After Summer Welcome Back Activity
After Summer Welcome Back Activity
After Summer Welcome Back Activity
Use the questions below to start a conversation with your classmates about summer vacation. Use follow-up questions
and reactions to continue the conversation in ENGLISH.
Please write the names of the people you talked to under the questions that you asked them (e.g. I asked: Ami). I hope
you can talk to as many people as possible!
What is something exciting you did this What was the best thing you did over the
summer? break?
I asked: I asked:
Taking a long break. Spent time with my friends in Nagashima.
Did you use any English this summer? Did you study anything over the break?
I asked: I asked:
Yes. a little bit. I had nothing to do and have been boring
that I studied English.
Were you working during the summer? Did you try anything new this summer?
I asked: I asked:
Yes. I started to go to driving school and could
get a temporary driving license.
I will get a driving license officially this