Client should buy Map API from Google for enabling the maps into the panels.
Without buying those API’s client cannot load Google map into the panels. For
generating map api key you can watch this video. Now go to your admin panel
then “Third party APIs" menu, here you will find two inputs for map api key client
and map api key server. You can restrict the client with admin panel domain and the
server key with your server ip address. If you don’t want any restriction then you can
use single api key for both field.
Business Setup
In the admin panel we have a menu called Business Setup where you can set
your logo, timezone, country, time format, location, currency and many more
Mail Configuration
Mail Configurations part admin can set his Mailer name, host, driver, user name,
Email Id and his own encryption method and password for this SMTP Mail setup. This
configuratin is used for sending password recovery mail for restaurant.
The Firebase Push Notification will send messages for every order status. If admin
turn on the status then with order status change customers, restaurant, delivery man
will get status notification and if he turned off that then no one will get that
message. To set up firebase notification goto admin panel Notification
settings menu.
1. Go to
2. If you don't have a project, create one.
3. Go to Add App from your project overview (if you have already an app for
web, skip step 3, 4, 5 & 6).
4. Select Web for web setup credentials.
5. Register your app with an app nickname (checking firebase hosting is
6. From Add Firebase SDK, go to Use a <script> tag.
7. If you already have an app for web, go to Project Settings (beside the Project
8. Under the General tab > Your apps > Web apps > YOUR_PROJECT
9. Copy the value
of apiKey, authDomain, projectId, storageBucket, messagingSenderId, appId a
nd configure Firebase Chat Config from admin panel settings.
Payment Configuration
In this part Admin will introduced with the payment gateways. Cash on delivery,
Digital Payment like SSLCOMMERZ, Razor pay, Paypal, Stripe, Paystack, Senang Pay,
Flutterwave, MercadoPago, Payment accept are available for payment gateways. He
can make the necessary setup of making the status active and inactive of those
payment gateways as well.
SMS Module is used for SMS Gateways for OTP sending in the simplest way of user
verification. Customer will get OTP when they create their own account and for
password recovery.
Mandatory setup Mobile Apps
You can generate app icon from this website https://app
android:label="My App"
<string>My App</string>
Change Base URL
Must remember that don’t put slash(/) at the end of your base url. Use your admin
url as base url. First you have to install your admin panel. For example: If your admin
url is then base url will
be Open /lib/util/app_constrants.dart and
replace BASE_URL variable value with your own URL.
static const String BASE_URL = '';
First you have to find out the existing package name. You can find it out from top
of /app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file. Now right click on project folder from
android studio and click on replace in path. You will get a popup window with two
input box. In first box you have to put existing package name that you saw
in AndroidManifest.xml file previously and write down your preferred package name
in second box and then click on Replace All button.
First you have to change your package name. If you didn’t then follow this.
Do not create multiple project if you have multiple app like User App, Delivery
App. Create only one project and add multiple app under project.
After your setup please restart your IDE and uninstall your previously installed app
then run it. Also don’t try to test it on emulator or simulator. Emulator and simulators
are unable to get push. Use real device in this case.
• You need to generate the google API key. Visit this link
• You need to enabled mentione APIs: Direction API, Distance Matrix API,
Geocoding API, Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for iOS, Place API.
• You have to enable billing account. Visit this url for
• After generating API key, you have to put it on 3 different place for Android,
iOS and web.
<meta-data android:name=""
Country Filter
• If you want your country only in country choosing dialog which we saw in
login, registration and forget password page, you have to set your default
country first from admin panel Business Setup section. Then
open <project>/lib/view/screens/auth/sign_in_screen.dart file and
search CodePickerWidget. Now add a parameter with value like this:
countryFilter: [_countryDialCode]
enabled: false
"make_your_choice_order": “YOUR_PREFERRED_TEXT”,
• Download you preferred font from internet. Google has many free font you
can check them:
• Unzip fonts and paste it them to <project>/assets/font/ folder.
• Mentioned them in <project>/pubspec.yaml file like: fonts:
o family: YOUR_FONT_FAMILY_NAME fonts:
▪ asset: assets/font/YOUR_FONT_FILE_NAME.ttf weight: YOUR_FONT_WEIGHT
• Replace font family name
in <project>/lib/theme/light_theme.dart, <project>/lib/theme/dark_theme
.dart and <project>/lib/util/styles.dart file.
App build & release
Build for Android
You will get a larger merged apk with this. But you can split them with this command:
There are no general way to generate app for iOS. Apple doesn’t allow to install app
like this debug way. If you want to install it on your iOS device then you have to
deploy it on TestFlight or AppStore. For deploying it please follow this