LK Catalog - Spring 2022

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Laurence King Spring 2022

Like you, we are looking forward to Spring 2022: a bright new season full of freedom and
hope—and great books and gifts.

What better way to start than with our angels deck? In Angels for the Modern Mystic
you won’t find rose-cheeked Renaissance cherubs but rather modern entities in tune
with contemporary concerns who are capable of inspiring even the most hard-nosed
urban skeptic to let the light in and access their full potential. Speaking of finding
transcendence in contemporary life, this Spring we turn to that great guru, performance
artist Marina Abramović, and publish her method for the first time (it helped Lady Gaga
quit smoking). And just in case you need bit of extra wind under your sails, make sure you
have The Box of Luck by your side.

The natural world is very much at the forefront of all our minds and we continue to
explore its wonders, from Jack Wallington’s manifesto A Greener Life to the wildlife
photographs of David Yarrow, and from the treetops of our Around the World in 50 Trees
jigsaw puzzle to the bottom of the ocean with the games Deep Sea Discovery and Who’s
Hiding in the Ocean?

But before you set off to change the world, we’ll help sustain you in the healthiest and
most original way with The Green Lunchbox and Mind & Bowl: A Guide to Mindful Eating.

And if your mind, or mindfulness, requires further stimulation, please note that we
continue to innovate in the jigsaw area with the first of our collaborative puzzles, Dog
Day Out!, and the latest of our challenging cluster puzzles, 299 Fish and a Diver, not to
mention the exclusive, show-stopping 1000-piece jigsaw The World of Agatha Christie
celebrating the astonishing life and work of the doyenne of crime fiction (who among
other things was also a pioneer of surfing!).

As this is the season of hope and positivity, I would like to mention two publications on
a subject that has been in all our minds. Our Black Heroes card game features great
historical role models from Nelson Mandela to Simone Biles (via Queen Nzinga and
Angela Davis), while the groundbreaking photography showcase As We See It features
forty black photographers who bring a fresh perspective on black identity.

From our new home at Hachette, we would like to wish you all an inspiring Spring!

Marc Valli

Trade &
Student Books
Architecture 17

Art 8, 9, 11

Business / Creativity 28, 29

Design 16

Environment & Sustainability 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Fashion 12, 13, 14, 15

Film 10

Mind, Body, Spirit 23

Photography 4, 5, 6, 7, 11

Psychology 26, 27

Science 24

True Crime 25
Children’s Books
& Gifts
Children's 34, 35, 36, 37

Children's Activity 38

Children's Board Books 32, 33

Games and Puzzles (Children's)  9, 40, 41, 42, 43,

44, 45

Games and Puzzles  8, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56, 57

Gift 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Photographer © XXX
$00.00 / YEAR

Trade /Art


As We See It
40 Image-Makers Reshaping Black Identity
Aida Amoako

● How Black photographers are investigating and

representing notions of Black identity in diverse
new ways

● Includes photographers who are both exploring the

history of Black visual identity while also resetting
its future

● Fully of visually refreshing and challenging

narratives – including depictions of Black joy and
love, as well as queer and non-binary identities,
and images that underline photography’s role in
challenging systemic racism

● Images come from across the world and straddle

the worlds of portraiture, documentary, fashion
and fine art

A new wave of Black photographers and artists -

across photography, fine art, documentary and
fashion - are depicting Black subjects in completely
original ways, and in doing so laying claim to
their own visions of identity. Black on Black brings
together 40 photographers who are together
investigating new possibilities and visually refreshing
narratives over how Black subjects are depicted.

AUTHOR Aida Amoako is a London-based arts INFO 978 1 78627 958 3

and culture writer. She writes for 300 Images
Hyperallergic and The Times Literary
192 Pages
Supplement among others.
$29.99 • Hardback
JUNE 2022

Girl on Girl (9781786275554)

David Yarrow
How I Make Photographs
David Yarrow

● A photography masterclass from the incredible

wildlife photographer David Yarrow

● Learn all about how Yarrow shoots

● Illustrated throughout with Yarrow’s mesmerizing


Learn how renowned wildlife photographer and

conservationist David Yarrow manages to get his
incredible shots. For two decades Yarrow has been
venturing further and further afield in search of
amazing animals to photograph. Here he shares the
incredible knowledge and stories he has gathered
along the way and distils them down into the
key lessons to take into your own photography.
Including guides to composition and perspective,
tips on using remote cameras and dealing with
dangerous animals, and the philosophy behind his
boundary-pushing approach to image taking.

AUTHOR David Yarrow has managed to capture INFO 978 1 91394 710 1
some of the most memorable images of the 100 images
planet’s endangered species in their
128 pages
natural habitats. His work has made a
hugely important contribution to the
animal conservationist movement. $19.99 • Paperback
MARCH 2022

Joel Meyerowitz (9781786275806)
Albert Watson (9781786278838)
Daido Moriyama (9781786274243)

Marina Abramovic
Ossian Ward

● An accessible, completely up-to-date and

expertly written introduction and overview of
Marina Abramovic’s incredible life and work

● Published in full collaboration with Abramovic

and her studio

Marina Abramovic has truly pioneered performance

as a visual art form. Her work - notorious for its
feats of endurance, pain, and intense physical
encounter - has pushed the boundaries of
contemporary art and cemented her reputation
as one of the most significant artists of the past
50 years. This book brings her complete practice
together into one concise and essential volume.

AUTHOR Ossian Ward is Head of Content at the INFO 978 1 9139 4751 4
Lisson Gallery. He was previously chief 100 images
art critic at Time Out London. He is
128 pages
the author of Ways of Looking: How to
Experience Contemporary Art.
$19.99 • Paperback

Philip Guston (9781786275912)
Tracey Emin (9781786277084)

Art: Explained
100 Masterpieces and What they Mean
Susie Hodge

● A straightforward guide to understanding

great artworks

● 100 intriguing masterpieces illustrated and s

imply explained

● Written by bestselling author and art writer

Susie Hodge

● The go-to guide for those curious about famous

masterpieces who are looking for a simple and
entertaining way of appreciating what makes
the so wonderful

Why did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel, or

Rembrandt obsess over painting his own image?
What’s the secret behind the Terracotta Army, or
Andy Warhol’s soup cans? Art: Explained offers
straightforward and satisfying answers to 100 of
these fascinating questions. If you’ve ever looked at
an art masterpiece in awe, but wondered just what
it means, here is your guide.

AUTHOR Susie Hodge is an art historian and INFO 978 0 85782 897 2
artist. She is the bestselling author 100 images
of numerous books, among them The Short
216 pages
Story of Art and The Short Story of
Modern Art.
$19.99 • Flexiback
JUNE 2022


Do More Art
Eve Blackwood, Selwyn Leamy

● An original approach to the practical arts genre,

with a spread-based accessible formula allowing the
reader to understand key concepts quickly and easily

● Features images by the contemporary illustrators

and artists from around the world

● Pencil is a medium that absolutely everyone engages

with at some time or another

This book exposes how the simplest of writing tools

is in fact the key to an entire universe of artistic
expression. Selwyn Leamy and Eve Blackwood
explore the many ways a pencil can be used: from
hatching and smudging to frottage and collage,
they prove a piece of graphite is all that is needed to
create whole new worlds. Each technique is clearly
explained and illustrated with works by some of the
greatest contemporary pencil practitioners. The book
definitively shows that the pencil really is mightier
than the pen.

AUTHOR Eve Blackwood is the Head of Art at INFO 978 0 85782 910 8
Hampton Court House School. She graduated 150 illustrations
from Edinburgh College of Art with a BA
128 pages
in Illustration and took a Post Graduate
Diploma in Animation. Her graduation
film was shown at that year’s Edinburgh $19.99 • Hardback
International Film Festival. She lives in APRIL 2022
London with her two young children.

Selwyn Leamy is an artist based in London.

He is a co-founder of the creative travel
company Frui and has taught drawing and
painting in various beautiful locations
around the world. He has exhibited his
landscape paintings extensively in the UK
and in Italy.

Acrylic (9781786275707)
Ink (9781786274274)

Filmmakers on Film
How They Create, Craft, and Communicate
David Jenkins

● 50 of the greatest filmmakers ever, each briefly

discussed and brought together in their own words

● A unique and insightful collection of quotes,

interviews, and film stills that together give you a
snapshot of global filmmaking

● Added analysis provides insight into how

filmmakers approach their craft and gain

Through a curated selection of quotations, images

and interviews, Filmmakers on Film reveals what
matters most to the masters. Discover how the
giants of filmmaking - from Sofia Coppola to Agnès
Varda - developed their distinctive visual styles, the
core ideas that underpin their practice and, most
importantly, what their films mean to you.

AUTHOR David Jenkins is editor of international INFO 978 0 85782 903 0

film magazine Little White Lies. 50 images
128 pages
5 ₁–₆”x 7 ⅞”
$19.99 • Paperback
APRIL 2022

Acrylic (9781786275707)
Ink (9781786274274)
Albert Watson, Joel Meyerowitz, Daido Moriyama

Artists on Art
How they see, think & create
Holly Black

● Includes iconic works of 50 great artists,

from Michelangelo to Tracey Emin

● Each image is accompanied by a quote from

the artist to inspire and illuminate

● Added analysis provides invaluable insight into

the techniques of the artists

AUTHOR Holly Black is an arts journalist and

Managing Editor at Elephant magazine.
She has written for publications
including Aperture, AnOther, The Art
Newspaper, House & Garden, and Wallpaper.

INFO 9781786278852
50 illustrations
128 pages
7⅞ x 5¾ ins
$17.99 • Paperback


Photographers on
How they see, think & shoot
Henry Carroll

● Includes iconic images from 50 masters

● Each image is accompanied by a quote from the

master photographer to inspire and illuminate

● Analysis from Henry Carroll provides invaluable

insight into their thoughts and techniques

AUTHOR Henry Carroll studied photography at

the Royal College of Art in London and
his work has been exhibited worldwide.
Henry’s clear, jargon-free style
of teaching has demystified digital
photography and inspired thousands to
get creative with their cameras. INFO 9781786279156
50 illustrations
128 pages
7⅞ x 5¾ ins
$17.99 • Paperback


Fabric for Fashion

The Complete Guide Second Edition
Clive Hallett, Amanda Johnson

● Updated and expanded edition of a key student

fashion title

● New chapters on sustainability, smart fabrics,

product development and biosynthetic fibres

● Greater focus on sustainability and innovation

throughout chapters

Aimed at fashion designers, Fabric for Fashion:

The Complete Guide is unique in explaining the
behaviour, properties and sustainability impacts
of a wide range of natural and man-made fabrics.
Design is determined by how fabrics work, move,
feel and look. Increasingly and out of necessity,
design is also led by how fabric choices affect our
planet and its inhabitants. The most successful
fashion designers are those who truly understand
their materials, who match design skill with
technical knowledge. This book offers guidance by
providing a mix of practical information, including
industry vocabulary, and a wealth of stunning visual
examples showing how designers, both past and
present, have worked with textiles.

AUTHOR Clive Hallett is a freelance design INFO 978 1 91394 793 4

consultant and has worked in the fashion 550 images
industry for over forty years. He
288 pages
has lectured at the London College of
Fashion, Northumbria University and,
as a guest, at many other universities $40.00 • Trade Paperback
and institutions including the Victoria FEBRUARY 2022
& Albert Museum. Clive has also worked
for the World Health Organization on
development programmes for industry.

Amanda Johnston has over thirty years’
experience as a design consultant. She is
curator at The Sustainable Angle and in
this role curates for the Future Fabrics
Expo, delivers brand advisories and
speaks at conferences internationally.
Amanda also teaches at London College of
Fashion, and presents at institutions
including Central Saint Martins, the
Royal College of Art and the Council of
Fashion Designers of America.

Fabric for Fashion Swatch Book (9781913947613)

Fashion Design Research

Second Edition
Ezinma Mbeledogu

● Demystifies the research process for fashion

design students

● Practical how-to approach makes the book accessible

● Updated design, images and case studies

● Added material on cultural appropriation, ethics,

slow fashion, and sustainability

Every fashion collection begins with research. But

how do you start? How do you use that research?
Fashion Design Research answers these questions and
demystifies the process. The book begins with the
basics of primary and secondary research sources
and shows students how and where to gather
information. Chapters on color, fabric and market
research are followed by the final chapter on concept
development, which shows how to gather all the
information together, featuring one research project
from beginning to end. This revised edition includes
updated images and new case studies, plus more on
ethics, sustainability, and research methods.

AUTHOR Ezinma Mbeledogu is Senior Lecturer INFO 978 1 91394 766 8

on the BA (Hons) Fashion course at UCA 300 illustrations
Epsom. She studied Fashion Womenswear at
208 pages
Central Saint Martins and completed her
9 x 7 ½ ins
MA in Fashion at the Royal College of Art,
going on to produce her own fashion label. $40.00 • Paperback
She has also completed an MA in Social JANUARY 2022
Anthropology at Goldsmiths College.

Africa In Fashion
Craft, Textiles, Luxury
Kenneth Appiah Nimo

● Africa Fashion explores the kaleidoscope of craft

cultures that have shaped African fashion for
centuries and captures the intriguing stories of
contemporary and avant-garde African brands

● As the global fashion map is redrawn, Africa is the

next big destination

● High-end fashion increasingly values the sustainability

and ethics evident in the revival of heritage craft
which is key to the African Renaissance

The book looks at Africa’s rich cultural heritage and

place in the network of global fashion. An in-depth
look at Africa’s textile traditions, artisanship, and
role as a global resource allows the reader to explore
the history of African fashion.
The reader is later ushered into the spectacular
world of African fashion today. It showcases a
carefully curated set of the continent’s most
dynamic brands and, through interviews with
prominent and inspiring designers, offers rare insight
into their ethos and design practice. The book covers
the mosaic of Africa’s evolving creative landscape.

AUTHOR Based in South Africa but originally from INFO 978 1 91394 795 8
Ghana, Kenneth Appiah-Nimo is a fashion 225 images
researcher and design practitioner.
400 pages
He has contributed articles to many
publications including the Journal of
Design, Business and Society. In parallel $40.00 • Trade paperback
to his writing and studies, he has also MAY 2022
set up and run his own screen printing
and embroidery brand, Imperial Blac. He
holds an MA in Design from the University
of Johannesburg.


Advanced Creative
Karolyn Kiisel

● Bestselling author Karolyn Kiisel shoes designers and

students how to drape fashion-forward, conceptual
designs that use elements of couture construction

● Follow-up to the bestselling Draping: The Complete


● Includes different methods of draping to allow advanced

students to find and develop their preferred style

● Includes interviews with designers explaining their

craft, including ones from Chanel ateliers, Lemarie,
and Lesage in Paris

Advanced Creative Draping teaches designers and

students how to drape fashion-forward, conceptual
designs that use elements of couture construction to
elevate the work to the highest level of fashion.
Five methods of draping are explored as well as
draping using embellishments or particular surface
designs. The final chapter demonstrates how to create
a high-quality heirloom garment.
Featuring specially commissioned step-by-step
photography, the book includes tips from designers
working with draping methods today. Essentially an
advanced textbook for the serious fashion student,
it also serves as a workroom reference book for
professional fashion and costume designers.

AUTHOR Karolyn Kiisel is the best-selling author of INFO 978 1 91394 772 9
Draping: The Complete Course. She teaches at 500+ illustrations
The Theater Academy of Los Angeles City and
256 pages
previously taught in the Fashion Department at
Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles
for 25 years. Her fashion designs have been $75 • Flexibind
sold internationally, and her costume work has JANUARY 2022
appeared on screen and stage.

Draping (9781786272317)

The Craft Spirit of Contemporary
Chinese Design
Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell, Jiang Qiong Er

● Lavish celebration of craftsmanship in Chinese

design past, present and future

● Explores the traditional crafts of China, from

eggshell porcelain to jade carving, and shows how
they’re used in contemporary Chinese design

● Includes interviews with the very best masters

of these crafts

This lavish and beautiful book celebrates the

long and rich heritage of Chinese crafts and its
increasing influence on Chinese contemporary
design. Exploring the awakening craft spirit in
contemporary Chinese design, it comprehensively
introduces the pioneering and inspirational work of
one of its leading proponents, Shang Xia. Featured
crafts include lacquer and eggshell lacquer, jade
and agate carving, silk embroidery, cashmere felt,
bamboo carving and weaving, furniture making and

AUTHOR Charlotte and Peter Fiell are leading INFO 978 1 91394 744 6
authorities on the history, theory and 500+ illustrations
criticism of design and have written over
536 pages
60 books on the subject. They are among
the leading commentators on contemporary
Chinese design having previously written $85 Hardback
the first comprehensive book on the MAY 2022
subject, Contemporary Chinese Furniture
Design - A New Wave of Creativity
(Laurence King, 2019) and having also
curated a major exhibition on the subject
in Shanghai in 2019.

Jiang Qiong Er is one of China’s most

renowned contemporary designers and is
the founder of Shang Xia, a design-led
brand that is at the forefront of the
emergent arts-and-crafts-inspired ‘New
Chinese Design’ movement. Her pioneering
work for Shang Xia has been collected
by major museums all over the world,
including the British Museum, the
Victoria & Albert Museum (London) and the
Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Paris).


Studio Craft & Technique

for Architects
Second Edition
Miriam Delaney, Anne Gorman

● Compact, practical reference for architecture


● Covers all the basic areas required for first-year

courses from drawing to construction

● This edition revised and updated to include a

new section on sustainability, more on types
of drawing and when to use them, more on
structural principles and materials

This one-stop handbook for architecture students

provides step-by-step techniques for perfecting the
vital skills of drawing, model making and surveying.
It is a primer on the conventions of architectural
representation and the use of materials. It also
explains the primary elements of construction and
structure from first principles, using clear diagrams
and drawings. Recommended in the first year at
numerous architecture schools, this second edition
has been updated to include a new section on
sustainability, more on types of drawing and when
to use them, and more on structural principles
and materials.

AUTHOR Miriam Delaney, MRIAI, MA, BArch, and INFO 9781913947712

Anne Gorman, MRIAI, MSc, BArch, are 725 Illustrations
architects. They both teach at the Dublin
560 pages
School of Architecture, Technological
University Dublin.
$35 • Flexiback


Around the World

in 80 Birds
Mike Unwin, Ryuto Miyake (illustrator)

● Fascinating stories of 80 wild birds from around

the world

● Covers the full spectrum of the avian world, from

familiar garden favorites to tropical beauties and
formidable raptors

● A beautiful and inspiring gift book for bird enthusiasts

and anyone with an interest in the natural world

This beautiful and inspiring book tells the stories of

80 birds around the world: from the Sociable Weaver
Bird in Namibia which constructs huge, multi-nest
‘apartment blocks’ in the desert, to the Bar-headed
Goose of China, one of the highest-flying migrants
which crosses the Himalayas twice a year.
Many birds come steeped in folklore and myth,
some are national emblems and a few have inspired
scientific revelation or daring conservation projects.
Each has a story to tell that sheds a light on our
relationship with the natural world and reveals just
how deeply birds matter to us.

AUTHOR Mike Unwin is an award-winning writer of INFO 978 0 85782 895 8

popular natural history books for adults 150 illustrations
and children. He writes for The Daily
216 pages
Telegraph, The Times, BBC Wildlife, Travel
Africa, as well as the RSPB and WWF. Also a
widely published photographer, his travels $24.99 • Hardback
have taken him to every continent in JUNE 2022
search of its birds and other wildlife.

Ryuto Miyake is an illustrator and graphic

designer based in Tokyo. Miyake prefers
traditional drawing styles, using acrylic
gouache applied with a thin brush on
stretched-out watercolor paper, but his
detailed illustrations have a contemporary
look. His clients include Gucci, Toyota,
Frieze and Bottega Veneta.

Around the World in 80 Plants (9781786272300)
Around the World in 80 Trees PB (9781786276063)
Around the World in 80 Trees HB (9781786271617)

A Greener Life
Discover the Joy of Mindful and
Sustainable Gardening
Jack Wallington

● Restore yourself and the planet through truly

sustainable gardening

● Gardening is a growing trend, and there is a particular

interest in sustainable gardening practices

● In addition to clear and easy-to-follow gardening

tips, A Greener Life includes advice on connecting
to nature and creating a greener lifestyle

● Jack’s most recent book, Wild About Weeds, won

The Times best gardening book of the year

If you want a sustainable garden and a better

relationship with nature, A Greener Life is the guide
you need. Packed with inspirational images and
practical tips, the book covers garden planning,
organic composting, pest control and vegetable
growing, as well as sustainable planting, rewilding and
wildlife-attracting environments. Learn traditional
gardening techniques like propagating and growing
from cuttings to make your garden self-sustaining,
and discover plants that attract hover flies, bees,
and butterflies. With Jack Wallington’s warmth and
expertise on every page, this is an ideal book for new
gardeners seeking greener practices.

AUTHOR Jack Wallington is an ecological grower INFO 978 0 85782 893 4

and landscape designer who’s created over 250 images
70 gardens, from tiny city balconies to
192 pages
country estates, specializing in modern
gardens with regenerative, wildlife-
friendly planting. He’s appeared on $24.99 • Hardback
BBC Gardeners’ World and writes for MARCH 2022
The Guardian, The Telegraph, Gardens
Illustrated, RHS’s The Garden and others.
His book Wild about Weeds: Garden Design
with Rebel Plants was named Gardening
Book of the Year by The Times in 2019.

Wild About Weeds (9781786275561)

The Green Lunch Box

Recipes That Are Good for You and the Planet
Becky Alexander

● Sixty recipes with original illustrations and

photography in a gifty, lifestyle package. Follows the
same format as our bestselling How to Raise a Plant,
How to Raise a Loaf, and How to Grow Your Dinner

● Responds to the global sustainability movement.

Eating a veggie lunch is a more effective way to
reduce your impact on the planet than cutting back
on driving and flying

● Written and researched by an experienced food writer

The Green Lunchbox is packed with delicious,

healthy, plant-based lunches to help you save the
planet in your lunch break. Making your own lunch
just a few times a week saves money, packaging
and precious time. Discover simple, short recipes
for hot boxes, soups, salads, wraps and snacks that
make the most of your everyday fresh and store
cupboard ingredients.
Learn to love your leftovers, master the art of
batch cooking and discover ingenious sustainable
ways to pack (and eat) your lunch. Recipes include:
Smashed beets and rainbow salad with hazelnut
dukkha Black lentil, almond and coconut dahl with
crispy cumin cauliflower, Spicy parsnip soup with
crispy harissa chickpeas, and more!

AUTHOR Becky Alexander is an experienced book INFO 978 1 91394 786 6

editor, food writer and columnist, a member 60 Illustrations
of The Guild of Food Writers and co-author
of cookbook Packed. She writes about and
$19.99 • Hardback
creates recipes focused on sustainability,
zero waste and vegetarian and vegan eating. JANUARY 2022
Follow Becky @thelocalfoodie.

How to Grow Your Dinner (9781786277374)
How to Raise a Loaf (9781786275790)

Mind & Bowl

A guide to Mindful Eating & Cooking
Joey Hulin

● Mindful eating is a strong health trend, appealing

to people seeking a more connected life

● Includes simple, delicious and healthy recipes for

every meal of the day

● Small, cute format, perfect for gift giving and


Mind & Bowl is an introduction to the practice

of mindfulness in relation to eating habits, food
choices and our relationship with food.
The content combines guidance, inspiration and
opportunities for reflection, along with simple tasty
recipes, all of which can be beautifully put together
in a bowl. Being mindful of the food we eat, and how
we eat, is an important act of self-care, so central
to our lives it is often overlooked. In Mind & Bowl
mindfulness practitioner and chef Joey Hulin inspires
the reader to explore their habits and relationship
with food and reconnect with the experience of
eating mindfully to live better. Reconnect with the
nourishing power of food and discover simple recipes
that will bring joy to every meal.

AUTHOR Joey Hulin is a writer, meditation INFO 9781913947644

teacher and poet based in Cornwall, UK. 60 images
She has dedicated the last decade to
160 pages
her own spiritual growth by living and
embodying the teachings she shares. She
is founder of wellness company Horizon $17.99 • Hardback
Inspired, offering down to earth, soulful FEBRUARY 2022
wellbeing retreats and meditations


Find Your Animal

A Spiritual Guide to Self-Discovery
Dina Saalisi

● The practice of finding your animal guide involves

psychology and self-learning - strong subjects for
the core demographic of this title

● There is no strong competition for this title in

mainstream publishing

● Taking guidance from symbolic animals is a trend

that more people are turning to in order to achieve
a sense of piece and fulfilment

In Native American culture, the spirit animal is

traditionally called upon for guidance and inspiration.
This wonderful little volume explains how to call
upon your animal, how to interpret its messages, and
how to use its power to enhance your life. Much of
the book covers the 40 key animals that re-occur as
spirit guides. Discover whether you are a fox, a wolf or
an owl, and whether your animal is likely to change
to another at different times of the year or stages
in your life. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the
book is a fascinating way to learn a little more about
yourself and your true nature.

AUTHOR Dina Saalisi is a holistic healer INFO 978 1 91394 7 675

with skills as Master Flower Essence 45 images
Practitioner, a Board-Certified Health and
176 pages
Wellness Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist,
educator and empath. Dina is an
energeticist with an extraordinary gift $17.99 • Hardback
for connecting with the many facets of life APRIL 2022
force energy, and her system of healing is
grounded in reverence for nature and the
nourishment provided from this universal
source. She lives in California with her
family and three pups.


The Short Story

of Science
A Pocket Guide to Key Histories, Experiments,
Theories, Instruments and Methods
Mark Fletcher, Tom Jackson

● New, innovative introduction to the story of science

● Explores key experiments as well as histories, theories,

instruments, and methods

● Explains the most important and influential concepts

in an accessible and concise way

● The book for all curious people to understand how

science works and develops

The Short Story of Science is a new introduction to

the complete subject of science. Covering 60 key
experiments, from Archimedes’ investigations of
buoyancy to the discovery of dark matter, and then
linking these to the history of science, as well as to
the key theories and methods, the book simplifies
and explains all the key breakthroughs.
Accessible and concise, generously illustrated
throughout, and with all the essential information
presented without jargon, readers are given all the
tools they need to enjoy the fascinating history of
scientific knowledge.
INFO 9781913947880
224 pages
AUTHOR Tom Jackson has written more than 200
books and contributed to many more.
These include projects with Brian May, $19.99 • Flexiback
Patrick Moore, Marcus de Sautoy, and JUNE 2022
Carol Vorderman and cover everything from
axolotls to Zoroastrianism.

The Short Story of the Novel (9781786277442)
The Short Story of Women Artists (9781786276551)
The Short Story of Film (9781786275639)
The Short Story of Architecture (9781786273703)
The Short Story of Photography (9781786272010)
The Short Story of Modern Art (9781780679686)

Killer Collections
Dark Artifacts from True Crime
Paul Gambino

● The first book documenting the darkest of private

collections – artefacts and evidence related to some
of the most infamous criminals and criminal acts.
Features 175 specially commissioned photographs

● A curious and compelling social and cultural history

of true crime from the author of Morbid Curiosities
(2016) and Skulls (2021)

Delve into the dark and dangerous side of humanity

with this intriguing collection of artefacts and
evidence relating to some of the most infamous
criminals and criminal acts throughout history. This
unique book showcases murder weapons, crime
scene evidence, police files, diaries, letters and other
criminal ephemera, alongside the fascinating and
often disturbing stories behind them. From an 18th
Century hangman’s noose to Charles Manson’s signed
death certificate and the blood-stained pillowcase of
Abraham Lincoln, it will even feature a prison-used
electric chair. Many of these pieces will be shown
outside private collection for the very first time.

AUTHOR Paul Gambino has been an avid collector INFO 978 0 85782 914 6
of the macabre for over 20 years and owns 175 images
an extensive collection of nineteenth-
208 pages
century memorial photographs. His two
decades of collecting have gained him
access to some of the world’s most elite $30.00 • Hardback
collectors of the macabre. JUNE 2022

Morbid Curiosities (9781780678665)
Anatomica (9781786275714)

200 Words to Help

You Talk About Gender
& Sexuality
Kate Sloan

● Highly readable guide to help you talk about

sexuality and gender with confidence

● Strong subject, very popular with Gen Z

● Definitions and terminology relating to

gender and sexuality are quite a minefield
for many people

AUTHOR Based in Toronto, Canada, Kate Sloan is INFO 978 0 85782 950 4
a journalist, blogger, podcaster, and 144 pages
educator who has been writing about sex
online and in print for over five years.
$12.99 • Hardback
On her blog she writes twice a week
about sex, kink, relationships, fashion, APRIL 2022
beauty, writing, and mental health.

200 Words to Help

You Talk About
Michael Britt

● Psychology is a perennially popular subject –

this small gift book is a handy guide that
decodes the jargon

● Popular, smart subject which always does well

in light-bite approaches

● Great author with a popular psychology podcast

AUTHOR Michael Britt Ph.D. is an educator who INFO 978 0 85782 892 7
has taught a variety of psychology 144 pages
courses as well as hosting the long
running podcast, The Psych Files. Dr
$12.99 • Hardback
Britt has worked extensively in online
learning for major publishers and has APRIL 2022
created a variety of written, audio and
video content on a variety of topics.

200 Words to Help You Talk About Art (9781786276933)
200 Words to Help you Talk About Philosophy (9781786276940)

How To Make Work

Not Suck
Honest Advice for People with Jobs
Carina Maggar

● The new riles of work for the new world of work.

Relevant to anyone at any stage of their career or in
any industry, particularly students, recent graduates
and office juniors. The perfect gift for anyone
entering the jobs market or taking on a new role.

● As well as its unique peer-to-peer perspective from

a highly promotable author, it also features expert
advice from very experienced and successful figures,
including Alain de Bottan, Sarah Dukkas and Mr. Bingo

● Bite-size, spread-driven with provocative headers

and a fresh design style.

Google doesn’t have the answer

Dream big, plan small
When in doubt, Helvetica
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups
Stay curious
How to deal with assholes
No one knows what they’re doing, neither should you

In this straight-talking guide to the real world of

work, discover genuinely useful advice that will help
you find the confidence to go for that promotion,
quit your job, break into that industry, nail that
pitch or climb over a creative brick wall. With 120
irreverent, unusual but always useful insights, this
book will help you reach your career goals.

AUTHOR Carina Maggar is a creative copywriter. INFO 978 0 85782 902 3

She has produced work for brands 50 images
including ASOS, YouTube, Topshop,
160 pages
Lucozade, Pepsi, Channel 4, Nintendo,
Cornetto, Levi’s, Conde Nast, Marmite
and Viacom. She has worked on briefs $17.99 • Paperback
for Saatchi & Saatchi, LBI, Lean Mean MAY 2022
Fighting Machine, Manifest, Mindshare,
Maker Studios, Ogilvy and Splendid.

Oh Sh*t What Not (9781780679631)
How to Do Great Work Without being an Asshole (9781786273918)

The Story is Everything

Mastering Creative Communications
for Business
Andreas Loizou

● Draws on the psychology and methods of what

constitutes good storytelling

● Offers tips and techniques for improving writing and

presentation skills, so that you get noticed and get
your business message across quickly and with style

● For the general professional, young entrepreneur,

wanting to pitch an idea, a product or a start-up

We all know that stories work. Great stories build

rapport with clients and trust between colleagues.
They attract investors, convince customers, and
make you and your business stand out in a world of
boring presentations.
This book explores the tips and techniques to
transform you into an influential business storyteller.
It teaches you the structure of stories and suggest
the ways of harnessing your own creativity so that
you can instantly grab your audience’s attention
by targeting their feelings, actions, and beliefs.
You’ll learn from the masters of influence, including
advertisers, psychologists, philosophers, screenplay
writers and novelists.
From writing a compelling pitch for a new product INFO 9781913947941
to turning bland data into exciting tales, this book 100 images
will give you the tools to communicate your message 320 pages
with style, originality, and success. 5”x7”
$19.95 • Paperback
AUTHOR Andreas Loizou has worked in the financial APRIL 2022
world, run speaker training courses
for the FT, financial institutions and
university business schools. He has
written numerous newspaper articles and
books, and is the founder of Margate
Bookie, a literary festival.

Photographer © XXX
$00.00 / YEAR


Let’s Look at…

Marion Deuchars

● Beautiful artwork from the author and illustrator

of the bestselling Let’s Make Some Great Art series
makes these board books stand out in the early
years market

● Bright colors and bold design make them perfect

for both gifting and sharing with your own baby
or toddler

Explore the natural world in this stunning board

book, perfect for sharing with your baby or toddler.
INFO 9781510230170
Part of the Let’s Look at... series of board books
24 pages
from bestselling author and illustrator Marion
11 images
Deuchars, this book is the perfect introduction to
the wonders of nature.
$9.99 • Board Book
MAY 2022

Let’s Look at…

Marion Deuchars

Learn about opposites in this stunning board book,

perfect for sharing with your baby or toddler.
Part of the Let’s Look at... series of board books
from bestselling author and illustrator Marion
Deuchars, this book is the perfect introduction to
the world of opposites.

AUTHOR Marion Deuchars is the award-winning and

bestselling author of the Let’s Make
Some Great Art series. Other titles, also
published by Laurence King, include Bob INFO 9781510230019
the Artist, Bob’s Blue Period, and Bob 24 pages
Goes Pop, beautiful picture books about
11 images
friendship, art, dealing with emotions,
and working together.
$9.99 • Board Book
MAY 2022


Let’s Look at...Numbers (9781786277817)
Let’s Look at...Shapes (9781786277794)
Let’s Look at...Animals (9781786277831)
Let’s Look at...Colors (9781786277770)


Puzzle Odyssey
An Epic Maze Adventure
Helen Friel and Ian Friel,
illustrated by Jesús Sotés

● This unique puzzle book retells the classic tale

of The Odyssey

● With mazes, riddles, logic puzzles, and seek-and-

find scenes, this epic adventure will have you
engrossed from beginning to end

● Beautifully and engagingly illustrated

Odysseus has been away from home for many

years, and he is finally making his way back to his
family on the island of Ithaca. It will be a dangerous
journey and on the way he’ll face treacherous
challenges of all kinds. If you’re feeling brave
enough, step aboard his ship and help him on
his way!

AUTHOR Helen Friel is a freelance paper engineer INFO 9781913947309

and illustrator, and Ian Friel became a 13 illustrations
freelance writer and historian after a
48 pages
long career in museums.
11½ x 8⅞ ins
Jesús Sotés is an illustrator and graphic
$19.99 • Hardcover
designer based in Pamplona, Spain.


Little Guides to Great Lives

The Little Guides to Great Lives series introduces children to the
most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way.
This small-format, paperback collection tells the stories
of the most amazing people from all over the world and across
history with colorful illustrations and a fresh design to
bring their incredible stories to life.

A blend of informative and humorous narrative with vibrant images

immerses children into the worlds of Anne Frank, Frida Kahlo,
Leonardo da Vinci, and Nelson Mandela. These are just the first lives
to be explored in this collectible series of biographies that share
the lives of some of the most influential individuals to have
shaped the world as we know it.

$9.99, paperback, 64 pages, 64 illustrations, 7 ¾ x 5 ins, May 2022

Little Guides to Great Lives: Little Guides to Great Lives:

Anne Frank Frida Kahlo
Isabel Thomas, Illustrated by Paola Escobar Isabel Thomas, Illustrated by Marianna Madriz
9781510230026 9781510230118

Anne Frank was an ordinary girl living in Frida Kahlo was a colorful Mexican artist who
extraordinary times. Forced to go into hiding to endured great pain and hardship, but used her
escape the Nazis’ persecution of Jews in World War bright, vivid brushstrokes to express her emotions
II, Anne Kept a diary that would become of the most and reveal personality. She is considered one of
famous books in the world. the most influential and inspirational artists
of the 20th century.
Little Guides to Great Lives: Little Guides to Great Lives:
Leonardo Da Vinci Nelson Mandela
Isabel Thomas, Illustrated by Katja Spitzer Isabel Thomas, Illustrated by Hannah Warren
9781510230088 9781510230071

Most famous as the painter who created the Mona Anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, and
Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci is also one of history’s philanthropist, Nelson Mandela’s journey from
greatest geniuses – he waws a mathematician, political prisoner to president of South Africa
architect, astronomer, scientist, and musician… is an incredible tale of triumph in the face of
and he even invented the helicopter! adversity.


Pierre the Maze

The Search for Stolen Maze Stone
Hiro Kamigaki, IC4DESIGN

● Take a trip through an amazing world of

underground cities, hot-air balloons, tree-top
towns, and haunted houses

● Features 15 full-spread illustrations of intricate,

magical mazes, and two additional illustrations.
Also includes new mystery challenges

● Suitable for all detectives aged 8+

Pierre the Maze Detective has a new case. Mr. X has

stolen the Maze Stone, which has the power to turn
the whole of Opera City into a maze. Can you help
Pierre and his friend Carmen find their way through
the mazes -- and stop Mr. X before it’s too late? This
beautifully illustrated book features 15 full-spread
illustrations of intricate, magical mazes. Trace your
way through each maze, spot the clues, and solve
the extra mystery challenges along the way. Hours
of puzzle fun! A page of answers with the routes
through the mazes and other solutions is included
at the end of the book.

AUTHOR IC4DESIGN are a collective of illustrators INFO 978 1 51023 005 7

based in Hiroshima, Japan. Founded by 40 pages
Hirofumi Kamigaki, they were elected one
17 images
of the 200 Best Illustrators Worldwide,
$14.95 • Paperback
and were one of American Illustration’s
and the Society of Illustrators’ selected JUNE 2022
illustrators. Clients include Amtrak,
The New York Times, Ogilvy Italy, Adobe,
Newsweek and Toyota.

Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search for the Stolen Maze Stone (9781780675633)
Pierre the Maze Detective: The Curious Case of the Castle in the Sky (9781786277404)
Pierre the Maze Detective: The Mystery of the Empire Maze Tower (9781786270597)

Who’s Hiding in
the Ocean?
A Spot and Match Game
Caroline Selmes

● Easy to learn, totally addictive gameplay!

● Find the matching animals before anyone else can

● Captivating drawings by the same illustrator as

Dinosaur Bingo, Jungle Bingo, and I Saw It First!

Pick a card, any card! Now pick another. Between

any animal and ocean card there will only ever
be one animal that features on both. Can you be
the first to find it? Featuring Caroline Selmes’s
delightful animal illustrations and undersea scenes,
Who’s Hiding in the Ocean? will have the whole
family vying for victory!

AUTHOR Caroline Selmes is an illustrator and INFO 978 1 39960 020 0

former advertising art-director based in 57 illustrations/57 cards
London. Her projects for Laurence King
63 pieces
include I Saw it First! Jungle, I Saw
it First! Ocean, Dinosaur Bingo and
Jungle Bingo. $18.99
MAY 2022

Who’s Hiding in the Jungle (9781786276568)

Dog Day Out!

A Collaborative Jigsaw Puzzle for Kids
and Grownups
Magma for Laurence King, Lisk Feng

● Fun for the whole family: pieces of two different

sizes mean that puzzlers of different abilities can
work on the same jigsaw

● Artwork by Lisk Feng emphasizes the benefits

of collaboration

An innovative new format in which puzzle pieces

of two different sizes enable people of different
ages or abilities to work collaboratively on the
same jigsaw puzzle. A self-contained scene with
larger pieces slots alongside a bigger puzzle with
smaller pieces. Parents or older siblings can enjoy
the challenge of piecing the puzzle together while
having the satisfaction of working together with a
younger puzzler!

AUTHOR Melissa Lee Johnson is an award- INFO 9781913947606

winning artist, illustrator, and 1 jigsaw puzzle
graphic designer, based in Milwaukee, measuring 377x572mm
Wisconsin. She graduated with a BFA in (box 180x270x50mm)
Integrated Studio Arts from The Milwaukee 14 ⅞ x 22 ½ in.
Institute of Art and Design. She got her (7 ⅛ x 10 ⅝ x 2 in.);
start illustrating for an alternative 1 poster measuring 246x364mm
newspaper, and has since worked on (9 ¾ x 14 ⅜ in.); 180 pieces
editorial, books, packaging, branding, (132 small pieces; 48 big
and advertising for a variety of clients. pieces)
In 2020 she received the Communication
Arts Illustration Annual Award of $16.99
Excellence in Advertising. MARCH 2022

A to Z of Dogs (9781913947378)

Black Heroes
A Go Fish Card Game
Dr Kimberly Brown Pellum,
Illustrated by Magali Attiogbé

● The simple gameplay based on Go Fish provides a fun

way for kids to learn about inspiring Black Figures

● Features familiar names like Serena Williams and

Louis Armstrong, as well as less well-known heroes
to discover such as military leader Queen Nzinga
and mathematician Gladys Mae West

Collect illustrated cards of 44 of the most

inspirational Black figures of all time and gather
them into groups including space, sport, activism,
art, science, and literature.
Based on Go Fish, this game will inspire children
and parents to celebrate Black heroes, both
contemporary and historical.
Bold and colorful illustrations on every card make
it easy to recognize your favorite heroes!
Discover more about each Black hero in the
accompanying booklet, from when Simone Biles
first discovered gymnastics to how Queen Nzinga
fought off Portuguese invaders.

AUTHOR Dr. Kimberly Brown Pellum is the founder INFO 987 1 91394 741 5
of and 44images
Assistant Professor of History at Florida
44 cards
A&M University. Her most recent book is
Black Beauties: African American Pageant
Queens in the Segregated South. $11.99
Magali Attiogbé was born in Atakpamé
in Togo and moved to France at the age
of three. In 2002, she obtained an
illustration DMA at the Estienne school
in Paris. Since then, she has worked on
a variety of projects including posters,
books and toys.


We Are Family
A Go Fish Game for Modern Families
Anne-Hélène Dubray, Illustrator Beth Cox

● Celebrate nontraditional families and learn to

discuss difference from a young age with this fun
and modern take on the classic Go Fish card game

● A family card game featuring contemporary family

structures such as same-sex parents, childfree
couples, grandparent families, and more

● Simple gameplay – quick and easy to learn

● Includes a booklet with the rules of the game and

the stories behind the families featured

Families come in all shapes and sizes: if you

love each other, you’re a family! Celebrate
nontraditional families and learn to discuss
difference from a young age with this fun and
modern take on the classic go fish card game,
for two or more players aged 4+.

AUTHOR Anne-Hélène Dubray is a children’s book INFO 978 1 91394 790 3

author and illustrator, based in Paris, 44images
with a background in art history, fine
44 cards
arts and literature.

Beth Cox is a writer and inclusion and $11.99

equality consultant, who is passionate FEBRUARY 2022
about making inclusion totally natural
and incidental, just as it should be.


Deep Sea Discovery

A Card Game for Ocean Explorers
Daniel Frost, Mike Unwin

● What weird and wonderful creatures will you find

in the depths: a vampire squid, a lantern fish or
a giant tube worm? Discover creatures you’ve
never heard of like the headless chicken fish and
luminous sea angels

● Simple to play for families with children aged 6+

and packed with educational facts on all the sea
creatures featured

Dive into the depths of the ocean and explore with

this new discovery card game. How deep does a
turtle swim? How far down can a human dive?
Where does the sunlight stop? Discover the answers
and spot weird and wonderful creatures in the
depths: can you find a vampire squid, a lantern
fish or a giant tube worm? Float all the way to the
bottom of the Mariana trench and learn about the
creatures you’ll encounter while you play.

AUTHOR Daniel Frost is an award-winning British INFO 978 1 91394 784 2

artist based in Copenhagen. He works in 50 images
advertising, fashion and publishing and
50 pieces
his charming, playful children’s books
have been translated into many languages.
Mike Unwin is an award-winning writer
JUNE 2022
and editor of books and magazines for
both adults and children, specializing in


Animal Family Album

A Match-Three Memory Game
Illustrated by Mike Unwin and Ryuto Miyake

● A challenging take on the traditional pair-based

memory game

● Match up three animals from the same family:

two look similar, but one is the odd one out

● Contains a booklet explaining why the animals

don’t all look alike

Is this really your family? In these fifteen animal

families there certainly do seem to be a lot of
black sheep and ugly ducklings... Why don’t they
all look the same? Can you group the families
together and remember where they all are?
Take your memory skills to the next level with
Animal Family Album.

AUTHOR Mike Unwin is an award-winning writer INFO 978 1 91394 738 5

of popular natural history books for 45 images
adults and children. He writes for
The Daily Telegraph, The Times, BBC
Wildlife, Travel Africa, as well as the
RSPB and WWF. Also a widely published JUNE 2022
photographer, his travels have taken him
to every continent in search of its birds
and other wildlife.

Ryuto Miyake is an illustrator and

graphic designer based in Tokyo. Miyake
prefers traditional drawing styles,
using acrylic gouache applied with a thin
brush on stretched-out watercolor paper,
but his detailed illustrations have a
contemporary look. His clients include
Gucci, Toyota, Frieze and Bottega Veneta.

Photographer © XXX
$00.00 / YEAR

Gift &


Around the World

in 50 Trees
Jigsaw Puzzle
Jonathan Drori, Lucille Clerc (illustrator)

● F
ollows up on the success of Around the World
in 80 Trees

Discover the secretive world of trees through this

detailed 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle illustrated by
Lucille Clerc, accompanied by text from Jonathan
Drori’s bestselling book Around the World in 80 Trees.
Journey from the native trees of Britain to India’s
sacred banyan, passing by lime-lined European
boulevards, Californian redwood forests and many
more, all the way to New Zealand’s majestic kauris
- and you’ll learn about the history, science and
culture surrounding the world’s magnificent trees
while building the puzzle.

AUTHOR Jonathan Drori CBE is a Trustee of The INFO 978 0 85782 896 5
Woodland Trust and The Eden Project, 80 images
an Ambassador for WWF and the author of
1000 pieces
Around the World in 80 Trees (2018).
Lucille Clerc is a French illustrator
based in London, who works with fashion
houses, museums, and historic palaces APRIL 2022
among other clients.


299 Fish (and a Diver)

An Aquatic Cluster Puzzle
Léa Maupetit

● A jigsaw with a twist: no two shapes are the same,

and each piece is a beautiful undersea creature

● Hours of maddening fun!

● Charming illustrations by Léa Maupetit

Have you got what it takes to corral all 299 sea

creatures into a perfect puzzle? In this cunning cluster
puzzle, there are no regular jigsaw shapes: each piece
takes the outline of the creature itself. And there are
299 of them! Can you fit them all together?

AUTHOR Léa Maupetit is a French illustrator INFO 978 0 85782 953 5

living and working in Paris. Her Jigsaw
clients include the New York Times
300 pieces
and Möet Hennessy
JUNE 2022

299 Dogs (9781913947156)
299 Cats (9781786276582)

The Puzzle of Ecstasy

Professor Susan Broomhall,
Professor Therese Vandling

● P
art of 150-piece little gradient puzzle series using
the artwork from The Box of Emotions

● Feel euphoria, elation and extreme delight and

pleasure with The Puzzle of Ecstasy.

Part of a new 150-piece gradient puzzle series that

taps into the mindful, self-care appeal of jigsaws.
The beautiful, mesmerizing artwork of each little
puzzle focuses on a different emotion, with an
accompanying booklet to help you understand and
make sense of these feelings.
Other titles in the series include The Puzzle of
Hopefulness, The Puzzle of Happiness, The Puzzle of
Calm and The Puzzle of Love. INFO 9781913947699
150 pieces

The Puzzle of Love

● P
art of 150-piece little gradient puzzle series using
the artwork from The Box of Emotions

● Discover intense desire and deep affection, heartache,

and heartbreak with The Puzzle of Love.

Part of a new 150-piece gradient puzzle series that

taps into the mindful, self-care appeal of jigsaws.
The beautiful, mesmerizing artwork of each little
puzzle focuses on a different emotion, with an
accompanying booklet to help you understand and
make sense of these feelings.
Other titles in the series include: The Puzzle of
Hopefulness, The Puzzle of Happiness, The Puzzle of
Calm and The Puzzle of Ecstasy.

AUTHOR Susan Broomhall is a Professor of History INFO 978 1 91394 770 5

at The University of Western Australia 150 pieces
and 2018 Co-Director of the ARC Centre of
Excellence for the History of Emotions.
Therese Vandling is an independent
graphic designer and founder member of
experimental print and design studio
Heretic/Spectral Nation.


with the
order of 12+

. 12 1/2 x 8 1/4 x 7 7/8 ins

. Fits 12 puzzles
. ISBN 9781399602235

Puzzle of Calm Puzzle of Happiness Puzzle of Hopefulness

9781913947637 9781913947620 9781913947491
$12.99 $12.99 $12.99


Puzzle of Love

Puzzle of Ecstasy

To order please contact your Chronicle Books rep, call 800.759.0190

or email [email protected]

The World of
James Joyce
1000-piece jigsaw puzzle
Joseph Brooker and Michael Kirkham

● Features the “dear dirty Dublin” of the early

20th century in all its glorious and grimy detail

● Spot Leopold Bloom, Stephen Dedalus, and

Joyce himself along with all of his famous
and infamous compatriots

● Includes a pull-out poster with details of the

people and characters featured, plus a quick
guide to Ulysses

● 2022 is the centenary of the publication of

Ulysses and James Joyce’s 140th birthday

Travel back to 16 June 1904 and join Stephen

Dedalus and Buck Mulligan in their Martello tower,
Blazes Boylan jingling along in his carriage, Molly
Bloom in her chamber and a host of other iconic
Dubliners. Whether you’ve got a well-thumbed copy
of Finnegans Wake or you’ve never read a word
of Joyce, you’ll delight in following Bloom on his
odyssey through ‘dear dirty Dublin’. There’s never
been an easier way to piece together a story!
Includes a poster with an introductory essay
to Joyce and Ulysses written by Joseph Brooker,
Professor of Modern Literature in the Department of
English, Theatre and Creative Writing at Birkbeck,
University of London.

AUTHOR Joseph Brooker is Professor of Modern INFO 978 1 91394 787 3

Literature in the Department of English, 1 image
Theatre and Creative Writing at Birkbeck,
1000 pieces
University of London, with a specialism
in Modernism and Irish writers.
Michael Kirkham is an illustrator
working internationally in the fields
of advertising, editorial and design.
He teaches on the illustration programme
at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art
& Design, University of Dundee.


The World of the Tudors

1000-piece jigsaw puzzle
Sarah Wilkins, Elizabeth Norton

● This 1000-piece puzzle reimagines the world of the

Tudors in glorious (and grisly) detail, featuring
feasts, beheadings, jousting and much more

● Spot all the famous monarchs (and their many

spouses), writers such as Shakespeare and
Marlowe, castles and pastimes as you build the
puzzle and travel through time from the Battle of
Bosworth to Queen Elizabeth I’s funeral parade

● Includes fun facts about the Tudor period on a

fold-out poster

From the Wars of the Roses through plagues,

cunning plots, executions and more, the Tudor
period is the most dramatic and turbulent in
English history. Journey through time to find Henry
VIII’s six wives, Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake and
other famous figures as you build this detailed
1000-piece puzzle.

AUTHOR Sarah Wilkins is a New Zealand-born INFO 978 1 91394 783 5

illustrator working globally across 1 image
publishing, advertising and design. She
1000 pieces
uses acrylic, gouache, ink and digital
techniques to create her distinctive work.
Dr Elizabeth Norton is a writer and
historian who specializes in the Tudor
period. She lives near Hampton Court
Palace with her family.

5 The Tudor period was the most dramatic and turbulent
9 in English history. Take a tour through the Tudors’ world
as you build the puzzle. You will meet Henry VIII and
his six wives, pass by the Tower of London, and journey
2 into the heart of the Tudor royal court, to find nearly
60 of the people, places and activities of the era.
6 We start our tour at the Tudor rose emblem 1, uniting the Henry’s final years saw war with France. He built a series
11 red rose of Lancaster with the white rose of York. These of forts, including Deal Castle 31 in Kent, to protect the
rival dynasties fought for the crown before 1485, when coast. Invasion was a real concern, with Henry’s finest ship,
the Lancastrian Henry Tudor met the Yorkist king the Mary Rose 32 sunk during a naval engagement in 1545.
Richard III in battle at Bosworth 2. Richard died fighting, Henry unsuccessfully attempted to have the vessel raised,
ending the Wars of the Roses. The new Henry VII married with the ship waiting over 400 years on the seabed off
12 Elizabeth of York 3, creating the new Tudor dynasty. Portsmouth.
Stepping inside the Tudor court, we find a woman at prayer. Nine-year-old Edward VI 33 became king in 1547. His
This is Margaret Beaufort 4, mother of the king and his hated uncle, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, ruled as
17 leading advisor. Next, we meet John Blanke 5, dressed regent, advancing the Protestant Reformation. Witness his
in his ceremonial robes as one of the king’s trumpeters. arrest 34 on trumped up charges in 1552. The girl, trying
He probably travelled to England from Africa, via Spain. on the crown, is Protestant Lady Jane Grey 35. Named as
19 Moving into the palace kitchens, where we see young Edward’s heir, her ‘reign’ lasted just nine days before his
14 20
18 Lambert Simnel 6, who impersonated a Yorkist prince half-sister, Mary I 36 became queen with popular acclaim.
and led a rebellion. He was lucky to secure a pardon and Mary’s marriage to Philip of Spain was unpopular, as was
job in the royal kitchens. her Catholicism. She burned Protestants, including
16 Archbishop Thomas Cranmer 37.
For most, life was far removed from palaces. Cities, such
as London, were packed with tall half-timber houses 7, Mary was followed by her half-sister, Elizabeth I 38, who
with the upper floors overhanging the street. Watch t was expected to quickly marry. The leading candidate was
hese children at play 8 with leapfrog and hoop and Robert Dudley 39, who wooed her for years, inviting her to
22 stick popular. All ages enjoyed board games 9, including stay at his residences of Warwick Castle 40 and Kenilworth
chess and backgammon. Stop by to watch the printer Castle 41. She also refused many foreign suitors, although
21 working 10, too. The first English press was established Francis, Duke of Anjou 42 proved persistent. Nicknaming
in 1476, revolutionising book production. Here we can him her ‘frog’, Elizabeth was delighted when he came in
27 see an apprentice learning his trade as a paper maker 11 person to propose, although he too failed.
to supply the new presses.
25 Many Puritans, such as the writer John Foxe 43, complained
Disease was rife, with outbreaks of deadly Sweating that Elizabeth’s Protestant religious settlement did not go
26 Sickness 12, which first appeared in 1485. This young man far enough. Catholic worship became illegal, with some
is suffering from its fever and breathlessness, advancing smuggling priests into their houses and hiding them in
rapidly. There was little benefit in consulting with doctors, priest holes 44. Others threw their support behind the
who still practised the ancient humoral system. This doctor Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, who had been forced
is attempting to restore balance to his patient’s humours to abdicate her Scottish crown. During twenty years of
by blood letting 13. imprisonment, her gaolers included the reluctant Bess
28 30 of Hardwick 45, who had amassed an enormous fortune
Moving through London, we come to old St Paul’s
31 due to her shrewd business acumen. Desperate to be freed,
Cathedral 14, the capital’s tallest building. It will lose its
Mary plotted against Elizabeth, leading to her execution 46
29 spire to lightning in 1561 and later be destroyed by fire.
for treason in 1587. The execution of a sovereign monarch
Inside, the wedding of Prince Arthur and Catherine
shocked Europe, with Philip of Spain resolving to invade.
of Aragon 15 is taking place. Arthur’s early death meant
33 37 Elizabeth’s fleet was led by Sir Francis Drake 47, who was
his younger brother succeeded as Henry VIII 16 in 1509.
34 famously playing bowls when the Armada was sighted.
He married his brother’s widow and threw himself into
35 Drake’s seamanship and a ‘Protestant wind’ scattered the
the pleasures of kingship. There was jousting 17, at which
Spanish Armada before it could land troops.
32 he excelled, and lavish feasting 18. Henry loved hunting.
36 Look out for the royal falconer 19, often called upon Elizabeth’s reign was a golden age. Here are the playwrights
to assist the king in his sports. The government was Christopher Marlowe 48, William Shakespeare 49 and
entrusted to Cardinal Thomas Wolsey 20, the son of an Ben Jonson50, whose work was performed in London’s
Ipswich butcher. He built Hampton Court 21, a palace packed theatres. Sir Walter Raleigh 51 is here with his
so magnificent that the king requested it as a present. globe, contemplating the foundation of the first English
38 44 46 colony in the New World in 1585. We find Abd el-Ouahed
Wolsey fell in 1529, after failing to obtain the annulment
ben Messaoud 52 on his way to see Elizabeth in 1600. The
40 of Henry’s first marriage. He was replaced by a clever
Moroccan ambassador was a striking visitor, attempting
43 lawyer, Thomas Cromwell 22 who, along with Archbishop
to negotiate an alliance against Catholic Spain.
Thomas Cranmer and the king’s fiancé, Anne Boleyn,
45 persuaded Henry to declare himself Supreme Head of England was still primarily rural, with shepherds 53,
the Church of England, beginning the Reformation. who supplied the lucrative English wool trade, being
These actions were deeply unpopular. Here is prophetess particularly important. Many women eked out a living
Elizabeth Barton 23, the Holy Maid of Kent. After spinning wool and thread 54. Vagrancy was a criminal
declaring God’s disapproval of Henry’s divorce, she offence, punishable by whipping, but that did little to
was hanged in 1534. deter growing numbers of beggars 55. Most villages
41 56 47
owned a ducking stool 56, used to punish unruly women
Anne Boleyn failed to bear Henry a son, with the king
or to identify witches. Witches were believed to float,
ordering her arrest on trumped up charges of adultery.
with those deemed innocent often drowning.
She was imprisoned in the Tower of London 24, where
most high-profile prisoners were held. We can see her We can see Elizabeth’s grand funeral procession 57, with
48 being beheaded 25 by sword on Tower Green in 1536. her effigy carried amidst a crowd of black-clad mourners.
With no heir, her death in 1603 brought the world of the
The baby in his cradle is Henry VIII’s longed-for son,
Tudors to a close.
54 Edward 26, whose birth caused the death of his mother,
Jane Seymour 27. Edward had a further three stepmothers,
50 with Anne of Cleves 28, Catherine Howard 29 and
Catherine Parr 30 following in quick succession.
49 Unsurprisingly, since Henry had already beheaded Text by Dr Elizabeth Norton
51 52 53 57 two wives, Catherine Parr was a reluctant bride. Illustration by Sarah Wilkins


The World of
Agatha Christie
1000-piece Jigsaw
Agatha Christie Ltd
Illustrated by Ilya Milstein

● 1000-piece puzzle in our bestselling ‘World of…’

series, featuring Agatha Christie’s world-famous

● Spot famous characters, crime-solving clues and

historical figures as you build the puzzle

● Includes fun facts about the Queen of Crime and

her creations on a fold-out poster

Follow the trail of murder, blackmail and mystery

set by the Queen of Crime. Travel down the Nile, on
the Orient Express and into the drawing rooms of
quaint English country cottages hot on the heels of
Poirot, Miss Marple and other famous characters
while piecing together the scenes of the crime in
this detailed jigsaw puzzle. Includes a fold-out
poster featuring 60 baffling and brilliant characters
and clues that together make up The World of
Agatha Christie.
1000-piece puzzle featuring Agatha Christie’s
novels in all their mysterious detail. Finished puzzle
measures 680 x 485mm
Spot famous characters, crime-solving clues, and
historical figures as you build the puzzle. Track down
Agatha Christie’s most memorable characters, from
Poirot and Miss Marple to Tommy & Tuppence and
Parker Pyne, as well as real figures from Agatha
Christie’s life.

AUTHOR Agatha Christie Ltd (Author) has been INFO 978 1 39960 091 0
managing the literary and media rights to 1 image
Agatha Christie’s works around the world
1000 pieces
since 1955, when the company was set up
by Christie herself. It is now chaired
and managed by Agatha Christie’s great $19.99
grandson James Prichard. JUNE 2022
Ilya Milstein (Illustrator) is a graphic
artist who was born in Milan, raised in
Melbourne, and presently lives and works
in New York. In 2018 he was a winner of
ADC Young Guns.


The World of Harlem

1000-piece jigsaw puzzle
Davarian Baldwin, Noa Denmon

● This 1000-piece puzzle features early 20th-century

Harlem in glorious detail

● Spot famous writers, artists, musicians, and

historical figures as you build the puzzle

● Includes historical context and information about

the people featured in a fold-out poster

Step back in history to one of New York’s most

vibrant moments in this jigsaw puzzle abuzz
with the artists of the Harlem Renaissance. Set
in Harlem in the first decades of the twentieth
century, the puzzle includes such famous names as
Langston Hughes, Fannie Hurst, Jean Toomer, Carl
Van Vechten, Zora Neale Hurston, W.E.B. Du Bois,
Josephine Baker, Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, Louis
Armstrong, and Gladys Bentley. From fine artists
and musicians to novelists, poets, and thinkers, the
World of the Harlem Renaissance is a who’s who of
people who laid the foundations of New York culture
in the twentieth century.

AUTHOR Professor Davarian Baldwin is a INFO 978 1 91394 705 7

historian, cultural critic, and social 1 image
theorist of urban America.
1000 pieces
Noa Denmon is a Pittsburgh-based artist 10”x10”x2”
and illustrator interested in movement and $19.99
patterns, and she was heavily influenced
JUNE 2022
by the industrial landscape of Pittsburgh
and how that contributed to her identity.
Her first picture book, A Place Inside of
Me, is a Caldecott Honor Book.


Baby Animals
Matching Game
The Baby Animal Memory Game
Gerrard Gethings, Mike Unwin

● Test your memory skills to match the animal

babies with their parents

● Expert photography from bestselling photographer

Gerrard Gethings captures baby animals at
their cutest

● The perfect gift for animal lovers

Pair up the baby animals with their parents in this

cute new memory game. 50 cards feature expert
photographs from animal portraitist Gerrard
Gethings, plus text about all the creatures in
the accompanying booklet. Can you be the first
to match all the babies and parents? Play as a
memory game with the cards face down for added
entertainment. Collect the most pairs to win! This is
the perfect gift for animal lovers of all ages.

AUTHOR Gerrard Gethings is a photographer and INFO 978 0 85782 898 9

dog lover renowned for his characterful 50 images
portraits of animals. He has produced
50-card deck
fashion, lifestyle, and animal
photography for a wide variety of clients
within editorial, TV and advertising. $16.99
MARCH 2022
Mike Unwin is an award-winning writer of
popular natural history books for adults
and children. He writes for The Daily
Telegraph, The Times BBC Wildlife, Travel
Africa, as well as the RSPB and WWF. Also
a widely published photographer, his
travels have taken him to every continent
in search of its birds and other wildlife.

Do You Look Like Your Cat (9781786277039)
Do You Look Like Your Dog (9781786272584)

Match a Track Near You

Match 25 Animals to Their Paw Prints
Marcel George

● Vibrant, accurate illustrations. Marcel George’s

beautiful watercolor illustrations are a family
favorite across our bingo and memory game ranges

● Easy to play: A fun, simple game for families to

play together, and a great way for children to
learn about animals

● Tactile: Debossed cards give a tactile dimension to

each animal’s paw print so that kinds can really
feel like trackers

Show off your best animal-tracking skills in this

brilliant matching game, a sequel to the bestselling
Match a Track! The task is to match 25 tracks to their
animal owners. But where the original game featured
leopards and lemurs for an armchair safari, this version
is full of animals you can actually look for in the wild
near you! OK, there are a few fun creatures in here
that might require you to live someplace pretty exotic,
but most of them are easily accessible so that you can
learn to spot their tracks while playing the game and
then try to find them in the wild!

AUTHOR Marcel George is a London-based INFO 978 0 85782 951 1

illustrator who specializes in creating 50 illustrations
hand-painted contemporary watercolor (25 full-color
illustrations. animal illustrations,
25 B&W prints)
50-card deck
MAY 2022


Tattoo Playing Cards

Oliver Munden, The Tattoo Journalist

● From Munden, the illustrator behind bestselling

Tattoo Tarot and The Tattoo Coloring Book

● Inject a little tattoo-inspired color into your games

with Munden’s interpretations of classic designs

● This 54-card deck can be used to play any classic

card game

A new deck of illustrated playing cards from Oliver

Munden, creator of Tattoo Tarot. Give your favorite
card games a stylish new look with Tattoo Playing
Cards. Featuring illustrations of 54 tattoo symbols
from around the world, the deck is accompanied
by a booklet giving information on the meanings,
history, and cultural references behind the images.
The perfect gift for fans of the Tattoo Coloring Book
and Tattoo Tarot.
Discover the meanings behind popular tattoos
through time, from a sailor’s sea creature to a
spider woman.
Learn about the artists behind some of the most
popular tattoo designs of the 20th century.

AUTHOR Oliver Munden works as a tattooist at INFO 9780857829122

Rock Steady Tattoo on the south coast 52 images
of England, UK, as well as taking on
54-card deck
commercial artwork projects. He is the
author of The Tattoo Coloring Book,
Tattoo Tarot and more books and gifts $14.99
published by Laurence King. APRIL 2022
The Tattoo Journalist is a Portuguese-
Canadian writer on fine arts and tattoo
culture. She is the author of Ta’too
and regularly contributes to most
tattoo magazines.

Tattoo Tarot (9781786272058)
Tattoo Coloring Book (9781780670119)
Tattoo Tarot Journal (9781786277299)

Period Power
Get Your Cycle Working for You in 50 Cards
Maisie Hill

● A unique tool for understanding your cycle better,

giving short self-care tips. Harness your hormones
and get your cycle working for you!

● From the author of Period Power (Green Tree/

Bloomsbury, 2019) which has recorded sales of
over 16,000 copies on Nielsen UK, Maisie Hill is
a reproductive and hormonal health guru with
30K plus followers

● Perfect for self-purchase or as a gift for friends

or family

From feeling introspective in the first week of your

cycle to decisive in the last, learn to recognize the
effects of your hormones and harness their powers
for good.
Best-selling author and women’s health practitioner
Maisie Hill breaks down her cycle strategy into 48
cards to help us make sense of the experiences and
emotions that come with our cycles. Each card reveals
how to access that season’s superpowers, sidestep the
dangers, and choose the ultimate self-care strategy to
get your cycle working for you.
The menstrual cycle is unappreciated but, with
the help of these cards, you’ll see that it is the most
unused and underrated tool for improving our lives.

AUTHOR Maisie Hill is a menstrual health expert INFO 978 0 85782 911 5
with over 15 years of experience as a 50 images
practitioner, coach, and birth doula.
50-card deck
Maisie knows the power of working with
the menstrual cycle and believes that our
hormones are there to serve us and help $16.99
us get what we want out of life. MARCH 2022


The Box of Luck

60 Cards to Attract Greater Fortune
into Your Life
Grace Paul, Camilla Perkins (illustrated by)

● The perfect way to gift a little bit of luck, for

weddings, exams, birthdays, interviews, first
dates, moving home and many other occasions

● Taps into the modern MBS and oracle card trends

● Includes 60 cards with original illustrations, an

eight-page booklet and fold-out poster in a
beautiful gift box

Worried about an interview? Want to ace a

presentation? Or perhaps you’ve got the jitters about
a first date? Let The Box of Luck help you attract
greater fortune and positive energy into your life
with 60 good luck symbols from all around the world.
Invite more luck into your life or gift good fortune to
a friend with this beautifully packaged boxed set of
cards, complete with booklet and poster.

AUTHOR Grace Paul is an editor, writer and food INFO 978 1 91394 778 1
stylist based in London. 60 images
Camilla Perkins is an illustrator and 60-card deck
painter who derives inspiration from 4”x5”x1”
the everyday, elevated with a bit of


Angels for the

Modern Mystic
44 Cards with Healing Powers
Theresa Cheung, Natalie Foss

● Invite the wisdom of the Angels into your life to

help you achieve your goals and become your best
self with this healing deck of 44 angel cards

● Theresa Cheung is a respected authority in the

field and a best-selling author of angel books

● The accompanying booklet guides you through the

many ways to use the cards to enrich your life

Angels represent the pure energies and potential for

goodness, beauty and truth within us all. Theresa
Cheung reimagines angels for a modern audience,
enabling us to access their wisdom afresh. Summon
the energy of the Angel of Tears when dealing with
sadness, the Angel of Communication when seeking
connection with loved ones or the Angel of Creativity
to inspire a new project. Simply pick a card for daily
guidance, create card spreads to share or send an
angel to watch over a friend. Let the light in, allow
your energies to flow and the angels will help you
access what truly matters.

AUTHOR Theresa Cheung has been researching and INFO 978 0 85782 894 1
writing about spirituality and personal 44 images
transformation for over 20 years. Her
44 cards
bestselling books - two of which are
Box with lid 159 x 119mm,
Sunday Times top 10 titles - include The
44 cards plus booklet
Dream Dictionary from A to Z (2019) and
21 Rituals to Change Your Life (2017). $16.99
Her other Laurence King titles include MAY 2022
Dream Decoder (2019) and Runes for Modern
Life (2020).

Natalie Foss (Illustrator) is a Norwegian
illustrator who draws with coloured
pencils, focusing on bold colours,
patterns, and emotions. Clients include
Penguin Random House, Little White Lies,
and the BBC. She has also illustrated
Movie Tarot (2020) for Laurence King.

Therapy Toolkit (9781786279552)
Dream Decoder (9781786274939)
Tattoo Tarot (9781786272058)
Tarot For All Ages (9781786279057)
Ways of Tuning Your Senses (9781786275998)

The Marina Abramovic THE

Instruction Cards to Reboot Your Life M A RI VIC
Marina Abramovic, Katya Tylevich

● The Abromovic Method will surmount any creative

barrier and refocus your life
● Follow the method with this set of 30 cards, each

with an instruction

● Boxed and with an accompanying explanatory

booklet by Marina Abramovic

Marina Abramovic has evolved her own work in

Performance into that of a great teacher, distilling
her approach to her art into a method that all
can partake in. Formulated in thirty instructions,
the Abramovic Method will purge your mind of all
unnecessary distractions and anxieties and help you
to unleash fully your creativity. Each instruction is
contained on a card, which also features an image
from Marina Abramovic’s own life and work to help
you focus on what you have to do. Follow in the
footsteps of artists like Lady Gaga who have used
the Abramovic Method to inspire and radicalize their
own work.

AUTHOR Since the beginning of her career in INFO 978 1 91394 731 6
Belgrade during the early 1970s, Marina 30 images
Abramovic has pioneered performance
art, creating some of the form’s most
important early works. She was awarded
the Golden Lion for Best Artist at the FEBRUARY 2022
1997 Venice Biennale and in 2010 had
her first major US retrospective at the
Museum of Modern Art in New York. In 2023
she will present the solo exhibition
After Life at the Royal Academy in
London, and become the first female
artist in the institution’s 250-year
history to occupy the entire gallery
space with her work.


Ways of Looking at Art

Martin Jackson, George Wylesol

● Experience art with fresh perspectives

● Fifty prompts to change the way you see everything,

from fine art to street art

● Portable format means you can take them on the go

Reawaken a sense of wonder and beauty with

these illustrated cards. Use these 50 prompts for
50 different ways of looking at anything from
graffiti to sculpture, painting to tapestry. There is
no right way to experience art: these cards will help
you discover a newfound appreciation for whatever
artworks come your way.

AUTHOR Martin Jackson is an artist, animator, INFO 9781913947576

writer, and teacher from the Midlands, 50 images
UK. He teaches drawing and experimental
51 pages
animation at Kingston University, London,
and is a tutor for the Royal Drawing
School’s Young Artist program. $16.99
MARCH 2022
George Wylesol is an illustrator,
designer, writer, and educator from
Philadelphia. He currently lives in
Baltimore and teaches illustration at
Towson University and MICA.

Ways of Travelling (9781786275981)
Ways of Tuning Your Senses (9781786275998)
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All titles
100 Ideas Series 125

Activism & Sustainability 145

Advertising 146

Architecture & Interiors 140

Art 127

Beauty 151

Business, Design, Graphics & Illustration 146

Children’s Activity 104

Children’s Gift Books 110

Children’s Non-Fiction 111

Fashion & Textiles 152

Film & TV 135

Gift Books 114

Japanese Fashion 157

Lifestyle Activity Books 119

Lifestyle Cookery & Gardening 122

Lifestyle Craft & DIY 123

Little Guides to Great Lives Series 113

Music 137

Photography 138

READ THIS Series 126

The Short Story of Series 127

Games & Gifts

Bingo & Board Games 88

Children’s Bingo & Board Games 99

Children’s Games and Puzzles 100

Children’s Matching Games 104

Gifts 93

Jigsaw Puzzles 86

Matching Games 89

Playing Cards & Card Games 90

Stationery 97
Index of Authors
A Bernard Laura 84 Chesters Kevin 131
Abramovic Marina 64 Berrie Christine 72, 73, 74, 81, 83 Cheung Theresa 62, 63, 78, 79,
Adillion Dàlia 97 Bertini Viola 126 81, 104
Ager Charlotte 105 Bird Wendy 118 Choklat Aki 138
Agkathidis Asterios 125 Bird Michael 97, 109, 111 Choma Joseph 127
Aguado Emma 73 Birkin Sofie 78 Christie Ltd Agatha 54
Alexander Becky 21 Black Holly 11, 71, 74, 75, 112 Christoforou Christina 117, 118, 128
Allen Roly 107 Blackley Lachlan 82 Chunman Lo Dennic 140
Allmer Patricia 117 Blackman Cally 136 Clarke Rebecca 75
Amoako Aida 4, 5 Blackshaw Gemma 113 Clarke Simon 141
Amore Sorelle 102, 124 Blackwell Lewis 135 Claybourne Anna 73, 85, 86, 87,
Anderson Gail 132, 133, 135 Blackwood Eve 9 89, 95, 96
Anderson Alan 103, 108 Blanchard Tamsin 136 Claypool Mollie 128
Andre Jean 74 Blandford Richard 115 Clerc Lucille 48, 79, 80, 87, 98,
Andrews Jorella 117, 118 Blossom Rowan 78, 107, 108 106, 138
Anouti Caline 141 Blum Peggy 129, 136 Cole Drusilla 140
Antoine Denis 138 Bock Leanne 86 Cole Daniel James 139
Anyango Catherine 82 Boldt Claudia 84, 85, 86, 89 Cole Alison 115
Appiah Nimo Kenneth 14 Bosford Johanna 81, 82, 83 Cole Ina 114
Arata-Gavere Barbara 137, 140 Boswell Lisa 101 Compton Nick 116
Arkitekter White 127 Bowkett Steve 86, 103, 124 Conover Todd 136
Arkle Peter 118 Bowles Melanie 137 Contraire Bastien 89, 92
Artymowska Aleksandra 86, 87 Brett Anna 96 Cornet Guillaume 95
Asiain Lora Miren 95 Briggs-Goode Amanda 140 Cothren Michael 114, 116
Aspinall Marc 75 Britt Michael 26 Coulthard Sally 108
Atkinson Mark 139 Brooker Joseph 52 Cox Beth 43
Atkinson Stuart 96 Brooks Martin 78 Craig & Karl 79
Attiogbe Magali 42 Brooks Jason 104, 140 Cure Sophie 132
Broomhall Professor Susan 50, Curley John J 114
B 51, 70
Baczynski Kristyna 92 Brown Sass 137, 141 D
Bailey Greg 73, 75, 98 Brown Carol 139 D'Alleva Anne 114, 115, 116
Bailey Ella 85 Brown Rachel 127 Dabbs Peter 134
Bainbridge Simon 115, 123 Brown Darren 124 Daniel Eason Rohan 79
Baker Rachelle 75, 120 Brown Pellum Dr Kimberly 42 Davidson Kirsti 88, 89
Baldwin Davarian 55 Buchczik Jan 90 Davies Colin 127
Balsari-Palsule Sanna 82 Buckingham Lesley 81 Davies Bridget 114
Barfield Mike 90, 93, 94, 96 Burkhardt Ralph 133 Davis Jennifer 103
Barker James 74 Burton Roger K. 141 Dawnay Gabby 94
Barnes Lesley 94 Day Anna 74
Barr Catherine 96 C Deacon Giles 139
Barton Gem 80, 131 Cahill James 74, 114, 118 Decourchelle Agnes 118
Barzilay Shira 135 Caldwell Cath 131 Deeny Leander 78
Basford Johanna 103, 105 Callaghan Laura 71, 77, 104, 114 Deihl Nancy 139
Bass Jennifer 120, 134 Cap Henri 97 Delaney Miriam 17, 128
Bateman Steven 134 Carroll Henry 11, 79, 83, 96, 101, Denmon Noa 55
Batki Zsolt 89 102, 110, 123 Deuchars Marion 32, 33, 85, 87, 90,
Batliwalla Navaz 140 Catacchio Onofrio 101, 116 94, 114
Battersea Dogs & Cats Home 73 Chakrabarti Nina 87, 91 Dexet Hector 95
Bernard Laura 89 Chassagne Lea 104 Dimery Robert 121

Doane Morgan 107 Froese Tom 92, 93 Henriques Daniela 75
Dobner Rory 95, 100 Frost Daniel 44 Henry Kevin 131
Doonan Simon 100, 102, 115, 137 Fuentes Carla 81 Herem Thibaud 101
Dowling Faye 99, 113 Fury Alexander 136 Heti Sheila 100
Doyle James 93 Higgie Anna 77
Draper Jason 121 G Higgins Ian 128
Drori Jonathan 48, 98, 106 Gambino Paul 25, 99, 116 Higgins Nick 101, 118
Dubray Anne-Helene 43 Gamlen Pete 97 Higuchi Yuko 103
Duly Leila 104 Gardner Bruce 108 Hill Maisie 59
Dunn Nick 124 Garland Val 136 Hisao Sato 90
Dunster Carolyn 103, 106 George Marcel 57, 70, 72, 73, 74, Hobbs Kevin 102
75, 78, 81 Hoberman Nicky 77, 78
E Gethings Gerrard 56, 73, 100 Hodge Susie 8, 111, 117, 128
Eagle Will 100, 101, 104, 110, 123 Getlein Mark 112 Hodgson Rob 84, 88, 94
Ebenstein Joanna 112 Giannella Valentina 96, 97, 129, 130 Hohenhaus Peter 98
Edwards Loni 100 Giecko Aga 89 Holden Robert 125, 127
Eisele Petra 132 Gifford Clive 97 Holgersson Cajsa 79
Elephant Magazine 116 Gilbert Adi 108 Holland Gwyneth 138
Ellcock Stephen 75, 77, 121 Gladwin Laura 75 Hollingham Richard 102
Elliot Samantha (Sam) 139 Glancey Jonathan 129 Honour Hugh 119
Englund Magnus 127, 133 Glatt Jana 85, 89 Hopkins Dave 78, 100
Escobar Paola 36, 97 Good Wives and Warriors 70, 91, 95 Hopkins Owen 125, 128
Espinoza Steven 120 Gorman Anne 17, 128 Hopkins David 106, 121
Etherington Robin 92 Grabowski Beth 133 Horberry Roger 130
Evamy Michael 133 Graham Barbara 141 Horner Polly 72
Evans Kate 97 Grand Katie 139 Hornung David 113, 131
Evans Peter 128 Grande Valentina 119 Howard Annabel 112, 117, 118
Everitt Matt 106, 121, 122 Green Dan 97 Huck 129
Exley Holly 72, 73, 75, 80 Green Rebecca 88 Hudson Murray 128
Grierson Tim 120 Hughes Philip 126
F Grimshaw Architects 126 Hulin Joey 22, 107
Falls Barry 71, 77 Grose Lynda 138 Humfrey Chris 72, 73
Farina Aurélien 132 Gulling Dana K. 127 Humphrey Lauren 96
Farrelly Lorraine 127 Guzowski Mary 125 Hyland Angus 78, 79, 99, 100, 101,
Favre Malika 92 113, 121, 134
Fee Natalie 108, 129 H Hyndman Sarah 81
Ferguson Richard 93 Hagan-Guirey Marc 103, 104, 108,
Fick Bill 133 125, 126 I
Fiell Charlotte 16, 109, 125, 127, 130, Haidle Elizabeth 63, 89 IC4DESIGN 38, 91, 92
131, 132, 133 Hall Sean 135 Ingram Catherine 104, 106, 114, 117,
Fiell Peter 16, 109, 125, 127, 130, Hallett Clive 12, 137, 138 118, 119
131, 133 Hallgrimsso Bjarki 134 Inman Gary 108
Fiell Clementine 132 Hammond Alex 117 Innes Malcolm 127
Fischer Anette 141 Hanson Robert 92 Inniss Joseph 106
Fleming John 119 Harasymowicz Slawa 118 Isaac Ceri 137
Fletcher Mark 24 Harding Erin 107 Isaac Rita 111
Fletcher Kate 138 Harper Phineas 82 Ismail Yasmeen 87, 92
Fletcher Daisy 104 Hauser Kitty 117
Ford Jason 87, 89, 91, 93 Haworth Hennie 95 J
Foss Natalie 79 Haydn Smith Ian 111, 120, 123 Jabi Wassim 127
Foster Clare 107 Hayes Nick 96 Jackson Martin 65, 81
Foster Victoria 80 Heller Steven 109, 130, 132, 133, 135 Jackson Tom 24
Friel Helen 34, 35, 87, 90, 95 Helmer Grace 77, 80 Jackson Paul 80, 107, 108, 109, 125,
Friel Ian 34, 35, 87, 95 Henly Joanna 73 126, 131, 132, 134, 136

Jackson Iain 124 Lawson Stuart 132 McCurry Bonnie 123
Jaglenka Terrazzini Daniela 109 Leamy Selwyn 9, 83, 102, 110, 116 McGovern Anna 105
Jaglenka Terrazzini Daniela 91 Lee Rik 75, 121 McLean William 126, 128
Jan van Ree Hermen 128 Lee Johnson Melissa 40, 41 McLeod Virginia 126
Jansen Charlotte 77, 112, 114, 122 Lee-Marrion Harriet 78, 81 McMahon Collis Diana 63, 79, 83, 105
Jara Kercher Joshua 74 Lefteri Chris 133 McNeil Paul 135
Jaussaud Jean-Francois 115 Leslie Jeremy 133 Meadows Toby 139
Jawando Danielle 98 Leverton Amy 137 MEGAMUNDEN 63, 80, 105
Jenkins David 10 Levit Ruiz Rachel 78 Melhuish Clare 127
Jiang Shan 79, 80 Lewis Angharad 134 Metropolitan Museum of Art 74
Johnson Amanda 12, 137, 138 Lewis Ben 114 Meyer Mike 134
Johnson Michael 133 Lingwood Gyles 130 Meyerowitz Joel 122
Jonas Anne 96 Little White Lies 70, 79, 101, 104, Miller Doug John 71, 106, 121
Jones Rae 138 106, 119, 120, 121 Miller Ellen 137
Jones Jonathan 112, 117, 118 Liversedge Jamie 125, 127 Miller Ralph 106
Judah Hettie 114 Loizou Andreas 29 Milstein Ilya 54
Judson Peter 70 Londrain Simon 72 Milton Alex 134
Junger Laura 92 Lovegrove Keith 136 Mitchell Wendy 119
Lucas Raymond 128 Miyake Ryuto 18, 19, 45, 72, 74, 77, 80
K Ludwig Annette 132 Mokoena Tshepo 121
Kakita Tomoko 108 Montoroil Alaux Cassandre 77
Kamigaki Hiro 38, 91, 92 M Moore Chris 136
Kane John 135 MacDonald Bruno 121 Morgan Tony 141
Kang Cindy 63, 80 Macellari Elisa 100, 115 Moriyama Daido 122
Kaplan Jonathan 79 Maclean Charles 77 Morse Trent 112
Karman Bijou 75, 120 Madriz Marianna 36, 96, 97, 98 Morton Camilla 77
Karnikowski Nina 104, 109, 129, 133 Maggar Carina 28 Moxon Sian 128
Katstaller Rachel 97 Magma 82, 83, 85, 86 Muet Apolline 101
Katz Alex 115 Magnum Photos 115, 123 Mullan John 71
Kavounas Taylor Alice 130, 134 Mahon Nik 83 Munden Oliver 58, 80, 83, 105
Kearney Brendan 96 Mahoney Mick 131 Münster Morten 132
Keizer Joost 118 Makstutis Geoffrey 124, 125 Murugiah Sharm 106, 120
Kennedy Philip 98, 113 Manel Stephane 74 Muruglah Sharm 71
Kershaw Gareth 140 Marazzi Manuela 96, 97, 129, 130
Kiisel Karolyn 15, 137 Marcel George 86 N
Killian Fernandez Kathleen 120 Marciari John 112 Naegele Isabel 132
Kim Seungyoun 84 Martens Yuri 128 Nakamichi Tomoko 140, 142
Kind Studio 101 Martin Rosie 140 Nakamoto Takeshi 122
Kirkham Tony 73, 77, 80 Martin Raphael 97 National Poetry Library 100
Kirkham Pat 120, 134 Martinsen Linn 63, 80 Nethersole Scott 112
Kirkham Michael 93, 128 Maruzelli Lucia Esther 96, 129 Newland Christina 70
Kitching Alan 131 Maskell Hazel 95 Newman Marian 135
Knight Liz 107 Masters of Photography 122 Nguyen-Grealis Lan 135
Knight Ness 95 Matsumoto Jinko 142 Nichols Tom 116
Kovecses Anna 88 Matteuzzi Francesco 114 Nik Mahon 80
Kruszynski Elliot 84, 89 Maupetit Lea 49, 71, 73 Niniwanted 83
Kus Mike 123 Maycock Sarah 118 Nishi Shuku 63, 81
Kyle Hedi 107 Mayer Jeffrey 136, 141 Norton Elizabeth 53
Mayer Musa 116 Nunes Victor 103
L Mbeledogu Ezinma 13
Laing Olivia 113 Mbonu Ezinma 138 O
Latanza Giuseppe 114 McCabe Eamonn 122 Oikawa Kenji 86
Laval Anne 85 McComb David 131 Oldham Craig 133
Laverty Christopher 119, 138 McCurry Steve 123, 124 Ong Amandas 112

Onn Aidan 84, 86, 88, 89, 94 Roddam George 118 Steinbauer Anja 27, 103
Ormen Catherine 136 Rodgers Paul 134 Stepien Maya 83
Rose Bower Julie 79 Sterlacci Francesca 137, 139, 140,
P Rossetti Eva 119 141
Padley Gemma 122 Rothenstein Julian 100, 114 Stewart Lizzy 89
Pailes-Friedman Rebeccah 141 Rüber Sabina 107 Stickerbomb 105, 129
Pantelides Katerina 117 Rumsby Anna 91 Stokes Emma 74
Paoletti John T. 112 Russell Henry 111 Storr Robert 116
Pappworth Sara 118 Ryder Brett 70 Stoten Jim 106, 122
Parisi Paolo 98, 112 Street Ben 27, 103, 111
Parkinson Tom 121 S Stuart Matt 124
Parkinson David 110, 119 Saalisi Dina 23 Styles Morag 131
Parr Martin 102 Salisbury Martin 130, 131 Sullivan Edward J. 115
Partridge Loren 116 Samar Damluji Salma 125, 126 Sundsbø Sølve 139
Paul Grace 60, 61 Sansom Jonah 83 Survey Ordnance 104
Paulain Damien 85 Sasahara Noriko 141 Suzuki Itsuko 85
Pedder-Smith Rachel 107 Sato Hisako 137, 142 Szkutnicka Basia 138, 141
Peebles Mister 78 Sato Kanae 88
Perkins Camilla 60, 61, 79 Savic Dejan 82 T
Phillips David 125, 126 Sayer Chloe 100, 114 Tagliaferro Lauren 136
Phillips Lee John 108 Sazuki Hiromi 77 Tamaki Lauren 79
Piyasena Sam 106 Schonberger Nick 102, 135 Tattoo Journalist The 58
Plewka Karl 136 Scully Claire 105 Taylor Eleanor 95, 103
Plunkett Drew 125, 126 Seggio Barbara 141 Thomas Isabel 36, 37, 84, 89, 92,
Poloni Giordano 76 Selmes Caroline 39, 84, 85, 89, 93, 97, 98
Posner Harriet 139 92, 93 Thomas Patrick 83, 129
Posters Bill 117, 130 Shaeffer Claire 137 Thornhill Joanna 109, 127
Potter Claire 129 Shakespeare Tom 112 Tinney Mike 117
Powell Pamela 139 Shaughnessy Adrian 132 Tomlinson Lotti 101, 135
Powers Alan 124 Shaw Mark 130 Travis Stephanie 128
Pramaggiore Maria 119 Shawcross Conrad 116 TTTism 102, 135
Pretor-Pinney Gavin 78 Shenton Jan 141 Tucker Johnny 126
Price Dorothy 113 Shore Robert 112, 113, 119 Tye Alice 78
Price-Cabrera Natalia 123 Silver Pete 126, 128 Tylevich Katya 64, 77, 120
Proctor Rebecca 134 Simpson Adam 71
Pryce Jonathan Daniel 122, 139 Sims Josh 100, 135, 139 U
Sister Arrow 89 Udale Jenny 138
Q Slade-Brooking Catharine 130, 131 Unwin Mike 18, 19, 44, 45, 56
Qiong Jiang 16 Sloan Kate 26, 98 Upchurch Paul 74
Qiong er Jiang 131 Smith Kelly 93 Urban Outfitters 101
Smits Timba 71, 77, 121 Utechin Nicholas 71
R Snider Rachel 70
Radke Gary M. 112 Snir Noa 98 V
Rae Andrew 70, 91, 106, 117, 118, 119 Solomon Kate 121 Vale Patrick 117
Raisin Ross 101, 110 Sommner Mikkel 74, 75, 77 Valli Marc 112
Ratinon Claire 107 Soriano Kathleen 115 Valmorbida Elise 104
Raymond Martin 135 Sotés Jesús 34, 35, 95 Van Der Veken Jan 96
Rees Darrell 132 Sparshott David 75, 81, 103 van Meel Juriaan 128
Regan Lisa 91 Spiers Julia 87 Van Ryn Aude 93, 118
Reid Olgo 125 Spitzer Katja 37, 97 Van Sant Gus 120
Rideal Liz 115 Spozio Iker 117 Vandenbroucke Brecht 70
Rivans Maria 104 Spurling Florence 137 Vander Kaay Chris 120
Roberts Caroline 99, 113 SRK 105 Vandling Therese 50, 70, 78
Robertson Debora 73 Stadden Peter 106 Vann Philip 112

Vienne Véronique 109, 130
Viggers Katie 94
Vigourt Renaud 92, 97
Volner Ian 128

Waern Rasmus 129
Waldron Hannah 85, 88
Wallington Jack 20, 107
Wallis Tom 119
Warchol Ulla 107
Ward Ossian 7
Warner Marien Mary 110, 122, 123
Warren Hannah 37, 98
Watkin David 126
Watson Linda 138
Watson Albert 122
Watts Smith Tiffany 78
Weckmann Anke 97
Wesen Bryant Michele 138
West David 102
Westerbeck Colin 122
Weston Richard 109, 124, 125
Weston-Lewis James 95
White Terry 128
Wilkins Sarah 53
Wilkinson Carl 95
Williams Lizzie 72
Willis Abigail 106
Wilson Zeren 77
Wilson Kendra 78, 99, 100, 101, 106,
Woods Paul 132, 134
Woodward Adam 106, 120
Woolf Virginia 100
Worsley Harriet 109, 136
Wright Jennifer 102
Wylesol George 65, 81

Yamashita Megumi 125, 126
Yarrow David 6
Yot Richard 115
Young Sarah 78
Yun Yeji 85, 86

Zappaterra Yolanda 131
Zheng Qu 125

Title Index
# A Year in Nature 95 Art Visionaires 112
#NoFilter 123 Acrylic: Do More Art 111 Art: Explained 8
1 to 20 Animals Aplenty 94 Advanced Creative Draping 15 Artemisia Gentileschi 112
100 Designs that Changed Design 130 Adventure Starts at Bedtime 95 Artists on Art 11, 112
100 Great Children's Picturebooks 130 Africa in Fashion 14 Artless 112
100 Ideas that Changed Architecture Airline 136 As We See it 4
109, 124 Alan Kitching's A-Z of Letterpress 131 Atlas of Dark Destinations 98
100 Ideas that Changed Art 109, 111 Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity Aussie Animal Match 73
100 Ideas that Changed Design 109 95 Australia's Deadly Animals Bingo 72
100 Ideas that Changed Fashion 109, Albert Watson 122 Awkward Beauty 112
136 Alice in Wonderland (Story Box) 85
100 Ideas that Changed Film 110, 119 Alice's Wonderland 1000 Piece Puzzle B
100 Ideas that Changed Graphic 70 Baby Animals Matching Game 56
Design 109, 130 All About Yves 136 Baby Art Gallery 85
100 Ideas that Changed Photography Almost an Animal Alphabet 94 Baby Zoo 85
110, 122 Alright Darling? 98 Back On Your Bike 103
100 Things to Do in a Forest 103 Amazed 86 Backyard Birds 81
100 Women 100 Styles 136 Amelia Earhart (Little Guides to Great Ballpoint Art 112
100 Years of Architecture 124 Lives) 97 Basquiat 98, 112
100 Years of Fashion 136 Amy Winehouse 121 Battle of the Bands, a Rock Top Score
100 Years of Fashion Illustration 136 An A to Z of Monsters and Magical Game 75
100 Years of Tattoos 131 Beings 94 Battle of the Bikes, A top Score Game
101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do 98 Anatomica 112 75
200 Words to Help You Talk About Art Anatomy of Cycling 81 Bauhaus Ballet 94
103, 111 Andy Warhol 112 Be A Super Awesome Artist 96
200 Words to Help You Talk About Angels for the Modern Mystic 62 Be a Super Awesome Photographer
Gender & Sexuality 26 Animal Family Album 45 96
200 Words to Help You Talk About Animal Mah-Jong 72 Beg, Steal and Borrow 113
Psychology 26 Animals at Home 86 Beyonce 121
200 Words to Help Your Talk About Anne Frank (Little Guides to Great Biomorphic Structures 125
Philosophy 103 Lives) 97 Bird Bingo 72
299 Cats (and a Dog) 71 Archidoodle 86, 103, 124 Birds 74
299 Dogs (and a cat) 300 Piece Archidoodle City 86, 124 Black Hereos 42
Puzzle 71 Architectural Modelmaking Second Bob Goes Pop 94
299 Fish (and a Diver) 49 Edition 124 Bob the Artist 94
500 Patterns 136 Architectural Styles 125 Bob the Artist: Dominoes 85
666 Song to Make Your Bang Your Architecture 124 Bob's Blue Period 94
Head Until You Die 121 Architecture Visionaires 125 Body Language Decoder 78
Around the World in 50 Trees Jigsaw Bug Bingo 72
A Puzzle 48 Bug Me Not! 83
A Book a Bears 94 Around the World in 80 Birds 18 Build Your Own Mars Colony 85
A Book of Cats 94 Around the World in 80 Plants 98, 106 Butterfly Wings 73
A Cat's Guide to the Night Sky 96 Around the World in 80 Trees 98, 106 Bystander 122
A Greener Life 20 Art in Renaissance Italy Fourth Edition
A History of Western Architecture 112 C
Sixth Edition 126 Art of Renaissance Florence 112 Cat Bingo 72
A New History of Modern Architecture Art of Renaissance Rome 112 Cat Coasters 81
127 Art Oracles 77 Cat Gurus 78
A Turtle's View of the Ocean Blue 96 Art Out of the Box 77 Cats & Kittens 73
A Type Primer, 2nd Edition 135 Art Play 87 Catwalking 136

Causal Sweet Clothes 141 Detail in Contemporary Timber F
Celebrity Love Match 73 Architecture 126 Fabric For Fashion: The Complete
Chantal Joffe: Personal Feeling is the Digital Textile Design Second Edition Guide 137
Main Thing 113 137 Fabric for Fashion: The Complete
Charles Darwin (Little Guides to Dino Domino 85 Guide Second Edition 12
Great Lives) 97 Dinosaur Bingo 84 Fabric For Fashion: The Swatch Book
Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Distruper 82 138
Species 96 Do You Know Your Dogs? 76 Face Values 135
Children's Picturebooks Second Do You Look Like Your Cat? 73 Fairy Tale Play 87
Edition 131 Do You Look Like Your Dog? The Book Fantastic Women, A Top Score Game
Circular Fashion 129, 136 100 76
Citizen Canine 119 Do You Looks Like Your Dog? 73 Farm Bingo 84
Clash of the Titans, An Old Masters Dog Bingo 72 Fashion & Sustainability 138
Top Score Game 76 Dog Coasters 81 Fashion Design 138
Cloud Spotter 78 Dog Day Out! 40 Fashion Design Research 138
Color Third Edition 113, 131 Dog Domino 85 Fashion Design Research, Second
Come Together 74 Dogs & Puppies 73 Edition 13
Complete Pleats 108, 125, 131, 136 Don’t Get a Job…Make a Job 131 Fashion Drawing Second Edition 138
Comptemporary Chinese Furniture Doodle Gardener 106 Fashion in Film 119, 138
Design 125 Doodleflip Dress-Up 95 Fashion Knitwear 138
Construction for Landscape Dorogango 108 Fashion Oracles 77
Architecture 125 Drag 100, 137 Fashion Trend Forecasting 138
Copywriting Second Edition 130 Drag Match 73 Fashion Visionaries 138
Couture Tailoring 137 Drape Drape 2 137, 142 Feminine Wardrobe 142
Creating a Brand Identity: A Guide for Drape Drape 3 137, 142 Feminist Oracles 77
Designers 130, 131 Draping 137 Ferdinand Magellan (Little Guides to
Creating Couture Embellishment 137 Draping: The Complete Course 137 Great Lives) 97
Cut & Dry 103, 108 Draw Paint Print like the Great Artists Film Fourth Edition 119
Cut and Fold Paper 107 87, 114 Filmmakers on Film 10
Cut and Fold Techniques for Pop-Up Drawing for Interior Design Second Find Frida 104, 114
Designs 107, 131 Edition 126 Find My Rocket 87
Cut and Fold Techniques for Drawing for Product Designers 131 Find Your Animal 23
Promotional Materials 108 Dream Decoder 78 Flats: Technical Drawing for Fashion
Dream Decoder Journal 78, 81 Second Edition 138
D Dreamer 82 Flip Fashion 87, 138
Daido Moriyama: How I Take Dynamo 82 Floriography 78
Photographs 122 Flower Families 74
Dangerous Experiments for After E Folding Techniques for Designers 132
Dinner 78, 100 Eco Fashion 137 Footware Design 138
Dark Side of the Spoon 106 Editorial Design 131 Forage 107
David Bowie 121 Elephants on Tour 95 Frank Lloyd Wright Paper Models 104,
David Hockney 114 Emergence 126 108, 126
David Yarrow: How I Make Enchanted Forest 103 Frida Kahlo 114
Photographs 6 Enchanted Forest: 20 Postcards 81 Frida Kahlo (Little Guides to Great
Deep Sea Discovery 44 Encyclopedia of Detail in Lives) 97
Denim Dudes 137 Contemporary Architecture 126 From Above 122
Design Process in Architecure 125 Endangered Animals Bingo 72 Fundamentals of Art History 114
Designing Knitted Textiles 137 Erotic Tarot 78 Furniture Design 132
Detail in Contemporary Concrete Essensualism 16, 131 Furoshiki 108
Architecure 125 Every Day Amazing 96 Future 132
Detail in Contemporary Hotel Design Evolution 126
125 Exhibition Design Second Edition 126 G
Detail in Contemporary Residential Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Game of Queens 75
Architecture 2 126 Collage 104 Garcon Style 122, 139

Genius Art 75 I Lighting for Interior Design 127
Genius Movies 75, 120 I Saw it First! Egypt 84 Limit Yourself 133
Genius Music 75, 121 I Saw it First! Jungle 84 Lingerie Design 139
Genius TV 75, 120 I Saw it First! Ocean 84 Little Guides to Great Lives: Anne
Genius Writers 75 I'm Afraid Debbie from Marketing Frank 36
Get TikTok Famous Fast 100, 104 Has Left For the Day 132 Little Guides to Great Lives: Frida
Ghost Story Box 85 Icons of Men's Style Mini 100, 139 Khalo 36
Ghost Story Dice 88 Icons of Style Postcards 82 Little Guides to Great Lives: Leonardo
Gilessolvekatie 139 In Search of Elsewhere 124 Da Vinci 37
Gin Rummy 74 Ink 114 Little Guides to Great Lives: Nelson
Girl on Girl 114, 122 Inside the Chocolate Factory 70 Mandela 37
Global Art and the Cold War 114 Inside, Outside, Upside Down 87 Living with Flowers 107, 108
Go Lightly 104, 129 Instagram Poety for Every Day 100 Logo, revised edition 133
Goal!, A Soccer Top Score Game 75 Into the Wild 104, 122 Logotype 133
Going, Going Gone! 72 Introduction to Architectural London in the Company of Painters
Graphic Design Play Book 132 Technology Third Edition 126 115
Graphic Design: A User's Manual 132 Italian Renaissance Courts 115 London Sketchbook 104
Green Nation Revolution 96 Look! Third Edition 115
Guess the Artist 79 J Looking at Art with Alex Katz 115
Gus Van Sant 120 Jane Austen Playing Cards 76 Lord of the Wings, A Bird Top Score
Joel Meyerowitz 122 Game 75
H Joel Meyerowitz: Where I Find Myself Lottie Tomlinson's Rainbow Roots
Happy Hour 75 122 101, 135
Hassan Fathy 126 Johanna Basford's Enchanted Forest Louise Bourgeois 115
Hello Nature 87 Journal 82 Love and Romance, A Movie Top Score
Hello Nature Activity Cards 87 Jungle Bingo 84 Game 75
Hoakes Island 87 Love Oracles 77
Hokusai 114 K Luis Vidal & Architects Second Edition
Homes 95 Keith Haring 115 127
Horizons, Zones and Outer Spaces Killer Collections 25
114 Knit 139 M
How Should One Read a Book? 100 Knitwear Design 139 Madam and Eve 115
How to Be an Illustrator Second Kusama: The Graphic Novel 100, 115 Mafia 79
Edition 132 Magic & Fairy Tale Dice 85
How to Build a Bike 108 L Magma Sketchbook: Architecture 82
How to Build a Motorcycle 108 Lanscape Architecture 127 Magma Sketchbook: Art & Illustration
How to Build a Shed 108 Le Corbusier Paper Models 103, 108, 125 82
How to Create Your Final Collection Leather Fashion Design 139 Magma Sketchbook: Art & Illustration,
139 Leonardo Da Vinci (Little Guides to mini edition 82
How to Do Great Work Without Great Lives) 97 Magma Sketchbook: Design & Art
Being an Asshole 132 Let's Look At…Animals 90 Direction 82
How to Grow Your Dinner 107 Let's Look At…Colors 90 Magma Sketchbook: Design & Art
How to Make Repeat Patterns 108, Let's Look At…Nature 32 Direction, mini edition 82
126, 132 Let's Looks At…Shapes 87 Magma Sketchbook: Fashion 82
How To Make Work Not Suck 28 Let's Make Some Great Art 90 Magma Sketchbook: Film & Animation
How to Make Your Dog #Famous 100 Let's Make Some Great Art: Animals 82
How to Raise a Loaf and Fall in Love 90 Magma Sketchbook: Idea Generation
with Sourdough 107 Let's Make Some Great Art: Patterns 83
How to Raise a Plant 107 90 Magnum Artists 115, 123
How to Save the World for Free 108, Let’s Look At…Numbers 87 Make a Living Living 109, 133
129 Let’s Look At…Opposites 32 Make and Move Mega: Creatures of
How to Set Up & Run a Fashion Label Let’s Make Some Great Art: Colors 90 the Deep 90
139 Light for Visual Artists Second Edition Make and Move Mega: Dinosaurs 90
115 Make and Move: Bugs 90

Make and Move: Robots 90 My First Story Puzzle Home 88 Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search
Make Sense 127 My First Story Puzzle Nature 88 for the Stolen Maze Stone 38, 91
Make Your Own Fairy Tale: Hansel & My Miniature Library 91, 109 Pig and Piglet 86
Gretel 88 My Wonderful World of Fashion 91 Pirate Adventure Dice 88
Make Your Own Fairy Tale: Snow White Myth Match Miniature 91 Planning Learning Spaces 128
88 Myth Math 91 Plantfulness 79
Make Your Own Farm 88 Myth World 91 Playing Cards: Day of the Dead 76
Make Your Own Mondrian 79 Mythopedia 95 Pollock Confidential 101, 116
Make Your Own Spaceship 88 Poo Bingo 84
Making it Third Edition 133 N Pooper Heroes 89
Making the Americas Modern 115 Nailed It 135 Pop Art Puzzle 70
Manifesto 79 Naughty Little People Postcards 83 Pottering 105
Manufacturing Materials and Interior Nelson Mandela (Little Guides to Practical Office Design 128
Design 127 Great Lives) 98 Pretest Stencil Toolkit 83
Marie Curie (Little Guides to Great Nicola Hicks: Keep Dark 116 Previously, On… 79
Lives) 97 Night Vision 104 Prince 121
Marina Abramovic 7 NME Music Quiz Book 121 Printed Textile Design 140
Marketing Fashion Second Edition 139 No Patterns Needed 140 Printmaking Second Edition 133
Match a Leaf 73 Noisy Animal (A Matching Game) 86 Product Design 134
Match a Mummy 73 Nordic Wilderness 105 Product Design Styling 134
Match a Pair of Birds 73 Now Try Something Weirder 133 ProMakeup Design Book 135
Match a Pair of Shoes 74 Promoting Fashion 141
Match a Track 74, 86 O Protest Stencil Toolkit 129
Match a Track Near You 57 Ocean Bingo 72 Prototyping and Modelmaking for
Match These Bones 74 Ocean Playing Cards 76 Product Design 134
Materials for Design 133 Oh Sh*t…What Now? 133 Psychogeometries 116
Maya Angelous (Little Guides to On the Go 95 Push, Pull, Empty, Full 92
Great Lives) 98 Once Upon A Time, A Fairy-Tale Top Puzzle Odyssey 34, 95
Men of Style 139 Score Game 89 Puzzle Play 89
Methods and Theories of Art History
Third Edition 116 P Q
Midnight Monsters 90 Parametric Design for Architecture 127 Queens (Drag Queen Playing Cards)
Minature Enchanted Forest 103 Paris Sketchbook 140 76
Minature Secret Garden 105 Pattern Cutting for Menswear Second
Mind & Bowl 22, 107 Edition 140 R
Modern Scandinavian Design 127, 133 Pattern Cutting Second Edition 140 Racing Bicycles 101
Monkey Bingo 72 Pattern Magic 140, 142 Read All About It! 92
Monster Hotel 88 Pattern Magic 2 140, 142 Read Me 130
Monsters! A Scary Top Score Game 88 Pattern Magic 3 140, 142 Read This If You Want to Be a Great
Morbid Curiousities 116 Pattern Magic: Stretch Fabrics 140, 142 Writer 101, 110
Morphing 127 Pattern Making 140 Read This if You Want to Be Great at
Movie Tarot 79 Pencil: Do More Art 9 Drawing 102, 110, 116
Music Oracles 77, 121 Period Power 59 Read This if You Want to Be Great at
Musical Experiments for After Dinner Philip Guston 116 Painting 102, 110, 116
78, 121 Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting 116 Read This If You Want to Be Instagram
My Bedroom is an Office 127 Photo Journal 83 Famous 101, 110, 123
My Collection of Collections 91 Photographers on Photgraphy PB 123 Read This if You Want to Be YouTube
My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook 91 Photographic Memory 74 Famous 101, 110, 123
My Even More Wonderful World of Photography Fifth Edition 123 Read This If You Want to Take Great
Fashion 91 Pick a Flower 74 Photographs 101, 102, 110, 123
My Fairy Library 91, 109 Pierre the Maze Detective: The Curious Read This if You Want to Take Great
My First Bingo: Home 83 Case of the Castle in the Sky 92 Photographs of People 101, 110, 123
My First Bingo: School 83 Pierre the Maze Detective: The Mystery Read This if You Want to Take Great
My First Story Puzzle Animals 88 of the Empire Maze Tower 92 Photographs of Places 110, 123

Read This is You Want to Be Great at Stickerbomb Skulls 105 The Book of Cat Poems 99
Drawing People 102, 116 Stickyscapes at the Museum 92 The Book of Dog Poems 99
Reading Architecture 128 Stickyscapes London 92 The Book of Skulls 99
Rebel Threads 141 Stickyscapes New York 92 The Book of the Bird 99, 113
ReFashioned 141 Stickyscapes Paris 92 The Book of the Cat 99, 113
Renniassance Art in Venice 116 Stickyscapes Polar 92 The Book of the Dog 99, 113
Research Methods for Architecture 128 Stickyscapes Space 93 The Book of the Flower 99, 113
Research Methods for Product Design Stickyscapes Superherpes 93 The Book of the Horse 99, 113
134 Story Box: Animal Adventures 85 The Book of the Raven 99, 113
Resist! 129 Story Box: Create Your Own Fairy The Book of the Tree 99, 113
Royal Bingo 72 Tales 85 The Box of Emotions 78
Runes for Modern Life 79 Story Out of the Box 78 The Box of Luck 60
Strategic Thinking for Advertising The Compendium of Amazing
S Creatives 130, 134 Gardening Innovations 106
SARTorial 117 Structural Engineering for Architects The Cosmic Book of Space, Aliens and
Saul Bass 120, 134 128 Beyond 87
Scary Bingo 84 Structural Packaging 109, 134 The Creative Nudge 131
Sci-Fi, A Movie Top Score Game 76 Studio Craft & Technique for The Day of the Dead 100, 114
Sea Monsters & Rainbows 89 Architects 17, 128 The Drawing Game 103
Secret Garden 105 Success Oracles 77 The Dream of Surrealism 70
Secret Garden: 20 Postcards 83 Superhero Families 89 The Element in the Room 96
Sensations 117 Superhero Snap! 89 The Endless Odyssey 78
Sewing 141 Superstars 80 The Fairytale Memory Game 85, 86
Sewing for Fashion Designers 141 Sustainability in Interior Design 128 The Fame Game, A Celebrity Top Score
Sh*t They Didn’t Tell You 134 Symbol 134 Game 76
Shakespeare Playing Cards 76 The First Time 121
Sharks, A Top Score Game 76 T The Flip Side of Alien 119
Sign Painting 134 Take Your Selfie Seriously 102, 124 The Flip Side of Jurassic Park 119
Sketching for Architecture & Interior Tarot Coloring Book 105 The Flip Side of Pulp Fiction 120
Design 128 Tarot for All Ages 89 The Flower Garden 107
Skulk 92 Tatouage: Blosson 80 The Flower Year 104
Skulls 99 Tatouage: Wild 80 The Graphic Design Idea Book 132
Smart Textiles for Designers 141 Tattoo Playing Cards 58 The Great British Coloring Map 104
So You Want to Publish a Magazine? Tattoo Tarot 80 The Green Lunch Box 21
134 Tattoo Tarot Journal 80, 83 The Happy Writing Book 104
Soccer Style 102 Tattoo Time! 93 The History of Everything in 32 Pages
Space Dogs 102 Terrific Timelines: Cars 93 96
Space Racers 92 Terrific Timelines: Dinosaurs 93 The History of Modern Fashion 139
Space Travel Dice 88 Terrific Timelines: Fashion 93 The Hollow Woods 79
Spatial Strategies for Interior Design Tetromino City 70 The Homes We Build 96
128 Textile Design 141 The Illustration Idea Book 132
Spoler Alert! 120 That's Life! 96 The Ink House 95, 100
Spot the Bot 84, 89 The A to Z of Dogs 58 Piece Puzzle 84 The Little White Lies Guide to Making
Stallone's Big Fight 1000 Piece Puzzle The Amazing Animal Adventure 96 Your Own Movie 104, 120
70 The Architecure of Yemen and Its The Little White Lies Movie Memory
Stencil Kit 89, 92 Reconstruction 125 Game 79
Stephen Hawking (Little Guides to The Architecure School Survival Guide The Logo Design Idea Book 133
Great Lives) 98 124 The Marina Abramovic Method 64
Steve McCurry: A Life in Pictures 123 The Art Game 74 The Maze 101
Stick and Skate 105 The Art of Architectural Daylighting The Memeing of Life 101
Stick History of the World 93 125 The Mermaid Atlas 95
Stick it to the Man! 105, 129 The Art of the Fold 107 The Mischief Maker's Handbook 90
Stickerbomb Monsters 105 The Bird 98, 113 The Modern Magazine 133
Stickerbomb Skate 105 The Book of Black 99, 113 The Modern Oracle 101

The Monster Book of Zombies, Spools The Wine Game 77 Twentieth-Century Type and Beyond
and Ghouls 91 The Women Who Changed Art Forever 135
The Movie Kama Sutra 101 120 119
The Movie Misquote Game 79 The Wonderful World of Oz 1000 Piece U
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The New Mindful Home 109, 127 71 V
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The Renaissance in Rome 116 Puzzle 71 Ways of Being 118
The Secret Life of the Pencil 117 The World's Greatest Music Festival Ways of Looking at Art 65, 81
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The Short Story of Architecture 111 The Writers Game: Classic Authors 81 Ways of Tuning Your Senses 81
The Short Story of Art 111, 117 The Writers Game: Modern Authors 81 We Are All Greta 97, 130
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The Short Story of Modern Art 111, 117 These Cards Will Change Your Career We Came First 102
The Short Story of Photography 111, 123 80 What is Architecture? 129
The Short Story of Science 24 These Cards Will Change Your Ideas 80 What's so Great About the Eiffel
The Short Story of the Novel 111 Think Like a Street Photographer 124 Tower? 129
The Short Story of Women Artists 111, This is Bacon 117 What's Your Type 81
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The Typography Idea Book 135 This is Van Gogh 118 Y
The Ultimate Excuse Generator 93 This is Warhol 118 Yayoi Kusama 119
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The Ultimate Wisecrack Generator 94 Second Edition 135 Leopard!) 74
The Visual Arts: A History 119 Tracey Emin 118 You Smell! 97
The Visual History of Type 135 Tree Families 77, 80 Yuko Higuchi's Cats & Other Creatures
The Wild Bunch: A Crazy Eights Card Tree Vision 80 103
Game 86 TTT: Tattoo 102, 135

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