2627328-AIF Customizing - V2
2627328-AIF Customizing - V2
2627328-AIF Customizing - V2
Manual Activities
4. Value Mapping CFDI_PAYMETHOD for AIF
a. Go to transaction /n/AIF/VMAP.
b. Enter /EDOMX as the Namespace.
c. Enter CFDI_PAYMETHOD as the Value Mapping .
d. Choose the Execute(F8) pushbutton.
e. In the Maintenance View, switch to change mode.
f. Choose the Append pushbutton.
g. Maintain payment methods for the corresponding payment terms. For example:
3. Value Mapping CFDI_WHT_ASSIGN for AIF
a. Go to transaction /n/AIF/VMAP.
b. Enter /EDOMX as the Namespace.
c. Enter CFDI_WHT_ASSIGN as the Value Mapping.
d. Choose the Execute(F8) pushbutton.
e. In the Maintenance View, switch to change mode.
f. Choose the Append pushbutton.
g. Maintain SAT tax type and factor type for the corresponding withholding tax code. For example:
6. Value Mapping UNIT_OF_MEASURE for AIF
a. Go to transaction /n/AIF/VMAP.
b. Enter /EDOMX as the Namespace.
c. Enter UNIT_OF_MEASURE as the Value Mapping .
d. Choose the Execute(F8) pushbutton.
e. In the Maintenance View, switch to change mode.
f. Choose the Append pushbutton.
g. Maintain SAT UoM codes and description for the corresponding ERP UoM. For example:
10. AIF Fixed value SD_WHT_COND_TYPE
a. Go to transaction /n/AIF/CUST.
b. Go to Define Fix Values under Interface development.
c. Select the SD_WHT_COND_TYPE fixed value.
d. Go to the Define Fixed Value Table node in the Dialog Structure on the left.
e. Maintain the list of condition types to calculate withholding tax. For example:
e. In the Maintenance View, switch to change mode.
f. Choose the Append pushbutton.
g. Maintain document type for BLART. For example: