Costing of H3S Cuenca

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Motortrade Contractor Project Costing Form

Company Name: Date: Mar 16, 2021

Head Office Address: Telephone #
Email Address: Fax #

Subject: MNC Cuenca H3S
Project Address: Poblacion 3, Cuenca, Batangas


Excavation of (footing, wall footing, septic tank) cu.m. 294.00 0.00
Hauling-out all demolished debris and chipped-off tiles 18.04 cu.m. 587.00 10,586.84
Backfill and Compaction cu.m. 500.00 0.00 0 cu.m. 352.00 0.00
Gravel Bedding (0.10m thk.) sq.m. 113.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 24.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 0.00 10,586.84 10,586.84

Existing 4.5mm thk. Fiber cement board Ceiling including metal studs. sq.m. 59.00 0.00
Existing acoustic board Ceiling including t-runner frame. sq.m. 59.00 0.00
Existing 4” CHB interior wall. 93.93 sq.m. 141.00 13,244.13
Existing 6” CHB exterior wall. 8.5 sq.m. 141.00 1,198.50
Existing Double Wall partition with metal studs frame. sq.m. 71.00 0.00
Flooring ( Chipping ) - existing ceramic tiles. 147.35 sq.m. 94.00 13,850.90
Existing 30cm x 30cm x 2mm vinyl flooring. sq.m. 59.00 0.00
Existing Ordinary Glass Panel with existing frame . sq.m. 141.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 28,293.53 28,293.53

Construction of 6” exterior CHB wall (Plastering not included) 6.56 sq.m. 702.00 4,605.12 6.56 sq.m. 165.00 1,082.40
Construction of 4” interior CHB wall (Plastering not included) 9.2 sq.m. 471.00 4,333.20 9.2 sq.m. 165.00 1,518.00
Plastering (2 face) 15.76 sq.m. 305.00 4,806.80 15.76 sq.m. 187.00 2,947.12
Plastering (1 face) 44.76 sq.m. 153.00 6,848.28 44.76 sq.m. 94.00 4,207.44
Concreting (1:2:4) cu.m. 3,625.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 1,430.00 0.00
Slab on Fill @ 100mm thk. cu.m. 4,680.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 1,430.00 0.00
Retouching @ demolished part 9 l.m. 40.00 360.00 9 l.m. 110.00 990.00
SUB-TOTAL 20,953.40 10,744.96 31,698.36

IV.a CEILING WORKS (new/replacement)

Supply and installation of 4.5mm fiber cement board ceiling on 9mm x 38mm x
5m double furring channel.GA 24. sq.m. 361.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 165.00 0.00
Supply and installation of 4.5mm gypsum board ceiling on 9mm x 38mm x 5m
double furring channel.GA 24. sq.m. 361.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 165.00 0.00

Supply and installation of 5/8 x 2'x4' Daiken acoustic board on T-Runner

sq.m. 444.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 165.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Supply and installation of 4.5mm fiber cement board ceiling, install on existing
frame 50.61 sq.m. 235.00 11,893.35 50.61 sq.m. 110.00 5,567.10

Supply and installation of 4.5mm gypsum board ceiling, install on existing frame
sq.m. 235.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 110.00 0.00
Supply and installation of 5/8 x 2'x4' Daiken acoustic board, install on existing
frame. sq.m. 235.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 110.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 11,893.35 5,567.10 17,460.45

Supply and installation of 4.5mm fiber cement board double wall partition on
35mm x 64mm 3.0m metal stud ga.24. 54.59 sq.m. 671.00 36,629.89 54.59 sq.m. 235.00 12,828.65
Supply and installation of wooden hallow-core flush door 3 set 4,400.00 13,200.00 3 set 1,408.00 4,224.00
Supply and installation of wooden hallow-core flush door with .60mts. X .60mts.
Ordinary glass viewing window set 4,700.00 0.00 0 set 1,408.00 0.00
Fabrication of 3/4” thk. Ordinary plywood open Shelves (.4 x .60x2.40m) 1.50m
from FFL. to bottom of shelves set 5,400.00 0.00 installation incl.
SUB-TOTAL 49,829.89 17,052.65 66,882.54

VI.a TILE WORKS (new/replacement)

60 x 60 cement finish tiles (code: Arte/YTC Yale Light TD60312 by Wilcon) –
SHOWROOM AREA 144 pcs. 185.00 26,640.00
30 x 30 tactile tiles (code: Huangiu D533B-1 Traffic Linea Ash by Wilcon) 34 pcs. 128.00 4,352.00
20 x 100 wood tiles (code: luxe 50110246 by CW Home Depot) – SALES AND B 51 pcs. 185.00 9,435.00
30 x 20 tiles (1106) – wall tiles @ C.R. 1.2m high by floor center 257 pcs. 28.00 7,196.00
30 x 30 unpolished tiles – floor tiles @ C.R. by floor center 115 pcs. 25.00 2,875.00
consumables (H.D. Adhesive ABC brand only, Grout, Cutter) 85.68 sq.m. 345.00 29,559.60 85.68 sq.m. 165.00 14,137.20
1 ½ “ Angle Bar ( Nosing ) at entrance perimeter 2 pcs. 425.00 850.00 2 pc. 165.00 330.00
SUB-TOTAL 80,907.60 14,467.20 95,374.80

VI.b TILE WORKS (repair)– demolition included

60 x 60 tiles (nanotech code: ASA6500 by floor center) pc. 173.00 0.00
60 x 60 tiles (Nutzo by Wilcon) – YAMAHA pc. 155.00 0.00
60 x 60 tiles (Artesia Gres by Wilcon) – YAMAHA pc. 225.00 0.00
40 x 40 tiles (code 421) by floor center – MOTORTRADE pc. 69.00 0.00
30 x 30 tiles (SMS3040) – floor tiles pc. 34.00 0.00
30 x 20 tiles (1106) – wall tiles @ C.R. 1.2m high by floor center pc. 18.00 0.00
20 xc20 tiles (P22-2) – floor tiles @ C.R. by floor center pc. 14.00 0.00
consumables (H.D. Adhesive ABC brand only, Grout, Cutter) sq.m. 345.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 165.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00


NEW CEILING using gypsum board and fiber cement board (boysen brand), at 3-
coats latex paint. Flat white. 50.61 sq.m. 118.00 5,971.98 50.61 sq.m. 88.00 4,453.68
NEW CONCRETE WALL, beams and columns – concrete (boysen brand), at 3-
coats semi-gloss as per color scheme 32.42 sq.m. 130.00 4,214.60 32.42 sq.m. 88.00 2,852.96

NEW FICEM BOARD WALL, drop wall, and zocallo using fiber cement board
(boysen brand), at 3-coats semi gloss as per color scheme
109.18 sq.m. 118.00 12,883.24 109.18 sq.m. 88.00 9,607.84
EXISTING WALLS, COLUMNS (boysen), at 2-coats for all re-painting semi-gloss
paint 116.44 sq.m. 105.00 12,226.20 116.44 sq.m. 60.00 6,986.40
EXISTING CEILING (boysen), at 2-coats for latex paint all re-painting 63.69 sq.m. 105.00 6,687.45 63.69 sq.m. 60.00 3,821.40
Accordion / Roll up Painting (boysen QDE – 3 coats) 25.2 sq.m. 115.00 2,898.00 25.2 sq.m. 70.00 1,764.00

Parking Lines (boysen traffic paint yellow, or QDE yellow code: 19-161) 3-coats
5 sq.m. 250.00 1,250.00 5 sq.m. 110.00 550.00
Facade (boysen), at 3-coats 10 sq.m. 118.00 1,180.00 10 sq.m. 88.00 880.00
Ceiling Eaves (boysen), at 2-coats latex paint flat white 9.95 sq.m. 105.00 1,044.75 9.95 sq.m. 60.00 597.00
Waterproofing of Exterior Wall 44.76 sq.m. 200.00 8,952.00 44.76 sq.m. 88.00 3,938.88
SUB-TOTAL 57,308.22 35,452.16 92,760.38

Smooth Finished at 2”thk. 29.56 sq.m. 150.00 4,434.00 29.56 sq.m. 198.00 5,852.88
Rough Finished at 2”thk. sq.m. 150.00 0.00 0 sq.m. 165.00 0.00
` 4,434.00 5,852.88 10,286.88


Service area (sealbond) 17.24 sq.m. 296.00 5,103.04 17.24 sq.m. 110.00 1,896.40
Parts area (sealbond) 12.32 sq.m. 296.00 3,646.72 12.32 sq.m. 110.00 1,355.20
SUB-TOTAL 8,749.76 3,251.60 12,001.36

X. Air System @ Service Area

I Lifter 1 set 2,000.00 2,000.00 installation incl.
SUB-TOTAL 2,000.00 2,000.00


Ordinary 1/4” Fix glass with Snap-On-Base Frame 30.98 sq.ft. 175.00 5,421.50 30.98 sq.ft. 59.00 1,827.82
Ordinary 3/8” Fix glass with Snap-On-Base Frame sq.ft. 280.00 0.00 0 sq.ft. 84.00 0.00
0.80m x 1.0m Powder Coated Sliding Window set 4,100.00 0.00 materials and labor included
SUB-TOTAL 5,421.50 1,827.82 7,249.32


Secret Locks as per standard details 2 pc. 250.00 500.00 2 pc. 175.00 350.00
Padlock holder as per standard details 10 set 70.00 700.00 10 set 55.00 550.00
Padlock cover as per standard details 2 pc. 70.00 140.00 2 pc. 55.00 110.00
Droplight metal holder G.I. Pipe ½ (2pc. / light) set 340.00 0.00 0 set 117.26 0.00
Grills (fabrication, door, window) (Square bar 12mm) sq.ft. 100.00 0.00 0 sq.ft. 66.00 0.00
Steel Grill Door, 1” Square bar frame with 1/2” flatbar on 12mm square bar @
150mm vertical sapacing and 300mm horizontal spacing complete with 3/4”
cylindrical hinge. 1 lot 5,950.00 5,950.00 materials and labor included
Steel Door Plain Type 1 lot 9,750.00 9,750.00 1 lot 1,408.00 1,408.00
Roll-up 0.60mm thickness C-type manual 13.77 sqm 1,800.00 24,786.00 materials and labor included
Combat Razor Wire @ perimeter fence 7 rolls 1,200.00 8,400.00 1 lot 3,208.80 3,208.80
10mm RSB 6 pc. 128.00 768.00
Steel Ramp @ service and showroom 2 set 550.00 1,100.00 2 set 320.00 320.00
SUB-TOTAL 52,094.00 5,946.80 58,040.80


HCG (water closet,lavatory,soap holder,tissue holder) 1 set 6,960.00 6,960.00 1 lot 880.00 880.00
Replacement of water closet (HCG) set 4,860.00 0.00 0 set 880.00 0.00
Replacement of lavatory (HCG) set 1,870.00 0.00 0 set 880.00 0.00
PVC Door 1 set 1,800.00 1,800.00 1 set 880.00 880.00
Urinal (HCG) set 6,900.00 0.00 0 set 880.00 0.00
Faucet (Pozzi) 1 set 600.00 600.00 1 set 220.00 220.00
Door Knob (Surelock) 1 set 450.00 450.00 1 set 100.00 100.00
SUB-TOTAL 9,810.00 2,080.00 11,890.00


2.4m from FFL L.ft 70.00 0.00 0 L.ft 33.00 0.00
SUB-TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00
Panel Board ( 6 Branches ) - GE -plug in (box only) set 900.00 0.00 0 pc. 2,200.00 0.00
Panel Board ( 4 Branches ) - Chint set 660.00 0.00 0 pc. 2,200.00 0.00
Panel Board ( 6 Branches ) - Chint set 1,290.00 0.00 0 pc. 2,200.00 0.00
Panel Board ( 12 Branches ) - Chint set 1,780.00 0.00 0 pc. 2,200.00 0.00
Panel Board ( 6 Branches ) - BOLT ON -GE set 8,200.00 0.00 0 pc. 4,200.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 100A pc. 889.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 80A pc. 889.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 63A pc. 265.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 50A pc. 265.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 40A pc. 265.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 32A pc. 255.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 25A pc. 255.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 20A pc. 255.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 16A pc. 255.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Micro Breakers (Chint) 10A pc. 255.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Circuit Breakers (GE) 60 amp pc. 1,072.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Circuit Breakers (GE) 40 amp pc. 900.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Circuit Breakers (GE) 30 amp pc. 800.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Circuit Breakers (GE) 20 amp pc. 750.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
Circuit Breakers (GE) 20 amp pc. 700.00 0.00 0 pc. 350.00 0.00
T8 LED Tube, Philips 16watts pc. 300.00 0.00 0 pc. 100.00 0.00
Lighting ( 1-18watts box type) T5 LED Daylight 26 pcs. 470.00 12,220.00 26 pcs. 200.00 5,200.00
Lighting ( 1-16watts box type) – Philips LED pc. 440.00 0.00 0 pc. 200.00 0.00
Lighting – GE LED,.60mts x 1.20mts parabolic troffer light at 40watts, recessed
type set 2,900.00 0.00 0 set 200.00 0.00
Lighting (Track Light, 5-watts spot type warm white) landlite 3 pc. 899.75 2,699.25 3 pc. 200.00 600.00
Lighting (Track Bar, white @ 1.00mts.) landlite 1 pc. 440.00 440.00 1 0.00

LED 7watts warm white Pendant light, with 12” aluminum semi-dome type
set 2,479.00 0.00 0 set 200.00 0.00
LED 8watts daylight pinlight, 6” recessed type circular downlight 4 set 725.00 2,900.00 4 set 200.00 800.00
Lighting – 40W LED Panel Light 60 cm x 60 cm (Sparklight) set 1,960.00 0.00 0 set 200.00 0.00
Hanging Accessories & Clip Set (Slab) set 280.00 0.00 0
Hanging Accessories & Clip Set (Ficemboard/Gypsum) set 160.00 0.00 0
Convenience Outlet- panasonic 8 pc. 300.00 2,400.00 8 pc. 350.00 2,800.00
Floor Mounted Outlet 5 pc. 1,960.00 9,800.00 5 pc. 350.00 1,750.00
Switch – panasonic 6 pc. 300.00 1,800.00 6 pc. 350.00 2,100.00
1 Tel + 1 Data (Sales) (Panasonic) 1 pc. 380.00 380.00 1 pc. 352.00 352.00
2 Data (Sales) (Panasonic) 1 pc. 425.00 425.00 1 pc. 352.00 352.00
2 Data (BMI) (Panasonic) 1 pc. 425.00 425.00 1 pc. 352.00 352.00
1 Tel + 1 Data (Parts Counter) (Panasonic) 1 pc. 380.00 380.00 1 pc. 352.00 352.00
1 Data (CCTV) (Panasonic) 1 pc. 275.00 275.00 1 pc. 352.00 352.00
Cat 5 (Voice and data) 100.24 l.m. 30.00 3,007.20 1 set 352.00 352.00
# 14 THHN WIRE (Philflex) lightings, switch, signage 101.76 l.m. 12.00 1,221.12
#12 THHN WIRE (Philflex) CO 88.74 l.m. 18.00 1,597.32
#10 THHN WIRE (Philflex) aircon 19.84 l.m. 27.00 535.68
#8 THHN WIRE (Philflex) l.m. 42.00 0.00
¾ PVC moulding (Atlanta) 8 pc. 95.00 760.00
½ PVC moulding (Atlanta) 7 pc. 75.00 525.00
Flexible Hose 2 roll 560.00 1,120.00
Exhaust fan (3D 12” 371 cfm) -ceiling mounted 3 set 2,000.00 6,000.00 3 set 550.00 1,650.00
Router Box (w/ 2 pcs duplex outlet) 10cm x 40cm L x 60cm H 1 set 2,000.00 2,000.00 material and labor included
consumables 1 lot 1,000.00 1,000.00
SUB-TOTAL 51,910.57 17,012.00 68,922.57


Stainless sink with steel bracket (crowne) at service area 1 set 2000.00 2,000.00
Gooseneck faucet (pozzi) 1 pc. 1200.00 1,200.00
drainage pipe of sink
pvc pipe 2" 2 pcs. 350.00 700.00
pvc elbow 2" 2 pcs. 40.00 80.00
P-trap 2” 1 pcs. 100.00 100.00
Clean out 2” 1 pcs. 30.00 30.00
waterline sink
pvc pipe ½ 4 pcs. 64.00 256.00
pvc elbow ½" 3 pcs. 11.00 33.00
pvc tee ½ 1 pcs. 15.00 15.00
AC drain pipes
blue pipe 3/4 4 pcs. 100.00 400.00
blue elbow ¾" 4 pcs. 24.00 96.00
Exhaust Pipes
pvc pipe 4” 3 pcs. 597.00 1,791.00
pvc elbow 4” 2 pcs. 86.00 172.00
pvc tee 4x4 1 pcs. 150.00 150.00
solvent cement 0.5 ltr. 500.00 250.00
teflon tape 1 rolls 20.00 20.00
labor(installation inclu. Chipping works) 1 lot 2,552.55 2,552.55
SUB-TOTAL 7,293.00 2,552.55 9,845.55


Parts Counter (Hubs) (0.4W x 1.2L x 1.0H) set 10,400.00 0.00 material and labor included
Tarpaulin Signage (temporary) pc. 400.00 0.00 material and labor included
Tarpaulin frame lot 1,100.00 0.00 material and labor included
Bulletin board (4ft x 4ft) 1 pc. 545.00 545.00 1 pc. 275.00 275.00
Scaffoldings 2 pc. 275.00 550.00
SUB-TOTAL 545.00 825.00 1,370.00

TOTAL 524,663.38

Date of Last Renovation: n/a – Conversion DIRECT COST P 524,663.38

Lease Term: OVERHEAD/PROFIT 104,932.68
Rent: CONTINGENCIES 52,466.34
Total floor area (sq.m.): 117.7 LODGING
Total areas for dev’t: 172.35 MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION 805.00


3,962.10 /sq. m.

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