Irrigation Assignment

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Isra University

Department of Civil Engineering

Assignment-II 100 Points
Q1. Explain the modes of application of water to crops and information to be collected while
visiting a proposed irrigation site.
Q2. Differentiate between surface and subsurface irrigation methods, also enlist the methods
which comes under surface and sub-surface irrigation.
Q3. Explain the term Sediment Transport, Sediment load, Bed load and suspended load.
Q4. A wide channel 4 m deep consists of uniform grain of 0.4 mm. The fall velocity of grains
in still water is 0.04 m/sec. Determine the concentration of load at 1.0 m above the bed if the
concentration of sediment particles at 0.4 m above the bed is 400 ppm. Take specific gravity
of particles as 2.67, L-slope as 1 in 4444 and representative roughness of size of bed ks = 2.0
Q5. Design an irrigation channel carrying a full supply discharge of 28 cumec with a bed
load concentration of 40 ppm. The average grain diameter of the bed material may be taken
as 0.4 mm and its specific gravity as 2.67. Apply Lacey’s regime perimeter and Meyer-Peter-
Muller equation.
Q6. Explain the difference between Kharif crops, Rabi crops, Sugarcane and Rice crops.
Q7. What is canal irrigation? In how many ways it is classified?
Q8. Explain the distribution of canal irrigation with neat and clean labeled diagram.
Q9. What are channel losses. Explain the factors affecting the seepage losses.
Q10. Differentiate between Meandering & Braided channel. What are Primary and
Secondary factors affecting design of canals.
Q11. Explain the following:
1. Regime Theory
2. Kennedys Theory
3. Lacey’s Theory
4. Shortcomings of Kennedy’s theory.
5. Economic Height of Dam.
Q12. Design an irrigation channel for the following data using Kennedy’s theory:
Full Supply Discharge (F.S.Q) = 14.16 cumec
Slope, S = 1/5000
Kutter’s rugosity coefficient, N = 0.0225
Critical velocity ratio, m =1
Side slope, z = ½
Q13. Using Kennedy’s theory design an irrigation channel to carry a discharge of 56.63
cumec. Assume N = 0.0225, m = 1.03 and B/D = 11.3.
Q14. Design an earthen channel of 10 cumec capacity. The value of Lacey’s silt factor in the
neighbouring canal system is 0.9. General grade of the country is 1 in 8000.
Q15. What are the causes and effects of Salinity and alkalinity in lands of Pakistan?
Q16. Explain Flood routing/Reservoirs routing, their methods and how to control sediments
in reservoirs.
Q17. Explain Diversion Head Works with examples. Enlist major components of Barrages.
Q18. What is surface and sub-surface drainage? Explain the methods of disposal of drainage
Q19. Define Cross drainage works and canal lining. How to maintain irrigation canal?
Q20. Enlist discuss any three soft wares relevant to Irrigation engineering.

Note: Write each question on each page with question written before writing the answer and
do not write question number just write the question.
Only Hand written assignment will be accepted.
Last Submission Date: 27th November 2022

Subject Teacher: Engr. Muhammad Hamza Siddiqui

Best of luck

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