Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons From Latin American Clusters

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World Development Vol. 33, No. 4, pp.

549–573, 2005
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
www.elsevier.com/locate/worlddev 0305-750X/$ - see front matter

Upgrading in Global Value Chains:

Lessons from Latin American Clusters
University of Sussex, UK

University of Rome III, Italy


University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Summary. — It has been shown that clustering helps local enterprises in industrial districts over-
come growth constraints and compete in distant markets in advanced and less developed countries.
Nevertheless, recent contributions have stressed that more attention needs to be paid to external
linkages and to the role played by global buyers to foster upgrading at cluster levels. In this study,
we contribute to this debate focusing on the analysis of the relationships existing between cluster-
ing, global value chains, upgrading, and sectoral patterns of innovation in Latin America. We find
that sectoral specificities matter and influence the mode and the extent of upgrading in clusters inte-
grated in global value chains.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — Latin America, small enterprise, industrial policy, clusters, global value chain, in-

* This paper draws on the empirical findings of a project Ner Artola, Jose Cassiolato, Domenico Cersosimo,
on ‘‘Clusters, Value Chains, and Competitiveness,’’ Raquel Gomes, Helena Lastres, Claudio Maggi, Davide
carried out for AGORA’2000, Italy, on behalf of the Parrilli, Clemente Ruiz Duran, Gianfranco Viesti, Arl-
Micro and SME Division, Department of Sustainable indo Villaschi, and Eduardo Zepeda, who were part of
Development (SDS/MSM) of the Inter American Devel- the international team of research. Drafts of the paper
opment Bank (IDB), and directed by Pietrobelli and were presented at Conferences at the Universities of
Rabellotti. The paper reflects the opinions of the au- Modena, Novara, and Bocconi in Italy, the Univer-
thors who bear full responsibility for errors and omis- sidade Federal de Espirito Santo, in Victoria, Brazil,
sions. The authors wish to thank Manuel Albaladejo, and the Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento in
Pablo Angelelli, Alessandro Bolondi, Claudio Cortellese, Buenos Aires; at the IDB in Washington, DC, and
Juan José Llisterri, Carlos Guaipatin, Chris Freeman, Buenos Aires; at IBERPYME in Guadalajara; at an
Sanjaya Lall, Carlo Manfredi, Jorg Meyer-Stamer, Rajah ECLAC-UAM workshop in the DF, Mexico; and at
Rasiah, Fréderic Richard, Andrés Rodrı́guez-Clare, DTI in Pretoria, South Africa. Financing from the IDB
Giovanni Stumpo, and four anonymous referees, who and the Italian Ministry of Economy is gratefully ack-
provided comments and support at various stages of nowledged. Andrew Martin Garvey patiently revised our
the study. We are also grateful to Alessia Amighini, paper. Final revision accepted: September 30, 2004.


1. INTRODUCTION & Rabellotti, 2004). Both forms of organization

offer opportunities to foster competitiveness via
The aim of this paper is to explore how learning and upgrading. However, they also
small- and medium-sized Latin American have remarkable drawbacks, as, for instance,
enterprises (SMEs) may participate in global upgrading may be limited in some forms of
markets in a way that provides for sustainable value chains, and clusters with little developed
growth. This may be defined as the ‘‘high external economies and joint actions may have
road’’ to competitiveness, contrasting with no influence on competitiveness.
the ‘‘low road,’’ typical of firms from develop- Moreover, both strands of literature were
ing countries, which often compete by squeez- conceived and developed to overcome the sec-
ing wages and profit margins rather than by toral dimension in the analysis of industrial
improving productivity, wages, and profits. organization and dynamism. On the one hand,
The key difference between the high and the studies on clusters, focusing on agglomerations
low road to competitiveness is often explained of firms specializing in different stages of the fil-
by the different capabilities of firms to ‘‘up- iére, moved beyond the traditional units of
grade.’’ In this paper, upgrading refers to the analysis of industrial economics: the firm and
capacity of a firm to innovate to increase the the sector. On the other hand, according to
value added of its products and processes the value chain literature, firms from different
(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002a; Kaplinsky & sectors may all participate in the same value
Readman, 2001; Porter, 1990). chain (Gereffi, 1994). Nevertheless, SMEs lo-
Capitalizing on one of the most productive cated in clusters and involved in value chains,
areas of the recent literature on SMEs, we re- may undertake a process of upgrading in order
strict our field of research to small enterprises to increase and improve their participation in
located in clusters. There is now a wealth of the global economy, especially as the industrial
empirical evidence (Humphrey, 1995; Nadvi & sector plays a role and affects the upgrading
Schmitz, 1999; Rabellotti, 1997) showing that prospects of SMEs.
small firms in clusters, both in developed and The contribution this paper makes is by tak-
developing countries, are able to overcome ing into account all of these dimensions to-
some of the major constraints they usually face: gether. Thus, within this general theoretical
lack of specialized skills, difficult access to tech- background, this study aims to investigate the
nology, inputs, market, information, credit, hypothesis that enterprise upgrading is simulta-
and external services. neously affected by firm-specific efforts and ac-
Nevertheless, the literature on clusters, tions, and by the environment in which firms
mainly focused on the local sources of compet- operate. The latter is crucially shaped by three
itiveness coming from intracluster vertical and characteristics: (i) the collective efficiency of
horizontal relationships generating ‘‘collective the cluster in which SMEs operate, (ii) the pat-
efficiency’’ (Schmitz, 1995), has often neglected tern of governance of the value chain in which
the increasing importance of external linkages. SMEs participate, and (iii) the peculiar features
Due to recent changes in production systems, that characterize learning and innovation pat-
distribution channels, and financial markets, terns in specific sectors.
and to the spread of information technologies, The structure of the paper is the following: in
enterprises and clusters are increasingly inte- Section 2, we briefly review the concepts of
grated in value chains that often operate across clustering and value chains, and focus on their
many different countries. The literature on glo- overlaps and complementarities. Section 3 first
bal value chains (GVCs) (Gereffi, 1999; Gereffi discusses the notion of SMEs’ upgrading and
& Kaplinsky, 2001) calls attention to the then introduces a categorization of groups of
opportunities for local producers to learn from sectors, based on the notions underlying the
the global leaders of the chains that may be Pavitt taxonomy, and applied to the present
buyers or producers. The internal governance economic reality of Latin America. Section 4
of the value chain has an important effect on reports the original empirical evidence on a
the scope of local firms’ upgrading (Humphrey large sample of Latin American clusters, and
& Schmitz, 2000). shows that the sectoral dimension matters to
Indeed, extensive evidence on Latin America explain why clustering and participating in glo-
reveals that both the local and the global bal value chains offer different opportunities for
dimensions matter, and firms often participate upgrading in different groups of sectors. Sec-
in clusters as well as in value chains (Pietrobelli tion 5 summarizes and concludes.

2. CLUSTERS AND VALUE CHAINS role of intracluster vertical and horizontal rela-
tionships generating collective efficiency.
During the last two decades, the successful However, recent changes in production sys-
performance of industrial districts in the devel- tems, distribution channels and financial mar-
oped world, particularly in Italy, has stimulated kets, accelerated by the globalization of
new attention to the potential offered by this product markets and the spread of information
form of industrial organization for firms of technologies, suggest that more attention needs
developing countries. The capability of clus- to be paid to external linkages. 6 Gereffi’s glo-
tered firms to be economically viable and grow bal value chain approach (Gereffi, 1999) helps
has attracted a great deal of interest in develop- us to take into account activities taking place
ment studies. 1 outside the cluster and, in particular, to under-
In developing countries, the sectoral and stand the strategic role of the relationships with
geographical concentration of SMEs is rather key external actors.
common, and a wide range of cases has since From an analytical point of view, the value
been reported. 2 Obviously, the existence of a chain perspective is useful because (Kaplinsky,
critical mass of specialized and agglomerated 2001; Wood, 2001) the focus moves from man-
activities, in a number of cases with histori- ufacturing only to the other activities involved
cally strong roots, does not necessarily imply in the supply of goods and services, including
that these clusters share all the stylized facts distribution and marketing. All these activities
which identify the Marshall type of district, contribute to add value. Moreover, the ability
as firstly defined by Becattini (1987). 3 None- to identify the activities providing higher re-
theless, clustering may be considered as a turns along the value chain is key to under-
major facilitating factor for a number of subse- standing the global appropriation of the
quent developments (which may or may not returns to production.
occur): division and specialization of labor, Value chain research focuses on the nature of
the emergence of a wide network of suppliers, the relationships among the various actors in-
the appearance of agents who sell to distant volved in the chain, and on their implications
national and international markets, the emer- for development (Humphrey & Schmitz,
gence of specialized producer services, the 2002b). To study these relationships, the con-
materialization of a pool of specialized and cept of ‘‘governance’’ is central to the analysis.
skilled workers, and the formation of business At any point in the chain, some degree of
associations. governance or coordination is required in order
To capture the positive impacts of these fac- to take decisions not only on ‘‘what’’ should be,
tors on the competitiveness of firms located in or ‘‘how’’ something should be, produced but
clusters, Schmitz (1995) introduced the concept sometimes also ‘‘when,’’ ‘‘how much,’’ and
of ‘‘collective efficiency’’ (CE) defined as the even ‘‘at what price.’’ Coordination may occur
competitive advantage derived from local exter- through arm’s-length market relations or non-
nal economies and joint action. The concept market relationships. In the latter case, follow-
of external economies 4 was first introduced ing Humphrey and Schmitz (2000), we
by Marshall in his Principles of Economics distinguish three possible types of governance:
(1920). According to Schmitz (1999a), inciden- (a) network implying cooperation between firms
tal external economies (EE) are of importance of more or less equal power which share their
in explaining the competitiveness of industrial competencies within the chain; (b) quasi-hierar-
clusters, but there is also a deliberate force at chy involving relationships between legally
work: consciously pursued joint action (JA). independent firms in which one is subordinated
Such joint action can be within vertical or hor- to the other, with a leader in the chain defining
izontal linkages. 5 the rules to which the rest of the actors have to
The combination of both incidental external comply; and (c) hierarchy when a firm is owned
economies and the effects of active cooperation by an external firm.
defines the degree of collective efficiency of a Also stressed is the role played by GVC lead-
cluster and, dynamically, its potential for fos- ers, particularly by the buyers, in transferring
tering SMEs’ upgrading. Both dimensions are knowledge along the chains. For small firms
crucial: Only incidental, passive external econo- in less developed countries (LDCs), participa-
mies may not suffice without joint actions, and tion in value chains is a way to obtain informa-
the latter hardly develop in the absence of tion on the need and mode to gain access to
external economies. Thus, our focus is on the global markets. Yet, although this information

has high value for local SMEs, the role played used in studies on competitiveness (Kaplinsky,
by the leaders of GVCs in fostering and sup- 2001; Porter, 1990), and is relevant here.
porting the SMEs’ upgrading process is less Following this approach, upgrading is deci-
clear. Gereffi (1999), mainly focusing on East sively related to innovation. Here we define
Asia, assumes a rather optimistic view, empha- upgrading as innovating to increase value
sizing the role of the leaders that almost auto- added. 7 Enterprises achieve this in various
matically promote process, product, and ways, such as, for example, by entering higher
functional upgrading among small local pro- unit value market niches or new sectors, or by
ducers. Pietrobelli and Rabellotti (2004) present undertaking new productive (or service) func-
a more differentiated picture for Latin America. tions. The concept of upgrading may be effec-
In line with the present approach, Humphrey tively described for enterprises working within
and Schmitz (2000) discuss the prospects of a value chain, where four types of upgrading
upgrading with respect to the pattern of value are singled out (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2000):
chain governance. They conclude that insertion —Process upgrading is transforming inputs
in a quasi-hierarchical chain offers very favor- into outputs more efficiently by reorganizing
able conditions for process and product the production system or introducing supe-
upgrading, but hinders functional upgrading. rior technology (e.g., footwear producers in
Networks offer ideal upgrading conditions, the Sinos Valley; Schmitz, 1999b).
but they are the least likely to occur for devel- —Product upgrading is moving into more
oping country producers. In addition, a more sophisticated product lines in terms of
dynamic approach suggests that chain gover- increased unit values (e.g., the apparel com-
nance is not given forever and may change be- modity chain in Asia upgrading from dis-
cause (Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b): (a) power count chains to department stores; Gereffi,
relationships may evolve when existing produc- 1999).
ers, or their spinoffs, acquire new capabilities; —Functional upgrading is acquiring new,
(b) establishing and maintaining quasi-hierar- superior functions in the chain, such as
chical governance is costly for the lead firm design or marketing or abandoning existing
and leads to inflexibility because of transaction low-value added functions to focus on
specific investments; and (c) firms and clusters higher value added activities (e.g., Torreon’s
often do not operate only in one chain but blue jeans industry upgrading from maquila
simultaneously in several types of chains, and to ‘‘full-package’’ manufacturing; Bair &
they may apply competencies learned in one Gereffi, 2001).
chain to supply other chains. —Intersectoral upgrading is applying the
In sum, both modes of organizing produc- competence acquired in a particular function
tion, that is, the cluster and the value chain, of- to move into a new sector. For instance, in
fer interesting opportunities for the upgrading Taiwan, competence in producing TVs was
and modernization of local firms, and are not used to make monitors and then to move
mutually exclusive alternatives. However, in or- into the computer sector (Guerrieri & Pie-
der to assess their potential contribution to lo- trobelli, 2004; Humphrey & Schmitz,
cal SMEs’ innovation and upgrading, we need 2002b). In sum, upgrading within a value
to understand their organization of interfirm chain implies going up on the value ladder,
linkages and their internal governance. Fur- moving away from activities in which com-
thermore, as we explain in the following sec- petition is of the ‘‘low road’’ type and entry
tion, the nature of their dominant barriers are low.
specialization also plays a role and affects Our focus on upgrading requires moving a step
SMEs’ upgrading prospects. forward and away from Ricardo’s static con-
cept of ‘‘Comparative Advantage’’ (CA). While
CA registers ex-post gaps in relative productiv-
3. THE SECTORAL DIMENSION OF ity which determine international trade flows,
SMEs’ UPGRADING success in firm-level upgrading enables the dy-
namic acquisition of competitiveness in new
(a) The concept of upgrading market niches, sectors or phases of the produc-
tive chain (Lall, 2001; Pietrobelli, 1997). In
The concept of upgrading—making better sum, the logic goes from innovation, to upgrad-
products, making them more efficiently, or mov- ing, to the acquisition of firm-level competitive-
ing into more skilled activities—has often been ness (i.e., competitive advantage). 8

In this paper, we argue that the concept of is often overlooked in studies on clusters, per-
competitive advantage increasingly matters. In haps due to the fact that most of these studies
the theory of comparative advantage, what mat- are not comparative but rather detailed intrain-
ters is relative productivity, determining differ- dustry case studies.
ent patterns of interindustry specialization. In order to take into account such a sectoral
Within such a theoretical approach, with per- dimension, and the effect this may have on the
fectly competitive markets, firms need to target firms’ pattern of innovation and learning, we
only production efficiency. In fact, this is not need to introduce the concept of ‘‘tacit knowl-
enough, and competitive advantage is the rele- edge.’’ This notion was first introduced by Pola-
vant concept to analyze SMEs’ performance nyi (1967) and then discussed in the context of
because of (i) the existence of forms of imper- evolutionary economics by Nelson and Winter
fect competition in domestic and international (1982). It refers to the evidence that some as-
markets and (ii) the presence of different de- pects of technological knowledge are well artic-
grees of (dynamic) externalities in different sub- ulated, written down in manuals and papers,
sectors and stages of the value chain. and taught. Others are largely tacit, mainly
More specifically, in nonperfectly competitive learned through practice and practical exam-
market rents and niches of ‘‘extra-normal’’ ples. In essence, this is knowledge which can
profits often emerge, and this explains the ef- be freely used by its owners, but that cannot
forts to enter selectively specific segments be easily expressed and communicated to any-
rather than simply focusing on efficiency one else.
improvements, regardless of the prevailing pro- The tacit component of technological knowl-
ductive specialization (as advocated by the the- edge makes its transfer and application costly
ory of CA). Moreover, different stages in the and difficult. As a result, the mastery of a tech-
value chain offer different scope for dynamic nology may require an organization to be active
externalities. Thus, for example, in traditional in the earlier stages of its development, and a
manufacturing, the stages of design, product close and continuous interaction between the
innovation, marketing, and distribution may user and the producer—or transfer—of such
all foster competitiveness increases in related knowledge. Interfirm relationships are espe-
activities and sectors. The advantage of func- cially needed in this context. Tacit knowledge
tional upgrading is in reducing the fragility is an essential dimension to define a useful
and vulnerability of an enterprise’s productive grouping of economic activities.
specialization. Competition from new en-
trants—i.e., firms from developing countries (b) Sectoral specificities in upgrading
with lower production costs, crowding out and innovation: a classification for
incumbents—is stronger in the manufacturing Latin American countries
phases of the value chain than in other more
knowledge and organization-intensive phases The impact of collective efficiency and pat-
(e.g., product design and innovation, chain terns of governance on the capacity of SMEs
management, distribution and retail, etc.). to upgrade may differ across sectors. This claim
Therefore, functional upgrading may bring is based upon the consideration that sectoral
about more enduring and solid competitive- groups differ in terms of technological complex-
ness. ity and in the modes and sources of innovation
For all these reasons, the concept of produc- and upgrading. 9 As shown by innovation stud-
tion efficiency is encompassed within the broader ies, in some sectors, vertical relations with sup-
concept of competitiveness, and the efforts to pliers of inputs may be particularly important
upgrade functionally and intersectorally (and sources of product and process upgrading (as
the policies to support these processes) are jus- in the case of textiles and the most traditional
tified to reap larger rents and externalities manufacturing), while in other sectors, technol-
emerging in specific stages of the value chain, ogy users, organizations such as universities or
market niches, or sectors. the firms themselves (as, for example, with soft-
An additional element that crucially affects ware or agroindustrial products) may provide
the upgrading prospects of firms and clusters major stimuli for technical change (Pavitt,
is the sectoral dimension. Insofar as we have de- 1984; Von Hippel, 1987).
fined upgrading as innovating to increase value Consistently with this approach, the proper-
added, then all the factors influencing innova- ties of firm knowledge bases across different
tion acquire a new relevance. This dimension sectors (Malerba & Orsenigo, 1993) 10 may

affect the strategic relevance of collective effi- based sectors and has weakened its position in
ciency for the processes of upgrading in clus- more engineering intensive industries (Katz,
ters. Thus, for example, in traditional 2001), reflecting its rich endowment of natural
manufacturing sectors, technology has impor- resources, relatively more than human and
tant tacit and idiosyncratic elements, and there- technical resources (Wood & Berge, 1997).
fore, upgrading strongly depends on the Hence, we retain Pavitt’s key notions and iden-
intensity of technological externalities and tify four main sectoral groups for Latin Amer-
cooperation among local actors (e.g., firms, re- ica on the basis of the way learning and
search centers, and technology and quality dif- upgrading occur, and on the related industrial
fusion centers), in other words, upgrading organization that most frequently prevails. 13
depends on the degree of collective efficiency. The categories are as follows:
While in other groups (e.g., complex products 1. Traditional manufacturing, mainly labor-
or large natural resource-based firms) technol- intensive and ‘‘traditional’’ technology
ogy is more codified and the access to external industries such as textiles, footwear, tiles,
sources of knowledge such as transnational cor- and furniture;
porations (TNCs), or research laboratories lo- 2. Natural resource-based sectors (NR-
cated in developed countries become more based), implying the direct exploitation of
critical for upgrading. natural resources, for example, copper, mar-
Furthermore, the differences across sectoral ble, fruit, etc.;
groups raise questions on the role of global 3. Complex products industries (COPs),
buyers in fostering (or hindering) the upgrading including, among others, automobiles, auto-
in different clusters. Thus, for example, global components and aircraft industries, ICT and
buyers may be more involved and interested consumer electronics;
in their providers’ upgrading if the technology 4. Specialized suppliers, in our LA cases,
required is mainly tacit and requires intense essentially software.
interaction. Moreover, in traditional manufac- Each of these categories tends to have a pre-
turing industries, characterized by a low degree dominant learning and innovating behavior,
of technological complexity, firms are likely to in terms of main sources of technical change,
be included in GVCs even if they have very dependence on basic or applied research, modes
low technological capabilities. Therefore, tight of in-house innovation (e.g., ‘‘routinized’’ ver-
supervision and direct support become neces- sus large R&D laboratories), tacitness or codi-
sary conditions for global buyers who rely on fied nature of knowledge, scale and relevance of
the competencies of their local suppliers and R&D activity, and appropriability of innova-
want to reduce the risk of noncompliance tion (Table 1).
(Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b). The situation Traditional manufacturing and resource-based
is at the opposite extreme in the case of com- sectors are by far the most present in Latin
plex products, where technology is often thor- America, and therefore especially relevant to
oughly codified and the technological our present aims of assessing SMEs’ potential
complexity requires that firms have already for upgrading within clusters and value chains.
internal technological capabilities to be subcon- Traditional manufacturing is defined as sup-
tracted, otherwise large buyers would not con- plier dominated, because major process innova-
tract them at all. tions are introduced by producers of inputs
In order to take into account the above-men- (e.g., machinery, materials, etc.). Indeed, firms
tioned hypotheses, we develop a sectoral classi- have room to upgrade their products (and pro-
fication, adapting existing taxonomies to the cesses) by developing or imitating new prod-
Latin American case. 11 On the basis of Pavitt’s ucts’ designs, often interacting with large
seminal work (1984), we consider that in Latin buyers that increasingly play a role in shaping
America, in-house R&D activities are very low the design of final products and hence the spec-
both in domestic and foreign firms (Archibugi ificities of the process of production (times,
& Pietrobelli, 2003), domestic intersectoral quality standards, and costs).
linkages have been displaced by trade liberal- Natural resource-based sectors crucially rely
ization (Cimoli & Katz, 2002), and university– on the advancement of basic and applied sci-
industry linkages appear to be still relatively ence, which, due to low appropriability condi-
weak (Arocena & Sutz, 2001). 12 Furthermore, tions, is most often undertaken by public
in the past 10 years, Latin America has deep- research institutes, possibly in connection with
ened its productive specialization in resource- producers (farmers, breeders, etc.). 14 In these

Table 1. Patterns of learning and innovation in different sectoral groups in LA

Groups Industries Learning patterns Description
1. Traditional Textiles and Mainly supplier —Most new techniques originate from machinery
manufacturing apparel, driven and chemical industries
footwear, —Opportunity for technological accumulation are
furniture, tiles focused on improvements and modifications in
production methods and associated inputs, and on
product design
—Most technology is transferred internationally,
embodied in capital goods
—Low appropriability, low entry barriers
2. Natural Sugar, tobacco, Supplier driven, —Importance of basic and applied research led by
resource- wine, fruit, milk, science based public research institutes due to low appropriability
based mining industry of knowledge
—Innovation is also spurred by suppliers (machinery,
seeds, chemicals, etc.)
—Increasing importance of international sanitary and
quality standards, and of patents
—Low appropriability of knowledge, but high for
input suppliers
3. Complex Automobile and Scale intensive —Technological accumulation is generated by the
products auto components, firms design, building and operation of complex production
aircraft, consumer systems or products
electronics —In-house R&D is critical for innovation
—Process and Product technologies develop
—In consumer electronics, technological accumu-
lation emerges mainly from corporate R&D
laboratories and university skills
—Appropriability is medium, high entry barriers
4. Specialized Software Specialized —Important user-producer interactions. Learning
suppliers suppliers from advanced users
—Low barriers to entry and low appropriability
—High in-house R&D for development of edge
Source: Adapted from Pavitt (1984), Bell and Pavitt (1993), and Malerba (2000).

sectors, applied research is mainly carried out product sectors (Bell & Pavitt, 1993), where
by input suppliers (i.e., chemicals, machinery, the process of technical change is realized within
etc.) which achieve economies of scale and an architectural set (Henderson & Clark, 1990),
appropriate the results of their research and it is often incremental and modular.
through patents. Among the Specialized Suppliers, we only
Complex products are defined as ‘‘high cost, consider software, which is typically client dri-
engineering-intensive products, subsystems, or ven. This is an especially promising sector for
constructs supplied by a unit of production’’ developing countries’ SMEs, due to the low
(Hobday, 1998), 15 where the local network is transport and physical capital costs and the
normally anchored to one ‘‘assembler,’’ which high information intensity of the sector, which
operates as a leading firm characterized by high moderates the importance of proximity to final
design and technological capabilities. To our markets and extends the scope for a deeper
aims, the relationships of local suppliers with international division of labor. Moreover, the
these ‘‘anchors’’ may be crucial to foster (or disintegration of some productive cycles, such
hinder) firms’ upgrading through technology as for example of telecommunications, opens
and skill transfers (or the lack of them). up new market niches with low entry barriers
Scale-intensive firms typically lead complex (Torrisi, 2003). However, at the same time,

the proximity of the market and of clients may lyzed: the degree of collective efficiency and lev-
crucially improve the development of design els of upgrading. Cluster studies have also been
capabilities and thereby foster product/process categorized according to the governance pat-
upgrading. Thus, powerful pressures for clus- tern of the value chain to which they are con-
tering and globalization coexist in this sector. nected.
The different learning patterns across these To quantify the degree of collective efficiency,
four groups of activities are expected to affect a careful evaluation of CE main components—
the process of upgrading of clusters in value external economies and joint action—has been
chains. This paper also aims at analyzing with carried out. Hence, a value ranging from absent
original empirical evidence whether—and (0) to high (3) was attributed to the following
how—the sectoral dimension influences this components: specialized labor market, local
process in Latin America. availability of inputs, easy access to informa-
tion, and market access for external economies;
backward and forward vertical linkages, hori-
4. METHODOLOGY: COLLECTION zontal bilateral and multilateral linkages for
AND ANALYSIS OF DATA joint action. 19 The same was done with refer-
ence to product, process, functional, and inter-
This study is based on the collection of origi- sectoral upgrading: a value ranging from absent
nal data from 12 clusters in Latin America that (0) to high (3) was attributed to each of these
have not hitherto been investigated, and on an types of upgrading. The values were determined
extensive review of cluster studies available. during either the original field studies, or, in the
The empirical analysis was carried out from cases reviewed from the context and from the
September 2002 to June 2003 with the support specific wording of papers. Finally, we identi-
of the InterAmerican Development Bank. An fied the number and mode of governance (mar-
international team of 12 experts in Italy and ket, network, quasi-hierarchy, and hierarchy)
in four LA countries collected and reviewed of the value chains into which the clusters feed.
the empirical data. Whenever the evidence was derived from
Desk and field studies were undertaken fol- other published sources, we carefully analyzed
lowing the same methodology, which involved the wording of each paper with the collabo-
field interviews with local firms, institutions, ration of the team of experts, and tried to
and observers, interviews with foreign buyers minimize the occurrence of bias and misinter-
and TNCs involved in the local cluster, and sec- pretations complementing and crossreferencing
ondary sources such as publications and re- information in all possible ways, and testing it
ports. 16 Case studies were selected which with interviews with key informants and local
fulfilled the following conditions: (1) agglomer- experts. Nevertheless, as with any study of this
ation: all cases show some degree of geograph- kind, there may be potential problems on the
ical SME clustering; 17 (2) upgrading: the accuracy of the results, which will therefore call
clusters selected have experienced some degree for cautious interpretations.
of upgrading, of whatever nature (i.e., product, The empirical analysis is inevitably affected
process, functional, intersectoral); and (3) pol- by some limitations, due to the lack of reliable
icy lessons: all cases offer relevant policy lessons data: even when updated firm-level statistics are
for future experiences either in terms of suc- available, which seldom happens in developing
cesses or failures. countries, they are usually available at the na-
A total of 40 case studies were selected for tional or local level, but they are never gathered
this analysis. 18 The list of cases, albeit incom- at the cluster level nor do they take into ac-
plete, is—to our knowledge—the largest avail- count the relationships within the same value
able on which comparative exercises have chain. Therefore, the empirical analysis has to
been carried out, and provides a good approx- rely on the available quantitative evidence com-
imation to the reality of clusters and value plemented by careful qualitative assessments.
chains in LA. Thus, although it cannot claim Given its qualitative content, the aim of this
to correspond to the universe of clusters in study is not to identify causal relationships
the region, it represents a database that allows but rather to explore the hypotheses presented
reasonable generalizations. above with rich, newly gathered empirical evi-
The analysis consists of a systematic attempt dence on Latin American clustered SMEs.
to quantify on Likert scales, for each of the The next section presents a synthesis of the
clusters investigated, the dimensions to be ana- main results. Fuller details and analyses of

additional complementary issues are addressed tal joint actions. Moreover, the lack of a strong
in a longer study, where summarized descrip- industrial tradition before the inception of the
tions of the case studies undertaken in the pro- cluster that was generated by the explicit, inten-
ject are included (Pietrobelli & Rabellotti, tional action of the leading firm further
2004). hindered the buildup of joint actions and col-
lective efficiency. Very similar results are also
reported in the Torreón blue jeans cluster,
5. SECTORAL PATTERNS where the only significant external economy is
OF UPGRADING: the creation of a specialized local labor market
EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE while joint action at the horizontal level is al-
most inexistent, due to a generalized distrust
(a) Collective efficiency and sectors among firms and the absence of an institutional
environment conducive to cluster growth (Bair
The empirical evidence suggests that the de- & Gereffi, 2001).
gree of collective efficiency attained in the clus- The level of CE appears especially weak also
ters analyzed vary across the four sectoral in COPs clusters, such as the electronics and
groups (Table 2). More specifically, it reaches automotive industries. This probably reflects
higher levels in NR-based and software clusters. their intrinsic logic of operation and history,
Instead, clusters in COPs record lower levels of as in most cases they were created following
collective efficiency, especially due to the very the initiative of a large TNC (a leader, or an
few joint actions undertaken. All clusters share assembler) searching for local providers, often
the advantages of a local labor market, being indirectly through the working of the first-tier
a byproduct of geographical clustering. Inputs suppliers, following the leader. In such circum-
are also locally sourced, except for COPs, where stances, joint cooperative actions often prove
the logic of global sourcing prevails. especially difficult.
In traditional manufacturing, clusters show a The number and variety of joint actions
medium degree of collective efficiency with the through collective institutions is surprisingly
two footwear clusters of Sinos Valley and higher for specialized suppliers (software) clus-
Leon clearly ahead of the others. In very few ters. Intense joint action is explained by diffused
clusters, among them Chipilo and Torreón in specific policies at the local level, high human
Mexico (Bair & Gereffi, 2001; Zepeda, 2003), capital intensity, strong personal relationships
the degree of collective efficiency can be de- linking small entrepreneurs, sometimes devel-
fined as low. oped in Universities, and deep relationships
In Chipilo, for example, the lack of collective with institutions of research and higher educa-
efficiency may be explained by a combination tion. Similar high levels of joint action are re-
of factors: the very recent origin of the cluster corded in NR-based clusters, especially among
and the organizational pattern prevailing, dom- collective institutions engaging in basic research
inated by vertical relationships between Segu- and extension of innovation and technology
sino, the leading local Mexican firm, and its and small farmers (Gomes, 2003). In this group
network of subcontractors (Zepeda, 2003). of sectors, the collaboration between private
The predominance of these strong vertical rela- and public associations and organizations is
tionships interferes with the development of especially noteworthy (Maggi, 2003; Vargas,
external economies and, especially, of horizon- 2001a, 2001b).

Table 2. Collective efficiency across sectoral groups index of collective efficiency: average
EE JA CE Index
Traditional manufacturing 7.6 5.23 6.31
NR-based 8.91 7.36 8.2
COPs 7.61 4.8 6.19
Specialized suppliers 9.1 7.8 8.7
Source: Authors’ database.
EE = external economies (average).
JA = joint actions (average).
Collective Efficiency Index = 0.5 * EE + 0.5 * JA.

(b) Governance and sectors ditions and also in a few cases in network
chains. While in the quasi-hierarchical chains,
In light of other works on global value US buyers control design and product develop-
chains, one would expect the quasi-hierarchy ment, in network-governed value chains there is
to be the dominating pattern of governance in cooperation among firms of more or less equal
the traditional manufacturing group, with buy- power, which share their competencies within
ers and manufacturers playing a leading role the chain. This is an increasingly common pat-
(Gereffi, 1999). However, according to our tern in these clusters, where one of the effects of
sample, the reality is characterized by a greater trade liberalization has been an increase in
variety of forms of organization and gover- cooperation between domestic buyers and pro-
nance of the value chains. There is in fact evi- ducers (Rabellotti, 1999).
dence that, in some cases, different value In the Nicaraguan dairy case (Artola & Par-
chains coexist in the same cluster, with firms rilli, 2003), firms in the cluster participate in
participating in local as well as in global value three different types of productive chains: (i)
chains. The coexistence of different chains the chain led by a TNC; (ii) the chains headed
has especially been found in traditional manu- by the Salvadoran medium-sized processing
facturing and natural resource-based sectors. plants and traders; and (iii) the chain led by
Instead, in COPs, there is a prevalence of quasi- some local small cooperatives. A clear pattern
hierarchy in GVCs led by TNCs and their of hierarchical governance is evident in the pro-
first-tier suppliers whereas in the software clus- ductive chain led by the TNC and in the chain
ters, the relationships with clients are mainly of led by the Salvadoran agents, while a form of
a market/network type (Table 3). network-like governance prevails in the value
An interesting example of a cluster operating chain led by local cooperatives.
simultaneously in different types of chains is the
Sinos Valley footwear cluster where, besides (c) Collective efficiency, global buyers, and
the chain dominated by US and European buy- upgrading across sectoral groups
ers, there are other minor chains oriented to
the Brazilian and the Latin American markets The empirical evidence presented so far sug-
(Bazan & Navas-Aleman, 2004). These different gests that different sectoral groups tend to show
chains are characterized by various patterns of different CE and governance settings. In this
governance. The US value chain is a typical paragraph, we explore whether it is possible
quasi-hierarchical chain, dominated by US to associate the level of CE and the particular
buyers, while firms selling into the domestic form of chain governance with upgrading
market and exporting to Latin America operate across different sectoral groups. In this respect,
under market conditions. In the quasi-hierar- our analysis shows that upgrading is achieved
chical chain, US buyers impose their conditions in different sectors in considerably different
concerning product design, marketing, and ways.
branding on Brazilian producers. The buyers As shown in Table 4, CE does not seem to be
are the undisputed leaders in the chain, exerting equally related to upgrading in all sectors. In
control over intermediaries, local producers fact, while it is positively associated with
and often input suppliers as well. According upgrading in Traditional Manufacturing, Nat-
to Bazan and Navas-Aleman (2004), this asym- ural Resource-Based, and Software clusters,
metrical relationship with local producers can the relationship is not significant in COPs. As
be explained by several factors, the most impor- far as governance is concerned, the impact of
tant being the marked concentration of exports global leader firms on cluster upgrading is very
by a small number of export agents in the US mixed. It tends to be positive for product and
market. Moreover, the numerous sourcing op- process upgrading in Traditional Manufactur-
tions (e.g., China, Spain, and Portugal) open ing and Natural Resource-based clusters, while
to the buyers, in the unlikely scenario that local it has only a moderate impact on the same type
producers did not accept their terms, made the of upgrading in COPs. Most interestingly, glo-
buyers stronger. bal buyers show a weak or, in some cases, neg-
Similarly, the two Mexican footwear clusters ative relationship with functional upgrading in
of Guadalajara and León operate simulta- all three sectoral groups mentioned above. 20
neously in different chains: in quasi-hierarchical In the paragraphs that follow, we provide a de-
chains dominated by US buyers and in the tailed analysis of the findings for each group of
domestic market, sometimes under market con- sectors.

Table 3. Value chains: the pattern of GOVERNANCE

Market Network Quasi-hierarchy Hierarchy
Traditional manufacturing clusters
Medellin (Col.) 0 0 1 0
Itaji, Santa Catarina (Br.) 3 0 0 0
Bucaramanga (Col.) 2 0 0 0
Gamarra (Peru) 1 0 0 0
Torreon (Mex.) 0 0 2 0
Sinos Valley (Br.) 3 0 2 0
Leon (Mex.) 1 1 2 0
Guadalajara (Mex.) 1 1 2 0
Campina Grande (Br.) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Serra Gaucha (Br.) 1 0 0 0
Uba, Minas Gerais (Br.) 1 0 0 0
Espirito Santo (Br.) 1 1 0 0
Sao Bento do Sul (Br.) 0 1 2 1
Segusino/Chipilo (Mex.) 3 0 1 0
Tiles: Santa Catarina (Br.) 2 0 0 0
NR-based clusters
Tobacco: Rio Pardo, RGS (Br.) 0 0 2 0
Colchagua (Ch) 3 0 2 0
Serra Gaucha, RGS (Br.) 3 0 0 0
Sugar: Valle del Cauca (Co) 3 0 0 0
Marble: ES (Br.) 1 0 2 0
Copper: Cuajone-Toquepala (Pe) 2 0 2 0
Salmon: Region Austral (Ch) 0 2 2 0
Milk-dairy: Boaco,Chontales (Nic) 1 1 2 2
Mangoes and grapes: Petrolina-Juazeiro (Br.) 1 0 3 0
Melons: Rio Grande Norte (Br.) 1 0 3 0
Apples: Santa Catarina (Br.) 1 0 3 0
Aircraft: SJC Aeronautics, S. Paolo (Br.) 0 0 2 0
Nova Serrana (Br.) 0 0 2 0
Caixa do Sul, RGS, (Br.) 0 2 2 0
Juarez, (Delphi) (Mex.) 2 0 2 0
Metalworking: Espı́rito Santo (Br.) 0 0 1 0
Electronics: Jalisco (Mex.) 0 0 2 0
Audio-visual equip.: Baja California, (Mex.) 0 0 0 2
Intel ICT: San Jose (Costa Rica) 2 0 0 0
H-T: Campinas, Sao Paulo (Br.) 2 2 2 0
Specialized suppliers (software)
Joinville (Br.) 1 1 0 0
D.F. (Mex.) 1 1 0 0
Guadalajara (Mex.) 1 1 0 0
Aguascaliente (Mex.) 1 0 0 0
Monterrey (Mex.) 1 1 3 0
Source: Authors’ database.
0 = absent; 1 = domestic chain; 2 = global chain; 3 = domestic and global chain.
Table 4. Patterns of learning and upgrading across sectoral groups
Traditional manufacturing Natural resource-based COPs Software

Pattern of learning according to Supplier-driven Supplier-driven, Scale-intensive- Specialized-suppliers

Pavitt taxonomy science based specialized suppliers
Relation between collective efficiency and
Product upgrading Positive Positive Neutrala Positive
Process upgrading Neutralb Positive Neutralb Positive

Functional upgrading Neutral Positive Neutralb Positive
The impact of global buyers/leaders operations on
Product upgrading Positive Positivec (but passive) Neutrald Indirectly Positive Nonee
Process upgrading Positive Positivec (but passive) Neutrald Indirectly Positive Nonee
Functional upgrading Often negative Neutral/negative Neutral/negative Nonee
Other critical sources of knowledge Suppliers, local Suppliers, university and Consultants, local agencies Users, universities
institutions, research laboratories, (network-brokers) and higher education
National buyers technology institutions
alternative extension services, producers’
to the global leaders associations and cooperatives
Source: Authors’ database.
Often little collective efficiency (CE) is detected.
Process innovations in this sector are usually driven by technology suppliers, and in none of the sample clusters is there local production of technology.
Global leaders set the target and provide market outlets, but do not normally engage in supporting initiatives.
Neutral, only indirect impact through the incentive (spur) to enter global value chains and fulfill the standards required. Not attained through the direct support of
None refers to the case in which the global buyer is not present.

(i) Upgrading in traditional manufacturing interaction between collective efficiency and

In the clusters belonging to the traditional product upgrading. Rabellotti (1999) showed
manufacturing group, process and product how the efforts to improve the quality and fash-
upgrading are often present, although with a ion content of components undertaken by some
wide dispersion across the cases; functional manufacturers together with their suppliers
upgrading is only incipient in a few cases, and have percolated all over the Guadalajara clus-
intersectoral upgrading appears to have almost ter. Moreover, she stresses the importance of
never occurred in the clusters analyzed (Table a program undertaken in León, aimed at pro-
5). moting the standardization of components for
An important result is that there appears to the product upgrading at the cluster level.
be a positive relationship between product In the Sinos Valley, Schmitz (1995) underlines
upgrading and the degree of collective efficiency the importance of various cluster programs
in this group of industries (Table 5). This posi- aimed at supporting the participation of local
tive relationship can be explained by several producers in international trade fairs and at
factors: (a) circulation of information, knowl- bringing international buyers in the cluster, at
edge, and labor force which facilitates the an early stage of development.
upgrading process of clustered firms; (b) prod- In contrast, on the basis of the available
uct upgrading is also facilitated by vertical joint empirical evidence, it would seem that there is
action with local suppliers and with buyers; and a clear link between collective efficiency and
(c) multilateral horizontal cooperation plays an process upgrading. This can be explained by a
important role in product upgrading through combination of factors. In traditional indus-
various actions such as participation in interna- tries, technology suppliers drive process inno-
tional trade fairs, collection of information vations and in none of the clusters analyzed is
about international fashion trends, easier con- there a local production of technology. There-
nections with international buyers. fore, in most Latin American clusters, the virtu-
The two Mexican and the Sinos Valley foot- ous and close relationship between technology
wear clusters are good examples of the positive producers and technology users that it is so

Table 5. Upgrading in traditional manufacturing clustersa

CE degree Product Process Functional Intersectoral Sum of
upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading
Medellin (Col.) Medium 2 2 1 1 6
Itaji, Santa Catarina (Br.) Medium 3 3 1 0 7
Bucaramanga (Col.) Medium 1.5 1.5 N/A 0 3
Gamarra (Peru) Medium 1 1 0 0 2
Torreon (Mex.) Low 1 3 1 0 5
Sinos Valley (Br.) High 3 3 1.5 0 7.5
Leon (Mex.) High 2 2 1 0 5
Guadalajara (Mex.) Medium 2 2 1 0 5
Campina Grande (Br.) Medium 1.5 1.5 0 0 3
Serra Gaucha (Br.) Medium 2.5 2.5 0 0 5
Uba, Minas Gerais (Br.) Low 1 1.5 0 0 2.5
Espirito Santo (Br.) Medium 1.5 1.5 1 0 4
Sao Bento do Sul (Br.) Medium 1 2 1 0 4
Chipilo (Mex.) Low 2 2 1 0 5
Tiles: Santa Catarina (Br.) Medium 3 3 1 0 7
Total 28 31.5 10.5 1
Average 1.86 2.1 0.7 0.06 4.73
Source: Authors’ database.
3 = high; 2 = medium; 1 = low; 0 = absent.

important to explain process upgrading in Ital- core competencies in design, marketing, and
ian industrial districts is missing. sales with them:
Furthermore, in some of the cases analyzed,
process and product upgrading have been facili- Activities that are highly valuable are design, market-
tated by international large buyers. This result ing, branding, and chain coordination, exactly the
ones performed by most foreign buyers. [. . .] since
confirms Gereffi’s view that producers entering
the acquisition of capabilities to engage in the higher
a quasi-hierarchical chain have good prospects value added activities requires great investments, Bra-
for upgrading their processes and products zilians have been feeding into the footwear value
(1999). Along the same lines, Humphrey chain mostly as producers and their buyers have been
and Schmitz (2000) agree that ‘‘local producers more than happy to keep the status quo for as long as
learn a great deal from global buyers about how is possible. (Bazan & Navas-Aleman, 2004).
to improve their production processes, attain
consistency and high quality, and increase their If functional upgrading is prevented by buyers’
speed of response to customer orders.’’ power in quasi-hierarchical chains, it can take
The fact that buyers often provide support place more easily in market-based value chains.
for upgrading can be related to the characteris- In these chains, producers experience neither
tics of products, which are not standardized. In support for, nor blockages to upgrading (Hum-
these industries, on products and processes phrey & Schmitz, 2000). In the Sinos Valley,
information cannot be easily codified in techni- functional upgrading in design, branding, and
cal norms and the quality of products depends marketing has been achieved by those firms
on the specialized skills of local producers (or selling to buyers in the domestic and regional
alternatively, even though the processes could markets in Latin America. Bazan and Navas-
be codified, local firms lack the capability to de- Aleman (2004) explain that in those markets,
code and use such codes to transform them into buyers are smaller and buy ready-designed
idiosyncratic routines). Relying on the compe- shoes, often sold with the producers’ brand. A
tencies of their local suppliers, global buyers similar process of functional upgrading can also
are obliged to assist them in improving prod- be detected among the Mexican footwear pro-
ucts and processes, their support being particu- ducers selling in the domestic market and, in
larly crucial in the first stages of new producers’ some cases, also in the rest of Latin America
integration into global VCs. (Rabellotti, 1999). In the textile sector, the Bra-
This upgrading effect is well documented in zilian cluster of the Valle de Itaji in the state of
the Sinos Valley, where according to Bazan Santa Catarina has experienced a similar pro-
and Navas-Aleman (2004), a rapid process cess of functional upgrading (Campos, Cário,
and product upgrading has been facilitated by & Nicolau, 2000).
the inclusion in the US VC. A similar effect Finally, in Table 5, we may observe a positive
was also detected in León, Mexico, where, since (albeit weak) relationship between functional
the 1994 devaluation of the Peso, US buyers upgrading and collective efficiency. Comple-
have also begun to play a very significant role menting this information with the available
in upgrading. Again, US buyers have contrib- qualitative evidence, we can conclude that this
uted in an important way to process and prod- is due to: (a) the circulation of information
uct upgrading in the blue-jeans cluster of and skilled manpower (external economies);
Torreón, in Coahuila—Mexico (Bair & Gereffi, and (b) various initiatives such as participation
2001). In all these cases, integration in global in international trade fairs, collection of infor-
value chains has supported rapid enhancement mation about fashion trends, training programs
of product and process capabilities. for designers, and collective promotion of local
Moving on to functional upgrading, it has brands (joint actions).
been documented (Bazan & Navas-Aleman, To conclude, in order to functionally up-
2004; Humphrey & Schmitz, 2002b; Rabellotti, grade, firms need to invest in design, branding,
2004) that although inclusion into GVCs facil- and marketing, and given that the funds in-
itates product and process upgrading, firms be- volved are often large, SMEs need to take
come tied into relationships that often prevent advantage of the ongoing collective initiatives
functional upgrading and leave them dependent in a cluster to improve their access to informa-
on a small number of powerful customers. In tion, know-how, and knowledge about mar-
the Sinos Valley, local suppliers were discour- kets. In other words, the degree of collective
aged from functional upgrading by their main efficiency positively affects the SMEs’ chances
US buyers, who did not want to share their to functionally upgrade.

(ii) Upgrading in natural resource-based clusters Chile Foundation, which ventured into salmon
In NR-based clusters, process and product farming, which had, until then, been unknown
upgrading are strongly tied to the advancement in the region, proving that this activity could
of science and technology in related industries: be profitable. Several private firms and TNCs
i.e., plants and seeds, machinery and tools, then followed this example, initially set up by
chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. New methods, a public actor (Pietrobelli, 1998). Later, joint
inputs, and machinery are in fact introduced by actions led by the private sector and supported
the interactive relations between suppliers and by public policies (e.g., a trade market, joint
research laboratories, which carry out the promotion abroad) paved the way to the fur-
majority of the research activity. In particular, ther strengthening and evolution of the cluster.
given the high uncertainty and low appropri- In the late 1990s, R&D funds were then allo-
ability conditions of knowledge in this sector, cated through competitive tenders (Maggi,
public research centers and universities play 2003).
an important role in the process of upgrading Hence, the presence of mainly public–private
(Pray & Umali-Deininger, 1998). horizontal joint action positively affects prod-
Indeed, SMEs have successfully upgraded in uct and process upgrading, achieved through
clusters characterized by public–private initia- several channels including the local institu-
tives aimed at supplying research and technol- tional network, the public support to local joint
ogy extension services, such as in the mango actions, research centers, Universities, and
and grape cluster of Petrolina Juazeiro in Bra- international cooperation. Useful examples of
zil, where the local San Francisco River Valley cases in this respect are the salmon cluster in
Development Agency (CODEVASF) promoted Chile (Maggi, 2003), the Petrolina Juazeiro
a sequence of crops that facilitated the learning mango cluster, and the apple cluster in Santa
process of small growers. 21 Similarly, in the Catarina, in Brazil (Gomes, 2003). These re-
wine cluster of Serra Gaucha (Vargas, 2001a), sults suggest a positive relation between CE
the National Center for Research on Grape and product and process upgrading, although
and Wine (CNPUV) of EMBRAPA and the functional upgrading is very rare (Table 6).
JK Agro Technical Federal School, both lo- In Natural Resource-Based clusters operat-
cated in the city of Bento Gonçalves, constitute ing within buyer-driven chains, foreign buyers
the main research and human resources forma- facilitate the link with the international market
tion centers of the cluster. by signaling the need and the modes of the nec-
In Southern Chile, in the early 1980s, the sal- essary upgrading. Nevertheless, given that the
mon cluster development was fostered by the requirements of the international market are

Table 6. Upgrading in NR-based clustersa

Location Degree Product Process Functional Intersectoral Sum of
of CE upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading
Tobacco Rio Pardo, RGS (Br.) Medium 3 3 0 0 6
Wine Colchagua (Ch.) Medium 3 3 0 0 6
Wine Serra Gaucha, RGS (Br.) Medium 3 3 0 0 6
Sugar Valle del Cauca (Co.) High 3 3 2 1 9
Marble ES (Br.) Medium 2 2 0 0 4
Copper Cuajone-Toquepala (Pe.) Low 2 2 0 1 5
Salmon Region Austral (Ch.) High 3 3 2 2 10
Milkdairy Boaco,Chontales (Nic.) Medium 2 2 2 0 6
Mangoes, Petrolina-Juazeiro (Br.) High 3 3 0 0 6
Melons Rio Grande Norte (Br.) Medium 2 1 0 0 3
Apples Santa Catarina (Br.) High 3 3 0 0 6
Total 29 28 6 4
Average 2.64 2.55 0.55 0.6 6.09
Source: Authors’ database.
3 = high; 2 = medium; 1 = low; 0 = absent.

often codified by standards (e.g., HACCP), improvements in products and processes. The
imposing them on to producers bears few trans- interesting and promising issue that has
action costs: buyers relay information on the emerged from this study is that value chains
standards that need to be met, but do not nor- alternative to the quasi-hierarchical one domi-
mally support the SMEs’ upgrading process, nated by buyers or TNCs, have sometimes
and select SMEs complying with these stan- facilitated a smoother and continuous process
dards. An example is that of the fresh fruit clus- of learning creating the conditions for firms to
ter in Petrolina-Juazeiro reported below functionally upgrade over time (Pietrobelli &
(Gomes, 2003): Rabellotti, 2004). However, global buyers are
not necessarily the optimal solution for upgrad-
. . .the greater power of importers and buyers in these
chains has meant mounting pressures for growers to ing; national chains also offer alternative,
make the necessary changes in their products and promising, and often more sustainable oppor-
production processes to meet the demands of these tunities.
buyers. That is, growers are under greater pressures
to upgrade because they now have fewer buyers (iii) Upgrading complex products
and these buyers are more demanding than ever. In Complex Products (COPs), process (and to
And: a lower extent product) upgrading is remark-
able, but functional upgrading was only
. . .the intermediaries in these chains relay market achieved in a few cases (Table 7).
information on to their suppliers, but are less likely One case of functional upgrading is that of
to engage in the actual process of upgrading.
the Delphi automotive cluster in Juarez, Mex-
Finally, ico, that has experienced functional upgrading
at a local level, due to the development of the
. . .in many cases participation in value-chains means design and engineering center of Delphi (Car-
growers face greater demands that are passed down
to them from their importers, but these demands rillo & Lara, 2004). Local second and third tier
are not accompanied by lessons on how to upgrade. suppliers have started producing higher value
added products and services, mainly in elec-
In the Nicaragua milk and dairy cluster, tronics and informatics (Dutrenit, Vera-Cruz,
upgrading dynamics has taken very different & Gil, 2002). A similar example is the SJC clus-
forms. The hierarchical value chain led by a ter in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Bernardes & Pinho,
TNC has fostered upgrading of products and 2002).
processes, but hindered functional upgrading In all other cases, instead, the predominant
(Artola & Parrilli, 2003). However, the VC pattern seems to be only product and process
led by the semiindustrial cooperatives has also upgrading, with a very limited support role of
enhanced functional upgrading, together with the leader firms. In Nova Serrana (Brazil), there

Table 7. Upgrading in COP clustersa

Main product Location CE Product Process Functional Intersectoral Sum of
degree upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading upgrading
Aircraft SJC, Sao Paolo, (Br.) Medium 2 2 2 0 6
Automotive Nova Serrana (Br.) Medium 3 3 1 0 7
Automotive Caixa do Sul, RGS (Br.) Medium 1.5 2.5 0 0 4
Automotive Juarez, (Delphi) (Mex.) Medium 3 3 2 0 8
Metalworking Espı́rito Santo (Br.) Medium 2 3 0 0 5
Electronics Jalisco (Mex.) Low 2.5 2.5 0 0 5
Audio-visual Baja California (Mex.) Low 2.5 2.5 1.5 0 6.5
Intel ICT San Jose (Costa Rica) Low 3 3 1 0 7
High Tech. Campinas, S. Paulo (Br.) Medium 2.5 2.5 1 0 6
Total 22 24 8.5 0
Average 2.44 2.7 0.94 0.0 6.06
Source: Authors’ database.
3 = high; 2 = medium; 1 = low; 0 = absent.

is no new design development locally by the lo- resents an external stimuli and spectator to the
cal subsidiaries. What is done locally is rather process.
to adapt such a design to local conditions An interesting result of this study is also that
(‘‘tropicalizaçao’’) (Lemos, Diniz, Crocco, & collective efficiency does not appear to be re-
Camargo, 2000; Santos, Crocco, & Lemos, lated to upgrading in any way in most of these
2002). In the case of the TV industry in Baja COPs clusters. In his study of industrial poli-
California (Mexico), upgrading regards cies in the plastics and auto sectors in the Re-
predominantly foreign first tier suppliers gional Chamber of ABC, Sao Paulo, Quadros
(Gerber & Carrillo, 2002). In Costa Rica (In- (2002) concludes that technical collaboration
tel), there has been a very limited upgrading from customers to achieve certification is lim-
of locally owned firms into more value added ited and rarely systematic, and that assistance
activities: has rather come from private consultants. Cer-
tification has not improved collaboration
With the reorganization of the plant after 1999, the
process attracts some other suppliers and promotes within the value chain, as the design of light
local interaction with the software industry . . . Major components is entirely carried out by custom-
services are in low-tech low-value added activities, ers who provide the suppliers with detailed de-
except for some recent software contracts. (Var- signs. The lack of local coordination is
gas & Lindegaard, 2002). portrayed as:

Similarly, in the GM and Volkswagen automo- . . .the difficulties of developing a local policy net-
work in a sector with strong global linkages as in
tive cluster in Sao Paulo (Brazil), Quadros the automotive sector. Firms in the automotive sec-
(2002) reports that local suppliers improved tor demonstrated little interest in participating in
the qualitative standards of production and the Chamber’s activities. The sector’s global linkages
achieved certification (ISO 9000), but leading and the hierarchical structure of the chain appear to
firms in the Brazilian automotive chain have establish strong relationships between the firms in-
dispensed little effort to assist suppliers in the volved, leading them to show less of a propensity
adoption of quality standards. Instead, firms to participate in other forums aimed at raising com-
petitiveness. This type of behavior was to be found
received technical support mainly from consul- not just amongst the assemblers but also amongst
tancies and accredited certification institutions. the automotive components firms . . . Other firms
Similar evidence is also observed in other cases within the plastics sector (particularly small firms
(e.g., Albornoz, Milesi, & Yoguel, 2002; Dutre- committed to producing various products aimed at
nit et al., 2002). a varied client group and not directly inserted into
Some evidence also points out that interac- any one specific chain) showed a greater propensity
tions between leader firms and local suppliers to strategies within the Chamber and aimed at
increasing competitiveness by improving collective
have fostered product and process upgrading
efficiency. (Leite, 2002)
(e.g., Bernardes & Pinho, 2002; Santos et al.,
2002). Nevertheless, according to our evidence,
this effect is limited to very few cases, since mar- (iv) Upgrading in software clusters
ket liberalization has produced a displacement In the case of Specialized Suppliers, our
of most local first tier suppliers in favor of glo- empirical analysis focuses on software clusters
bal outsourcing strategies by multinational in Brazil and Mexico. In all the software clusters
assemblers. studied, product and process upgrading is gen-
This further suggests that participating in a erally high. Regarding product upgrading, Ruiz
value chain offers no direct advantages to up- Duran (2003) presented five different types of
grade in these industries. Rather, it is the inter- products with increasing value added: data pro-
est to operate as suppliers that induces firms to cessing; outsourcing (offshore and near shore);
try to keep up with technological advance- ‘‘ad hoc’’ software development; development
ments. In other words, most evidence suggests of software packages; development of registered
that upgrading is left to the market, which im- packages. Some of the oldest enterprises in the
plies that firms make an effort to upgrade Mexican clusters analyzed began their activity
through market mechanisms, such as a self- supplying data processing services and most of
standing basis, contracting consultants, or them have since been upgraded to ‘‘ad hoc’’ soft-
recurring to other sources of knowledge avail- ware packages, and often adapt existing pack-
able in the market, to improve their capabili- ages to the specific needs of their customers.
ties. Most of the upgrading effort is not led by In these cases, most of the product upgrading
or done jointly with the buyer, who merely rep- consists of incremental improvements, which

are favored by the existence of network relation- 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS:

ships with users. CLUSTERS, VALUE CHAINS,
Another form of product upgrading, also AND SECTOR-SPECIFIC
increasingly common in Blumenau (Brazil), is UPGRADING PATTERNS
the supply of full systems instead of specific sys-
tems for book-keeping, human resource man- Clustering and participating in a (global) va-
agement, etc. With SMEs beginning to adopt lue chain are increasingly considered by devel-
ERP solutions, the market for full and inte- opment scholars and policymakers as possible
grated systems has expanded, opening the strategies to enhance enterprise competitiveness
opportunity to be competitive in these systems in international markets. In this paper, we show
to small software firms (Bercovich & Swanke, and support with novel empirical evidence on
2003). Finally, in all the clusters analyzed, there Latin America, that what really matters is the
are a few firms which have been able to evolve mode of organization of interfirm linkages
from producing ‘‘ad hoc’’ solutions to develop- and the governance of value chains. These differ
ing standardized systems, which are imple- and have different implications for process,
mented and sold to a large number of product, and functional upgrading, in different
customers. A case in point is a small enterprise groups of sectors. Thus, the degree of cumula-
located in Aguascalientes that has developed a tiveness of knowledge, together with the degree
software for ophthalmologists, translating of appropriability, codification, and complexity
other existing packages into Spanish and of the knowledge base influence the capacity
adapting them to Mexican doctors’ necessities. and way firms upgrade.
The software is now exported to other Latin A central and novel conclusion of this paper
American countries. is that collective efficiency makes a difference
According to the empirical evidence avail- and affects enterprise upgrading, but the impact
able, in all these clusters, the degree of collec- is different, and follows different routes, in dif-
tive efficiency is positively related with ferent groups of sectors. However, this is not
product upgrading. Most of the entrepreneurs the only thing that matters, as the mode of gov-
interviewed in Mexico and Brazil consider the ernance of the value chain in which firms par-
exchange of information and the flow of skilled ticipate affects the scope and extent of local
people inside the clusters very important deter- firms’ upgrading as well as how upgrading is
minants of their product upgrading. Moreover, pursued. More specifically, in quasi-hierarchi-
the various collective initiatives, undertaken in cal value chains, the pressure to comply with
most of these clusters, also contribute to the standards imposed by the chains’ leaders of-
enhancing firms’ knowledge, access to informa- ten enhances product and process upgrading,
tion, and skills. but functional upgrading is almost always
Process upgrading, in the Mexican clusters, is inhibited. But if this is a common result
very strongly related with the process of obtain- throughout all sectors, the way of pursuing
ing the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) cer- product and process upgrading changes. In tra-
tification. This is aimed at improving the ditional industries, buyers directly facilitate the
process of software development. This certifica- process, in NR-based clusters, a crucial role is
tion is a very time consuming and expensive played by collective initiatives, while in COPS,
process for SMEs, and the various existing col- firms find the resources needed to upgrade in
lective initiatives would probably play a crucial the market.
supporting role. Besides, the linkages between In sum, firm-level strategies to pursue
software firms and local universities also upgrading substantially differ by groups of sec-
importantly enhance process upgrading. tors: clustering and collective efficiency play a
Finally, functional upgrading appears to be key role in some sectors but not in others,
more common in this sector than in others. In where the global logic of foreign buyers prevails
all these clusters, there are examples of firms and firms need to learn how to cope with more
making efforts to improve their marketing competent (and often larger) players. Future
activity within collective initiatives. Examples empirical research will need to build rigorous
are the joint participation to trade fairs in quantitative methods to address some of the is-
Blumenau and the creation of a cluster catalog sues raised in this paper and, most importantly,
in Aguascalientes, with some joint marketing the implications for policy design and imple-
initiatives by the local business association. mentation.


1. Among the studies on this issue, see, for instance, 8. The macroeconomic dimension of competitiveness is
Schmitz (1995), Rabellotti (1997) and the two special often mixed with the microeconomic definition, embed-
issues of World Development: Humphrey (1995) and ded in the competitiveness literature. This generated an
Nadvi and Schmitz (1999). extensive debate among international trade economists
rejecting the notion of ‘‘competitiveness’’ as essentially
2. For a review of the empirical cases available on wrong and misleading, in comparison with the clear
Africa, see McCormick (1999) and on Latin America concept of ‘‘comparative advantage’’ (Krugman, 1996).
Albaladejo (2001). Following the latter concept, all economies benefit from
any international specialization, provided that it is
consistent with their pattern of comparative advantage.
3. An important difference is also related to the fact However, insofar as we admit the possibility of interfirm
that in developing countries (specifically in Latin Amer- (intrasector) differentials (for example, related to market
ica), industrial clusters often include a heterogeneous set imperfections, information asymmetries, firm-specific
of firms, which differ widely in terms of size. Unlike the learning, and capabilities) that are ruled out by the
typical Marshallian industrial district, in the developing (macro) theories of comparative advantage, competi-
world, clusters are populated by SMEs as well as large tiveness becomes a meaningful, and indeed relevant
firms (Rabellotti & Schmitz, 1999). concept (Lall, 2001). Further, the latter approach allows
consideration of ‘‘dynamic’’ comparative advantage,
4. External economies can be defined as positive or that is, acquired through the purposeful efforts of
negative unpaid, outside of the market rules, as side enterprises, and in sectors different from those enjoying
effects of the activity of one economic agent on other static comparative advantage (Pietrobelli, 1997). There-
agents. fore, the present discussion of alternative ‘‘roads’’ to
competitiveness refers to the macroeconomic implica-
5. Nadvi and Schmitz (1999) proposes the following tions of enterprise-level strategies. From the point of
classification of joint actions: (i) Joint action within view of the individual enterprise, it could be (statically)
vertical linkages including backward ties with suppliers optimal to become competitive by squeezing costs
and subcontractors and forward ties with traders and (including labor costs), but this would not be desirable
buyers; (ii) Joint action within bilateral horizontal (i.e., high road), from the national point of view of the
linkages between two or more local producers. This country (or the region/cluster).
can include joint marketing of products, joint purchase
of input, order sharing, common use of specialized 9. In order to observe the variety of innovative
equipment, joint product development, and exchange of processes across sectors, Nelson and Winter (1977,
know-how and market information; (iii) Joint action 1982) seminally introduced the notion of ‘‘technological
within multilateral horizontal linkages among a large regime,’’ which they broadly define as a technological
number of local producers. condition that defines the boundaries and the direction
of the innovative and problem-solving activities of
technicians (also see Dosi, 1982, 1988). More recently,
6. Markusen (1996) broadening the definition of an other authors have attempted to differentiate technolog-
industrial district discusses four types of districts. In the ical regimes on the basis of the combination of concepts
‘‘satellite platform’’ type, consisting of a congregation of such as technological opportunity, appropriability of
branch facilities of externally based multiplant firms, she knowledge, cumulativeness of learning, and nature of the
acknowledges the importance of external linkages. knowledge base (Breschi, Malerba, & Orsenigo, 2000;
Guerrieri, Iammarino, and Pietrobelli (2001) and Malerba & Orsenigo, 1993).
Guerrieri and Pietrobelli (2004) further develop this
approach and apply it to clusters in Italy and Taiwan.
10. The properties of the knowledge base are tied to the
nature of knowledge and its degree of specificity,
7. Within this context, innovation is clearly not defined tacitness, complexity, and independence (Breschi et al.,
only as a breakthrough into a product or a process that 2000).
is new to the world. It is rather a story of marginal,
evolutionary improvements of products and processes
that are new to the firm, and that allow it to keep up with 11. Starting from seminal contribution of Pavitt (1984),
an international (moving) standard. This involves a different attempts have been made to identify and
shifting to activities, products, sectors which sustain understand patterns of innovation (Marsili & Versp-
higher value added and enforce higher entry barriers. agen, 2001), and a number of different studies have

adopted and refined the taxonomy to analyze the Latin and component standardization (modularity) (Ulrich,
American context (e.g., ECLAC, 1996; Ferraz, Kupfer, 1995) which allow for mass production. In the present
& Haguenaer, 1996; Guerrieri, 1994). work, consistent with Bell and Pavitt (1993), the
definition given to COPs will include both the above-
mentioned industries, although the former is rarely
12. University–Industry linkages have been historically
encountered in Latin America.
very poor in Latin America (Plonski, 1993). During the
Import Substitution period, there was little interest to
cooperate because protected market conditions did not 16. For details, see Pietrobelli and Rabellotti (2004).
encourage firms to innovate. At the same time, univer-
sities had little incentives to transfer technologies to 17. As the definition of SMEs varies greatly across the
business because research was mainly financed by the different countries of the region and firm size also
Government. Since the 1990s, the situation has shown depends on the sector, we use the concept in a rather
signs of change, with some new policies specifically loose way to refer to the majority of domestic firms.
focusing on university–industry linkages.
18. For a list of all case studies, see Appendix A.
13. The risk of ‘‘freezing’’ a classification that may be
outdated by changes in technology over the years has 19. The indexes of external economies and joint action
been acknowledged by several authors (Freeman, 1994); are computed by summing up the figures obtained in
to this aim, we have adapted the taxonomy to fit our each component. Therefore, the index of collective
empirical case studies. efficiency is the simple average of the two.

14. On this see Pray and Umali-Deininger (1998) and 20. Specialized suppliers are not mentioned since none
Echevarria et al. (1996). of the cases analyzed forms part of a quasi-hierarchical
value chain.
15. In this study, the definition of COPs does not
coincide entirely with that given by Hobday for Complex 21. Most of the local small growers had never previ-
Products Systems (1998). He distinguishes COPs from ously worked with irrigated agriculture. Thus, they first
mass-market, commodity type industries. The former— produced a combination of annual crops, including
which includes telecommunications exchanges, flight beans, corns, and melons, followed by widespread
simulators, aircraft engines, mobile phone network adoption of industrial tomatoes, and subsequently
equipment, etc.—would be characterized by high com- higher-value fruit crops, including mangoes and grapes.
ponent customization, by a hierarchical architecture and The transition from phase to phase involved a combi-
by small batch production. The latter—which includes nation of conventional and more innovative support
cars, semiconductors, and consumer electronics—is policies to help growers in each, consecutively more
instead characterized by a higher degree of interface difficult, phase (Gomes, 2003).


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Case study Country Source

Traditional manufacturing clusters
Footwear, Sinos Valley Brazil Bazan and Navas-Aleman (2004),
Vargas (2000), Schmitz (1999b, 1995)
Footwear, Guadalajara Mexico Rabellotti (1997, 1999)
Footwear, Leon Mexico Rabellotti (1997, 1999)
Footwear, Campina Grande Brazil Lemos and Palhano (2000)
Textiles, Coahuila Mexico Bair and Gereffi (2001)
Textiles, Medellin Colombia Pietrobelli and Olarte (2002)
Apparel, Bucaramanga Colombia Pietrobelli and Olarte (2002)
Textiles, Itaji Brazil Campos et al. (2000)
Apparel, Gamarra Peru Visser (1999)
Furniture, Serra Gaucha Brazil Vargas and Alevi (2000),
Meyer-Stamer (1998a),
Furniture, Espirito Santo Brazil Villaschi and Bueno (2000)
Furniture, Ubà Brazil Crocco and Horacio (2001),
Furniture, Segusino-Chipilo Mexico Original field study (Zepeda, 2003)
Tiles, Santa Catarina Brazil Meyer-Stamer, Maggi, and Siebel (2001),
Meyer-Stamer (1998a, 1998b),
Campos, Nicolau,
and Ferraz Cario (1998)
Natural resource-based clusters
Tobacco, Rio Pardo Brazil Vargas (2001a, 2001b)
Wine, Colchagua Chile Giuliani (2002, 2003)
Wine, Serra Gaucha Brazil Vargas (2001a)
Sugar, Valle del Cauca Colombia Millan (2002)
Marble, Espirito Santo Brazil Villaschi and de Souza Sabadini (2000)
Copper, Cuajone-Toquepala Peru Torres-Zorrilla (2000, 2001)
Salmon, Region Austral Chile Original field study (Maggi, 2003)
Milk, Boaco, Chontales Nicaragua Original field study (Artola and
Parrilli, 2003)
Mangoes & grapes, Petrolina-Juazeiro Brazil Original field study (Gomes, 2003)
Melons, Rio Grande do Norte Brazil Original field study (Gomes, 2003)
Apples, Santa Catarina Brazil Original field study (Gomes, 2003)
Complex products’ industries
Aircraft, SJC, Sao Paolo Brazil Bernardes and Pinho (2002),
Marques (forthcoming, Chapt. 4)
Automotive, Nova Serrana Brazil Lemos et al. (2000), Santos et al. (2002)
Metalworking, Espirito Santo Brazil Original field study Cassiolato, Villaschi,
and Lastres (2003)
Automotive, Caixa do Sul, RGS Brazil Calandro and Campos (2002)
Automotive, Juarez Mexico Dutrenit et al. (2002), Carrillo and
Lara (2004)
Audio-visual equip., Baja California Mexico Gerber and Carrillo (2002), Alonso,
Carrillo, and Contreras (2000), Buitelaar,
Padilla, and Urrutia (1999),
Carrillo, Mortimore, and Estrada (1998),
Carrillo and Hualde (2000)

APPENDIX A—continued
Case study Country Source
High Tech., Campina-Sao Paolo Brazil Garcia and Roselino (2002), De Souza
and Garcia (1998)
Intel ICT, San Jose Costa Rica Vargas and Lindegaard (2002),
Bortagaray and Tiffin (2000)
Electronics, Jalisco Mexico Dussel (1999)
Specialized suppliers (software)
Software, Joinville Brazil Bercovich and Swanke (2003)
Software, D.F. Mexico Original field study (Ruiz Duran, 2003)
Software, Guadalajara Mexico Original field study (Ruiz Duran, 2003)
Software, Aguascaliente Mexico Original field study (Ruiz Duran, 2003)
Software, Monterrey Mexico Original field study (Ruiz Duran, 2003)

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