product Quality / untuk MASS-PRODUCTION? / Is the available
In process and final inspection procedure >> TD&BN
Pencapaian Kualitas STANDARD QUALITY able to achieved and
Produk inspected/researched until it present the advisability

Apakah metoda pengendalian part (OK, NG, Rework)

sudah cukup jelas dan tak mungkin tercampur - dan sudah
Product OK/NG / OK / ditentukan, dimengerti dan dijalankan dengan efektif? / Is
Warehouse management >> Flowchart process, NG Form
NG produk the controlling part method (OK, NG, Rework) clear and
imposible in mixing - and has been regulated,
comprehended and applied effectively?
NG Part Control 0 0 0

Comprehension and Apakah penetapan ( Judgement ) untuk : PART OK/NG,

Implementation / DITAHAN, BISA DIREPAIR - sudah jelas dan dimengerti? /
In process and final inspection procedure >> Flowchart process, NG Form
Pemahaman dan Does the Judgement for PART OK/NG, HOLD, REPAIR -
pelaksanaan comprehensible and clear?

Apakah Standard Handling,Packing & Storage sudah

dibuat dan sudah dianalisa tidak berpotensimenyebabkan
MH2S Standard / terjadinya penurunan kualitas? Have the Standard of Refer to MSDS & safety concept >> SOP storage & Management, Raw
Standard MH2S Handling, Packing, & Storage been made and analyzed Material (MSDS), SHE SOPs
that no potential caused of quality loss? >> ST Bandex
MH2S 0 0 0
Apakah Standard Handling,Packing & Storage yang sudah
dibuat sudah diaplikasikan (sesuai kebutuhan) dan sudah
dievaluasi tidak menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan
MH2S Application / Refer to MSDS & safety concept >> SOP storage & Management, Raw
kualitas? / Have the available Standard of Handling,
Aplikasi MH2S Material (MSDS), SHE SOPs
Packing & Storage been applied (based on need) and
evaluated that no cause quality loss? >> ST Bandex

Adakah aturan / pengendalian terhadap Abnormal Proses

Regulation / yang penempatannya jelas sehingga memudahkan
Procedure of Abnor/ operator untuk membaca dan memahaminya? / Is there
Working instruction at production line >> WI files, JD Files
Aturan / Prosedur any regulation / control in Abnormal Process that the
Abnormal Proses implementation is clear in order to facilitate the
operator to read and comprehend it?
Abnormal Proses 0 0 0

Comprehension and Apakah operator telah mengerti, memahami dan dapat

Implementation / melaksanakan aturan Abnormal Proses tersebut? / Does
Working instruction at production line >> WI files, JD Files
Pemahaman dan the operator comprehend, understand and is able to
pelaksanaan conduct regulation in the Abnormal Process?


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