2018 Winter Question Paper (Msbte Study Resources)

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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions : (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Answer each next main question on a new page.
(3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket Calculator is
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication
devices are not permissible in Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any five of the following : 10

a) Enlist four standard organizations.
b) Draw a labeled diagram of coaxial cable.
c) Define line of sight propagation.
d) State advantages of multiplexing.
e) State advantages of packet switching.
f) State any two drawbacks of parity checking for error detection.
g) Enlist generations of mobile telephone system.

2. Attempt any three of the following : 12

a) Compare amplitude modulation and frequency modulation (4 points).
b) Explain process of phase shift keying.
c) Draw a labeled diagram of fiber optic cable and state its advantages.
d) Differentiate between circuit switching and packet switching.

3. Attempt any three of the following : 12

a) Draw a BFSK waveform to represent the following bit stream 0 1 1 0 1 0.
b) Draw and explain block diagram of satellite communication.
c) Compare DSSS with FHSS.
d) Explain the process of CRC with respect to following example. If G (X) = 110010 and
M (X) = 101 then calculate CRC for above stream.
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4. Attempt any three of the following : 12
a) Explain the following concept with neat diagram :
i) Bit Rate ii) Baud Rate
b) “In satellite communication different frequency bands are used for uplink and downlink”.
c) Explain virtual circuit approach of switching used in computer networks.
d) Assuming even parity technique find the parity bit for following frames :
i) 0000010 ii) 1111000
iii) 1010101 iv) 1011011
e) Explain the concept of pico net and scatter net of Bluetooth.

5. Attempt any two of the following : 12

a) Differentiate between twisted pair coaxial cable and fiber optic cable (any 4 points).
b) Explain the following flow and error control techniques :
i) Stop and wait
ii) Go back N ARQ
c) Compare first, second, third and fourth generation mobile telephone systems (any 3

6. Attempt any two of the following : 12

a) Explain the following multiplexing techniques with block diagram :
i) TDM ii) FDM
b) Explain the layered architecture of ISO-OSI model along with functions of each layer.
c) Two channels one with a bit rate of 100 Kbps and another with bit rate of 200 Kbps are
to be multiplexed.
Answer the following questions :
i) Calculate size of frames in bits
ii) Calculate the frame rate
iii) Calculate the duration of frame.


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