Itm Assignment
Itm Assignment
Itm Assignment
Cybercrime refers to any illegal activity carried out using computers or
the internet. Cybercriminals — ranging from rogue individuals to
organized crime groups to state-sponsored factions — use techniques
like phishing, social engineering, and all kinds of malware as part of
their cyber attacks
According to latest reports, the Federal Investigating Agency (FIA)
Cyber Crime increases 83% in Pakistan in this year (2022). There has
been huge Rise of cybercrime Complaints during the last three 3 years.
Types of Cybercrime:
Following are some of the Cybercrime types:
Malware attack
Ransomware attack
IOT attack
Botnet Attack
Phishing Attack
And many more etc.
Real Life cases of cybercrime:
Case # 1: PTCL under Attack
Several websites of the Pakistan government have come under
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, but no data was lost or
A spokesperson of the NTC said tha the cyberattacks were launched
against the PTCL networks and that an investigation was under way.
Cyberattack Category: DDoS Attack
Definition: Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are a subclass
of denial of service (DoS) attacks. A DDoS attack involves multiple
connected online devices, collectively known as a botnet, which are used
to overwhelm a target website with fake traffic.
Case # 2: National Bank Of Pakistan
The National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) has suffered what two sources
have described to The Record as a “destructive” cyberattack
The incident, which took place on the night between Friday and
Saturday, impacted the bank’s backend systems and affected servers
used to interlink the bank’s branches, the backend infrastructure
controlling the bank’s ATM network, and the bank’s mobile apps.
Cyberattack Category: Malware Attack
Definition: Software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or
gain unauthorized access to a computer system.
Case # 3: FACC (€42 million)
In January 2016, an employee at the Austrian aerospace parts
manufacturer FACC received an email asking the organization to
transfer €42 million to another account as part of an “acquisition
The message appeared to come from the organization’s CEO, Walter
Stephan, but was in fact a scam.
Cyberattack Category: Phishing Attack
Definition: Phishing is when attackers send malicious emails designed
to trick people into falling for a scam. Typically, the intent is to get users
to reveal financial information, system credentials or other sensitive
Case # 4: Earth link Spammer
Any good history starts at the beginning. The first botnet to gain public
notoriety was a spammer built by Khan K. Smith in 2000. The botnet
sent 1.25 million emails – phishing scams masked as communications
from legitimate websites – in a little over a year. Smith hoped to collect
sensitive information like credit card numbers or downloaded viruses
onto victims’ computers that would remotely feed him information.
Eventually, Smith was sued for $25 million by EarthLink for using their
network for his spam scheme, which earned him at least $3 million.
Cyberattack Category: Botnet
Definition: Botnet is a network of hijacked computers and devices
infected with bot malware and remotely controlled by a hacker. The bot
network is used to spam and launch distributed Denial of Services
[DDoS] attacks and may be rented out to other cybercriminals
Case # 5: Deep fake Attack on UK company
In march 2019, The CEO of the UK energy In March 2019, the CEO of
a UK energy provider received a phone call from someone who sounded
exactly like his boss. The call was so convincing that the CEO ended up
transferring $243,000 to a “Hungarian supplier” — a bank account that
actually belonged to a scammer.
Cyberattack Category: Social Engineering
Definition: Social engineering is an attack vector that relies heavily on
human interaction and often involves manipulating people into breaking
normal security procedures and best practices to gain unauthorized
access to systems, networks or physical locations or for financial gain.
Case # 6: PSlash in Peshawar Pakistan
The company, PSlash, opened an office in Peshawar’s Deans Trade
Center in January this year, promising profits of up to 13 percent on
investments in real estate and digital and foreign currency. On its last
day of operation on November 19, the firm had 105,000 registered
investors, a former employee told Arab News.
But on November 20, a notification appeared on the website: “System is
hacked.” Since then, victims of the scam say they are unable to reach
any of the people who had said they were employed with the company.
Many have lost their entire lifesavings.
Cyberattack Category: Online Scam Attack
Definition: The internet fraud involves using online services and
software with access to Internet to defraud or take advantages of victims.
The term "internet fraud" generally covers cybercrime activity that takes
place over the internet or on email, including crimes like identity theft,
phishing, and other hacking activities designed to scam people out of