11th TOEFL Book A5 11-12

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Apart from those three very cold weeks in January, it has been a
20. While I am on holiday, ring me at my hotel only if there are any
________ messages for me.
very ________ winter. A) urgent B) hasty C) valuable
A) plain B) soft C) pale D) early E) confident
D) mild E) calm 21. This ________ is not big enough to cut down a tree.
2. The best student in each class will ______ a prize at the end of term. A) axe B) hammer C) screw
A) catch B) receive C) possess D) knife E) spade
D) prove E) reward 22. He must give us more time ________ we shall not be able to make
3. There is real concern that food supplies will not be ________ to feed a good Job of it.
the increasing world population. A) whether B) otherwise C) consequently
A) sufficient B) satisfactory C) equal D) therefore E) doubtless
D) measured E) effective 23. I should be very _______ if you would post this letter for me.
4. The police ________ her for helping the murderer to escape. A) grateful B) pleasant C) accepted
A) caught B) prevented C) searched D) pleasing E) thanking
D) brought E) arrested 24. When you get to the motorway, follow the ______ for London.
5. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t A) masks B) points C) signs
________ themselves better. D) plans E) ways
A) direct B) accustom C) behave 25. The garden ________ as far as the river.
D) declare E) compose A) advances B) extends C) lies
6. You must obtain ________ from the landowner to fish in this river. D) develops E) enlarges
A) permit B) freedom C) permission 26. It is time to ________ the table for dinner.
D) right E) allowance A) place B) lay C) lay out
7. The local tourist bureau will send you _______ about hotels in the D) put out E) serve
area. 27. I have always ________ you my best friend.
A) knowledge B) information C) news A) regarded B) considered C) trusted
D) notice E) advertisement D) hoped E) liked
8. The use of plastic for shoes ________ of leather has ruined shoe 28. He lost his ________ when the policeman stopped him.
repairing as a business. A) temper B) language C) spirit
A) although B) as well C) else D) character E) pride
D) instead E) outside
29. He won’t ________ to buy some bread unless I tell him again.
9. Her husband felt it would be silly to ________ the color of the curtains A) remind B) realize C) remember
before they had painted the room. D) forget E) record
A) change B) find C) choose
D) lose E) charge 30. Because of the fine weather, we had all our classes in the _____ air.
A) full B) clear C) open
10. The _______ of ice-cream sold increases sharply in the summer D) thin E) outside
A) account B) amount C) count 31. Will you be taking my previous experience into ________ when you
D) number E) size fix my salary?
A) possession B) account C) mind
11. It will ________ time if we make the sandwiches the day before the D) salesmanship E) scale
A) earn B) spare C) lower 32. If it wasn’t an accident, he must have done it on ________.
D) save E) win A) mistake B) purpose C) himself
D) fault E) intention
12. I haven’t got enough string to ________ up this parcel.
A) stick B) fold C) close 33. Most things are now mass-produced rather than ________.
D) shut E) tie A) hand-made B) by hand C) single
D) selected E) detailed
13. Bill doesn’t ________ what people say about him.
A) concern B) care C) matter 34. The office lifts are out of ________ again.
D) disturb E) depend A) operating B) order C) work
D) working E) movement
14. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not
________ to close examination. 35. Let me know if any difficulties ________.
A) keep up B) put up C) stand up A) find B) arise C) come
D) pay up E) look up D) rise E) happen

15. When he beat the carpet, the ________ rose in clouds. 36. I can’t ________ to have a holiday abroad on my salary.
A) dust B) soil C) mud A) spend B) think C) afford
D) earth E) powder D) help E) spare

16. _____ of money prevented us from taking a holiday this year. 37. They are twins and look very ________.
A) Limit B) Freeze C) Emptiness A) alike B) same C) like
D) Expense E) Lack D) likely E) identical

17. This blue-flower is known by ______ names in other parts of England. 38. It is a very popular play, and it would be wise to________ seats well
A) severe B) difference C) various in advance.
D) separate E) usual A) engage B) book C) buy
D) occupy E) preserve
18. Why can’t you do this small ________ for me? I’ve helped you often
enough in the past. 39. He’s not ________ of learning German in six months.
A) command B) demand C) effort A) possible B) interested C) inclined
D) favor E) influence D) able E) capable

19. When there was a short ________ in the conversation, I asked if 40. There was a large box behind the door and John could not ________
anyone would like anything to drink. falling over it.
A) fall B) blank C) wait A) prevent B) avoid C) fail
D) pause E) place D) resist E) save

Book 2 Part D 303 Test 1

1. Although I spoke to him many times, he never took any _______. 21. The _____ charged by the lawyer for his services was unusually high.
A) notice B) remark C) warning A) fee B) fare C) debt
D) observation E) attention D) hire E) prize
2. The house was sold for £60000, which was far more than its real 22. He was pleased to have the ________ to hear such a fine musician
_____. play hit favorite piece of music.
A) cost B) value C) price A) occasion B) possibility C) fate
D) sum E) expense D) opportunity E) space

3. This morning, drivers were warned of _____ fog in all industrial areas. 23. He tried to ________ his daughter of the dangers of spending more
than she earned.
A) deep B) important C) thick
A) remember B) remain C) warn
D) cloudy E) great
D) realize E) threaten
4. I can’t find the scissors anywhere. What have you done ______ them? 24. We had a marvelous holiday: only the last two days were slightly
A) with B) to C) of ________ by the weather.
D) by E) for A) damaged B) hurt C) ruined
5. You couldn’t _______ any secrets even for an hour in that little town. D) spoiled E) wasted
A) keep B) net C) take 25. Dearer electricity will mean ________ bills for most families.
D) learn E) hear A) dear B) difficult C) expensive
6. The workers went on strike because they thought their wages were D) hard E) heavy
too ________. 26. These figures give a rough guide to the cost of ________ your car.
A) little B) few C) short A) controlling B) handling C) keeping
D) low E) small D) managing E) running
7. The explorer ________ all the way to the source of the river by boat. 27. It was the longest film I’ve ever seen; it ________ four hours.
A) drove B) traveled C) rode A) ended B) finished C) lasted
D) followed E) tracked D) stayed E) was
8. When the bill came, he had to _______ money from his brother to 28. The information-office at the station ________ that all trains were
pay it. running about one hour behind time.
A) borrow B) lend C) loan A) advertised B) decided C) explained
D) ask E) let D) promised E) told
9. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to 29. Ann is so ________ to succeed that I am sure nothing will stop her.
________ the factory. A) determined B) willing C) strong
A) extend B) increase C) broaden D) patient E) obvious
D) grow E) magnify 30. It takes six weeks to ________ a man to do this job.
10. The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields A) train B) guide C) lead
were so wet and ________. D) raise E) learn
A) earthy B) soiled C) dusty 31. On Sundays the business center of the city was usually quite
D) greasy E) muddy ________.
A) left B) deserted C) unpopular
11. Very few scientists ________ with completely new answers to the
D) unattended E) alone
world’s problems.
A) come to B) come around C) come up 32. In today’s paper, it _____ that there will be a new government soon.
D) come in E) come on A) tells B) states C) stands
D) writes E) records
12. When John _____ in London, he went to see the Houses of Parliament.
A) came B) reached C) arrived 33. Before you sign anything important, pay careful _____ to all the
D) got E) stood conditions.
A) notice B) attention C) regards
13. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _______ reach. D) reference E) study
A) near B) inside C) within
D) at E) beyond 34. When I came through the customs at the airport I had to pay ________
on a clock I had bought.
14. I was not ________ that I had cut myself until I saw the blood all A) taxes B) duty C) fines
over my hand. D) rates E) allowance
A) familiar B) awake C) disturbed
35. It was after dark when the two children were both ________ on the
D) astonished E) conscious
safety-crossing by a lorry.
15. Tropical diseases are comparatively ________ in Britain. A) knocked down B) knocked out C) run across
A) scarce B) rare C) less D) run out E) run in
D) slight E) scattered 36. The rising _____ of living is as hard on country families as on city
16. If you want to telephone him you will have to ________ the number families.
in the book. A) amount B) cost C) expense
A) look at B) look to C) look through D) increase E) price
D) look up E) look after 37. When it was time for our tickets to be _______, I couldn’t find mine.
17. She began to feel nervous when the train pulled up at the ________ A) controlled B) bought C) checked
between Austria and Yugoslavia. D) overlooked E) served
A) limit B) edge C) bar
D) border E) division 38. Will you _______ my essay, please, to find out whether I made any
18. Margaret proudly showed her mother the toy cat she had ________ A) see through B) look through C) look up
in the competition. D) look into E) see to
A) gained B) won C) caught
D) rewarded E) taken 39. At the moment my car is at the garage being made ready for a
________ across Europe.
19. He asked us if we would ________ to share a room. A) journey B) route C) travel
A) accept B) consider C) agree D) progress E) voyage
D) admit E) approve
40. He asked an artist to ________ some drawings to illustrate what he
20. Students are expected to ________ their classes regularly. had written.
A) assist B) frequent C) attend A) show B) make C) paint
D) follow E) present D) describe E) picture

Book 2 Part D 304 Test 2

1. When he was a student, his father gave him a monthly ________ 20. He said he had every ________ in his secretary; she would do the
towards his expenses. right thing.
A) salary B) permission C) allowance A) belief B) dependence C) thought
D) wage E) money D) knowledge E) confidence
2. It seemed as if all of a ______ the animal had smelt danger in the air. 21. Can you ________ me £5 until next week?
A) sudden B) moment C) minute A) borrow B) let C) hire
D) once E) shot D) rent E) lend

3. What do you think would be the _____ of this ring, if I were to sell it? 22. It is not ________ for you to eat too much.
A) kind B) good C) well
A) worth B) value C) cost
D) useful E) fit
D) good E) importance
23. The next ________ of the committee will take place on Thursday.
4. Police officers working on the murder have _____ hundreds of A) seating B) group C) collection
families. D) meeting E) gathering
A) asked B) demanded C) enquired
D) questioned E) requested 24. Many kinds of ________ animals are disappearing or have already
disappeared from the earth.
5. The thief was ________ to prison for two years. A) brave B) untamed C) unfriendly
A) brought B) put C) sent D) angry E) wild
D) taken E) judged
25. I am sorry that I can’t ________ your invitation.
6. He was a much older tennis player but he had the great ________ of A) take B) except C) agree
experience. D) have E) accept
A) advantage B) deal C) help 26. I forgot to ________ him to buy some bread.
D) value E) profit A) remember B) repeat C) remind
7. To get my travelers’ cheques I had to ________ a special cheque to D) let E) make
the Bank for the total amount. 27. The soldiers were put in prison because they ________ to obey orders.
A) make for B) make off C) make out A) refused B) rejected C) denied
D) make over E) make up D) objected E) disliked
8. He began to take politics ________ only when he left school. 28. I don’t want to wait until tomorrow; I ________ go at once.
A) carefully B) bravely C) seriously A) prefer B) would rather C) want
D) solemnly E) strictly D) like E) am willing
9. Unless the workers’ demands are ______ soon there will be a strike. 29. When you are riding a bicycle you should _____ the handlebars
A) given B) met C) paid firmly.
D) permitted E) replied A) handle B) hold C) hand
D) have E) control
10. The children thought that the cream was deliciously ________ and
they finished it all. 30. I had ________ decided to take a coat when it started to rain.
A) famous B) chosen C) flavored A) already B) yet C) still
D) never E) always
D) hungered E) favorable
31. There is ________ that I may have to go into hospital next week.
11. The two scientists disagreed and a ________ argument developed. A) an opportunity B) bad luck C) a possibility
A) wet B) bitter C) salty D) fate E) an occasion
D) sour E) bare
32. ________ what he says, he wasn’t even there when the crime was
12. This theory _____ from the work of certain early 20th century committed.
scientists. A) Following B) Listening to C) According to
A) resists B) returns C) raises D) Fearing E) Meaning
D) insults E) results
33. If you ________ your money to mine, we shall have enough.
13. Fear showed in the eyes of the young man, while the old man looked A) add B) combine C) join
tired and ________. D) unite E) bank
A) watery B) wearing C) weary 34. This young tree could not have been damaged by accident. I believe
D) wandering E) wondered it was done ________.
14. As he had no friends or relatives in the town, the traveler tried to A) in fact B) on purpose C) by appointment
find a ________ somewhere. D) by plan E) by understanding
A) log B) lodge C) landing 35. How much would you ________ for repairing my watch?
D) lodging E) stay A) charge B) cost C) pay
15. After his journey, Gerard hoped to find an inn in which to _______ D) spend E) demand
the night. 36. After the battle, the ________ soldiers were helped by those who
A) shelter B) waste C) lose could walk.
D) spend E) pay A) damaged B) wounded C) broken
D) killed E) blessed
16. In the central region the dry season is long and severe, and the
________ annual rainfall is only about 70 cm. 37. If we are thinking of having a day in the country, I should like to
A) refreshing B) general C) average listen to a weather ________.
D) longest E) greatest A) statement B) spell C) forecast
D) recording E) news
17. George took an eager look at the ________ meal, which everyone
38. I do ________ I could speak English well.
was looking forward to, and sat down with the rest of the family.
A) know B) want C) wish
A) dusty B) crusty C) pasty
D) like E) hope
D) nasty E) tasty
39. Where do you ________ going for your holidays this year?
18. Owing to an accident, traffic had to be ________ to another route. A) intend B) expect C) pretend
A) redirected B) turned C) extended D) mean E) guess
D) sent E) misled
40. He hoped the appointment would enable him to gain greater
19. Well-mannered children have usually been properly ________ by ________ in publishing.
their parents. A) experience B) work C) jobs
A) raised up B) borne up C) brought up D) employment E) hope
D) got up E) put up

Book 2 Part D 305 Test 3

1. He grew very angry when he realized how he had been ________ 21. Science has made great ________ during the past 30 years.
out of his money. A) increases B) motions C) advances
A) tricked B) played C) deceived D) advantages E) opportunities
D) robbed E) stolen
22. People who live in a small village are bound to see a good ________
2. The cow had lost its own calf, but the farmer persuaded it to ________ of each other.
one whose mother had died. A) sum B) quantity C) deal
A) choose B) adopt C) undertake D) portion E) degree
D) collect E) educate
23. As soon as the children were ________, their mother got them out
3. When my aunt lost her cat last summer, it turned ________ a week of bed and into the bathroom.
later at a house in the next village. A) woke B) awoke C) wake
A) in B) on C) over D) awake E) waken
D) out E) up
24. This blue door was ________ painted green.
4. The funeral will be ________, and only members of the dead man’s A) lastly B) before C) firstly
family will attend. D) originally E) presently
A) peculiar B) particular C) private
25. Her shoes ________ her gloves; they look very well together.
D) alone E) personal
A) suit B) match C) fit
5. They were making enough noise at the party to wake the ________. D) compare E) color
A) people B) population C) living
26. If you have a ________ to make about the food, I am willing to
D) company E) dead
6. I can’t advise you what to do. You must use your own ________. A) dislike B) trouble C) complaint
A) opinion B) guesswork C) justice D) discontent E) fault
D) judgment E) ideal
27. His father had ________ him how to make model airplanes.
7. It isn’t quite ________ that he will be present at the meeting. A) planned B) guided C) taught
A) sure B) right C) exact D) learnt E) described
D) certain E) formal
28. The old man got into the ________ of storing money under the bed.
8. The ________ from the forest fire could be seen ten miles away. A) tradition B) manner C) use
A) mist B) smell C) spark D) harvest E) habit
D) steam E) smoke
29. Violent programs on television may have a bad ________ on children.
9. The house was so damp that it was ________ to live in. A) affection B) pressure C) influence
A) sickly B) unhealthy C) unwell D) control E) power
D) diseased E) infectious
30. The shoes fitted her ________.
10. There are usually at least two ________ of looking at every question. A) perfectly B) justly C) fairly
A) means B) directions C) views D) rightly E) finely
D) opinions E) ways
31. Could you please ________ an appointment for me to see Mr. Smith?
11. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t ________ what he said. A) manage B) arrange C) do
A) receive B) accept C) listen D) take E) have
D) take E) catch
32. Tell your brother to come ________, because it’s going to rain in a
12. I have such a bad cold that I have lost all ________ of smell. minute or two.
A) degree B) sense C) strength A) indoors B) outdoors C) within
D) skill E) scent D) inwards E) homewards
13. Peter begged his neighbor to ________ him five pounds until the 33. As he was ill, he had to _____ the party.
weekend. A) miss B) avoid C) regret
A) lend B) supply C) borrow D) lack E) fail
D) provide E) hire
34. When he was at school, he won the first ________ for good behavior.
14. The lorry driver was badly ________ when his lorry crashed into a A) reward B) prize C) price
wall. D) present E) praise
A) pained B) hit C) hurt
35. Can’t you ________ your chief to let you have a holiday?
D) harmed E) damaged
A) overcome B) make C) succeed
15. Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister D) persuade E) reason
________ charge of the house.
36. The girl’s father ________ to buy her a car if she passed her
A) take B) hold C) make
D) get E) be
A) admitted B) accepted C) agreed
16. The policeman ________ everything he had noticed to the inspector. D) approved E) afforded
A) reviewed B) accounted C) reported
37. The carriage was ________ by four horses.
D) informed E) said
A) tired B) rolled C) pushed
17. These trees cannot be grown in such a cold ________ as ours. D) driven E) drawn
A) weather B) climate C) air
38. He ate what he could, and gave the _______ of the food to the
D) season E) space
18. The audience waited until the curtain had risen and then ________into A) remain B) uneaten C) waste
applause. D) part E) rest
A) flooded B) cheered C) started
39. They decided to leave the waiter a big ________ because the food
D) burst E) went
and service had been excellent.
19. ________ up children properly is mainly their parents’ duty. A) note B) addition C) tip
A) growing B) rearing C) breeding D) gift E) reward
D) raising E) bringing
40. As it had not rained for several months, there was a ______ of water.
20. When he makes a ________ by car, he takes his family with him. A) waste B) shortage C) drop
A) travel B) course C) passage D) loss E) desert
D) voyage E) journey

Book 2 Part D 306 Test 4

1. The disease ________ widely, all over the country. 21. Be quiet! It’s rude to ________ people when they are speaking.
A) sprang B) sped C) spread A) interfere B) interrupt C) prevent
D) spilt E) spun D) introduce E) block
2. If we______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful. 22. Children ________ good food if they are to be healthy.
A) decide B) elect C) command A) have B) receive C) eat
D) vote E) adopt D) need E) desire
3. After years of war, the whole nation wanted to make ________ with 23. After a lot of difficulty, he ________ to open the door.
their enemies. A) managed B) succeeded C) obtained
A) piece B) peace C) pace D) realized E) gained
D) pact E) peas
24. I have been looking for this book for months, and ________ I have
4. She chose cushions of a color which would ________ her carpet. found it.
A) equal B) agree C) help A) at least B) in time C) at the end
D) match E) pair D) at present E) at last
5. She opened the packet and emptied the ________ into a saucepan. 25. The teacher ________ them the answer to the question.
A) fullness B) insides C) container A) exclaimed B) told C) said
D) refills E) contents D) described E) declared
6. After trying several times, I ________ to see him. 26. I have never ________ any experience of living in the country.
A) managed B) succeeded C) won A) had B) seen C) done
D) attempted E) became D) made E) got
7. He offered to ________ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for 27. The child was told to ________ for being rude to his uncle.
her to carry. A) excuse B) apologize C) punish
A) lend B) help C) show D) confess E) pardon
D) loan E) borrow
28. Throughout his childhood, he suffered from ________ illnesses.
8. She is making herself ill with ________ over her son’s future. A) import B) serious C) solemn
A) trouble B) annoyance C) disgust D) great E) strong
D) worry E) consideration
29. The ________ of trees in the water was very clear.
9. The government has lost a great deal of ________ because of the A) mirror B) sight C) reflection
large increase in food prices. D) shadow E) picture
A) strength B) support C) agreement
30. That cupboard must always be ________ carefully locked.
D) vote E) progress
A) guarded B) shut C) closed
10. Because of the strong sun Mrs. Williams’ new blue dining-room D) kept E) held
curtains ________ to gray within a year.
31. His name was on the ________ of my tongue, but I just couldn’t
A) faded B) fainted C) paled
remember it.
D) bleached E) grew
A) end B) point C) edge
11. A ________ from the local paper asked for details of the accident. D) tip E) top
A) salesman B) newsagent C) reporter
32. You should be very ________ to your teachers for their help.
D) typewriter E) broadcaster
A) thankful B) thanking C) grateful
12. She looked everywhere for her book but ________ had to return D) considerate E) gracious
home without it.
33. When can the students ________ for next year’s evening classes?
A) lastly B) at the end C) in the end
A) assist B) enroll C) join
D) in the finish E) at the last
D) inscribe E) subscribe
13. I’m sorry but what he thinks is not of the _______ importance to me.
34. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ________
A) merest B) lowest C) last
him of speeding.
D) worst E) least
A) charged B) accused C) blamed
14. It was ________ by the railways board that the cost of rail fares would D) warned E) arrested
be increased by ten per cent.
35. His new appointment takes ______ from the beginning of next month.
A) noticed B) stated C) suggested
A) place B) effect C) post
D) noted E) spoken
D) possession E) position
15. When replying to this advertisement, please ________ a stamped
36. I _____ her not to walk on the thin ice but she wouldn’t listen to me.
addressed envelope.
A) warned B) guarded C) suggested
A) present B) contain C) enclose
D) persuaded E) taught
D) envelop E) introduce
37. After dinner the minister made a short ________ to the guests.
16. Every time he tried to start the car, the wheels ________ deeper into
A) delivery B) pronunciation C) conversation
the mud.
D) piece E) speech
A) stayed B) hollowed C) feel
D) dropped E) sank 38. He couldn’t ________ the thought of leaving his home town for
17. When are you going to begin to ________ that animal?
A) support B) bear C) carry
A) direct B) drive C) teach
D) think E) hold
D) train E) get
39. On my present salary, I just can’t ________ a car which cost over
18. They gave ________ looking for her when it grew dark.
A) up B) in C) off
A) pretend B) allow C) elect
D) out E) away
D) afford E) adopt
19. There’s no need to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite ________.
40. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons ________ from
A) happy B) eager C) weak
his coat.
D) cheerful E) harmless
A) loosing B) losing C) off
20. His ________ had always been to become an architect. D) away E) missing
A) study B) want C) ambition
D) imagination E) direction

Book 2 Part D 307 Test 5

1. What measures have been ________ to control the crowd at 21. Since any answer was likely to cause embarrassment to his party
Saturday’s football match? the politician tried to ________ the question.
A) imagined B) made C) given A) delude B) seclude C) pervade
D) described E) taken D) evade E) elude
2. He left in such a hurry that I ________ had time to thank him. 22. Only two of the candidates can be seriously ________ for this post.
A) almost B) even C) nearly A) contemplated B) commended C) considered
D) scarcely E) least D) reviewed E) entertained
3. He gave me some very ________ advice on buying a house. 23. When I went into the dining room next morning, the ________ of
A) precious B) wealthy C) dear the dinner were still on the table.
D) prized E) valuable A) remains B) results C) remnants
4. To get my travelers’ cheques I had to ________ a special cheque to D) surplus E) relics
the Bank for the total amount. 24. She’s a very selfish person who doesn’t show much ______ for others.
A) make for B) make off C) make out A) consternation B) consideration C) humanity
D) makeover E) make up D) estimation E) complacency
5. If we can ________ our present difficulties, then everything should 25. The unpleasant taste ________ in his mouth for hours.
be all right. A) insisted B) prolonged C) waited
A) get off B) come across C) come over D) lingered E) rested
D) get over E) get away 26. His ________ book will deal with industrial relations.
6. I’m ________ to get the tickets for the show today, as there are A) eventual B) actual C) prompt
hardly any left. D) forthcoming E) following
A) worried B) curious C) anxious 27. Hotel rooms must be ________ by noon, but luggage may be left
D) afraid E) troubled with the porter.
7. His landlady gave him a week’s ________ to leave the flat. A) vacated B) departed C) abandoned
A) threat B) notice C) advice D) discharged E) displaced
D) caution E) dismissal 28. Every citizen has the ________ to assist in the prevention of crime.
8. We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son’s illness A) duty B) right C) effort
had put him under great ________. D) trouble E) force
A) emotion B) excitement C) crisis 29. He couldn’t ________ his father that he was telling the truth.
D) stress E) nervousness A) admit B) convince C) believe
9. A completely new situation is likely to ________ when the school D) confide E) ensure
leaving age is raised to 16. 30. He began ________ absurd plans for escaping.
A) affect B) rise C) arise A) doing B) settling C) hitching
D) raise E) happen D) devising E) thinking
10. A competitor may submit any number of entries ________ each one 31. He didn’t intend to ________ this conversation further himself, for
is accompanied by a registration fee. he disliked his aunt’s patronizing tone.
A) guaranteeing B) insuring C) allowing A) prosecute B) pursue C) push
D) providing E) notwithstanding D) follow E) enter
11. Enquiries ________ the condition of patients may be made personally 32. We aren’t very busy in the shop at the moment. In fact we’re quite
or by telephone. ________.
A) revealing B) concerning C) affecting A) contrary B) lazy C) slack
D) for E) following D) rare E) opposite
12. Tenants are ________ to beware of paying rent to unknown persons. 33. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ________ between blue
A) commanded B) informed C) notified and green.
D) advised E) suggested A) separate B) compare C) distinguish
13. He tries to ________ up his lessons by telling a few jokes. D) contrast E) relate
A) raise B) inspire C) stimulate 34. The completion of the new Town Hall has been ________ owing to
D) snap E) liven a strike.
14. Many university courses are not really ________ to the needs of A) held off B) held down C) held in
students or their future employers. D) held up E) held on
A) associated B) relative C) geared 35. It has always been the ________ of our firm to encourage workers to
D) sufficient E) qualified take part in social activities.
15. The noise of the traffic ________ Paul from his work. A) plan B) campaign C) procedure
A) prevented B) annoyed C) obstructed D) policy E) rule
D) upset E) distracted 36. Mr. Sanders has been asked to ________ the next meeting of the
16. The plan was ________ when it was discovered just how much the Library Committee.
scheme would cost. A) manage B) chair C) take
A) resigned B) abandoned C) surrendered D) lead E) direct
D) released E) disused 37. The Jury gave a unanimous ________ of Not Guilty.
17. We finally managed to ______ the committee’s approval of our plans. A) decision B) opinion C) verdict
A) secure B) arouse C) acquire D) judgment E) assessment
D) exert E) execute 38. I fear you can’t count on him; he’s liable to ________ out when
18. We are paying for the car in 24 monthly ________ of £55. things become difficult.
A) fragments B) parts C) installments A) be B) let C) opt
D) refunds E) credits D) take E) stop
19. Violence in the local prison has ________ two lives. 39. The 1950s were the ________ of this cult but one still hears references
A) removed B) taken C) cost to it today.
D) murdered E) spilt A) top B) heyday C) summit
D) pick E) pitch
20. The main road through Littlebury was blocked for three hours today
after an accident ________ two lorries. 40. What ________ of car do you run?
A) containing B) connecting C) involving A) fabrication B) species C) fabric
D) including E) combining D) mark E) make

Book 2 Part D 308 Test 6

1. Many poets have ________ the beauties of the countryside. 21. He ________ the figures carefully before making any comment.
A) applauded B) enthused C) enamored A) estimated B) scrutinized C) watched
D) appealed E) extolled D) remarked E) visualized
2. When the student graduated, he got his ________. 22. ‘He couldn’t explain the problem well, as he had only a ________
A) paper B) degree C) license knowledge of the subject.
D) pension E) bachelor A) profound B) primary C) rudimentary
D) fundamental E) superfluous
3. She didn’t ________ doing the washing up, as she hadn’t wanted to
go out anyway. 23. His account must be true, because the evidence he gave ________
A) object B) care C) matter that of two other witnesses.
D) care for E) mind A) collaborates B) consists C) coincides
D) condones E) corroborates
4. The tremor in his voice ________ his nervousness.
A) affirmed B) pronounced C) disguised 24. We must hear the ________ of the last meeting before we proceed.
D) represented E) revealed A) minutes B) protocol C) reportage
D) agenda E) items
5. Although I tried to concentrate on the lectures, I was ________ by
the noise from the next room. 25. Many road accidents occur because motorists cannot ________ the
A) dissuaded B) averted C) repressed speed of approaching vehicles.
D) distracted E) interfered A) conclude B) count C) gauge
D) value E) number
6. I ________ what her name is; I’m sure I know her face.
A) remember B) wonder C) guess 26. The rainbow ______ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.
D) suspect E) suppose A) dissolved B) removed C) dispersed
D) retired E) disappeared
7. ‘I ________ that one’, said the tourist, pointing for the benefit of the
uncomprehending shopkeeper. 27. The boy, wanting to be independent, _____ his father’s offer of help.
A) want B) wish C) take A) turned away B) turned from C) turned down
D) desire E) become D) turned against E) turned up

8. I do not ________ to be clever but I am not stupid. 28. It is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the
A) permit B) classify C) confess population is widely ________.
D) claim E) compare A) scattered B) dismissed C) separated
D) spaced E) divided
9. After the Cabinet reshuffle, the Minister wasn’t very happy at his
new ________. 29. There is a ________ of a thousand pounds offered for the capture of
A) job B) post C) work the murderer.
D) shift E) place A) reward B) prize C) price
D) grant E) credit
10. Children under the age of 16 are not ________ to enter for the
30. They always kept on good ________ with their next-door neighbors
for the children’s sake.
A) enabled B) empowered C) capable
A) friendship B) relations C) intentions
D) eligible E) permissible
D) terms E) will
11. I was so ________ in my book that I didn’t hear the doorbell ring.
31. She had clearly no ________ of doing any work, although she was
A) settled B) concentrated C) absorbed
very well paid.
D) engaged E) occupied
A) desire B) ambition C) willingness
12. Motorists _____ of speeding may be banned from driving for a year. D) intention E) meaning
A) convicted B) arrested C) charged 32. The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in
D) judged E) condemned order to ________ its improved features.
13. In the medical profession, men ________ women by five to one. A) advocate B) demonstrate C) exhibit
A) increase B) outnumber C) supersede D) reveal E) expound
D) overcome E) outclass 33. The actual ________ by which coal Is extracted is well worth watching.
14. He has told us so many lies that we can no longer place any ________ A) conduct B) process C) procession
on what he says. D) pattern E) fashion
A) conviction B) reliance C) reputation 34. If we ______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.
D) credibility E) regard A) decide B) elect C) command
15. Pools of water lay trapped among the rocks as the tide ________. D) vote E) adopt
A) removed B) refilled C) returned 35. The child was ________ for getting his shoes and socks wet.
D) receded E) retired A) corrected B) remonstrated C) suffered
16. He bought that house, ________ that he would inherit money under D) scolded E) complained
his uncle’s will. 36. Certainly man must ________ the future, and find ways of providing
A) speculating B) considering C) assuming for his needs.
D) estimating E) allowing A) look to B) look up C) look after
D) look for E) look on
17. A ________ change in policy is needed if relations are ever to
improve. 37. He took the day off work to ________ his aunt’s funeral.
A) severe B) violent C) drastic A) accompany B) regard C) assist
D) strict E) wide D) attend E) follow
18. He wrote the text book in ________ with his brother. 38. His energetic efforts met with only ________ success.
A) harmony B) collaboration C) unison A) particular B) proportionate C) partial
D) connection E) communion D) entire E) complete
19. His country cottage ________ the amenities of his London flat. 39. My rifle was not ________, so I did not hit anything.
A) missed B) overlooked C) neglected A) from the best B) for the better C) of the best
D) ignored E) lacked D) for the best E) of the better

20. The victory was ________ annually by a ten-gun salute. 40. Any student who ________ his homework is unlikely to pass his
A) memorized B) commemorated C) reminded examination.
D) recapitulated E) remembered A) reduces B) neglects C) practices
D) denies E) offends

Book 2 Part D 309 Test 7

1. Yesterday the pound fell to a ________ low level against the dollar, 21. The Stephenson’s’ house was ________ by thieves last night.
according to this morning news. A) broken into B) broken up C) broken off
A) final B) major C) record D) broken down E) broken in
D) remote E) last
22. The fishermen said that the high wind had made the sea very _______.
2. Even the most detached and indifferent spectator can be ________ A) calm B) uneven C) undulating
away by enthusiasm at a horserace. D) rough E) hard
A) carried B) moved C) excited
23. Three masked men ________ the city bank early this morning.
D) stirred E) swept
A) robbed B) attacked C) stole
3. The young performers ________ and held the audience’s attention D) took E) spoilt
from the moment the curtain went up.
24. I can’t remember ________ told me Mary had gone to Spain.
A) caught B) gathered C) snatched
A) which B) what C) that
D) took E) trapped
D) who E) whose
4. She was very ________ when I told her my pet dog had died.
25. Can you tell the ________ between margarine and butter?
A) sympathetic B) just C) helpful
A) opposite B) change C) alteration
D) pitiful E) friendly
D) difference E) sameness
5. What were John and Mary ________ about when you came into the
26. Could you give me a ________? I’ve forgotten my matches.
A) flame B) light C) fire
A) speaking B) discussing C) saying
D) illumination E) flare
D) telling E) talking
27. The Company gave my father a gold watch when he ________.
6. I don’t smoke, but I don’t object to ________ people smoking.
A) replaced B) reformed C) retired
A) different B) another C) other
D) retreated E) rearranged
D) alternative E) unlike
28. You can’t ________ how frightened I was when I first saw an elephant.
7. I like your new red dress, the color ________ you.
A) suppose B) assume C) propose
A) fits B) looks C) suits
D) wonder E) imagine
D) likes E) seems
29. When my sister was in hospital, she was ________ by a well-known
8. Mr. Jones wants to know if he can have a ________ with you.
A) argument B) word C) lecture
A) worked on B) carried on C) operated on
D) speech E) conversation
D) turned on E) passed on
9. Mrs. Brown has cleaned the house from ________ to bottom.
30. If you ask Martin, he will explain ________ of cricket to you.
A) attic B) first floor C) top
A) the orders B) the arrangements C) the regulations
D) roof E) upstairs
D) the preparations E) the rules
10. Alice is tall and slim and has a beautiful ________.
31. We arrived late because there was a traffic ________.
A) position B) shape C) form
A) stop B) jam C) holding
D) figure E) size
D) suspension E) confusion
11. Mrs. Brown’s children have very good manners because they have
32. I had to wait ________ for an answer to my letter.
been well ________.
A) a long day B) a period C) an interval
A) brought out B) brought in C) brought together
D) a stage E) a long while
D) brought up E) brought round
33. Call for me at any time that ________ you.
12. My father is very ________ with his hands.
A) fits B) likes C) suits
A) curious B) interested C) interesting
D) docs E) meets
D) intelligent E) clever
34. I am very ________ in architecture.
13. Mrs. Brown is offering a ________ of £50 to anyone who finds her
A) interested B) interesting C) concerned
diamond ring.
D) informed E) intelligent
A) prize B) price C) reward
D) money E) total 35. The Meeting has been ________ till next Thursday.
A) put by B) put off C) put over
14. I should be ________ if you would answer my letter by return.
D) put in E) put away
A) nice B) good C) glad
D) cheerful E) kind 36. A circle is a different ________ from a square.
A) shape B) shade C) sign
15. He will pass his examination if he works ________.
D) style E) number
A) quietly B) strongly C) hard
D) cleverly E) loudly 37. Could you ________ me £5? I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
A) pay B) borrow C) lend
16. Mary is very ________ because she has failed her examination.
D) provide E) donate
A) excited B) afraid C) sensitive
D) sensible E) upset 38. You can’t smoke here. It’s ________.
A) prevented B) allowed C) stopped
17. My father told me never ________ a lie.
D) prohibited E) ceased
A) to do B) to make C) to tell
D) to recount E) to relate 39. I don’t believe you, you must be ________ my leg.
A) grasping B) holding C) handling
18. Mrs. Brown’s children are always as good as ________.
D) pulling E) stretching
A) butter B) gold C) milk
D) silk E) silver 40. It’s very cold, the temperature is several ________ below zero.
A) ounces B) inches C) numbers
19. My cousin, who lives in France, is ________ me French.
D) degrees E) figures
A) learning B) teaching C) helping
D) assisting E) instructing
20. Peter has not got the right ________ for that job.
A) knowledge B) learning C) qualifications
D) abilities E) examinations

Book 2 Part D 310 Test 8

1. ________ you hurry up, you’ll miss the bus. 22. After walking four miles in the pouring rain, the children were
A) Because B) If C) Also ________.
D) Except E) Unless A) moist B) damp C) drowned
D) humid E) drenched
2. The man jumped out of the window and committed ________.
A) murder B) death C) sin 23. The Grand Hotel ________ five pounds for a single room with bath.
D) suicide E) homicide A) pays B) prices C) charges
D) expends E) spends
3. I was walking along the street when I accidentally _______ my friend.
A) bumped into B) moved into C) came into 24. The thief ________ my handbag and ran off down the street.
D) fell into E) saw into A) caught B) snatched C) picked
D) disconnected E) detached
4. The doctor took his temperature and felt his ________.
A) vein B) nerve C) blood 25. I thought the problem of pollution would ________ at the meeting
D) pulse E) muscle but no one mentioned it.
A) come in B) come over C) come to
5. It’s my ________ that it’s going to rain.
D) come up E) come round
A) option B) opinion C) intention
D) decision E) thought 26. Jane’s new blue dress ________ her coat perfectly.
A) likes B) matches C) colors
6. This book is too ________, I don’t understand it.
D) resembles E) fits
A) secret B) opaque C) dark
D) obscure E) blank 27. When I came in, John and Mary ________ about the best way to
learn English.
7. She was very inquisitive and she didn’t ________ to hide her curiosity.
A) were saying B) were teaching C) were speaking
A) effect B) affect C) attempt
D) were telling E) were talking
D) discover E) find
28. Let’s go into the garden and ________ some roses to take to your
8. She wanted to buy a modern dress, she didn’t want an old-________
A) dig B) pick C) pull
A) styled B) formed C) looked
D) break E) detach
D) fashioned E) shaped
29. Would you go upstairs and ________ my handbag, please.
9. What ________ is your car?
A) take B) bring C) carry
A) manufacture B) construction C) make
D) fetch E) obtain
D) mark E) assembly
30. The houses with even numbers are on the left side of the street and
10. He was a very ________ driver and had a lot of accidents.
those with ________ numbers are on the right.
A) careful B) careless C) correct
A) odd B) unequal C) irregular
D) cautious E) conscientious
D) level E) divided
11. The ________ gave the new film a very good review.
31. Every morning I do the crossword ________ in the newspaper.
A) critics B) reporters C) announcers
A) problem B) puzzle C) question
D) interviewers E) translators
D) test E) theme
12. Grandmother lets the children do anything they like, so they are
32. There is an index ________ of this book.
completely ________.
A) in the end B) on the end C) from the end
A) spoilt B) damaged C) hurt
D) at the end E) with the end
D) injured E) destroyed
33. It was so cold that the water in the lake ________.
13. The Manager asked me to ________ the contract for my new job.
A) chilled B) iced C) froze
A) write B) describe C) sign
D) hardened E) boiled
D) disagree E) design
34. John ________ his examination but his brother failed.
14. ______ for the post of Senior Clerk must be received by March 10th.
A) succeeded B) made C) resulted
A) Proposals B) Descriptions C) Possibilities
D) passed E) qualified
D) Applications E) Offerings
35. The Government will have ________ this proposal very carefully.
15. Mr. Hobson has had to ________ his job because of ill-health.
A) to go for B) to go after C) to go into
A) give in B) give up C) give away
D) to go round E) to go under
D) give out E) give over
36. The Post Office is only a few yards ________.
16. My English teacher ________ me to try for a place at University.
A) in the road B) on the road C) above the road
A) insisted B) persisted C) proposed
D) under the road E) up the road
D) convinced E) encouraged
37. Will you help me ________ this parcel, please?
17. I ________ you £5 that Peter will win the race on Saturday.
A) tie up B) lie down C) tie in
A) gamble B) bet C) offer
D) tie for E) tie with
D) give E) risk
38. If you didn’t keep scratching that spot on your face, it would soon
18. Mary had to be taken to hospital after her ________.
A) dilemma B) distraction C) happening
A) remedy B) cure C) restore
D) accident E) occurrence
D) heal E) mend
19. I shall never ________ the time when I was lost in London without
39. Mary has given me a ________ for chocolate cake.
any money.
A) prescription B) description C) diet
A) remember B) recall C) forget
D) list E) recipe
D) recollect E) imagine
40. Mrs. Simpson ________ £1000 to the Dogs’ Home when she died.
20. Mary is almost well again now, but she still looks rather ________.
A) remained B) left C) presented
A) faded B) light C) poor
D) offered E) permitted
D) transparent E) pale
21. I feel so sleepy, I can hardly ________ my eyes open.
A) make B) keep C) pull
D) take E) bring

Book 2 Part D 311 Test 9

1. My brother ________ his dog not to chase sheep. 21. There were twenty-five ________ waiting in the doctor’s surgery.
A) has learned B) has trained C) has educated A) customers B) visitors C) patients
D) has instructed E) has informed D) waiters E) clients

2. Is there any ________ of your coming to London again in the Spring? 22. Mr. Brown has a very ________ job as Sales Manager.
A) opportunity B) occasion C) facility A) responsible B) controlled C) ordered
D) chance E) ability D) dutiful E) careful

3. He visited an ________ castle in an old part of the city. 23. There is a ________ of sugar in Europe at the moment.
A) antique B) ancient C) aged A) want B) need C) requirement
D) elderly E) olden D) omission E) shortage

4. Peter is going _______ for the Job as Manager of the Sales 24. Beethoven is my ________ composer.
Department. A) best B) nicest C) selected
A) to propose B) to present C) to pretend D) favorite E) first
D) to submit E) to apply
25. I am going to watch the tennis ________ on television this afternoon.
5. I don’t think I know him, although his face seems ________. A) contest B) game C) match
A) friendly B) known C) knowing D) sport E) trial
D) familiar E) usual
26. The doctor told him to keep the tablets in his mouth and ________
6. Some people had to escape in boats when the river ______ its banks. them slowly.
A) overthrew B) overflowed C) overcame A) swallow B) suck C) bite
D) overpowered E) overhung D) drink E) eat

7. Is there a telephone ________ anywhere near here, please? 27. I can’t open the drawer in my desk, it’s ________.
A) place B) shop C) box A) fixed B) bolted C) set
D) compartment E) room D) stuck E) unmoved

8. For her wedding the ________ was dressed in white. 28. Old Mr. Pottinger ________ his pension every Friday.
A) bridesmaid B) bride C) bridegroom A) pays B) earns C) draws
D) best man E) wife D) acquires E) obtains

9. Mr. Black ________ to arrive on the 2:30 train. 29. Mr. Higgins is quite sure he saw a flying ________ when he was
A) is anticipated B) is hoped C) is wanted walking home from the pub.
D) is expected E) is proposed A) plate B) saucer C) dish
D) cup E) tray
10. I always ________ asleep as soon as I get into bed.
A) fall B) go C) get 30. Please tell Anne that my private affairs are nothing to ________ her.
D) turn E) make A) do with B) do for C) do over
D) do down E) do in
11. You will have ________ those potatoes before you cook them.
A) to open B) to peel C) to shell 31. Mr. Heppel was flown to London on ________.
D) to skin E) to pare A) affairs B) matters C) business
D) concerns E) interests
12. I don’t like these oranges, they have too many ________.
A) stones B) nuts C) seeds 32. Peter has entered a newspaper ________ for the best-dressed man
D) pips E) buds in London.
A) exhibition B) contest C) show
13. I tried to telephone him last night but his number ________. D) test E) competition
A) was occupied B) was employed C) was engaged
D) was taken E) was used 33. Captain Saunders was accused of ________ at cards.
A) deceiving B) cheating C) tricking
14. Frank got very ________ marks in his history examination. D) trapping E) catching
A) reduced B) unimportant C) secondary
D) imperfect E) low 34. Sam never told his wife how much he ________ as a window cleaner.
A) paid B) obtained C) deserved
15. You will have to ________, Aunt Mary is rather deaf. D) earned E) profited
A) speak up B) call up C) ring up
D) stand up E) sit up 35. In spite of the storm, the Captain ________ the ship safely into port.
A) pushed B) directed C) drove
16. Three people ________ in this lake last June. D) steered E) managed
A) were sunk B) were flooded C) were drowned
D) were downed E) were drained 36. The teacher ________ out the words she had written on the
17. You’ve been working all day. It’s ________ you went home. A) cleaned B) dusted C) rubbed
A) good time B) bad time C) long time D) washed E) scraped
D) short time E) high time
37. Would you mind ________ your radio a little, please?
18. The children walked to the ________ of the cliff and looked down at A) turning in B) turning down C) turning out
the sea below. D) turning over E) turning to
A) rim B) edge C) limit
D) brim E) border 38. I don’t think you can lift that case ________ I help you.
A) since B) without C) not
19. The water in this stream has dried up because of the ________ of D) unless E) with
rain this summer.
A) smallness B) littleness C) loss 39. We are ________ into our new house on Saturday.
D) lack E) shortness A) moving B) proceeding C) entering
D) arriving E) transporting
20. The sun rises in the East and ________ in the West.
A) disappears B) vanishes C) sets 40. Susan was alone in the house when the fire ________.
D) goes E) appears A) broke off B) broke out C) broke in
D) broke up E) broke away

Book 2 Part D 312 Test 10

1. The spade is a gardening ________. 22. The rapid rise in the cost of ________ is worrying many people.
A) instrument B) machine C) tool A) existing B) living C) surviving
D) weapon E) piece D) breathing E) respiring
2. The thieves buried the ________ under an oak-tree. 23. You must look in the ________ section of the newspaper to find out
A) show B) store C) harvest what films are showing.
D) treasure E) stock A) variety B) diversion C) recreation
D) hospitality E) entertainment
3. James is very ________ about the cost of his dental treatment.
A) sorry B) pained C) worried 24. He had a very bad cold and couldn’t stop ________.
D) ashamed E) sorrowful A) snoring B) sneezing C) sighing
D) yawning E) spitting
4. The children had great ________ when they went to the fair.
A) excitement B) enjoyment C) interest 25. Mr. Smith walked along the corridor and came face to ________
D) fun E) joy with his boss.
A) eye B) figure C) face
5. What ________ of toothpaste do you buy?
D) head E) front
A) class B) make C) order
D) style E) mark 26. She ________ going to the dentist although her teeth needed
6. My father began to lose hair when he was thirty and now he is quite
A) put in B) put out C) put through
D) put off E) put away
A) hairless B) beardless C) smooth
D) shiny E) bald 27. It’s very easy to ________ your temper when someone annoys you.
A) mislay B) lose C) miss
7. It is not far to the church if you take the short _______ by Friars Lane.
D) forget E) damage
A) turning B) corner C) cut
D) pass E) slit 28. If the World Population ________ continues, it will be impossible to
feed everybody.
8. His car battery has ________; he’ll have to get it recharged.
A) outbreak B) bang C) blast
A) run off B) run out C) run away
D) explosion E) contraction
D) run down E) run in
29. The brave man was greatly honored when the general said “You
9. Mary looked as pretty as a ________ in her new dress.
________ a medal.”
A) painting B) picture C) postcard
A) earn B) expect C) deserve
D) flower E) engraving
D) reserve E) justify
10. It will do you ________ to have a holiday.
30. I wish to see the manager to ________ about the terrible food in this
A) well B) better C) good
D) fine E) great
A) inquire B) complain C) criticize
11. My mother says she doesn’t like ________ buttons on my shirts. D) revolt E) disapprove
A) attaching B) sewing C) connecting
31. She couldn’t quite remember his name although it was on the
D) fixing E) joining
________ of her tongue.
12. People of all ________ come to Hutton’s Holiday Camp. A) tip B) top C) back
A) years B) limes C) dates D) front E) end
D) ages E) days
32. The soldier took careful aim, then ________ several shots.
13. Have a ________ of coffee; it will make you feel better. A) exploded B) broke C) fired
A) swallow B) sip C) touch D) banged E) bombed
D) chew E) bite
33. It’s very hot in this room; that fire ________ a good heat.
14. She is very intelligent. I ________ her to pass the examination easily. A) gives away B) gives in C) gives out
A) hope B) expect C) wish D) gives up E) gives round
D) desire E) need
34. A woman who has never married is called a ________.
15. They wanted to plan their holidays so they collected some ________ A) widow B) widower C) divorcee
from the travel agency. D) housewife E) spinster
A) books B) volumes C) sheets
35. The criminal didn’t want to be recognized so he ________ himself.
D) papers E) brochures
A) camouflaged B) covered C) concealed
16. We hope to hear from you at your ________. D) disguised E) dressed
A) opportunity B) convenience C) expedience
36. It’s possible to tell the time in the dark if your watch has a _____
D) liberty E) possibility
17. The weather ________ said it would rain again tomorrow. A) light B) bright C) radiant
A) expectancy B) prophecy C) prediction D) luminous E) shining
D) forecast E) horoscope
37. She wasn’t able to buy any of the things she wanted so she returned
18. I’m very thirsty. I would ________ a cup of tea. home ________.
A) desire B) fancy C) wish A) full-handed B) empty-handed C) empty-headed
D) long E) like D) left-handed E) right-handed
19. She couldn’t make up her ________ whether to buy the green skirt 38. He never stops smoking; one cigarette after another. I’m afraid he’s
or the blue one. become a ________ smoker.
A) brain B) heart C) mind A) line B) rope C) chain
D) soul E) head D) fiber E) cord
20. Oh dear, I have a ________ tire. I must put some air in it. 39. When it is raining and the sun is shining at the same time, a ________
A) shallow B) flat C) low can often be seen in the sky.
D) bent E) level A) waterfall B) rainbow C) arc
D) crescent E) curve
21. A good hen ________ six or seven eggs a day.
A) lies B) lays C) puts 40. The man was very ________ as he had injured his leg badly when he
D) places E) reproduces was a boy.
A) blind B) deaf C) dumb
D) lame E) limp

Book 2 Part D 313 Test 11

1. They managed to _____ all their unwanted things at the jumble 20. I wouldn’t like to spend a night alone in that house. It is said to be
sale. ________ by a headless ghost.
A) get rid of B) get even with C) get away with A) obsessed B) tormented C) haunted
D) get over to E) set out of D) infested E) upset
2. There was a terrible storm at sea last night and one of the sailors 21. The girl in the shop was _____ how to use a new kind of electric cooker.
________. A) proving B) establishing C) exposing
A) floated B) drowned C) dived D) demonstrating E) teaching
D) sank E) swam 22. That poor woman’s husband died a few weeks after they were
3. Let’s continue the meeting by discussing the next ________ on the married. It was a real ________.
agenda. A) sorrow B) tragedy C) wrong
A) item B) factor C) passage D) evil E) sadness
D) piece E) bit 23. He didn’t seem to know what was happening at all, he looked
4. I’m paying for my car by monthly ________ as I didn’t have enough completely ________.
money to pay cash. A) doubtful B) bewildered C) undecided
A) deposits B) receipts C) amounts D) defeated E) doomed
D) percentages E) installments 24. The economy of this country is very unstable at the moment. It’s
balanced on a ________ edge.
5. Schubert didn’t finish one of his symphonies so it will always be
A) knife B) sword C) axe
D) saber E) dagger
A) defective B) undeveloped C) incomplete
D) unready E) deficient 25. The little boy was ________ for breaking the window.
A) condemned B) sentenced C) penalized
6. Suddenly I understood perfectly and everything ________ place. D) persecuted E) punished
A) fell down B) fell out C) fell in
D) fell into E) fell for 26. There has been a lot of ____ about the housing shortage in big cities.
A) circulation B) advertising C) publicity
7. The Director of the Company ________ some figures from the report D) communication E) instruction
in front of him.
A) spoke B) said C) told 27. I ________ my car badly when I hit a tree.
D) quoted E) referred A) dented B) hollowed C) depressed
D) impressed E) pitted
8. He was one of the ________ people I’ve ever known; he never
28. He is ________ to both those girls over there. One is his sister and
stopped eating.
the other is his cousin.
A) greediest B) laziest C) proudest
A) allied B) affiliated C) related
D) angriest E) shyest
D) identified E) classified
9. The men ________ the millionaire’s small daughter and demanded
29. When he was left on a desert island, he was able to ________ for a
a large sum of money for her return.
year on fruit and water.
A) eloped B) stole C) removed
A) remain B) continue C) stay
D) kidnapped E) hi-jacked
D) persist E) survive
10. You must be careful what you say to Susan; her feelings are easily
30. If I were you I’d put that meat in the refrigerator or it will ________
in this hot weather.
A) damaged B) injured C) broken
A) go off B) go on C) go over
D) hurt E) cracked
D) go against E) go by
11. You keep ________ the same subject, and I’ve asked you not to
31. To play golf well you must take lessons from a good ________.
mention it again.
A) conductor B) guide C) coach
A) bringing forward B) bringing up C) bringing to
D) trainer E) leader
D) bringing about E) bringing together
32. The Browns had to use all their ________ to buy their new house.
12. That shop down the road always ______ its goods well in the window. A) keepsakes B) savings C) reserves
A) shows B) reveals C) uncovers D) leavings E) remains
D) exposes E) displays
33. When I was staying in Germany last year, I ____ quite a lot of German.
13. Please wipe your feet on the door ________ before you come in. A) picked out B) picked on C) picked up
A) mat B) rug C) carpet D) picked over E) picked upon
D) tile E) blanket
34. What are you cooking in that saucepan? It ________ good.
14. Although most of the children in the class were rather dull, there A) makes B) feels C) sniffs
were one or two ________ ones. D) smells E) flavors
A) light B) bright C) skilful
D) wise E) thoughtful 35. I know Mary has two brothers, but I don’t know which is the ________.
A) elder B) more aged C) more ancient
15. The ________ with Charles is, he doesn’t know his own mind. D) lower E) higher
A) upset B) trouble C) puzzle
D) complication E) inconvenience 36. I hope the Government will ________ the rate of income tax.
A) increase B) decrease C) reduce
16. I hate January when all the ________ start coming in. I never seem D) deduct E) degrade
to have enough money to pay them all.
37. Jane’s school report last term was very ________.
A) receipts B) accounts C) estimates
A) satisfying B) satisfactory C) fulfilling
D) bills E) lists
D) full E) fortunate
17. The workers were ________ in their demand for better conditions.
38. Mary has gone to the baker’s to buy a ________ of bread.
A) united B) combined C) joined
A) piece B) packet C) bit
D) stuck E) attached
D) pound E) loaf
18. The judge ________ the criminal to twenty years in prison.
39. When I was turning out my cupboard I ________ this photograph of
A) condemned B) punished C) disciplined
uncle Harry.
D) inflicted E) sentenced
A) came over B) came round C) came across
19. I want to know the answers to these questions, so I shall have to D) came to E) came into
look at the ________ at the back of the book. 40. Lucy says she bought her new trouser suit in ________.
A) index B) key C) register A) a disposal B) a sale C) a reduction
D) record E) table D) an offering E) a production
Book 2 Part D 314 Test 12
1. When he was questioned by the police, the thief didn’t ________ 21. There is a ________ on the suitcase, but it has no name on it.
the truth. A) paper B) ticket C) sign
A) say B) reply C) answer D) stamp E) label
D) tell E) respond
22. The air hostess told the passengers to ________ their seat belts.
2. When their mother died, the children were _____ by their Aunt A) tie B) attach C) fasten
Mary. D) fix E) set
A) brought in B) brought round C) brought to
23. My sister works at a home for the deaf and ________.
D) brought forward E) brought up
A) mute B) dumb C) silent
3. Don’t touch that wire or you may get an electric ________. D) speechless E) voiceless
A) shock B) current C) attack
24. The price of this TV set is not listed in the ________.
D) feeling E) surprise
A) catalogue B) guidebook C) directory
4. Mr. Brown thinks he knows ________ about football, but he doesn’t. D) record E) schedule
A) anything B) everybody C) everything
25. The police were able to trace the criminal because he left his ________
D) somebody E) nobody
on the door handle.
5. The High Street is so narrow that the Council have decided to A) fingerprints B) finger-nails C) fingertips
________ it. D) ringer ends E) finger-marks
A) increase B) extend C) widen
26. Ann refused to take _______ in the preparations for the school
D) lengthen E) shorten
6. Your brother is very tall. What is his exact ________? A) place B) part C) notice
A) size B) length C) breadth D) leave E) offence
D) measure E) height
27. Any candidate caught ______ in the examination will be disqualified.
7. If Maria comes to England, it will be a good ________ for her to A) deceiving B) deluding C) conjuring
improve her English. D) swindling E) cheating
A) possibility B) opportunity C) advantage
28. The farmer put a ________ in his field to frighten the birds away from
D) probability E) experience
his crops.
8. Please ________ your hand if you want to ask the teacher a question. A) scarecrow B) monster C) demon
A) rise B) pull C) push D) goblin E) corpse
D) lift E) raise
29. He has been making money ______ since he started his new business.
9. ________ 100 if you want to speak to the telephone operator. A) head over heels B) hand over fist C) head to foot
A) Ask B) Hear C) Dial D) ear to ear E) top to toe
D) Describe E) Turn
30. It was so cold my fingers were quite ________.
10. Our school ________ for the summer holidays on 10th July. A) senseless B) numb C) insensible
A) breaks up B) breaks down C) breaks in D) unconscious E) paralyzed
D) breaks off E) breaks through
31. You should take more exercise if you want to keep ________.
11. If you’ve got a ________ of cards, I’ll show you some tricks. A) fit B) fat C) fine
A) packet B) collection C) pack D) fresh E) flat
D) set E) parcel
32. The twins are so alike that I can never ________ the difference
12. This church was ________ by the famous architect Archibald Sparrow. between them.
A) outlined B) designed C) produced A) tell B) say C) decide
D) composed E) made D) make E) find
13. It’s Grandmother’s birthday tomorrow, so don’t forget to wish her 33. I took the doctor’s prescription to the chemist’s to be ____.
many happy ________. A) made out B) made up C) made over
A) returns B) days C) anniversaries D) made into E) made for
D) years E) congratulations
34. My boss has ________ playing golf three afternoons a week.
14. The ________ from the airport was very tiring as we had to drive A) taken over B) taken to C) taken for
through the fog. D) taken out E) taken in
A) travel B) voyage C) flight
35. The Prime Minister made an excellent ______ in the House yesterday.
D) journey E) crossing
A) discourse B) discussion C) lecture
15. If I bought a ticket in the lottery, I might ________ £1000. D) speech E) talk
A) bet B) buy C) sell
36. I have never been on good ________ with my sister-in-law.
D) win E) let
A) responses B) exchanges C) terms
16. John hopes to ________ his examination in September. D) feelings E) affections
A) make B) take C) do
37. The ________ on this tombstone is dated 1742.
D) offer E) present
A) description B) inscription C) recording
17. When you come to London, I can ________ for the night. D) outline E) engraving
A) put you down B) put you off C) put you up
38. Have you had any ________ of John lately?
D) put you right E) put you away
A) enquiries B) news C) details
18. Your new flat ________ me very much of the one we had in D) particulars E) facts
39. Did you notice the ________ on Walter’s face when he heard Hugo
A) remembers B) recalls C) recollects
had been made Manager?
D) receives E) reminds
A) appearance B) description C) expression
19. The deer is one of the shyest ________ animals in existence. D) disposition E) exposition
A) savage B) untamed C) wild
40. Children usually ________ after an illness much more quickly than
D) strange E) free
20. Do open the window; this room seems very ________. A) pick up B) pick over C) pick on
A) moldy B) stuffy C) smoked D) pick out E) pick off
D) rancid E) breathless

Book 2 Part D 315 Test 13

1. I had to sign for this letter because it came in ________ envelope. 21. At the election you must mark your paper, fold it and drop it into
A) a recommended B) a registered C) an endorsed the ________ box.
D) a receipted E) a sealed A) voting B) ballot C) nomination
D) selection E) electoral
2. When I bought this clock I was given a six months’ ________.
A) reservation B) guarantee C) undertaking 22. When you return to your country, don’t forget to ________ with me.
D) safeguard E) security A) keep in hand B) keep time C) keep in touch
D) keep in step E) keep together
3. A ________ for the company said that the question of safety
regulations was being looked into. 23. The corrupt builder wanted to obtain the contract so he offered a
A) speaker B) spokesman C) officer ________ to the civil servant.
D) reporter E) interpreter A) bribe B) bait C) stimulus
D) tip E) bonus
4. During the war there was so little food that it had to be ________.
A) preserved B) regulated C) rationed 24. The tramp was wearing very shabby clothes and looked very _______.
D) retained E) re-distributed A) down at heel B) down to earth C) up to date
D) up and coming E) out of shape
5. Mr Jackson is permanently ________ as the result of a car accident.
A) dislocated B) incapable C) disabled 25. It was very ________ in the cottage with the comfortable armchairs
D) powerless E) inactive by the fire.
A) snug B) gratifying C) easy
6. She ________ all her savings form the bank to pay for her flight to
D) downy E) refreshing
A) drew in B) drew up C) drew along 26. There were some black-faced sheep ________ about the hillside.
D) drew out E) drew off A) thrown B) arranged C) scattered
D) littered E) crumpled
7. Her shopping bag broke, ________ its contents all over the road.
A) dispersing B) dispensing C) scattering 27. The news ________ that prices were going to rise next week.
D) overflowing E) distributing A) got ahead B) got on C) got through
D) got up E) got out
8. When you come to the crossroads, you will see the ________ showing
the way to Middleton. 28. The child ________ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas
A) advertisement B) signal C) signpost tree.
D) announcement E) indicator A) kept B) blew C) sighed
D) held E) gasped
9. The crops in this field have all been ________ with insecticide.
A) sprayed B) washed C) rinsed 29. That man’s wife is terrible; he ________ him all the time, nagging
D) cleaned E) disinfected from morning till night.
A) keeps in with B) keeps up with C) keeps on at
10. I can’t use my hair-drier because I forgot to buy a ________ for it.
D) keeps away E) keeps back from
A) tap B) switch C) socket
D) pin E) plug 30. Don’t leave your things all over the room, ________ up the place.
A) mixing B) cluttering C) filling
11. The baby is very fretful; he must be ________ some teeth.
D) huddling E) breaking
A) making B) cutting C) incising
D) producing E) grinding 31. The philosopher was a great thinker and was often ________ by a
brilliant idea.
12. The attic was thick with ________ as no one had cleared it for years.
A) seized B) grabbed C) grasped
A) rust B) powder C) dust
D) held E) clutched
D) sediment E) soot
32. The trader asked a high price, but I managed to ________.
13. The artist studied in Paris for ________ of roughly five years.
A) beat him off B) beat him up C) beat him down
A) a decade B) an age C) a time
D) beat him back E) beat him in
D) a period E) an interval
33. The woman ________ for her husband’s life when he was found
14. The two young people fell in love at ________.
guilty of murder.
A) first impression B) first sight C) short notice
A) bid B) disputed C) pleaded
D) long distance E) first appearance
D) debated E) sued
15. When you get to the airport, your luggage will have to be ________.
34. Don’t ________ me or I won’t be able to stop laughing.
A) reckoned B) balanced C) scaled
A) pat B) massage C) scratch
D) estimated E) weighed
D) tickle E) stroke
16. If you are interested in becoming a ________ of the club, telephone
35. That pop group are going to make ________ recording next week.
the secretary during office hours.
A) alive B) an alive C) an awake
A) member B) partner C) sharer
D) a living E) a life
D) player E) student
36. Mary ________ her engagement the week before the wedding
17. The first English dictionary was ________ by Dr Johnson.
because she realized she didn’t love her fiance.
A) compiled B) co-ordinated C) collected
A) broke up B) broke out C) broke down
D) composed E) constructed
D) broke off E) broke away
18. When you go out, will you get me ________ of the Farming Gazette?
37. He ________ £5000 in stocks and shares.
A) an edition B) a copy C) a publication
A) inserted B) installed C) invested
D) a paper E) a sheet
D) inducted E) indented
19. I didn’t ________ I was talking to the Manager, until he told me his
38. The new magazine about car maintenance ________ tomorrow.
A) comes down B) comes off C) comes on
A) identify B) distinguish C) recognize
D) comes out E) comes round
D) accept E) realize
39. That couple are well-suited; they live in perfect ________.
20. I just cannot work out the answer to this question; I ________.
A) order B) control C) harmony
A) give off B) give out C) giveaway
D) melody E) duet
D) give into E) give up
40. He is so ________, he is never satisfied with anything.
A) discontented B) disconcerted C) discomforted
D) disconnected E) discredited

Book 2 Part D 316 Test 14

1. Johnny ________ very badly at Mary’s birthday party. 22. John always ________ the 8:30 train to work.
A) conducted B) behaved C) showed A) traps B) captures C) catches
D) operated E) looked D) holds E) attaches

2. Mr. Jones has ________ painting since he retired. 23. We couldn’t eat the meat because it had ________.
A) taken up B) taken off C) taken over A) gone on B) gone out C) gone off
D) taken in E) taken down D) gone in E) gone over

3. How many ________ does Peter learn at school? 24. Susan couldn’t remember what she had to buy for the weekend
A) topics B) themes C) ideas because she had lost her shopping ________.
D) subjects E) objects A) record B) list C) register
D) form E) code
4. It wasn’t my ________ that the plate broke.
A) blame B) mistake C) error 25. Grandmother is always ________ her glasses.
D) fault E) slip A) misusing B) misplacing C) mistaking
D) mislaying E) mishandling
5. Ask Joan if she would give me ________ with the washing-up.
A) a leg B) a hand C) a help 26. I hate to hear a clock ________ when I’m trying to go to sleep.
D) an assistance E) an aid A) clicking B) sounding C) humming
D) ticking E) ringing
6. The Browns ________ anyone who hasn’t much money as they
have. 27. ________ for the job should write to the Personnel Manager.
A) look up to B) look away from C) look down on A) attendants B) entrants C) applicants
D) look out for E) look round at D) contenders E) competitors

7. Part of that electric plug is ________; you ought to tighten it. 28. I don’t think this medicine ________ with me.
A) safe B) loose C) free A) goes B) suits C) agrees
D) disjoined E) unattached D) fits E) accords

8. I’m reading a book about ________ of Shakespeare. 29. All the workers in the firm get a Christmas ________ of £50.
A) the living B) the existence C) the way A) repayment B) prize C) reward
D) the life E) the road D) bonus E) refund

9. Sally ________ a little money every week for her holiday. 30. The notice on the gate said “________ the dog.”
A) puts in B) puts off C) puts by A) take care of B) be careful of C) beware of
D) puts over E) puts upon D) take notice of E) be afraid of

10. My brother has curly hair but mine is quite ________. 31. You ought to be ______ yourself for being so rude to old Mrs. Green.
A) even B) regular C) uneven A) sorry for B) unhappy about C) ashamed of
D) level E) straight D) repenting for E) unfriendly to

11. John always gets very annoyed if he can’t get his own ________. 32. Just as the violinist began to play, one of the ________ on his violin
A) wish B) desire C) will broke.
D) object E) way A) cords B) tapes C) strings
D) wires E) chords
12. It’s no use shouting at grandmother, she’s as deaf as a ________.
A) post B) pin C) pole 33. The little girl woke up screaming because she had had a ________.
D) door E) wall A) daydream B) nightmare C) fantasy
D) vision E) reverie
13. If you leave that butter in the sun, it will ________.
A) thaw B) dissolve C) set 34. Have you any ________ where you left your car keys?
D) harden E) melt A) knowledge B) information C) notion
14. When I peel onions. I can’t stop my eyes ________. D) idea E) thought
A) spilling B) watering C) leaking 35. The magistrate ________ the parents for not exercising proper control
D) dripping E) dropping over the delinquent boy.
15. I’m going home tomorrow so I mustn’t forget to buy some ________. A) blamed B) faulted C) judged
A) memories B) reminders C) recollections D) accused E) exposed
D) souvenirs E) remembrances
36. I’d like to ________ the holiday arrangements once more before we
16. I caught the train by the skin of my ________. leave tomorrow.
A) mouth B) teeth C) lips A) go for B) go over C) go round
D) nose E) cheeks D) go about E) go by

17. Peter doesn’t drink alcohol, he only drinks ________ drinks. 37. Mr. Brown always ________ his letters to his secretary as soon as he
A) squashed B) crushed C) smooth has opened his post.
D) dry E) soft A) answers B) writes C) copies
D) dictates E) replies
18. Whose ________ was it to go for this long, uninteresting walk?
A) thought B) desire C) dream 38. He made a note of the appointment in his ________.
D) purpose E) idea A) journal B) diary C) ledger
D) register E) directory
19. When he was running across the field, he ________ a log.
A) fell down B) fell over C) fell off 39. How ________ is your house from the station?
D) fell into E) fell upon A) long B) distant C) near
20. John put the suitcases in the ________ of the car. D) far E) close
A) shoe B) toe C) boot 40. I have got to get up early tomorrow so I must remember to ________
D) slipper E) foot my alarm clock.
21. The doctor gave me ________ for some medicine. A) time B) set C) fix
A) an order B) a letter C) an instruction D) turn E) point
D) a recipe E) a prescription

Book 2 Part D 317 Test 15

1. The inspector was a very ________ man and rechecked the evidence 20. He doubted if he would pass the examination as it was ________
several times. whether he would even finish the paper.
A) complete B) wholesome C) thoughtful A) wait and see B) hit or miss C) touch and go
D) thorough E) attentive D) this or that E) open to error
2. My friend exercises regularly and is in much better _____ than I am. 21. My aunt used to pretend that she could tell fortunes from tea ______.
A) figure B) size C) shape A) seeds B) buds C) leaves
D) frame E) outline D) leavings E) grounds
3. Mr. Brown kept the ________ round his garden neatly clipped. 22. Mr. Sims has walked with a ________ ever since his car accident six
A) hedge B) fence C) railings years ago.
D) plants E) flowers A) limp B) jog C) trot
D) hop E) jump
4. Tomorrow is a special ________ night for the guitarist who has injured
his hand and can’t play again. 23. Oh, dear, my pen has ________; can you lend me yours?
A) benefit B) welfare C) merit A) run off B) run down C) run out
D) charity E) goodwill D) run in E) run up

5. Mr. Jones was always interfering and poking his nose into everyone’s 24. Would it be possible to have these photographs ________?
________. A) expanded B) enlarged C) extended
A) situation B) job C) work D) inflated E) stretched
D) business E) life 25. Don’t forget to ________ your luggage clearly in case It gets mislaid
6. I can’t ________ the sound of a knife scraping on a plate. in transit.
A) bear B) support C) sustain A) print B) name C) sign
D) suffer E) forbear D) identify E) label
26. The ________ of living has risen by 10% in the last three months.
7. I’m sure they couldn’t have arranged it; they must have met
A) price B) expense C) cost
D) rate E) expenditure
A) at random B) by chance C) with luck
D) by fate E) by design 27. Marie often buys clothes at that ________ stall in the market.
A) second-class B) second-best C) second-hand
8. If you want to know how to wash that sweater, look at the ________ D) second string E) second chance
inside the collar.
A) badge B) ticket C) notice 28. Don’t eat those berries in case they are ________.
D) sign E) tab A) poisonous B) venomous C) infectious
D) emetic E) contagious
9. Oh dear. I don’t seem to have my bag, I must have ________ it in
the Post Office. 29. I’ve got such a _____ throat I’m sure I must be going to have a cold.
A) missed B) overlooked C) forgotten A) hurt B) sensitive C) irritable
D) left E) misplaced D) sour E) sore

10. He had injured his arm badly and had to keep it in a ________ for 30. You can take a short ________ through the woods to the station.
several weeks. A) lane B) road C) highway
A) cradle B) swing C) sling D) cut E) alley
D) litter E) stretcher 31. I’m afraid it will be a long time before we get to the ________ of this
11. Peter’s car ________ in the country so he had to walk lo the nearest unpleasant affair.
village for help. A) base B) bottom C) foundation
A) broke up B) broke down C) broke away D) foot E) basis
D) broke off E) broke open 32. John has just passed his driving test, so now he’s on the ________
for a cheap car.
12. She tied a scarf round her head to ________ her hair from the rain.
A) outlook B) pursuit C) lookout
A) cover B) hide C) keep
D) discovery E) track
D) shelter E) protect
33. At the beginning of the war every man under thirty was ________ to
13. The telephone operator said she would put the caller ________ when serve in the armed forces.
the line was free. A) called in B) called up C) called for
A) through B) up C) in D) called out E) called over
D) forward E) over
34. The sight of so much ice cream made the children’s mouths ________.
14. When I’ve passed my driving test I’ll be able to get a permanent A) drip B) ooze C) wet
driving ________. D) moisten E) water
A) certificate B) license C) permit
D) voucher E) warrant 35. I’m not ________ but I never walk under a ladder if I can help it.
A) credulous B) simple C) supernatural
15. The train doesn’t leave for an hour yet. What shall we do to ________? D) superstitious E) ignorant
A) mark time B) waste time C) spend time
D) keep time E) kill time 36. According to Charles Darwin, man is ________ from the apes.
A) originated B) entailed C) revolved
16. Most people think they pay too much ______ tax to the Government. D) descended E) elevated
A) income B) salary C) wages
D) earnings E) money 37. The lighted candles on the altar ________ in the draught from the
open window.
17. The post ________ hadn’t arrived by ten o’clock. A) fluttered B) wavered C) trembled
A) yet B) already C) still D) flickered E) shivered
D) nevertheless E) even
38. I am going to celebrate my wedding ________ on the 10th December.
18. I ________ that you ought to apologize. A) birthday B) name day C) anniversary
A) desire B) wish C) want D) year E) occasion
D) hope E) think 39. When the volcano ________, several villages had to be evacuated.
19. I’ve booked two seats in the front ________ for tomorrow’s concert. A) exploded B) erupted C) emitted
A) line B) row C) rank D) overflowed E) overran
D) file E) strip 40. All the crops on that farm have been ________ with insecticide.
A) covered B) spread C) dispersed
D) sprayed E) overlaid
Book 2 Part D 318 Test 16

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