Data Operations Practice Task
Data Operations Practice Task
Data Operations Practice Task
Data Operations
All files in the folder should be clearly labelled with the number of each task.
Data Operation
Task A
You are required to:
You have been employed to the ICT organization BLUST Technologies for over ten (10) years.
The company has just merged with another firm, and you have been promoted to IT Supervisor,
with emphasis on OH&S. The new director has asked you to design a brochure emphasizing
office ergonomics, for distribution to all staff members.
Conduct research on office ergonomics via the Internet. Use the information to design a
brochure not exceeding two (2) pages, using a word processing application of your choice.
This should entail the following:
1. The page should be formatted as follows; landscape, three columns with margins 0.5
inches all around.
4. Font size for the entire document should be 10, and font style Times New Roman.
5. Change the font size for the main heading “Office Ergonomics” to 13, and the font style
Arial Rounded MT Bold, centred within the column, and in blue.
6. Change the font size for all sub-headings to 12, and font style to Bold Italic.
7. All pictures added to the document should be formatted using wrap text (through), and
resized to fit document.
Data Operation
Task B
Management needs 200 copies of the brochure to be circulated in hard copy. You are therefore
required to prepare a budget which would reflect the cost to print them at the office.
11. Create a spreadsheet to display the budget information.
12. Use the spreadsheet: heading: ICT Department Budget November 2020, typed into Cell
13. Columns headings: Date, Materials/Equipment, quantity, Price USD (populate the
spreadsheet with the information below)
The following equipment and materials are needed in the ICT department: 4 packs card stock
parchment USD 60 each, 1 box letter-size printing paper USD 160, 1 box legal size printing
paper USD180, 1 HP Colour LaserJet Pro MFP M281fdw, 1 HP202A cyan, 1 HP 202A yellow, 1
HP 202A magenta, 1 HP 202A black. The cost of each colour toner is USD 78.5 and the price of
the black toner is USD 70. The value of the printer is USD 618.90.
14. Add a column to the spreadsheet titled GCT.
15. Use an appropriate formula to calculate GCT for printer and toner at 15%.
19. All monetary columns should be formatted as United States Dollar currency to reflect 2
decimal places.
20. Format the heading of the spreadsheet, font size 18, Centre across column double
underlined and in blue. The heading should be two (2) spaces above the table.
21. All column headings should be font Times New Roman, font size 13, font style Italic, and
aligned right.
23. Convert the Grand Total from USD to JMD at a rate of 150 JMD to 1 USD, and insert a
formula to output the results in Jamaican Dollars.
Data Operation
Task C
Use a suitable software application to create a presentation on the following computer
Hardware peripherals: Printer, Mouse, Monitor, Keyboard, Pen, Scanner
25. Each device should be presented on a single slide. This should display a picture of the
device, along with the definition of the device.
32. Print presentation using a PDF printer installed to the computer as a handout displaying 3
slides per page titled yourfirstandlastinitial_PDF2020.
Task D
Create a database called YOUR TRN#
You are a class teacher, and are required to create a database with information on each
student in your class. Each student is required to have an Identification Number. Set the ID field
as the key field.
33. Create two table structures to store the information needed. Save one as StuData, and the
other StuGrade. The fields for both tables include, FName, MI, SName, DOB, Sex, Address,
Phone, Next of Kin. FName, MI, SName, Subject, Assign1, Assign 2, Pass/Fail, Final Marks,
34. Open the StuData table and modify the table by changing the field name Next of Kin to
35. Open the StuGrade table and arrange the field names in the following. Order: StuId,
SName, MI, FName, Subject, Assign1, Assign 2, Exam, Final Marks, Pass/Fail.
Data Operation
Task D – Cont’d
36. Open the StuData data dictionary; add the records below to the data dictionary.
0003 Swaby M Kemar 02-Mar-79 Male Long Pond, Green Bay P.O.,
0004 Franklin J Benjamin 05-May-81 Male Gregory Park P.O., St.
0005 Hendricks M Kerry-Ann 12-Dec-82 Female Georgia, St. Thomas
37. Fill in the rest of information in the other field for the StuData Dictionary.
38. Open the StuGrade table and add the following records.
NB - Assign1 is marked out of 20, Assign2 is marked out of 30, and the Exam marked out of
39. Populate both tables with ten (10) records.
40. Create a print screen of the StuData table in Datasheet View, and save in MS Word as
STU_First and Last Initial.
Data Operation
Task E
Note: Your instructor will be required to create an email address for this task.
Compose an email to the address provided by your facilitator and cc to yourself with the subject
BUDGET 2020., Include files Task B and print screen taken in Task D.
Add the following signature to your email “Data Operations Project 2020”
Data Operation