Argumentative Writing and The Toulmin Model
Argumentative Writing and The Toulmin Model
Argumentative Writing and The Toulmin Model
Jack Friberg
Introduction to written Advocacy
• Argumentative writing
• Toulmin Model
• Tools for writing in IRAC
Useful words and phrases in legal writing
• Academic Register
• Precise and Concise
• Cohesion and Flow
• Well-structured strong argumentation
Example warrant: Dogs are easily trained and very affectionate towards
• Claim
• Grounds
• Warrant
• Issue
• Rule
• Application
• Conclusion
The defendant Mr. Lord MemeJohn wrote on the glass window of local supermarket with a
removable marker. The court found that the ease with which the marks could be removed
was irrelevant to the question of whether they defaced the surface, and Mr. Lord Memejohn
actions was considered to reach the threshold of vandalism.
• Raising the issue explicitly (question + whether)
• Raising the issue implicitly (opinion + may)
State vs L.MemeJohn
..The court found that the ease with which the marks could be removed
was irrelevant to the question of whether they defaced the surface, and
Mr. Lord Memejohn actions was considered to reach the threshold of
• In the case of the State v L. MemeJohn., the defendant wrote on the window
of a supermarket with a removable marker. The court found that the ease
with which the marks could be removed was irrelevant to the question of
whether they defaced the surface..
Example: Section 594(a) of the 9gagian Penal Code states that..” Every person who maliciously commits any
of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those
specified by state law, is guilty of vandalism: • (1) Defaces with graffiti or other inscribed material”
Example: Section 594(a) of the 9gagian Penal code provides that every person who maliciously
defaces any real or personal property with graffiti, is guilty of vandalism.
Example: According to section 594(a) of the 9gagian penal code “Every person who maliciously
commits any of the following acts with respect to…”
Example: In 9gagistown, anyone who maliciously defaces someone else’s property with graffiti is guilty
of vandalism (Section 594(a) 9gagian Penal code)
• The Jardas are an ethnic group living in the state of Azaria. The Jardas follow specific
cultural rites and the religion of Chola.
Werta, a high-level military commander of Azaria, has repeatedly held in official events
that the Jardas were “dogs” who did not deserve to live, and that their whole group should
be exterminated in order to reach a “pure”, “cleansed” Azaria.
On 8 August 2100, Werta and his troops have raided a village of Jardas and killed 90 men,
40 women and 20 children.
Prosecutor v. 9gagia
In the case of the Prosecutor v. 9gagia, the court held that “intent” can be
evidenced by official declarations, such as stating publicly the will to
destroy a part, of the whole of a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.