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E eD D e D D e Ee E E eD

ExplosivE DEsign

Designer Explanations & Definitions


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ExplosivE DEsign

ExplosivE DEsign

Tabl e o f Con Te n Ts

Sources: html

What Is Graphic Design What Can Be Deisgns Types of Design The Value



WHo 3

ExplosivE DEsign

ExplosivE DEsign

WhaT is GraphiC DesiGn?

It combines the creativity and formal characteristics of fine art with the audience-centered approach of marketing to create effective visual communication. Unlike fine art, it is always in the service of the clients needs.2 Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to communicate ideas. The designer works with a variety of communication tools in order to convey a message from a client to a particular audience. The main tools are image and typography. Graphic Design in the 21st century is the biggest part of a great campaign ,well known brand,and stunning marketing.

Graphic Design is used as a tool of engagement. The objective is to wow the viewer with such a design that he/she purchases, believes, or is informed about that which is being marketed. Brands such as Google, Starbucks, and Citi Bank all realize the power that lies within a graphic that is designed especially for them. This booklet is here to define and explain why Graphic Design is important within your marketing mix and overall life! It affects you when you least expect it.

Design is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition. Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, thats why it is so complicated. -Paul Rand



WHat is grapHic DEsign? v

ExplosivE DEsign

ExplosivE DEsign

W h aT C an be D e s i G ne D

A graphic designer or graphic artist conveys information through visual solutions that promote or enhance a service, product, philosophy or entity.

The options of what a Graphic Designer can actually do are vitrually limitless. Anything that you can print or visually see can be created by a Graphic Designer. Here is a short list: * Billboard * Posters * Logos * Advertisements* Brochures * Magazines/book covers * Newspapers/newsletters * Product packaging * Websites * T.V.commercials/ graphics * Signage/exhibits * Film and videographics * Computer graphics

Practice Safe Design; Use a concept -Petrula Vrontikis

Web Advertisement


Photo mAniPulAtion


WHat can BE DEsignED vii

ExplosivE DEsign

ExplosivE DEsign

Image Based

Type Based

T ype s of De si Gn

There are 3 main categories of Graphic Design Image, Type, and design using both. Many artistict styles fall under the 3 . It all depends on what you invision and what you want as a client.

Designers will either use created or photographed images to communicate messages, which their clients (you) want to convey. Images are effective tools of communication, which can express emotions and moods. When compared to words, people respond quickly to images. In an image-based design, the pictures will convey the entire message. Sometimes a few words are used in addition to the picture. A graphic designer chooses an imagebased design only when he/she feels that an image is a thousand times better than a word.

Type based designs are nothing but using words in an attractive way to convey a message instead of using pictures. Just like the meaning of a text, how the words look like is also important for a graphic designer. A designer uses different typescripts, type size, colors, borders, shadings, columns, margins, spacing etc to make the text unique and attractive. Image & Type Based When the designers combine both text and images toconvey the message to the audience, it is known as imageand type design. The words and image should be creative andcatchy respectively. After the design concept has been finalized,the designers work with photographers,illustrators, typesettersand other production technicians to get the final output desired by their clients.
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typEs of DEsign ix

ExplosivE DEsign

ExplosivE DEsign

T he Val u e

Great Design is priceless. Just ask Google, Mcdonalds, Microsoft, Apple, Nike, and all the other companies who you instantly recognize on a daily basis

Graphic Designers provide well-presented ideas that distinguish a company and what it does. A designer is bestsuited to help a business realize that marketing the company can become confusing by conflicting messages Its not just the technical skills required to create but the knowledge of what works and doesnt work for viewers.

It may not seem obvious but design adds credibility. Some people sometimes dont get as it is so subliminal. As a result, they underestimate the value of design. Think of the products you buy or the stores that you shop at. Have you ever hesitated on a purchase because of the way it looked?

If It Doesnt sale it isnt creative

-David Oglivy

Art gives voice to that, which is not spoken -Unknown

tHE valuE xi

Designed by: A.Stewart


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